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Coronary Artery Disease in South Asians


Abstract and Figures

It is well established that South Asians living in the western world have a higher burden of cardiovascular disease than other ethnicities. Additionally, South Asians develop cardiovascular disease at a younger age, have a more aggressive form of coronary artery disease, and a higher overall mortality. This predilection seems to be multifactorial and includes a combination of traditional and emerging risk factors with an absence of ethnic-specific prevention and control measures. Future direction points toward ongoing research with the aim of discovering technology for earlier detection. Additionally, coronary artery disease in South Asians could be addressed by increasing awareness, modifying health beliefs through health-promotion strategies, and instituting ethnic-specific control measures including appropriate and early pharmacological intervention.
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304  | Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 20, Number 6, November/December 2012
rEviEw articlE
Abstract: It is well established that South Asians living in the western world
have a higher burden of cardiovascular disease than other ethnicities. Addi-
tionally, South Asians develop cardiovascular disease at a younger age, have a
more aggressive form of coronary artery disease, and a higher overall mortal-
ity. This predilection seems to be multifactorial and includes a combination
of traditional and emerging risk factors with an absence of ethnic-specific
prevention and control measures. Future direction points toward ongoing
research with the aim of discovering technology for earlier detection. Addi-
tionally, coronary artery disease in South Asians could be addressed by
increasing awareness, modifying health beliefs through health-promotion
strategies, and instituting ethnic-specific control measures including appro-
priate and early pharmacological intervention.
Key Words: coronary artery disease, ethnicity, South Asian
(Cardiology in Review 2012;20: 304–311)
South Asians comprise 25% of the world’s population and account
for nearly 60% of the global cardiovascular disease (CVD) bur-
den.1–3 In this population, coronary artery disease (CAD) occurs at
a younger age, is more aggressive, and has a higher overall mortal-
ity.4–11 Accordingly, it is imperative for health practitioners to under-
stand the burden of CVD in patients of South Asian descent.
The term South Asians refers to people who are originally from
the Indian subcontinent, that is, from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangla-
desh, and Sri Lanka. As a result of worldwide migration (Figure 1)11
standardized comparisons among different ethnic groups have pro-
vided valuable information regarding clinical outcomes in South
Asians with CAD. The traditional CAD risk factors occur at a
younger age with higher mortality rates from CAD.12–14 Over the past
30 years, the incidence of CAD among South Asians has doubled,
and has exponentially risen for South Asians who have immigrated to
the United States.13,14 Contemporary data from the United States sug-
gest the proportional mortality ratio for South Asians with CAD is at
least two times that of any other ethnicity (Figure 2).9 Although CAD
affects only 3% to 4% of the rural population in South Asia, it affects
10% of South Asian urban populations who live in South Asia, and
who have immigrated to western countries.14 As such, environmental
factors related to urbanization play a role in the premature develop-
ment of CAD among the South Asian community.
The CAD burden of South Asians is projected to worsen in the
next decade to more than half of the global CVD. The current control
measures that have proven effective in other ethnic groups may not
be optimal in the South Asian population.13
Are All South Asians the Same?
Variations in the distribution of CAD and associated risk fac-
tors have been observed among South Asian countries, with Ban-
gladesh having the highest prevalence of risk factors and the lowest
prevalence of risk modification (ie, regular exercise and daily con-
sumption of fruits and vegetables) with the lowest mean age of acute
myocardial infarction (MI). When South Asian migrant groups liv-
ing in the United Kingdom were studied, similar heterogeneities in
cardiovascular risk factors have been observed among Bangladeshi
migrants compared with Indian and Pakistani migrants. Further-
more, the metabolic profiles of Bangladeshi migrants demonstrate
higher levels of triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and
fasting glucose, and the lowest levels of high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) when compared with Pakistanis, Indians, and Europeans.15–17
These exaggerated differences in Bangladeshis are of particular con-
cern and require further investigation.
Future Generations
Unfortunately, South Asian children are showing increased
susceptibility to the metabolic syndrome and CAD. A comparative
study done in the United Kingdom between white and South Asian
children showed higher mean fasting and postglucose load insulin
concentrations, increased mean heart rate, and elevated mean serum
triglyceride and fibrinogen levels among South Asian children.18
A higher incidence of adiposity was seen in South Asian children
compared with white children, yet an increased prevalence of insulin
resistance persisted after adjusting for adiposity and pubertal status.18
In addition to the children from native and migrant South
Asian populations who have been reported to have such tendencies,
children of South Asian descent born and raised in Western societ-
ies have altered metabolic profiles when compared with their white
counterparts. Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH) com-
pared metabolic and anthropometric measures of young adults of South
Asian ethnicity, who were born and raised in the United States. Men
had significantly higher total cholesterol (TC), LDL, TC: HDL ratios,
triglycerides, and fasting insulin levels and lower HDL than their white
counterparts. Women demonstrated higher plasma insulin levels than
their white counterparts. The entire South Asian group had higher trun-
cal skin-fold thickness and lower insulin-like growth factor-binding
protein-1 levels. Plasma leptin levels were also significantly higher
in the South Asian cohort, whereas no differences were observed in
lean body mass, homocysteine, or serum lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)]. These
findings point to an altered metabolic profile that supports a genetic
predisposition to altered body fat pattern (thin muscle/visceral fat phe-
notype), and contributes to the deleterious consequences of the meta-
bolic syndrome.19
Traditional risk factors for atherosclerotic vascular disease,
which had been described by the Framingham study were mainly
assessed in white subjects.20 Although they play a part in the South
Asian population, they cannot fully explain the excess risk.14 South
Copyright © 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 1061-5377/12/304-311
DOI: 10.1097/CRD.0b013e3182532286
Cardiology in Review
Copyright © 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
From the *The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York; †Division
of Cardiology, Montefiore-Einstein Heart Center, Bronx, New York; ‡Faculty
of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; and §Mazankowski
Alberta Heart Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
Correspondence: Seshasayee Narasimhan, MBBS, MRCP, FRACP, Department of
Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, Montefiore-Einstein Heart Center, Jack D.
Weiler Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1825 Eastchester
Road, Bronx, NY 10461-2373. E-mail:
Coronary Artery Disease in South Asians
Seshasayee Narasimhan, MBBS, MRCP,*†§ Katrina McKay, RN, and Kevin R. Bainey, MD§
Coronary Artery Disease in South Asians
Narasimhan et al
© 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  |  305
Cardiology in Review • Volume 20, Number 6 November/December 2012  Coronary Artery Disease in South Asians
Asians seem to have a combination of traditional and novel risk
factors, which contribute to their heightened risk of CAD. In general,
traditional risk factors are noted to be rare with the exception of
diabetes mellitus.1,5,21 In fact, the contribution of insulin resistance
plays a major role in the higher prevalence of CAD and may be
associated with the contribution of excessive central abdominal
obesity/visceral fat.12,14,22,23 In fact, when compared with other
ethnicities of comparable body mass index, South Asians have higher
visceral fat mass,24,25 thicker truncal skin fold, and lower lean body
mass with the distribution focused in the abdominal visceral space
(thin muscle/visceral fat phenotype).19,26–32 Central adiposity has
been correlated with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia,28,29 and
has been noted to have a direct relationship with increased risk of
CAD.33 The International Diabetes Federation utilizes ethnic-specific
waist circumference, which helps better identify those South Asian
patients having the highest cardiovascular risk factors.34 For the
South Asian population, the waist circumference cutoff for men was
90 cm or more and for women was 80 cm or more(Table 1).35
One of the modifiable risk factors, smoking, is low in South
Asians, and virtually nonexistent in women.12 However, a high intake
of dietary fats and little or no exercise contributes to characteristic
lipid profiles, including higher triglyceride levels, higher Lp(a)
levels, increased ratio of apolipoprotein B to apolipoprotein A-1
(ApoB/ApoA-I), smaller HDL and LDL particle size, and lower
levels of HDL.12 ApoB 100 is the major apolipoprotein found
in LDL, intermediate-density lipoprotein, and very LDL, and it
is the primary ligand for the LDL receptor. ApoA-I is the major
protein constituent of HDL. The ApoB 100/ApoA-I ratio provides
an atherogenic to antiatherogenic lipoprotein ratio that has been
shown to be a better predictor of CVD than LDL level, HDL level
or LDL/HDL ratio.36–39 Furthermore, the ApoB 100/ApoA-I ratio
can identify individuals with a preponderance of small dense LDL
particles, but with seemingly normal LDL levels.40,41 The landmark
International Heart (INTERHEART) study was among the first
studies to demonstrate that elevated ApoB100/ApoA-I ratio was the
risk factor associated with the highest population-attributable risk for
MI (46.8%), with waist-to-hip ratio (37.7%), and smoking (37.5%)
also being important risk factors in the South Asian population.41–43
Although contributory, traditional risk factors do not fully
explain the heightened risk of CAD in South Asians. Thus, novel and
emerging risk factors have been explored. This is particularly impor-
tant as testing for these parameters (if available) will certainly help
risk stratification in South Asian patients.
Lipoprotein (a)
The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treat-
ment Panel III considers Lp(a) an important and emerging risk
factor for CAD. Lp(a) has been implicated in the development of
premature atherosclerotic disease in the South Asian cohort.44–48 It
FIGURE 1. South Asian migration patterns from the Indian subcontinent to different areas across the world. Reprinted with 
permission from Atherosclerosis 2009;204:1–10.
TABLE 1. New Metabolic Syndrome (MS) Criteria
Measures (Any 3 of 5 Constitutes
Diagnosis of MS) Categorical Cutoff Points
Elevated waist circumference*† Men: 102 cm (40 inches)
Women: 88 cm (35 inches)
Elevated triglycerides (TGL) 150 mg/dL (1.7 mM)
Or on drug therapy for elevated
Reduced HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) Men: 40 mg/dL (1.03 mM)
Women: 50mg/dL (1.3 mM)
Or on drug therapy for reduced
Elevated blood pressure 130 mm Hg systole (or) 85
mm Hg diastole (or) on
antihypertensive therapy for
history of hypertension
Elevated fasting blood glucose 100 mg/dL (5.6 mM)
or on drug therapy for
Adapted from Diagnosis and management of the metabolic syndrome: an
American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Scientific
*To measure the waist circumference, locate top of right iliac crest. Place
measuring tape in a horizontal plane around abdomen at the level of iliac crest. Ensure
tape is snug, does not compress abdomen skin and is parallel to the floor. Measurement
is made at the end of normal expiration.
†Non-Asian adults (black, Hispanic and white) with marginally increased waist
circumference, men: 94 cm to 101 cm (37–39 inches), women: 80 cm to 87 cm (31–34
inches) may have a strong genetic contribution to insulin resistance and should benefit
from lifestyle changes similar to those in the categorical cutoff group. Asian adults have
a lower waist circumference cut off, men: 90 cm (35 inches) and women: 80 cm (31
‡Fibrates and nicotinic acid are the most commonly used drugs for elevated TGL
and reduced HDL-C. Patients on either of these drugs are presumed to have elevated
TGL indicates triglycerides; HDL, high-density lipoprotein.
306 | © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Narasimhan et al Cardiology in Review Volume 20, Number 6 November/December 2012
represents a class of LDL particles that contains the plasminogen-
like apolipoprotein A moiety attached to the ApoB100 protein.
Unlike other lipids that are influenced by diet, age, sex, and other
environmental factors, Lp(a) levels are primarily driven by genetics
and ethnicity.49–52 In whites, Lp(a) levels more than 30 mg/dL are
considered a risk factor for premature CAD. In South Asians, levels
less than 20 mg/dL are considered optimal.48,53 There is a two- to
threefold increased risk of acute myocardial infarction and reste-
nosis after coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting
in those South Asian patients with Lp(a) levels between 20 and 30
mg/dL.54–56 When Lp(a) levels are more than 55 mg/dL with low
HDL and high TC/HDL ratio, MI risk increases 100-fold.46,57,58 Due
to its homology to plasminogen, Lp(a) is highly thrombogenic and
Mager et al60 acknowledges that treating hyperhomocyste-
inemia (>15 µM) in CAD as both primary and secondary strate-
gies have failed to show benefit. However, they also noted that
all the prior studies have focused on white cohorts, which ques-
tions ethnic variation. Hyperhomocysteinemia is also known to
occur due to alcohol abuse,61 and seems to be a novel risk fac-
tor in South Asian patients.13,62–66 It contributes to cardiovascular
risk and tends to be higher in South Asians compared with the
white population.64–67 Boushey et al63 reported that a 1-µM increase
in hyperhomocysteinemia level is associated with an increase in
CAD risk of 12% in men and 16% in women.63 Refsum et al66
reported a high prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia (15 µM) in
Indians. They also observed that dietary difference made no dif-
ference, and that hyperhomocysteinemia strongly correlated with
cobalamine deficiency.66 Further ethnic-specific studies are needed
to fully understand the contribution of hyperhomocysteinemia to
CAD in South Asians.
Adipokines or adipose-tissue–derived circulating hormones
seem to link insulin resistance and premature atherosclerosis, par-
ticularly in South Asians given the propensity toward central abdom-
inal obesity. Certainly proinflammatory adipokines, such as leptin,
PAI-1, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and C-reactive protein,
contribute to endothelial dysfunction and the development of ath-
erosclerotic disease. Adipose tissue also produce anti-inflammatory
substances such as adiponectin (a cytokine with insulin sensitizing,
antiatherogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties), but seem to be
suppressed in individuals with central obesity. In fact, studies sup-
port the direct association between hypoadiponectinemia (both total
adiponectin levels and high molecular-weight adiponectin levels) and
the development of CAD in South Asians. Yet, this association has
not been observed in whites.68,69
Other Novel Cardiac Biomarkers
Abnormalities in markers of endothelial dysfunction, such
as vascular-cell adhesion molecule-1,70 impaired endothelium
dependant dilation,71 proinflammatory HDL,72–78 and Apo A-I poly-
morphisms,14,79–81have been described in the South Asian population.
Further research is needed to delineate the magnitude of cardiovascu-
lar risk these novel risk factors will confer upon this high-risk patient
The Coronary Artery Disease Genetic Consortium (C4D)
recently reported the discovery of five new loci for CAD. They
focused on two populations, whites and South Asians, and found
the same five loci were implicated in the development of CAD in
both populations. Yet, there may be other genes causing premature
CAD in South Asians, which remain undiscovered. Currently, the
best available genetic information is one of the Lp(a) variants, which
occur in approximately one in every six persons, and confers a 50%
increase in risk, and the 9p21 gene, which confers an approximate
25% increase in risk. Still, this does not entirely explain the heightened
risk of CAD in the South Asian population.82,83 As such, two major
genome-wide association studies are currently being performed in the
United Kingdom (the London Life Sciences Prospective Population
Study) and Pakistan (the Prosecutor’s Management Information
FIGURE 2. Mortality of different ethnic groups from ischemic heart disease. Reprinted with permission from Ann Epidemiol
© 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  |  307
Cardiology in Review • Volume 20, Number 6 November/December 2012  Coronary Artery Disease in South Asians
Coronary Artery Size
Currently, there is a lack of consensus regarding the contribu-
tion of coronary artery size in South Asian patients. Nonetheless, the
South Asian cohort still has a higher prevalence of both severe diffuse
and three-vessel CAD. Vascular remodeling based on ethnic differ-
ences has been implicated because, in comparison with whites, the
South Asian cohort exhibits a greater narrowing of the proximal left
anterior descending artery in association with more advanced athero-
sclerosis.84 Another small retrospective study using strict inclusion/
exclusion criteria showed that proximal coronary artery size and
the number of significant coronary stenoses did not differ between
matched pairs of South Asian and white men.85 Dhawan and Bray86
compared coronary angiograms from a consecutive series of South
Asian men with those from randomly selected white men and found a
smaller mean total coronary artery diameter in the South Asian group
than in the white cohort. They also demonstrated a correlation between
body surface area and coronary artery size. However, when the inves-
tigators adjusted total coronary artery diameter for body surface area,
the interethnic difference in coronary artery size between South Asian
and white patients was negligible.86 A recent article by Hasan et al87
used quantitative coronary angiography to assess the coronary size
and distribution of disease between South Asians and whites, and
concluded that South Asians have smaller coronary artery luminal
diameters compared with whites, which reiterates a possible role of
coronary artery size in affecting increased CAD risk and mortality
among South Asians. Furthermore, they noted the observation that
South Asians exhibit heightened CAD at an earlier age when com-
pared with whites.87 Intravascular ultrasound may be a worthwhile
investigative modality, although this has not been currently explored.
Regular alcohol consumption (once per week) is noted to be
cardioprotective in some ethnicities. The beneficial effects are depen-
dent on the amount of alcohol consumed and the pattern of drinking.
In their meta-analysis, Di Castelnuovo et al88 reported the beneficial
effects of alcohol when limited in the light-to-moderate drinkers who
have less risk than abstainers. Heavy drinkers are at the highest risk.
They also showed that consumption of one drink daily by women and
one or two drinks daily by men was associated with a reduction in
total mortality of 18%. Conversely, intakes of more than two drinks
daily in women and three drinks daily in men were associated with
increased mortality in a dose-dependent fashion.88 Alcohol consump-
tion was not cardioprotective in the South Asian group, and was actu-
ally harmful in the Indian subgroup.16,17 Perhaps this could be related
to the lower prevalence or the pattern of drinking (binge vs daily
drinking) in South Asians.88
Is it Time to Revise the Framingham’s Risk Factor
Profile Score?
Traditionally, the Framingham’s risk factor profile score
(FRFPS) includes age, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, smoking,
and diabetes mellitus to help determine the 10-year risk of nonfatal
MI or coronary death. The FRFPS underestimates the CAD risk in
South Asians.10 Certainly the metabolic syndrome is contributory in
South Asians and should be included in risk stratification. Figure 3
provides a modified FRFPS in South Asians at risk for CAD and may
be a useful tool in risk stratification.11
Are We Missing Something?
Despite conventional and novel risk factors, it has been shown
that the beliefs and attitudes of South Asian patients have a direct
result on their health outcomes. Health beliefs are important in influ-
encing health behaviors.89 The ability to embrace or reject lifestyle
modifications could possibly be influenced by a lack of appreciation
for CAD and the consequences of the disease.90 Various studies based
in the United Kingdom and the United States have identified a gen-
eral deficit in knowledge concerning CAD, its prevention and health
FIGURE 3. A proposed cardiovascular risk stratication tool for patients of South Asian descent. Reprinted with permission from 
Atherosclerosis 2009;204:1–10.
1. Target LDL <2.0 mmol/L
2. Total cholesterol/HDL <4.0
3. Anti-platelet therapy
4. Healthy lifestyle
Moderate Risk
in SA population
High Risk
in SA population
Yes No Yes No
Low Risk
in SA population
Moderate Risk
in SA population
1. Target LDL <2.0
2. Total cholesterol/
HDL <4.0
3. Anti-platelet therapy
4. Healthy lifestyle
1. Target LDL <3.5
2. Total cholesterol/
HDL <5.0
3. Anti-platelet therapy
4. Healthy lifestyle
1. Target LDL <3.5
2. Total cholesterol/
HDL <5.0
3. Anti-platelet therapy
4. Healthy lifestyle
1. Target LDL <5.0
2. Total cholesterol/
HDL <6.0
3. Healthy lifestyle
High Risk
(10 year risk of CAD 20%
or history of DM or any
atherosclerotic diease)
according to FRS
Low Risk
(10 year risk of CAD10%)
according to FRS
Moderate Risk
(10 year risk of CAD 11% -19%)
according to FRS
High Risk in SA
Metabolic Syndrome
(Waist circumference 90 in
Males; 80 in females)
Metabolic Syndrome
(Waist circumference 90 in
Males; 80 in females )
Primary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
in a South Asian (SA) Patient
Adjusted Framingham
Risk Score (FRS)
Add 10 years to age criteria
308 | © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Narasimhan et al Cardiology in Review Volume 20, Number 6 November/December 2012
promotion.91–93 Furthermore, Rankin and Bhopal92 identified that the
lack of knowledge was influenced by the country of birth, noting that
the Bangladeshi community fared the worst.
This lack of knowledge of CAD is linked to poor dietary
habits, low levels of physical activity, and social support. Beishon
and Nazroo89 noted that despite healthy-eating campaigns, there was
a definite lack of information among the South Asian community
regarding dietary intake and its correlation with CAD. Most South
Asians believe in a healthy diet, yet few adhere to dietary constraints.
Reddy and Yusuf94 highlighted the global availability of vegetable
oils and fats, which resulted in increased fat consumption among
low-income countries. The usual diet for South Asian countries con-
sisted of high carbohydrates and low fat. This has been replaced with
a decline in complex carbohydrates and a high intake of dietary fat.
As well, South Asians are unaware of the varied types of oils and fats
(saturated and unsaturated) and their effects on CVD.89 This deficit
in dietary knowledge, along with urbanization, has translated to poor
dietary habits for Indians immigrating to the United Kingdom, lead-
ing to central obesity and a predisposition to accelerated atheroscle-
rotic disease.95
In general, South Asians have lower levels of physical activ-
ity.86,96 Many South Asians do believe it is important, yet it seems only
younger men actually engage in regular physical activity. Women and
children believe daily activity is sufficient, whereas elderly South
Asians believe physical activity over a certain age would be detri-
mental to their health.89,96 Overall, Beishon and Nazroo89 found little
awareness among South Asians regarding types of activities and their
respective health benefits, especially in the presence of CAD. A study
conducted by Williams et al97 found ethnicity to be the most signifi-
cant risk factor for physical activity rates. This echoes the point of
ethnicity affecting knowledge levels, and once again the Bangladeshi
community has the worst rate of physical activity. It was also iden-
tified that urbanization and psychological distress for those South
Asians who immigrated to the United Kingdom, partially explains
the difference in physical activity. As a result, Bainey et al90 found
South Asians with CAD exhibit poor health-related quality of life
when compared with whites with CAD (Table 2).
Another important factor that is overlooked is social support.
For those South Asians who immigrated to the United Kingdom, there
is evidence to suggest poor social support outside of the home and
religious communities,98 where Pakistanis and Bangladeshis fared
worse than Indians.97 Pollard et al98 found there was no clear evidence
of social networks having a protective effect for abdominal obesity,
blood pressure, and serum lipid profiles. Barnett et al93 identified that
poor use of resources may be linked to an increase in CAD in UK
South Asians. It was also highlighted that South Asians are less likely
to be prescribed statins and other cardioprotective treatments.
How Do We Alter Health Beliefs Among
South Asians?
As there is a general deficit in knowledge regarding health,
and more specifically CAD, health information, and education is
essential. Rankin and Bhopal92 believe that there is an urgent need
for culturally appropriate education programs, especially for the
Bangladeshi community. The information required to decrease the
prevalence of CAD needs to be culturally sensitive and accessible to
patients.89,91 Tailoring and delivering the information on individual
and community levels can improve outcomes. The information in its
varying forms must be language specific and appropriate for effec-
tive communication.89,91 Additionally, extra support should be given
to complement the information that is available. This could be in the
form of healthy-cooking methods as an adjunct to dietary education.91
Accessibility can be accomplished by providing information from a
wide variety of sources, including primary-care physicians, media,
schools, the home, community centers, and family and friends.89
South Asians and health professionals alike need to be edu-
cated primarily on the predisposition of CAD. Additionally, health
professionals should be aware of the increased prevalence and risk of
CAD, and the prominent role of risk factors and metabolic dysfunc-
tion. Education will promote optimal standards of care. As an adjunct
to education, appropriate screening, which includes measuring waist
circumference, waist-to-hip ratios (appropriate for South Asians),
and frequent fasting glucose and lipid levels, need to be provided.11
An example of a health-promotion program that led to a
decrease in cardiovascular risk factors was the Khush Dil (Happy
Heart) intervention.99 The program aimed to develop and test meth-
ods for locally based and culturally sensitive CAD prevention and
control services for South Asians. In addition to decreasing the car-
diovascular risk factors, it changed the motivational status of the par-
ticipants, increasing the adherence to diet and lifestyle modifications.
It is well established that South Asian migrants living in the
western world have a higher burden of CVD than do other ethnic
groups. In addition, South Asians develop CVD at a younger age,
and have a higher cardiovascular mortality. This epidemic is multi-
factorial, which includes a combination of traditional and emerging
risk factors, a lack of awareness, and an absence of ethnic-specific
prevention/control measures. Future direction points toward ongoing
research with the aim of discovering technology for earlier detection.
Additionally, CAD in South Asians could be attenuated by increas-
ing awareness, modifying health beliefs through health-promotion
strategies, and instituting ethnic-specific control measures including
appropriate pharmacological intervention.
1. South Asians have an increased risk for early onset of CVD.
Among this population, they have the youngest mean age for MI
with poor clinical outcomes.
2. Besides the traditional risk factors (particularly diabetes melli-
tus), physicians should be aware of the emerging risk factors to
aid risk stratification in their South Asian patients. These include
the metabolic syndrome, visceral adiposity, hyperinsulinemia, el-
evated ApoB100/ApoA-I ratio, LP(a), homocysteine, and low ad-
iponectin levels. Of importance is the elevated Lp(a) levels in the
presence of normal TC and low HDL levels. Lp(a) levels less than
20 mg/dL are considered optimal. A raised ApoB100/ ApoA-I
ratio was the risk factor associated with the highest population-
attributable risk for MI.
TABLE 2. Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of SAQ Scores 
at 1 Year
(n = 632)
(n = 2681) P
Physical limitation 75 (23) 80 (23) 0.011
Angina stability 77 (28) 77 (27) 0.627
Angina frequency 86 (23) 80 (20) <0.001
86 (19) 89 (16) <0.001
QOL 71 (24) 76 (21) <0.001
Adapted from Altered health status and quality of life in South Asians with
coronary artery disease.90
SAQ indicates Seattle angina questionnaire; SD standard deviation; SA, South
Asian; EN, European; QOL, quality of life.
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Cardiology in Review • Volume 20, Number 6 November/December 2012  Coronary Artery Disease in South Asians
3. Ethnic-specific targets should be utilized with the waist circum-
ference cutoff for men being 90 cm or more and women, 80 cm or
more in the definition of the metabolic syndrome.
4. The FRFPS underestimates CAD risk in both South Asian males
and females. Along with the established risk factors, the meta-
bolic syndrome could help risk stratify South Asian patients.
5. Raising awareness of this phenomenon through education and
health promotion among both physicians and patients is vital. It is
important to not only initiate appropriate and early pharmacologi-
cal therapy, but also include strategies to modify health beliefs
and improve lifestyle interventions to ensure continued success.
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... Not only there is heightened susceptibility in the SA population to ACS and its related adverse outcomes, but emerging evidence also suggests a demographic shift in ACS occurrence, with SAs experiencing ACS at notably younger ages (5-10 years younger) compared to other ethnic groups. This is worrisome and underscores the need for early intervention and contextual and age-appropriate healthcare approaches [6][7][8][9][10]. ...
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Background There is dearth of literature addressing early outcomes of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) among young patients, particularly South Asians descent who are predisposed to premature coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, we compared presentation, management, and early outcomes of young vs. old ACS patients and explored predictors of in-hospital mortality. Methods We extracted data of 23,560 ACS patients who presented at Tabba Heart Institute, Karachi, Pakistan, from July 2012-June 2020, from the Chest pain-MI-Registry™. We categorized data into young ≤ 45 and old ACS patients > 45 years. Chi-sq/Fischer exact tests were used to assess the difference between presentation, disease management, and in-hospital mortality between both groups. Logistic regression was used to determine odds ratio along with 95% confidence interval of factors associated with early mortality. Results The younger patients were 12.2% and women 23.5%. The prevalence of dyslipidemia (34.5% vs. 22.4%), diabetes (52.1% vs. 27.4%), and hypertension (68.3% vs. 42.9%) was higher in older patients. Family history of premature CAD (18.1% vs. 32.7%), smoking (40.0% vs. 22.9%), and smokeless tobacco use (6.5% vs. 8.4%) were lower in older patients compared to younger ones. Younger patients were more likely to present with STEMI (33.2% vs. 45%). The median symptom-to-door time was 125 min longer (p-value < 0.01) in the young patients compared to the older age group. In-hospital mortality (4.3% vs. 1.7%), cardiac arrest (1.9% vs. 0.7%), cardiogenic shock (1.9% vs. 0.9%), and heart failure (1% vs. 0.6%) were more common in older patients. After adjusting for other factors, younger age (AOR 0.6, 95% CI 1.5–3.7) had significantly lesser odds of in-hospital mortality. Other factors associated with early mortality included women, family history of premature CAD, STEMI, Killip class III and IV, coronary angiography, revascularization, CABG, and use of aspirin and beta blockers within the first 24 h. Conclusion We found every tenth ACS patient was younger than 45 years of age despite a lesser number of comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes. Overall, the in-hospital prognosis of young patients was more favorable than that of older patients. The study emphasizes the need for tailored primary prevention programs for ACS, considering the varying risks among different age groups.
... In addition, it has been found that the presence of abnormal lipid profile has a higher characteristic of CAD risk in South Asians when matched to other ethnic groups. 19 Moreover, the association between alcohol consumption and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity has been debated for a long time. Several international comparisons show a negative association between alcohol usage and mortality due to coronary heart disease. ...
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Background Trinidad and Tobago ranks number 45 in the world for total deaths due to coronary heart disease. Predictive tests for coronary angiographic results set the basis for earlier monitoring of the disease before additional complications become obvious. Aims and Methods This study aimed to evaluate the anthropometric and biochemical parameters of 124 patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) in Trinidad and how these parameters correlate to the findings at angiography. Results The biochemical parameters showed statistically significant correlations with CAD severity by Spearman's rank-order correlation. Two clinical parameters showed significant associations with CAD severity—ethnicity (χ2 (4) = 12.925, p = 0.012) and presence of type 2 diabetes at baseline (χ2 (4) = 21.483, p < 0.001). Conclusion Biochemical parameters such as fasting blood sugar, N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide, creatinine, and hemoglobin A1c were well correlated and well associated with the severity of CAD after diagnosis by the process of coronary angiography. Hence, these factors can be taken into consideration to predict the severity of CAD.
... Оценочная распространенность ИБС в Соединенных Штатах Америки (США), включая инфаркт миокарда (ИМ), составляет около 6% населения [2,31]. Национальный реестр Американского колледжа кардиологии сообщил о 2,5 миллионах случаев ИМ в период с 1990 по 2006 год и дополнительно продемонстрировал увеличение доли случаев, вызванных ОКС без подъема сегмента ST (ОКСбпST), с 14,2% до 59,1% в течение последних 10 лет [33,35]. ...
The review is based on the analysis of current literature data on acute coronary syndrome (ACS): definition, epidemiology, classification, and methods of modern therapy methods. The article presents in detail the premedication and reperfusion strategies of introduction with an emphasis on a differential approach in the choice of therapy depending on the state of the ST-segment elevation. According to the literature the choice of treatment differs in patients with ACS with ST. The results of multicenter studies on the use of anticoagulant therapy in ACS and the need for double anticoagulant therapy against the background of the use of statins, ACE inhibitors, and beta blockers are presented.
... South Asians including Sri Lankans have a distinct genetic make-up, a higher prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, central obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome than whites in the UK and America [2,[4][5][6][7][8][9]. South Asians also have a higher salt intake and are undergoing huge lifestyle and socioeconomic transformations, all leading to a high cardiovascular (CV) risk [10][11][12][13]. Furthermore, it is reported that their absolute CV risk is higher than the predictions of standard European scores [14]. ...
... Sex and ancestry were the potential causes of CAD differences [18,[43][44][45]. However, previous studies were limited to small sample sizes, which made it difficult to overcome the defects of heterogeneity. ...
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Significant differences may exist among different descents, but the current studies are mainly based on European populations. In the present study, we analyzed the population-specific differences of coronary artery disease (CAD) between European and East Asian descents. In stage 1, we identified CAD susceptibility genes by gene-based tests in European and East Asian populations. We identified two novel susceptibility genes for CAD, namely, CUX2 and OAS3. In stage 2, we carried out meta-analyses for the population-specific variants. rs599839 (PSRC1) represented a protective variant for CAD in East Asian populations (ORASN = 0.72. 95% CI: 0.63-0.81) but a risk factor in European populations (OREUR = 1.13, 95% CI: 0.93-1.36). In stage 3, we enriched the risk genes and explored the population-specific differences in Gene Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), regulatory element, tissues, and cell types. In stage 4, in order to predict genes that showed pleiotropic/potentially causal association with CAD, we integrated summary-level data from independent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) by using summary data-based Mendelian randomization (SMR). The results showed that NBEAL1 and FGD6 were population-specific pleiotropic/causal genes. Although some potential mutations and risk genes of CAD are shared, it is still of great significance to elucidate the genetic differences among different populations. Our analysis provides a better understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets for CAD.
... South Asians including Sri Lankans have a distinct genetic make-up, a higher prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, central obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome than whites in the UK and America [2,[4][5][6][7][8][9]. South Asians also have a higher salt intake and are undergoing huge lifestyle and socioeconomic transformations, all leading to a high cardiovascular (CV) risk [10][11][12][13]. Furthermore, it is reported that their absolute CV risk is higher than the predictions of standard European scores [14]. ...
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Introduction and objectives There are no cardiovascular (CV) risk prediction models for Sri Lankans. Different risk prediction models not validated for Sri Lankans are being used to predict CV risk of Sri Lankans. We validated the WHO/ISH (SEAR-B) risk prediction charts prospectively in a population-based cohort of Sri Lankans. Method We selected 40–64 year-old participants from the Ragama Medical Officer of Health (MOH) area in 2007 by stratified random sampling and followed them up for 10 years. Ten-year risk predictions of a fatal/non-fatal cardiovascular event (CVE) in 2007 were calculated using WHO/ISH (SEAR-B) charts with and without cholesterol. The CVEs that occurred from 2007–2017 were ascertained. Risk predictions in 2007 were validated against observed CVEs in 2017. Results Of 2517 participants, the mean age was 53.7 year (SD: 6.7) and 1132 (45%) were males. Using WHO/ISH chart with cholesterol, the percentages of subjects with a 10-year CV risk <10%, 10–19%, 20%-29%, 30–39%, ≥40% were 80.7%, 9.9%, 3.8%, 2.5% and 3.1%, respectively. 142 non-fatal and 73 fatal CVEs were observed during follow-up. Among the cohort, 9.4% were predicted of having a CV risk ≥20% and 8.6% CVEs were observed in the risk category. CVEs were within the predictions of WHO/ISH charts with and without cholesterol in both high (≥20%) and low(<20%) risk males, but only in low(<20%) risk females. The predictions of WHO/ISH charts, with-and without-cholesterol were in agreement in 81% of subjects (ĸ = 0.429; p<0.001). Conclusions WHO/ISH (SEAR B) risk prediction charts with-and without-cholesterol may be used in Sri Lanka. Risk charts are more predictive in males than in females and for lower-risk categories. The predictions when stratifying into 2 categories, low risk (<20%) and high risk (≥20%), are more appropriate in clinical practice.
... Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation are point of concern in patients with STEMI and some studies suggest double or even triple the burden of these fatal arrhythmias when STEMI is associated with LVSD. [9][10][11] In our study the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias was two times higher in patients who developed left ventricular systolic dysfunction (36.36%) as compared to normal left ventricular systolic function (72.72%), (p 0.001), respectively. Previously conducted studies can validate the findings of our study. ...
Objective: The objective of the study was to compare the incidence of post STEMI ventricular arrhythmias among patients with versus without LV dysfunction. Methodology: This prospective Cohort study was conducted in the department of cardiology of a tertiary care hospital, Isra University Hospital, Hyderabad over a period of eleven months from 1st September 2019 to 31st July 2020 and recruited a total of 95 patients with STEMI. Baseline data (age, gender, social class, and marital status) and clinical data (basal metabolic rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, random blood sugar, and LVSD) were recorded in a pre-structured questionnaire and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 to see the comparative incidence of ventricular arrhythmias by applying chi-square test where applicable. Results: Out of total 95 STEMI patients, 53 patients had left ventricular systolic dysfunction (55.7%). The overall incidence of ventricular arrhythmias was 23.1% and it was significantly higher in patients with LVSD as compared to those with normal LV function, 36.3% and 72.7% respectively (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Our study shows that overall burden of ventricular tachyarrhythmias is two times higher in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction as compared to normal left ventricular systolic function.
... Conclusion: In South Asians, the predisposition to a more severe form of coronary artery disease is likely multifactorial, with a combination of traditional risk factors, under-recognised risk factors and a lack of culturally-specific prevention, control and management strategies. The rate of CAD in South Asians is least double other populations, even adjusting for the conventional risk factors and various contributors to the metabolic syndrome [1,2]. This increased risk may be explained by a dysfunctional HDL (which may be at a normal level by normal laboratory results), higher truncal skin-fold thickness, and lower insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 levels. ...
Background South Asians, and Indians in particular, are known to have a higher incidence of premature atherosclerosis and acute coronary syndromes (ACS) with worse clinical outcomes, compared to populations with different ethnic backgrounds. However, the underlying pathobiology accounting for these differences has not been fully elucidated. Methods ACS patients who had culprit lesion optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging were enrolled. Culprit plaque characteristics were evaluated using OCT. Results Among 1315 patients, 100 were South Asian, 1009 were East Asian, and 206 were White. South Asian patients were younger (South Asians vs. East Asians vs. Whites: 51.6 ± 13.4 vs. 65.4 ± 11.9 vs. 62.7 ± 11.7; p < 0.001) and more frequently presented with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) (77.0% vs. 56.4% vs. 35.4%; p < 0.001). On OCT analysis after propensity group matching, plaque erosion was more frequent (57.0% vs. 38.0% vs. 50.0%; p = 0.003), the lipid index was significantly greater (2281.6 [1570.8–3160.6] vs. 1624.3 [940.9–2352.4] vs. 1303.8 [1090.0–1757.7]; p < 0.001), and the prevalence of layered plaque was significantly higher in the South Asian group than in the other two groups (52.0% vs. 30.0% vs. 34.0%; p = 0.003). Conclusions Compared to East Asians and Whites, South Asians with ACS were younger and more frequently presented with STEMI. Plaque erosion was the predominant pathology for ACS in South Asians and their culprit lesions had more features of plaque vulnerability. Clinical Trial Registration:, NCT03479723
It is now well recognized that South Asians living in the US (SAUS) have a higher prevalence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) that begins earlier and is more aggressive than age-matched people of other ethnicities. SA ancestry is now recognized as a risk enhancer in the US cholesterol treatment guidelines. The pathophysiology of this is not fully understood but may relate to insulin resistance, genetic and dietary factors, lack of physical exercise, visceral adiposity and other, yet undiscovered biologic mechanisms. In this expert consensus document, we review the epidemiology of ASCVD in this population, enumerate the challenges faced in tackling this problem, provide strategies for early screening and education of the community and their healthcare providers, and offer practical prevention strategies and culturally-tailored dietary advice to lower the rates of ASCVD in this cohort.
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South Asians have high rates of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) at younger ages compared with individuals from other countries but the reasons for this are unclear. To evaluate the association of risk factors for AMI in native South Asians, especially at younger ages, compared with individuals from other countries. Standardized case-control study of 1732 cases with first AMI and 2204 controls matched by age and sex from 15 medical centers in 5 South Asian countries and 10,728 cases and 12,431 controls from other countries. Individuals were recruited to the study between February 1999 and March 2003. Association of risk factors for AMI. The mean (SD) age for first AMI was lower in South Asian countries (53.0 [11.4] years) than in other countries (58.8 [12.2] years; P<.001). Protective factors were lower in South Asian controls than in controls from other countries (moderate- or high-intensity exercise, 6.1% vs 21.6%; daily intake of fruits and vegetables, 26.5% vs 45.2%; alcohol consumption > or =once/wk, 10.7% vs 26.9%). However, some harmful factors were more common in native South Asians than in individuals from other countries (elevated apolipoprotein B(100) /apolipoprotein A-I ratio, 43.8% vs 31.8%; history of diabetes, 9.5% vs 7.2%). Similar relative associations were found in South Asians compared with individuals from other countries for the risk factors of current and former smoking, apolipoprotein B100/apolipoprotein A-I ratio for the top vs lowest tertile, waist-to-hip ratio for the top vs lowest tertile, history of hypertension, history of diabetes, psychosocial factors such as depression and stress at work or home, regular moderate- or high-intensity exercise, and daily intake of fruits and vegetables. Alcohol consumption was not found to be a risk factor for AMI in South Asians. The combined odds ratio for all 9 risk factors was similar in South Asians (123.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 38.7-400.2] and in individuals from other countries (125.7; 95% CI, 88.5-178.4). The similarities in the odds ratios for the risk factors explained a high and similar degree of population attributable risk in both groups (85.8% [95% CI, 78.0%-93.7%] vs 88.2% [95% CI, 86.3%-89.9%], respectively). When stratified by age, South Asians had more risk factors at ages younger than 60 years. After adjusting for all 9 risk factors, the predictive probability of classifying an AMI case as being younger than 40 years was similar in individuals from South Asian countries and those from other countries. The earlier age of AMI in South Asians can be largely explained by higher risk factor levels at younger ages.
Objective. —To determine the risk of elevated total homocysteine (tHcy) levels for arteriosclerotic vascular disease, estimate the reduction of tHcy by folic acid, and calculate the potential reduction of coronary artery disease (CAD) mortality by increasing folic acid intake.Data Sources. —MEDLINE search for meta-analysis of 27 studies relating homocysteine to arteriosclerotic vascular disease and 11 studies of folic acid effects on tHcy levels.Study Selection and Data Extraction. —Studies dealing with CAD, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral arterial vascular disease were selected. Three prospective and six population-based case-control studies were considered of high quality. Five cross-sectional and 13 other case-control studies were also included. Causality of tHcy's role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease was inferred because of consistency across studies by different investigators using different methods in different populations.Data Synthesis. —Elevations in tHcy were considered an independent graded risk factor for arteriosclerotic vascular diseases. The odds ratio (OR) for CAD of a 5-μmol/L tHcy increment is 1.6(95% confidence interval [Cl], 1.4 to 1.7) for men and 1.8 (95% Cl, 1.3 to 1.9) for women. A total of 10% of the population's CAD risk appears attributable to tHcy. The OR for cerebrovascular disease (5-μmol/L tHcy increment) is 1.5 (95% Cl, 1.3 to 1.9). Peripheral arterial disease also showed a strong association. Increased folic acid intake (approximately 200 μg/d) reduces tHcy levels by approximately 4 μmol/L. Assuming that lower tHcy levels decrease CAD mortality, we calculated the effect of (1) increased dietary folate, (2) supplementation by tablets, and (3) grain fortification. Under different assumptions, 13 500 to 50 000 CAD deaths annually could be avoided; fortification of food had the largest impact.Conclusions. —A 5-μmol/L tHcy increment elevates CAD risk by as much as cholesterol increases of 0.5 mmol/L (20 mg/dL). Higher folic acid intake by reducing tHcy levels promises to prevent arteriosclerotic vascular disease. Clinical trials are urgently needed. Concerns about masking cobalamin deficiency by folic acid could be lessened by adding 1 mg of cobalamin to folic acid supplements.(JAMA. 1995;274:1049-1057)