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Administrative Science Quarterly,Mar91, Vol. 36, Issue 1 pp. 106-126.
This paper reports on a participant-observation study in a large office-supply firm of how
people perform stories to make sense of events, introduce change, and gain political
advantage during their conversations. The story was not found to be a highly agreed-upon
text, told from beginning to end, as it has been studied in most prior story research.
Rather, the stories were dynamic, varied by context, and were sometimes terse, requiring
the hearer to fill in silently major chunks of story line, context, and implication. Stories
were frequently challenged, reinterpreted, and revised by the hearers as they unfolded in
conversation. The paper supports a theory of organization as a collective storytelling
system in which the performance of stories is a key part of members' sense making and a
means to allow them to supplement individual memories with institutional memory.[A]
Organizations As Storytelling Systems
In organizations, storytelling is the preferred sense-making currency of human
relationships among internal and external stakeholders. People engage in a dynamic
process of incremental refinement of their stories of new events as well as on-going
reinterpretations of culturally sacred story lines. When a decision is at hand, the old
stories are recounted and compared to unfolding story lines to keep the organization from
repeating historically bad choices and to invite the repetition of past successes. In a
turbulent environment, the organization halls and offices pulsate with a story life of the
here and now that is richer and more vibrant than the firm's environments.
Even in stable times, the story is highly variable and sometimes political, in that part of
the collective processing involves telling different versions of stories to different
audiences. Only the chief executive officer (CEO) and a few executives may be told that
the sales manager was fired for drunken indiscretions with a saleswoman on the CEO's
couch; vendors only hear that the manager did not get on with the CEO; customers learn
that Fred resigned; middle management suspects an affair with Mildred. Each
performance is never the completed story; it is an unraveling process of confirming new
data and new interpretations as these become part of an unfolding story line.
Stories are to the storytelling system what precedent cases are to the judicial system. Just
as in the courtroom, stories are performed among stakeholders to make sense of an
equivocal situation. The implication of stories as precedents is that story performances
are part of an organization-wide information-processing network. Bits and pieces of
organization experience are recounted socially throughout the firm to formulate
recognizable, cogent, defensible, and seemingly rational collective accounts that will
serve as precedent for individual assumption, decision, and action. This is the
institutional memory system of the organization. Although individuals are limited
information processors, each person retains a part of the story line, a bit of interpretation,
story performance practices, and some facts that confirm a line of reasoning.
Even when there are eye witnesses, to continue the analogy with courtroom behavior, the
interpretation of the exact sequence of events and how those events speak of the motive
of the defendant are made or broken in the performance of the story and by the credibility
of the teller. What is interesting about storytelling in organizations is that stakeholders
also posit alternative stories with alternative motives and implications to the very same
underlying historical incident. The story takes on more importance than mere objective
facts. In complex organizations, part of the reason for storytelling is the working out of
those differences in the interface of individual and collective memory.
The important fact is that most storytelling is done in conversation and involves the
listeners in various ways. Some sociolinguists have analyzed how conversations happen
and, in a few studies, how stories are told: how people introduce stories, how they extend
and interrupt stories, and, in general, how story performances occur within common turn-
byturn talk situations. Harvey Sacks (1972a, 1972b) and his followers (Sacks, Schegloff,
and Jefferson, 1974; Jefferson, 1973, 1978; Ryave, 1978) have investigated the contexted
occurrence of stories in conversations. These are complex aspects of storytelling in
organizations that have been ignored in previous approaches to story analysis. We all tell
stories, and during better performances we feel the adrenalin pump as word pictures
dance in our intellect and we begin to live the episode vicariously or recall similar life
events. In just listening to stories, our personal experience mingles with what we hear and
then see. As listeners, we are co-producers with the teller of the story performance. It is
an embedded and fragmented process in which we fill in the blanks and gaps between the
lines with our own experience in response to cues, like "You know the story!" Because of
what is not said, and yet shared, the audible story is only a fraction of the connection
between people in their co-production performance. We become even more of a co-
producer when we begin to prompt the teller with cues, such as head nods, changes in
posture, and utterances that direct the inquiry (i.e., "One version I heard . . ."; "Then,
what happened?") and respond with our own data. The story can be conceptualized as a
joint performance of teller(s) and hearer(s) in which often overlooked, very subtle
utterances play an important role in the negotiation of meaning and co-production in a
storytelling episode.
Stories-As-Texts Research
Stories in previous laboratory, history, and questionnaire research generally have been
wrenched from their natural performance contexts and treated as objectified social facts
(Ritzer, 1975), mere texts, with little empirical attention given to the natural linguistic
context in which the stories are being performed. Text research does not capture basic
aspects of the situated language performance, such as how the story is introduced into the
ongoing interaction, how listeners react to the story, and how the story affects subsequent
In case history studies, researchers have relied on second and third-hand accounts of a
story, rather than examining a storytelling event in process. An example of the text-
associal-fact paradigm would be the IBM rule-breaking story analyzed by Martin et al.
(1983). The point of their analysis was to answer the question, How is it that markedly
similar story texts manifest themselves in different organizations? The story was
uncovered by Martin et al. in an earlier autobiographical text by Rogers (1969), not from
any direct field observation or any systematic on-site data collection procedures that
would tell us the origins and import of the story, if any, to IBM. The story told by Rogers
(1969: 153-154) is as follows:
. . . a twenty-two-year-old bride weighing ninety pounds whose husband had been sent
overseas and who, in consequence, had been given a job until his return.... The young
woman, Lucille Burger, was obliged to make certain that people entering security areas
wore the correct clearance identification.
Surrounded by his usual entourage of white-shined men, Watson approached the doorway
to an area where she was on guard, wearing an orange badge acceptable elsewhere in the
plant, but not a green badge, which alone permitted entrance at her door.
"I was trembling in my uniform, which was far too big," she recalled. "It hid my shakes
but not my voice. 'I'm sorry,' I said to him. I knew who he was all right. 'You cannot
enter. Your admittance is not recognized.' that's what we were supposed to say."
The men accompanying Watson were stricken; the moment held unpredictable
possibilities. "Don't you know who he is?" someone hissed. Watson raised his hand for
silence, while one of the party strode off and returned with the appropriate badge.
The story is literature and its plot and characters are indeed interesting, but is it the way
IBMers tell stories to one another in real time? Other historical studies of stories, such as
Clark's (1972: 179), start with inferred results of storytelling processes to capture areas of
organization uniqueness. However, according to Moch and Fields (1985: 112), "since
language [in acts or speech or in writing] serves to advance actors' interests, the analyst
must make every effort to gather information which will allow for a reliable and valid
inference about the intentions of those who generated the data to be analyzed." In stories-
as-text research, the object-story is deconstructed and reinterpreted with virtually no
attention to gathering performance-context information. Martin and Meyerson (1988), for
example, reify stories as mere "its" when they speak of stories as so many cultural
artifacts. Although there is reason to question both the method and the validity of the
stories-as-text approach, Mumby (1987) nevertheless reinterpreted the IBM rule-breaking
story and took quantum leaps from the literary text of the story in order to make
ideological and power assumptions about the IBM culture. Valid and insightful as these
assumptions may be, can we be assured that this story is really a reflection of the IBM
In the case of lab-study research, performance skills are not a consideration. Rather, one
varies the content of the story to look at outcomes such as retention and believability
(Martin and Powers, 1979; Martin, Patterson, and Price, 1979; Martin et al., 1980).
Subjects are presented with alternative versions of a story to assess their level of recall
and commitment. Martin's (1982: 296) advice to management is "If a manager wants to
maximize the impact of a story, she or he should make that story as concrete as possible."
While this is a significant effect in the lab, in terms of recall and affect, the transition
from the lab to the organization is fraught with difficulties. For example, should stories in
organization settings always be told with such concreteness? An important aspect of
performance in real organizations may be to strategically omit or include details about
characters, contextual cues, and plot elements.
Story-text studies relying on interview methods have also ignored performance behavior.
Alvin Gouldner (1954: 80), for example, collected intriguing stories about Doug and his
successor, Vincent. Employees "overflowed with stories which highlighted the
differences between the two managers." He then analyzed these differences using the
"Rebecca Myth" from Daphne DuMaurier's novel about a young woman who married a
widower only to be plagued by the memory of his first wife, Rebecca. An astute analysis,
but the study does not tell us about the natural behavior context in which these stories
were performed by workers and managers as they went about their daily activities.
Finally, in the case of surveys, the textual content, rather than the storytelling event is the
focus of study. Survey researchers seek to capture the types of stories being circulated
and the subject's recall of particular stories. While these are important considerations,
surveys ignore behavioral interactions that constituted the storytelling event. For
example, in Wilkins' (1979) study of both low- and high-performing companies, the
stories were reconstructed as raters scored story content on a set of response scales. Such
an approach does not tell us about how those stories were performed in their natural
element. Similarly, Lombardo's (1986), and McCall, Lombardo, and Morrison's (1989)
interviews with 86 executives as they recalled significant vignettes is interesting life-
history work, but it is not a behavioral analysis of in situ performance. Siehl and Martin's
(1982) survey assessing sales trainees' knowledge of four stories measures recall but not
performance. Finally, McConkie and Boss (1986) reported that one organization story,
the "Firing of Elayne," was mentioned by 85 percent of their interviewees, but once again
we do not learn how this story was performed. Each of these survey studies is useful for
its own research purposes; however, the method is not useful for assessing storytelling
and storytellers in their natural context.
Studying the storytelling episodes themselves offers several advantages. First, because
stories are contextually embedded, their meaning unfolds through the storytelling
performance event. Folklorists, like Kirshenblatt-Gimglett (1975), Hymes (1975), Jones,
Moore, and Snyder (1988), and especially Georges (1969,1980a, 1980b, 1981), call us to
the other extreme of the story-as-text paradigm, where "the story" has no existence apart
from and is indeed inseparable from the event during which the story is performed
(Georges, 1980a: 324). Stories can therefore be correctly interpreted only to the extent
that the researcher grasps the story in situ. Second, identifying stories in context will be
rewarded by the discovery that there are a multitude of stories that are not discernable at
first. A finding in sociolinguistic studies is that stories are brief and fragmented across
extended and interrupted discourse, but this has been ignored in organization studies.
Third, researchers can "unpack" very brief enactments in dialogue to discover the reality
underlying the linguistic enactments (Boje, 1989). For example, some tellings may
initiate change (Boje, Fedor, and Rowland, 1982; Wilkins, 1984; McWhinney and
Batista, 1988; Akin and Schultheiss, 1990), others advance a political view, others predict
the stability or transience of relationships and agreements, while others are attempts to
isolate and make sense of the impact of turbulent events (Mitroff and Kilmann, 1975;
Boje and Ulrich, 1985).
Stories As Performance and Text
Because "the story" behind the story as performed is analogous to the text of it, text and
performance can be viewed as two sides of the same coin. For example, in everyday
conversation, we make discursive reference to stories as texts in such phrases as "You
know that part of his story, don't you?"; "That's my story too"; "You need to get the story
straight"; "To make a long story short . . ."; or "l won't bore you with the whole story;
You know it!" These phrases are part of a language we use to signal the parts of the
performance that will be shared, as we co-produce and manage the story performances,
the parts of the story that will be filled in by our listeners' imaginations. People are
engaged in a dynamic process of incremental refinement to the story lines of even very
widely accepted story texts. Performances at times refer to taken-for-granted texts ("You
know the story."), and story performance is a process in which people interact to
incorporate new tales continuously into the corporate culture while rewriting oral history
by revising the old stories that anchor the present to the past. Only in the rare instance in
which the storyteller is faced with a researcher or a new applicant is he or she likely to
tell the whole story, since much of the detail of the story cannot be safely assumed to be
recreatable in the novice's imagination.
If storytelling is seen as performance and text, there are several predictions about
storytelling in organizations: First, a lot of attention will be given to negotiating the story-
line interpretation and processing collectively the numerous sides to a story. Second, the
completeness of the storytelling itself will vary from one sector and level of the
organization to the next One story will take a more abbreviated form with those in-the-
know, who are expected to know the particulars, but the same story will be told with a lot
more detail to newcomers, outsiders, and most likely to researchers. Third, a related issue
is what anthropologists refer to as ownership or "entitlement" rights. Part of knowing
how to behave in a storytelling organization is knowing who can tell and who can be told
aparticular story ("I don't know if the corner office would want that story to get
around."). Certain people will have entitlement rights to a story. Fourth, being a player in
the storytelling organization is being skilled enough to manage the person-to-person
interaction to get the story line woven into the ongoing turn-by-turn dialogue using a
broad class of behaviors called qualifiers, markers, and the like, that sustain storytelling
across extended discourse by means of paralinguistic and kinesic cues such as head nods,
postural shifts, and eyebrow raises. Finally, one relevant research finding from
sociolinguistics (Ryave, 1978) is that stories often occur in series across extended
discourse ("Oh, I have a story to top that one."). Stories performed in organizations will
occur in series across discourse.
The organization as a storytelling system was explored in a participant-observer study of
interactions in a firm that, although it is not well known like IBM or some other
organizations that story-as-text researchers have studied, provided a wealth of stories
complexly and variously performed in everyday conversation.
In keeping with Glaser and Strauss (1967), as a participant observer I iteratively collected
and analyzed (Spradley, 1980) the various social scenes that made up the discourse
environment of an office-supply firm. These scenes included executive meetings held on-
and off-site: in conference rooms, restaurants, sales training sessions, as well as
conversations in hallways and automobiles.
Research site.Everyday organization conversations were taped to capture spontaneous
storytelling episodes among seven executives and twenty-three managers, customers, and
vendors of a large office-supply firm. Data were collected in five branch offices as well
as the headquarters. The names of the company and its stakeholders have been changed
in the transcripts that follow in order to protect their confidentiality. The firm, called here
"Gold," is 35 years old with 300 employees and over $50 million in annual sales. Gold
operates in one region of the United States, with six branches in several states. While
Gold turns a respectable profit each year, it has been going through some turbulent
changes. These changes include five CEOs in the past two years and being acquired by its
second conglomerate. The struggle of Gold is that of a family company, founded by a
salesman, coming of age as a conglomerate-owned corporation. What was OK in the
once family-operated corporation was not OK when ownership switched to a dollars-and-
cents driven conglomerate. It was no longer OK, for example, to send the boys to Hawaii
or pass along a case of wine to a manager's wife. Customers, vendors, salespeople, and
managers report how Doug, the latest CEO, managed the transitions of this office-supply
firm and steered it away from further moral failure.
The data set consists of over 100 hours of tape recordings, along with video-recordings of
two corporate-sponsored focus groups with key customers and vendors. Where video or
tape recording was not feasible, field notes were used as a supplement.
Procedures.Tapes were transcribed and converted to line-numbered transcripts.
Transcripts were analyzed to find the scantiest occurrences of story performance
embedded in conversation. A story performance was operationally defined as an
exchange between two or more persons during which a past or anticipated experience
was being referenced, recounted, interpreted, or challenged. A search was made of the
entire episode in which the scant performance occurred for more pieces to each story line.
In addition, to further verify a story had in fact occurred, the topic was cross-indexed and
traced in other segments of dialogue to recover more of the story line or an alternative
story line. The procedure presumes a seemingly insignificant reference to experience
could upon cross-checking prove to be highly significant to understanding organization
processes. Finally, stories were catalogued according to the type of experience pattern
presented in the story line, using the following eight categories:
P1: Story-line pattern that is still going on.
P2: Story-line pattern that is expected to repeat.
P3: Story-line pattern is the same as another pattern.
P4: Story-line pattern that will no longer repeat.
P5: Story-line pattern that is changing.
P6: Story-line pattern that is unfolding.
P7: Story-line pattern that is being challenged.
P8: Story-line pattern that was not expected.
The transcripts were thus culled for references to bits of past, unfolding, or anticipated
experience that were being enacted through performance throughout the firm. These talk
and ethnographic observations were entered into a computer program called
"ETHNOGRAPH" (Seidel and Clark, 1984) to isolate and catalogue the occurrence of
stories within ongoing conversational discourse. "ETHNOGRAPH" adds line numbers
and allows the user to enter codes that can be used to retrieve sections of text, but
recoding to combine or split out more specific codes is quite cumbersome. In fact, to
properly interconnect bits and pieces of story across settings and actors it was necessary
to use manual searches of extended printouts of dialogue before and after each story
reference. Finally, to ensure accuracy of intonation, hesitation, and interruption behavior,
Ipersonally transcribed the tapes into "ETHNOGRAPH," which took in excess of 400
hours over the eight-month duration of this study. Conventions for transcription adapted
by Gronn (1983,1985), in keeping with work by Stubbs (1983) and Schenkein (1978),
were used in this study:
// Overlapping talk from the first to the last slash.
begin with an upper-case letter and end with a
... A pause of one second or less within an utterance.
(2.0) A pause of more than one second within an utterance or
between turns, the number indicates the length of the
[* * *] A deletion.
[] An explanatory insertion.
Italics A word or part of a word emphasized by a speaker.
? A question, marked by a rise in pitch.
!An exclamation, marked by a rise in pitch or intense
body language.
The findings will be discussed at two levels. On the surface level, it is important to look
at the mechanics of the storytelling episode, i.e., how the story occurs within discourse.
Although this sounds simple, the storytelling did not appear in concise sequences of
storytellers recounting full texts to passive listeners. As will be seen in the sample texts,
people told their stories in bits and pieces, with excessive interruptions of story starts,
with people talking over each other to share story fragments, and many aborted
storytelling attempts. That is what I will refer to as the surface level of the story.
The second level of findings relates to the different ways stories are employed among
stakeholders in this office-supply firm. Stories contain story-line patterns, and storytelling
is defined operationally as a pattern-finding, pattern-elaboration, or pattern-fitting
episode to make sense of wider organization processes and relationships. The various
types of story-line patterns found in this study are listed in Table 1. In each storytelling
episode there is a story-line pattern adopted by stakeholders to model either a past,
unfolding, or anticipated experience. The sense making, change, and politics proceeds by
participants collectively performing a story as an analogy pattern onto collective
experience, which can only be apprehended in story performance.
The first story was performed by the CEO and his executives in a hotel room where they
gathered to strategize which divisions and which branches should be eliminated. The
CEO, called here Doug, and the vice presidents, called here Sam, Ruth, Jim, Mike,
Harmon, and Kora are at an executive meeting. It is an occasion on which one might
expect long-tenured executives to perform a founding story to explain how things came
to be the way they are.
On the surface level, this story involves important surface behaviors having to do with
moving in and out of turn-by-turn talk to engage in storytelling. For example, there is
topic-relevant turn-by-turn talk prior to the story (1154-7 is one turn). In some instances,
the teller seeks permission to tell the story (1158-9), receives or is denied permission
(1160-1), and receives encouragement or discouragement in completing the story (1165-
These utterances also point to the ownership rights that are tied implicitly to the telling of
astory. Only certain people are allowed to tell certain tales. Sam, for example, had served
longer at Gold than anyone at this meeting and was an eyewitness. Further, the executives
relied on him and even expected him to relate relevant story data to them (1160-1). Lines
1163-4 allude to the teller and the hearers being intimately familiar with the text or
skeletal script of the story. The performance proceeds as a co-produced and collective
activity. For example, someone besides the teller, in this case the CEO, initiates the
telling, someone else tells it, and the CEO contributes the moral of the story (1154-7,
Going beyond this surface level, this first episode is an example of using a story of a past
event to cast in a new light a division that may be put on the block as a "nice toy," but a
toy they no longer have the luxury of owning. Further, a current decision is being keyed
to the performance of a founding story as a precedent and to the latest CEO's new
interpretation of that story. Finally, in a hundred hours of taped talk, this was the most
complete rendition of an organization story. As will be seen, more frequently, bits and
pieces of the organization story were shared and the hearer was left to fill in the blanks,
based on his or her knowledge of the story behind the verbalized story.
S1: Goldco Founding Story
Doug: [* * *] I look at Goldco as a toy that 1154
somebody decided to put in the company 1155
because it was fun and it also brought 1156
in/ 1157
Sam: Well/ I'll tell you how that came 1158
about 1159
Doug: I thought you would (lots of laughter 1160
from the group) 1161
Sam: Sam Coche worked for Sea Breeze or 1162
something like that, oh you know the 1163
story? 1164
Doug: No go ahead tell it, really it's 1165
important. 1166
Sam: He got out there and he came over and 1167
they formed Goldco and Goldco does 1168
not mean Gold Company or anything 1169
else they took the first four 1170
initials from Billy Gold, which is 1171
GOLDand from Coche and that's how 1172
they got Goldco. 1173
Doug: And it was a good living for a couple 1174
of people. It was a nice toy for 1175
Billy, he made a few bucks on the 1176
thing. He had some fun for it but 1177
then the motivation at that time was a 1178
whole lot different than it is today. 1179
We don't have the luxury of screwing 1180
around with something like that /(lots 1181
of cross talk at this point)/ 1182
(Returns to turn-by-turn talk.)
Filling in the story blanks.In this next story, one untold part of the story that certainly
all these executives know, and I dug out in subsequent field interviews with them, is that
Ed Fox engaged in very questionable behavior and was replaced by yet another and
another CEO, until our current CEO. Doug took the job and became the recognized
champion for some very serious reforms. Sam references, for example, the CEO's
attempts to reform Gold by instituting an executive committee (line 728), which is quite a
departure from the practices of earlier CEOs. The executives, for example, know that
Raymond, a former CEO, was once a hero figure who added several branch offices and
divisions during the growth phase at Gold but is now being resymbolized as autocratic
and lacking in good business skills. There is some melodrama between the lines in this
story. Ed Fox was a replacement CEO for Raymond Smith, who walked the line between
doing good things for the organization, like adding more branches, and engaging in
questionable practices, like nepotism and pocketing funds. Nepotism and seeking to
enhance the personal fortunes of one's family are considered OK for a founder but were
not OK when a conglomerate acquired Gold and replaced Raymond, the founder's
successor, with Ed Fox.
The story is quite abbreviated (727-31), and the full meaning is inaccessible unless one
explores Gold extensively to unpack the full meaning of story referents. Although many
researchers might challenge if this excerpt is a story at all, the teller, Sam, does identify
the telling as a story by interjecting, "I guess you heard this all already" (732) and "I
guess you heard the whole story before" (736-7). Even the words "you know" invite the
hearer to fill in the blanks. This is an example of a storyteller briefly referencing a full
story line, which I observed thoughout the stories shared by executives, managers,
salespeople, vendors, and customers.
S2: Reno Branch Story
Sam: I think five years ago there was no 727
Executive Committee. He just ran 728
the place the way he wanted as if you 729
wasn't here. Raymond was [conglomerate's] 730
man and he did what he pleased. 731
I guess you heard this all already 732
Dave: I heard about the high growth (nodding) 733
Sam: Yes we picked up San Diego 734
Dave: Reno? 735
Sam: Ed Fox picked up Reno and I guess 736
you heard the whole story before. 737
That's why we picked up Reno because 738
Ed Fox had that with his father. You 739
know. 740
Terse storytelling.But just how abbreviated can a story be and still be classified as a
story? The shortest story form is when one person says to the other, "You know the
story!" It can be so brief that the performance is barely distinguishable from other
nonperformance utterances. I call this filling-inthe-blanks form terse storytelling. Much
of the story that is told is not actually uttered. A terse telling is an abbreviated and
succinct simplification of the story in which parts of the plot, some of the characters, and
segments of the sequence of events are left to the hearer's imagination. One hypothesis is
that the terser the telling, the more shared the understanding of the social context, since
insiders know what to leave to the imagination. Police, firemen, and the office-supply
firm stakeholders use coded, brief utterances to communicate lots of understanding. Terse
telling also prevents the story line from being too well understood by the wrong people.
The terser the telling, the less sharing of understanding of the social context can be
detected by outsiders.
In discussing terse telling, I shall make explicit which purpose is being played out. For
example, in the S2 transcript, I am Dave and I am a participant but also, at this early
stage, an outsider. Sam, I believe, is carefully confirming what I know and that the CEO
told me the complete underlying story. In theory, my knowledge of institutional memory
is being tested. I, for my part, am nodding in agreement and offering up data to establish
that I merit deeper revelations from Sam. In this instance, I assume he is telling tersely
because he does not want to give me more understanding than the CEO expects me to
In the next transcript, the context is a discussion of why people are so resistant to change.
This type of story-line pattern uses story segments to explore how a pattern of resistance
has formed within Gold. As Doug, also present, seeks to reform Gold and implement
controls such as bonuses based on performance and hiring based on competency, the
story line these executives have lived by for ten years is being explored and challenged.
The surface structure of the story is as follows: one vice president, Ruth, begins with an
assertion: "I think paranoia ran high in this company" (438-9) and then follows it up with
an invitation to Sam to tell a story (440-1). This is followed by a terse storytelling (442-5)
using an abbreviated code, since as interviews revealed, everyone present knew the full
story line. In this exchange, Sam, while invited to follow up with his own story, remains
quiet (441-3). Instead, the group takes off on one of the concluding moral assertions:
"People were afraid to hire people that were better than they were" (446-7) and then
restates the moral in inverse form (453-5).
S3: Hire No One-Better Story
Ruth: Over and over again in all your 436
notes and blurbs and all on what 437
people were saying, I think paranoia 438
ran high in this company in that last 439
10 years, especially under Raymond 440
Smith I'm sure Sam could share 441
a few examples (laughter). Examples of 442
when he was out pulling invoices out 443
in the warehouse while he was the 444
frigging controller of the company. 445
People were afraid to hire people 446
that were better than they were I 447
mean we have an assistant controller 448
that can't run Lotus and it's not a 449
jam, but we do. You see I don't 450
understand, I have--never have. In 451
order to have a company that is going 452
to grow, we actually have to hire and 453
nurture people that are better than 454
we are 455
Kora: And unfortunately the frame of mind, 456
the mindset that has been in the 457
company for so long, because of all of 458
the turnover and the turmoil with 459
upper management, is l could lose my 460
job tomorrow 461
Ruth: But the interesting thing is that 462
nobody has ever come in and taken 463
their job. 464
Glossing.Story performances can involve what Weick (1981) called extended glosses
("Let me tell you that piece of the story!") to sell a particular point of view. In S3, Ruth is
obviously using the story of Raymond Smith as a gloss to push her point of view, but so
is Kora in her gloss (lines 456-461) on Ruth's story. A story gloss is a brief retelling of a
piece of a story so that the referent experience becomes sensible in new ways after having
been glossed. The gloss is akin to marginal notes or digression that can exaggerate,
simplify, and shift the meaning of the experience. Storytellers might use a gloss as an
occasion to accentuate an anomalous experience as an integral aspect of the founding,
maturity, reform, or demise of an organization. Additional examples of gloss can be seen
even more clearly in the next example.
The series of stories.The CEO and several vice presidents participate in a strategic
planning session during which Harmon asks a question to which Doug reconstructs a
story line (341-3) and then once again invites Sam to gloss one aspect of the story (338-
9). Sam's gloss (347-50) is itself a second story. Everyone there knows the terse telling to
be the same story that I discovered in cross-indexed transcripts and in interviews of
when, for example, printing orders fell out of the back of a delivery truck and were
scattered across the highway. Others in the group follow this with more talk, and a third
story is initiated (359-60). This third story is a personal-experience narrative and has
more credibility than second-hand accounts. The first story, by contrast, does not arise
out of personal experience. In fact, Doug did not become CEO of this firm until after the
incident in question. He, instead, builds on the acknowledged experience of Sam, who
has been at Gold for 12 years. According to follow-up interviews, Doug, unlike former
CEOs, had an ability to draw historical precedent into his own performance that made
him an effective agent of change at Gold. His reference to "Epsilon" in line 342 is part of
astory that was being recounted every time several executives, vendors, or large
customers gathered (see S6, S8, S9, S10, and S11 in Table 1, above).
S4: Printing Was Different Story
Harmon: But is that the most effective way 335
to do it? Do they hit the same places? 336
Doug: Historically, in reading a little 337
bit of the history and maybe Sam 338
can help us out here. The printing 339
business that we were writing was 340
significant at one time and when the 341
folks left for Epsilon they took that 342
business with them and now we're going 343
through a whole retraining process 344
Sam: Well that could be so I mean 345
printing again falls with the 346
salesmen. A lot of the salesmen will 347
not sell printing because they are 348
afraid that the printing department, 349
as in the past, has fouled up 350
Kora: Vickie has been wonderful 351
Sam: Yes I think Vickie has been 352
wonderful. It is a matter of 353
confidence in whoever it is there. 354
When John Rifler was in charge of it 355
there was no confidence. This goes on 356
and it changes 357
Ruth: And I think training comes in here 358
Jim: When I was in sales I sold what I 359
understood. If I didn't understand * * * 360
Series of stories as an enactment of change.Storytelling is a way to draw parallels
between two patterns. In the following segment, the new CEO glosses, in a storytelling,
to reveal how his experience from other companies relates to what one vice president is
telling him (1415-26, 1450-9). Follow-up interviews revealed that his story performance
is a scenario told to introduce a strategic shift in the focus of this firm. His ability to enact
aperformance that coaxes his executives to identify with his relevant experiences in
analogous situations gives his scenario for change a good deal of credibility. The
executives are beginning to buy into the future scenario. To implement this change,
several divisions will be put on the block so Gold can focus on its main business (1474-
9). There are elements of reform, blood-letting (firings), and death (selling off divisions)
as the new pattern becomes envisioned in this story.
S5: Industry Stories
Jim: Wait a minute I gotta put one more 1415
point into here, since Ben C. isn't 1416
here. Because sales is not represented 1417
in this whole group and it's really 1418
unfortunate. Based on the fact, cause 1419
I've talked to the people. You've got 1420
Victor M. who has a sales assistant 1421
that he shares with somebody. He's 1422
doing a 150 thousand dollars a month 1423
in office supplies an some furniture. 1424
How much more can we expect out of 1425
him? 1426
Doug: Looking at acquisitions and mergers 1427
in our industry, and I've been through 1428
four or five of em, disaster hits. And 1429
I'll give you examples Gamma 1430
Corporation. l was with the old 1431
Delphi Company and it's nonexistent 1432
today. They merged with Alpha. And 1433
then they merged with Parrot. All the 1434
same ownership and so on. Clearly the 1435
sales force was on overload. Couldn't 1436
handle it and a lot of things fell 1437
through the cracks. l can give you 1438
similar examples with Juindon. I 1439
can go right down the list. There is a 1440
point--where the economies that you 1441
pick up trying to consolidate 1442
businesses with one sales force uhhh 1443
they are far overridden by what you 1444
lose in the translation. So there is a 1445
point Jim but I don't know where the 1446
hell it is/ 1447
Jim: And that's my point/. 1448
Doug: And it's got to be easy because I 1449
experienced it as a salesman. What I 1450
found was that the more they dumped on 1451
me, where there was duplication and 1452
there was overlap and so on. It was 1453
still writing instruments and you 1454
would think that would be an easy 1455
deal. You are still selling writing 1456
instruments, but you got all this shit 1457
and you only got so much time in front 1458
of a customer. You got so much 1459
communication time you got so much 1460
I seriously question whether if you 1461
are in the contract business I really 1462
question if you can effectively call 1463
on other people in the organization to 1464
accomplish something. I really 1465
question that. And it's a question 1466
not a decision and not a 1467
determination. But Ad Specialty 1468
clearly a different buyer Furniture is 1469
clearly a different buyer clearly [* * *] 1470
Ruth: [* * *] the other thing, Doug, is can we 1474
be successful? Our main throw is 1475
office products. Can we be successful 1476
without having these sidelines? 1477
Doug: Absolutely! 1478
Ruth: Are you sure? Screw [Furniture]! Forget 1479
Goldco! 1480
Kora: And printing! 1481
Doug: I said it rather flippantly earlier, 1482
but I'm very serious we could skim off 1483
30,40 million dollars and no one 1484
would even know we are there. We don't 1485
have to take it away from a 1486
competitor, the market is expanding so 1487
dramatically/ 1488
Executives accepted the blood-letting scenario as a necessary evil to save the
organization and even the affected managers typically describe Doug as a "savior."
For example, one story that was repeated in many office conversations concerns how,
upon Doug's arrival as the new CEO, a non-gone executive tried to implement reserved
parking privileges for executives. Doug, in almost his first meeting with the executives,
uprooted a "reserved for the CEO" (one was also reserved for each of the VPs) parking
sign and threw it on the executive meeting table, demanding to know "who put up this
sign? This is not the kind of leadership I will have around here." The offending executive,
for this and other good reasons, was fired by week's end. This story made the rounds and
reinforced Doug's image as the reformer who would not put up with special privileges for
executives. This Doug-as-savior theme resurfaces in stories from vendors and customers.
For Gold, this is a relatively new story, since Doug is the latest CEO. A year from now
this might be tersely referred to as the parking-sign story.
Story performance as sense making.In the following example an analysis of the story
is embedded in the telling. The analysis consists of telling the story to make sense of the
environment as sense is made of the story performance. While middle management has
survived five CEOs in two years by ignoring most change efforts, the salespeople avoid
change by not giving upper management access to their customers. It is a power play
similar to the one Crozier (1964) described in his classic study of maintenance mechanics
making the tobacco factories dependent on them by blocking access to maintenance
manuals and making unique modifications to the machines. Since the "wars" with a major
competitor, "Epsilon," Gold executives are concerned about access to their top accounts.
In lines 846-54, the story details are so terse that, at first glance, there may not appear to
be a story at all. However, in lines 855-6, another executive hooks into the underlying
experience to trigger more detail on the story behind the story. In 859-62, the story of a
salesperson's reaction to executive attempts to implement computer information-system
controls garners a severe group reaction. In line 870, Doug uses a very common reflexive
"you know" to reference experience that the other executives are expected to fill in
between the lines. He references a story everyone knows all too well. In line 870, the use
of an extended pause following the emphasized word "too" is a language tactic that
invites hearers to fill in their knowledge of the story behind the performed story. "Tool"
references former attempts by the "corner office" to make salesmen's accounts become
house accounts. These executives have confided to me that to change the balance of
power between themselves and their salespeople, they will need to tread lightly or risk
triggering another exodus of their salespeople to their competitor, Epsilon. In the
following excerpt, the group has been discussing how difficult it is going to be to put
together something as seemingly simple as a customer focus group because of this issue.
S6: Sales Meeting Story
Dave: Why is that? 842
Kora: That organism that mechanism is not 843
in place. It's just in the very first 844
throws of it 845
Doug: The insulation that we have from our 846
customers is mind boggling. I should 847
be able to pick up the phone and call 848
10 or 12 close friends that happen to 849
be customers and get em down here 850
with no problem. Our salespeople 851
will not let us near them. I 852
shouldn't say won't let us/ (several 853
talk at once)/ 854
Jim: What's been the response to your plea 855
at the sales meeting? 856
Doug: A couple people that are secure have 857
come to me and said "let's do this, 858
this and this." But then I hear 859
comments from Jim T. who says 'umm, 860
tell me about our data processing and 861
our terminal hook up 862
Ruth: Oh boy! 863
Doug: And I says "Why do you ask?" Well I 864
was thinking, if I put one of those 865
terminals in you don't need me as 866
much as uhhh 867
Kora: Oh God! (Lots of expression by everyone) 868
Doug: And I said Jeff it's a tool God Damn 869
it! (3.0) And you know/ [* * *] 870
Kora: Our customers are gold you know that/ 880
(much cross-talk) /We want all of our ducks 881
in line and all of our logistics so that when 882
they walk in they are treated. The red carpet 883
is out[***] 884
The turnover story as prediction.As with the executive committee, the organization
stories in the following excerpts from vendor and customer focus-group videotapes
extend from the observed pattern of past events (337-44) to a prediction of a probable
future pattern (356-64). As Martin (1982: 287) suggested, the script embedded in the
story, though unstated, allows people to predict what may happen if a similar incident
should recur: "A story contains a blueprint that can be used to predict future
organizational behavior." What is interesting is that the vendors leave most of the script
unstated in their terse telling of the story.
S7: CEO Turnover Story
Dan: Yeah, my boss will call from 337
We're based out of the Northwest and 338
he'll say "Well Dan who is running the 339
ship at Gold now?" He can see a 340
lot of the proposals that we've 341
presented and were accepted six months 342
ago still in effect because there's 343
been turnover[***] 344
You know is the next administration 356
going to come in and make changes to 357
that? One point that Jeff made 358
earlier that I want to touch on is our 359
concerns are shared with their 360
salespeople. They definitely know 361
sometimes that they're kind of a ship 362
without a rudder right now and I think 363
it concerns their salespeople as well 364
Relationships with vendors and contract customers are important interorganizational
relationships for Gold. In this next excerpt, from a customer focus group, the turnover in
CEOs, as well as new vice presidents, and sales managers, has resulted in problems of
stability and access in Gold's relations. Storytelling about the shakeup at Gold helps
customers and vendors paint a predictable scenario. In the following excerpt, the story's
blueprint is quite terse (347-9,957-66). Pinning this blueprint down takes 22 minutes of
the focus group's time.
S8: A Customer Story
Frank: And I'm seeing symptoms of the 342
turnover in senior management they 343
have had senior management that they 344
have had in the past 14-15 months 345
where they have had a change in 346
philosophy. A certain president has 347
own stamp of how he is going to operate 348
and things change. My major concern is 349
the end result. l don't care how they 350
resolve their internal politics 351
I need the product 352
[***] They do listen but with half an 954
ear maybe because of the change in 955
management. 956
Certain management we have had 957
discussions and we have come to agreements 958
and the systems have been worked 959
out. New management comes in a new 960
president of the company and we have to 961
reinvent the wheel and we go back and I 962
mean it's in writing it's documented 963
these agreements are documented and then 964
go to the next person 965
The word on the street story.During the study, the conglomerate decided to sell Gold,
and the news leaked. In this videotaped focus group exchange, I assume line 370
represents a plea from these vendors to be able to tell the story (370), since it is followed
by three "you know" references (377,379,388-9) to the fuller story that the vendors know
but do not expect outsiders to know. The vendors perform a futuristic scenario that they
use to make sense of Gold's behavior. It is reinforced and embellished by glosses by other
vendors (not included). The scenario in 381-9 has not happened at Gold, but it is a plot
sequence that has occurred with regularity in the vendor's other relationships.
Referencing how the story has been leaked by Gold's salespeople (388-9) adds credibility
to the performance.
S9: Word on the Street Story
Sid: Well if we can just be open/ 370
(simultaneous talking of 4 people) /the 371
word is on the street that they are up 372
for sale OK? So now you know [CEO] 373
may be the president. They may want 374
him up there. But somebody'll buy him 375
next month and then he's going to be 376
gone because you know, because you 377
know they're bringing in their own 378
people. You don't know I mean . . . You 379
don't want that I mean personally I 380
think he's going to be a good 381
administrator, but then he is but 382
then somebody buys him and they have 383
their own people then maybe he's not 384
going to be there so you wonder is 385
there going to be a stability? And 386
the salesmen have the same concern and 387
I heard it from them themselves you 388
know. What's going to where we 389
going? 390
Alternative glossing.People perform stories about their struggles for survival, and the
story can change depending on the stakeholders performing the story. Throughout this
study, in talking to Gold employees, vendors, and customers, stories about the wars with
Epsilon were a frequent topic. In the first excerpt, a sales manager, during a lunch at a
crowded restaurant, gave me a concise version of the Epsilon War Story that captured
most of the plot. Some 9 to 12 salespeople (the count depends on to whom you talk) were
recruited by a competitor. In retaliation, Gold recruited some of their salespeople.
Customers were traded back and forth, and, in the process, some exorbitant guarantees
were given out to salespeople. The sales manager's gloss paints salespeople as the prima
donnas who initiated the war. Doug's version (not shown), in contrast, stressed the
"tremendous exposure with salespeople leaving and dragging accounts back and forth."
This is very much a political use of storytelling, as various factions in and around the
organization seek to establish an advantageous interpretation.
S10: Epsilon War Story: Version I
Ralph: The Epsilon Wars . . . bad way to do 2597
it really silly. We just traded sales 2598
people and now we're both stuck with 2599
salespeople with giant guarantees and 2600
it's hurting our bottom line in a major 2601
way 9 of the 11 were prima donnas 2602
pain in the ass egotistical to the 2603
max. Developed by [Raymond] in the 2604
many years of the Gold philosophy 2605
The salesman is king 2606
In the vendor focus group, another version of the story was recounted. In this story
performance, the group uses storytelling to ascertain the probability that Gold's sales
force is once again at risk of being captured by Epsilon and, along with the sales force,
their precious accounts. The vendors attribute the trigger for the next war to the fact that
Gold has undergone far too much instability: five CEOs in two years, the company being
put up for sale by its conglomerate holding company, and competitors that, sensing what
was going on, had exploited the situation to the net disadvantage of Gold.
S11: Epsilon War Story: Version II
Bob: They have lost a lot of accounts/ 448
Ron: What do/ you attribute that to? 449
Sid: That is specific to sometime in 1988 450
They lost several of their many of 451
their key reps to another distributor 452
/(Group goes back and forth) /Didn't 453
they drop 10- 12 or something like 454
that? 455
Ron: Is there a word on the street as to 456
why these people left? 457
Ted: I think the instability of the 458
company and they probably lured them 459
over action/(Several talk at once)/ 460
Oscar: I think their competitor used the 461
instability factor to put doubts in 462
the minds of those people and it was 463
an opportune time. They have been 464
battled several times. This is an 465
opportune time to steal some people if 466
you will and hopefully their major 467
accounts with them and they took 468
advantage of the situation. That is 469
one of the tough things in business 470
By focusing on in situ everyday performance behavior, this study showed how
storytelling goes on more frequently and differently than might have been suspected in
previous storytelling studies. As critics will be quick to point out, however, just being
able to isolate and identify terse storytelling and glossing in various story performance
forms in use among organization stakeholders is insufficient justification to call for an
integration of the story-as-texts and stories-as-performance approaches to story research.
But there are several observations that strengthen this position. First, it is not the fact that
the story is terse and abbreviated that counts; it is the fact that the teller picks one aspect
to abbreviate ("You know the rest of the story.") and another to accentuate ("It's the same
old story, except this time we found them together."). This, along with gloss, is an
essential surface mechanism by which stories are performed. Second, part of storytelling
involves managing the telling of a story by being able to weave it into on-going
conversation. Both teller and listener are sending cues to manage how much of the story
is told, how much is left to the imagination, and what interpretation is applied. This also
is management of sense making. Third, terse telling can be a power strategy of purposeful
mystification (Fisher, 1984) or tactical ambiguity. The CEO, Doug, used his storytelling
to draw in the other executives to accept his reform strategies as their own. As Eisenberg
(1984: 236) observed, "It is often preferable to omit purposefully contextual cues and to
allow for multiple interpretations on the part of receivers."
These stakeholders tune into stories as real-time data and tell stories to predict, empower,
and even fashion change. Customers, vendors, salespeople, and executives in this office-
supply distribution company performed stories not only to make sense of their setting but
to negotiate alternative interpretations and to accommodate new precedents for decision
and action. They tell stories about the past, present, and future to make sense of and
manage their struggles with their environment.
This study raises a number of important questions. Does story performance occur more
frequently in some types of organizations more than in others? Was storytelling
performance in this organization, for example, biased by the turbulence of a rapid
succession of CEOs, the need to eliminate divisions, the war with a dominant competitor,
and being traded between conglomerates? Peters and Austin (1985: 330) hypothesized
that storytelling is more frequent in turbulent settings, where stories and interpretations
are shared with great frequency to understand the unfolding dynamics. Familiarity with
those dynamics, however, should result in a familiarized way of recounting terser stories,
with glosses only used to highlight deviations. Once a story pattern is seen again and
again, for example, in law enforcement, emergency work, and wartime situation rooms,
one might expect typical scenarios to become reduced to terse response codes. Similarly,
one might expect to see fuller story texts performed in newer organizations, in which
there is less shared experience. There are implicit rules in storytelling (who can tell it, to
whom, and where). Further research can examine what happens, if anything, when these
rules are broken, when the telling is done inappropriately.
There is a broader implication of management education evident in the storytelling-
performance paradigm. People who are more skilled as storytellers and story interpreters
seem to be more effective communicators than those who are less skilled (Boje, 1989,
1991). Yet, until recently, teaching storytelling skills, outside of the folklore discipline,
has been limited to the teaching of children (Zemke, 1990; Boje, 1991). As organizational
boundaries become more permeable and the organization structure flatter, requiring more
networking and communication skills, storytelling can be a useful tool for managers
trying to cope with rapid change. Training managers to be storytellers may thus result in
training them to be more effective in organizations.
The most important implication for organization study that was born out of the present
study is that story researchers can benefit by entering organizations to observe first-hand
how people perform storytelling. The focus in traditional organization story research has
been on texts taken from a range of isolated, often anomalous stories plucked out of their
natural setting. These studies ignore performance and streamline the stories or treat them
as so many variables that can give empirical explanations of the organization. The
storytelling organization theory posits story text and performance as two sides of the
same coin and gives us insight into the complex and varied ways organization members
use storytelling in their work world.
Table 1
Varieties of Story-line Patterns
Story Title Source Story-line pattern Tellers
1. Goldco Past event Pattern is no longer Execs
Founding financially sound.
2. Reno Branch Past event Pattern is no longer Execs
3. Hire No One Past event Pattern is still Execs
Better going on.
4. Printing Was Past event Pattern has improved Execs
Different for them.
5. Industry Past event Pattern is same in Execs
that part of the
6. Sales Current event Pattern that got Execs
Meeting evoked is not one
we wanted.
7. CEO Past event Pattern will repeat Vendors
Turnover itself and then
where are we?
8. Customer Current event Pattern unacceptable Customers
to us customers.
9. Word on the Current event Pattern is likely to Vendors
Street repeat.
10. Epsilon Past event Pattern is likely Salespeople
Version I to repeat.
11. Epsilon Past event Pattern is likely Vendors
Version II to repeat.
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[A] I would like to thank Joanne Martin. Alan Wilkins, David Whetten, Fiona Crofton,
Robert Dennehy, Mimi Bard, Michael Moch, Jeanine Sheehan. ASQ editor Gerald
Salancik, Linda Pike, and the re viewers for helpful comments in the writing of this
By David M. Boje