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Effect of pH, Salinity and Temperature on Aluminum Cookware Leaching During Food Preparation


Abstract and Figures

The amount of aluminum intake hazardous to human beings has been under study for quite some time and has attracted particular attention from the society as it is believed to enhance diseases like the well-known Alzheimer disease. This study measures the effect of pH, salinity and temperature of Egyptian and Indian aluminum cookware during food preparation using different water types, tap water and drinking water. In this study, the weight loss method is used to study aluminum leaching into different food solutions. Environmental scanning electron microscopy is used to study the morphology of the samples before and after exposure to the different food solutions. The Arrhenius equation is applied to find activation energies. Aluminum is found very sensitive to low and high pH as the corrosion rate increases in an alkaline environment. Corrosion rates are observed to decrease with drinking water compared to tap water. Increasing salt concentration increases the corrosion rate up to a certain value upon which a decrease is observed to reach a plateau of constant corrosion rates. This is attributed to the combination of high conductivity and oxygen solubility.
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Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 6 (2011) 6424 - 6441
International Journal of
Effect of pH, Salinity and Temperature on Aluminum
Cookware Leaching During Food Preparation
Essam A. H. Al Zubaidy1, Fathia. S. Mohammad1 and Ghada Bassioni2,*
1 Chemical Engineering Department, American University of Sharjah, UAE;
2 Chemical Engineering Departments, the Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE; on leave from Faculty
of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Received: 12 October 2011 / Accepted: 2 November 2011 / Published: 1 December 2011
The amount of aluminum intake hazardous to human beings has been under study for quite some time
and has attracted particular attention from the society as it is believed to enhance diseases like the well-
known Alzheimer disease. This study measures the effect of pH, salinity and temperature of Egyptian
and Indian aluminum cookware during food preparation using different water types, tap water and
drinking water. In this study, the weight loss method is used to study aluminum leaching into different
food solutions. Environmental scanning electron microscopy is used to study the morphology of the
samples before and after exposure to the different food solutions. The Arrhenius equation is applied to
find activation energies. Aluminum is found very sensitive to low and high pH as the corrosion rate
increases in an alkaline environment. Corrosion rates are observed to decrease with drinking water
compared to tap water. Increasing salt concentration increases the corrosion rate up to a certain value
upon which a decrease is observed to reach a plateau of constant corrosion rates. This is attributed to
the combination of high conductivity and oxygen solubility.
Keywords: aluminum cookware, leaching process, aluminum intake, salinity
Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust; existing mostly in the form
of insoluble aluminosilicate and oxides [1]. Medical researches link aluminum to various brain, blood,
and bones diseases. The cause of Alzheimer disease is still unknown, but aluminum might play a major
role for the cause of it. Aluminum often binds strongly with other substances in food such as fluoride
and phosphate, which may make it less absorbable. Studies report that beverages (tea, coffee and soft
drinks) and cereals (cakes, puddings, biscuits, breakfast cereals, bread, flour, oatmeal and rice) are the
main sources of aluminum from food. Aluminum-based food additives are widely used in bleaching,
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 6, 2011
preserving and pickling processes, and in powdered foods such as instant coffee, dried milk, and table
salt. Bread, cake, biscuits and baking powders may have high aluminum levels if they contain
aluminum food additives. In order to reduce the amount of unwanted aluminum intake from cookware,
cooking acidic foods in uncoated aluminum pans must be avoided. Many reports suggesting that
fluoride in water increases the aluminum dissolved from cooking utensils have been disproved. Even
the use of aluminum foil during food preparation is assessed to have a significant risk on human health
[2]. Aluminum is naturally present in some water. Also, aluminum sulfate is widely used in the tap
water filtration process. Aluminum intake from water is very small; yet some studies state that the
human body can easily absorb aluminum when found in water. The amount of aluminum present in
drinking water has been recommended to be below 200 µg per liter by the World Health Organization
[3]. Assuming that an adult consumes two liters of water per day, the aluminum intake would be only
0.4 mg; less than one-tenth of the average daily aluminum intake from food. Aluminum salts are added
to water supplies in virtually most areas in the world according to the European Standard based on
aesthetic considerations of water color rather than on any estimate of possible health risk. Alternative
ways of water treatment are more expensive and less effective. Some water filters will remove
aluminum from water though not all are effective. The largest source of aluminum actually comes
from municipal water supplies. Many municipal water supplies are treated with both aluminum sulfate
and aluminum fluoride. The National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
acknowledged that fluoride has been observed to have a synergistic effect on the toxicity of aluminum.
Several chemical coagulants, such as iron compounds and organic polymers, can be used instead of
aluminum-based coagulants [5]. The choice of the coagulant is based on a number of interrelated
factors. Water chemistry (e.g., pH and temperature) is the main factor that determines which type of
coagulant will perform most effectively. The most important reason why aluminum-based coagulants
are chosen is that the alternatives do not always remove pathogens and particles. If a treatment plant is
specifically designed to use alum with a certain type of water, it is not always possible to use an
alternative without adversely affecting the water quality. Aluminum found naturally in untreated water
is generally thought to be in a form that is not easily taken up by the body, and it is therefore of little
concern in terms of health effects. It is only during the alum treatment process that aluminum appears
to change into a form that may be more easily absorbed by the body. Like tap water, bottled waters
vary in their aluminum content. Aluminum may be found in some bottled waters because it occurs
naturally at the source.
Aluminum cookware, apart from other sources of dietary aluminum, is considered to be a
potential source of this metal to human beings. Various research groups report aluminum leaching
experimental results with food, beverages, and water under different experimental conditions modified
by varying the levels of pH as well as organic and inorganic ionic content. The results reported show
marked discrepancies in levels of leached aluminum. The apparent reason for such discrepancy in
leached aluminum levels can be attributed to factors such as non-systematic and non-uniform
experimental designs, non-standard conditions maintained during the experiments, and choice of
method for aluminum analysis [6].
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The complexing effect takes a very important role in the process of aluminum liberated from
cooking utensils. Increased concentrations of complexing ions (organic acids, fluoride ion, OH-, etc.)
significantly enhance the release of aluminum. The model suggests that in the pH range of most food
(pH 48); the aluminum present is predominantly in the form of organic aluminum complexes, which
is harmful to the human body [7]. Leaching of aluminum from utensils made of aluminum, indalium
(alloy of aluminum), stainless steel, and hard anodized aluminum is studied under different conditions
of pH and boiling time [8]. A low pH is found to enhance leaching of aluminum from the utensils. The
leaching is found to be the highest during first-time preparation (new utensils) of all the foods as
compared to second and third-time preparations using the same utensils. Leaching of aluminum during
the preparation of various traditional Indian foods is found to be negligible in hard anodized aluminum
utensils, indicating the advantage of using such vessels for food preparation over simple aluminum,
and indalium utensils [9].
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of pH, salinity, exposure time and
temperature on aluminum cookware during food preparation using different water types.
Egyptian and Indian aluminum cookware are chosen from the local UAE market. The
cookware are cut into small rectangular shapes with dimensions of 1x1.2 cm, and each with a small
hole of 1 mm diameter at one end in order to hang them in the water sample. These samples are
exposed to drinking water, tap water as well as the following solutions:
Solution (1): 250 ml of 40% meat extract + 250 ml of tomato juice + 10g of citric acid
Solution (2): 250 ml of 40% meat extract + 250 ml tomato juice + 10 g of citric acid+5 g of salt
Solution (3): 250 ml of 40% meat extract + 250 ml tomato juice + 20 g of citric acid + 5g of salt
Tap and drinking water are used in preparation of the above solutions.
In the present work, the weight loss method (WL) at different temperatures is used to study the
aluminum leaching into different food solution samples. The aluminum specimens are cleaned by
distilled water and acetone, dried, and weighed using a four-digit sensitive balance. After the test,
aluminum samples are cleaned by distilled water followed by acetone and reweighed again. The pH of
the solution is also measured before and after the experiment. The corrosion rate and aluminum intake
per person calculations is presented in our previous work [10]. To assure consistency, all the
experiments are performed in duplicates.
The samples are analyzed, before and after the experiment, using environmental scanning
electron microscopy (ESEM) which is connected with an energy dispersive x-ray (EDX). This test
indicates about the leaching of the metals from the initial condition. Also the picture shows the damage
of the aluminum surface.
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For the Indian samples, the corrosion rate and the aluminum intake per person in drinking
water, tap water, and the previous three food solutions are listed in Tables (1).
Table 1. Effect of food solution prepared in drinking and tap water on the Indian sample after two
hours of exposure at boiling temperatures
Corrosion Rate
Corrosion Rate
Initial pH /
Final pH
7.0 / 9.3
3.3 / 3.0
3.0 / 2.8
2.8 / 2.6
Tap water
7.3 / 9.1
3.5 / 3.6
3.4 / 3.0
3.2 / 3.0
The above solutions represent the amount of aluminum leached by food in conditions close to
the real cooking. People usually add tomato paste, lemon juice, table salt and other spices during
cooking. The results show that leaching using drinking water alone is less than the one in tap water.
The leaching is increased in food solutions prepared by drinking water while it is reduced in food
solutions prepared by tap water.
The drinking water solution shows an increase in the leaching value as the salt and citric acid
concentrations increase (Solutions (1), (2), & (3)).The pH of the solutions are 3.3, 3.0 and 2.8,
respectively. This variation in the pH seems to be the reason for such behavior with the increase of
citric acid concentration. This lies in good accord to the study done by Shuing Bi who reports that the
OH- ions significantly enhance the release of aluminum as the concentration of the complexing ions,
such as organic acids, increase [7]. Aluminum exhibits a passive behavior in aqueous solution due to
the protective compact Al2O3 film on its surface. However, the solubility of this protective film
increases in acidic and alkaline medium. According to Bi [7], the aluminum leaching in aqueous
solution may be explained by the following chemical reaction occurring on the surface of the
aluminum cookware sample:
Al2O3 + 6H+ = 2Al 3+ + 3 H2O
Where, the Al2O3 is the protective film on the whole surface (anode and cathode). The free aluminum
ions in solution react with organic acid found in food such as citric, oxalic and other complexing
ligands like hydroxyl. Most previous works have largely been concerned with the physical chemistry
of the aluminum dissolution and generally the results were thought to reflect chemical and
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electrochemical corrosion. Verissimo et al and Joshi et al report that aluminum leach more with these
additives [11, 12].
Figure (1A) shows the damage on the Indian sample that is exposed to drinking water at boiling
temperature for two hours. The figure clearly shows the severe localized attack which explains the
lower leaching value compared to tap water.
On the other hand, Figure (1B) shows the damage of the Indian sample that is exposed to
solution (1) which is prepared using tap water. The figure shows more uniform leaching.
Figure 1. ESEM of the Indian sample after two hours of exposure to boiling drinking water (A) and
Solution (1) at boiling temperature in tap water (B).
The previous results indicate that the aluminum cookware is subject to destruction by some
acidic and salty food. Rim Karbouj reported the same conclusion [13].
For the Egyptian samples, the corrosion rate and the aluminum intake per person in drinking
water, tap water, and Solutions (1), (2), & (3) are listed in Table (2). The results show the same trend
as in the Indian samples but with different leaching values.
Table 2. Effect of food solution prepared in drinking water on the Egyptian sample after two hours of
exposure at boiling temperatures
Aluminum Intake
Corrosion Rate
Corrosion Rate
Initial pH /
Final pH
7.0 / 9.1
Solution (1)
3.5 / 3.1
Solution (2)
3.2 / 3.0
Solution (3)
2.8 / 3.0
Tap water
7.3 / 9.4
Solution (1)
3.4 / 3.2
Solution (2)
3.2 / 3.0
Solution (3)
3.2 / 2.9
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Figure (2A) shows the damage on the Egyptian samples that are exposed to tap water at boiling
temperature for two hours. The leaching value is the highest among all the solutions from both
samples. The figure clearly shows that the damage is almost uniform on the whole sample.
Figure 2. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after two hours of exposure to boiling tap water (A) and to
Solution (1) at boiling temperature in drinking water (B).
The aluminum intake resulting from using drinking water alone is 21.39 mg / person, while it is
three times more in Solution (1), five times more in Solution (2), and six times more when in Solution
Figure 3. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after two hours of exposure to Solution (3) at boiling
temperature in drinking water (A) and in tap water (B).
Figures (2B) and (3) show the damages that occurred to the Egyptian samples after immersion
in Solutions (1) and (3), respectively. It is clear that the damage occurred due to Solution (3), which
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contains 20 mg of citric acid and 5 mg of salt, is more severe than the damage occurred due to Solution
(1), which only contains 10 mg of citric acid. In addition to that, the figures show that both samples are
subject to uniform and localized attack.
Figures (3A) and (3B) show the ESEM micrographs of the Egyptian sample after immersion in
Solution (3) prepared using drinking water and using tap water, respectively. The aluminum intake
values using both food solutions are almost similar; 127.62 mg per person resulting from Solution (3)
prepared using tap water and 120.77 mg per person resulting from Solution (3) prepared using drinking
water. Figure (3A) shows that the damage occurred due to the formation of localized corrosion with
little uniform corrosion. On the other hand, Figure (3B) shows that the damage occurred due to the
formation of uniform corrosion with little localized corrosion.
Using tap water, the prepared food solutions show again reduction in the leaching process
compared to tap water alone. Figures (2A) and (3B) show ESEM micrographs of the Egyptian sample
after immersion in tap water alone and in Solution (3), respectively. Figure (3B) shows that the sample
undertook some localized leaching as well as uniform leaching, which might be the reason for the low
leaching value.
The corrosion rate of the Egyptian and the Indian aluminum samples exposed to Solution (1)
prepared in tap water is 1.44 mm/yr. compared to 1.5 mm/yr. reported in a previous work [14].
3.1. Effect of immersion time
The effect of immersion time of the Indian cookware using drinking water at boiling
temperature is studied. The corrosion rate is increasing as the exposure time increases Figure (4).
The aluminum intake (mg/person) is recorded for test durations of 1-7h to be 40.3, 100.75,
120.90, 141.05, 161.20, 181.35 and 201.50, respectively.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Corrosion Rate
Test Duration (hr)
Figure 4. Effect of the time of immersion on the corrosion rate of the Indian sample in drinking water
at boiling temperature (solid line for mg/, and dotted line for mm/yr).
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The calculation of the average life of a pot having a thickness of 2 mm is based on the average
use of two hours per day. The corrosion rate corresponding to two hours is 3.4 mm/yr (Table 2). As a
result, the pots lose 7.8x10-4 mm from its thickness every day due to the use of pure drinking water
without the addition of any food, acid, or salt during food preparation. Food solutions with additives
increase the corrosion rate as seen in Table (1). If the corrosion mode is assumed to be uniform, then
the pot is damaged completely in about seven years. The life span of the pot is reduced to half in real
cooking conditions with the addition of meat, salt, acids, and spices. The life span is even more
reduced if the corrosion mode is localized, as shown in Figure (1).
Figure (5) shows that the aluminum intake per person increases continuously with the exposure
time. All the values between 40 to 200 mg per person show high levels of leaching; these values are
considered unacceptable related to the limitations and indicate a high health risk. Cooking for
additional hours, more than two, or using the pot to store food, after cooking, would increase the
leaching rate even more.
Figure 5. Effect of time of immersion on the aluminum intake of the Indian sample in drinking water
at boiling temperature.
Weight Loss
Corrosion Rate
Time Duration (hr)
Figure 6. Effect of time on the corrosion rate and weight loss of the Indian sample in tap water (solid
line for corrosion rate, and dotted line for weight loss).
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The corrosion rate and weight loss of the Indian sample in tap water at room temperature show
the same behavior of the Indian sample in drinking water at boiling temperature (Figure (6)). The
corrosion rate is lower at room temperature than at boiling temperature. Comparing the leaching rates
of both temperatures for two hours shows that it is two and a half times more at boiling temperature
than at room temperature. It is reported that aluminum leaching is significantly higher at 100°C than at
the ambient temperature [13].
Figure (7) is an ESEM micrograph of the Indian sample after 408 hours of exposure. The
damage seems to be localized, and pitting is very clear on the surface. This could be due to the long
exposure time which might lead to scale formation. The formation of scale on the surface plays an
ambivalent role; it can be positive by providing a protection of substrate or negative by forming a
poorly adherent deposit accentuating pitting at pores or other voids in the scale.
Figures 7. ESEM of the Indian sample after 408 hours of exposure to tap water at room temperature.
3.2. Effect of temperature
Figure 8. Effect of temperature on the corrosion rate of the Indian sample in drinking water (solid line
for mg/, and dotted line for mm/yr).
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The effect of temperature on the Indian aluminum sample is studied using drinking water after
two hours of exposure (Figure (8)). The corrosion rates and the aluminum intake increase with
temperature. The aluminum leaching is five times higher at 100°C than at ambient temperature; this is
in agreement with the results discussed previously. At 185°C (oven work) the leaching is even more,
and the corrosion rate is more than eight times than that at 100°C.
The aluminum intake (mg/person) is recorded for temperatures (ºC) of 23, 70, 90, 100 and 185
(pan; pan area = 552.7 cm2) to be 20.15, 40.3, 60.45, 100.75 and 333, respectively.
The rate of aluminum leaching to water and food solutions depends on the temperature. As the
temperature increases, the molecules move faster and therefore aluminum contaminate food more
frequently. It is reported that the aluminum leaching is dramatically higher at 100°C than at ambient
temperature [13]. It is also reported that cooking temperature is more important in aluminum leaching
than cooking time [15]. The only way to explain the relationship between temperature and the rate of
corrosion is to assume that the rate of corrosion depends on the temperature at which the leaching is
The temperature dependence of the corrosion rate (C.R.) could be correlated by Svante
Arrhenius equation:
C.R. = A e Ea/RT
A is the pre-exponential factor or frequency factor
Ea is the activation energy in J/mole
R is the gas constant = 8.314 J/mole K
T is the absolute temperature
The energy of activation and the frequency factor can be found from an Arrhenius plot of Log
corrosion rate against 1/T as shown in Figure (9). The activation energy for the corrosion rate (leaching
process) is equal to 26.407 KJ /mole. This can be concluded from the following explanation.
Figure 9. Activation energy measurement by applying Arrenhius equation.
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From the above equation, the value of e Ea/RT at 23 °C is equal to 2.187 x 10-5 while at 100 °C
the value is equal to 2.004 x 10-4. From these numbers, the aluminum leaching process at boiling
temperature is eight times more than the amount of aluminum leaching at room temperature. The
aluminum leaching at 185 °C is four times more than that at boiling temperature.
The effect of temperature on the Indian aluminum sample is studied using drinking water after
two hours of exposure (Figure (10)). The corrosion rates at temperatures below 100 °C are less than
that in drinking water, while at 100 °C the corrosion rate is three times more than that in drinking
water. The aluminum intake (mg/person) is recorded for temperatures (ºC) of 23, 70, 90 and 100 to be
20.15, 20.15, 40.3 and 301.93, respectively.
Figure 10. Effect of temperature on the corrosion rate of the Indian sample after two hours exposure to
tap water.
The temperature dependence of the corrosion rate (C.R.) using Arrhenius equation correlation
showed that the activation energy is approximately equal to 86.296 KJ/mole which is higher than the
value of drinking water by a factor of 3.3. This factor is also approximately equated by considering the
aluminum intake values.
From this equation, it can be seen that increasing the temperature from 70 °C to 100 °C caused
an increase in corrosion rate by more than ten times.
3.3. Effect of pH
The effect of the pH on the leaching behavior of the Egyptian cookware in salt solution (3.5
weight percent of NaCl in tap water) at room temperature, after six days of exposure, is reported in
Table (3).
Table (3) shows that the corrosion rate is high at low pH, it decreases after to a minimum pH of
6.4 then increases sharply to very high values at pH of 8 and 10. Similar behavior is reported by Wong
et al [16]. It is also reported that aluminum is very sensitive to high pH and shows a corrosion increase
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 6, 2011
in alkaline environments. This result is almost similar to previous work [14]; also, Shuping Bi
indicated that leaching enhanced dramatically in the ranges of pH < 4 or pH > 8 [7].
Table 3. Effect of pH value on the corrosion rate of the Egyptian sample after six days of exposure to
3.5% NaCl solution in tap water at room temperature
Initial pH
Final pH
Weight Loss
Corrosion rate
( -1)
6.4 (native)
Figures (11) and (12) show localized corrosion with some uniform corrosion occurring at low
pH of 1.2 and 2.8, respectively. Figure (13) shows that almost uniform corrosion is occurring with
little localized corrosion at high pH of 10.
Figure 11. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after six days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in tap
water (pH 1.2) at room temperature (20 mg).
Figure 12. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after six days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in tap
water (pH 2.8) at room temperature (9.6 mg).
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Figure 13. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after six days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in tap
water (pH 10) at room temperature (60 mg).
Figure (14) resembles the corrosion rate of Egyptian samples in 3.5 wt. % of NaCl in drinking
water at room temperature after two weeks exposure, but with huge reduction in the corrosion rate
compared to the first case. At pH of 2, 2.4, and 3.1 the localized attack is clearly noticed in Figures
(15), (16), and (17), respectively. While at pH of 6.7, there is very low uniform corrosion rate (Figure
(18)). Increasing the pH to 10 shows very severe local attack (Figure (19)); pitting is filling the whole
surface of the sample. It is previously reported that aluminum usually develops a protective surface of
oxide film upon exposure to the atmosphere or to aqueous solutions [17]. This film is responsible for
the corrosion resistance of aluminum in most environments when aluminum is exposed to high
concentration of acids or bases. This solution causes pitting corrosion to the aluminum in the presence
of chloride ions.
Corrosion Rate
Corrosion Rate
(mg/ x 10-2)
Initail pH Value
Figure 14. Effect of pH on the corrosion rate of the Egyptian sample after two weeks of exposure to
3.5% NaCl solution in drinking water at room temperature (solid line for mg/ x 10-2, and
dotted line for mm/yr).
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Figures 15. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after 14 days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in drinking
water (pH 2) at room temperature (8.4 mg).
Figure 16. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after 14 days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in drinking
water (pH 2.4) at room temperature (7 mg).
Figure 17. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after 14 days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in drinking
water (pH 3.1) at room temperature (4.4 mg).
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Figure 18. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after 14 days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in drinking
water (pH 6.7) at room temperature (0.2 mg).
Figures 19. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after 14 days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in drinking
water (pH 10) at room temperature (0.3 mg).
Figure 20. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after 14 days of exposure to 3.5% NaCl solution in drinking
water (pH 11) at room temperature (10 mg).
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The leaching in the same solution but at pH of 11 is higher than at any other pH. The mode of
reaction is a uniform corrosion; the grains and the grain boundaries are clearly shown in Figure (24).
The leaching is removing all the oxides from the surface. The above finding is in agreement with
previous works [7, 12-13].
3.4. Effect of salinity
Sea water is usually more corrosive than fresh water; this is related to the conductivity and the
penetrating power of the chloride ions through the surface. Egyptian cookware sample in various NaCl
solutions using tap water is studied for six days. This shows that the corrosion rate is increasing with
the concentration of NaCl; maximum value is at 2 wt. % of NaCl. After that, the corrosion rate
decreases to a constant value in 2.5% to 3.5%. The same behavior is reported for steel in various NaCl
solutions, but with a maximum corrosion rate in 2.7 wt. % of NaCl [13]. This is attributed to the
combination of high conductivity and the oxygen solubility to be at a maximum at this point. Solubility
of oxygen is reduced with increasing salt concentration; this is why the corrosion reduces as the
concentration increases.
Figure (21) shows the same behavior of the Egyptian samples in various NaCl solutions using
drinking water after 14 days exposure with the peak at 1.5 wt. % of NaCl.
Corrosion Rate
(mg/ x 10-2)
Wt. % NaCl
Corrosion Rate
Figure 21. Effect of NaCl concentration on corrosion rate of the Egyptian sample (solid line for
mg/ x 10-2, and dotted line for mm/yr).
Figure (22A) indicates that the corrosion mode in 1.5 wt. % of NaCl is uniform, the grains and
the grains boundaries are clearly shown in the ESEM micrograph. Also the big weight loss of 20 mg
explains this behavior, while it is only 0.2 mg in the 2.5 wt. % of NaCl solution. Figure (22B) clearly
shows the pitting on the surface after the exposure to 2.5 wt. % of NaCl solution.
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Figure 22. ESEM of the Egyptian sample after 14 days of exposure to 1.5% NaCl (20 mg) (A) and to
2.5% NaCl (B) solution in drinking water at room temperature (0.2 mg).
The amount of aluminum leaching depends on pH, salinity, temperature and time of exposure
as well as present ions in the medium. Increased ion concentration significantly increases aluminum
leaching since the complexing effect plays an important role which is studied by using tap water and
an ion-free medium, drinking water. Increasing salinity of the medium increases aluminum leaching
for both Indian and Egyptian samples under investigation with up to an effect of 6 times more than at
salt-free conditions. The aluminum intake per person increases significantly at higher cooking
temperatures. The obtained results indicate the necessity of aluminum leaching societal awareness and
call for undertaking necessary precautions either by aluminum cookware replacement or by the
cheaper option of aluminum passivation.
The authors wish to thank the American University of Sharjah and The Petroleum Institute in Abu
Dhabi, UAE, for financial support.
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17. A.Y. El-Etre, Corrosion Sci., 45 (2003) 2485.
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... This may help to reduce iron deficiency (Jain, 2018). Aluminium cookware, not together with other sources of dietary aluminium, is well-thought-out to be a potential source of this metal to human beings (Al Zubaidy et al., 2011). Studies have shown that the aluminium level in food is great, and food cooked with aluminium utensils has a higher aluminium content which can be detrimental to healthy individuals and particularly to patients with chronic renal failure (Al Zubaidy et al., 2011). ...
... Aluminium cookware, not together with other sources of dietary aluminium, is well-thought-out to be a potential source of this metal to human beings (Al Zubaidy et al., 2011). Studies have shown that the aluminium level in food is great, and food cooked with aluminium utensils has a higher aluminium content which can be detrimental to healthy individuals and particularly to patients with chronic renal failure (Al Zubaidy et al., 2011). ...
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Cooking materials are important factors that basically intended to provide covering, protection and consumers' choice of food products. The objective of the study was to determine the vitamin profile and minerals in the serum of rats fed maize-plantain pudding cooked using different leaves and metallic plates. Different maize-plantain pudding samples were prepared using plantain and maize flour blended together 1:1 ratio. In the animal study, thirty rats were divided into six groups of five rats each. Rats in Group A served as control. Group B rats were given Tween 80. Rats in Groups C, D, E and F were fed pudding prepared using plantain leaves, ginger leaves, aluminium plates and cast iron plates respectively. The rats in each group were allowed free access to feed and clean drinking water throughout the period of the experiment for 28 days. Mineral analysis was done using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Vitamin profile was determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that serum minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus) and total vitamin content were significantly higher in rats fed with pudding prepared using ginger leaves when compared with plantain leaves, cast iron plate and aluminium plate. The serum iron content was significantly higher in rats fed pudding prepared using cast iron plate compared to other groups. Therefore, the use of locally accessible and consumable leaves and cast iron plates or utensils may be encouraged in diet preparation.
... However, there has the potential of the discharge of MP and NP polluted wastewater (e.g., brine) degrades water quality and eventually affecting the potable and industrial usage (Panagopoulos, 2022). Mohammed et al. (2011) investigated leaching of aluminum cooking utensils in tap and drinking water by varying salinity, pH, and temperature. It was observed that drinking water has less corrosion rates with respect to tap water. ...
... Similar existing studies have either solely reported the MP contamination in water distribution systems (Koelmans et al., 2019) or the effect of individual parameters on the leaching of materials like plastic (Xu et al., 2019) and aluminum (Mohammed et al., 2011). However, there is no such studies investigated the role of pipe materials on the leachability of MP/NP. ...
The role of the water distribution system (WDS) requires that it supply water of sufficient quality to households. Unregulated leaching of micro and nanoplastics from plastic pipes of the distribution system is therefore a cause for concern, particularly with the rise in research associating these plastic particles to adverse health impacts in living organisms. Within this study, four parameters (pH, free chlorine concentration, pipe material, and time) were varied in a pipe loop network to observe their effect on microplastic (MP) and nanoplastic (NP) leaching into the simulated distribution network. Results indicated an abundance of MPs/NPs in different shapes and sizes throughout the samples. Graphical trends illustrated that basic pH values contributed to a higher number of particles. Statistical analysis via analysis of variance (ANOVA) confirmed this observation and further showed interaction of chlorine dose and pH concentration (p-value = 0.000), and chlorine dose and pipe material (p-value = 0.038) was also significant to leaching. Numerically, polyethylene (PE) particles were the most abundant with a total of 15194 particles, followed by 12920 polypropylene random copolymer (PPR) particles and 12317 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) particles. It was also noticed that the number of particles decreased with time.© 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
... In addition, Fatunsin et al. (2022) found that non-stick pans provide the highest concentration of Al leaching in an alkali medium (Fatunsin et al. 2022). Similarly, other studies supported that Al leaching is sensitive to high or low pH, and the lowest concentration occurs under drinking water conditions (Al Zubaidy et al. 2011;Jekle et al. 2016). This was also explained by acidic or alkaline pH damaging the protective oxide layer, resulting in dissolution (Rajwanshi et al. 1999). ...
The study aimed to elucidate metal transitions from cooking utensils to the solutions at different pH. Alkaline, acidic, drinking water solutions were boiled in themost preferred cooking utensils determined by a survey. The metal concentrations were measured using ICP-MS for Aluminium, Iron, Nickel, and Lead. Theresults showed that the most preferred utensils were stainless-steel, granite, teflon and cast-iron. There was a considerable difference between the transition amounts of the metals in acidic and alkaline solutions depending on the cookware.Cooking in stainless-steel, teflon, and cast-iron lead to metal concentrations exceeding WHO guidelines in acidic and alkaline media.Granite was the safest pot to cook in all media. Different brands of utensils made of the same material showed different amounts of metals released in different environmental conditions. Choosing the right cooking utensil and standardizing the metal release is important to minimize heavy metal exposure and the related health impacts.
... Aluminum is widely used in the industry for the production of these utensils mainly because it is an easily obtainable material with good malleability, thermal conductivity, ease of clean up, and durability (Odularu et al., 2013;Stahl et al., 2018). Despite these industrial benefits, aluminum can easily leach into food due to factors such as the type of aluminum utensils used, exposure time, cooking temperature, salinity, pH, fat content, and food composition in general (Al Zubaidy et al., 2011;Bassioni et al., 2012). Another secondary factor of aluminum exposure is the use of aluminum foil in food preparation and culinary practices. ...
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Contexto: El Alzheimer es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que no solo se presenta en población adulta, sino que algunos casos también se han presentado en personas de menor edad. Esto ha llevado a que se realicen investigaciones relacionando la ingesta de aluminio (el cual es considerado un precursor de esta enfermedad) y su fuente de ingesta, que en muchos casos es provenientes del consumo de alimentos. Objetivo: Establecer mediante una revisión literaria una visión general de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y su relación con el aluminio consumido a través de la ingesta de alimentos. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de literatura, usando como herramientas las bases de datos Scopus, Science Direct, SpringerLink, Scielo, ResearchGate, Web of Science e Google schoolar. Además, se contó con información proveniente de sitios web. Resultados: Se encontraron investigaciones donde se asocia la ingesta de aluminio en diferentes formas con la aparición de Alzheimer. Asimismo, se hallaron estudios en los cuales se demostraron la presencia de residuos de aluminio en distintos alimentos preparados, por la migración directa o indirecta de utensilios, agua o aditivos utilizados en su preparación. Conclusiones: Se pudo identificar que algunos alimentos pueden ser una alta fuente de ingesta de aluminio debida a la lixiviación, a la absorción directa del suelo o por la adición de este elemento a través de aditivos o colorantes. Esto ha generado conciencia debido a la relación existente entre este metal y la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
... Temperature, pH, the duration of contact, and the presence of several food additives including sugar, salt, and organic acids are factors that affect the amount of Al leaching from (Al) utensils (Semwal et al., 2006). Cooking and storing food in (Al) cookware after cooking will accelerate (Al) leaching even more (Al Zubaidy et al., 2011). Yokel (2016) found that 72 hours of tomato puree storage in an (Al) pan increased the amount of (Al) in the mixture. ...
... Corn, yellow cheese, salt, herbs, spices, tea, and tap water can all be good places to start looking for Al [77]. Al can be abundant in natural and processed foods [78][79][80][81][82][83]. Not all plants have the same Al uptake [84,85]. ...
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Heavy metal and metalloid poisoning in the environment and food has piqued the public’s interest since it poses significant hazards to the ecological system and human health. In food, several metals, including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), tin (Sn), manganese (Mn), and aluminium (Al), and metalloids, including arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and selenium (Se), pose a severe threat to human health. It is of utmost importance to detect even minute quantities of these toxic elements and this must be efficiently determined to understand their risk. Several traditional and advanced technologies, including atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), spectrofluorimetry, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, e-tongues, electrochemical aptasensors, Raman spectroscopy, and fluorescence sensors, among other techniques, have proven highly beneficial in quantifying even the minute concentrations of heavy metals and metalloids in food and dietary supplements. Hence, this review aims to understand the toxicity of these metals and metalloids in food and to shed light on the emerging technologies for their detection.
... Cookware has been reported to be a likely source of heavy metal leaching into beverages, water, and food under diverse experimental conditions modified by varying the levels of citrate, chlorides, fluorides, pH, and acetate [32]. Studies have further confirmed that leaching of heavy metals is dependent on pH, temperature, age of the cookware, and the presence of complexing agents from the alloys used in making the cookware [26] [28] [33]. ...
... L'acide citrique favorise l'absorption intestinale de l'Al, en inhibant la précipitation du métal et en augmentant sa solubilité, ce qui facilite le passage par la barrière intestinale (Froment et al., 1989;Taylor et al., 1998). Contrairement au phosphate, fluore et silice qui peuvent se lier à l'Al et forment des complexes insolubles et moins absorbables par la muqueuse intestinale (Spencer et al., 1980;Al Zubaidy et al., 2011). Selon Aguilar et al. (2008) et Zhou et al. (2008, l'absorption d'Al via le tractus gastro-intestinal peut être améliorée en présence de citrate, de maltol, de lactate et de fluorure proviennent de l'eau ou des aliments, et lors de maladies rénales chroniques, tandis que l'absorption est réduite chez les personnes présentant une surcharge en fer ou en cas d'ingestion de phosphate, silicium, polyphénols et acide sialique. ...
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Omniprésent dans notre vie quotidienne, l’aluminium (Al) est l’un des éléments traces métalliques les plus dangereux pour la santé humaine. Nous y sommes exposés quotidiennement, par l’alimentation, l’application d’antitranspirants, l’utilisation d’antiacides, la vaccination, etc. L’exposition est donc inévitable, et chaque jour des taux modérés de ce métal pénètrent dans l’organisme et sont capables de s’accumuler dans certains organes. Malgré cela, la majorité de la population humaine n’est pas à risque évident de toxicité aluminique, puisque notre corps est équipé de plusieurs mécanismes qui ne permettent pas une absorption et une accumulation faciles, et facilitent son élimination. Par conséquent, une très faible quantité d’Al atteindra les différents organes et tissus (poumons, foie, cerveau, etc.). Une exposition élevée à l’Al entraîne des effets toxiques pulmonaires, gastro-intestinaux, cardiovasculaires, hématologiques, musculosquelettiques, neurologiques, hépatopancréatiques, etc. Les populations les plus exposées sont les patients dialysés, les consommateurs d’antiacides à long terme, et les professionnels de l’Al.
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The present study examined the migration of elements from aluminum cooking pots to foods after the cooking process. This study investigated the impact of pot quality (manufacturer), pot type (traditional or pressure cooker), water supply (tap water/mineral water), food acidity, salt, spices, temperature, and cooking time on the migration of elements into cooked food. The cooking experiments were conducted to simulate the actual cooking conditions. Standard food simulant B, with 3% (w/v) acetic acid, was used in subsequent cooking trials to confirm the results. Three methods were employed to analyze the elements in the food: ICP-MS, EDS-SEM, and XPS. The cooking pots used in this investigation were examined using a Spectromaxx metal analyzer to characterize their chemical composition. The concentration of aluminum in cooked food samples increased significantly when using an aluminum pressure cooker. Food acidity, cooking duration, and the type of aluminum pot (traditional/pressure cookers) all affected the concentration of elements that migrated into the food. The aluminum level increased from 80.17 to 133.7 µg/g when tomato sauce was added to the food. Increasing the heating time resulted in an increased aluminum content (157.9 µg/g) in the cooked food. Aluminum pressure cookers exhibited the highest amount of aluminum migration into the food. Foods cooked in a pressure cooker made by manufacturer (3) contained the highest aluminum content (252.7 µg/g), which increased the risk of exceeding the daily intake limit of aluminum. The prepared food samples under all conditions showed a safe health profile for daily intake of all elements (Fe, As, Cd, and Pb), except for Al, which exceeded the daily intake limit when using pressure cookers for extended cooking times. The results of element migration into food simulants were consistent with those of food samples. The results confirmed that SEM-EDS and XPS techniques are not suitable for quantifying the elements that migrated into food samples due to their detection limits.
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Essential metals are imperative at every stage of human life. Their inclusion in consumer products has been seen over the years. Essential metals are used as fillers in paints. Fillers are granular solids incorporated to impart toughness and texture. The present study was conducted to evaluate the concentrations of essential metals from different manufacturers of paints with special emphasis on their health effects. Six metals, including Cr, Co, Ca, Ti, Mg and Al, were quantified using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry. On comparative basis, fourteen paint manufacturers depicted the white paints had the highest concentrations of Ca (10,400.0 mg/kg), Ti (3,170.0 mg/kg) and Al (4,300.0 mg/kg) while green, chocolate and pink paints had the highest concentrations of Co (37.4 mg/kg), Mg (99, 510.0 mg/kg) and Cr (225.0 mg/kg), respectively. The highest concentrations were found in unregistered manufacturers except for Ti. Ti as a filler must have been used to thicken the film, support its structure and simply increase the volume of the paint. The problem of metals knowing what could be a safe exposure and recognising a hazardous exposure has been noted. While we could not make these judgments, it would be wise to adopt a precautionary approach and reduce human exposure to essential metals in paints to a practicable minimum. The toxicity of these metals can cause potential health hazards. Keywords: Essential Metals; Fillers; Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry; Paint Manufacturers
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Modern humans replaced Neandertals ∼ 40,000 y ago. Close to the time of replacement, Neandertals show behaviors similar to those of the modern humans arriving into Europe, including the use of specialized bone tools, body ornaments, and small blades. It is highly debated whether these modern behaviors developed before or as a result of contact with modern humans. Here we report the identification of a type of pecialized bone tool, lissoir, previously only associated with modern humans. The microwear preserved on one of these lissoir is consistent with the use of lissoir in modern times to obtain supple, lustrous, and more impermeable hides. These tools are from a Neandertal context proceeding the replacement period and are the oldest specialized bone tools in Europe. As such, they are either a demonstration of independent invention by Neandertals or an indication that modern humans started influencing European Neandertals much earlier than previously believed. Because these finds clearly predate the oldest known age for the use of similar objects in Europe by anatomically modern humans, they could also be evidence for cultural diffusion from Neandertals to modern humans.
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The intake of aluminum from cooking utensil is of growing concern to the health of the community. In the present work, leaching of aluminum from aluminum utensils in different food solutions was investigated. Two aluminum utensil of different origin were chosen from the available local market. Minced meat was used with two types of water, drinking and tap. Two techniques for analysis were used, weight loss (WL) measurement and inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed little variation between the whole meat and meat extract solution. The latter was chosen for all experimental work. Different solutions were examined starting from water, different concentrations of meat extract, 40% meat extract solution with tomato juice, citric acid, and table salt. The results of the two measurements were almost consistent. The amount of leaching of aluminum was found to be high in the cooking solutions using all the above additives. According to the world health organization (WHO), the obtained values can be considered to be unacceptable related to their limitations which indicate a high risk to the consuming community.
1991) confirmed other previous research that foods cooked in iron utensils were greater in iron content than foods cooked in non-iron utensils. Since many people have an iron deficiency due to inadequate intake of iron, one might suggest that all cooking utensils be iron. Iron is an essential mineral necessary for the production of heme of hemoglobin in the blood and myoglobin in muscles. The principal dietary sources of iron are green leafy vegetables, whole grains and cereals, and red meats. Effect of Aluminum and Iron Utensils on Food In the past, people used iron cooking kettles and skillets to cook foods. In recent years, non-iron utensils constructed of aluminum and stainless steel have been the most common metallic compounds used in the production of cookware used in homes and institutions. Reasons for using these metals include weight of the equipment and ease of cleaning. Stainless steel surfaces do not combine with compounds present in foods and therefore have little effect on the appearance and flavors of food. Stainless steel does not rust and is very durable. Some cooking utensils used in homes are made from glass. Glass surfaces do not combine with reactive materials (unless the glass contains high amounts of lead) in food and are good containers. However, glass utensils are seldom used for institutional food preparation because of breakage. A principal problem with both iron and aluminum is that these metals can react with compounds present in food to adversely affect the color and flavor of food products. For example, when tomato sauces are cooked in uncoated aluminum utensils, the sauce darkens; when potatoes are fried in an iron skillet, they darken or turn grey; and when eggs are cooked or fried on an iron surface, the green compound, ferrous sulfide is formed. Iron in the ferrous state is also known to catalyze oxidation of fats which cause the development of off-flavors in food.
The interactions between food and aluminium packaging can be a potential source of aluminium release which can contribute to aluminium ingestion in the human body. Hence, it is important to identify the possible effects of such an interaction. The purpose of this study was to compare the aluminium content and the pH levels of three different types of sauces, packaged in aluminium packaging at two different temperatures and at two different periods in time. A three way analysis of variance test was utilized and the samples were stored at 22 °C (ambient room temperature) and at 50 °C. Stored samples showed minor changes in the aluminium contents when compared with fresh samples. Negligible changes in pH levels over the entire length of the study were observed for all three samples. The results of this study suggest that there is little cause for concern about possible aluminium accumulation in sauces packaged in aluminium packaging.
Corrosion of 99.999% Al in 1M NaCl at pH 11 was studied at naturally occurring as well as artificial pits. Electrolytic solution extracted from within natural pits was found to have a pH between 3 and 4. Solution extracted from within artificial pits and complexed with ferron exhibited a UV spectrum that indicated that 84% of the dissolved Al was present as monomeric species, and the remainder as polymeric species. The 27Al NMR spectrum of solution extracted from artificial pits was found to be similar to that of synthetic solutions of Al(OH)2Cl and Al(OH)Cl2. The saturation concentration of the monomeric salts was found to be about 3M, and the pH at 90% of saturation was about 3. Implantation of Fe ions into the surface of pure Al through a 5 μm diam mask was discovered to create a site which, upon immersion at -0.5V SCE, corroded preferentially and thus acted as a nucleation site for pit growth. The current density at such single corrosion pits was determined directly by electrochemical measurement of current and by optical measurement of surface area, and was found to decrease during pit growth with the square root of time. The current density was in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions based on the hypothesis that the corrosion rate was mass transport controlled by the dissolution of an aluminum oxychloride salt film formed by precipitation of dissolution products.
Aluminium is not an essential element to humans, and is considered to be a toxic metal ion. Since Al pans are the most commonly used cooking utensils in rural places an acoustic wave sensor was developed to quantify the amount of metal leaching when cooking some recipes. Sensitive layer of the sensor consists of a membrane with a specific ionophore for the aluminium, in a PVC/plasticizer matrix. Red cabbage samples cooked with different acidic additives (lemon juice, wine vinegar and cider apple vinegar) showed that low pH values increased leaching of aluminium. Red cabbage cooked with lemon juice at pH 2.6 showed 5.1 mg Al/100 g red cabbage. Tomato sauce cooked with and without sugar, showed 2.7 ± 0.2 and 4.9 ± 0.2 mg Al/100 g tomato sauce, respectively. The same samples, stored in aluminium containers in a refrigerator for 48 h, showed 2.8 ± 0.2 and 5.0 ± 0.2 mg Al/100 g tomato sauce, respectively. Results obtained with the new piezoelectric aluminium sensor are not statistically significant different ( α = 0.05), both in terms of accuracy and precision, from the ones obtained by UV–vis methodology.
The use of aluminium utensils for cooking provides an important route for aluminium metal to enter foods. Leaching of aluminium from utensils made of aluminium, indalium (alloy of aluminium), stainless steel and hard anodised aluminium was studied under different conditions of pH and boiling time. Low pH was found to enhance leaching of aluminium from the utensils. The leaching was found to be the highest during first-time preparation (new utensils) of all the foods as compared with second-and third-time preparations using the same utensils. Leaching of aluminium during the preparation of various traditional Indian foods was found to be negligible in hard anodised aluminium utensils, indicating the advantage of using such vessels for food preparation over simple aluminium and indalium utensils. Cereals contribute a smaller amount of aluminium to the total daily intake than legumes. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry
Concern over the possible relation between environmental aluminium exposure and Alzheimer''s disease has prompted studies of all forms of human intake of this element including that from foods. Aluminium cookware, apart from other sources of dietary aluminium, is considered to be a potential source of this metal to human beings. Various research groups have carried out aluminium leaching experiments with food, beverages and water under different experimental conditions modified by varying the level of pH, chloride, fluoride, citrate, acetate etc. The results reported by different workers show marked discrepancies in levels of leached aluminum. The apparent reason for such discrepancy in levels of aluminum leached can be attributed to factors such as non-systematic and non-uniform experimental designs, non-standard conditions maintained during the experiments and choice of method for aluminium analysis. In order to assess accurately the contribution of aluminium ingestion by human beings through aluminium cookware, the present review emphasises the need of i) standard size aluminium plates obtained from the same lot for one set of experimentations; ii) real life cooking conditions to highlight the role of various complexing species present in food e.g. citrate, oxalate, acetate, tartrate etc.; iii) role of chemistry of aluminium in presence of acidic, basic and neutral cooking medium and iv) strict analytical control in the estimation of aluminium. Results of a systematic study by the authors conducted on the abovementioned lines are also described.
The inhibitive action of the mucilage extracted from the modified stems of prickly pears, toward acid corrosion of aluminum, is tested using weight loss, thermometry, hydrogen evolution and polarization techniques. It was found that the extract acts as a good corrosion inhibitor for aluminum corrosion in 2.0 M HCl solution. The inhibition action of the extract was discussed in view of Langmuir adsorption isotherm. It was found that the adsorption of the extract on aluminum surface is a spontaneous process. The inhibition efficiency (IE) increases as the extract concentration is increased. The effect of temperature on the IE was studied. It was found that the presence of extract increases the activation energy of the corrosion reaction. Moreover, the thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption process were calculated. It was found also that the Opuntia extract provides a good protection to aluminum against pitting corrosion in chloride ion containing solutions.
In this investigation, the effect of cooking treatments (60min at 150°C, 40min at 200°C, and 20min at 250°C) on aluminium contents of meats (beef, water buffalo, mutton, chicken and turkey) baked in aluminium foil were evaluated. Cooking increased the aluminium concentration of both the white and red meats. The increase was 89-378% in red meats and 76-215% in poultry. The least increase (76-115%) was observed in the samples baked for 60min at 150°C, while the highest increase (153-378%) was in samples baked for 20min at 250°C. It was determined that the fat content of meat in addition to the cooking process affected the migration of aluminium (r(2)=0.83; P<0.01). It was also found that raw chicken and turkey breast meat contained higher amounts of aluminium than the raw chicken and turkey leg meat, respectively. Regarding the suggested provisional tolerable daily intake of 1mg Al/kg body weight per day of the FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, there are no evident risks to the health of the consumer from using aluminium foil to cook meats. However, eating meals prepared in aluminium foil may carry a risk to the health by adding to other aluminium sources.