
Environmental benefits of domestic solar energy systems

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All nations of the world depend on fossil fuels for their energy needs. However the obligation to reduce CO2 and other gaseous emissions in order to be in conformity with the Kyoto agreement is the reason behind which countries turn to non-polluting renewable energy sources. In this paper the pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels is initially presented followed by a study on the environmental protection offered by the two most widely used renewable energy systems, i.e. solar water heating and solar space heating. The results presented in this paper show that by using solar energy, considerable amounts of greenhouse polluting gasses are avoided. For the case of a domestic water heating system, the saving, compared to a conventional system, is about 80% with electricity or Diesel backup and is about 75% with both electricity and Diesel backup. In the case of space heating and hot water system the saving is about 40%. It should be noted, however, that in the latter, much greater quantities of pollutant gasses are avoided. Additionally, all systems investigated give positive and very promising financial characteristics. With respect to life cycle assessment of the systems, the energy spent for manufacture and installation of the solar systems is recouped in about 1.2 years, whereas the payback time with respect to emissions produced from the embodied energy required for the manufacture and installation of the systems varies from a few months to 9.5 years according to the fuel and the particular pollutant considered. Moreover, due to the higher solar contribution, solar water heating systems have much shorter payback times than solar space heating systems. It can, therefore, be concluded that solar energy systems offer significant protection to the environment and should be employed whenever possible in order to achieve a sustainable future.

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... The fill factor is a measure of the real I-V characteristic. For good cells, its value is greater than 0.7 [8]. The fill factor decreases as the solar module temperature increases. ...
... In other words, the performance values depend on the intensity of the sun at the location of study; which may be low or high. The magnitudes of the fill factor obtained (i.e, 0.77 at solar irradiances of 780 Wm -2 and 765 Wm -2 and also 0.72 at 750 Wm -2 ) are in agreement with standard values for solar cells and modules since he fill factor of a good solar cell or module must be equal or greater than 0.7 [8]. ...
... Current-voltage (I-V) characteristic curve (b) Power-voltage (P-V) characteristic curve[8] ...
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The performance of a 20 Watts polycrystalline silicon solar module was evaluated under Yola climatic condition. It was found that the values of short circuit current (Isc), open circuit voltage (Voc), maximum current (Imax) and maximum voltage (Vmax) of the solar module were slightly different from those labeled under Standard Test Condition (STC).This was due to lower solar irradiance under Yola climate compared to that at STC, which resulted to changes in power and efficiency of the module. The power rating of the module at STC was 20 Watts but it was found to be 12.49 Watts between 12:00 noon and 12.15 pm when the solar irradiance was 780 Wm-2. In addition, the efficiency of the module, which was 15 % at STC, was found to be 12 % at maximum irradiance of 780 Wm-2. The Fill-factor (FF) of the solar module on the other hand was 0.71 at STC but it was found to be 0.77 at solar irradiance of 780 Wm-2.
... Because of this, there has been a strong push toward renewable resources, with solar being a leading source. Solar energy can provide environmental, financial, and human health benefits through improved air quality and reduced payback time, making it a valuable alternative to fossil fuels and helping us reach sustainability goals [2,3]. Since its invention, solar energy generation has quickly spread and seen rapid growth and advancements. ...
... With the effects of global climate change becoming more evident, the push for alternatives to fossil fuels and carbon emissions is on the rise. The pursuit of carbon emission neutrality is motivating many nations to intensify their green renewable energy portfolio [2,[9][10][11][12][13]. ...
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Given the threat of climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, climate-safe alternatives are receiving more attention. One of the most widespread solutions is the implementation of solar-powered technologies. These technologies, once implemented, do not increase emissions and provide safe, clean energy sources. However, large-scale solar farms require large amounts of land space in areas that receive increased sunlight to operate successfully. As such, there have been proposals to establish solar farms adjacent to or encroaching on wetland habitats. Currently, little is known about the interactions between wildlife, specifically waterbirds, and solar installations in wild areas, specifically wetland environments. In this article, we examine the current knowledge base of wildlife interactions with solar infrastructure in natural environments. We highlight a significant need for more information on wetland ecosystems and the responses of migratory water-fowl that are dependent on these ecosystems. Finally, we present methods of mitigation to reduce the occurrence of these interactions and future considerations for research. While solar facilities represent an opportunity to decrease the reliance on fossil fuels, care must be taken so that their installation does not harm local ecosystems.
... The main causes of the increased demand for energy are population expansion and rising living standards. According to estimates, the world's population will continue to grow by more than one billion people, reaching 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion by 2050, and roughly 11.2 billion by 2100 (Kalogirou 2004). The current use of fossil fuel energy production and practices harms the environment at the local, regional, and global levels, lowering human well-being and putting the health of current and future generations of people at risk. ...
... Solar energy improves air quality and public health by replacing fossil fuels in the production of power, which lowers dangerous air pollutants (Sampaio and González 2017). This shift to cleaner energy is in line with global climate agreements and paves the way for developing nations to set an example of responsible energy management in addition to lowering their own emissions (Kalogirou 2004). ...
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Around the world, there is a lot of interest in using renewable energy as a future energy source. As one type of renewable energy source, solar energy-including concentrating solar power (CSP) and solar photovoltaic (PV) power-contributes only 3.6% of the world's electricity production. As the second most installed renewable energy resource after hydropower energy, it has solidified its position among other renewable energy technologies, accounting for over 31% of the installed renewable energy capacity in 2022. The solar power status of various nations and territories has been compared, taking into account each continent's installed PV capabilities and concentrated solar power. The literature review shows that there are still major gaps in the field of solar energy, even though the installed capacity of solar energy worldwide increased by almost 22% between 2021 and 2022. By building more solar farms, the solar PV industry can grow to become the second most important generating source in the next three decades, enabling nations to produce about 25% of the world's total electricity demands by 2050. The solution and the force behind all of the energy we currently have and will utilize for some time to come is solar energy and its derivatives. Yet, it will take a while before it can replace existing Review Article 150 programs, and then probably in ways we haven't yet recognized or accepted. All of the energy we consume today originates from the sun, regardless of whether it is classified as renewable or non-renewable. Current solar and thermal cells, wind, and other renewable energy sources all depend on the sun's direct rays. Increasing the direct use of solar energy through these renewables is necessary if we are to offset the non-renewable substantially. One potential obstacle or challenge to the widespread adoption of PV systems, solar thermal systems, and energy storage options is their initial cost or finances. The initial outlay needed for equipment and installation may result from financial difficulties, particularly in areas with few economic resources and infrastructure challenges.
... и [26] have analyzed Life Cycle Assesment of flat plate solar collectors. Kalogirou [27] has investigated solar system for domestic water heating, as Battisti and Corrado [28]. Following their research, it was adopted the life cycle of solar collectors of 20 years, the embodied energy of solar collectors of 2.75 GJ/m 2 and the embodied exergy of solar collectors of 3.8 GJ/m 2 [29]. ...
... Embedded emission of CO 2 for solar collectors of 300 kg CO 2 /m 2 per year was adopted, according to the research data of Ardente at al [25,26]. and Kalogirou [27]. These data in calculations are convert in a proper values, in kg/GJ. ...
Exergy as a measure of useful work can be used in the design, simulation and performance evaluation of different energy systems. In this paper it is investigated the Serbian residential building with photovoltaics and solar collectors on the roof, and with three different heating systems: electrical heating, district heating and central heating with gas boiler. Exergy optimization was performed with the aim to determine the optimal area of the PV array and solar collectors on the roof (including embodied exergy). With these values, the maximum exergy efficiency of installed solar systems is obtained, and building primary energy consumption is minimized. The residential buildings with variable temperature in domestic hot water system, variable PV cell efficiency and variable hot water consumption are investigated in order to achieve positive-net energy building. The buildings were simulated in EnergyPlus software and Genopt was used for software execution control during optimization. The obtained results show that positive-net energy building with optimally sized photovoltaics and solar collectors’, can be achieved in a case of gas heating system, and in the cases of PV cell efficiency of 14% and 16%. Also, an environmental and economic analysis of the most favourable solutions from exergetic optimization was performed. Total CO2 emission (with embedded emissions of CO2) increases with increasing amount of generated energy – for PV system of cell efficiency of 12%, 14% and 16%, total CO2 emission of solar systems is 20.8 kg CO2/m², 23.5 kg CO2/m² and 26.2 kg CO2/m², respectively. The emission payback time decreases with increasing PV cell efficiency from 1.11 to 1.04 years. With the increase of PV cell efficiency, there is an increase in the annual financial profit (from 1518 to 4305 €), while at the same time, the investment payback period decreases (from 16.9 to 6.1 years). Best results are obtained for the building with gas heating system.
... El aumento de las emisiones de CO2, principalmente de los países en desarrollo se debe al aumento significativo en el uso de estos combustibles para satisfacer el ritmo acelerado de la demanda energética [1]. El crecimiento de la población y el aumento del nivel de vida de las personas son los impulsores clave del aumento de la demanda energética actual [6,7]. ...
... 1. Temperatura del gas ( , ). . Al asumir que las partículas son esféricas = 6 . Donde es el diámetro de las partículas. ...
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In this work, the conceptual design and simulation of a multitubular-type solar thermal chemical reactor for endothermic reduction of solid particles of CeO2 for production of synthesis gas based on the redox two-step thermochemical cycle of CeO2 is carried out. in order to maintain the continuity of the process, the design of two particle storage tanks is also implemented, one for the reduced particles and the other for the reoxidized particles. The simulation of the thermal dynamics and reaction kinetics during the reduction stage under different conditions is carried out in a matlab program in order to find the best operating conditions, thermal properties of materials and physical lengths of storage tanks and solar reactor that provide better thermal efficiencies and degree of conversion of reduced particles. This thesis seeks to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed prototypes in the production of solar powered syngas in continuous operation.
... Para o consumidor, a agregação da energia solar ao banho diminui custos operacionais com transferência de renda para as famílias. Pelas razões anteriormente expostas e também devido aos custos evitados pelo setor elétrico e aos benefícios ambientais associados, sistemas domésticos de aquecimento solar para a população de baixa renda devem ser estimulados por políticas governamentais (Kalogirou, 2004, Naspolini & Rüther, 2012, 2014). ...
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Este trabalho apresenta como objetivo desenvolver um método para avaliar, sob a ótica do setor elétrico, os impactos da agregação da energia solar térmica sobre o custo do banho quente, através de técnicas de medição da demanda e energia elétrica consumida por um grupo de sistemas de aquecimento solar monitorados. O método desenvolvido possibilita avaliar os impactos proporcionados pelo aquecimento solar da água sobre o consumo de energia elétrica, sobre a potência solicitada ao sistema elétrico para aquecer a água e sobre o custo do banho quente. Adicionalmente, permite levantar perfis de consumo de energia elétrica com o banho. Para o período analisado, o método aplicado ao Edifício Residencial Solar Buona Vita, localizado em Florianópolis, mostra que a agregação da energia solar ao banho proporciona, por unidade consumidora, economia anual de energia elétrica de 198 kWh (38%) e potência ativa evitada no horário de ponta de 860 W(42%). Para o setor elétrico e por unidade consumidora, a agregação da energia solar ao banho proporciona custo anual evitado devido à energia economizada de R87,43(38 87,43 (38%), custo anual evitado devido à potência evitada no horário de ponta de R 539,23 (42%) e custo anual total evitado de R$ 626,65 (41%). Este trabalho mostra claramente que existe, para o setor residencial, uma distorção no modelo de cobrança das contas de energia elétrica no Brasil. A distorção consiste em considerar apenas o custo da energia, desprezando completamente o custo referente à disponibilidade de potência. Os resultados mostram que a concessionária lança na fatura de cada unidade consumidora aproximadamente 15% do custo do banho quente.
... Greater adoption of residential scale solar photovoltaic renewable electric energy is a compelling engineering and sustainability objective. Powered by (a) ongoing price reductions [1], (b) various types of subsidies [2], and (c) desire to decarbonize the energy system [3], there has been dramatic increase in rooftop solar PV installations. As residential users install rooftop solar panels and generate portions of their electricity needs, the need for fossil fuel based electric power plants decreases. ...
Ongoing reductions in the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are driving their increased installations by residential households. Various incentive programs such as feed-in tariff, net metering, net purchase and sale that allow the prosumers to sell their generated electricity to the grid are also powering this trend. In this paper, we investigate sharing of PV systems among a community of households, who can also benefit further by pooling their production. Using cooperative game theory, we find conditions under which such sharing decreases their net total cost. We also develop allocation rules such that the joint net electricity consumption cost is allocated to the participants. These cost allocations are based on the cost causation principle. The allocations also satisfy the standalone cost principle and promote PV solar aggregation. We also perform a comparative analytical study on the benefit of sharing under the mechanisms favorable for sharing, namely net metering, and net purchase and sale. The results are illustrated in a case study using real consumption data from a residential community in Austin, Texas.
... Lian-bai et al. (2007) highlighted the advantages of Thermowood®, such as low EMC (equilibrium moisture content), moisture resistance, and decay resistance, making it suitable for various construction applications [44]. Kalogirou et al. (2009) focused on the thermal performance, economics, and environmental benefits, showing their high solar contribution, positive financial characteristics, and significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions [45]. Overall, these papers collectively suggested that Thermowood® offered cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions. ...
Many architects choose wooden façades to clad modern buildings, and Thermowood® is a popular choice for such applications. This study focuses on methods to prolong the "fresh" appearance of Thermowood® façades, specifically Thermo-ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), Thermo-spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Thermo-pine (Pinus silvestris L.). The study involves exposing three groups to natural weathering: one reference untreated group, one group with a thin-layer alkyd coating, and another with a thick-layer acrylate coating. The results indicated that a thick-layer acrylate coating was the most suitable treatment for Thermowood® surfaces, as this coating retained a better appearance and demonstrated superior coating durability. Furthermore, cost-benefit analysis (CBA) suggested a thick-layer acrylate coating proved to be the most suitable and cost-effective choice, based on architects’ desires, to maintain a "fresh/original" appearance.
... . [4] Budihardjo and Morrison-presented an experimental and numerical analysis to determine the optical and heat loss characteristics of evacuated tube SWH. ...
The Sun is the source of solar energy. So, the solar energy from the sun at all times energy should be stored and used when needed. Solar energy is important one renewable energy resources. The solar water heater has an important place among solar heating collectors due to the fact that construction of the water heater requires less material than others. the solar water heater maybe used for space heating and drying. the main objective of this project is to increase the thermal efficiency of flat plate collector in solar water heater. to improve the efficiency of the flat plate collector, it is integrated with PCM to enhance the heating rate of the solar water heater the PCM is integrated and stored directly in flat plat collector. The solar water heater is fabricated. the performance of the flat plate collector is experimental analysis with and without using PCM. The efficiency of the solar collector is increased up to 7 to 10 % while compared with and without using PCM.As a result by comparing with and without using PCM. Myristic acid and paraffin wax PCM has a very good thermal capacity and the heat discharge. The system can be reducing by different type of systems integrate with phase change materials into solar collector. This is for efficient way for storing and trapping solar energy. The application of phase change materials in cooling and heating systems is to improve overall efficiency, reduce electrical power consumption and greenhouse gas emission. The heat storage unit consisting of phase change. materials. This study helps to developing a new advancement experimental setup of solar water heating system with phase change materials. The results obtained from experimental analysis shows that there is an increase in efficiency of about 6-10 % when we go for solar water heater rather than solar collector. Key Words: Solar energy,PCM,Heat storage,SWH system, performance improvement.
... To mitigate environmental issues such as global warming and air pollution, the use of domestic solar energy systems has been suggested [1]. The building section accounts for over 30% of global energy consumption annually [2]. ...
... An ideal electrical energy storage system should be environmentally friendly, highly efficient, costeffective, and have a long working life. The main challenges of energy storage systems are high construction costs and storage losses [258,259]. However, batteries are not suitable for stabilizing renewable energy power output owing to limitations in their charging/discharging rates [256]. ...
... Radiant energy from the sun has powered life on earth for thousands of years. In the 1830s, the British astronomer, John Herschel, famously used a solar thermal collector box (a device that absorbs sunlight to generate heat) to cook food during an expedition to Africa (Kalogirou, 2004;Nelson, 2003). With the increasing challenges of the earth's ozone layer depletion, health hazards, reduced availability of fossil fuel, global climate change and other air pollution issues resulting from burning of hydrocarbons as a source of energy has led to the drive to use environmentally friendly and renewable alternative sources of energy to eliminate or minimize these negative effects on the environment. ...
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The performance of a combined solar water heater and water distiller for domestic purposes was evaluated. Solar energy is a renewable source which can be harnessed in diverse ways to meet the needs and demands of the people. A solar powered system is friendly to the environment and very economical since the energy involved is renewable and can serve for a very long time with little or no maintenance. A solar powered system is a long term investment that can help us save money and energy for many years; while maintaining a hazard free environment. The system having a combination of solar water heater and solar still gave an efficiency of 38.8% and 15%respectively which can be considered satisfactory given the area of the collector and heating rate. Auxiliary heating system can be incorporated to improve the efficiency of the system. This satisfactory efficiency can be attributed to heat losses due to insulation lapses and water leakages during operation. The storage tank should be located at the top of the collector with adequate water volume to allow for easy flow of water at a good pressure. Keywords: solar energy, water distiller, water heater, solar radiation, temperature 1. INTRODUCTION The sun is very a good example of renewable energy. The sun has produced energy for thousands of years which undergo a faster replenishment within a relatively short of time than the rate of its consumption. The earth's population currently needs 15 terrawatts of power in total, but the solar radiation that reaches the earth on a continuous basis amount to 120,000 terrawatts; hence a small fraction of the sun reaching the earth will cover the bulk need of the energy's requirement (Krężel and Bradtke, 2012) Solar energy has always been a capable option for the energy challenges faced by the world. The solar radiation is as a result of the nuclear fusion reactions in the sun. The radiation from the sun can be converted to heat using different equipment of which flat plate collector is the most popular (Hovel, 1975; Patil and Deshmukh, 2015). Radiant energy from the sun has powered life on earth for thousands of years. In the 1830s, the British astronomer, John Herschel, famously used a solar thermal collector box (a device that absorbs sunlight to generate heat) to cook food during an expedition to Africa (Kalogirou, 2004; Nelson, 2003). With the increasing challenges of the earth's ozone layer depletion, health hazards, reduced availability of fossil fuel, global climate change and other air pollution issues resulting from burning of hydrocarbons as a source of energy has led to the drive to use environmentally friendly and renewable alternative sources of energy to eliminate or minimize these negative effects on the environment. Despite this hopeful evaluation of the potential of solar energy, considerable technical and economic problems must be solved before utilization of solar energy can occur (Mohamed et al., 2020; Tian and Zhao, 2013). The solar power development will depend on how a number of serious constraints are dealt with, including scientific and technological problems, marketing, financial limitations and political challenges. In addition, the education of engineers will have to change its focus from non-renewable fossil-fuel technology to renewable power sources. There has been a general agreement that the most significant of the renewable energy sources is solar radiation (Mohamed et al., 2020; Watmuff et al., 1977). Solar energy collectors are devices used to convert solar radiation to heat. When a dark surface is placed in sunshine, it absorbs solar energy and heats up. A solar energy collector working with sun facing surfaces will transfer energy to the water that flows through it. It usually consists of a surface that efficiently absorbs radiation and converts the incident flux to heat which raises the temperature of the absorbing material. There are many issues related to water that nations are struggling with in the 21st century. Currently, about one quarter of the world's population, or about 1.2 billion people, lacks access to sufficient water of good quality (Fernández-García et al., 2010; Rijsberman, 2006). This problem is only exacerbated as the world population continues to climb, as it has been shown that water usage increases at twice the rate of population increase (Eltawil et al., 2009; Suman et al., 2015).
... Além dos benefícios ambientais gerados pela ampliação do uso da fonte solar, o Grupo 1 também relaciona a normativa e o SCEE com os "mais de 233 mil empregos e mais de 39,8 bilhões de novos investimentos" (BAITELO, 2021) no Brasil, desde a publicação da normativa. Além disso, a movimentação desse mercado também é capaz de gerar renda adicional para a população e promover uma economia mais justa e inclusiva (KALOGIROU, 2004;MARTINS, 2017;VIEIRA, 2016). ...
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A centralização e a baixa diversificação da matriz elétrica brasileira aumentaram a sensação de insegurança energética no País, um problema que ganha proporções ainda maiores diante das mudanças globais do clima. Esta pesquisa analisou a arena política em torno da regulamentação da geração distribuída de energia elétrica afim de elucidar os entraves a sua expansão. Para tanto, foram analisados documentos, discursos, entrevistas, apresentações, material audiovisual e publicações na imprensa sobre a geração distribuída e a fonte solar no País. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que, apesar do grande potencial de desenvolvimento da fonte no País, e dos compromissos internacionais firmados, as coalizões identificadas disputam narrativas que resultam em retrocessos para as agendas do clima e do desenvolvimento sustentável.
... The search for variable renewable energy sources is critical due to the world's fast expanding energy consumption and the need to protect the environment. 1 Hydrogen is regarded as a viable energy carrier for the future because it is clean and has a high mass-energy density. 2,3 Hydrocarbon reforming, which produces greenhouse gas emissions, is the principal way of producing hydrogen nowadays. ...
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BACKGROUND Semiconductor‐based photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting represents one attractive route to generate clean hydrogen. Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is considered a promising photoelectric material for PEC water splitting due to its high absorption coefficient, small bandgap, nontoxicity, and earth‐abundant elements. Only a few critical parameters limit the performance of CZTS nanocrystal films. Of those, heat treatment is essential for producing high‐performance films. RESULTS In this work, CZTS nanocrystals were produced by a facile method and applied in making CZTS films for PEC water reduction. Therefore, the influences of heat treatment parameters on the performance of films were investigated in the low‐temperature heat treatment range. The surfactant polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the films could not be completely decomposed at low heat treatment temperatures, leading to film resistance that was harmful to the PEC process. Meanwhile, SnSx impurities would arise at temperatures over 400 °C, thus reducing the PEC performance. CONCLUSION The best activity for PEC water reduction was obtained at 385 °C for 10 min. Furthermore, the PEC performance of CZTS films generated by fast heating (10 °C s⁻¹) was superior to that of films generated by slow heating (10 °C min⁻¹) due to the inhibition from the development of SnSx impurities. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).
... The most significant benefit of solar energy sources is a decrease in pollution of the environment. It is only possible by reducing other fuel-based energy production systems (Kalogirou 2004). It shows a positive outcome upon the usage of S sources and its benefits on RE technologies so that the hypothesis will be as follows: ...
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Due to China's massive usage of fossil fuels, climate change concerns have become serious challenges to the country's sustainable development. Despite the fact that China has effectively employed solar technology to address these problems, there is a paucity of research examining consumers' intention to adopt solar energy in the rural region of China. This study intends to fill this gap in the literature by studying consumers' buying intentions for solar energy in rural China for household purposes. Additionally, the study added to the theory of planned behavior by adding three new variables, namely, environmental knowledge , environmental concern, and beliefs about the benefits of solar energy. Primary data were collected from 847 respondents in Hebei Province using a comprehensive questionnaire survey. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine the data. Empirical results revealed that attitude, environmental knowledge, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and beliefs about the benefits of solar energy positively influence buying intention of solar energy. On the contrary, environmental concern had no significant effect on buying intention for solar energy. Study outcomes emphasize the critical significance of changing societal norms, boosting consumer awareness, redesigning regulatory mechanisms, and stressing the benefits provided by solar power through coherent and persistent efforts while simultaneously enhancing environmental sustainability practices.
... Several approaches have been used; in recent years, the exploitation of renewable energies, particularly solar thermal energy [5][6][7][8][9][10], has been favored. A clean strategy that may eventually reduce pollution [11], as well as the harms and threats we were confronting, while still providing a continuous supply of energy [12]. Other researchers addressed the issue of energy consumption and offered numerous techniques to reduce consumption costs; porous media and nanoparticles were heavily researched [13][14][15][16][17][18]. ...
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This research paper performs a numerical investigation on Nano-fluid's laminar flow and the effect of their thermo-physical characteristics on convective heat transfer. Thus, Ag-Al 2 O 3 /H 2 O hybrid Nano-fluid was chosen based on its excellent properties and a magneto-hydrodynamic flow analysis inside of a modified trapezoidal porous enclosure has been conducted. Using the Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkmann model and the finite element method to resolve the non-dimension equations, the exploitation was carried out by altering Rayleigh, Darcy, Hartmann, and the volume fraction of the hybrid Nano-fluid. The outcomes revealed intriguing results, supporting the augmentation of Ra, Da, and to improve the average Nusselt and boost thermal transfer, and recommending that Ha should be decremented. Furthermore, the findings of this study evaluated the geometrical features of the trapezoid and indicated that decreasing the aspect ratio of the enclosure, the undulation number of the wall, and raising the inclination angle of the side walls are critical for prolonged thermal efficiency and heat transmission.
... Solar energy projects provide significant environmental protection and financial benefits [45]. Investment in solar energy systems, such as solar power, solar/thermal systems, and photovoltaics, offer significant environmental benefits when compared with conservative energy sources. ...
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Funding for developing-country investments in renewable energy sources has been considered an essential factor for sustainable development after COVID-19. Solar energy investments can be very beneficial in reducing fossil fuel usage. A poll of investors, stakeholders, industry experts, and media personalities in Pakistan was used to gather data for this study, which examines individual investors’ intentions to invest in solar energy. This study’s primary objective is to enhance investment intention connected with investment in solar energy projects after COVID-19. Investing in solar power projects in the post-COVID-19 period is the focus of this study. To evaluate the study’s hypotheses, we used partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). We used the purposive sampling technique for data collection in this study. The findings show that attitudes, subjective norms, perceived investment attitudes, and evaluations of the regulatory framework influence one’s willingness to invest in renewable energy initiatives. The study identified a correlation between environmental concern, financial rewards, and investing behavior. Investors’ desire to make these kinds of investments was found to be unaffected by risk aversion. According to the data, regulatory framework evaluation is the most significant determinant. Previous research that looked at investment behavior or other forms of pro-environmental intention or behavior came to different conclusions. In addition, this study examined how the theory of planned behavior (TPB) influences investors’ intentions to invest in solar energy by evaluating the regulatory environment. The study results show that people’s attitudes and perceptions of energy efficiency indirectly impact their willingness to invest in solar power. Subjective norms do not influence investors’ plans to put money into solar energy. Policymakers will benefit from this study’s realistic advice on how to increase solar energy investments.
... Among the different renewables, photovoltaic (PV) technology has emerged as one of the more established and popular options [1] since it is considered safer, more reliable, and non-polluting. [2] Furthermore, it has lesser geographical limitations, enabling its installation in large arid areas, urban environments, and even offshore. [3] Advancements in manufacturing and globalization have driven down the cost of PV installations, making it much more affordable. ...
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The massive adoption of renewable energy especially photovoltaic (PVs) panels is expected to create a huge waste stream once they reach end‐of‐life (EoL). Despite having the highest embodied energy, present photovoltaic recycling neglects the high purity silicon found in the PV cell. Herein, a scalable and low energy process is developed to recover pristine silicon from EoL solar panel through a method which avoids energy‐intensive high temperature processes. The extracted silicon was upcycled to form lithium‐ion battery anodes with performances comparable to as‐purchased silicon. The anodes retained 87.5 % capacity after 200 cycles while maintaining high coulombic efficiency (>99 %) at 0.5 A g⁻¹ charging rate. This simple and scalable process to upcycle EoL‐solar panels into high value silicon‐based anodes can narrow the gap towards a net‐zero waste economy.
... However, many developing countries suffer from limited energy resources. These countries face low energy efficiency rates in power generation and high costs of importing oil and gas (Urban et al., 2007;Pandey, 2002;Omer, 2008;Kalogirou, 2004). Countries with limited domestic energy resources and suffering from supply distortion had called for diversification of energy resources to reduce dependency on oil, especially on foreign resources. ...
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Many of the early nuclear facilities were designed and constructed in the world. The design and construction of these stations did not consider many of the necessary standards, this could cause the emergence of many uncontrollable risks. Determining the location of the nuclear power plant is considered one of the most central criteria in the decision to establish nuclear power plants, as the selection of the location requires a comprehensive review of all the influences that may affect the nuclear plant. This paper will review the criteria for locating nuclear power plants and contemporary developments which can be considered in the appropriate decisions - making process to determine the appropriate sites for the construction of nuclear power plants. To achieve the objectives of this study, a review of the nuclear events that occurred from the use of nuclear weapons in 1945 AD to the Ukrainian crisis in 2022 will be conducted. Through these reviews, the most important criteria will be inferred and with an indication of the timeline for the emergence of these criteria and what new criteria can be added in the process of building and determining the location of the nuclear plants. Keywords: Nuclear Power Plants; Nuclear Accidents; Ukrainian Crisis; Hierarchical Model.
... It is assumed that the demand for primary energy globally will be increased by 1.5 to 3 times by 2050 (Dinc and Zamfirescu, 2011). The demand for energy is rapidly increasing in developing countries due to rapid urbanization, rural-urban migration, the rise of living standards and population growth (BP, 2016;Omer, 2008;Kalogirou, 2004), for example, Bangladesh, China, India and countries in Southeast Asia. The benefits of renewable energy are manifolds. ...
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of social, economic, and environmental impacts of renewable energy. Based on available literature, this chapter identifies the impacts of key renewable energy sources including solar, wind, hydro, and biomass in addition to solid waste. The most common impacts were identified for these renewable energy sources include impacts on land use, employment generation, and social aspects of quality life. This chapter considered both negative and positive aspects of the impacts and indicates that the impacts of renewable energy generation from different renewable energy sources very in terms of types and extent. The extent of impacts may differ according to the types of renewable energy sources, size of the energy generation plant, technology for energy generation, and socioeconomic context of a country.
... Selain itu juga untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat agar memahami pengertian ramah lingkungan, agar masyarakat tidak lagi menggunakan kompor konvensional yang menggunakan bahan bakar gas yang dapat merugikan penggunanya, serta dapat mengurangi pemadaman listrik akibat penggunaan listrik yang berlebihan. Pengurangan biaya listrik dengan menggunakan kompor listrik berbahan bakar sel surya akan mengalami pengurangan biaya sebesar 35% [24]. ...
Savings in using electric fuel in the use of fossil fuel electricity must be reduced. This research was conducted as an effort to save the use of electricity by using solar power plants as the main source, with the making of this research it is hoped that it can be used for electricity consumption at a more economical cost and the use of electric stoves can be used in daily life. The selection of materials and this research can be seen from the existing literature and field studies. Solar power plants in this study use some equipment such as solar panels that by utilizing solar energy will be a source of initial voltage, a regulator control battery as a regulator of electric power charging to the battery (battery), battery (battery) as a storage of electrical power, and an inverter for convert the dc to ac voltage from the battery (battery). The equipment is the main equipment used to turn on the electric stove which is the main burden in this application. This research is expected to be a reference for the use of solar energy for electric stoves in an effort to save electricity. This equipment also refers to the amount of power used on an electric stove of 300 W, with an observation time of 7 hours a day, so that it will produce a current that flows at 6.8 A, and a voltage of 17.3 Volts which occurs at 11.00 WIB
... The primary global response to mitigate this increasing threat of climate change is through sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined by [5] as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Solar energy is gaining increasing attention as a carbon-neutral energy source suitable for sustainable development. ...
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Renewable energy sources have developed rapidly, decreased in cost, and proven to have the potential to limit global warming. Renewable energy in the form of solar energy can be collected through decentralized rooftop solar systems. Solar energy development in Qatar is still at an early stage. The abundance of solar radiation, high GDP, and plentiful access to rooftop spaces make rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems suitable. Unfortunately, the early development and adoption of residential rooftop solar PV systems are expected to face numerous constraints. This paper investigates the factors that impact the residential rooftop solar photovoltaic adoption in Qatar. Through analyzing the response of a general public sample, we hope to prove the hypothesized factors by aiming at testing their solar systems knowledge and awareness. The result of the study will provide insights on how the public perceives solar panels, along with factors the government needs to address to ensure successful public adoption of residential solar rooftop systems in Qatar.
... Remarkably some of these areas are rich in solar radiation energy which is enough to power water pumps. Solar energy has many benefits such as being environmentally friendly and abundant in nature [47]. However, solar energy is weather dependent, for example, if it goes for some days without sunlight farmers can have a challenge when they need to water their crops. ...
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Solar energy powered systems are increasingly being implemented in different areas due to the advances in solar energy technologies. Some of the major areas for solar energy applications include solar water heating, solar electric power generation, and solar water pumping. Solar water pumping has become the most adopted solar energy technology in the last decade. It has been considered as an attractive way to provide water in remote areas. A major advantage of using solar water pumps is that they are naturally matched with solar irradiation since usually water demand is high in summer when solar irradiation has its maximum values. However, solar energy powered systems are weather dependent. In most cases, a solar energy source has to be combined with another energy source to form a hybrid system to overcome the demerits of using solar alone. This thesis provides the detailed design, modelling and analysis of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solar/diesel hybrid water pumping system. This research aims to develop an optimization model that uses AI techniques to maximize the solar energy output and manage the energy flow within the solar/diesel hybrid water pumping. Thus, the proposed system is composed of solar photovoltaic modules, battery bank, Variable Speed Diesel Generator (VSDG), Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controllers and an Energy Management Controller (EMC). The EMC, which is based on Fuzzy Logic (FL), is responsible for managing the flow of energy throughout the hybrid system to ensure an undisturbed power supply to the water pump. The PV array, battery bank, VSDG are all sized to power a 5Hp DC water pump and the ANFIS based MPPT controllers are proposed for improving the efficiency of PV modules. The modelling of the system components is performed in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. For evaluation of the proposed system, several case scenarios were considered and simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The simulation results revealed the effectiveness of the proposed ANFIS based MPPT controllers since the controllers were able to extract maximum available power from PV modules for both steady-state and varying weather conditions. The proposed EMC demonstrated the successful management and control of the energy flow within the hybrid system with less dependency on the VSDG. The EMC was also able to regulate the charging and discharging of the battery bank.
... In order to reduce the pollution by carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, the electrical grids are evolving from the usual power generations (coal, water and nuclear power generations) to new green energy lead by photovoltaic (PV) systems. The utilization of PV system results in major benefits [1,2]. Solar energy, among other energy sources such as wind or tidal energy, produces green energy devoid of any atmospheric pollution [3,4]. ...
... In particular, solar energy is environmentally advantageous compared to other renewable energy sources (Heng et al., 2020;Solangi et al., 2011;Kalogirou, 2004) and may potentially fulfil the energy demands of the whole Earth (Blaschke et al., 2013), performing better than any other renewable energy source (Kannan and Vakeesan, 2016); moreover, noise pollution is irrelevant in comparison to the widely-used wind power generation (Tsoutsos et al., 2005). ...
Environmental research has increasingly recognised the relevance of energy-efficiency behaviours to mitigate climate change. In this perspective, we exploit data from the European Social Survey round 8 (2016) to provide new insights into the main factors leading to the preference for solar power in three European countries – France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. A Structural Equation Model is adopted to assess the impact of self-transcendent values, efficacy beliefs and concern about energy security on such preference. Our outcomes suggest the key role of self-transcendent values in driving preference for solar energy in all the analysed countries. On the other hand, the impact of efficacy beliefs and concern on such preference shows interesting cross-country differences: beliefs are relevant in France and Germany, while concern provides more guidance for French and British citizens. The provided evidence may assist policymakers in increasing the adoption of green energy sources among citizens, sustainably enhancing economic growth.
... This kind of collectors produces hot water at a maximum temperature of 90ºC. Thus DHW at 60ºC (as it is imposed by the Spanish Regulations [10]) can be easily supplied in sunny countries as Greece [3], Cyprus [4], Slovenia [5] and Vietnam [6]. ...
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In this work, a detailed market research has been accomplished. It compares performances, arranging data by the technologies present in the Spanish market. This study leads to evaluate the most useful collector technology depending on the facility application. An experimental research at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has been performed in order to gather real data for a combined application (DHW and acclimatizing). From test campaigns, an experimental data base, including facility operating parameters and weather data, is available at UC3M. Real data of DHW demand in dwelling blocks has been collected. In addition to this, the acclimatizing thermal load has been calculated. Results show that the facility can give 60% of DHW demand, which is mandatory in Spanish new buildings nowadays, together with a significant fraction of acclimatizing demand. A thermo-economic analysis shows that with the combined application for DHW and acclimatizing, payback period is shorter due to higher operating period throughout the year.
... For the investment on solar energy, operators should be persuaded about the profits of this area. The profits related to renewable energy fall into three classes: conservation of ordinary energy, moderation of pollution, and creation of working chances [1]. Increasing the use of solar energy is a promising lever to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [2,3]. ...
The solar collectors’ shape is an essential parameter in the thermal performance of solar water heaters, and absorption of maximum radiation at different hours, regardless of the angle of the collector, is an important issue. A spherical solar water heater is experimentally investigated in practical dimensions. This solar water heater is a fixed, symmetrical collector with the ability to track the sun independent of the optimal placement angle. The heat transfer surface is also increased by designing the fluid passage bed as a spherical absorber coil. When the flow rate intensifies, the temperature difference between the input and output currents reduces. The maximum instantaneous and average daily thermal efficiencies are 87% and 69.7%, respectively, for a flow rate of 1.6 lit/min. In this case, the hot water required by 6.35 people is provided, then at higher flow rates, the thermal efficiency is reduced. At solar noon, the upper and lower semi-spheres absorb the maximum and minimum radiations, respectively. In general, the trend of changes in the absorption of the solar radiation has no absolute extremes, meaning proper tracking of the sun and stable performance during the day. This solar heater can be easily used in the facade of buildings.
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Visando contribuir para que a energia solar térmica seja incorporada ao banho na moradia popular no Brasil, este trabalho busca descrever a evolução de um fundo solar térmico de investimentos (FST), com dotação inicial equivalente a 1000 instalações solares, realimentado com o valor da amortização equivalente ao valor anual dos benefícios, para o setor elétrico, proporcionado pela agregação da energia solar térmica ao banho. Os resultados mostram que o FST proposto se apresenta como autossustentado e contribui de forma significativa para impulsionar a substituição do chuveiro elétrico por sistemas de aquecimento solar da água para o banho.
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This research is focused on the energy estimation of 3-SWH systems installed near each other. Two of them are active systems and the third is a passive one. In these systems are utilized heat pipe evacuated tube collectors with dry connection and flat-plate collectors. With the aim to perform the energy estimation of the systems, the mathematical model is built. Experimental data obtained from their database are used. The recorded data for the three considered solar water heating systems refer to a 1-year time period. Monthly values for the solar irradiation on tilted area of the collectors, temperatures, specific solar yields, and system efficiencies are shown in respective graphs. Referring to the considered climate conditions, where the annual solar irradiation on tilted area of the SWHS collectors is 1499 kWh/(m2·year), it was obtained that the system efficiencies are respectively 41.1%, 51.6%, and 51.5%. To assess the differences between the 3-SWHS, the energy balances for the considered period are built. Also, even the economic estimation based on DPBP and NPV is carried out.
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Morocco is leading the charge towards a more sustainable future through its investments in Renewable Energy. The NOOR 1 solar project in Ouarzazate serves as a shining example of this commitment, with a planned capacity of 160 MW and the potential to provide energy to over 1 million people. This study delves into the impact of this ground-breaking project on the environment and biodiversity in the southern region, as well as its role in combating global warming. The results show that the project has both positive and negative impacts, but its innovative concentrated solar power technology is the driving force behind these changes. Despite causing loss of native vegetation and wildlife habitat, changes to water resources and air quality, the NOOR 1 project also has many benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy security, providing economic benefits, improving access to electricity, and providing educational opportunities. The research emphasizes the crucial need to assess future renewable energy projects in a holistic manner, considering both environmental preservation and progress. This means taking into account both the positive and negative impacts that such projects may have on the environment and biodiversity and implementing measures to mitigate the negative impacts while maximizing the positive ones. The study suggests that a well-planned and executed renewable energy project can bring about significant benefits, such as increased energy security and economic benefits, while still being mindful of preserving the natural environment. By carefully balancing environmental preservation and progress, the study argues that renewable energy projects can help create a sustainable future for all.
In this study, the working of heat pump system used for water heating by taking utilization of solar energy to save environment from pollution and to reduce utility bills for domestic purpose is studied. This experiment includes the flat plate collector consist of serpentine tube, single glazed glass insulated with glass wool is used and the storage tank of 60L capacity with copper condenser helical coil, compressor and R134a refrigerant is used to perform the experiment. Throughout the experiment that the solar radiation of 320 W/m2 heats up the water in 46 min, and there is 7 ℃ difference between the flow of refrigerant in the uppermost and bottommost of condenser coil. The system is designed in such a way that it is feasible to work in the winter season too.KeywordsSolar water heaterCondenser coilHeat pumpStorage tankR134 refrigerant
The performance of TCC for nominally flat metallic contacts has been predicted using an artificial neural network (ANN) model. Experimental inputs and outputs from a previous work of one of the authors, Tariq and Asif (2019) are employed in the ANN model to predict the results. Therefore, inputs to the model include effective thermal conductivity, Vickers hardness, reduced modulus of elasticity, RMS roughness, Average asperity slope, and contact pressure, while Solid spot conductance, drop in temperature across the border, and percentage thermal loss are the model's outputs. Experiments on the performance of thermal contact conductance are carried out, with the test results serving as target data for training the ANN model. ANN results forecasts are shown to be in good agreement with the experimental test results.KeywordsArtificial Neural NetworkPerformance PredictionThermal Contact Conductance
Reactor structure design plays an important role in the performance of solar-thermal methane reforming reactors. Based on a conventional preheating reactor, this study proposed a cylindrical solar methane reforming reactor with multiple inlets to vary the temperature field distribution, which improved the temperature of the reaction region in the reactor, thereby improving the reactor performance. A multi-physical model that considers mass, momentum, species, energy conservation, as well as thermochemical reaction kinetics of methane reforming, was applied to numerically investigate the reactor performance and analyze the factors that affect performance improvement. It was found that compared with a conventional preheating reactor, the proposed cylindrical reactor with inner and external inlets for gas feeding enhanced heat recovery from the exhausted gas and provided a more suitable temperature field for the reaction in the reactor. Under different operating conditions, the methane conversion in the cylindrical reactor with multi-inlet increased by 9.5% to 19.1%, and the hydrogen production was enhanced by 12.1% to 40.3% in comparison with the conventional design, even though the total reaction catalyst volume was reduced.
Due to the difficulties in achieving high purity, high dispersion, and uniform size distribution, solvothermal synthesis has been seldom employed to fabricate Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) nanocrystals for photoelectrochemical applications. Herein, a facile approach has been adopted for preparing CZTS nanocrystals using a solvothermal method. Employing various characterizations, and a thorough analysis of the photoelectrochemical performance, the impacts of different sulfur sources and surfactants on the products were investigated. High-quality CZTS nanocrystal films with small particle size, high dispersion, and hydrophilic surfaces were developed by utilizing proper solvents, cheap metallic ions, surfactants, and right sulfur source. The product that employed Na2S as its sulfur source had the highest phase purity and the closest stoichiometric ratio. The photoelectrochemical tests showed that CZTS nanocrystal films using polyvinylpyrrolidone as a surfactant had quicker light responsiveness and smaller dark current.
The water–energy–food (WEF) nexus has attracted growing attention as an approach for integrated natural resources management through enhancing synergies and minimizing trade-offs in the three resources sectors. The WEF nexus has further been identified as a viable approach to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 (food), 6 (water), and 7 (energy). This chapter presents an overview of how the WEF nexus could be applied to achieve SDGs 2, 6, and 7. It looks at the WEF nexus as a natural resources management tool, the SDGs dimensions in the WEF nexus, and the synergies and trade-offs in the WEF nexus with a focus on achieving zero hunger (SDG2), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), and affordable clean energy (SDG 7). It is also argued that the possibilities of using the WEF nexus as an approach for achieving the highlighted SDGs and food and nutrition security are conditional on several drivers prevailing across varying contexts. This chapter ends by discussing the communications pathway approach for upscaling and outscaling the WEF nexus as a natural resources management tool to attain SDGs 2, 6, and 7 at different spatial and temporal scales.
The generator is a source of electrical energy that will be distributed to the substation which will then be channeled back to consumers. The separator is the equipment at the substation which supports the performance of the equipment. Maintenance on the separator should be maintained on a regular basis which consists of cleaning and testing. One of the tests is contact resistance. This test is carried out to determine the resistance value of the Separator contact according to the standard. Power loss is affected by a high resistance value, because the power loss is the square of the current multiplied by the resistance of the contact. This study was conducted to determine the value of contact resistance against power loss by comparing the value of contact resistance in 2020 and 2021. The power loss obtained is relatively small, namely the highest power loss is in the 2021 phase R, which is 6.417 Watt or 0.006417 kW. Meanwhile, the lowest power loss is in phase T in 2020, which is 2.603 Watt or 0.002603 kW. The effect of contact resistance in this study is that if it is found that the contact resistance value exceeds the standard so that a high contact resistance value is obtained, it will be able to cause the equipment to become hot, and when it reaches its melting point, it will be able to melt the separating knife or disconnecting switch, so that the temperature does not change. can be held back by the contact resistance according to its ability, there will be an explosion at the Separator contact which will cause a trip.
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Solar biogas system production offers the possibility to simultaneously produce heat, electricity and to treat waste products as well as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial sector. In this paper, we report on the development of an experimental solar biogas prototype to valorize the biomass generated by the Moroccan paper industry in order to reduce its carbon footprint. This paper presents an integrated solution to an environmental and energy problem of the companies that generate wet waste biomass. The current new prototype consists of a biogas production system using liquid biomass, a solar installation, and thermodynamic storage derived from a heat pump. Energy balances carried out show that the solar system can reach a thermal efficiency of 70%; the thermal losses of the system are around 53% for the biogas system and 22.6% for the storage and piping system. Further, the results found indicate the average heat demand of the digester reactor is 302 kWh per month, the solar system produced 284 kWh per month (94%) in worth case, which means the solar system is the main source energy and the system solar biogas is a self-energy system. Besides, it was found that the pilot solar biogas system produces about 1100 liters of biogas, the analysis of biogas produced prove that it contains 74% of CH4 (814 liters) and processes about 3000 liters of industrial biomass daily, the biogas conversion efficiency of the whole system is 42%. The economic potential of the current solar biogas system in terms of electricity savings reached 2 MWh per month. The life cycle savings of the current solar system instead of purchasing electricity to meet the energy needs of the biogas process is approximately $4687. Annual emissions of (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are reduced by 69%, 71%, and 70% respectively. Upscaling the current prototype system to 700 m³ (reactor volume) for the case study of cardboard company industry, shows that the yearly bio-methane (CH4) production is around 52,836 m³ per year, which represent 64% of the total fuel consumption for the current case of cardboard recycling and packaging company.
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Students need to learn and practice creative thinking skills to ensure success in solving everyday, national, and global problems that include those affecting economic issues. The global economy requires workers to have research and innovation skills that depend upon creativity. However, many current educational programs focus mostly on factual content, doing little to inspire or apply the creative process. The project presented here shows an engaging activity that combines creative thinking skills with economic content. Although the activity occurred in a college course on creativity theory and practice, this challenging game can be easily adapted and embedded in the Kindergarten-12 social studies curriculum. This article discusses the setup of the activity and its connection to creativity theory and curriculum standards. It showcases the work of eleven participants who each made a unique object or scene from a given set of craft and recycled materials, subsequently relating the resulting product to a current economic issue. Photographs of the resulting products are provided along with descriptions of the theme of each item, its connection to economics, and creative aspects of the work. Suggestions for adaptation to the Kindergarten-12 classroom are given.
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The intensification of the use of different renewable energy sources is essential for the fulfillment of the Paris Agreement or for achieving the goals of sustainable development. The environmental impacts of various renewable energy sources have been engaging environmental professionals since their inception. The aim of this work is to collect the most important sizing variables and environmental impacts of hydropower, wind energy, geothermal energy, solar energy and biomass, which have been discussed in the literature. By using the tools of network science, it is possible to jointly manage the environmental impacts and the sizing variables of renewable energy power plants, so the impact mitigation can be performed efficiently already in the design phase. From the sizing variables and the environmental impacts, a multi-layered network is formed, based on which the relationships between the impacts can be explored and more efficient mitigation solutions can be implemented. The results show that the impacts of wind turbines on flying animals are outstanding, hydropower plants can be mostly described by changing the flow conditions, the noise and hydrothermal disturbance of geothermal power plants are outstanding, the visual and soil effects of solar power plants are most significant, while the biomass plants impacts related the harvest are most pronounced. This work helps to understand the environmental impacts of the increased utilization of renewable energy sources better and provides a framework for practitioners to enforce environmental considerations in design processes more easily.
Water scarcity is a major concern worldwide. Population growth, as well as the intensive use of water resources for industrial and agricultural activities, among others, have caused water stress in various regions of the world. Rural areas are usually more affected due to water scarcity and a lack of sanitary infrastructure. The current practices associated with urban water management have been considered inefficient to respond to these problems. In recent years, the reuse of greywater has emerged as a promising and sustainable alternative. Several pilot greywater treatment systems have been implemented in rural areas of different countries, however, studies about the environmental impacts of these decentralized systems under different scenarios are lacking. In this work, the life cycle assessment of greywater treatment systems considering several scenarios was studied. Our results showed that the decrease in environmental impacts due to the saving of drinking water is more evident when the water supply is carried out through cistern trucks. This occurs because the environmental impact of land transport of water is extremely high and represents over 89% of the global warming indicator [kg CO2 eq] and 96% ozone depletion [kg CFC-11 eq] contributions of the system. Greywater treatment systems with backwashing and solar panels as a source of energy have lower environmental impacts, reducing CO2 and CFC emissions by 50% for the maintenance phase and by 85% (CO2) and 47% (CFC) for the operation phase. Furthermore, the acquisition of solar panels was economically feasible, with a payback of 19.7 years. This analysis showed the environmental feasibility of small-scale greywater treatment systems in rural areas affected by water scarcity. Furthermore, the proposed approach has contributed to understand the impact of greywater treatment systems in rural areas, which could become a support tool to integrate greywater reuse practices in different communities.
In the present study, nanorods of TiO2, Sn‐doped TiO2 (Sn‐TiO2), TiO2@Sn‐TiO2 and Sn‐TiO2@TiO2 were prepared by sol‐gel method. Dye‐sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) photoanodes were synthesized by depositing films on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass substrate using doctor blade method. The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X‐ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and UV‐Vis spectroscopy. XRD results indicated the formation of tetragonal anatase structure of TiO2 in pristine TiO2 and Sn‐TiO2 films. It was observed that formation of heterostructure particles spured the conversion of TiO2 from anatase to rutile phase. SEM analysis indicated the formation heterostructures of rod like morphology with increased diameter. Optical parameters of films (absorbance, transmittance, refractive index, dielectric constants and band gap) were measured using UV‐Vis spectroscopy data. The results confirmed that Sn doping decrease the bandgap. Amongst the four prepared films, band gap of Sn‐TiO2@TiO2 heterosturcture based film was smallest (3.09 eV). The efficiency of Sn‐TiO2@TiO2 heterostructure based DSSC was found to be 54.3% better compared with DSSC based on Sn‐TiO2 and 96.37% better compared with the DSSC based on pristine TiO2.
Today, world energy consumption contributes to pollution, environmental deterioration, and global greenhouse emissions. Increases in energy consumption are driven by population growth and economic development that tend to increase energy use per capita. Thus the inevitable increase in population in the near future and the economic development that must necessarily occur in many countries pose serious implications for the environment. Since the early 1980s the relationship between energy use and environmental impacts has received much attention, and a number of international activities have focused on this topic. In this article, four important aspects that are related to the present and future patterns of environmental impacts, energy consumption, energy conservation, and fuel substitution are introduced and discussed in detail. We conclude that further political, economic, and institutional changes from the standpoint of environmental impacts are necessary for the future energy policies. To this end, renewable energy resources can play an important role in controlling and reducing environmental impact.
Problems with energy supply and use are related not only to global warming, but also to such environmental concerns as air pollution, ozone depletion forest destruction and emission of radioactive substances. These issues must be taken into consideration simultaneously if humanity is to achieve a bright energy future with minimal environmental impacts. Much evidence exists which suggests that the future will be negatively impacted if humans keep degrading the environment. There is an intimate connection between energy, the environment and sustainable development. A society seeking sustainable development ideally must utilize only energy resources which cause no environmental impact (e.g. which release no emissions to the environment). However, since all energy resources lead to some environmental impact, it is reasonable to suggest that some (not all) of the concerns regarding the limitations imposed on sustainable development by environmental emissions and their negative impacts can be in part overcome through increased energy efficiency. A strong relation clearly exists between energy efficiency and environmental impact since, for the same services or products, less resource utilization and pollution is normally associated with higher efficiency processes. Anticipated patterns of future energy use and consequent environmental impact (focusing on acid precipitation, stratospheric ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect) are comprehensively discussed in this paper. Also, some solutions to current environmental issues in terms of energy conservation and renewable energy technologies are identified and some theoretical and practical limitations on increased energy efficiency are explained. The relations between energy and sustainable development, and between the environment and sustainable development, are described, and an illustrative example is presented. Throughout the paper several issues relating to energy, environment and sustainable development are examined from both current and future perspectives. Finally, several conclusions and recommendations are drawn which may be useful to energy scientists and engineers and policy makers. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A thermosyphon solar water heater consisting of two flat plate collectors of total aperture area of 2.7 m2 and 150 l storage tank is modelled using TRNSYS. Simple experiments were conducted in order to validate the model. During the experiments weather conditions were measured every 10 min and integrated over an hour. The temperature of the water in the storage tank was also measured at the beginning and at the end of the day. The storage tank temperature rise was used to validate the model by using the actual weather data as input to the program. Validation tests were performed for 25 days spread over 6 months and the mean deviation between the predicted and the actual values of water temperature rise is 4.7% which is very satisfactory. Subsequently, long term system performance is estimated by using TRNSYS model run with the weather values of TMY file for Nicosia, Cyprus. The annual solar fraction obtained was 79% and the system could cover all the hot water needs of a house of four people during the three summer months. The maximum auxiliary energy was needed during the months of December and January (about 280 MJ/month). In addition, an economic analysis of the system was carried out. The pay-back time of the system was found to be 8 years and the present worth of life cycle savings was found equal to C£ 161.
Despite significant advances in the technology field, solar collectors still make a very modest contribution to the total energy consumption for water heating purposes. One of the major factors explaining this delay is that relevant investment decisions are based on market prices which do not reflect positive environmental impacts and other benefits associated with the exploitation of solar energy. This paper presents a cost benefit analysis for evaluating solar water heating systems in comparison with competitive conventional technologies in Greece. The major external benefits included in the analysis are energy saving, avoided environmental impact and job creation. The results show that in the specific Greek conditions, the use of solar collectors results in considerable net social benefits if substituted for electricity and Diesel but not for replacing natural gas.
This paper deals with a feasibility study for the use of solar Parabolic Trough Collectors for hot water production in Cyprus. An analysis is carried out for two types of applications, domestic and hotel. The systems are optimised using the F-chart program and compared to similar systems using Flat Plate Collectors. It is shown that for large scale water production the Parabolic Trough Collectors are more efficient than the Flat Plate ones. The life cycle savings from their use as applied to a real life situation is almost 5,350 Cyprus Pounds with 60% of the available solar energy being utilised.
The exergy of an energy form or a substance is a measure of its usefulness or quality or potential to cause change. A thorough understanding of exergy and the insights it can provide into the efficiency, environmental impact and sustainability of energy systems, are required for the engineer or scientist working in the area of energy systems and the environment. Further, as energy policies play an increasingly important role in addressing sustainability issues and a broad range of local, regional and global environmental concerns, policy makers also need to appreciate the exergy concept and its ties to these concerns. During the past decade, the need to understand the connections between exergy and energy, sustainable development and environmental impact has become increasingly significant. In this paper, a study of these connections is presented in order to provide to those involved in energy and environment studies, useful insights and direction for analyzing and solving environmental problems of varying complexity using the exergy concept. The results suggest that exergy provides the basis for an effective measure of the potential of a substance or energy form to impact the environment and appears to be a critical consideration in achieving sustainable development.
This paper extensively concentrates on energy and environmental impacts only. Energy utilization and its major environmental impacts are discussed from the standpoint of sustainable development, including anticipated patterns of future energy use and subsequent environmental issues. Renewable energy technologies and efficient energy utilization are identified as the most effective potential solutions to current environmental issues, along with some practical examples. Several aspects relating to energy utilization, renewable energy, energy efficiency, environment and sustainable development are examined from both current and future perspectives. It may be concluded that the conclusions and recommendations presented here will be beneficial to energy scientists and engineers, and energy policy makers.
The final energy consumption in Hellenic residential and tertiary sector buildings represents almost one-third of the total energy budget. From this, space and water heating represents 70% of the total. Space heating and electricity generation in Hellas are based on fossil fuels, with a serious environmental impact. Despite the popularity of simple solar domestic hot water systems, active solar space heating remains, for various reasons, marginal. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of combined active space and domestic hot water solar systems, both technically and economically. An assessment of the reduction of the environmental impact is also included. The results confirm that modern solar technology constitutes a viable option for energy retrofit in the building sector in Hellas.
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The present paper presents the generation of a type 2 Typical Meteorological Year (TMY-2) for Nicosia, Cyprus. This tool may be useful for the prediction and comparison of the performance of passive and active solar systems and for building thermal analysis. The present TMY-2 is generated from a simple TMY created in the past from available hourly meteorological data recorded during the period 1986–1992 using the Filkenstein–Schafer statistical method. The present TMY-2 contains much more data which leads to more accurate predictions especially in building simulations. This includes in addition to solar radiation values, illuminance, and other meteorological elements such as visibility, precipitation and snowfall records.
While many factors contribute to the ability of any society, whether industrialized or developing, to achieve sustainable development, one of the most important is a supply of energy resources that is fully sustainable. Of course, for a society to attain or try to attain sustainable development, much effort must be devoted not only to discovering sustainable energy resources, but also to increasing the efficiency of processes utilizing these resources. One scenario of energy efficiency, the theoretical cogeneration of electricity and heat in Ontario, demonstrates that energy resources and their utilization are intimately related to sustainable development.
Embodied energy coefficients of building materials. Centre for Building Performance Research
  • J Alcorn
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UserÕs manual for Polysun 3
  • Polysun
Polysun, 2000. UserÕs manual for Polysun 3.3, SPF, Switzerland.
The sun island: solar energy in Cyprus. ReFocus, The International Renewable Energy Magazine of ISES
  • S Kalogirou
Kalogirou S. 2001. The sun island: solar energy in Cyprus. ReFocus, The International Renewable Energy Magazine of ISES, March 2001. p. 30–2.
Development and the global environment The energy-environment connection
  • U Colonbo
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Dynamische Simulation thermischer Solaranlagen. Diploma thesis, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (HSR)
  • M Gantner
Gantner M. Dynamische Simulation thermischer Solaranlagen. Diploma thesis, Hochschule f€ ur Technik Rapperswil (HSR), Switzerland, 2000.
Development and the global environment
  • Colonbo
User's manual for Polysun 3.3, SPF, Switzerland
  • Polysun