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Machine Learning Overview 9
Machine Learning Overview
Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele
Machine Learning Overview
Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele
University of Portsmouth
United Kingdom
1. Machine Learning Overview
Machine Learning according to Michie et al (D. Michie, 1994) is generally taken to
encompass automatic computing procedures based on logical or binary operations that
learn a task from a series of examples. Here we are just concerned with classification, and it
is arguable what should come under the Machine Learning umbrella. Attention has
focussed on decision-tree approaches, in which classification results from a sequence of
logical steps. These are capable of representing the most complex problem given sufficient
data (but this may mean an enormous amount!). Other techniques, such as genetic
algorithms and inductive logic procedures (ILP), are currently under active development
and in principle would allow us to deal with more general types of data, including cases
where the number and type of attributes may vary, and where additional layers of learning
are superimposed, with hierarchical structure of attributes and classes and so on. Machine
Learning aims to generate classifying expressions simple enough to be understood easily by
the human. They must mimic human reasoning sufficiently to provide insight into the
decision process. Like statistical approaches, background knowledge may be exploited in
development, but operation is assumed without human intervention.
To learn is:
to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or
study or to gain knowledge (of something) or acquire skill in (some art or
to acquire experience of or an ability or a skill in
to memorize (something), to gain by experience, example, or practice.
Machine Learning can be defines as a process of building computer systems that
automatically improve with experience, and implement a learning process. Machine
Learning can still be defined as learning the theory automatically from the data,
through a process of inference, model fitting, or learning from examples:
Automated extraction of useful information from a body of data by
building good probabilistic models.
Ideally suited for areas with lots of data in the absence of a general theory.
New Advances in Machine Learning10
A major focus of machine learning research is to automatically produce models and
a model is a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the main
working of a system, or concept, such as rules determinate rule for performing a
mathematical operation and obtaining a certain result, a function from sets of formulae to
formulae, and patterns ( model which can be used to generate things or parts of a thing from
Learning is a MANY-FACETED PHENOMENON as described by Jaime et al (Jaime G.
Carbonell, 1983) and also stated that Learning processes include the acquisition of new
declarative knowledge, the development of motor and cognitive skills through instruction
or practice, the organization of new knowledge into general, effective representations, and
the discovery of new facts and theories through observation and experimentation. The study
and computer modelling of learning processes in their multiple manifestations constitutes
the subject matter of machine learning. Although machine learning has been a central
concern in artificial intelligence since the early days when the idea of “self-organizing
systems” was popular, the limitations inherent in the early neural network approaches led to
a temporary decline in research volume. More recently, new symbolic methods and
knowledge-intensive techniques have yielded promising results and these in turn have led
to the current, revival in machine learning research. This book examines some basic
methodological issues, existing techniques, proposes a classification of machine learning
techniques, and provides a historical review of the major research directions.
Machine Learning according to Michie et al (D. Michie, 1994) is generally taken to
encompass automatic computing procedures based on logical or binary operations that
learn a task from a series of examples. Here we are just concerned with classification, and it
is arguable what should come under the Machine Learning umbrella. Attention has
focussed on decision-tree approaches, in which classification results from a sequence of
logical steps. These are capable of representing the most complex problem given sufficient
data (but this may mean an enormous amount!). Other techniques, such as genetic
algorithms and inductive logic procedures (ILP), are currently under active development
and in principle would allow us to deal with more general types of data, including cases
where the number and type of attributes may vary, and where additional layers of learning
are superimposed, with hierarchical structure of attributes and classes and so on. Machine
Learning aims to generate classifying expressions simple enough to be understood easily by
the human. They must mimic human reasoning sufficiently to provide insight into the
decision process. Like statistical approaches, background knowledge may be exploited in
development, but operation is assumed without human intervention. Machine learning has
always been an integral part of artificial intelligence according to Jaime et al (Jaime G.
Carbonell, 1983), and its methodology has evolved in concert, with the major concerns of the
field. In response to the difficulties of encoding ever increasing volumes of knowledge in
model AI systems, many researchers have recently turned their attention to machine
learning as a means to overcome the knowledge acquisition bottleneck. This book presents
a taxonomic analysis of machine learning organized primarily by learning strategies and
secondarily by knowledge representation and application areas. A historical survey out
lining the development of various approaches to machine learning is presented from early
neural networks to present knowledge-intensive techniques.
1.1 The Aim of Machine Learning
The field of machine learning can be organized around three primary research Areas:
Task-Oriented Studies: The development and analysis of learning
systems oriented toward solving a predetermined set, of tasks (also
known as the “engineering approach”).
Cognitive Simulation: The investigation and computer simulation of
human learning processes (also known as the “cognitive modelling
Theoretical Analysis: the theoretical exploration of the space of possible
learning methods and algorithms independent application domain.
Although many research efforts strive primarily towards one of these objectives, progress in
on objective often lends to progress in another. For example, in order to investigate the
space of possible learning methods, a reasonable starting point may be to consider the only
known example of robust learning behaviour, namely humans (and perhaps other biological
systems) Similarly, psychological investigations of human learning may held by theoretical
analysis that may suggest various possible learning models. The need to acquire a particular
form of knowledge in stone task-oriented study may itself spawn new theoretical analysis or
pose the question: “how do humans acquire this specific skill (or knowledge)?” The
existence of these mutually supportive objectives reflects the entire field of artificial
intelligence where expert system research, cognitive simulation, and theoretical studies
provide some (cross-fertilization of problems and ideas (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983).
1.1.1 Applied Learning Systems
At, present, instructing a computer or a computer-controlled robot, to perform a task
requires one to define a complete and correct, algorithm for that task, and then laboriously
program the algorithm into a computer. These activities typically involve a tedious and
time-consuming effort by specially trained personnel. Present-day computer systems cannot
truly learn to perform a task through examples or by analogy to a similar, previous-solved
task. Nor can they improve significantly on the basis of past, mistakes or acquire new
abilities by observing and imitating experts. Machine learning research strives to open the
possibility of instructing computers in such new ways, and thereby promises to ease the
burden of hand-programming growing volumes of increasingly complex information into
the computers of tomorrow. The rapid expansion of application and availability of
computers today makes this possibility even more attractive and desirable.
1.1.2 Knowledge acquisition
When approaching a task-oriented knowledge acquisition task, one must be aware that, the
resultant computer system must interact with humans, and therefore should closely parallel
human abilities. The traditional argument that an engineering approach need not reflect
human or biological performance and is not, truly applicable to machine learning. Since
airplane, a successful result on an almost pure engineering approach, better little
resemblance to their biological counterparts, one may argue that applied knowledge
Machine Learning Overview 11
A major focus of machine learning research is to automatically produce models and
a model is a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the main
working of a system, or concept, such as rules determinate rule for performing a
mathematical operation and obtaining a certain result, a function from sets of formulae to
formulae, and patterns ( model which can be used to generate things or parts of a thing from
Learning is a MANY-FACETED PHENOMENON as described by Jaime et al (Jaime G.
Carbonell, 1983) and also stated that Learning processes include the acquisition of new
declarative knowledge, the development of motor and cognitive skills through instruction
or practice, the organization of new knowledge into general, effective representations, and
the discovery of new facts and theories through observation and experimentation. The study
and computer modelling of learning processes in their multiple manifestations constitutes
the subject matter of machine learning. Although machine learning has been a central
concern in artificial intelligence since the early days when the idea of “self-organizing
systems” was popular, the limitations inherent in the early neural network approaches led to
a temporary decline in research volume. More recently, new symbolic methods and
knowledge-intensive techniques have yielded promising results and these in turn have led
to the current, revival in machine learning research. This book examines some basic
methodological issues, existing techniques, proposes a classification of machine learning
techniques, and provides a historical review of the major research directions.
Machine Learning according to Michie et al (D. Michie, 1994) is generally taken to
encompass automatic computing procedures based on logical or binary operations that
learn a task from a series of examples. Here we are just concerned with classification, and it
is arguable what should come under the Machine Learning umbrella. Attention has
focussed on decision-tree approaches, in which classification results from a sequence of
logical steps. These are capable of representing the most complex problem given sufficient
data (but this may mean an enormous amount!). Other techniques, such as genetic
algorithms and inductive logic procedures (ILP), are currently under active development
and in principle would allow us to deal with more general types of data, including cases
where the number and type of attributes may vary, and where additional layers of learning
are superimposed, with hierarchical structure of attributes and classes and so on. Machine
Learning aims to generate classifying expressions simple enough to be understood easily by
the human. They must mimic human reasoning sufficiently to provide insight into the
decision process. Like statistical approaches, background knowledge may be exploited in
development, but operation is assumed without human intervention. Machine learning has
always been an integral part of artificial intelligence according to Jaime et al (Jaime G.
Carbonell, 1983), and its methodology has evolved in concert, with the major concerns of the
field. In response to the difficulties of encoding ever increasing volumes of knowledge in
model AI systems, many researchers have recently turned their attention to machine
learning as a means to overcome the knowledge acquisition bottleneck. This book presents
a taxonomic analysis of machine learning organized primarily by learning strategies and
secondarily by knowledge representation and application areas. A historical survey out
lining the development of various approaches to machine learning is presented from early
neural networks to present knowledge-intensive techniques.
1.1 The Aim of Machine Learning
The field of machine learning can be organized around three primary research Areas:
Task-Oriented Studies: The development and analysis of learning
systems oriented toward solving a predetermined set, of tasks (also
known as the “engineering approach”).
Cognitive Simulation: The investigation and computer simulation of
human learning processes (also known as the “cognitive modelling
Theoretical Analysis: the theoretical exploration of the space of possible
learning methods and algorithms independent application domain.
Although many research efforts strive primarily towards one of these objectives, progress in
on objective often lends to progress in another. For example, in order to investigate the
space of possible learning methods, a reasonable starting point may be to consider the only
known example of robust learning behaviour, namely humans (and perhaps other biological
systems) Similarly, psychological investigations of human learning may held by theoretical
analysis that may suggest various possible learning models. The need to acquire a particular
form of knowledge in stone task-oriented study may itself spawn new theoretical analysis or
pose the question: “how do humans acquire this specific skill (or knowledge)?” The
existence of these mutually supportive objectives reflects the entire field of artificial
intelligence where expert system research, cognitive simulation, and theoretical studies
provide some (cross-fertilization of problems and ideas (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983).
1.1.1 Applied Learning Systems
At, present, instructing a computer or a computer-controlled robot, to perform a task
requires one to define a complete and correct, algorithm for that task, and then laboriously
program the algorithm into a computer. These activities typically involve a tedious and
time-consuming effort by specially trained personnel. Present-day computer systems cannot
truly learn to perform a task through examples or by analogy to a similar, previous-solved
task. Nor can they improve significantly on the basis of past, mistakes or acquire new
abilities by observing and imitating experts. Machine learning research strives to open the
possibility of instructing computers in such new ways, and thereby promises to ease the
burden of hand-programming growing volumes of increasingly complex information into
the computers of tomorrow. The rapid expansion of application and availability of
computers today makes this possibility even more attractive and desirable.
1.1.2 Knowledge acquisition
When approaching a task-oriented knowledge acquisition task, one must be aware that, the
resultant computer system must interact with humans, and therefore should closely parallel
human abilities. The traditional argument that an engineering approach need not reflect
human or biological performance and is not, truly applicable to machine learning. Since
airplane, a successful result on an almost pure engineering approach, better little
resemblance to their biological counterparts, one may argue that applied knowledge
New Advances in Machine Learning12
acquisition systems could be equally divorced from any consideration of human
capabilities. This argument does not apply
here because airplanes need not interact, with or understand birds Learning machines, on
the other hand, will have to interact, with the people who make use of them, and
consequently the concept and skills they acquire- if not necessarily their internal mechanism
and must be understandable to human.
1.2 Machine Learning as a Science
The clear contender for a cognitive invariant in human is the learning mechanism which is
the ability facts, skills and more abstractive concepts. Therefore understanding human
learning well enough to reproduce aspect of that learning behaviour in a computer system
is, in itself, a worthy scientific goal. Moreover, the computer can render substantial
assistance to cognitive psychology, in that it may be used to test the consistency and
completeness of learning theories and enforce a commitment to the fine-structure process-
level detail that precludes meaningless tautological or untestable theories (Bishop, 2006).
The study of human learning processes is also of considerable practical significance.
Gaining insights into the principles underlying human learning abilities is likely to lead to
more effective educational techniques. Machine learning research is all about developing
intelligent computer assistant or a computer tutoring systems and many of these goals are
shared within the machine learning fields. According to Jaime et al (Jaime G. Carbonell,
1983) who stated computer tutoring are starting to incorporate abilities to infer models of
student competence from observed performance. Inferring the scope of a student’s
knowledge and skills in a particular area allows much more effective and individualized
tutoring of the student (Sleeman, 1983).
The basic scientific objective of machine learning is the exploration of possible learning
mechanisms, including the discovery of different induction algorithms, the scope of
theoretical limitations of certain method seems to be the information that must be available
to the learner, the issue of coping with imperfect training data and the creation of general
techniques applicable in many task domains. There is not reason to believe that human
learning methods are the only possible mean of acquiring knowledge and skills. In fact,
common sense suggests that human learning represents just one point in an uncharted space
of possible learning methods- a point that through the evolutionary process is particularly
well suited to cope with the general physical environment in which we exist. Most
theoretical work in machine learning are centred on creation, characterization and analysis
of general learning methods, with the major emphasis on analyzing generality and
performance rather than psychological plausibility.
Whereas theoretical analysis provides a means of exploring the space of possible learning
methods, the task-oriented approach provides a vehicle to test and improve the
performance of functional learning systems and testing applied learning systems, one can
determine the cost-effectiveness trade-offs and limitations of particular approaches to
learning. In this way, individual data points in the space possible learning systems are
explored and the space itself becomes better understood.
Knowledge Acquisition and Skill Refinement: There are two basic form of learning:
1) Knowledge Acquisition
2) Skill refinement
When it is said that someone learned mathematics, it means that this person acquired
concepts of mathematics, understood the meaning and their relationship to each other as
well as to the world. The importance of learning in this case is acquisition of knowledge,
including the description and models of physical systems and their behaviours,
incorporating a variety of representations from simple intrusive mental model models,
examples and images to completely test mathematical equations and physical laws. A
person is said to have learned more if this knowledge explains a broader scope of situations,
is more accurate, and is better able to predict the behaviour of the typical world (Allix,
2003). This form of learning is typically to a large variety of situations and is generally
learned knowledge acquisition. Therefore, knowledge acquisition is defined as learning a
new task coupled with the ability to apply the information in the effective manner.
The second form of learning is the gradual improvement of motor and cognitive skills
through practice- Learning by practice. Learning such as:
Learning to drive a car
Learning to play keyboard
Learning to ride a bicycle
Learning to play piano
If one acquire all textbook knowledge on how to perform these aforementioned activities,
this represent the initial phase in developing the required skills. So, the major part of the
learning process consists of taming the acquired skill, and improving the mental or motor
coordination or learning coordination by repeated practice and correction of deviations from
desired behaviour. This form of learning often called skill taming. This differs in many ways
from knowledge acquisition. Where knowledge acquisition may be a conscious process
whose result is the creation of new representative knowledge structures and mental models,
and skill taming is learning from example or learning from repeated practice without
concerted conscious effort. Jamie (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) explained that most human
learning appears to be a mixture of both activities, with intellectual endeavours favouring
the former and motor coordination tasks favouring the latter. Present machine learning
research focuses on the knowledge acquisition aspect, although some investigations,
specifically those concerned with learning in problem-solving and transforming declarative
instructions into effective actions, touch on aspects of both types of learning. Whereas
knowledge acquisition clearly belongs in the realm of artificial intelligence research, a case
could be made that skill refinement comes closer to non-symbolic processes such as those
studied in adaptative control system. Hence, perhaps both forms of learning- (knowledge
based and refinement learning) can be captured in artificial intelligence models.
1.3 Classification of Machine Learning
There are several areas of machine learning that could be exploited to solve the problems of
email management and our approach implemented unsupervised machine learning method.
Uunsupervised learning is a method of machine learning whereby the algorithm is
presented with examples from the input space only and a model is fit to these observations.
For example, a clustering algorithm would be a form of unsupervised learning.
“Unsupervised learning is a method of machine learning where a model is fit to
observations. It is distinguished from supervised learning by the fact that there is no a priori
Machine Learning Overview 13
acquisition systems could be equally divorced from any consideration of human
capabilities. This argument does not apply
here because airplanes need not interact, with or understand birds Learning machines, on
the other hand, will have to interact, with the people who make use of them, and
consequently the concept and skills they acquire- if not necessarily their internal mechanism
and must be understandable to human.
1.2 Machine Learning as a Science
The clear contender for a cognitive invariant in human is the learning mechanism which is
the ability facts, skills and more abstractive concepts. Therefore understanding human
learning well enough to reproduce aspect of that learning behaviour in a computer system
is, in itself, a worthy scientific goal. Moreover, the computer can render substantial
assistance to cognitive psychology, in that it may be used to test the consistency and
completeness of learning theories and enforce a commitment to the fine-structure process-
level detail that precludes meaningless tautological or untestable theories (Bishop, 2006).
The study of human learning processes is also of considerable practical significance.
Gaining insights into the principles underlying human learning abilities is likely to lead to
more effective educational techniques. Machine learning research is all about developing
intelligent computer assistant or a computer tutoring systems and many of these goals are
shared within the machine learning fields. According to Jaime et al (Jaime G. Carbonell,
1983) who stated computer tutoring are starting to incorporate abilities to infer models of
student competence from observed performance. Inferring the scope of a student’s
knowledge and skills in a particular area allows much more effective and individualized
tutoring of the student (Sleeman, 1983).
The basic scientific objective of machine learning is the exploration of possible learning
mechanisms, including the discovery of different induction algorithms, the scope of
theoretical limitations of certain method seems to be the information that must be available
to the learner, the issue of coping with imperfect training data and the creation of general
techniques applicable in many task domains. There is not reason to believe that human
learning methods are the only possible mean of acquiring knowledge and skills. In fact,
common sense suggests that human learning represents just one point in an uncharted space
of possible learning methods- a point that through the evolutionary process is particularly
well suited to cope with the general physical environment in which we exist. Most
theoretical work in machine learning are centred on creation, characterization and analysis
of general learning methods, with the major emphasis on analyzing generality and
performance rather than psychological plausibility.
Whereas theoretical analysis provides a means of exploring the space of possible learning
methods, the task-oriented approach provides a vehicle to test and improve the
performance of functional learning systems and testing applied learning systems, one can
determine the cost-effectiveness trade-offs and limitations of particular approaches to
learning. In this way, individual data points in the space possible learning systems are
explored and the space itself becomes better understood.
Knowledge Acquisition and Skill Refinement: There are two basic form of learning:
1) Knowledge Acquisition
2) Skill refinement
When it is said that someone learned mathematics, it means that this person acquired
concepts of mathematics, understood the meaning and their relationship to each other as
well as to the world. The importance of learning in this case is acquisition of knowledge,
including the description and models of physical systems and their behaviours,
incorporating a variety of representations from simple intrusive mental model models,
examples and images to completely test mathematical equations and physical laws. A
person is said to have learned more if this knowledge explains a broader scope of situations,
is more accurate, and is better able to predict the behaviour of the typical world (Allix,
2003). This form of learning is typically to a large variety of situations and is generally
learned knowledge acquisition. Therefore, knowledge acquisition is defined as learning a
new task coupled with the ability to apply the information in the effective manner.
The second form of learning is the gradual improvement of motor and cognitive skills
through practice- Learning by practice. Learning such as:
Learning to drive a car
Learning to play keyboard
Learning to ride a bicycle
Learning to play piano
If one acquire all textbook knowledge on how to perform these aforementioned activities,
this represent the initial phase in developing the required skills. So, the major part of the
learning process consists of taming the acquired skill, and improving the mental or motor
coordination or learning coordination by repeated practice and correction of deviations from
desired behaviour. This form of learning often called skill taming. This differs in many ways
from knowledge acquisition. Where knowledge acquisition may be a conscious process
whose result is the creation of new representative knowledge structures and mental models,
and skill taming is learning from example or learning from repeated practice without
concerted conscious effort. Jamie (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) explained that most human
learning appears to be a mixture of both activities, with intellectual endeavours favouring
the former and motor coordination tasks favouring the latter. Present machine learning
research focuses on the knowledge acquisition aspect, although some investigations,
specifically those concerned with learning in problem-solving and transforming declarative
instructions into effective actions, touch on aspects of both types of learning. Whereas
knowledge acquisition clearly belongs in the realm of artificial intelligence research, a case
could be made that skill refinement comes closer to non-symbolic processes such as those
studied in adaptative control system. Hence, perhaps both forms of learning- (knowledge
based and refinement learning) can be captured in artificial intelligence models.
1.3 Classification of Machine Learning
There are several areas of machine learning that could be exploited to solve the problems of
email management and our approach implemented unsupervised machine learning method.
Uunsupervised learning is a method of machine learning whereby the algorithm is
presented with examples from the input space only and a model is fit to these observations.
For example, a clustering algorithm would be a form of unsupervised learning.
“Unsupervised learning is a method of machine learning where a model is fit to
observations. It is distinguished from supervised learning by the fact that there is no a priori
New Advances in Machine Learning14
output. In unsupervised learning, a data set of input objects is gathered. Unsupervised
learning then typically treats input objects as a set of random variables. A joint density
model is then built for the data set. The problem of unsupervised learning involved
learning patterns in the input when no specific output values are supplied” according to
Russell (Russell, 2003).
In the unsupervised learning problem, we observe only the features and have no measurements
of the outcome. Our task is rather to describe how the data are organized or clustered”.
Hastie (Trevor Hastie, 2001) explained that "In unsupervised learning or clustering there is no
explicit teacher, and the system forms clusters or “natural groupings” of the input patterns.
“Natural” is always defined explicitly or implicitly in the clustering system itself; and given
a particular set of patterns or cost function, different clustering algorithms lead to different
clusters. Often the user will set the hypothesized number of different clusters ahead of time,
but how should this be done? How do we avoid inappropriate representations?"
according to Duda (Richard O. Duda, 2000).
There are various categories in the field of artificial intelligence. The classifications of
machine learning systems are:
Supervised Machine Learning: Supervised learning is a machine learning
technique for learning a function from training data. The training data consist of
pairs of input objects (typically vectors), and desired outputs. The output of the
function can be a continuous value (called regression), or can predict a class label of
the input object (called classification). The task of the supervised learner is to
predict the value of the function for any valid input object after having seen a
number of training examples (i.e. pairs of input and target output). To achieve this,
the learner has to generalize from the presented data to unseen situations in a
"reasonable" way (see inductive bias). (Compare with unsupervised learning.)
Supervised learning is a machine learning technique whereby the algorithm is first
presented with training data which consists of examples which include both the
inputs and the desired outputs; thus enabling it to learn a function. The learner
should then be able to generalize from the presented data to unseen examples."
by Mitchell (Mitchell, 2006). Supervised learning also implies we are given a
training set of (X, Y) pairs by a “teacher”. We know (sometimes only
approximately) the values of f for the m samples in the training set, we assume
that if we can find a hypothesis, h, that closely agrees with f for the members of ؠ
then this hypothesis will be a good guess for f especially if
is large. Curvefitting
is a simple example of supervised learning of a function. Suppose we are given the
values of a two-dimensional function. f, at the four sample points shown by the
solid circles in Figure 9. We want to fit these four points with a function, h, drawn
from the set, H, of second-degree functions. We show there a two-dimensional
parabolic surface above the 1
x. 2
x, plane that fits the points. This parabolic
function, h, is our hypothesis about the function f, which produced the four
samples. In this case, h
f at the four samples, but we need not have required
exact matches. Read more in section 3.1.
Unsupervised Machine Learning: Unsupervised learning1 is a type of machine
learning where manual labels of inputs are not used. It is distinguished from
supervised learning approaches which learn how to perform a task, such as
classification or regression, using a set of human prepared examples.
.Unsupervised learning means we are only given the Xs and some (ultimate)
feedback function on our performance. We simply have a training set of vectors
without function values of them. The problem in this case, typically, is to partition
the training set into subsets, 1
…. R
, in some appropriate way.
1.3.1 Classification of Machine Learning
Classification of machine learning system could be implemented along many different
dimensions and we have chosen these two dimensions:
Inference Learning: This is a form of classification on the basis of underlying
strategy that is involved. These strategies will depend on the amount of inference
the learning system performs on the information provided to the system.
Now learning strategies are distinguished by the amount of inference the learner
performs on the information provided. So, if a computer system performs email
classification for example, it knowledge increases but this may not perform any
inference on the new information, this means all cognitive efforts is on the part of
the analyst or programmer. But if the machine learning classifier independently
discovers new theories or adopt new concepts, this will perform a very substantial
inference. This is what is called deriving knowledge from example or experiments or by
observation. An example is: When a student wants to solve statistical problems in a
text book – this is a process that involves inference but the solution is not to
discover a brand new formula without guidance from a teacher or text book. So, as
the amount of inference that the learner is capable of performing increases, the
burdens placed on the teacher or on external environ decreases. According to Jaime
(Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) , (Anil Mathur, 1999) who stated that it is much more
difficult to teach a person by explaining each steps in a complex task than by
showing that person the way that similar tasks are usually done. It more difficult
yet to programme a computer to perform a complex task than to instruct a person
to perform the task; as programming requires explicit specification of all
prerequisite details, whereas a person receiving instruction can use prior
knowledge and common sense to fill in most mundane details.
Knowledge Representation: This is a form of skill acquire by the learner on the
basis of the type of representation of the knowledge.
1.3.2 Existing Learning Systems
There are many other existing learning systems that employ multiple strategies and
knowledge representations and some have been applied to more than one. In the
knowledge based machine learning method, no inference is used but the learner display the
transformation of knowledge in varieties of ways:
Machine Learning Overview 15
output. In unsupervised learning, a data set of input objects is gathered. Unsupervised
learning then typically treats input objects as a set of random variables. A joint density
model is then built for the data set. The problem of unsupervised learning involved
learning patterns in the input when no specific output values are supplied” according to
Russell (Russell, 2003).
In the unsupervised learning problem, we observe only the features and have no measurements
of the outcome. Our task is rather to describe how the data are organized or clustered”.
Hastie (Trevor Hastie, 2001) explained that "In unsupervised learning or clustering there is no
explicit teacher, and the system forms clusters or “natural groupings” of the input patterns.
“Natural” is always defined explicitly or implicitly in the clustering system itself; and given
a particular set of patterns or cost function, different clustering algorithms lead to different
clusters. Often the user will set the hypothesized number of different clusters ahead of time,
but how should this be done? How do we avoid inappropriate representations?"
according to Duda (Richard O. Duda, 2000).
There are various categories in the field of artificial intelligence. The classifications of
machine learning systems are:
Supervised Machine Learning: Supervised learning is a machine learning
technique for learning a function from training data. The training data consist of
pairs of input objects (typically vectors), and desired outputs. The output of the
function can be a continuous value (called regression), or can predict a class label of
the input object (called classification). The task of the supervised learner is to
predict the value of the function for any valid input object after having seen a
number of training examples (i.e. pairs of input and target output). To achieve this,
the learner has to generalize from the presented data to unseen situations in a
"reasonable" way (see inductive bias). (Compare with unsupervised learning.)
Supervised learning is a machine learning technique whereby the algorithm is first
presented with training data which consists of examples which include both the
inputs and the desired outputs; thus enabling it to learn a function. The learner
should then be able to generalize from the presented data to unseen examples."
by Mitchell (Mitchell, 2006). Supervised learning also implies we are given a
training set of (X, Y) pairs by a “teacher”. We know (sometimes only
approximately) the values of f for the m samples in the training set, we assume
that if we can find a hypothesis, h, that closely agrees with f for the members of ؠ
then this hypothesis will be a good guess for f especially if
is large. Curvefitting
is a simple example of supervised learning of a function. Suppose we are given the
values of a two-dimensional function. f, at the four sample points shown by the
solid circles in Figure 9. We want to fit these four points with a function, h, drawn
from the set, H, of second-degree functions. We show there a two-dimensional
parabolic surface above the 1
x. 2
x, plane that fits the points. This parabolic
function, h, is our hypothesis about the function f, which produced the four
samples. In this case, h
f at the four samples, but we need not have required
exact matches. Read more in section 3.1.
Unsupervised Machine Learning: Unsupervised learning1 is a type of machine
learning where manual labels of inputs are not used. It is distinguished from
supervised learning approaches which learn how to perform a task, such as
classification or regression, using a set of human prepared examples.
.Unsupervised learning means we are only given the Xs and some (ultimate)
feedback function on our performance. We simply have a training set of vectors
without function values of them. The problem in this case, typically, is to partition
the training set into subsets, 1
…. R
, in some appropriate way.
1.3.1 Classification of Machine Learning
Classification of machine learning system could be implemented along many different
dimensions and we have chosen these two dimensions:
Inference Learning: This is a form of classification on the basis of underlying
strategy that is involved. These strategies will depend on the amount of inference
the learning system performs on the information provided to the system.
Now learning strategies are distinguished by the amount of inference the learner
performs on the information provided. So, if a computer system performs email
classification for example, it knowledge increases but this may not perform any
inference on the new information, this means all cognitive efforts is on the part of
the analyst or programmer. But if the machine learning classifier independently
discovers new theories or adopt new concepts, this will perform a very substantial
inference. This is what is called deriving knowledge from example or experiments or by
observation. An example is: When a student wants to solve statistical problems in a
text book – this is a process that involves inference but the solution is not to
discover a brand new formula without guidance from a teacher or text book. So, as
the amount of inference that the learner is capable of performing increases, the
burdens placed on the teacher or on external environ decreases. According to Jaime
(Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) , (Anil Mathur, 1999) who stated that it is much more
difficult to teach a person by explaining each steps in a complex task than by
showing that person the way that similar tasks are usually done. It more difficult
yet to programme a computer to perform a complex task than to instruct a person
to perform the task; as programming requires explicit specification of all
prerequisite details, whereas a person receiving instruction can use prior
knowledge and common sense to fill in most mundane details.
Knowledge Representation: This is a form of skill acquire by the learner on the
basis of the type of representation of the knowledge.
1.3.2 Existing Learning Systems
There are many other existing learning systems that employ multiple strategies and
knowledge representations and some have been applied to more than one. In the
knowledge based machine learning method, no inference is used but the learner display the
transformation of knowledge in varieties of ways:
New Advances in Machine Learning16
Learning by being programmed: When an algorithm or code is written to
perform specific task. E.g. a code is written as a guessing game for the type of
animal. Such a programme could be modified by external entity.
Learning by memorisation: This is by memorising given facts or data with no
inference drawn from the incoming information or data.
Learning from examples: This is a special case of inductive learning. Given a
set of examples and counterexamples of a concept, the learner induces a
general concept description that describes all of the positive examples and
none of the counterexamples. Learning from examples is a method has been
heavily investigated in artificial intelligence field. The amount of inference
perform by the learner is much greater than in learning from instructions,
(Anil Mathur, 1999), (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983).
Learning from Observation: This is an unsupervised learning approach and is
a very general form of inductive learning that includes discovery systems,
theory formation tasks, the creation of classification criteria to form taxonomic
hierarchies and similar task to be performed without benefit of an external
teacher. Unsupervised learning requires the learner to perform more inference
than any approach as previously explained. The learner is not provided with a
set if data or instance of a particular concept. The above classification of
learning strategies should help one to compare various learning systems in
terms of their underlying mechanisms, in terms of the available external
source of information and in terms of the degree to which they reply on pre-
organised knowledge. Read more in section 3.2.
1.4 Machine Learning Applications
The other aspect for classifying learning systems is the area of application which gives a
new dimension for machine learning. Below are areas to which various existing learning
systems have been applied. They are:
1) Computer Programming
2) Game playing (chess, poker, and so on)
3) Image recognition, Speech recognition
4) Medical diagnosis
5) Agriculture, Physics
6) Email management, Robotics
7) Music
8) Mathematics
9) Natural Language Processing and many more.
2. References
Allix, N. M. (2003, April). Epistemology And Knowledge Management Concepts And
Practices. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice .
Alpaydin, E. (2004). Introduction to Machine Learning. Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press.
Anderson, J. R. (1995). Learning and Memory. Wiley, New York, USA.
Anil Mathur, G. P. (1999). Socialization influences on preparation for later life. Journal of
Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science , 5 (6,7,8), 163 - 176.
Ashby, W. R. (1960). Design of a Brain, The Origin of Adaptive Behaviour. John Wiley and Son.
Batista, G. &. (2003). An Analysis of Four Missing Data Treatment Methods for Suppervised
Learning. Applied Artificial Intelligence , 17, 519-533.
Bishop, C. M. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press.
Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics).
New York, New York: Springer Science and Business Media.
Block H, D. (1961). The Perceptron: A Model of Brian Functioning. 34 (1), 123-135.
Carling, A. (1992). Introducing Neural Networks . Wilmslow, UK: Sigma Press.
D. Michie, D. J. (1994). Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification. Prentice Hall Inc.
Fausett, L. (19994). Fundamentals of Neural Networks. New York: Prentice Hall.
Forsyth, R. S. (1990). The strange story of the Perceptron. Artificial Intelligence Review , 4 (2),
Friedberg, R. M. (1958). A learning machine: Part, 1. IBM Journal , 2-13.
Ghahramani, Z. (2008). Unsupervised learning algorithms are designed to extract structure
from data. 178, pp. 1-8. IOS Press.
Gillies, D. (1996). Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method. OUP Oxford.
Haykin, S. (19994). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation. New York: Macmillan
Hodge, V. A. (2004). A Survey of Outlier Detection Methodologies. Artificial Intelligence Review,
22 (2), 85-126.
Holland, J. (1980). Adaptive Algorithms for Discovering and Using General Patterns in
Growing Knowledge Bases Policy Analysis and Information Systems. 4 (3).
Hunt, E. B. (1966). Experiment in Induction.
Ian H. Witten, E. F. (2005). Data Mining Practical Machine Learning and Techniques (Second
edition ed.). Morgan Kaufmann.
Jaime G. Carbonell, R. S. (1983). Machine Learning: A Historical and Methodological Analysis.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence , 4 (3), 1-10.
Kohonen, T. (1997). Self-Organizating Maps.
Luis Gonz, l. A. (2005). Unified dual for bi-class SVM approaches. Pattern Recognition , 38 (10),
McCulloch, W. S. (1943). A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity. Bull.
Math. Biophysics , 115-133.
Mitchell, T. M. (2006). The Discipline of Machine Learning. Machine Learning Department
technical report CMU-ML-06-108, Carnegie Mellon University.
Mooney, R. J. (2000). Learning Language in Logic. In L. N. Science, Learning for Semantic
Interpretation: Scaling Up without Dumbing Down (pp. 219-234). Springer Berlin /
Mostow, D. (1983). Transforming declarative advice into effective procedures: a heuristic search
cxamplc In I?. S. Michalski,. Tioga Press.
Nilsson, N. J. (1982). Principles of Artificial Intelligence (Symbolic Computation / Artificial
Intelligence). Springer.
Oltean, M. (2005). Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms Using Linear Genetic Programming. 13
(3), 387 - 410 .
Machine Learning Overview 17
Learning by being programmed: When an algorithm or code is written to
perform specific task. E.g. a code is written as a guessing game for the type of
animal. Such a programme could be modified by external entity.
Learning by memorisation: This is by memorising given facts or data with no
inference drawn from the incoming information or data.
Learning from examples: This is a special case of inductive learning. Given a
set of examples and counterexamples of a concept, the learner induces a
general concept description that describes all of the positive examples and
none of the counterexamples. Learning from examples is a method has been
heavily investigated in artificial intelligence field. The amount of inference
perform by the learner is much greater than in learning from instructions,
(Anil Mathur, 1999), (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983).
Learning from Observation: This is an unsupervised learning approach and is
a very general form of inductive learning that includes discovery systems,
theory formation tasks, the creation of classification criteria to form taxonomic
hierarchies and similar task to be performed without benefit of an external
teacher. Unsupervised learning requires the learner to perform more inference
than any approach as previously explained. The learner is not provided with a
set if data or instance of a particular concept. The above classification of
learning strategies should help one to compare various learning systems in
terms of their underlying mechanisms, in terms of the available external
source of information and in terms of the degree to which they reply on pre-
organised knowledge. Read more in section 3.2.
1.4 Machine Learning Applications
The other aspect for classifying learning systems is the area of application which gives a
new dimension for machine learning. Below are areas to which various existing learning
systems have been applied. They are:
1) Computer Programming
2) Game playing (chess, poker, and so on)
3) Image recognition, Speech recognition
4) Medical diagnosis
5) Agriculture, Physics
6) Email management, Robotics
7) Music
8) Mathematics
9) Natural Language Processing and many more.
2. References
Allix, N. M. (2003, April). Epistemology And Knowledge Management Concepts And
Practices. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice .
Alpaydin, E. (2004). Introduction to Machine Learning. Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press.
Anderson, J. R. (1995). Learning and Memory. Wiley, New York, USA.
Anil Mathur, G. P. (1999). Socialization influences on preparation for later life. Journal of
Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science , 5 (6,7,8), 163 - 176.
Ashby, W. R. (1960). Design of a Brain, The Origin of Adaptive Behaviour. John Wiley and Son.
Batista, G. &. (2003). An Analysis of Four Missing Data Treatment Methods for Suppervised
Learning. Applied Artificial Intelligence , 17, 519-533.
Bishop, C. M. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford, England: Oxford
University Press.
Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics).
New York, New York: Springer Science and Business Media.
Block H, D. (1961). The Perceptron: A Model of Brian Functioning. 34 (1), 123-135.
Carling, A. (1992). Introducing Neural Networks . Wilmslow, UK: Sigma Press.
D. Michie, D. J. (1994). Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification. Prentice Hall Inc.
Fausett, L. (19994). Fundamentals of Neural Networks. New York: Prentice Hall.
Forsyth, R. S. (1990). The strange story of the Perceptron. Artificial Intelligence Review , 4 (2),
Friedberg, R. M. (1958). A learning machine: Part, 1. IBM Journal , 2-13.
Ghahramani, Z. (2008). Unsupervised learning algorithms are designed to extract structure
from data. 178, pp. 1-8. IOS Press.
Gillies, D. (1996). Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method. OUP Oxford.
Haykin, S. (19994). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation. New York: Macmillan
Hodge, V. A. (2004). A Survey of Outlier Detection Methodologies. Artificial Intelligence Review,
22 (2), 85-126.
Holland, J. (1980). Adaptive Algorithms for Discovering and Using General Patterns in
Growing Knowledge Bases Policy Analysis and Information Systems. 4 (3).
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Ian H. Witten, E. F. (2005). Data Mining Practical Machine Learning and Techniques (Second
edition ed.). Morgan Kaufmann.
Jaime G. Carbonell, R. S. (1983). Machine Learning: A Historical and Methodological Analysis.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence , 4 (3), 1-10.
Kohonen, T. (1997). Self-Organizating Maps.
Luis Gonz, l. A. (2005). Unified dual for bi-class SVM approaches. Pattern Recognition , 38 (10),
McCulloch, W. S. (1943). A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity. Bull.
Math. Biophysics , 115-133.
Mitchell, T. M. (2006). The Discipline of Machine Learning. Machine Learning Department
technical report CMU-ML-06-108, Carnegie Mellon University.
Mooney, R. J. (2000). Learning Language in Logic. In L. N. Science, Learning for Semantic
Interpretation: Scaling Up without Dumbing Down (pp. 219-234). Springer Berlin /
Mostow, D. (1983). Transforming declarative advice into effective procedures: a heuristic search
cxamplc In I?. S. Michalski,. Tioga Press.
Nilsson, N. J. (1982). Principles of Artificial Intelligence (Symbolic Computation / Artificial
Intelligence). Springer.
Oltean, M. (2005). Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms Using Linear Genetic Programming. 13
(3), 387 - 410 .
New Advances in Machine Learning18
Orlitsky, A., Santhanam, N., Viswanathan, K., & Zhang, J. (2005). Convergence of profile based
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