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Aqueous Extract of Human Placenta

  • Albert David Ltd. Kolkata, India
Aqueous Extract of Human Placenta
as a Therapeutic Agent
Piyali Datta Chakraborty1 and Debasish Bhattacharyya2,*
1Albert David Ltd, Kolkata,
2Division of Structural Biology and Bioinformatics,
CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata,
1. Introduction
Traditional folk medicine makes good use of the flora and fauna of a region, including a
number of mineral substances. These herbs and animals are used either whole or in part and
made up in either simple or complicated preparations and have proved to be effective
therapeutic remedies. Some of these medicinal substances of animal origin have been quite
thoroughly studied with modern scientific methods, and their therapeutic properties have
been confirmed although not always explained. Many others have yet to be subjected to
scientific analysis and tests before their real value can be judged. Products of animal origin
despite of their therapeutic values have been banned in many countries for the sake of
sustainable development in addition to safeguard ecological balance.
It is known from traditional folk knowledge that the placenta, supporting the baby's growth
and development in the mother’s womb, contains a wide range of biologically active
components. Research over decades has been uncovering more and more of these
compounds. Indeed, it is claimed that the placenta is capable of producing just about any
substance found in any organ of the body. This biochemical treasure house supplies the
growing fetus with substances that the fetus itself cannot synthesize. Though a rich source
of bioactive components unless recovered, placenta becomes a biomedical waste
immediately after childbirth. Use of human placenta as a therapeutic agent, therefore, in no
way hampers ecological balance rather promotes resource recovery from a designated
biomedical waste. Since most of the natural products of medicinal value have a vast
repertoire of potent biological components, there has been an increasing realization to shun
synthetic and semi-synthetic medicines primarily because of their harmful side effects.
Research on human placental extract gained a momentum with the description of the
preparation of its extract by Russian ophthalmologist Prof. V.P. Filatov. Prior to his research,
there were no documents of therapeutic efficacy of the extract, though its use was popular in
Europe and parts of Asia primarily China, Korea and Japan for over a century. Review of
placenta therapy reveals its long usage from the days of distant past. Recent medical history
* Corresponding author
Recent Advances in Research on the Human Placenta
from 1912 showed that Filatov started research on grafting human corneas using the principle
of transplantation of preserved material. He observed that when animal or vegetable tissues
are isolated from the organism and subjected to the action of environmental factors that inhibit
their vital processes, they undergo a biochemical readjustment. In consequence to this
readjustment, the tissues develop substances that stimulate their vital processes. Filatov
named these substances as Biogenic stimulators (Filatov, 1951). After many clinical experiments,
Filatov was convinced that any tissue of human or animal origin could be used to obtain
curative effect and this tissue may not necessarily correspond histologically to the tissue
affected by the pathological process. He extended this principle to general medicine and
confirmed that the process was just as valid for other human tissues. That is how the principle
of therapeutic tissue was born (Filatov, 1955).
Placenta serves as a natural storehouse of many biologically active components with
significant healing attributes (Tonello et al., 1996). Various extracts of placenta have been
described, however, only an aqueous extract of fresh full term human placenta acts as a
potent biogenous stimulator (Wu et al., 2003). Over a period of time, it has been
demonstrated that only an aqueous extract of human placenta has effective therapeutic
potential. The composition of the extracts depends on the method of its preparation and
consequently, they show different therapeutic activities. Clinical efficacy of an aqueous
extract of human placenta in wound healing is already established (Hong et al, 2010, Wu et
al., 2003). Globally scientists are investigating on placenta as a total organ and they expect to
discover new applications exploiting the potency of the organ and identify new compounds
in near future. This aqueous extract finds importance owing to its ability in curing chronic
non-healing wounds including post-surgical dressings and high degree of burn injuries (Wu
et al., 2003).
Wound healing is a complicated interrelated process wherein the injured dermal and
epidermal tissue is naturally regenerated. Though well regulated, the process of healing is
susceptible to interruption or failure leading to the formation of chronic non-healing
wounds. Factors which may contribute to this include diabetes, venous or arterial disease,
old age and infection. Placental extract, ever since its usage has been shown to be clinically
effective in healing normal as well as infected wounds (Shukla et al., 2004, Chakraborty et
al., 2009). It is involved in almost every stage of healing. It is also used in wound dressings
to speed up the process of recovery. Though clinically well-tested, emphasis is now being
laid in understanding the bioactive components involved in the process of healing. Research
on the extract has highlighted some important components that might play roles in this
process while few more are yet to be identified. Once the active components are identified
and a proper biochemical basis of their action is defined, these components may be used
even for newer purposes (Chakraborty et al., 2009).
The way in which biological products are produced, controlled and administered requires
necessary precautions. Unlike conventional pharmaceutical products, which are normally
produced and controlled using reproducible chemical and physical techniques, biological
products are manufactured by methods involving biological processes and materials, such
as cultivation of cells or extraction of material from living organisms. These processes
display inherent variability, so that the range and nature of by-products are also variable.
This variability, commercially termed as batch variation, occurs to a higher degree in
Placental Extract as a Therapeutic Agent
products of plant origin compared to those of animal origin. Thus in the manufacture of
biological products for direct application to human, full adherence to GMP (Good Medical
Practice) is necessary for all production steps, beginning with the starting material from
which the active ingredients are produced (WHO, 1992).
For any drug to make its mark in the international market, certification from regulatory
authority to ensure its safe use without side effects is compulsory. Exhaustive research to
verify the pharmacological efficacy of the drugs derived from traditional medicine in
pharmaceutical and biomedical arena is necessary. This would enable to confirm with
ancient texts and to understand and verify how the specific pharmacological action of the
drug is manifested. Research on the extract reveals ample opportunity for discovery of
potent bioactive components whose precise mechanism of action is yet to be elucidated. In
the present era of modern pharmaceutical and biomedical research, it has become necessary
to verify the pharmacological effects of the drugs in order to check whether they correspond
to the ancient texts and to study how the drugs work, and also to isolate the active
principles that result in the specific pharmacological action of the extract. In this review, we
aim to discuss the efficacy and the biochemical components present in the aqueous extract
of human placenta, which has potent wound healing attributes.
2. Preparations of human placental extract
Placental extracts can be classified into two different types: aqueous extract and hydroalcoholic
extract. The components present in the extract depend on the method of its preparation and
are based on solubility of the components in respective solvent of extraction. Thus, an aqueous
extract is likely to contain more polar molecules such as peptides/proteins, small organic
components like amino acids, nucleotides, polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRNs), carbohydrates
and trace amount of lipids mostly bound to proteins which are comparatively soluble in
aqueous medium. Likewise, various types of lipids may be present in hydroalcoholic extract
(less polar and hydrophobic). Chemical analysis of the hydroalcoholic extract revealed the
presence of glycosphingolipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoproteins,
carbohydrates, sialic acids and others, including amino acids, nucleotides, carotenes, vitamins,
including small amount of low-molecular-weight proteins/peptides containing hydrophobic
amino acid residues which are soluble in a less polar solvent.
Modern indigenous aqueous placental extract is prepared employing Filatov’s procedure.
The manufacturing procedure of the indigenous extract holding confidentiality of the
proprietary terms is as follows: fresh placentae were stored in ice and portions were tested
for HIV antibody and Hepatitis B surface antigen. Single hot and cold aqueous extractions
were done after incubating dissected and minced placenta at 900C and 60C respectively. This
was followed by sterilization of the extract under saturated steam (pressure 15-lbs/sq inch
at 1200C for 40 min). After filtration and addition of 1.5% (v/v) benzyl alcohol as
preservative, ampoules were filled and sterilized once again under the said condition for 20
min. In the first sterilization, the extended duration of heat treatment essentially completed
precipitation of a number of macromolecules like proteins. This is apart from adding safety
margins to the temperature, time or both to destroy most resistant spore-producing species
like Clostridium tetani. The terminal sterilization step was to maintain sterility of the
products after they were filled and sealed in ampoules. Each milliliter of the drug was
Recent Advances in Research on the Human Placenta
derived from 0.1 g of fresh placenta. A single batch was prepared from the pool of several
placentae. The trade name of the extract is ‘Placentrex’. Carried over bioactive components
in the extract depends on the method of its preparation. As the extract is prepared by
repeated sterilization process, it is expected that it may contain macromolecules in their
degraded forms together with small bio-organic compounds such as amino acids, peptides,
small sized polypeptides, nucleotides, small polynucleotide fragments etc. Only those
molecules that are heat stable and are able to withstand high sterilization pressure will
remain biologically active. The active components with significant biological activity have
been discussed later on. Presence of various organic components gives the extract a
yellowish tinge (Datta and Bhattacharyya, 2004a).
In India, several studies have been made on the drug used as wound healer. The extract is a
potent biogenous stimulator and abundantly used as an efficient wound healer (Punshi,
1981). Broadly speaking, an aqueous extract of human placenta has the following actions in
the body: it accelerates cellular metabolism providing the energy for the inflammatory
response to occur. It also aids in absorption of exudates by controlling its formation,
removal of unhealthy tissue by debridement and management of bacterial load that are
required for good wound bed preparation (Hong et al., 2010). It stimulates tissue
regeneration processes. Aqueous extract of placenta contain nucleotides like PDRNs and
NADPH that are known for their regeneration effect (Nelson and Cox, 2000). In addition, it
also supplements growth factors and small peptides that help in matrix formation and cell
adhesion, thereby promoting wound healing as described in details later on.
The hydroalcolic extract of placenta is more effective for the treatment of vitiligo. The
method of preparation of a hydroalcoholic extract of fresh human placenta meant for vitiligo
treatment has been reported earlier (Pal et al., 1995). Such an extract from human placenta
with efficient skin pigmenting activity has been developed based on experimental therapies.
Glycosphingolipids, capable of inducing adhesion, spreading and motility of melanoma is
present in the extract and therefore, may lead to skin pigmentation through induction of
melanocytes (Pal et al., 2002).
3. Role of placental extract in wound healing
Wound healing is a very complex process that includes inflammation, cell migration,
extracellular matrix deposition and cell maturation (Diegelmann and Evans, 2004). Several
cytokines and growth factors are involved in inducing different cell types for healing.
Extracellular matrixes such as collagen, laminin, and fibronectin are deposited in the dermis
under the effects of fibroblasts in the later phase of healing. In the last phase, contraction of
the dermis in full-thickness wounds and squamous differentiation of the keratinocytes on
the surface of wounds concludes its maturation (Falanga, 2001). Among all the extracts of
placenta that have been prepared, only the aqueous extract has been shown to have potent
clinical efficacy in terms of healing. Aqueous extract from placenta is used as a licensed drug
for wound healing under different trade names in India and overseas countries (Datta and
Bhattacharyya, 2004a). This could be due the fact that the aqueous extract is a rich source of
various bioactive peptides with tissue regeneration potential (Chakraborty and
Bhattacharyya, 2005a; De et al., 2009). In addition, the extract also retains amino acids,
nucleotides, polydeoxyribonucleotides and carbohydrates that might be responsible for
wound healing. Most of the wound healers that are available in the market have anti-
Placental Extract as a Therapeutic Agent
microbial (antibacterial or antifungal) properties but the potency of the extract lies in the fact
that it not only reduces the inflammatory phase and microbial burden on the wound
(Chakraborty and Bhattacharyya 2005b) but also help in cell migration (Gupta and
Chottopadhyay, 2008), matrix formation and tissue regeneration thereby ensuring
sequential uninterrupted healing. Placental extract plays a beneficial role as a topical agent
in the management of chronic non-healing wounds. It is reported that the extract promotes
fibrogenesis, neoangiogenesis and epithelialisation (Shukla et al., 2004). Globally, the extract
is now accepted as an effective healer in burn injuries, chronic non-healing wounds, post
surgical dressings, as well as bedsores (Chakraborty et al., 2009).
Clinical evaluation of the aqueous extract revealed that it has anti-inflammatory and anti-
platelet aggregation activity. As reported the extract exhibits anti-inflammatory response
probably either through inhibition/inactivation of chemical mediators or by directly
modulating prostaglandin (PG) production by suppression of cyclooxygenase (COX).
Kinins, chemical mediators of nonimmunological type of inflammation, have two
membrane receptor B1 and B2, for their activities. It has been reported that in cotton pellet
induced subacute inflammation model, the extract may act as inhibitor of the B1-receptor
thereby exerting its anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps in activation of the clotting
cascade by trauma which results in platelet activation, followed by aggregation. The clinical
study of platelet aggregation reflects that this extract can either inhibit PGs synthesis
pathway or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) release. In addition, an aqueous extract of human
placenta has also shown to stimulate collagen synthesis in vivo in rats. The significant
increase in tensile strength and tissue DNA in the animals given the extract (intra muscular)
indicates it was associated with marked collagen synthesis. The cytoplasmic repairment was
revealed from regeneration of protein in appreciable amount. The efficiency of formation of
collagen depends mainly on the synthesis of hydroxyproline, which was also shown to be
appreciably high in the i.m. treated rats with the extract. These evidences, as reported, were
further supported by pictures of histopathological changes showing maximum
accumulation of collagen fibrils and epithelialisation (Biswas et al., 2001).
Human and animal models show that placental extract has an immunostimulating action
both at cellular and humoral levels. It probably increases IgG and IgM at the humoral level
and total lymphokines at the cellular level. It also reports several advantages over antibiotics
and chemotherapeutic agents in terms of antibacterial activity including vascularisation of
wound environment and is free from side effects (Chakraborty et al., 2009).
The injectable form of placental extract was found to be very effective, inexpensive and
excellent stimulant of granulation tissue, which is superior to the dressing of povidone
iodine (Pati et al., 2001). Human placental dressing was found to be effective in clinical
wound healing for chronic varicose ulcers (Burgos et al., 1989). Later, this finding was
supported by Subramanian et al., 1990. The wound healing potency of the aqueous extract
of placenta is thus clinically well established and a lot of evidences support these findings.
However, the active components present and the molecular mechanisms that are involved
in the healing process are yet to be defined. The variety of biological actions of aqueous
extract of human placenta is a matter of increasing interest. Characterization of such extract
by isolating the active components present in it and to determine their mechanism of action
related to wound healing process is of utmost requirement. This is because scientific
Recent Advances in Research on the Human Placenta
assessment of such extract is necessary for its better acceptance in medical practice with a
more convincing approach.
4. Biochemical characterization and possible mechanism of action of the
Human placental extract manufactured by a proprietary extraction method using term
human placenta as a raw material has potent therapeutic efficacy. Use of placental extract in
different preparations under various trade names is a recommended worldwide practice.
Developed from folk knowledge, the aqueous extract is used as a globally accepted licensed
drug in post surgical dressings, as a healer in burn injuries and chronic wounds under
different trade name in many countries including India (Chakraborty et al., 2009).
Isolating active components present in a biological extract is a natural propagation towards
characterization of the drug. The contents present in the extract depend on the method of its
preparation. An aqueous extract of placenta contains amino acids, peptides,
glycosaminoglycans, lipids, polynucleotides (mainly polydeoxyribonucleotide fragments),
vitamins, minerals etc. Some of them can be chemically or biologically synthesized but
many of them can only be obtained by isolating them from a natural source. An aqueous
extract of human placenta of potent therapeutic value is under research in terms of
identifying the active components present and the biochemical basis of its mode of action. It
was initiated at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, India from 1999 and is still
ongoing. The drug ‘Placentrex’ – manufactured by Albert David Ltd., Kolkata has been used
for this purpose, which is used as wound healer from long back. The extract is prepared
under relatively harsh conditions; as a result of which macromolecules are degraded
generating low molecular weight bio-organic compounds e.g. amino acids, peptides, small
sized polypeptides, nucleotides, small polynucleotide fragments etc. Owing to the presence
of PDRNs, the spectral pattern of the extract corresponds mostly to that of DNA with a high
absorption at 260 nm. Characterization of such extract by isolating the active components
present in it and to determine their mechanism of action related to wound healing would be
Major findings with its constituents include demonstration of minimal batch variation of the
extract using conventional spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques like UV-VIS
absorption spectra, FT-IR, TLC, HPTLC and HPLC and also by newly developed method for
fingerprinting of multi-component drugs using fluorescence Excitation-Emission-Matrix
(EEM) plots. Since there is no fingerprinting technique, which could be applied universally
to separate different class of components, combination of different modes is used and
upgradation of finger printing procedures is an active area of present research. Fluorescence
spectroscopy has versatile application in chemistry and biochemistry. Modern versions of
spectrofluorimeters are equipped with generation of three dimensional (3D) contour plots,
also called EEM plots. where the z-axis represents emission intensity. Its advantage lies on
presentation of chromophores having different excitation and emission patterns in a single
profile. In analytical chemistry, it is frequently used in environmental and hydrological
studies. Moreover, since wide excitation and emission zones are covered in a single profile,
there is no scope of missing any newly emerged fluorophore in a batch. This safeguard is
almost impossible to include in two-dimensional fluorescence emission profiles. A high
Placental Extract as a Therapeutic Agent
degree of consistency between different batches of the drug was observed from EEM.
Validity of these results from EEM was crosschecked by different spectroscopic and
chromatographic modes (Datta and Bhattacharyya, 2004b). This consistency reflects
standardization of the manufacturing process of the drug and also adherence of uniform
placental composition irrespective of the nutritional status of mothers. Fluorescence
spectroscopy has been shown to have capability of identifying the fluorophores in a
complex multi-component biological system.
During characterization of the extract, a fluorophore has been detected which had excitation
and emission properties similar to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced form
(NADH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced form (NADPH). When
excited at 340 nm, it results in fluorescence emission having maxima around 436 nm, which
is fairly specific for NADH and NADPH. These are natural constituents of placenta and play
important roles in different metabolic pathways including wound healing. NAD/NADH
and NADP/NADPH are major redox-active ‘electron storage’ compounds. One or both of
these ‘redox pairs’ is involved in every major biochemical pathway. They participate in the
trafficking of electrons as ‘reducing equivalents,’ the electron packets that facilitate
metabolism. Evidence of only free and bound NADPH (supplying as a substrate or cofactor
for enzymes) were demonstrated using thin layer chromatography and reversed-phase
HPLC. Since NADPH is known to regulate a number of phenomena related to wound
healing, we have investigated its presence in different batches of the drug. Biological
functionality of the fluorophore in the extract has been confirmed by enzymatic assay. It has
been shown that NADPH in aging human skin cells increases synthesis of collagen
involving filaggrin and keratin in vitro (Datta and Bhattacharyya 2004a).
The extract also has the ability for in vitro NO induction in mouse peritoneal macrophage
and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The aqueous extract has been
investigated in terms of induction of NO by macrophages. It has been demonstrated that
with an increase of NO production, concomitant decrease in NADPH present in the applied
placental extract was observed, thereby indicating that the NADPH pool of placental extract
is metabolized, further justifying the biological potency of this nucleotide in the extract
(Chakraborty et al., 2006). It has been well documented that nitric oxide (NO) has multiple
effects at the molecular, cellular and physiological level in wound healing. It promotes
inflammatory mediation of repair mechanism and wound matrix development followed by
remodeling. NO mediated cellular signaling possibly enhances wound repair by increasing
tissue oxygen availability through angiogenesis. It is produced in macrophages by the
enzyme inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) during wound healing (Luo and Chen, 2005).
It acts as a biological signaling and effector molecule capable of diffusing across membranes
and reacting with a variety of targets. Once induced, production of NO within the tissue can
induce an environment that is toxic to invading microorganism (Efron et al., 2000). It
promotes inflammatory mediation of repair mechanism and wound matrix development
followed by remodeling. The extract has also shown to induce interferon- (IFN-)
production by macrophages (Chakraborty et al., 2006).
Anti-microbial property of the extract against a large number of pathological microorganisms
related to prevention of secondary infections to wounds has also been demonstrated. The
extract has an effective inhibitory role on the growth of different microbes particularly growth
of clinically isolated bacteria, e.g. E. coli from urine and blood culture and S. aureus from pus
Recent Advances in Research on the Human Placenta
cells. Drug resistant strains such as E. coli DH5
Pet-16 AmpR and Pseudomonus aeruginosa
CamR were also significantly inhibited by the extract. The extract has both bacteriostatic and
fungistatic activities. Dose-dependent response of the extract was observed. A mixture of
polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRNs) appears to be the causative agent. Partial protection of
the wound from secondary microbial infection is thus indicated. Though the mechanism of
such growth-inhibitory activities has not been studied, it is predicted that the PDRNs
present in the extract enter the microbes and interfere with their replication machinery
(Chakraborty and Bhattacharyya, 2005b).
An important finding was isolation and purification of a peptide of around 7.4 kDa from the
extract. Derived partial amino acid sequence from mass spectrometric analysis showed its
homology with human fibronectin type III. Under nondenaturing condition, it formed
aggregate, the elution pattern of which was identical to that of fibronectin type III as
confirmed by reverse-phase HPLC. Immuno-blot of the peptide showed strong cross
reactivity with reference human fibronectin type III-C. It draws special attention because its
partial amino acid sequence showed homology with 10th type-III fibronectin peptide that
also contains the ‘RGD’ signature sequence endowed with cell adhesion properties (Nath
and Bhattacharyya, 2007). The importance of fibronectin in cutaneous wound healing is well
documented as a general cell adhesion molecule by promoting the spread of platelets at the
site of injury. It also helps in the adhesion and migration of neutrophils, monocytes,
fibroblasts and endothelial cells into the wound region, and the migration of epidermal cells
through the granulation tissue (Chakraborty and Bhattacharyya, 2005a).
Considering the importance of peptides in wound healing, the fraction was further
characterized in terms of regulation of some enzyme activities related to repair mechanism.
Primary investigation revealed that the drug stabilizes some serine proteases against their
autodigestion by reversibly inactivating them, which enhances the efficiency of proteolytic
enzymes thereby facilitates wound healing. Further it has been demonstrated that one or more
peptides from human placental extract including fibronectin type III stabilize trypsin activity
after strong association, which is reversible in nature. In presence of excess substrate, the
conjugate is dissociated. Regulation of trypsin activity with prevention of autodigestion has
been demonstrated in De et al, 2011.
As a working hypothesis, wound healing can be broadly categorized into three overlapping
phases both in terms of time and space cleansing or debridement, following which
proliferation occurs to provide a platform for tissue regeneration and finally differentiation
occurs. During debridement, extensive ‘hydrolytic activity’ ensures proper cleaning of the
wounded tissue. The last two stages of healing require extensive ‘synthetic activity’ and
minimal hydrolytic activity. Trypsin and similar proteolytic enzymes help in debridement and
prevent keloid formation during wound healing and therefore regulation of its activity is an
important criterion. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, collagenase, papain, bromelein etc were reported
to be effective in wound healing as a debriding agent. These agents remove foreign bodies and
necrotic tissues and reveals healthy, bleeding tissues so that the wound can heal (Buck and
Phillips, 1970; Craig, 1975; Ramundo and Gray, 2009). Thus, it is expected that the peptide
would have greater half-lives in the blood, as serine proteases form a major part of blood
proteases. Proportionate mixing of ‘Placentrex’ with some proteolytic enzymes and subsequent
evaluation of its efficacy in wound healing, may be another promising avenue of the future
study leading to the development of an effective wound healer with debridement potential.
Placental Extract as a Therapeutic Agent
It remains questionable whether the proteins and peptides of the drug remain stable in
human blood as the blood contains many proteases. There is an array of proteases in blood,
which include thrombin, plasmin, Hageman factor, blood coagulation cascade enzymes etc.
Though it is well known that blood proteases are quite specific about their substrates, the
question of stability of the drug components remains an important issue from clinical point
of view. It has been demonstrated by size exclusion HPLC that the peptide fraction of the
drug remains unaffected in presence of plasma and serum proteases from human blood
(Fig. 1). In reverse, it has also been demonstrated by gelatin zymography that the blood
proteases remain unaffected after incubation for 48 hrs in presence of the placental peptide
fraction (Fig. 2). However, protease-substrate interactions are not always guided by the
specificity of the protease. One essential requirement for proteolysis is that the hydrolysable
bond must be physically accessible to the catalytic site of the protease. Often proteins can
survive proteolysis out of its compact globular structures under physiological conditions in
presence of proteases. It is generally observed that any drug administered through intra
venous or intra muscular remains active in circulation for a maximum period of 48 hours
after which it is removed from circulation by metabolism or excretion. Thus the studies were
restricted within 48 hrs.
Fig. 1. Stability of the peptide fraction from placental extract in presence of blood protease
(plasma) over 48 hr as observed from size exclusion HPLC using Waters Protein Pak 125
column (fractionation range 2-20 kDa). The sharp major peak corresponds to the unresolved
peptide fractions of Mw 10-16 kDa while the second peak corresponds to elution of small
bioorganic molecules. The overlapping profiles from top to bottom indicate samples of
incubation time 0, 6, 18, 24, 48 hr respectively at 37°C. The loss of intensity appears to be due
to partial precipitation of the peptides removed by centrifugation though there is no
indication of multimer formation at the void volume of the column. The downward arrow
indicates the void volume.
Time (min)
0 5 10 15 20
Recent Advances in Research on the Human Placenta
Fig. 2. Stability of blood proteases in presence of peptide fraction of human placental extract
as observed by gelatin zymography. (A) Representing trypsin 0.75 ng (lane 1), buffer as
control (lane 2), serum isolated from blood (lane 3) and plasma (lane 4), both were incubated
for 48 hr with 10 µg/ml of peptide fraction of the placental extract. (B) Human serum (lane 1)
and plasma (lane 2) as control.
As a part of the healing process, the body enters a hypermetabolic phase, where there is an
increase in demand for carbohydrates. Cellular activity is fuelled by adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), which is derived from glucose, providing the energy for the inflammatory response
to occur. In addition to their role in metabolic process, carbohydrates are involved in cellular
signaling as well as cell-cell interaction. While addressing roles of carbohydrates, interaction
of lysozyme with the extract was investigated. The enzyme showed positive reactivity in a
time and concentration dependent manner indicating that carbohydrate residues were
present. Attempts are in progress to identify these residues by GC-MS in presence of
reference sugars (unpublished observation).
1 2 3 4
Placental Extract as a Therapeutic Agent
This multifaceted character of the drug encourages further investigation following which
the biochemical basis of its mode of action is likely to be highlighted.
5. Multiple therapeutic properties of aqueous extract of human placenta
Several clinical investigations and findings have been reported on effective therapeutic use
of placental extract such as clinical evaluation in radiation-induced oral mucositis (Kaushal
et al., 2001), restorative effects in X-ray-irradiated mice (Mochizuki and Kada, 1982), for the
treatment of myopic and senile chorio-retinal dystrophies (Girotto and Malinverni, 1982),
rheumatic arthritis (Rosenthal, 1982), osteoarthritis (Kim et al, 2010), skin diseases (Punshi,
1981), for prevention of recurring respiratory infections (Lo Polito, 1980), in the therapy of
urticarias (Mittal, 1977), in therapy of children with asthmatic bronchitis (Vecchi et al., 1977),
in atrophic rhinitis (Sinha et al, 1976), on hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes (Bishayee et
al., 1995), in cerebral arteriosclerosis (Lafay 1965), in periodontal disease (Calvarano et al.,
1989). Topical treatment of cervico-vaginal lesions using a placental extract with
anticomplement activity (Sgro, 1978), local therapy of psoriasis (Lodi et al., 1986), treatment
of vitiligo with topical melagenine (Suite and Quamina, 1991) has also been reported to be
successful. A number of reports have been found on placental extract effective in arthritis
(Yeom et al., 2003). Effectiveness of topical application of polydeoxiribonucleotide from
human placenta in gynaecology has been documented (Bertone and Sgro, 1982). Post-
irradiation cystitis improved by instillation of early placental extract in saline (Mićić and
Genbacev, 1988) and placental extract injections in the treatment of loss of hair in women is
also documented (Hauser, 1982). It was reported that aqueous human placental extract
induced potentiation of morphine antinociception may have a clinical significance for the
treatment of persistent or chronic pain (Gurgel et al., 2000). Clinical evaluation of the
aqueous extract has shown that the drug acts as a potent wound healer with anti
inflammatory and immunotropic effect. Placental extract has long been used as a cosmetic
supplement for skin care and skin pigmentation (Pal et al., 2002). Recently it has been
reported that menopausal symptoms and fatigue in middle-aged women improved after the
treatment with the aqueous placental extract (Kong et al., 2008). It has been reported that an
aqueous extract of human placenta was found to offer protection against established
experimental visceral leishmaniasis in BALB/c mice and hamsters, whether the Leishmania
donovani strain involved was one that was sensitive or resistant to pentavalent antimony.
Based on the results of this pilot study, a further evaluation of the efficacy of human
placental extract therapy, which may offer a cost-effective way of improving the treatment
of antimony-resistant cases of visceral leishmaniasis, is being undertaken (Chakraborty et
al., 2008).
Several studies have shown therapeutic use of other animal placenta also. Recent report
shows that the protective effect of porcine placental extract in contact hypersensitivity is
mediated by inhibition of the inflammatory responses and IgE production to modulate skin
inflammation (Jash et al., 2011). Cow placental extract efficiently accelerates cell division and
growth factor expression by raising the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) mRNA and
protein level to increase hair follicle size and hair length in murine (Zhang et al., 2011).
Bovine placental extract is capable of improving the tenderness of certain injuries that are
Recent Advances in Research on the Human Placenta
relatively high in connective tissue, while avoiding myofibrillar protein hydrolysis (Phillips
et al. 2000). An immunomodulatory peptide was isolated from aqueous extract of bovine
placenta which showed no significant homology with other immunomodulatory peptides
(Fang et al., 2007). Thus, the therapeutic potency of placental extract has earned global
6. Conclusion
Natural medicine continues to play an important role for prevention, alleviation and cure of
diseases. In some part of the Western world, the use of traditional medicine has been largely
lost. However, it is a widespread phenomenon in the developing countries where 80% of
the population is still relying on traditional medicine for primary healthcare. Derived
from folklore, human placental preparations show immense therapeutic value and can be
safely used once it is ensured that the source is free from fatal infections like HIV, HBV,
HCV and alike. The aqueous extract of human placenta is a scientifically proven potent
wound healer. Characterization of active components present in different placental
preparations and correlating them with their therapeutic actions are the promising avenue
for future study. A fibronectin type III-like peptide present in the aqueous extract appears
to be one of the key components for wound healing. It is known from the literature that
this type of peptide inhibits tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis. Therefore, future
work should include evaluation of human placental extract as anti-tumor agent.
Identification of the possible signaling pathways for wound healing as well as other
therapeutic properties of the placental peptide should receive immediate attention.
Additional components identified include PDRN and NADPH. Further, yet unidentified
peptides or small molecules might also be present in various preparations of the extract
that might play roles in wound healing and related disorders. Identification of other
biologically active components in the extract and their mechanism of action in terms of
cellular signaling, which play significant role in wound healing also needs to be
7. Acknowledgement
Work was supported by a research grant from the drug house Albert David Ltd. Kolkata.
We thank Ms. Debashree De (SRF, CSIR-New Delhi) and Ms. Anwesha Majumder (SRF,
Albert David Ltd.) for their contribution in zymography and size exclusion HPLC
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... Traditional Chinese medicine experts believed that the placenta contains a "life force" and used it for boosting lactation, blood circulation, and immunity, as well as for lethargy, skin aging and hair loss [9]. Vladimir Petrovitch Filatov believed that any tissue of human or animal origin could be used for therapeutic purposes, even if histologically different from the diseased tissue-a concept he called the "therapeutic tissue principle" [10]. Although Table 1. ...
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Placentae and their derivatives have been used in both traditional and modern medicine, as well as in cosmetic sciences. Although hair loss is frequently mentioned among problems for which the placenta is supposed to be a remedy, the evidence seems rather scarce. The aim of this study was to highlight the clinical evidence for the efficacy of placenta products against baldness and hair loss. Methods: This systematic review was performed according to PRISMA and PICO guidelines. Database searches were conducted in PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus. Results: Among the 2922 articles retrieved by the query, only 3 previously published clinical trials on placental products were identified. One study was a randomized controlled trial, in which the efficacy of a bovine placenta hair tonic was found to be comparable to that of minoxidil 2% in women with androgenic alopecia. Another controlled study showed that a porcine placenta extract significantly accelerated the regrowth of shaved hair in healthy people. The third study was an uncontrolled trial of a hair shampoo and tonic containing equine placental growth factor in women with postpartum telogen effluvium with unclear and difficult-to-interpret results. Due to the design and methodology of these studies, the level of evidence as assessed with the GRADE method was low for the first study and very low for the other two. Conclusions: The very limited scientific evidence available to date appears, overall, to indicate the efficacy of placental products in both inhibiting hair loss and stimulating hair growth. Unfortunately, the number of clinical studies published to date is very limited. Further, carefully designed, randomized controlled trials of well-defined placental products are needed to definitively address the question of the value of the placenta and its derivatives in hair loss.
... Extracts of the placenta can be obtained by two major extraction processes: hydroalcoholic extraction and aqueous extraction and the components of aqueous extracts are more related to tissue generation and wound healing (Chakraborty and Bhattacharyya 2012). They are available as injections, topical and oral formulations. ...
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Wound management is a complex procedure that includes multiple factors that play major roles in the healing process. Extracellular matrix-based approaches are emerging strategies for promoting wound healing. The extracellular matrix is an extensive three-dimensional molecular network comprising a variety of fibrous proteins, glycosaminoglycans, and proteoglycans. One of the rich sources of extracellular matrix components is placental tissues, which have a long history of use in tissue repair and regeneration. Purpose of work This mini-review focuses on essential characteristics of placental disc, comparison of four commercially available placental connective matrices (Axiofill, Dermavest, Plurivest, and Interfyl) obtained from the placental disc, and their supporting studies in the use of wound healing applications.
... Although there Molecules 2021, 26, 5835 2 of 12 are important differences in the structure and function of different groups of mammals, there are few significant differences in the biochemical contents of the placental tissue across various species [4]. The placenta contains many biologically active ingredients, such as enzymes, amino acids, peptides, polydeoxyribonucleotides, vitamins, growth factors, and trace elements [13]. Conversely, the placenta has a distinctively metallic odor and an unpleasant taste that is difficult to describe but is easily recognized with experience [14]. ...
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Animal placentae can be used as health-promoting food ingredients with various therapeutic efficacies, but their use is limited by their unpleasant odor and taste. This study aimed to investigate the possibility of deodorization of sheep placenta via yeast fermentation. A yeast strain was successfully isolated and identified as a novel Brettanomyces strain (Brettanomyces deamine kh3). The deodorizing efficacy of fermentation of the sheep placenta with B. deamine kh3 was evaluated by 42 panels, based on evaluation of preference, ranking, and aroma profiles, and compared with normal placenta and placenta fermented with B. bruxellensis. The results of the sensory evaluation indicated that fermentation of the sheep placenta with B. deamine kh3 may improve its palatability by increasing flavors such as that of grass (tree), rubber, and burnt, and by decreasing the odor and soy sauce flavor. Solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography (SPME-GC) showed that major off-flavors in sheep placenta, such as ammonia, dimethyl disulfide, and 1,3-dioxolane, were completely diminished in the sheep placenta fermented with B. deamine kh3. This study presents those major volatile compounds, including 2-isobutyl\-4,4-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane, and 3-methyl-1-butanol, could be crucial in improving the palatability of the sheep placentae fermented with B. deamine kh3. This study provides a good starting point for the industrial application of a new deodorization method.
... The most frequently used tissue extract was hAM extract (41.7%). Tissue extracts are usually obtained by tissue lysis and centrifugation, hence they do not contain cells, but are rich in an array of proteins, minerals, amino acids, and steroid hormones (Datta and Bhattacharyy, 2012). Tissue extracts possess antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and cytoprotective properties and stimulate proliferation and reparative processes similar to their tissues of origin (reviewed in Pogozhykh et al. (2018)). ...
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Knowledge of the beneficial effects of perinatal derivatives (PnD) in wound healing goes back to the early 1900s when the human fetal amniotic membrane served as a biological dressing to treat burns and skin ulcerations. Since the twenty-first century, isolated cells from perinatal tissues and their secretomes have gained increasing scientific interest, as they can be obtained non-invasively, have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-fibrotic characteristics, and are immunologically tolerated in vivo. Many studies that apply PnD in pre-clinical cutaneous wound healing models show large variations in the choice of the animal species (e.g., large animals, rodents), the choice of diabetic or non-diabetic animals, the type of injury (full-thickness wounds, burns, radiation-induced wounds, skin flaps), the source and type of PnD (placenta, umbilical cord, fetal membranes, cells, secretomes, tissue extracts), the method of administration (topical application, intradermal/subcutaneous injection, intravenous or intraperitoneal injection, subcutaneous implantation), and the type of delivery systems (e.g., hydrogels, synthetic or natural biomaterials as carriers for transplanted cells, extracts or secretomes). This review provides a comprehensive and integrative overview of the application of PnD in wound healing to assess its efficacy in preclinical animal models. We highlight the advantages and limitations of the most commonly used animal models and evaluate the impact of the type of PnD, the route of administration, and the dose of cells/secretome application in correlation with the wound healing outcome. This review is a collaborative effort from the COST SPRINT Action (CA17116), which broadly aims at approaching consensus for different aspects of PnD research, such as providing inputs for future standards for the preclinical application of PnD in wound healing.
... К классу биостимуляторов природного происхождения относят тканевые препараты (14)(15)(16)(17). Они благоприятно влияют на обмен веществ, в частности увеличивается количество общего белка, альбуминов, билирубина, мочевины, холестерина, повышается активность ферментов переаминирования аланинаминотрансферазы и аспартатаминотрансферазы, обладая антиоксидантными свойствами (16), предотвращают перекисное окисление липидов (15,(18)(19)(20). ...
The metabolism intensity and pathways during lactation largely determine cow milk produc-tion. The use of tissue bio-stimulants optimizes metabolic processes in animal body by activating neu-rohumoral regulation mechanisms and has a positive effect on lactogenesis and lactopoesis. Tissue bio-stimulants are derived from various raw materials under various technologies. Therefore, understanding the mode of their action on physiological status and productive qualities of farm animals is relevant. This paper is the first experimental conformation that fourfold administration of the new tissue bio-stimulant to cows during the dry period and the first 100 days of lactation promotes protein and lipid metabolism in lactating cows. It was proven that the administration of the tissue bio-stimulant accord-ing to the developed scheme increases daily milk yields and milk protein and butterfat yields during the first 60 days of lactation. Our goal was to evaluate the effect of the new tissue bio-stimulant derived from reindeer waste on metabolic indices of cows and their milk production. The study was conducted in the herd of Black-Pied cows of the Priobskiy type during dry period and early lactation (the farm of the AO Uchkhoz Prigorodnoye, Barnaul, the Altai Region, 2019). Dry cows at the 3rd lactation were assigned to two groups (n = 10) 55-60 days before the expected calving. In the control group, saline solution was injected during the dry period (55-60 days before the expected calving fourfold, 22.5 ml per head two weeks apart) and during the first 100 days of lactation - from day 15 at the same dose and frequency. In the trial group, the tissue bio-stimulant was administered according to the same scheme. The batch of the tissue bio-stimulant (Russian Patent No. 2682641) was obtained from mesenteric lymph nodes and mediastinums, spleen, liver, uteri with 2-3 month old fetuses, and placentae collected under aseptic conditions from healthy animals at slaughtering. Before the experi-ment and on days 15 and 60 of lactation, blood samples were collected from the tail veins into clot activator tubes. The levels of total blood protein, albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose were measured (an automated ChemWell Combi 2910 Analyzer, Awareness Technology Inc., USA), the amount of blood globulins, the albumin to globulin ratio and the cholesterol to triglyceride ratio were calculated. The daily milk yields were recorded on days 15, 30, and 60 of lactation by control milking; the milk yield over 60 days of lactation was calculated. On days 15 and 60 of lactation, the concen-trations of protein and butterfat in milk were determined (a MilkoScan FT 120 analyzer, Foss Electric, Denmark), the yields of milk protein and butterfat over 60 days of lactation were calculated according to the common formula. The administration of the tissue bio-stimulant had a promoting effect on metabolism activation and increased the indices of constructive and energy metabolism. The serum levels of total protein, albumin, and cholesterol increased by 3.0-6.4 % (p < 0.01), 9.2-6.9 % (p < 0.001), and 18.3-26.0 % (p < 0.01), respectively, albumin to globulin ratio by 9.0-11.1 % (p < 0.01) as compared to the control. On day 60 of lactation vs. day 15, the total serum protein increased by 9.7 % (p < 0.001) and 6.1 % (p < 0.001) in control group and trial group, respectively, serum globulin by 20.5 % (p < 0.001) and 16.2 % (p < 0.001), and cholesterol by 2.0 % and 8.6 % (p < 0.01). The albumin to globulin ratio decreased by 18.2 % (p < 0.001) and 16.7 % (p < 0.001). In the trial group, milk production for 60 days of lactation increased by 19.3 % (p < 0.01) and the yields of milk protein and butterfat by 26.7 % (p < 0.05) and 22.1 % (p < 0.05).
... Плацентаунікальна скарбниця, яка містить практично всі біологічні речовини, що синтезуються в організмі людини, склад і концентрація яких є характерними саме для періоду внутрішньоутробного розвитку людини і, надалі, обумовлюють їх позитивну дію при лікуванні захворювань різного ґенезу [2]. Екстракти плаценти людини (ЕПЛ), які мають широкий спектр протеїнів, пептидів, мінералів, амінокислот, стероїдних гормонів тощо, також знайшли широке використання у медичній галузі [3]. Дослідження впливу низьких температур на біологічно-активні речовини водносольових екстрактів плаценти проводилися [4], проте це питання вивчено недостатньо. ...
UDC 57.086.13:615.361:615.451.1:618.46 Influence of Freeze-Thawing of Placenta on the Biological Activity of its Extracts Bobrova О., Repina S., Narozhnyi S., Nardid O., Rozanova K. Abstract. Placenta extracts obtained by various methods have been already widely used in practical medicine. At the same time experimental and clinical studies of the therapeutic efficacy of placenta extracts in relation to various pathologies, including inflammatory diseases, osteoarthritis, chronic pain, ischemic brain damage, liver damage, etc. are still in progress. Cryogenic technologies could be used for widening the perspectives of placenta extracts clinical application. However, the low temperature effect on extracts properties of their therapeutic efficacy is not studied well. The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of freeze-thawing of placenta on the ability of its aqueous-saline extracts to increase the thermal stability of erythrocytes, which is an indicator of antiinflammatory activity. Material and methods. Human placentas obtained from healthy parturients with their informed consent, stored for no more than 24 hours at 4 °C, were used in the research. Aqueous-saline extracts were obtained from fresh, frozen down to –20 °C and –196 °C and thawed human placentas by tissue homogenization and further exposing to PBS (pH 7.4). Individual fractions were received using gel chromatography. The level of human erythrocytes thermal hemolysis (20 min., 55 °C) was determined by the hemoglobin content in supernatant at 540 nm. Thermodependent dynamic state of cytosol and a membrane barrier function of erythrocytes were studied at hyperthermia using the method of EPR spin probe. Results and discussion. The freezing of placentas down to –20 °C and –196 °C did not result in the loss of ability of their extracts and individual fractions to reduce the erythrocyte thermal hemolysis. The most effective enhancement of erythrocyte thermal resistance was found after incubation with fractions of < 4 kDa and 12–20 kDa. Placenta extracts modified both the state of erythrocyte cytosol, its microviscosity, at temperatures +(40–50)°C, and their thermal stability, reducing the speed of disturbance of membrane barrier properties at 55 °C. The freezing of placentas down to –20 °C and –196 °C did not affect the ability of the whole extract to modify the state of cytosol and the membrane barrier function at hyperthermia. Conclusions. The obtained results proved the possibility of freezing placentas down to –20°C and –196°C without losing of biological activity of their extracts, in particular, their ability to improve the thermal stability of erythrocytes, which is an indicator of anti-inflammatory properties. Keywords: aqueous-saline extract, human placenta, freeze-thawing, thermal hemolysis of erythrocytes, cytosol microviscosity.
... This takes days to 3 to 8 weeks to get resolved (Buchoo et al., 2005; Jaiswal et al., 2006; Patil et al., 2012). Human placenta extract has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and enhance wound healing (Piyali & Debasish, 2012; Changole et al., 2015; Shukla et al., 2016). Placentrex facilitate post surgical healing at the insertion site in equine ocular setariasis (Mritunjay et al., 2011). ...
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Purpose The placenta, a prominent source of scaffolding material, has primarily been utilized in wound care. Enriched with numerous growth factors and extracellular matrix components, it holds the potential to create an exceptionally favorable environment for wound healing. The purpose of this study is to develop a combination product from placenta and evaluate the impact of processing method over bioactive molecules. Methods We developed a decellularized human placental connective tissue matrix (dHPCTM) and placental extract (HPE). These were combined in a 1:1 ratio to create a composite product known as dHPCTM-HPE. The fabricated products were obtained through processes involving homogenization, mechanical and chemical treatments, and freeze-drying. To ascertain the retention of structural and bioactive molecules within these products, we conducted quantification tests for amino acids, collagen, glycosamninoglycans, histological evaluation, porosity, and swelling ratio. Results The combined product, dHPCTM-HPE, exhibited superior biochemical and mechanical properties when compared to dHPCTM or HPE alone. Conclusion This combination shows promise for the treatment of chronic and deeper wounds where a single intervention is less likely to yield optimal results.
Although the physical function of the placenta and cord for the infant ends after birth, the belief that the spiritual and religious function of these materials will continue throughout the life of the infant is widespread in most countries. Due to this belief, some rituals such as burying, making art and lotus birth are practiced. Especially in recent years, there has been an increase in placentaphagia cases. Additionally, it is known that placenta and umbilical cord, which are rich in young cells, are used in medical and cosmetic fields, mostly for dermal and hematological diseases, and cord blood banking practice is becoming increasingly common. The aim of this review is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and medical practices regarding placenta and umbilical cord, and to inform health professionals dealing with women and her babies on these practices. ÖZET Doğum sonrası plasenta ve kordonun bebek için fiziksel işlevi sona ermesine rağmen çoğu ülke ve topluluklarda plasenta ve kordonun ruhani ve dini işlevinin bebeğin yaşamı boyunca devam edeceği düşüncesi hâkim olmaktadır. Bu düşünce ile kordon ve plasenta için toprağa gömme, sanat yapma ve lotus doğum gibi birtakım ritüeller uygulanmaktadır. Ayrıca son dönemlerde anne psikolojisine iyi geldiği ve sütü arttırdığı düşüncesi ile uygulanan plasentafaji olgularında da artış görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte genç hücreler bakımından zengin olan fetüsün bu eklerinin tıbbi ve kozmetik alanda da çoğunlukla dermal ve hematolojik hastalıklar için kullanıldığı, kordon kanı bankacılığı uygulamasının giderek yaygınlaştığı bilinmektedir. Bu derlemede plasenta ve umblikal kordona ilişkin geleneksel ve tıbbi uygulamaların avantaj ve dezavantajları incelenmekte ve kadın ve bebek ile ilgilenen sağlık profesyonellerine bu uygulamalar konusunda bilgilendirme yapmak amaçlanmaktadır.
Background The placenta maintains and regulates the growth of foetus and consists of various biologically active nutrients such as cytomedines, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, peptides, growth factors and other biologically active constituents. Introduction The therapeutic effectiveness of the placenta can be well defined with respect to several biochemical mechanisms of various components present in it. The placental extract derived from biomedical wastes has also shown a great potential for treatment of various diseases. Method Placental therapy has been reported specifically to have potent action on treatment of diseases and tissue regeneration. Result Placental bioactive components and their multi-targeting identity prompted us to compile the précised information on placental extract products. However, some findings are needed to be explored by scientific community to prove their clinical potential with significant statistical validation. Conclusion In the light of available information and the usefulness of the placental extract, it is necessary that the formulations of various desirable properties may be developed to meet the clinical requirements in several treatment paradigms. It is also a matter of exploration that the short- and long-term adverse effects to be explored by advanced scientific techniques.
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Human placental extract that is used as a wound healer, acts as a stimulating agent for tissue repair. It has an effective inhibitory role on the growth of different microbes like bacteria, e.g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and fungi, e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces fragilis and Candida albicans. It also prevents growth of clinically isolated bacteria, e.g. E. coli from urine and blood culture and S. aureus from pus. Drug-resistant strains such as E. coli DH5α Pet-16 AmpR and Pseudomonus aeruginosa CamR were also significantly inhibited by the extract The extract has both bacteriostatic and fungistatic activities. Dose-dependent response of the extract was observed. Antimicrobial activity was retained after heating but was lost after dialysis. The MIC of the extract varies between 200 and 8000 mg/l. No antimicrobial activity was observed with human serum and aqueous extract of mouse muscle serving as control. A mixture of polydeoxyribonucleotides appears to be the causative agent. Partial protection of the wound from secondary microbial infection is thus indicated.
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This study investigated the effect of human placenta extract (HPE) on cartilage degradation in vitro MG-63 cells, articular cartilage explants, and in vivo monoiodoacetate (MIA)-induced osteoarthritis (OA). Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 activity was measured in HPE-treated osteoblastic MG-63 cells. Articular cartilage explants in rabbit were cultured, and the degree of proteoglycan (PG) degradation was assessed by measuring the amount of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) released into the culture medium. Experimental osteoarthritis was induced by intra-articular injection of 3 mg MIA in rats. Beginning 14 d post-MIA injection, HPE was administered intra-articularly once a day for 14 d. The knee joints were assessed by roentgenography, histology, and gelatinase activity. HPE inhibited PG degradation in articular cartilage explants. HPE significantly reduced deformity of knee joints and suppressed the histological change in MIA-induced OA. HPE inhibited MMP-2 activity in MG-63 cells. MMP-2 and -9 activities were also reduced in the cartilages of HPE-treated knee joints. Our results indicate that HPE has therapeutic effects on OA by protecting cartilage.
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The healing properties of placental extract are well established in various skin conditions, including chronic wounds, pressure ulcers and burns. However, its biochemical composition and mechanisms of action are still largely unknown.
Background The authenticity of various prototype human placental extracts with biological activity, such as that inducing vitiligo repigmentation, is under serious criticism, mainly due to a lack of demonstration at the cellular level. Considering the present worldwide scenario with regard to the occurrence and treatment of vitiligo, a thorough scientific exploration of such extracts should be undertaken. Method One such prototype placental preparation was prepared, and was evaluated with regard to its melanogenic action in C57BL/6J mice in vivo and its mitogenic and melanogenic activity on B16F10 mouse melanoma cells and normal human melanocytes in vitro. The extract was applied topically to mice with age-induced prolonged telogenic phase of hair growth (grey body coat hair). Standard 3H-thymidine incorporation and spectrophotometric methods were followed to illustrate mitogenic and melanogenic effects at the cellular level. Results The resurgence of blue skin, followed by shiny black hair, at the regions of application of the extract demonstrated the reversal of the age-induced prolonged telogenic phase of hair growth to the anagenic phase after topical application of the extract on C57BL/6J mice. Further support was obtained from histology where, at the extract-treated sites, the development of new melanogenic centers and hair follicles was observed. During in vitro studies, the vehicle-free extract constituents stimulated both mitogenesis and melanogenesis of B16F10 mouse melanoma cells in a concentration-dependent manner. The cell morphology and extent of melanogenesis also showed significant changes. In addition, two known melanocyte activity-modulating peptides, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), were determined in the extract, chiefly in the total lipid fraction, indicating their effective cutaneous permeation. Conclusions The extract was found to be a potent mitogen in the in vitro condition and a potent melanogen in both the in vitro and in vivo situations. This strongly suggests its therapeutic potential for the repigmentation of vitiligo patches.
Debridement is an essential component of wound bed preparation. Various techniques of debridement are commonly used in clinical practice. This systematic review summarizes and ranks evidence concerning the safety and efficacy of the selective enzymatic debriding agent collagenase. Studies were identified comparing collagenase to inactive (sham) ointment and to alternate techniques for debridement including autolytic and surgical. A preponderance of evidence from this systematic review confirms that collagenase ointment is a safe and effective choice for debridement of cutaneous ulcers and burn wounds.
An aqueous extract of human placenta, used as wound healer, shows stabilization of trypsin against autodigestion as one of the peptides of the extract binds very strongly with the protease. Trypsin retains 40% of activity at constant level between 20 and 26 days in presence of the extract against complete inactivation in its absence. Inhibition of esterolytic activity and inability to react with p-nitrophenyl-p'-guanidinobenzoate, HCl, an active site directed reagent, by trypsin in presence of a peptide fraction of the extract indicated blocking of the catalytic site of the enzyme. Rayleigh scattering, size-exclusion HPLC, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and surface plasmon resonance show that fibronectin type III-like peptide present in the extract interacts with trypsin. The peptide-trypsin complex is dissociated in presence of high concentration of substrates. Thus, regulation of trypsin activity by the placental extract is evident.
Placenta extract features as a composition of ointments used for skin beautification, dermatological diseases and skin dryness. However, little evidence has been cited about its underlying mechanisms of action by which it exerts a beneficial role in dermatological diseases in vivo. In this study, we intended to test the effect of topical application of porcine placenta extract in mouse model of contact hypersensitivity and elucidate its mechanism of action. To test the in vitro effect of porcine placenta extract, RAW 264.7 cells were cocultured with porcine placenta extract and stimulated with LPS (1 μg/ml) and the expression of inflammatory mediator TNF-α was estimated by RT-PCR at the mRNA level and by intracellular staining at the protein level. To further test in vivo efficacy, porcine placenta extract was topically applied to the mice with experimental skin hypersensitivity. For in vivo studies placenta extract in gel form was topically applied to ear of DNCB-induced contact hypersensitivity mouse model everyday for 2 weeks and progression of the disease was estimated by following criteria: (a) ear thickness, (b) serum IgE level by ELISA, (c) histological examination of ear tissue by H&E staining and (d) cytokine profile of total cells and CD4(+) T cells by real time PCR. Topical application of porcine placenta extract on mouse ears with contact hypersensitivity decreased the severity and progression of the disease manifested by reducing ear swelling, inflammation and edema. Histological evaluation showed that placenta extract treatment reduced lymphocyte infiltration in the ear tissues. Protective effect of placenta extract is also associated with down-regulation of serum IgE level and inflammatory cytokine production (IL-1β, IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-4, IL-12 and IL-17) in total lymph node cells and CD4(+) T cells. Our data indicate that protective effect of porcine placenta extract in contact hypersensitivity is mediated by inhibition of the inflammatory responses and IgE production, suggesting a potential therapeutic application of porcine placenta extract to modulate skin inflammation.
Human placenta had been used on wound healing such as burns, chronic ulcers, and skin defects. Recently, human placenta has been widely used in the form of human placental extracts (HPE) by clinical field. However, it is unclear what the effect of HPE is on wound healing. We studied the effect and mechanism of HPE on wound healing.In this study, 10 mice (imprinting control region mice, 5 week old males, 30 g) were divided into an experimental group and a control group. An 8-mm diameter single full-thickness skin defect was made on the back by skin punch biopsy. At least 2.0 x 10 mL/30 g HPE was injected into the boundaries of the wound. Wound size measurements were taken by digital image every 3 days over 2 weeks. Hematoxylin and eosin (H and E), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and CD31+ immunohistochemical stains were performed on the 6th and 14th day.The experimental group showed acceleration in the decrease of wound size compared with the control group from the third day to the ninth day. TGF-beta on the 6th day showed a statistically significant increase in the experimental group. VEGF on the 14th day showed a statistically significant increase in the experimental group. CD31+ was increased in the experimental group as wound healing progressed, but this increase was not statistically significant. The total number of vessels increased in the experimental group, but this was not statistically significant.We conclude that administering HPE directly to a wound margin promoted wound healing. This mechanism appears to be related to an increase in TGF-beta in the early phase of wound healing and VEGF in the late phase.
NADPH is an important biomolecule involved in cellular regeneration. The distribution of free and bound NADPH in aqueous extract of human placenta used as a potent wound healer has been analyzed. Quantification from fluorescence and immuno-affinity chromatography indicates that 75.1+/-2.2% of NADPH present in the extract exists as free nucleotide or bound to very small peptides or amino acids whereas the rest remains bound to large peptides. Inability to dissociate the bound form of the nucleotide from the large peptides using urea or guanidium hydrochloride indicates that the binding is covalent. Identification of a fragmented mass of m/z 382.94 (nicotinamide+sugar+phosphate) from the NADPH-peptide conjugates supported the intactness of the nicotinamide moiety. Glutathione reductase assay indicated that 95.2+/-3.5% of the total NADPH pool of the extract can act as cosubstrate of the enzyme. This indicates that while a major fraction of free NADPH of the extract is easily available for cellular processes, the rest can also function locally where the conjugated peptides are deposited.