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The effect of a herbal formulation on the incidence and severity of upper respiratory symptoms in healthy volunteers: an open-label, randomised controlled clinical trial


Abstract and Figures

Many traditional preparations with varying combinations of herbs have been used for over 1500 years to treat upper respiratory ailments, and reduce their incidence and severity. Link Samahan® is a formulation containing the extract of 14 such medicinal plants. To test the efficacy of Link Samahan® in reducing the incidence and severity of upper respiratory symptoms in consenting healthy volunteers. MAS Linea Aqua, a factory with over 3000 employees, having its own health care centre with a qualified matron and visiting medical officers. 956 healthy volunteers took daily either one sachet of Link Samahan® in hot water (test group,n=465, mean age 29.5 ± 7.7 years, women 418) or only plain tea (control group n=491, mean age 29.7 ± 7.9, women 448), for 84 consecutive days, and recorded the incidence and severity of 15 upper respiratory symptoms daily in a purpose-designed form. At the end of 84 days, when compared to the control group, the average incidence of symptoms in the test group showed highly significant reductions at p<0.001 for 6 symptoms and at p<0.005 for 3 symptoms,and at p<0.05 for the remaining 6. Reduction of average incidence over time also was highly significant (p<0.001) for 2 symptoms and (p<0.005) for 7, and significant (p<0.05) for 4 symptoms, but only marginal for the balance 2. Severity was significantly reduced (p<0.05) for 7 symptoms, and reduced also for the other 8 according to descriptive analysis, though not significant at the 5% level. The results indicate that Link Samahan® taken as one sachet daily significantly reduces average incidence, incidence over time, and severity of 15 upper respiratory symptoms in healthy adults.
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Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2012
Introduction Many traditional preparations with varying
combinations of herbs have been used for over 1500
years to treat upper respiratory ailments, and reduce
their inciden c e and severity. Link Samahan ® is a
formulation containing the extract of 14 such medicinal
Objectives To test the efficacy of Link Samahan® in
reducing the incidence and severity of upper respiratory
symptoms in consenting healthy volunteers.
Setting MAS Linea Aqua, a factory with over 3000
employees, having its own health care centre with a
qualified matron and visiting medical officers.
Methods 956 healthy volunteers took daily either one
sachet of Link Samahan® in hot water (test group,
n=465, mean age 29.5 ± 7.7 years, women 418) or only
plain tea (control group n=491, mean age 29.7 ± 7.9,
women 448), for 84 consecutive days, and recorded
the incidence and severity of 15 upper respiratory
symptoms daily in a purpose-designed form.
Results At the end of 84 days, when compared to the
control group, the average incidence of symptoms in
the test group showed highly significant reductions at
p<0.001 for 6 symptoms and at p<0.005 for 3 symptoms,
and at p<0.05 for the remaining 6. Reduction of average
incidence over time also was highly sign ificant
(p<0.001) for 2 symptoms and (p<0.005) for 7, and
significant (p<0.05) for 4 symptoms, but only marginal
for the balance 2. Severity was significantly reduced
(p<0.05) for 7 symptoms, and reduced also for the other
8 according to descriptive analysis, though not
significant at the 5% level.
Conclusions The results indicate that Link Samahan®
taken as one sachet daily significantly reduces average
incidence, incidence over time, and severity of 15 upper
respiratory symptoms in healthy adults.
Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57: 19-32
The effect of a herbal formulation on the incidence and severity of
upper respiratory symptoms in healthy volunteers: an open-label,
randomised controlled clinical trial
C Goonaratna1, M R Sooriyarachchi2
(Index words: upper respiratory symptoms, short form WURSS-21, herbal medicinal product)
1Emeritus Professor of Physiology, University of Colombo and Registrar, Ceylon Medical College Council; 2Professor,
Department of Statistics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Correspondence: CG, e-mail: <>. Received 30 November 2011 and revised version accepted
11 January 2012. Competing interests: CG is an Advisor on Clinical Research to Link Natural Products (Pvt) Ltd.
Many herbal preparations have been used as
decoctions in the treatment and prevention of upper
respiratory tract ailments with catarrhal symptoms in
Ayurveda and in our island’s unique Desheeya Chikitsa
for over 15 centuries. The most widely used plants
include Adhatoda vasica, Alpinia galanga, Carum
copticum, Coriandrum sativum, Coscinium fenestratum,
Cuminum cyminum, Evolvulus alsinoides, Glycyrrhiza
glabra, Hedyotis corymbosa, Piper longum, Piper
nigrum, Premna herbacea, Solanum xanthocarpum, and
Zingiber officinale. Link Samahan® is an over-the-
counter standardised preparation made from these plants
in the proportions advised by a panel of senior and
clinically experienced Ayurveda physicians. The
concentrated oleoresin extract of the plants is wet
granulated, dried and formulated as water-soluble
aromatic granules marketed in triple-laminated sachets,
each containing 4 g. Link Samahan® (test herbal product)
may be taken dissolved in hot water, or in a beverage
such as tea or coffee.
The test herbal product has been widely used for
over 15 years, both in Sri Lanka and overseas. However,
its efficacy in reducing the incidence and severity of upper
respiratory symptoms has not been previously tested in a
clinical trial.
We designed an open-label, randomised, controlled
clinical trial to test its efficacy in healthy volunteers. The
assessors of efficacy (i.e. data entry operators and
statisticians) were blinded regarding the group (i.e. test or
control) to which participants belonged. A placebo could
not be used although the packeting technology was
readily available as the aroma of this herbal product is
instantly identifiable and cannot be masked or replicated
by a placebo. The healthy volunteers were selected from
employees of MAS Linea Aqua, a garment factory with
high ethical standards of worker welfare.
20 Ceylon Medical Journal
After initial meetings with the senior management
and human resource managers of the factory, several
meetings were held with groups of workers to explain the
objectives and procedural details of our study. From 1311
consenting volunteers 956 (465 and 491 in the test and
control groups respectively) were enrolled in the study.
The exclusion criteria were actual or suspected pregnancy,
lactation, significant systemic disease, and a history of
bronchial asthma. The inclusion criteria were age between
20 and 50 years, and willingness to give witnessed and
written informed consent to participate in the clinical trial
for 84 consecutive days.
At the study’s completion, a further 155 were
excluded from analysis (79 and 76 respectively from the
test and control groups) because they had not completed
the forms properly for varying periods, so only 801
participants (386 from the test and 415 from the control
group respectively) were included for data entry and
statistical analysis.
The evaluative instrument used in our study is the
short form Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey
(WURSS - 21), the performance of which has been
validated for reliability, responsiveness, importance-to-
patients and convergence with other measures [1,2]. Of
the 21 symptoms in WURSS - 21, we selected 15 as being
most appropriate for our cultural background by focus
group discussion and consultation with senior Ayurveda
physicians. The selected symptoms are given in Table 1.
The 15 selected symptoms were translated into
Sinhala (there were no Tamil participants) and back-
translated into English by language experts before
inclusion in the form that was to be filled by all participants
in both test and control groups daily (Figure 1). The forms
were colour-coded for enhanced clarity, and collected every
week from participants by members of the research team.
Allocation of participants to the test or control group
was randomised by each volunteer selecting from a box
containing identical sealed envelopes with a card inside
labelled “Testor Control”, opened in view of the
volunteer. The flow of participants through the study is
given in Figure 2.
A “cold day” was defined as one where an individual
had 7 or more of the symptoms listed [1,2]. From a pilot
study among factory workers the probability of a “cold
day” was estimated as 0.1949 for the control group. Setting
the significance level at 5%, the power of the study at
90%, and the reference improvement in the test group to
be 25% that of the control group, and employing a
recognised sample size calculation for a binary response
[3], 704 was the resultant total number for both groups of
participants. The number recruited was 1020, to compensate
for anticipated “last moment” decisions to refrain from
participation (63/1020, 6.2% in our study), and failure to
fill the forms properly (155/956,17.6%) (Figure 2).
The average incidence of symptoms in each group
was estimated as follows. Initially, for each participant the
percentage of days (out of the total of 84 days) with a
given symptom was determined. This was averaged over
all participants in each group. The significance of the
difference in incidence between the control group and the
test group was tested using a hypothesis test based on
the binominal approximation to the normal.
To compare the performance of each group over time
during the entire 12-week period of the study, the average
percentage of incident-free days for each week was
calculated for each symptom, from the responses of each
individual participant.
Figures 3 - 6 show descriptive trend lines for
incidence of 4 upper respiratory symptoms for the test
and control groups, where the vertical axis indicates the
percentage number of days participants did not have the
particular symptom during each week, through the entire
period of 12 weeks. Trend lines for all 15 symptoms are
similar to the four depicted here. All are approximately
linear, and in all 15 the trend line for the test group is
steeper than that for the control group, indicating that
there is an improvement over time of the particular
symptom’s incidence, in the former group. To confirm this,
a general linear model must be fitted to the data, but doing
so requires the assumption that the response variable,
namely, the average number of days without a given
symptom over time, follows a normal distribution for both
test and control groups, over 12 weeks [4].
Table 1. Symptoms selected from WURSS - 21
for our study
1. Excess sneezing
2. Watery nasal discharge
3. Nasal congestion
4. Itching of eyes and tearing
5. Scratchy throat
6. Throat pain
7. Hoarseness of voice
8. Feverishness
9. Cough
10. Tiredness
11. Headache
12. Itchy ears, blocked ears
13. Loss of appetite
14. Body pains
15. Difficulties in daily activities
Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2012
The relevant general linear model [4] can be expressed
as: Yi = a + ti + gj + (t.g)ij + ei
Where, i = 1, to 12; j = 1, 2; a = overall mean; Yi =
average incidence over week i; ti = effect of ith week; gj =
effect of jth group; (t.g)ij = the combined effect of ith week
and jth treatment group; and ej = error term corresponding
to the ith observation.
To verify the requisite assumption normal probability
plots were composed for all 15 symptoms for both groups.
The four probability plots corresponding to the 4
symptoms in figures 3 - 6, are shown in figures 7 - 10. It is
clear from figures 7 - 10 that the average percentages of
symptom-free days for the 12 weeks, for both groups, are
approximately linear and fall well within the 95%
confidence limits. The pattern of all other probability plots
were similar to those shown as examples in figures 7 - 10,
over the entire study period of 12 weeks.
Since normal probability plots indicated that the
responses had an approximate normal distribution, and
descriptive trend lines showed that the trends were
approximately linear, the general linear model shown above
was fitted with the response variable being the average
incidence over the total number of participants in each
group, and the exploratory variables being the week (going
from 1 to 12), the treatment group (going from 1 to 2), and
their interaction [4]. The main focus of interest here was
the interaction between each week and group, and testing
whether there was a steeper trend over 12 weeks in the
test group when compared to the control group.
For assessment of severity of the symptoms the
response of each participant for each of the 15 symptoms
in both groups was coded as: 0 = no symptom, 1 = mild
symptom, 2 = moderate symptom, and 3 = severe symptom
(Figure 1). Differences in proportions between the control
and test groups were tested as in the comparison performed
for average incidence (see above), the only difference
being that in comparing severity, three proportions were
calculated (viz. mild versus no symptom, moderate versus
no symptoms, and severe versus no symptom).
Our study has been approved by the Sri Lanka
Medical Association’s Ethical Review Committee (ERC/
10-14), and registered by the Sri Lanka Clinical Trials
Registry (SLCTR/2011/001).
Figure 1. Colour-coded response form. This was translated into Sinhala for participants’ use.
22 Ceylon Medical Journal
Figure 2. Flow of participants through the study.
Excluded n=291.
Reasons: did not meet inclusion
criteria; had exclusion criteria;
declined participation
** Forms incompletely filled.
*Did not start participation; test group n=41, control group n=23
® - Randomisation
Assessed for eligibility
Data analysed
**Data excluded from
analysis n=79 (15.5%)
*Started participation
Link Samahan group
n= 506
Control group
*Started participation
Data analysed
** Data excluded from
analysis n=76 (17%)
Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2012
Figure 3. Percentage of days with no excessive sneezing over time for the two groups.
Figure 7. Normal probability plot for excessive sneezing for the two groups.
24 Ceylon Medical Journal
Figure 4. Percentage of days with no watery nasal discharge over time for the two groups.
Figure 8. Normal probability plot for watery nasal discharge for the two groups.
Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2012
Figure 5. Percentage of days with no nasal congestion over time for the two groups.
Figure 9. Normal probability plot for nasal congestion for the two groups.
26 Ceylon Medical Journal
Figure 6. Percentage of days with no itching of the eyes and tearing over time for the two groups.
Figure 10. Normal probability plot for itching of eyes and tearing for the two groups.
Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2012
Figure 12. Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) fingerprint of Link Samahan®.
Ditector response/pA
Column:DB-WAX capillary (30 m x 0.32mm, id 0.25) m film, Temperature programme: 35°C to 225°C, Detector: FID
Figure 11. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprint of Link Samahan®.
Ditector response/AU
Column: Eclipse XDB -C18 (4.6 x 150 mm), Detector wavelength: 254 nm, Mobile phase: methanol/water, linear gradient.
28 Ceylon Medical Journal
A total of 1020 healthy adult volunteers who initially
volunteered to participate in our clinical trial were
randomised to a test group (n=506) and a control group
(n=514) after obtaining informed consent. However, only
956 volunteers (test group n=465, control group n=491)
actually started participation. Visual scanning at the end
of the trial revealed that 79 participants from the test group
and 76 from the control group had not filled the forms
properly for varying periods, and had to be excluded from
final analysis, so only 386 from the test and 415 from the
control group were taken for data entry and statistical
The mean ages of the test group (29.5 7.7 years)
and the control group (29.7 7.9 years) were closely similar.
The preponderance of women in both groups (test group
89.8%, control group 91.2%), is merely a reflection of their
extremely high proportion (approximately 90.2%) in the
entire workforce.
MAS Linea Aqua, a factory producing swimwear for
export, was selected for our trial for several relevant
reasons. It employs a committed, highly productivity-
oriented workforce of over 3000, its working environment
is tightly regulated for ambient temperature, relative
humidity and laminar airflow (thus minimising
environmental variables during working time of
participants), its high ethical standards regarding
workforce welfare, and convenience for monitoring herbal
test product intake daily and for collecting the purpose-
designed forms during a 84-day period of both groups.
The intake of the test herbal product by the
appropriate group of participants was supervised daily
by trained science graduates of our research team. They
also supervised gathering the relevant data collection
forms weekly from the participants. All participants were
allocated a distinctive number at the point of
randomisation, which was printed on the data collection
forms given to them. This number was known to and its
confidentiality was protected by, one science graduate
member of the research team, who played no further role
in the clinical trial except for separating the collected forms
to each group for the purpose of data entry.
At the study’s conclusion the average incidence of
upper respiratory symptoms, estimated as described above,
in the test group showed highly significant reductions at
p<0.0001 for 6 symptoms and at p<0.005 for 3 symptoms,
and a significant reduction (p<0.05) for the remaining 6
(Table 2), when compared to the control group.
Table 2. Comparison of average incidence
Symptom * Estimate for 95% confidence Z value P value
difference in interval for difference
incidence in incidence
(Control - Samahan) (Control - Samahan)
Excessive sneezing (1) 0.214227 (0.274952, 0.153502) 6.091 <0.001
Body pains (14) 0.152330 (0.219835, 0.0848262) 4.042 <0.001
Difficulties in daily activities (15) 0.120138 (0.183383,0.0568933) 3.72 <0.001
Headache (11) 0.118053 (0.184354,0.0517507) 3.49 <0.001
Tiredness (10) 0.113019 (0.178663,0.0473757) 3.37 <0.001
Nasal congestion (3) 0.106879 (0.169676,0.0440811) 3.34 <0.001
Watery nasal discharge (2) 0.0906735 (0.153244, 0.0281028) 2.84 0.005
Throat pains (6) 0.0843387 (0.142736, 0.0259386) 2.83 0.005
Itching of the throat (5) 0.0840087 (0.142594, 0.0254230) 2.81 0.005
Loss of appetite (13) 0.0808508 (0.141356,0.0203452) 2.62 0.009
Cough (9) 0.0804254 (0.143134,0.0177166) 2.51 0.012
Itching and blocking of the ears (12) 0.0749943 (0.133643,0.0163454) 2.51 0.012
Hoarseness of voice (7) 0.0684705 (0.124039,0.0129024) 2.42 0.016
Feverishness (8) 0.0597663 (0.109507,0.0100257) 2.36 0.019
Itching of the eyes and tearing (4) 0.0695622 (0.127650,0.0114749) 2.35 0.019
*The number in parentheses in the symptoms column corresponds to those shown in table 1.
Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2012
Table 3. Incidence over time
Symptom* Least squares Least squares P value
mean of % of mean of % of
symptom free symptom free
days over time days over time
(Control Group) (Samahan Group)
Itching of the eyes and tearing (4) 73.1 77.2 <0.0001
Headache (11) 54.5 61.9 <0.0001
Itching and blocking of the ears (12) 72.3 76.6 0.0003
Watery nasal discharge (2) 64.3 69.9 0.0004
Cough (9) 63.7 68.2 0.0004
Excessive sneezing (1) 67.0 70.5 0.0006
Nasal congestion (3) 61.8 69.4 0.0012
Tiredness (10) 56.5 63.4 0.0022
Itching of the throat (5) 69.1 75.5 0.0023
Hoarseness of voice (7) 75.9 80.7 0.0077
Feverishness (8) 83.7 88.3 0.0124
Loss of appetite (13) 68.6 74.7 0.0357
Throat pains (6) 70.1 77.5 0.0472
Difficulties in daily activities (15) 63.6 73.8 0.0517
Body pains (14) 48.6 61.0 0.0578
*The number in parentheses in the symptoms column corresponds to those shown in table 1.
Table 4. Comparison of average severity
Symptom Improvement Estimate of 95% confidence Z value P-Value
Category severity (vs no interval for
symptoms), difference in
Control - Samahan severity (Control -
Excessive sneezing Severe 0.477010 (0.532989, 16.70 <0.001
Nasal discharge NS NS NS NS NS
Nasal congestion NS NS NS NS NS
Itching and tearing eyes NS NS NS NS NS
Itching of the throat Mild 0.0539721 (0.106497, 2.00 0.046
Throat pain Mild 0.541667 (0.106389, 2.02 0.044
30 Ceylon Medical Journal
Table 5. Severity analysis
Symptom Severity result
Excessive sneezing Severe category improvement
Nasal discharge No improvement
Nasal congestion No improvement
Itching and tearing eyes No improvement
Itching of the throat Mild category improvement
Throat pains Mild category improvement
Hoaseness of voice Moderate category improvement
Fever No improvement
Cough No improvement
Tiredness No improvement
Headache Mild category improvement
Itching and blocking ears No improvement
Loss of appetite No improvement
Body pains Mild category improvement
Difficulties in daily activities Severe category improvement
Symptom Improvement Estimate of 95% confidence Z value P Value
Category severity (vs no interval for
symptoms), difference in
Control - Samahan severity (Control -
Hoaseness of voice Moderate 0.0433296 0.0821080, 2.16 0.030
Tiredness NS NS NS NS NS
Headache NS NS NS NS NS
Itching and blocking ears NS NS NS NS NS
Loss of appetite NS NS NS NS NS
Body pains Mild 0.0690449 (0.130484, 2.19 0.029
Difficulties in daily activities Severe 0.0519955 (0.0940458, 2.39 0.017
NS not significant
Vol. 57, No. 1, March 2012
The results of our model-based test [4] indicated that
except for 2 symptoms (viz. difficulties in daily activities
and body pains), the test herbal product showed a highly
significant reduction over time at p<0.0001 for 2 symptoms
and at p<0.005 for 7 symptoms, and a significant reduction
(<0.05) for 4 symptoms, during the entire study duration
(Table 3) in the test group when compared to the control
Severity of symptoms as assessed by participants
on a scale of 0, 1, 2 and 3 (Figure 1), and estimated
statistically as detailed earlier, also showed a significant
reduction (p<0.05) for 7 symptoms, and a reduction of the
other 8 symptoms too on descriptive analysis, though the
latter were not significant at the 5% level (Tables 4 and 5),
when the test group was compared to the control group.
The high performance liquid chromatography and
gas liquid chromatography fingerprints of Link Samahan®,
which are just two of the battery of quality assurance
tests routinely performed during the manufacturing
process and of the finished product, are given in Figures
11 and 12.
Our study compared the effect of taking one sachet
daily of a herbal product in hot water for 84 consecutive
days, on 15 upper respiratory symptoms, previously
validated for reliability, responsiveness, importance to
patients, and convergence with other measures, in a cohort
of healthy volunteers (test group, n=465), with a similar
cohort taking only plain tea at approximately the same
time of day (control group, n=491), both cohorts being
derived from a total of 1020 volunteers by random
allocation to each group [1,2].
The herbal product we have tested has been
registered by the Department of Ayurveda (Registration
number 02/01/PD/08/148). It has been in use extensively
locally as well as in foreign countries for over 15 years as
an over-the-counter convenient preparation for upper
respiratory tract ailments with catarrhal symptoms.
However, its putative efficacy in reducing the incidence
and severity of upper respiratory symptoms had not been
tested in a clinical trial before our study.
The test herbal product is an extract of 14 medicinal
herbs: Adhatoda vasica (root [5]), Alpinia galanga
(rhizome [6]), Carum copticum (seed [7]), Coriandrum
sativum (seed [8]), Coscinium fenestratum (stem [9]),
Cuminum cyminum (seed [10]), Evolvulus alsinoides
(whole plant [11]), Glycyrrhiza glabra (root [12]), Hedyotis
corymbosa (whole plant [13]), Piper longum (fruit [14]),
Piper nigrum (fruit [15]), Premna herbacea (root [16]),
Solanum xanthocarpum (whole plant [17]), and Zingiber
officinale (rhizome [18]).
From the large number of references available for the
efficacy and the probable pharmacologic basis for
beneficial effects of individual components, we have here
quoted only one for each. However, it needs to be
emphasized that we have performed an extensive literature
survey to exclude with confidence the possibility of
adverse effects of all 14 plants.
Seminal WHO recommendations for evaluation of
herbal medicinal products, while noting the importance of
robust research and encouraging clinical trials, has
observed that these medicines may be regarded as a rich
source of potentially useful therapies, and that actual
benefits remain to be identified by clinical trials conforming
to modern principles of clinical research [19]. The WHO
guidelines specifically state also that substantial prior
human use of traditional herbal substances or products
conveys reasonable confidence that they can be
administered safely in clinical trials, and that clinical
evaluation does not require purification of the herbal
medicinal products to single chemical constituents,
because the mixture of uncharacterised constituents
provides the postulated unique additive or synergistic
advantage of herbal medicines [19]. In a nutshell these
WHO recommendations comprise the justification for our
The literature survey that we conducted indicated
that the plants used in the manufacture of the product we
have tested have anti-pyretic (eg. Premna herbacea,
Zingiber officinale), anti-inflammatory (eg. Hedyotis
corymbosa, Piper nigrum), anti-bacterial (eg. Alpinia
galanga, Coriandrum sativum), anti-viral (eg. Cuminum
cyminum), anti-allergic (eg. Glycyrrhiza glabra),
expectorant (eg. Solanum xanthocarpum, Evolvulus
alsinoides), anti-spasmodic (eg. Carum copticum,
Coscinium fenestratum), and anti-tussive (eg. Zingiber
officinale, Solanum xanthocarpum) activity that are likely
to relieve upper respiratory symptoms, commonly referred
to as catarrh, associated with viral, bacterial or allergic
upper respiratory inflammation [5 - 18, 20]. Of particular
interest were reports that several of these herbs (eg.
Adhatoda vasica, Piper longum, Piper nigrum, Zingiber
officinale) have immune-stimulatory actions, which are
likely to diminish the incidence of episodic upper
respiratory inflammation. Hence our study protocol was
designed to investigate average incidence, incidence over
time, and a severity assessment by participants, of
incidents of upper respiratory symptoms over 84
consecutive days while taking one sachet daily of the test
herbal product, compared to a similar group not taking the
test herbal product.
We have tried, as far as is practically possible, to
conform to the accepted principles of randomisation and
blinding [21]. In our clinical trial, the principal investigators,
trained data entry form collectors, trained data entry
operators, and consultant statisticians who performed the
analyses were blinded to the identity of the group to which
volunteer participants belonged, until after the results of
all statistical analyses were completed [22].
However, it was impossible to formulate a suitable
placebo for the test product because of its characteristic
aroma, as we have indicated above. As a consequence,
the control group participants took plain tea, instead of
the test product dissolved in hot water at about the same
32 Ceylon Medical Journal
time of day as the test group. Insuperable problems of
“blinding” in certain clinical trials has been discussed in
detail by experts in the field, but no statistically acceptable
solution is available for dissociating a possible placebo
effect in such trials as the present one [21, 22]. Since
participants in both test and control groups in our study
assessed severity of the 15 selected symptoms, awareness
of a possible “placebo effect” in the former assumes
importance in interpretation of the results.
In a substantial sample of 386 healthy adults working
in a highly productivity-oriented garment factory
producing swimwear for export who took one sachet of
the test herbal product in warm water daily, the results of
our study show a significant reduction in the average
incidence of all 15 upper respiratory symptoms selected
from a group of 21 symptoms previously validated in
community surveys, a significant reduction of 13
symptoms over time, and a significant reduction in
participant-assessed severity of 7 symptoms with a non-
significant reduction of the other 8, when compared to a
cohort of 415 who did not take the test herbal product
[1,2]. Taken together these results show the effectiveness
of the test herbal product, and its benefits in reducing
incidence, incidence over time and severity of the 15 upper
respiratory symptoms.
The results of our study warrant the extension of
clinical trials of this herbal product to patients who suffer
from conditions such as seasonal or perennial rhinitis and
conjunctivitis. Our results indicate yet another dimension
for investigation, i.e. the probable effects of the herbal
product in curbing absenteeism and increasing output
among employees in highly productivity-oriented
industries by reducing incidence and severity of
troublesome upper respiratory symptoms.
Link Natural Products (Pvt) Ltd provided funding for
the entire study. We thank the management of MAS Linea
Aqua for agreeing to provide access and optimum facilities
for our study, and all the employees of the factory who
cooperated cheerfully with us during the lengthy period
of our clinical trial.
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... Its HPLC profile is provided as supplementary material. LS has been shown to have potent clinical effect in reducing the incidence, incidence over time and severity of fifteen upper respiratory symptoms [8]. Our previous studies have shown that LS possesses potent anti-inflammatory activity as shown by the significant reduction in in vivo anti-inflammatory activity (rat paw-edema model) and in inducing several cellular immune mechanisms contributing to anti-inflammatory activity such as inhibition of rat peritoneal phagocytic cell migration, production of reactive oxygen species (O 2 assessed using quantitative nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) assay) and reactive nitrogen species (NO 2 assessed using Griess assay) and inducible nitric oxide synthase gene expression (assessed using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in rat peritoneal cells (unpublished data). ...
... LS has been previously shown to have protection against upper respiratory symptoms and hence it is currently widely used as a prophylactic agent [8]. Findings of the present study on rapid and enhanced gene expression of the co-stimulatory molecules leading to T-cell dependent B cell activation resulting in an effective IgG response supports the previous findings on the prophylactic effect of LS. ...
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Background Link Samahan® (LS) is a standardized modern formulation of a polyherbal preparation used in the indigenous system of medicine in Sri Lanka. Objective Evaluation of the immunostimulatory activity of LS and the molecular mechanisms that modulate the humoral immune response. Material and methods Immunostimulatory activity of LS was tested in rats following oral administration on days 1-5 and 15-19 and immunization with bovine serum albumin (BSA) on day 1 and 15. Anti-BSA IgM and IgG response in rats treated with LS, water and sugar (as controls) were compared on days 0-35, using ELISA. The expression of co-stimulatory molecules on lymphocytes was assessed on days 0-8 and days 14-22 using RT-qPCR. Results IgM and IgG levels of LS-treated rats were increased significantly by day 7 and 21 respectively compared to controls (p < 0.05). IgG response of LS-treated group reached a higher magnitude compared to its IgM response. Gene expression of CD28 and CD40L on T cells (4.9-5.1 fold) and CD80, CD86 and CD40 on APCs (2.4-3.1 fold) were induced significantly by day 2 compared to their expression on day 0 (p < 0.05). The expression levels of CD28 and CD40L on day 2-4 and 16-18 were similar while the expression of CD80, CD86 and CD40 on day 16-18 was higher (3.7-5.1 folds) compared to their levels on day 2-4 (2.4-3.2). Conclusions These findings support an adjuvant effect of LS contributing to its immunostimulatory activity and increased expression of co-stimulatory molecules that contribute to boosting immune response.
... A decoction is made using equal amounts of seeds of C. sativum (coriander; "Kottamalli" or "Kothamburu" in Sinhala and "Kottamalli" in Tamil) and stem of C. fenestratum (calumba wood or tree turmeric, "Veniwalgatta" in Sinhala; "Maramanjal" in Tamil) is a well-known home remedy in Sri Lanka for cold and inflammations, especially during the early stage of infection [2]. ese two ingredients are also constituents of the commercially available formulations called "Paspanguwa" along with three other plants parts, Zingiber officinale Roscoe., Oldenlandia corymbosa L., and Solanum surattense Burm.f.) and also in another commercial formulation called Samahan which is a combination of 14 ingredients including these two [4]. e two plant parts, seeds of C. sativum and stem of C. fenestratum, are known to have a range of uses in traditional medicine and in Ayurveda. ...
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Objective. To investigate the immunomodulatory activity of a traditional Sri Lankan concoction of Coriandrum sativum L. and Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr., which is a Sri Lankan traditional medicine used to relieve inflammation and cold. Methods. In vivo anti-inflammatory activity was tested using carrageenan-induced rat paw-edema model. Mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by investigating the production of nitric oxide (NO), expression of iNOS enzyme, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) by rat peritoneal cells. The membrane stabilizing activity was also tested. The antibody response was determined by assessing the specific haemagglutination antibodies raised against sheep red blood cells. Results. The three doses of freeze-dried concoction used ((human equivalent dose (HED)—183 mg/kg) 2 × HED and 1/2HED; n = 6 rats/group) showed significant inhibition of paw edema compared to water control at 3rd–5th hours (). Both HED and 1/2HED exhibited marked anti-inflammatory activity (72–83% inhibition at 4th-5th hours; ). The HED of the concoction showed significant inhibition of NO (77.5 ± 0.73%, ) and ROS production (26.9 ± 2.55%; ) by rat peritoneal cells. Inhibition of NO production in the concoction treated rat peritoneal cells was confirmed by the lack of iNOS expression. The concoction also exhibited significant membrane stabilizing activity (IC50 = 0.0006 μg/ml; ). HED resulted in a significantly high induction of specific antibody production against SRBC antigens as detected by SRBC haemagglutination assay (mean day 14 titers 253.3 compared to control: 66.7) (). Conclusions. The traditional Sri Lankan concoction of C. sativum and C. fenestratum demonstrated potent in vivo anti-inflammatory activity, significant reduction of ROS, and NO production by rat peritoneal cells and the lack of iNOS expression confirmed the low NO production. The increased membrane stability also supports the anti-inflammatory activity of the concoction. Further, this concoction induced a significantly high antibody response reflecting its immunostimulatory activity. Together these results scientifically validate the therapeutic use of the concoction of C. sativum and C. fenestratum in Sri Lankan traditional medicinal system for immunomodulatory effects. 1. Introduction Many medicinal plants are found to have an array of pharmacological properties that could be applied in immunomodulation such as immunostimulants, tonic, neurostimulant, antibacterial, antiviral, antirheumatic, and anticancer [1]. In Sri Lanka, many herbs and medicinal plants are used in Ayurveda and in indigenous medicinal practices for centuries. In traditional medicine, the combination of Coriandrum sativum L. (family: Apiaceae) and Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr. (family: Menispermaceae) is used as an immunomodulator for various types of ailments including relief of pain, inflammation, cold, and other viral infections for centuries [2]. Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agents are therapeutically important since the pathogenesis of the common cold involves a complex interplay between replicating viruses and the host’s inflammatory response [3]. A decoction is made using equal amounts of seeds of C. sativum (coriander; “Kottamalli” or “Kothamburu” in Sinhala and “Kottamalli” in Tamil) and stem of C. fenestratum (calumba wood or tree turmeric, “Veniwalgatta” in Sinhala; “Maramanjal” in Tamil) is a well-known home remedy in Sri Lanka for cold and inflammations, especially during the early stage of infection [2]. These two ingredients are also constituents of the commercially available formulations called “Paspanguwa” along with three other plants parts, Zingiber officinale Roscoe., Oldenlandia corymbosa L., and Solanum surattense Burm.f.) and also in another commercial formulation called Samahan which is a combination of 14 ingredients including these two [4]. The two plant parts, seeds of C. sativum and stem of C. fenestratum, are known to have a range of uses in traditional medicine and in Ayurveda. Coriander is used for treatment for anxiety, flatulence, loss of appetite, and convulsions [5]. Coriander seeds are used as carminative, diuretic, tonic, stimulant, stomachic, cooling agent, aphrodisiac, and analgesic [6]. Coriander has been attributed to have several medicinal uses, having antidiabetic, diuretic, cholesterol lowering, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antihelmintic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects [7–11]. Stem of C. fenestratum is thermogenic, ophthalmic, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, depurative, stomachic, antiseptic, febrifuge, sudorific, and tonic [12, 13]. Stem pieces of C. fenestratum are boiled and one cup is given for a fresh, deep cut, being the most common use against tetanus [2]. The root bark is used for dressing wounds and ulcers. C. fenestratum powder is mixed with ghee and used to apply for quick healing of ulcers. For snake bite poisoning, paste of C. fenestratum and turmeric is applied. C. fenestratum is reported to have anticancer, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, and antioxidant effect and is also used to treat cholera, gastroenteritis, and bleeding piles [14–16]. The seeds of C. sativum and stem of C. fenestratum have previously been shown to have anti-inflammatory activity when tested alone and as ethanolic concoctions of individual ingredients [17, 18]. Some immunostimulatory activity has also been reported with aqueous and ethanolic concoctions of C. sativum when used as a single ingredient [19–22]. The main objective of this study was to scientifically validate the traditional use of this concoction of seeds of C. sativum and stem of C. fenestratum as an immunomodulator. More specifically, we investigated its in vivo anti-inflammatory activity using the carrageenan-induced rat paw-edema model and its effect on some of the immune cellular mechanisms including the production of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) by rat peritoneal cells, membrane stabilizing activity of the concoction, and its immunostimulatory activity in enhancing antibody response. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Materials All chemicals and consumables, unless otherwise stated, were purchase from Sigma Aldrich, USA. Wistar Albino rats and Sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were purchased from Medical Research Institute (MRI), Colombo 08, Sri Lanka. Rat glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), rat iNOS, endothelial NOS (eNOS), and neuronal NOS (nNOS) primers and random primers were obtained from Integrated DNA Technologies, USA. RT-PCR and PCR reagents including chloroform, diethyl pyrocarbonate, dNTPs, Go Taq Flexi buffer, isopropyl alcohol, MgCl2, M-MLV reverse transcriptase, RNasin®, RT buffer, and Taq polymerase were purchased from Promega Cooperation. Madison, USA. DNA (100 base pair) ladder was obtained from New England Bio Labs United Kingdom. The reference drugs, aspirin, indomethacin, and prednisolone and also the syringes, needles, surgical blades, and cannulas (18G) were purchased from State Pharmaceuticals Corporation of Sri Lanka. Tissue culture plates (24 wells and 96 wells round and flat bottom), plates for Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA), round bottom tissue culture plates were purchased from Nunc, USA, and nitrocellulose filters (2 μM) and Whatman filter papers (No. 1) were obtained from Whatman Int. Ltd., UK. Reusable rat feeding needle was purchased from Orchid Scientifics, India. 2.2. Preparation of the Concoction of C. sativum and C. fenestratum Seeds of C. sativum and stems of C. fenestratum were purchased from a reputed Ayurvedic store in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and authenticated by Dr. Chandima Wijesiriwardena at the Industrial Technology Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Voucher specimens of C. sativum and C. fenestratum were deposited at the Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology (IBMBB), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The concoction was made according to traditional Sri Lankan medicinal practice [2], by boiling 30 g each of C. sativum seeds and C. fenestratum stem in 1920 ml of water in a copper vessel till it reached approximately 240 ml. The concoction was filtered using Whatman No. 1 filter paper and freeze dried (Freezone 4.5-Labconco Corporation, USA). The human equivalent dose (HED) was calculated using the following formula [23]. 2.3. Experimental Animals Wistar strain adult male and female rats weighing 150–250 g were purchased from the Medical Research Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Rats were acclimatized for one week and randomly grouped (n = 6) according to their weights. Rats were housed in the animal house of IBMBB, University of Colombo, under standard conditions (temperature 28–31°C, photoperiod approximately, 12 hours natural day light per day, relative humidity 50–55%). The animals were fed with pellet food purchased from Diamond Stores, Colombo 06, Sri Lanka, and clear drinking water ad libitum. All experiments were conducted in accordance with the internationally accepted laboratory animal use and care, based on 3 Rs. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Research, Ethics and Higher Degrees committee of the IBMBB, University of Colombo. Animals were subjected to mild ether anesthesia for all procedures. 2.4. Assessment of In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Concoction by Using Carrageenan-Induced Rat Paw-Edema Assay Three doses of freeze-dried concoction-human equivalent dose (HED-183 mg/kg), high dose (2 × HED-366 mg/kg), and a low dose (1/2HED - 92 mg/kg), were orally administered to three groups of rats (n = 6/group). Indomethacin (5 mg/kg) was used as the reference drug (positive control) and water (2 ml) was administered to the control group. Paw volumes were measured hourly, after the carrageenan (0.1 ml of 1% carrageenan) injection on the left hind paw by using a digital Plethysmometer (Panlab sl., Barcelona, Spain) as described previously [24, 25]. 2.5. Assessment for Nitric Oxide Production by Rat Peritoneal Cells Peritoneal cells were collected as described previously [26]. Three groups of rats were orally treated with HED (the optimum dose selected), prednisolone as reference drug (10 mg/kg), and water as control. One hour after the oral treatment, 1 ml of 0.1% carrageenan (1 mg/ml) was injected to the rat peritoneal cavity. Two hours after this, 40 ml of sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was injected and approximately 35 ml of fluid was drained from peritoneal cavity. The drained peritoneal fluid was centrifuged at for 10 minutes and resuspended in 1 ml of RPMI-1640 medium containing 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) and total cell and differential cell counts were taken using a Neubauer’s haemocytometer (Neubauer, Germany). Rat peritoneal cells as described above were used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the HED against the production of nitric oxide. Cell suspension (200 μl of 1 × 10⁶/ml) was plated in 96 well tissue culture (TC) plates where 6 wells were maintained for each rat. The TC plate was incubated for 24 hours at 37°C in a 5% CO2 incubator. After 24 hours, the supernatant was collected, centrifuged at for 10 minutes, and stored at −20°C for quantification of nitrite levels. Griess assay was used to quantify nitrite levels in rat peritoneal culture supernatants by mixing 100 μl of culture supernatant with equal volume of Griess solution (equal amounts of 1% Sulphanilamide and 0.1% N-(naphtyl) ethlenediamine hydrochloride) [27]. Optical density at 540 nm was measured 15 minutes after adding the Griess solution using an ELISA microplate reader (ELx 800-Universal Microplate Reader, Biotek Instruments, Canada). A dilution series of NaNO2 standards from 100 to 0.781 μM were used to prepare nitrite standard curve. The amount of nitrites in μM was computed from the standard curve plotted for NaNO2. 2.6. Assessment for the Expression of iNOS by Rat Peritoneal Cells Total RNA was extracted from rat peritoneal phagocytic cells using the TRIzol reagent (1 ml of TRIzol to 1 × 10⁶ cells) according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Invitrogen, USA). Extracted RNA was quantified and then cDNA was synthesized using RNA (2 μg), dNTPs mixture (2 mM), random primers (500 ng), RNAsin (25 units), M-MLV reverse transcriptase enzyme (200 units), and the RT buffer (1X) and PCR was carried out for selected genes iNOS, eNOS, nNOS, and GAPDH independently using the same cDNA. Primers for rat iNOS were selected according to Linenluke et al. and thermal cycle parameters were initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 1 min, 62°C for 1 min, 72°C for 1 min, and the final extension of 72°C for 10 min [28]. Primers for other constitutive forms of NOS, eNOs, and nNOS were selected as indicated in Liu et al. (annealing temperature for rat eNOS was 60°C, whereas the annealing temperature for rat nNOS was 62°C) [29]. Rat GAPDH gene which was used as the control or house-keeping gene was also amplified with the primers indicated in Wu et al. [30]. All amplified PCR products were resolved in 2% agarose gel and visualized by the UV transilluminator (Vilber–Laumart gel documentation system). 2.7. Assessment of ROS Production in Rat Peritoneal Cells Peritoneal cells collected as described in Section 2.5 were used to evaluate the effect of the HED against the production of ROS. Concentration of cell suspensions were adjusted to 4 × 10⁵ cells/ml using complete RPMI containing 10% fetal bovine serum (cRPMI) and 8 × 10⁴ cells in 200 μl of cell suspension were plated in 24-well culture plate and the final volume/well was increased to 400 μl with 200 μl of cRPMI added to each well. For each rat, 3 wells were maintained. Diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) was used as in vitro positive control. For this, 200 μl of cell suspension obtained from a rat treated with water was plated with 200 μl of 10 μM DPI in cRPMI. Plate was incubated for 1 hour at 37°C with 5% CO2 to allow the cell attachment. After one hour, 200 μl of supernatant was removed, 200 μl of 2 mg/ml of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) with 12 μg/ml phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate was added to each well and the plate was incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C with 5% CO2. After half an hour supernatant was removed and plate was washed twice with prewarmed (37°C) PBS. The plate was fixed using 70% methanol and allowed to dry and 120 μl of 2 M KOH and 140 μl of absolute dimethyl sulphoxide were added to each well and the plate was placed on a shaker for 10 minutes. Dissolved formazan (200 μl) was transferred into 96-well ELISA plate and absorbance was read at 620 nm. The concentration of was calculated using standard NBT curve as described previously [31]. 2.8. Assessment of Membrane Stabilizing Activity of Concoction This assay was performed by heat-induced haemolysis of rat erythrocytes as described previously [26]. Ten-fold dilution series of concoction was made using PBS for concentrations from 0.0001 to 1000 μg/ml. Dilutions of Aspirin was also made using PBS for the same concentrations and used as the standard drug. PBS was used as control. Rat erythrocytes washed and resuspended in PBS (20 μl) was added to each tube containing 980 μl of each concentration of test, aspirin and control samples. Samples were first incubated at 37°C for 15 min. Cell suspensions were centrifuged at for 3 min, the supernatants were removed and the cells were resuspended in 1 ml of PBS. Samples were then incubated at 54°C for 25 min to initiate heat-induced haemolysis and centrifuged at for 5 min. Supernatants (200 μl) were transferred into an ELISA plate and the optical density (OD) was measured at 540 nm. Percentage inhibition of haemolysis was calculated with respect to the controls and inhibitory concentration (IC50) values were derived. Percent inhibition of haemolysis = [(OD control − OD sample/OD control] × 100. 2.9. Assessment of the Effect of the Concoction on Rat Antibody Production and Detection of Antibodies by Haemagglutination Test This experiment was designed to investigate the effect of oral treatment of rats with the concoction on their specific antibody production against SRBC antigens. The SRBC immunization was performed according to a modification of the previously described method [32–34]. Two groups of rats (n = 6/group) were orally treated with HED of concoction and water on days 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9. A preparation of 0.5 × 10⁹ cells of freeze-thawed SRBC was injected intraperitoneally on days 1 and 7. Serum collected on days 0, 7, and 14 was tested for anti-SRBC antibodies using SRBC haemagglutination assay [35]. Day 0 (preimmune) sera were used as the negative control, while days 7 and 14 sera were collected to ascertain the levels of antibodies after the exposure to SRBC antigen. Haemagglutination plates were incubated at 37°C for 16 hours. 2.10. Statistical Analysis Data were analyzed using the statistical package SPSS 17. Data were expressed as mean ± SD/SEM. One-way ANOVA was carried out; were considered as significant. The Mann–Whitney U test and independent t-test were carried out for small sampled tests. One-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Turkey was carried out to compare the inhibition of in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. Pearson corelation was calculated for dose dependency. 3. Results 3.1. In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Concoction All three doses of the concoction showed significant anti-inflammatory activity which was comparable to the positive control indomethacin (Figure 1). There was a significant decrease in paw volumes in all three groups, compared to water control at 3rd, 4th, and 5th hours (). The doses, 1/2HED and HED, overlapped at the first and the third hour and the ½HED showed the highest percentage inhibition in paw volumes at the fourth (83.5%) and the fifth (80.1%) hours followed by HED (72%). The percent inhibition of the double dose (2 × HED) increased gradually and reached its maximum at the 5th hour (55.6%); however, its overall anti-inflammatory effect was low compared to the other two doses (1/2HED and HED). This resulted in an inverse dose-dependent activity at 4th (r = −0.99; ) and 5th (r = −1.00; ) hours. Since HED showed a significant level of anti-inflammatory activity in the first and second phases of inflammation, it was selected as the optimum dose for further assays. The concoction reported hereafter in the results section is the HED of the concoction.
... The primary rationale for our study derives from a major recent WHO publication that has emphasized the need for robust research and clinical trials to evaluate herbal medicinal products, noting that they have been, and are, a valuable source of potentially useful remedies [4]. We have been encouraged also by the fact that at least four successful clinical trials with Sri Lankan Ayurveda medicinal products have been recently published in prestigious journals [5,6,7,8]. ...
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Introduction: Thriphala, a herbal medicinal formulation, is a bedrock of Ayurveda therapeutics with many postulated benefits. Objectives: We performed a clinical trial to test the effects of Swastha Thriphala®, a proprietary preparation of thriphala, on serum lipid parameters in patients receiving atorvastatin. Methods: Consenting adults receiving a maintenance dose of atorvastatin 10mg (Atorlip®) daily from a clinic of the Institute of Cardiology, National Hospital of Sri Lanka for lipid regulation, were randomly assigned, after counselling, to receive either the proprietary herbal medicinal product Swastha Thriphala® (Treatment Group, n= 101) or a placebo (Control Group n= 97), at the stipulated dose daily, for three calendar months. Results: In the treatment group (n=101) the addition of a proprietary preparation of thriphala formulated as caplets of Swastha Thriphala®, in the standard daily dosage for three months, as an adjunct to atorvastatin 10mg, had a significant (p<0.0001) reduction in the mean total blood cholesterol, mean cholesterol/HDL ratio (p<0.0001), and mean non- HDL-cholesterol (p<0.0001) when compared to the Control Group (n=97) receiving placebo caplets in the same daily dose, with atorvastatin 10mg, for the same period. In the Treatment Group mean HDL, LDL, HS-CRP, and triglyceride concentrations showed non-significant reductions, and nonsignificant elevations in the Control Group Conclusions: Swastha Thriphala® when used in the stipulated dosage as an adjunct to atorvastatin 10 mg daily, significantly enhances its cholesterol reducing action in patients. The use of Swastha Thriphala® as single therapy for lipid regulation, and the mode of its action deserve investigation.
... Many traditional preparations with various combinations of herbs have been used for over 1500 years to treat upper respiratory ailments, and reduce their incidence and severity [33]. In recent years, there is an increasing trend towards the production of herbal yogurts by incorporating natural food additives and health promoting substances. ...
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Yogurt or yoghurt is one of the most popular fermented dairy products worldwide which has great consumer acceptability due to its health benefits other than its basic nutrition. In general, yogurt is considered as a nutrition-dense food due to its nutrient profile and is a rich source of calcium that provides significant amounts of calcium in bio-available form. In addition, it provides milk proteins with a higher biological value and provides almost all the essential amino acids necessary to maintain good health.Yogurt is considered as a probiotic carrier food that can deliver significant amounts of probiotic bacteria into the body which can claim specific health benefits once ingested. These are usually marketed as bio-yogurts. Moreover, yogurt is reported to claim improved lactose tolerance, immune enhancement and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders. Because of these known health benefits of yogurt,consumer demand for yogurt and yogurt related products has been increased and became the fastest growing dairy category in the global market. Yogurts are now being manufactured in a numerous styles and varieties with different fat contents, flavors and textures suitable for different meal occasions and plates as a snack, dessert, sweet or savory food.
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Yogurt is a nutrient-rich food produced after bacterial fermentation of milk. Recently, numerous studies have been reported its tremendous health effects and provides several nutrients which may help to up gradation of health of vulnerable groups. It is resourceful in essential amino acids, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. It promotes gut microbial population as carrier of probiotics which control intestinal infections reduce the serum cholesterol levels and lactose intolerance and reduce the chance of cancer. It can help prevent osteoporosis, high blood pressure and obesity. Yogurt consumption is also reported to immunomodulatory effect including for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that includes gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and pouchitis. Yoghurt consumption reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes and improved insulin resistance, lower circulating levels of glucose and lower triglycerides. Yogurt is a functional food, preventive medicine, and residence treatment in the new times requires persistent and transparent public education.
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Coriandrum sativum, Datura stramonium and Azadirachta indica are traditionally used in treatment of inflammation. Ethanolic extracts of fruits of Coriandrum sativum, leaves of Datura stramonium and Azadirachta indica were subjected to preliminary screening for anti-inflammatory activity in albino rats. All ethanolic extracts exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity comparable to the standard drug Diclofenac sodium against carrageenan induced rat paw edema method. Among these plant Azadirachta indica showed maximum anti-inflammatory activity every hour
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The methanolic extract of the aerial part of Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam. (Rubiaceae) was screened for antioxidant activity using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydroxyl (DPPH) quenching assay, 2,2'-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiozoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) cation decolorization test, ferric reducing power (FRP), scavenging capacity towards hydroxyl ion (OH*) radicals and nitric oxide (NO) radical inhibition activity using established assay procedures. Total phenolics and total flavonoid contents were, also determined. The plant yielded 210 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g phenolic content and 55 mg quercetin equivalent/100 g flavonoid content. The extract exhibited high antiradical activity against DPPH, ABTS, nitric oxide and hydroxyl radicals with EC50 value of 82, 150, 130, and 170 microg/ml, respectively. The FRP increased with increasing concentration of the sample. The antioxidant activity of the extract was comparable with that of the standard butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT). High correlation between total phenolic/flavonoid contents and scavenging potential of different reactive oxygen species (R2 = 0.785-0.998) indicated the polyphenols as the main antioxidants.
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High prevalence of asthma require more attention and effective therapies since the current therapeutic approaches have high side effects nowadays new therapies like homeopathy and herbal drugs are more delighted. The study was performed on 92 patients with pure Asthma. The patients were similar concerning the age, wheezing, weekly use of spray and the drug weed. At the beginning, spirometry was done for all the patients. Then of the 1-month the patients were divided into two groups. The first group was given ginger (150 mg) every 8 hours whereas the second group received placebo. After 2 months the patients were tested for spirometry and changes on FEV1, FVC, FEF25-75, stage and clinical symptoms. In the patients (test) group which received ginger with their drugs, 19.5% showed wheezing relief and 52% showed chest tightness relief. Dyspnea was not completely disappeared in the patients. In 8.7% of the patients` higher stage to lower stage change was observed. Also the mean nocturnal coughs (3.87 to 2.6 times), the mean spray usage (6.34 to 5.04 times weekly) and the mean dyspneic attacks (3.41 to 2.41 weekly) showed clear reduction (P< 0.05). After treatment the test and control groups were analyzed. Dyspnea was 80.4% in test group and 95.6% in control group, wheezing was 78.3% in test group and 100% in control group and chest tightness was 26.1% in test group an 89.1% in control group (P< 0.05). Concerning the stage them was no clear difference between the two groups (p N.S.). After treatment, the coughing attacks in the control group was 3.21 / week and in the test group was 2.61 / week. Also the mean dyspneic attach 100 the control group was 1.89 / week and in the test group was 1.32 / week (P< 0.05). The mean FEV1, FVC and FEF25-75 in the test and control groups were not meaningful statistically (p N.S.). Therefore although the ginger dose and in out study was � it`s the therapeutic dose (1-4 gr) the ginger showed effective in reducing the asthmatic symptoms but not effective in changing the stage of the disease and spirometry findings.
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The Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey (WURSS) is an illness-specific health-related quality-of-life questionnaire outcomes instrument. Research questions were: 1) How well does the WURSS-21 assess the symptoms and functional impairments associated with common cold? 2) How well can this instrument measure change over time (responsiveness)? 3) What is the minimal important difference (MID) that can be detected by the WURSS-21? 4) What are the descriptive statistics for area under the time severity curve (AUC)? 5) What sample sizes would trials require to detect MID or AUC criteria? 6) What does factor analysis tell us about the underlying dimensional structure of the common cold? 7) How reliable are items, domains, and summary scores represented in WURSS? 8) For each of these considerations, how well does the WURSS-21 compare to the WURSS-44, Jackson, and SF-8? People with Jackson-defined colds were recruited from the community in and around Madison, Wisconsin. Participants were enrolled within 48 hours of first cold symptom and monitored for up to 14 days of illness. Half the sample filled out the WURSS-21 in the morning and the WURSS-44 in the evening, with the other half reversing the daily order. External comparators were the SF-8, a 24-hour recall general health measure yielding separate physical and mental health scores, and the eight-item Jackson cold index, which assesses symptoms, but not functional impairment or quality of life. In all, 230 participants were monitored for 2,457 person-days. Participants were aged 14 to 83 years (mean 34.1, SD 13.6), majority female (66.5%), mostly white (86.0%), and represented substantive education and income diversity. WURSS-21 items demonstrated similar performance when embedded within the WURSS-44 or in the stand-alone WURSS-21. Minimal important difference (MID) and Guyatt's responsiveness index were 10.3, 0.71 for the WURSS-21 and 18.5, 0.75 for the WURSS-44. Factorial analysis suggested an eight dimension structure for the WURSS-44 and a three dimension structure for the WURSS-21, with composite reliability coefficients ranging from 0.87 to 0.97, and Cronbach's alpha ranging from 0.76 to 0.96. Both WURSS versions correlated significantly with the Jackson scale (W-21 R=0.85; W-44 R=0.88), with the SF-8 physical health (W-21 R=-0.79; W-44 R=-0.80) and SF-8 mental health (W-21 R=-0.55; W-44 R=-0.60). The WURSS-44 and WURSS-21 perform well as illness-specific quality-of-life evaluative outcome instruments. Construct validity is supported by the data presented here. While the WURSS-44 covers more symptoms, the WURSS-21 exhibits similar performance in terms of reliability, responsiveness, importance-to-patients, and convergence with other measures.
The antitussive activity of Adhatoda vasica (AV) extract was evaluated in anaesthetized guinea pigs and rabbits and in unanaesthetized guinea pigs. AV was shown to have a good antitussive activity. Intravenously, it was 1/20-1/40 as active as codeine on mechanically and electrically induced coughing in rabbits and guinea-pigs. After oral administration to the guinea-pig the antitussive activity of AV was similar to codeine against coughing induced by irritant aerosols.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relaxant effects of the macerated and aqueous extracts of Cuminum cyminum on the tracheal chains of guinea pig. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The relaxant effects of cumulative concentrations of macerated and aqueous extracts (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 g%) in comparison with saline and theophylline (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 mM) were examined on pre-contracted tracheal chains of guinea pigs under different conditions. RESULTS: In Group 1 experiments (contracted by KCl) only the last two concentrations of theophylline and the highest concentration of macerated extract showed significant relaxant effect compared to that of saline (P<0.001 and P<0.05 for theophylline and macerated extract respectively). The effects of the last two concentrations of theophylline in this group were significantly greater than those of the macerated and aqueous extracts (P<0.001). However, in Group 2 experiments (contracted by methacholine) both the extracts and theophylline showed concentration-dependent relaxant effect compared to that of saline (P<0.05 to P<0.001). The effects of the two last concentrations of both extracts were significantly lower than those of theophylline in Group 2 experiments (P<0.05 to P<0.001). In Group 3 (non-incubated, contracted by methacholine) the extracts of Cuminum cyminum did not show any relaxant effect of tracheal chains. The relaxant effects of macerated and aqueous extracts in Groups 1 and 3 were significantly lower than those of Group 2 (P<0.05 to P<0.001). However, the effects of different concentrations of theophylline obtained in Group 1 and 2 were not significantly different. There was a significant correlation between the effects and concentrations of theophylline in Groups 1 and 2, macerated extract in Groups 2 and 3 and aqueous extract in Group 1 (P<0.05 to P<0.001). CONCLUSION: These results show a potent relaxant effect of Cuminum cyminum on guinea pig tracheal chains which may be due to a stimulatory effect of the plant on β-adrenoceptors and/or an inhibitory effect on histamine H1 receptors.