... Relatively few authors make explicit in published output, declarations of the methodology guiding their research (see for example, Jonsson, 1982;Covaleski and Dirsmith, 1983;Preston, 1986;Laughlin, 1988;Gray et al., 1995;Ahrens, 1997;Granlund and Lukka, 1998;Dirsmith et al., 1997;Abdul-Rahman and Goddard, 1998) and even when this is stated there are grounds for contesting a good fit within the main interpretive methodologies (see Jonsson, 1982;Covaleski and Dirsmith, 1983). Some have taken a non-committal disposition and assumed an 'interpretive' and/or a 'naturalist and qualitative' methodology^ (see Rosenberg et al, 1982;Boland and Pondy, 1983;Berry et al, 1985;Dirsmith and Covaleski, 1985;Covaleski and Dirsmith, 1986;Boland and Pondy, 1986;Ansari and Euske, 1987;Covaleski and Dirsmith, 1988;Jonsson and Gronlund, 1988;Nahapiet, 1988;Innes and Mitchell, 1990;Ansari and Bell, 1991;Dent, 1991;Hoque and Hopper, 1994;Goddard and Powell, 1994;Chew and Greer, 1997.). For this reason, identification and attachment of methodological affiliation has been attempted, wherever possible, for each work reviewed but account has also been taken of prior classification effort. ...