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Abstract and Figures

Rosuvastatin is a new generation HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor which exhibits some unique pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic properties. It has low extrahepatic tissue penetration, low potential for CYP3A4 interactions and substantial LDL-C lowering capacity and therefore has distinct advantages. We conducted a Medline literature search to identify rosuvastatin papers published in English. In this review, we outline the pharmacology of rosuvastatin, highlighting its efficacy and safety. We also review the major clinical trials with reference to primary and secondary prevention, familial hypercholesterolaemia and comparison with other statins. Finally we address its place in clinical practice.
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Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 17–33
doi: 10.4137/CMC.S4324
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Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 17
Rosuvastatin: A Review of the Pharmacology and Clinical
Effectiveness in Cardiovascular Disease
Ahai Luvai1, Wycliffe Mbagaya1, Alistair S. Hall2 and Julian H. Barth1
1Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Leeds General Inrmary, LS1 3EX. 2The Yorkshire Heart Centre, Leeds General
Inrmary, LS1 3EX. Corresponding author email:
Abstract: Rosuvastatin is a new generation HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor which exhibits some unique pharmacologic and
pharmacokinetic properties. It has low extrahepatic tissue penetration, low potential for CYP3A4 interactions and substantial LDL-C
lowering capacity and therefore has distinct advantages. We conducted a Medline literature search to identify rosuvastatin papers pub-
lished in English. In this review, we outline the pharmacology of rosuvastatin, highlighting its efcacy and safety. We also review the
major clinical trials with reference to primary and secondary prevention, familial hypercholesterolaemia and comparison with other
statins. Finally we address its place in clinical practice.
Keywords: rosuvastatin, cardiovascular risk, statins, low density lipoprotein cholesterol
Luvai et al
18 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6
Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is the leading cause of
mortality worldwide and constitutes a major health
burden. According to World Health Organisation
(WHO) statistics it accounts for 12.8% of deaths, with
stroke and other cerebrovascular disease accounting
for a further 10.8%. In the United Kingdom, data from
the Health Surveys for England suggest that while
mortality may be declining, cardiovascular disease
morbidity continues to rise. Epidemiological studies
have established a strong correlation between choles-
terol and the incidence of cardiovascular disease. The
associated morbidity and mortality is positively corre-
lated to low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)
and inversely related to high density lipoprotein cho-
lesterol (HDL-C).1,2
Statins are 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme
A (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors that are effec-
tive in the reduction of total and LDL cholesterol.3
A number of large randomized control trials have
demonstrated unequivocally that lowering LDL-C
particularly with statins reduces the risk of cardiovas-
cular deaths and events.4 HMG CoA inhibitors have
been shown to prevent initial cardiovascular events
and subsequent cardiovascular events in ischaemic
heart disease patients, irrespective of the cholesterol
concentration.5,6 In addition to the benecial choles-
terol lowering effects, statins improve endothelial
function, enhance stability of atherosclerotic plaques,
and inhibit inammatory as well as thrombogenic
responses in arterial walls.7 Furthermore extensive
post marketing surveillance has shown that long term
statin therapy is generally well tolerated.8
The lipid lowering arms of Anglo-Scandinavian
Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) and Antihyper-
tensive and Lipid Lowering Treatment to Prevent
Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT) showed the benet of
statin therapy in primary prevention of cardiovascu-
lar events.9,10 The 4S study was the rst study con-
clusively linking a statin with improved outcomes in
patients with coronary heart disease. It established
simvastatin as the most common LDL-C lowering
treatment for patients with CHD in northern Europe.11
Subsequently, more studies including results of the
Treating to New targets (TNT) trial have shown that
intensive lipid lowering (atorvastatin 80 mg) sig-
nicantly reduces the risk of recurrent cardiovas-
cular events compared to standard lipid lowering
( atorvastatin 10 mg) in stable CHD patients.12 Other
clinical trials using various statins have conrmed
similar benecial effects for ameliorating cardiovas-
cular risk in specic groups such as patients with dia-
betes, heart failure and renal failure. Early detection
and treatment with statins has been shown to reduce
morbidity and mortality in those with heterozygous
familial hypercholesterolaemia.13
The reduction in cardiovascular events from sta-
tin therapy is proportional to the LDL-C reduction.
A 1.0 mmol/L reduction in LDL-C results in a 20%
decrease in major coronary events and revasculari-
sation.14 Larger reductions in LDL-C are associated
with greater reductions in cardiovascular events, so
more potent statins result in greater cardiovascular
risk reduction. The drive towards more stringent goals
for LDL-C lowering in cardiovascular risk prevention
has brought high impact statin therapy into focus.12
Different statins have varying effects on LDL-C
reduction with rosuvastatin producing the greatest
reduction and uvastatin the least.15 Statins vary in
their lipophilicity and metabolism. These affect their
extrahepatic tissue penetration and drug interactions
with potential safety implications. Rosuvastatin which
is a new generation HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
exhibits some unique pharmacologic and pharma-
cokinetics properties.16 It has low extrahepatic tissue
penetration, low potential for CYP3A4 interactions
and substantial LDL-C lowering capacity and may
therefore have some advantages. Its potential impact
in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascu-
lar disease in different groups including heart failure,
elderly, renal failure and diabetes, and also in combi-
nation with other lipid lowering drugs is the subject
of ongoing clinical studies.
In this review, we will outline the pharmacology of
rosuvastatin; highlight its efcacy and safety. We will
also review clinical studies with reference to primary
and secondary prevention, familial hypercholestero-
laemia and comparison with other statins. Finally we
will address its place in clinical practice.
Rosuvastatin is a fully synthetic HMG-CoA reductase
inhibitor. Other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors are
either natural, mevinic acid derived (lovastatin, simvas-
tatin, pravastatin) or synthetic, heptenoic acid derived
(atorvastatin, uvastatin). Rosuvastatin belongs to a
Rosuvastatin—what role in cardiovascular disease prevention?
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 19
new generation of methane- sulphonamide pyrimidine
and N-methane sulfonyl pyrrole-substituted 3, 5-
dihydroxy-heptenoates. Although the characteristic
statin pharmacophore remains similar to other statins,
the addition of a stable polar methane-sulphonamide
group provides low lipophilicity and enhanced ionic
interaction with HMG-CoA reductase enzyme thus
improving its binding afnity to this enzyme.16–18
Rosuvastatin competitively inhibits HMG-CoA
reductase enzyme selectively and reversibly. This
enzyme converts HMG-CoA to mevalonic acid in the
cholesterol biosynthetic pathway which is the rate lim-
iting step in cholesterol synthesis. Rosuvastatin there-
fore decreases hepatic sterol synthesis, which, in turn,
leads to a decreased concentration of hepatocellular
cholesterol. Hepatocytes respond to this decreased
intracellular cholesterol concentration by increased
synthesis of LDL receptors to enhance hepatic LDL
reuptake from the circulation. The net result of this
process is an increased fractional catabolism of LDL
which reduces serum LDL-C concentration and total
cholesterol.19,20 Statins also reduce production of ApoB
leading to reduced hepatic output of very low density
lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) and triglycerides.21
In patients with homozygous familial hypercholes-
terolaemia, rosuvastatin decreases LDL-C despite
absence of functional LDL receptors. This may be sec-
ondary to marked inhibition of cholesterol synthesis
which decreases LDL production. Rosuvastatin has
demonstrated comparable reductions in triglyceride
(TG) concentrations to other statins with the greatest
benet seen in patients with high baseline TG levels.
Studies have shown rosuvastatin to increase HDL-C
by 8%–12% with no clear relationship between the
dose and response, although the increase is greatest
in patients with low baseline HDL-C levels.22,23 This
may be due to reduction of cholesterol ester transfer
protein (CETP).24
The afnity of rosuvastatin for the active site of
the enzyme is four times greater than the afnity of
HMG-CoA for the enzyme. It has the highest afn-
ity for HMG-CoA reductase among statins marketed
in Europe. This high afnity coupled with tight ionic
interaction result in a slow recovery of enzyme activ-
ity after removal of rosuvastatin.25 Since it is a hydro-
philic statin, rosuvastatin relies on the organic anion
transporting polypeptide-1B1 (OATP-1B1), which
is strongly expressed on the hepatocyte basolateral
membrane, as the key mechanism for active transport
into hepatocytes. Its afnity for OATP-1B1 is com-
parable to atorvastatin but signicantly greater than
pravastatin or simvastatin. Rosuvastatin is therefore
primarily distributed to hepatocytes while peripheral
concentrations are low.26
As observed with other statins, rosuvastatin
has pleiotropic effects independent of HMG-CoA
reductase inhibition. These include improvements in
endothelial function, anti-inammatory, antithrom-
botic and anti-oxidant effects.27 Rosuvastatin and
other statins improve endothelial function by increas-
ing the production of endothelial nitric oxide and
reducing the production of oxygen derived free radi-
cals. This in turn reduces endothelial dysfunction that
has been implicated in atherosclerosis. Rosuvastatin
reduces high sensitivity C reactive protein (hsCRP)
which is a marker of inammation and an indepen-
dent cardiovascular risk predictor and other inam-
matory markers.28 Rosuvastatin inhibits platelet
aggregation to leukocytes which inhibit formation of
clots in injured endothelium.29
The oral bioavailability of rosuvastatin is 20%, which
is comparable to atorvastatin, pravastatin and uvas-
tatin, and qualitatively higher than simvastatin and
lovastatin. After a single oral dose the peak plasma
concentration is reached at 5 hours. This is longer
than other HMG-CoA inhibitors which achieve maxi-
mum plasma concentrations in less than 3 hours. In
compiled data from pharmacokinetic trials, the peak
plasma concentration and area under the concentra-
tion time curve show a largely linear relationship as
the dose of rosuvastatin increases from 5 to 80 mg.
Food intake decreases the rate of absorption of rosu-
vastatin by 20% but not the extent of absorption. This
does not reduce the cholesterol lowering potency;
therefore rosuvastatin can be taken with or without
food, and in the morning or evening.16,17,30
Approximately 90% of rosuvastatin is protein
bound mainly to albumin; other statins have approxi-
mately 95% protein binding except pravastatin which
has a lower protein binding of 50%. The mean vol-
ume of distribution is 134 litres in steady state.
Rosuvastatin is less lipophilic than other statins such
Luvai et al
20 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6
as atorvastatin and simvastatin but more lipophilic
than pravastatin. Penetration of statins into extra-
hepatic tissues occurs by passive diffusion and is
dependent on their lipophilicity. This has implica-
tions on their muscle safety as increased rhabdomy-
olysis was reported in patients on lipophilic agents
like cerivastatin and lovastatin.31,32
Human hepatocyte studies indicate that rosu-
vastatin is a poor substrate for metabolism by cyto-
chrome P450 and hence 90% of the drug is excreted
unchanged. CYP2C9 is the main isoenzyme involved
in metabolism with minimal effect from CYP2C19.33
Rosuvastatin is metabolised to an N-desmethyl
metabolite which is less potent than the parent drug
in inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase activity. The par-
ent drug rosuvastatin is responsible for approxi-
mately 90% of plasma HMG-CoA inhibitor activity.
Rosuvastatin is less likely to cause metabolic drug to
drug interactions since it has limited metabolism by
CYP isoenzymes. Other HMG-CoA reductase inhibi-
tors such as atorvastatin and simvastatin are metabo-
lised via CYP3A4. Their plasma concentrations are
increased by inhibitors of CYP3A4 such as itracon-
azole, protease inhibitors and macrolide antibiot-
ics.16,30,33 Table 2 compares the pharmacokinetics of
different statins.
Rosuvastatin has a plasma half life of 19 hours
which is longer than atorvastatin (15 hours) and sim-
vastatin (2–3 hours). It is primarily eliminated in the
faeces (90%) compared with 10% renal excretion.
Approximately 72% of absorbed rosuvastatin is elim-
inated in bile and 28% via renal excretion.33
Clinical Trials
There have been a number of clinical studies eval-
uating rosuvastatin on its own, against placebo and
against other statins in various clinical settings.
Rosuvastatin in primary prevention
Clinical studies have demonstrated the benets of
statins in primary prevention. This is believed prin-
cipally to be secondary to reduction in LDL-C, high
sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and elevation
of HDL-C though other effects are recognised. The
Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaborators (CTT)
meta-analysis established that a 1 mmol/L reduction
in LDL cholesterol results in a 20% reduction in car-
diovascular risk.14 The benet of statins in low risk
populations was demonstrated in the Management of
Elevated Cholesterol in the Primary Prevention Group
of Adult Japanese (MEGA) study where reduction of
cholesterol using pravastatin 10 mg reduced cardio-
vascular events by 33%.35
JUPITER (Justication for the Use of Sta-
tins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluat-
ing Rosuvastatin) marked an important juncture
in primary cardiovascular disease prevention with
statins. The participants had a mean Framingham
risk score at baseline of 11.6% and would other-
wise not have qualied for lipid lowering therapy.
They were apparently healthy individuals with nor-
mal levels of LDL-C (,3.4 mmol/L) and increased
hsCRP (.2 mg/L). The hsCRP threshold value of
2 mg/L is the approximate median hsCRP value
after 30 days of statin therapy. It originated from
secondary prevention trials and in particular the
PROVE-IT-TIMI-22 (Pravastatin or Atorvastatin
Evaluation and Infection Therapy—Thrombolysis
In Myocardial Infarction) and A to Z (Aggrastat to
Zocor) which showed that achieving this level of
hsCRP was associated with improved cardiovascu-
lar outcomes.36 JUPITER was a randomised, double
blind, placebo-matched, multicentre trial conducted
at 1315 sites in 26 countries. 17,802 participants
received either 20 mg of rosuvastatin, or matched
placebo, and were followed up every six months.
12 months into the study, the rosuvastatin group had
a 50% lower median LDL-C, 37% lower median
hsCRP and 17% lower median triglyceride level
(P , 0.001 for all three comparisons) which per-
sisted to study completion. The observed increase in
HDL-C was transient. Results showed that rosuvas-
tatin was associated with a signicant reduction in
rst major cardiovascular events (HR 0.56; 95% CI,
0.46 to 0.69; P , 0.00001) which was the primary
endpoint. Reductions were further seen in the inci-
dence of the individual components of the trial end
point including myocardial infarction (54%), stroke
(48%), arterial revascularisation (47%), unstable
angina and death from cardiovascular causes. This is
important as up to 50% of all myocardial infarctions
and strokes occur in patients with LDL cholesterol
concentrations that are considered normal.37 The
benets were largely similar for men and women,
and were observed in all subgroups including age,
ethnicity, region and cardiovascular risk score.
Rosuvastatin—what role in cardiovascular disease prevention?
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 21
Previously, there has been limited data on statin ben-
ets in women, black and Hispanic patients.
Since the results of JUPITER were initially
published, several secondary subgroup analyses of
the study population have been reported. Participants
with a 10 year low baseline risk (,5%) beneted
less than those with risk .5%. Participants with a
10 year intermediate baseline risk by Framingham
(5%–20%) experienced incremental absolute risk
reductions that were proportional to their global
risk.38 In a different subgroup analysis, participants
at high global risk (10 year Framingham score
.20%) showed no additional benet for the com-
bined endpoint of myocardial infarction, stroke and
Table 1. Trial acronyms.
Acronym Full meaning
AFCAPS Air Force/Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study
ALLHAT Antihypertensive and Lipid Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial
ASCOT Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial
ANDROMEDA A raNdomized, Double-blind, double-dummy, multicentre, phase IIIb, parallel-group study to
compare the efcacy and safety of Rosuvastatin (10 mg and 20 mg) and atOrvastatin (10 mg and
20 mg) in patiEnts with type 2 DiAbetes mellitus
ASTEROID A Study to Evaluate the Effect of Rosuvastatin on Intravascular Ultrasound-derived Coronary
Atheroma Burden
A to Z Aggrastat to Zocor
AURORA A Study to Evaluate the Use of Rosuvastatin in Subjects on Regular Haemodialysis: An
Assessment of Survival and Cardiovascular Events
CARDS Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study
CENTAURUS Comparison of the Effects Noted in The ApoB:ApoA-I ratio Using Rosuvastatin or Atorvastatin in
Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
CORALL Cholesterol Lowering Effects of Rosuvastatin compared with Atorvastatin in patients with type 2
CORONA Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Trial in Heart Failure
COSMOS Coronary Atherosclerosis Study Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin Using Intravascular
Ultrasound in Japanese Subjects
4D Deutsche Dialyse Diabetes Study
GEOSTAT Hepatic Metabolism and Transporter Gene Variants Enhance Response to Rosuvastatin in
Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
GISSI-HF Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Supravvivenza nell’Insufcienza cardiaca
IDEAL Incremental Decrease in Endpoints through Aggressive Lipid Lowering
JUPITER Justication for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin
LIPID Long-term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease
MEGA Management of Elevated Cholesterol in the Primary Prevention Group of Adult Japanese
METEOR Measuring Effects on Intima Media Thickness: an Evaluation of Rosuvastatin
MIRACL Myocardial Ischaemia Reduction with Aggressive Cholesterol Lowering
ORION Outcome of Rosuvastatin Treatment on Carotid Artery Atheroma: a Magnetic Resonance Imaging
PLUTO Paediatric Lipid Reduction Trial of Rosuvastatin
PROVE-IT Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy
PULSAR Prospective Study to Evaluate Low Doses of Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin
4S Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study
SATURN Study of Coronary Atheroma by Intravascular Ultrasound: Effect of Rosuvastatin versus
SHARP Study of Heart and Renal Protection
SPACEROCKET Secondary Prevention of Acute Coronary Events – Reduction of Cholesterol to Key European
Targets Trial
STELLAR Comparison of the Efcacy and Safety of Rosuvastatin Versus Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, and
Pravastatin Across Doses
TNT Treating to New Targets
URANUS Use of Rosuvastatin versus Atorvastatin in type 2 diabetes mellitus
WOSCOPS West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study
Luvai et al
22 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6
cardiovascular death (HR 0.50; 95% CI, 0.27 to 0.93)
when compared with subjects who had an intermedi-
ate Framingham risk score.39
Another series of sub analyses have looked at lipid
proles and hsCRP particularly in relation to residual
cardiovascular risk. In all of them, participants who
achieved low concentrations of hsCRP in addition to
low values of the lipid parameters of interest had the
best outcome. When hsCRP is included in enrolment
of primary prevention, rosuvastatin produced greater
benet when compared with other statins.40
These results compare favourably with other
primary prevention trials using different statins.
WOSCOPS (West of Scotland Coronary Prevention
Study) showed that pravastatin 40 mg in men with
moderate hypercholesterolaemia reduced incidence
of myocardial infarction and cardiovascular death by
31%.41 Similarly, AFCAPS (Air Force/Texas Coro-
nary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study) demonstrated
that lovastatin 20–40 mg daily reduced risk of rst
major coronary event by 37% in men and women with
average LDL-C and below average HDL-C when
compared with placebo.42 In the ASCOT lipid low-
ering arm, atorvastatin 10 mg reduced the incidence
of myocardial infarction, stroke and cardiovascular
death by 36% compared to placebo.9 Figure 1 shows
the CHD event reduction in primary prevention trials.
Rosuvastatin in secondary prevention
The benecial effects of statin therapy in patients
with ischaemic heart disease are well known. The 4S
study showed that simvastatin 20 mg to 40 mg daily
signicantly reduced major coronary events, coro-
nary death and overall mortality in patients post-MI
or those with ischaemic heart disease.43 In the LIPID
study (Long-term Intervention with Pravastatin in
Ischaemic Disease), pravastatin 40 mg reduced car-
diovascular events and mortality in patients with
history of myocardial infarction or unstable angina
with different baseline lipid proles.44 Other studies
Cardiovascular event rates in statin trials
Primary prevention statin trials
Event rate × 100 patient/yr
Figure 1. CHD event rate in primary prevention trials.
Table 2. Pharmacokinetics of statins.
Comparative pharmacokinetics of statins
Parameter Rosuvastatin Atorvastatin Simvastatin Pravastatin Fluvastatin Pitavastatin Lovastatin
Tmax (h) 3 2–3 1.3–2.4 0.9–1.6 0.4–2.1 0.6–0.8 2–4
Bioavailability 20 12 5 18 24 80 5
Lipophilicity No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
88 80–90 94–98 43–55 .98 96 95
Metabolism Minimal
CYP3A4 CYP3A4 Sulfation
& urine
CYP2C9 Minimal
Metabolites Active (minor) Active Active Inactive Inactive Active
T1/2 (h) 19 15 2–3 1.3–2.8 1.2 10–11 2.9
10 2 13 20 6 NA 10
90 70 58 71 90 90 83
Note: Data from Soran et al.34
Abbreviations: Tmax, time to peak plasma concentration; T1/2 (h), half life.
Rosuvastatin—what role in cardiovascular disease prevention?
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 23
have also established the benets of treatment after
myocardial infarction.
a) Stable coronary heart disease (CHD)/Arrest
and regression of atherosclerosis
The TNT trial comparing atorvastatin 80 mg with
atorvastatin 10 mg, investigated whether inten-
sive treatment to achieve LDL-C ,1.81 mmol/L
was associated with better outcomes. Mean LDL-C
of 2 mmol/L was realised with intensive treatment.
A relative risk reduction of 22% was achieved for
the primary outcome which was the occurrence
of a rst major cardiovascular event.12 The IDEAL
study (Incremental Decrease in Endpoints through
Aggressive Lipid Lowering) compared the effect of
atorvastatin 80 mg and simvastatin 20 mg on cardio-
vascular outcomes. There were signicant reductions
in non fatal acute myocardial infarction and in other
secondary composite endpoints, with no difference
in cardiovascular or all-cause mortality. Statistical
signicance was not demonstrated for the prespeci-
ed primary clinical outcome which was time to rst
occurrence of major coronary event.45 In as much as
there have been no clinical outcome data for second-
ary prevention with rosuvastatin, a number of studies
have compared their effect on surrogate markers and
achievement of treatment goals. The STELLAR study
(Comparison of the Efcacy and Safety of Rosuvasta-
tin Versus Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, and Pravastatin
Across Doses) showed that at different doses, rosuvas-
tatin reduced total cholesterol better than other statins,
and triglycerides better than simvastatin and pravas-
tatin. Additionally a larger proportion of rosuvasta-
tin patients achieved National Cholesterol Education
Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III)
LDL-C targets when compared with atorvastatin.46,47
PULSAR (Prospective Study to Evaluate Low Doses
of Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin) showed that in
hypercholesterolaemic patients with vascular occlu-
sive disease rosuvastatin 10 mg was better than ator-
vastatin 20 mg at reducing LDL-C, improving other
lipid parameters and enabling achievement of US and
European treatment goals.47–49 Table 3 shows current
LDL-C treatment targets.
Several studies have suggested that reduction
in plaque volume is linked to the clinical outcome.
ASTEROID (A Study to Evaluate the Effect of
Rosuvastatin on Intravascular Ultrasound-derived
Coronary Atheroma Burden) investigated the
impact of high dose rosuvastatin on regression of
atherosclerosis. The results showed that rosuvasta-
tin 40 mg produced signicant reduction in LDL-C
(53% from baseline; P , 0.001), increase in HDL-C
(14.7% from baseline; P , 0.001) and regression
of atheroma volume in the most diseased coronary
arteries in 78% of participants. A median reduction
of 6.8% in atheroma volume was recorded by IVUS
(intravascular ultrasound). It must be noted that the
study was non-comparative and open label.50 Other
studies including ORION (Outcome of Rosuvastatin
Treatment on Carotid Artery Atheroma: a Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Observation) and METEOR
(Measuring Effects on Intima Media Thickness:
an Evaluation of Rosuvastatin) demonstrated that
rosuvastatin 40 mg achieved a 49% LDL-C reduc-
tion and slowed progression of atherosclerosis as
assessed by carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT)
but did not result in regression of CIMT. The lack
of plaque regression may have occurred because
low risk patients with minimal subclinical carotid
atherosclerosis were used in the study. The COS-
MOS (Coronary Atherosclerosis Study Measuring
Effects of Rosuvastatin Using Intravascular Ultra-
sound in Japanese Subjects) study found that rosu-
vastatin achieved signicant reduction of coronary
plaque volume with good safety in stable Japanese
CHD patients.51,52 The recently concluded SATURN
(Study of Coronary Atheroma by Intravascular Ultra-
sound: Effect of Rosuvastatin versus Atorvastatin)
Table 3. Current LDL-C treatment goals.
Guideline Risk Target
ESC Very high risk
High risk
Moderate risk
,1.8 mmol/L or
50% reduction if
target unachievable
,2.5 mmol/L
,3 mmol/L
JBS 2 High risk 2 mmol/L
$2 risk factors
0–1 risk factors
,100 mg/dL
(2.6 mmol/L)
,130 mg/dL
(3.4 mmol/L)
,160 mg/dL
(4.2 mmol/L)
Abbreviations: ESC, European Society of Cardiology; JBS 2, Joint
British Societies Guidelines on Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
in Clinical Practice; NCEP ATP III, National Cholesterol Education
Programme Adult Treatment Panel III.
Luvai et al
24 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6
study compared maximal doses of rosuvastatin and
atorvastatin on coronary atheroma. It reported that
although rosuvastatin achieved lower LDL-C and
higher HDL-C, both agents produced similar per-
centage reduction in atheroma volume.53
b) Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
The NCEP ATP III guidelines recommend that
intensive statin treatment should be used in patients
admitted with acute coronary syndrome.47 The Euro-
pean Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the American
College of Cardiology (ACC) have recommended
LDL-C levels of 1.8 mmol/L as the optimal target
for very high risk patients (established CHD, type I
diabetes with end organ damage, moderate to severe
chronic kidney disease (CKD) or a SCORE level
.10%).48 Several studies have provided evidence of
the additional LDL-C lowering achieved by intensive
statin therapy.
The PROVE-IT study found that intensive treat-
ment with atorvastatin 80 mg was better than
pravastatin 40 mg at preventing death and major car-
diovascular events following ACS.54 The A to Z study
which compared 40 mg and 80 mg of simvastatin
demonstrated a benet which did not reach statistical
signicance, while the MIRACL (Myocardial Ischae-
mia Reduction with Aggressive Cholesterol Lower-
ing) study showed that early intensive treatment with
atorvastatin 80 mg after ACS led to a 16% reduction
in death, acute MI, unstable angina and cardiac arrest,
compared with placebo.55 Meta-analyses of intensive
statin trials have also shown that intensive treatment
provides benet above lower intensity treatment in
prevention of myocardial infarction and strokes in
patients with known coronary disease irrespective of
the baseline LDL-C. The CENTAURUS (Comparison
of the Effects Noted in The ApoB:ApoA-1 ratio Using
Rosuvastatin or Atorvastatin in Patients with Acute
Coronary Syndrome) study showed that 20 mg rosu-
vastatin produced similar changes in ApoB:ApoA-1
ratio at 3 months when compared with atorvastatin
80 mg. Previous studies have identied ApoB:ApoA-1
ratio as an important predictor of myocardial infarc-
tion. In the same study rosuvastatin 20 mg achieved
similar LDL-C reduction as atorvastatin 80 mg. This
study therefore showed that rosuvastatin 20 mg is
as effective as atorvastatin 80 mg in intensive statin
therapy.56 In SPACEROCKET (Secondary Prevention
of Acute Coronary Events—Reduction of Cholesterol
to Key European Targets Trial), a larger proportion of
patients on rosuvastatin 10 mg achieved ESC, ACC
and American Heart Association (AHA) optimal
LDL-C target of less than 1.81 mmol/L when com-
pared to those on simvastatin 40 mg. A crucial obser-
vation of this study was that in both treatment arms,
most patients did not achieve these targets, highlight-
ing the importance of intensive statin therapy to meet
these goals. The superior lipid lowering effect of
rosuvastatin makes it a good candidate for intensive
lipid lowering.57
Rosuvastatin in women
Previous primary prevention trials have poorly dem-
onstrated reduction in coronary events in women. In
JUPITER the relative risk reduction in the primary
end point and overall mortality was similar in men
and women. Although women beneted more than
men with regard to revascularisation/unstable angina,
no signicant benet was seen for myocardial infarc-
tion, stroke or death from cardiovascular causes.58
Rosuvastatin in the elderly
Randomised control trial (RCT) data are limited
regarding statin efcacy in the elderly. 5695 partici-
pants from JUPITER were .70 years at recruitment.
They accounted for 49% of the conrmed primary
end points in the trial. Analysis of this group showed
an absolute risk reduction of the primary end point
48% greater than that observed in younger subjects.
There were no serious safety concerns raised for this
age group compared with younger subjects.59
Rosuvastatin in renal disease
Advanced kidney disease is associated with high
cardiovascular morbidity and death. RCT evidence
has shown an inconsistent relationship between car-
diovascular outcome and LDL-C in haemodialysis
patients. WOSCOPS showed benet only in mild
stages of CKD (eGFR . 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2).
In JUPITER, participants with moderate CKD ben-
eted as much as those with preserved renal function
in terms of primary end point reduction and faired
better for all-cause mortality.60
AURORA (A Study to Evaluate the Use of Rosu-
vastatin in Subjects on Regular Haemodialysis:
An Assessment of Survival and Cardiovascular
Rosuvastatin—what role in cardiovascular disease prevention?
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 25
Events) investigated the effects of rosuvastatin on
cardiovascular risk in haemodialysis patients. It was
a randomised, double blind, placebo-matched, multi-
centre trial involving 2776 patients aged 60–80 years.
Good median reductions were achieved in LDL-C
(42.9%), total cholesterol (26.6%), triglycerides
(16.2%) and hsCRP (11.5%). Despite these reduc-
tions, there was no signicant effect of treatment on
the composite primary end point (time to a major
cardiovascular event) or its individual components
(nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or
death from cardiovascular causes). This lack of ef-
cacy was seen in all prespecied subgroups includ-
ing diabetes, known CHD, hypertension, elevated
hsCRP and high HDL-C. Thus, no relationship was
demonstrated between cardiovascular end points and
either baseline or follow up LDL-C. A further evalu-
ation of secondary outcomes showed no reduction
in all-cause mortality or non-cardiovascular death.61
Similar results have been obtained from the 4D
study which looked at atorvastatin.62 In contrast to
these studies, the SHARP (Study of Heart and Renal
Protection) study which compared a combination
of simvastatin 20 mg and ezetimibe 10 mg to pla-
cebo, found 17% reduction in major atherosclerotic
events per 0.85 mmol/L reduction in LDL-C in CKD
patients.63 The implication of these ndings is that
some of the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
in haemodialysis patients may not be mediated by
atherogenic processes.
Rosuvastatin in diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased risk
of coronary heart disease. In the UK Prospective
Diabetes Study (UKPDS), every 1 mmol/L incre-
ment in LDL-C was associated with a 57% increase
in relative risk of coronary heart disease. Further-
more, the LDL-C of diabetic patients predicted their
risk of stroke.64 CARDS (Collaborative Atorvastatin
Diabetes Study) showed that atorvastatin 10 mg led
to a reduction in cardiovascular events and strokes in
diabetes patients without high HDL-C and no prior
history of cardiovascular disease.65 This has strength-
ened the need for statin therapy for primary preven-
tion in diabetes patients. Sub-group analyses of 4S
showed the benets of simvastatin in reducing major
coronary events and revascularisation in diabetic
patients with coronary heart disease. However, the
reduction in total and cardiovascular mortality was
not signicant due to the small sample size.66
A randomised double blind double-dummy, multi-
centre, phase IIIb, parallel-group study to compare the
efcacy and safety of rosuvastatin (10 mg and 20 mg),
and atorvastatin (10 mg and 20 mg) in patients with
type 2 diabetes mellitus (ANDROMEDA) showed
that rosuvastatin produced greater reductions in
LDL-C, ApoB and total cholesterol when compared
with equal doses of atorvastatin. A greater proportion
of patients on rosuvastatin achieved European LDL-C
goals compared to those on atorvastatin.67 The COR-
ALL (Cholesterol Lowering Effects of Rosuvastatin
compared with Atorvastatin in patients with type 2
diabetes) study showed that rosuvastatin produced
greater reductions in ApoB:ApoA-1 ratios, LDL-C
and total cholesterol in diabetic patients with mod-
erate dyslipidaemia.68 The superior effect of rosu-
vastatin compared with atorvastatin in reduction of
LDL-C was also demonstrated in the URANUS (Use
of Rosuvastatin versus Atorvastatin in type 2 diabetes
mellitus) study.69
Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH)
Many FH guidelines recommend a .50% reduction
of LDL-C in heterozygous FH. Studies comparing dif-
ferent lipid lowering regimens demonstrate that only
high impact therapy with rosuvastatin 40 mg or ator-
vastatin 80 mg achieves this goal when administered
as monotherapy.70 In all other circumstances, combi-
nation therapy with ezetimibe, bile acid sequestrants,
brates, nicotinic acid or sh oils is often required.71
There are no randomised control trial (RCT) outcome
data with these combinations in FH. Whereas it is
accepted that LDL apheresis and plasmapheresis are
suitable treatments for homozygous FH, there are no
RCTs comparing LDL apheresis and drug treatment
alone. The use of LDL apheresis in heterozygous FH
patients is thus unclear and at present maximal drug
therapy is the preferred treatment.
Rosuvastatin in heart failure
The CORONA (Controlled Rosuvastatin Multina-
tional Trial in Heart Failure) investigated the effect of
rosuvastatin 10 mg in patients with New York Heart
Association functional class II-IV systolic heart fail-
ure from ischaemic heart disease. The CORONA
study did not establish any reduction in composite
Luvai et al
26 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6
cardiovascular outcome and death despite favourable
effects on LDL-C, triglycerides, HDL-C and CRP.
The use of rosuvastatin did however reduce hospitali-
sation from cardiovascular causes.72 A similar trend
was found in the GISSI-HF study in which only 40%
of patients had ischaemic heart failure. In the GISSI
HF (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Supravvi-
venza nell’Insufcienza cardiac) study, rosuvastatin
10 mg had no effects on primary and secondary end-
points when compared with placebo.73 The two stud-
ies show that rosuvastatin did not have extra benet
in reduction of cardiovascular mortality in patients
with ischaemic and non-ischaemic heart failure.
Rosuvastatin in children
Studies in children with heterozygous FH have shown
the safety and efcacy of statins, including their
effect on carotid intima thickness and arterial ow
mediated dilation.74 PLUTO (Paediatric Lipid Reduc-
tion Trial of Rosuvastatin) investigated the efcacy
and safety of incremental doses of rosuvastatin in
achieving LDL-C treatment targets of ,110 md/dL
(2.87 mmol/L). A daily dose of rosuvastatin 5, 10 and
20 mg lowered LDL-C by 38, 45 and 50% respec-
tively, with 40% of participants achieving the target.
68% of participants achieved the less stringent goal
of LDL-C ,130 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L). This is far bet-
ter than the adult FH population in who only 22% and
37% will achieve this LDL-C on 20 and 40 mg of
rosuvastatin respectively. The effects on other lipid
parameters and safety were consistent with other sta-
tin studies in adults and children.75
JUPITER showed a 51% reduction in ischaemic
stroke with rosuvastatin, though no benecial effects
were observed for transient ischaemic attacks or hae-
morrhagic strokes. These benets were present in all
patient groups including women, non smokers and
other low risk patients. There was a 39% relative
risk reduction of stroke per 1 mmol/L reduction in
LDL-C. The benecial effects were most marked for
those who achieved LDL-C ,1.8 mmol/L and hsCRP
,2 mg/L.40 Previous studies with other statins such
as WOSCOPS and MEGA did not show signicant
reduction in stroke.41,35 Rosuvastatin not only reduces
the risk of stroke as shown in JUPITER but also slows
the rate of progression of carotid atherosclerosis as
observed in the ORION and METEOR studies.51
There has not been any study investigating the effect
of rosuvastatin in the secondary prevention of strokes
in patients with previous history of stroke. The
SPARCL study showed that intensive statin therapy
with atorvastatin 80 mg daily resulted in signicant
reduction in recurrent stroke.76 A secondary analy-
sis of the SPARCL study found that the effect was
greater in patients with established carotid stenosis
at baseline. Intensive therapy with rosuvastatin may
yield similar benets.
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
HIV patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy
are increasingly found to have hypercholesterolae-
mia and hypertriglyceridaemia. Prospective studies
have also shown that these patients have increased
incidence of cardiovascular events.77 Current guide-
lines recommend statins to treat dyslipidaemia in
HIV patients on HAART. Since 90% of rosuvastatin
is excreted unchanged in bile with only 10% metab-
olised by CYP2C9 and CYP2C19, rosuvastatin has
minimal drug–drug interactions with most antiretro-
viral drugs metabolised by CYP3A4.78
Protease inhibitors such as ritonavir, saquinavir and
atazanavir inhibit OATP-1B1 the transporter protein
involved in the hepatic cell uptake of rosuvastatin. This
leads to higher serum rosuvastatin concentrations in
patients taking protease inhibitors. It is recommended
that lower doses of rosuvastatin are used in patients
taking protease inhibitors. There are no known drug
interactions between rosuvastatin and non nucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs).79
A large retrospective cohort study in America found
that rosuvastatin produced the largest reduction in
LDL-C, non-HDL-C and triglycerides when compared
with atorvastatin and pravastatin. It also produced the
highest proportion of patients achieving target LDL
and non-HDL-C without a difference in toxicity pro-
le when compared with atorvastatin and pravastatin.80
The British HIV association recommend the use of
rosuvastatin in patients receiving HAART.77
In the pooled safety data of controlled Phase II/II trials,
the incidence of adverse events during rosuvasta-
tin therapy was comparable to those of other statins.
Rosuvastatin—what role in cardiovascular disease prevention?
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 27
Subsequent meta-analysis of clinical trials and post
marketing experience have consistently shown that
rosuvastatin has a comparable safety prole to other
available statins when used at 10 mg to 40 mg daily
dose.8 In JUPITER, hepatic injury, myopathy and can-
cer did not occur more frequently with rosuvastatin than
with placebo, despite the fact that LDL-C , 55 mg/dL
(1.4 mmol/L) were achieved in half of the rosuvas-
tatin group.40 AURORA reported a high incidence of
adverse and serious adverse events which is consistent
with previous studies in haemodialysis patients.61
A recent large prospective cohort study of primary
care patients from 368 general practices in England
and Wales reported ndings from 225,922 patients
who commenced statin therapy between 2002 and
2008. There were no clinically signicant associations
between any statins and Parkinson’s disease, rheuma-
toid arthritis, venous thromboembolism, dementia,
osteoporotic fracture, gastric cancer, lung cancer,
melanoma, renal cancer, breast cancer and prostate
cancer. The study further showed that with the excep-
tion of uvastatin, all statins were associated with a
dose dependent increased risk of myopathy. A direct
comparison test between the individual statins did
not yield a signicant difference in men (P = 0.57)
or women (P = 0.61). All statins were associated with
a dose dependent increased risk of liver dysfunction.
The highest risk was associated with uvastatin while
pravastatin and rosuvastatin had the lowest risks.
Table 4 shows the hazard ratios of developing myo-
pathy or liver dysfunction with different statins.
Rosuvastatin at every prescribed dose compared
favourably with other statins with regard to liver
dysfunction, myopathy, cataract, oesophageal cancer
and acute renal failure.81 A meta-analysis of ran-
domised controlled trials on statins showed that there
was a positive association between statins and the inci-
dence of diabetes. The combined data reported a 0.39%
absolute risk of developing diabetes with 4 years of
statin therapy. The risk was higher in older partici-
pants of the statin trials. The absolute risk of develop-
ing diabetes was 0.6% with rosuvastatin (JUPITER,
CORONA), 0.4% with atorvastatin (ASCOT-LLA)
and 0.3% for simvastatin (4S). Paradoxically, there
was a reduced incidence of diabetes with pravastatin
(WOSCOPS, LIPID). It therefore appears that the risk
of developing diabetes is marginally higher with rosu-
vastatin compared to other statins.82 Other studies that
involved rosuvastatin such as JUPITER, CORONA
and GISSI HF all had an increased incidence of diabe-
tes in the patients receiving rosuvastatin compared to
placebo.40,72,73 The overwhelming benet of statins in
the reduction of cardiovascular events outweighs the
small risk of developing diabetes therefore statin ther-
apy should be used in patients with high cardiovascular
risk. All statins can cause myopathy and rhabdomyol-
ysis especially at higher doses. Combination of statins
with other medications may lead to increased risk if
these medication increase plasma concentrations of
the statins. Cases of rhabdomyolysis have been report
in patients on medications which increase plasma con-
centrations of rosuvastatin such as gembrozil, lipo-
navir and ritonavir. Table 5 shows drugs which can
interact with rosuvastatin.
One unique effect of rosuvastatin is the dose depen-
dent transient proximal isolated low- molecular-weight
Table 4. Adverse outcomes of statins.
Adverse outcomes Statin Hazard ratio ♀ (95% CI) Hazard ratio ♂ (95% CI)
None 1.00 1.00
Simvastatin 3.30 (2.32–4.69) 6.11 (4.79–7.80)
Atorvastatin 2.62 (1.42–4.84) 8.18 (5.82–11.50)
Fluvastatin Insufcient data 1.20 (0.17–8.53)
Pravastatin 2.68 (0.99–7.25) 5.79 (3.07–10.91)
Rosuvastatin 5.41 (2.64–11.07) 4.19 (1.86–9.45)
Moderate/severe liver
None 1.00 1.00
Simvastatin 1.62 (1.41–1.86) 1.79 (160–2.01)
Atorvastatin 2.00 (1.64–2.44) 1.86 (1.55–2.24)
Fluvastatin 3.08 (2.14–4.43) 2.37 (1.66–3.38)
Pravastatin 1.91 (1.37–2.65) 1.13 (0.78–1.62)
Rosuvastatin 1.31 (0.87–1.97) 1.46 (1.01–2.11)
Data from Hippisley-Cox et al.81
Luvai et al
28 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6
proteinuria which appears to have no effect on
glomerular function.
The STELLAR study showed the greater efcacy of
rosuvastatin in improving LDL-C, triglycerides and
HDL-C. It is the most effective statin at increasing
HDL-C and has a positive effect on apolipoprotein
and lipid ratios. Most of the lipid modifying benet
observed in the study was achieved at a 10 mg daily
dose.46 PULSAR compared the efcacy and safety of
rosuvastatin 10 mg with atorvastatin 20 mg in high risk
patients with vascular occlusive disease. Rosuvastatin
10 mg was better than atorvastatin 20 mg at improv-
ing LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides and ApoB/ApoA-1
ratio. It also enabled a greater proportion of treated
patients to NCEP ATP III and ESC goals.49 Table 6
compares the efcacy of different statins.
Intermittent rosuvastatin
Several small studies have reported that alternate-day
therapy with rosuvastatin has important benets in
addition to improving the lipid prole. These include
limitation of adverse reactions, enhanced patient com-
pliance and reduced cost of treatment.83 Other stud-
ies have looked at weekly rosuvastatin for patients
with previous statin intolerance. One study achieved
reductions of 23% in LDL-C, 17% in total choles-
terol, 12% in triglycerides and an increase of 5% in
HDL-C in patients who had a prior history of adverse
reactions to one or more statins.84 These alternative
dosing regimens have not been proven to reduce car-
diovascular risk. A few studies have started report-
ing the effects of pulsed combination drug therapy
involving rosuvastatin in their regimens.85
Combination therapy
Very high risk patients or those with severe dyslipi-
daemia often require combination therapy to achieve
treatment goals and enhance lipid prole modica-
tion. In one study combination of rosuvastatin 5 mg
to 20 mg with fenobric acid demonstrated signi-
cant efcacy in lowering triglycerides and increasing
HDL-C when compared with rosuvastatin alone. Fur-
thermore the combination of rosuvastatin with feno-
bric acid was well tolerated and as safe as each drug
used as monotherapy.86 Similar results were found by
Durrington when combination of rosuvastatin and
fenobrate was used in type 2 diabetes.87 Further
clinical trials are required to establish the benets
in clinical outcomes of combination of rosuvastatin
with fenobrate. The use of rosuvastatin 40 mg with
fenobric acid or fenobrate has not been evaluated
and should therefore not be prescribed routinely.88
Several studies have shown the efcacy and safety of
rosuvastatin in combination with ezetimibe, bile acid
sequestrants and sh oils.89,90 Some small trials and
angiographic studies have demonstrated some benet
Table 5. Rosuvastatin drug interactions.
Drugs that increase plasma concentrations
of rosuvastatin
Drugs that antagonise organic anion transporting
polypeptide 1B1
Protease inhibitors: ritonavir, liponavir
Drugs that reduce plasma concentrations
of rosuvastatin
Drugs affected by co-administration with rosuvastatin
Warfarin increased INR
Ethinyl oestradiol: increased concentrations
Table 6. Efcacy of statins.
Comparative efcacy of statins
% LDL-C reduction Rosuvastatin Atorvastatin Simvastatin Pravastatin Fluvastatin Lovastatin
,25 5 10 5 10–20 20 10–20
25–35 5 10 10–20 20–40 40–80 20–40
35–45 5–10 10–20 20–40 80 80
45–55 10–20 20–40 80
55–60 20–40 80
60–65 40–80
Data from White.16
Rosuvastatin—what role in cardiovascular disease prevention?
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6 29
from combination therapy though this has not been
corroborated by randomised clinical trial data.
Cost effectiveness
Economic evaluations show that intensive lipid low-
ering is a cost effective treatment for very high risk
patients groups including those with ACS, heterozy-
gous FH and diabetes. For these purposes, rosuvasta-
tin 40 mg daily was the most optimal treatment based
on 2009 prices for statins, providing generic atorvas-
tatin 80 mg was not available.91 A similar observation
was made for lower treatment doses in the PULSAR
trial. At the time of the study (2006), annual acqui-
sition costs were lower for rosuvastatin 10 mg than
atorvastatin 20 mg in the UK and the US.49 Our group
demonstrated in the GEOSTAT (Hepatic Metabolism
and Transporter Gene Variants Enhance Response
to Rosuvastatin in Patients With Acute Myocardial
Infarction) study that patients with CYP3A5 and/or
BCRP variant genotypes who were treated with rosu-
vastatin achieved treatment targets more frequently
than those on simvastatin 40 mg. These results indicate
the potential value of genetic proling of patients to
optimise statin response in a cost effective manner.92
Place in Therapy
Rosuvastatin is a potent statin with pharmacologic
and pharmacokinetic advantages. Its high afnity
for OATP-1B1 ensure a high hepatocyte concentra-
tion which results in superior efcacy at lowering
LDL-C and TG as well as improving HDL-C and
ApoB:ApoA-1 ratio compared to other statins.
A possible exception is pitavastatin. Rosuvastatin
is synthetic with a relatively low lipophilicity when
compared with other statins and has minimal entry
into peripheral cells. This, coupled with its minimal
CYP450 metabolism confers relatively better toler-
ability, safety and drug interaction prole. As the cir-
culating half life is 19 hrs it can be taken once daily at
any time of the day regardless of meals.
Clinical trial data and post marketing surveil-
lance have demonstrated important information about
rosuvastatin. Several cardiovascular outcome studies
have conrmed the benecial effects that had been
anticipated from vascular imaging studies. JUPITER
showed the reduction in cardiovascular events and all
cause mortality of rosuvastatin in primary prevention
in patients with lower cardiovascular risk. This is the
only statin that has been shown to reduce cardiovascular
and all cause mortality.40 Some authors believe that
some of the benets may have been exaggerated by
the short duration of the study. Comparative studies
have shown the potential benets of rosuvastatin in
secondary prevention and high intensity therapy.46,49
The long term and legacy effects of rosuvastatin on
cardiovascular mortality are awaited. A small increase
in diabetes among those .65 years has been observed
in rosuvastatin trials, but this occurs with other statins
with the exception of pravastatin.78 Physicians should
be aware of the risk of proteinuria in patients on rosu-
vastatin and should screen for this. Given its potency
and safety, rosuvastatin is a versatile statin that can be
used in different clinical contexts.
Patients with a 10 year cardiovascular risk
of .20% require intensive treatment to achieve
LDL-C ,2 mmol/L or a .50% reduction from base-
line. These include patients with established CHD,
moderate to severe CKD, type 1 and type 2 diabe-
tes. Only rosuvastatin 20 mg–40 mg and atorvastatin
80 mg achieve this reduction as monotherapy. A large
proportion of these patients are on multiple drug ther-
apy and thus it is crucial to limit pill burden and avoid
drug interactions. Most lipid therapy is now aimed at
achieving treatment goals from guideline bodies such
as ESC, JBS and NCEP ATP III. A new category of
patients is thus created by those who fail to achieve
these goals with various treatments. Such patients
should be considered for treatment with rosuvastatin.
Special groups
Patients with hereditary hyperlipidaemia, particularly
FH and FCH should be considered for early treatment
with rosuvastatin. Their baseline LDL-C is invariably
too high for less potent statins to reduce adequately.
Furthermore these patients are at extremely high
cardiovascular risk. Patients on HAART should be
considered for treatment with rosuvastatin whenever
their treatment allows. In this patient group, choice
is often limited and determined by the anti-retroviral
regimen. They are also at very high cardiovascular
risk. Certain patient groups such as those with renal
failure and the elderly are at increased risk of statin
related myopathy and rhabdomyolysis. Because of its
potency, rosuvastatin can be used at very low doses.
A number of reports are emerging about intermit-
tent or pulsed therapy which is better tolerated yet
Luvai et al
30 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2012:6
maintains reasonable lipid control. As with other
potent statins, lower doses of rosuvastatin should be
used in patients from South East Asia to reduce risk
of rhabdomyolysis.
In conclusion rosuvastatin is an effective and safe
statin which is ideal second line treatment for most
patients requiring primary or secondary prevention.
When there is a history of previous statin intolerance
or multiple drug therapy, low dose rosuvastatin may
be considered. For patient groups at very high risk
where stringent LDL-C reduction is envisaged, rosu-
vastatin should be considered as a potential rst line
treatment. Its benets against cost in patients with
lower cardiovascular risk remain an issue of debate.
ACC, American College of Cardiology; ACS, Acute
coronary syndrome; AHA, American Heart Associa-
tion; Apo A-1, Apolipoprotein A-1; ApoB, Apolipo-
protein B; BCRP, Breast cancer resistance protein;
CHD, Coronary heart disease; CYP3A4, Cytochrome
P450 3A4; CETP, Cholesterol ester transfer protein;
CYP2C9, Cytochrome P450 2C9; CYP2C19, Cyto-
chrome P450 2C19; CIMT, Carotid intima media
thickness; CKD, Chronic kidney disease; CRP,
C- reactive protein; CYP3A5, Cytochrome P450
3A5; CYP450, Cytochrome P450 mixed function
oxidase system; ESC, European Society of Cardiol-
ogy; FCH, Familial combined hypercholesterolae-
mia; FH, Familial hypercholesterolaemia; HAART,
Highly active antiretroviral therapy; HDL-C, High
density lipoprotein cholesterol; HIV, Human immu-
nodeciency virus; HMG CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-meth-
ylglutaryl coenzyme A; hsCRP, High sensitivity
C-reactive protein; IVUS, Intravascular ultrasound;
JBS, Joint British Societies; LDL-C, Low density
lipoprotein cholesterol; NCEP ATP III, National Cho-
lesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment Panel
III; NNRTI, Non nucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitors; OATP-1B1, Organic anion transporting
polypeptide 1B1; RCT, Randomised control trial; TG,
Triglycerides; VLDL-C, Very low density lipoprotein
cholesterol; WHO, World Health Organisation.
Declaration of Interest
JHB and ASH were investigator and principal inves-
tigator for the SPACEROCKET study which was
funded by an unrestricted educational grant and both
have received honoraria for speaking at AstraZeneca
sponsored meetings. ASH has received fees consult-
ing for AstraZeneca. No fee has been received for
preparation of the manuscript.
Author(s) have provided signed conrmations to the
publisher of their compliance with all applicable legal
and ethical obligations in respect to declaration of
conicts of interest, funding, authorship and contrib-
utorship, and compliance with ethical requirements
in respect to treatment of human and animal test
subjects. If this article contains identiable human
subject(s) author(s) were required to supply signed
patient consent prior to publication. Author(s) have
conrmed that the published article is unique and not
under consideration nor published by any other pub-
lication and that they have consent to reproduce any
copyrighted material. The peer reviewers declared no
conicts of interest.
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... Rosuvastatin calcium (RSV) is a synthetic statin with a favorable pharmacological profile. It demonstrates an enhanced inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase enzyme while exhibiting reduced hepatic metabolism by CYP2C19 (Ibrahim and Fahmy, 2016;Luvai et al., 2012;Adel et al., 2023). RSV was also proven to enhance wound healing process through inhibition of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP), an inhibitor of wound healing, as well as promotion of microvascular and endothelial functions (Tanaka et al., 2013;Kwak et al., 2001;Ginter and Simko, 2009). ...
... Due to its low lipophilicity, RSV suffers from low bioavailability (20 %) (Luvai et al., 2012) and hence our work was focused on controlled, direct delivery to the target tissue. ...
... It obstructs the production of endogenous hepatic cholesterol, and the oxidation of LDL, which increases the reuptake of hepatic LDL from the blood. It also reduces the secretion of triglycerides by decreasing the formation of ApoB, and hence, is the first choice for the management of atherosclerosis [13,14]. ...
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A binary blend of rosuvastatin (ROS) and teneligliptin (TEN) used for the management of cardiovascular complications require a simple, analytical process for the quality assurance of this formulation. UV absorption spectra of ROS and TEN showed overlapping spectra. Hence, the overlapped spectra of ROS and TEN were separated by ratio difference, ratio first derivative; constant extraction coupled with exponentiation with division spectrum, and induced dual-wavelength methods. The proposed methods were authenticated by following the international council for harmonization criteria. A good linear relationship was demonstrated by all four methods, in 2–15 and 2–30 µg/mL for ROS and TEN, respectively. The high percentage retrieval of 98.96–100.22 and 98.72–99.73% for ROS and TEN, respectively, with small relative error, assured the correctness of the techniques. The validated techniques were employed for concurrent evaluation of ROS and TEN from binary formulation and laboratory-prepared mixture. The standard addition process verified the reliability of the projected procedures. The developed methods showed same accuracy and precision when compared to the HPLC methods along with safer solvent. Finally, the environmental sustainability of the presented UV spectroscopic procedures was found to be better than the reported HPLC method. Hence, eco-friendly, simple, and accurate mathematically processed UV spectroscopic procedures can be employed for simultaneous quantification of ROS and TEN for routine quality control study.
... Only lovastatin, simvastatin, pitavastatin, and atorvastatin are substrates of p-glycoprotein (P-gp) [150,157]. Table 3. Statin pharmacokinetic properties comparison [62,66,150,157,159,[162][163][164]. ...
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Statins have been used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia, both as monotherapy and in combination therapy. Natural fermentation processes of fungi such as Monascus spp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus terreus, and Pleurotus ostreatus have given rise to natural statins. Compactin (mevastatin), the original naturally occurring statin, is the primary biotransformation substrate in the manufacturing process of marketed drugs. Statins are classified into natural, semi-synthetic derivatives of natural statins, and synthetic ones. Synthetic statins differ from natural statins in their structural composition, with the only common feature being the HMG-CoA-like moiety responsible for suppressing HMG-CoA reductase. Statins do not differ significantly regarding their pleiotropic and adverse effects, but their characteristics depend on their pharmacokinetic parameters and chemical properties. This paper focuses on describing the processes of obtaining natural statins, detailing the pharmacokinetics of available statins, divided into natural and synthetic, and indicating their pleiotropic effects.
... It is a water-soluble molecule (saturation solubility 7.8 mg/mL) which makes it compatible with physiological environment and tissue exudates (Maged et al., 2018). It has fewer side effects all while maintaining its activity for longer times due to its reduced hepatic metabolism by CYP2C19 (Safari et al., 2020;Luvai et al., 2012). ...
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Bones are subject to different types of damages ranging from simple fatigue to profound defects. In serious cases, the endogenous healing mechanism is not capable of healing the damage or restoring the normal structure and function of the bony tissue. The aim of this research was to achieve a sustained delivery of rosuvastatin and assess its efficacy in healing bone tissue damage. Rosuvastatin was entrapped into silica nanoparticles and the system was loaded into an alginate hydrogel to be implanted in the damaged tissue. Silica nanoparticles were formulated based on a modified Stöber technique and alginate hydrogel was prepared via sprinkling alginate onto silica nanoparticle dispersion followed by addition of CaCl2 to promote crosslinking and hydrogel rigidification. The selected nanoparticle formulation possessed high % drug content (100.22±0.67%), the smallest particle size (221.00±7.30 nm) and a sustained drug release up to 4 weeks (98.72±0.52%). The fabricated hydrogel exhibited a further delay in drug release (81.52±4.81% after 4 weeks). FT-IR indicated the silica nanoparticle formation and hydrogel crosslinking. SEM visualized the porous and dense surface of hydrogel. In-vivo testing on induced bone defects in New Zealand rabbits revealed the enhanced rate of new bone tissue formation, its homogeneity in color as well as similarity in structure to the original tissue.
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Background: Azithromycin is the most common antibiotic used nowadays. Objectives: To evaluate the cardio-toxicity of azithromycin and to assess the effect of Nigella Sativa (N Sativa) and Rosuvastatin in cardio-protection. Patient & methods: This clinical prospective study was carried out on adult patients diagnosed as positive COVID-19 and was admitted to isolation centers in Minia Governorate during the period from 1 st of June 2021 to 30 th of May 2022. It included 160 patients divided into 4 groups. Group I received 500 mg/ 24 hours (hrs) of azithromycin orally for five days, group II received 500 mg/ 24hrs of azithromycin + 20 mg/ day of Rosuvastatin orally for five days, group III also received 500 mg/ 24hrs of azithromycin + 4 mg/ kg/ 24hrs N Sativa orally for five days, group IV received the same previously mentioned doses and duration of azithromycin, Rosuvastatin and N Sativa. Full clinical examination was done, electrocardiogram (ECG) was performed and venous blood samples were drawn for estimation of CK-MB level from all patients before and after the treatment. Result: Patients aged 32-59 years old, 62 were females and 98 were males. Significant elevation of CK-MB in group I after treatment with azithromycin comparing with before treatment in the same group (p<0.01) was detected. There were significant differences in all groups between pre and post-treatment regards QT interval (p<0.01). Conclusion: Azithromycin had toxic effect on the heart, Rosuvastatin was better than N Sativa in treating this toxic effect. Treatment with Rosuvastatin + N Sativa together leads to the best results. Recommendation of this study is taking of Rosuvastatin plus N Sativa during the treatment with azithromycin.
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This study aimed to compare and evaluate the efficacy of the blood pressure (BP) control and cholesterol‐lowering effects and safety of combination therapy with telmisartan, rosuvastatin, and ezetimibe versus rosuvastatin and ezetimibe double therapy or telmisartan single therapy in dyslipidemia patients with hypertension. After a wash‐out/therapeutic lifestyle change period of ≥4 weeks, a total of 100 eligible patients were randomized and received one of three treatments for 8 weeks: (1) telmisartan 80 mg/rosuvastatin 20 mg/ezetimibe 10 mg (TRE), (2) rosuvastatin 20 mg/ezetimibe 10 mg (RE), or (3) telmisartan 80 mg (T). The primary endpoint was the efficacy evaluation of TRE by comparing changes in mean sitting systolic blood pressure (msSBP) and mean percentage change in low‐density lipoprotein‐C (LDL‐C) from baseline after 8 weeks of treatment. The least square (LS) mean (SE) changes in msSBP at 8 weeks compared with baseline were −23.02 (3.04) versus −7.18 (3.09) mmHg in the TRE and RE groups, respectively ( p < .0001), and −25.80 (2.74) versus −14.92 (2.65) mmHg in the TRE and T groups, respectively ( p = .0005). The percentage changes in the mean (SD) LDL‐C at 8 weeks compared with baseline were −54.97% (3.49%) versus −0.17% (3.23%) in the TRE and T groups, respectively ( p < .0001). No serious adverse events occurred, and no statistically significant differences in the incidence of overall AEs and adverse drug reactions occurred among the three groups. TRE therapy significantly decreased msSBP and LDL‐C compared to RE or T therapy with comparable safety and tolerability profiles.
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Gemigliptin-Rosuvastatin single-pill combination is a promising therapeutic tool in the effective control of hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia. Organic sensors with high quantum yields have profoundly significant applications in the pharmaceutical industry, such as routine quality control of marketed formulations. Herein, the fluorescence sensor, 2-Morpholino-4,6-dimethyl nicotinonitrile 3, (λex; 226 nm, λem; 406 nm), was synthesized with a fluorescence quantum yield of 56.86% and fully characterized in our laboratory. This sensor showed high efficiency for the determination of Gemigliptin (GEM) and Rosuvastatin (RSV) traces through their stoichiometric interactions and simultaneously fractionated by selective solvation. The interaction between the stated analytes and sensor 3 was a quenching effect. Various experimental parameters and the turn-off mechanism were addressed. The adopted approach fulfilled the ICH validation criteria and showed linear satisfactory ranges, 0.2–2 and 0.1–1 μg/mL for GEM and RSV, respectively with nano-limits of detection less than 30 ng/mL for both analytes. The synthesized sensor has been successfully applied for GEM and RSV co-assessment in their synthetic polypill with excellent % recoveries of 98.83 ± 0.86 and 100.19 ± 0.64, respectively. No statistically significant difference between the results of the proposed and reported spectrophotometric methods in terms of the F- and t-tests. Ecological and whiteness appraisals of the proposed study were conducted via three novel approaches: the Greenness Index via Spider Diagram, the Analytical Greenness Metric, and the Red–Green–Blue 12 model. The aforementioned metrics proved the superiority of the adopted approach over the previously published one regarding eco-friendliness and sustainability. Our devised fluorimetric turn-off sensing method showed high sensitivity, selectivity, feasibility, and rapidity with minimal cost and environmental burden over other sophisticated techniques, making it reliable in quality control labs.
Mixed dyslipidemia, characterized by a lipid triad of elevated triglycerides (TG), elevated low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) and reduced high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), is a common and frequently difficult to manage condition. The use of combination medications is often needed to effectively treat the lipid triad. The co-administration of statins and fibrates may provide the desired endpoints but safety issues such as toxicity to the muscles, liver and kidneys are a concern. Given the potency of rosuvastatin to lower LDL-C and fenofibrate's effectiveness in lowering TG, the use of this specific combination may be desirable in treating mixed dyslipidemia. Pharmacokinetic studies revealed no significant interactions with the concomitant use of rosuvastatin and fenofibrate or its active metabolite fenofibric acid. Clinical studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of this combination therapy demonstrate significant reductions in TG and LDL-C levels, and elevations in HDL-C. Safety data from clinical trials reveal no major adverse reactions. However, case reports of adverse events have been published and monitoring for potential adverse reactions of the individual agents is advised. Overall, current data suggest the combination of rosuvastatin and fenofibrate or fenofibric acid is a safe combination to utilize when managing difficult to treat mixed dyslipidemia patients.
Throughout the usual LDL cholesterol range in Western populations, lower blood concentrations are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk. In such populations, therefore, reducing LDL cholesterol may reduce the development of vascular disease, largely irrespective of initial cholesterol concentrations. METHODS: 20,536 UK adults (aged 40-80 years) with coronary disease, other occlusive arterial disease, or diabetes were randomly allocated to receive 40 mg simvastatin daily (average compliance: 85%) or matching placebo (average non-study statin use: 17%). Analyses are of the first occurrence of particular events, and compare all simvastatin-allocated versus all placebo-allocated participants. These "intention-to-treat" comparisons assess the effects of about two-thirds (85% minus 17%) taking a statin during the scheduled 5-year treatment period, which yielded an average difference in LDL cholesterol of 1.0 mmol/L (about two-thirds of the effect of actual use of 40 mg simvastatin daily). Primary outcomes were mortality (for overall analyses) and fatal or non-fatal vascular events (for subcategory analyses), with subsidiary assessments of cancer and of other major morbidity. FINDINGS: All-cause mortality was significantly reduced (1328 [12.9%] deaths among 10,269 allocated simvastatin versus 1507 [14.7%] among 10,267 allocated placebo; p=0.0003), due to a highly significant 18% (SE 5) proportional reduction in the coronary death rate (587 [5.7%] vs 707 [6.9%]; p=0.0005), a marginally significant reduction in other vascular deaths (194 [1.9%] vs 230 [2.2%]; p=0.07), and a non-significant reduction in non-vascular deaths (547 [5.3%] vs 570 [5.6%]; p=0.4). There were highly significant reductions of about one-quarter in the first event rate for non-fatal myocardial infarction or coronary death (898 [8.7%] vs 1212 [11.8%]; p<0.0001), for non-fatal or fatal stroke (444 [4.3%] vs 585 [5.7%]; p<0.0001), and for coronary or non-coronary revascularisation (939 [9.1%] vs 1205 [11.7%]; p<0.0001). For the first occurrence of any of these major vascular events, there was a definite 24% (SE 3; 95% CI 19-28) reduction in the event rate (2033 [19.8%] vs 2585 [25.2%] affected individuals; p<0.0001). During the first year the reduction in major vascular events was not significant, but subsequently it was highly significant during each separate year. The proportional reduction in the event rate was similar (and significant) in each subcategory of participant studied, including: those without diagnosed coronary disease who had cerebrovascular disease, or had peripheral artery disease, or had diabetes; men and, separately, women; those aged either under or over 70 years at entry; and--most notably--even those who presented with LDL cholesterol below 3.0 mmol/L (116 mg/dL), or total cholesterol below 5.0 mmol/L (193 mg/dL). The benefits of simvastatin were additional to those of other cardioprotective treatments. The annual excess risk of myopathy with this regimen was about 0.01%. There were no significant adverse effects on cancer incidence or on hospitalisation for any other non-vascular cause. INTERPRETATION: Adding simvastatin to existing treatments safely produces substantial additional benefits for a wide range of high-risk patients, irrespective of their initial cholesterol concentrations. Allocation to 40 mg simvastatin daily reduced the rates of myocardial infarction, of stroke, and of revascularisation by about one-quarter. After making allowance for non-compliance, actual use of this regimen would probably reduce these rates by about one-third. Hence, among the many types of high-risk individual studied, 5 years of simvastatin would prevent about 70-100 people per 1000 from suffering at least one of these major vascular events (and longer treatment should produce further benefit). The size of the 5-year benefit depends chiefly on such individuals' overall risk of major vascular events, rather than on their blood lipid concentrations alone.
Background. Trials of statin therapy have had conflicting findings on the risk of development of diabetes mellitus in patients given statins. We aimed to establish by a meta-analysis of published and unpublished data whether any relation exists between statin use and development of diabetes. Methods. We searched Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from 1994 to 2009, for randomized controlled endpoint trials of statins. We included only trials with more than 1000 patients, with identical follow-up in both groups and duration of more than 1 year. We excluded trials of patients with organ transplants or who needed haemodialysis. We used the I2 statistic to measure heterogeneity between trials and calculated risk estimates for incident diabetes with random-effect meta-analysis. Findings. We identified 13 statin trials with 91 140 participants, of whom 4278 (2226 assigned statins and 2052 assigned control treatment) developed diabetes during a mean of 4 years. Statin therapy was associated with a 9% increased risk for incident diabetes (odds ratio [OR] 1.09; 95% CI 1.02-1.17), with little heterogeneity (I2=11%) between trials. Meta-regression showed that risk of development of diabetes with statins was highest in trials with older participants, but neither baseline body-mass index nor change in LDL-cholesterol concentrations accounted for residual variation in risk. Treatment of 255 (95% CI 150-852) patients with statins for 4 years resulted in one extra case of diabetes. Interpretation. Statin therapy is associated with a slightly increased risk of development of diabetes, but the risk is low both in absolute terms and when compared with the reduction in coronary events. Clinical practice in patients with moderate or high cardiovascular risk or existing cardiovascular disease should not change.