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2012; 34: 205–214
A model for programmatic assessment
fit for purpose
Maastricht University, The Netherlands,
Flinders Medical School, Australia,
Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching,
The Netherlands,
Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands,
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
We propose a model for programmatic assessment in action, which simultaneously optimises assessment for learning and
assessment for decision making about learner progress. This model is based on a set of assessment principles that are interpreted
from empirical research. It specifies cycles of training, assessment and learner support activities that are complemented by
intermediate and final moments of evaluation on aggregated assessment data points. A key principle is that individual data points
are maximised for learning and feedback value, whereas high-stake decisions are based on the aggregation of many data points.
Expert judgement plays an important role in the programme. Fundamental is the notion of sampling and bias reduction to deal
with the inevitable subjectivity of this type of judgement. Bias reduction is further sought in procedural assessment strategies
derived from criteria for qualitative research. We discuss a number of challenges and opportunities around the proposed model.
One of its prime virtues is that it enables assessment to move, beyond the dominant psychometric discourse with its focus on
individual instruments, towards a systems approach to assessment design underpinned by empirically grounded theory.
In 2005, we made a plea for adopting a programmatic
approach in thinking about assessment in education (Van
der Vleuten & Schuwirth 2005). We described a programme of
assessment as an arrangement of assessment methods planned
to optimise its fitness for purpose. Fitness for purpose is a
functional definition of quality, the essence of which is the
notion of contributing to the achievement of the purposes of
the assessment programme. Fitness for purpose is thus an
inclusive notion of quality, encompassing other quality defi-
nitions (e.g. zero defects) which are interpreted as purpose
(Harvey & Green 1993). With overall quality in mind, we
advocated that an assessment programme should be con-
structed deliberately, its elements should be accounted for, it
should be centrally governed in its implementation and
execution and it should be regularly evaluated and adapted.
Analogous to the now generally accepted view that a good test
is more than a random set of good quality items, a good
programme of assessment is more than a random set of good
instruments (Schuwirth & Van der Vleuten 2011). The problem
of programmatic assessment extends even beyond this anal-
ogy. For, whereas good quality items are achievable, there is
no such thing as an ideal instrument. As early as 1996, we
contended that any single assessment implies a compromise
on quality criteria (Van der Vleuten 1996). The choice on
which criterion(s) to compromise should be based on a well-
considered decision as to which quality element is to be
optimised on the specific assessment context. A programme of
assessment, combining different assessments, can alleviate the
compromises on individual methods, thereby rendering the
total more than the sum of its parts.
Since the first introduction of the notion of programmatic
assessment, further work has been done to define and assess
the quality criteria for assessment programmes (Baartman et al.
2006, 2007). On a different strand, work is going on in the area
of designing guidelines. Recently, this has resulted in a
published framework for structuring such guidelines (Dijkstra
et al. 2010) followed by a study in which concrete guidelines
are formulated (Dijkstra et al. Under editorial review).
Notwithstanding the importance of these theoretical develop-
ments, it remains hard to imagine how such recommendations
Practice points
.Good assessment requires a programmatic approach in
a deliberate and arranged set of longitudinal assessment
.A model of programmatic assessment is possible that
optimises the learning and certification function of
.Individual data points in the assessment programme are
maximally informative to the learning.
.Aggregated data points are used for higher stake pass/
fail and remediation decisions; the higher the stakes in
the assessment decision the more data points are
.Expert professional judgement in assessment is imper-
ative and requires new approaches to deal with biases.
Correspondence: C. van der Vleuten, Department of Educational Development and Research, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences,
P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. Tel: þ31433885725; fax: þ31433885779; email:
ISSN 0142–159X print/ISSN 1466–187X online/12/030205–10 ß2012 Informa UK Ltd. 205
DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.652239
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could be translated into a concrete assessment programme in
action that is in alignment with defensible theoretical under-
pinnings. The link that is still missing today is a theory-based
framework or generic model that offers concrete recommen-
dations for structuring an assessment programme in line with
Dijkstra’s model so as to maximise its fitness for purpose. The
purpose of this article is to present the outlines of such a
The proposed model is limited to programmatic assessment
in the educational context, and consequently licensing assess-
ment programmes are not considered. The model is generic
with respect to types of learning programmes, which may be
‘school based’, emphasising classroom teaching, or ‘work
based’, such as postgraduate specialty training programmes.
We do assume, however, that the learning programme is
learner centred, favouring holistic approaches to learning (as
opposed to atomistic mastery-oriented learning) and deep
learning strategies. An assessment model for a predominantly
mastery-oriented learning programme would probably differ
from our model, although this does not preclude the inclusion
in our model of tasks requiring mastery-oriented learning and
assessment. We define three fundamental purposes that should
be united within an assessment programme that fits our model:
a programme that maximally facilitates learning (assessment for
learning); a programme that maximises the robustness of high-
stake decisions (on promotion/selection of learners); a
programme that provides information for improving instruction
and the curriculum. For the moment, we will park the third
purpose to return to it briefly in the discussion. Our main focus
for now is a theory-based model (Schuwirth et al. 2011)
designed to achieve optimisation of the first two purposes. In
order to motivate the choices we have made in creating this
model, we first present some theoretical principles of assess-
ment based on empirical research or, more accurately, on our
interpretation of that research. We deliberately keep this
account short, as a fuller account of most of these principles
can be found elsewhere (Van der Vleuten et al. 2010).
Principles of assessment
(1) Any single assessment data point is flawed
Single-shot assessments, such as a single administration of
an assessment method at any one level of Miller’s (1990)
pyramid, in other words, all point measurements are intrinsi-
cally limited. Due to content specificity (Eva 2003), the
performance of individuals is highly context dependent,
requiring large samples of test items (in the broadest sense
of the term) and long testing times to produce minimally
reliable results (Van der Vleuten & Schuwirth 2005). Profile
scores are inherently less reliable. However, there are more
characteristics to optimise than reliability. One single method
can only assess a part of Miller’s pyramid and there is no magic
bullet that can do it all in one go. A one-off measure will also
not be able to establish change or growth. This limitation of
single data points of assessment drives, legitimises and informs
our thinking about programmes of assessment.
(2) Standardised assessment can have validity ‘built-in’ the
All methods that can be standardised (the first three levels
of Miller’s pyramid, assessing knows, knows how and shows
how) can have validity built into the test instrument by careful
construction of content and scoring and administration proce-
dures. Quality control procedures around test construction can
have a dramatic effect on the quality of the test material
(Verhoeven et al. 1999; Jozefowicz et al. 2002). If applicable,
assessors can be trained, scoring lists objectified, simulated
patients standardised, etc. Through careful preparation, the
validity of the instrument can be optimally enhanced. For
virtually all assessment methods, best practice technology is
(3) Validity of non-standardised assessment resides in the
users and not so much in the instruments
A complete assessment programme will inevitably also
have to employ non-standardised methods. Particularly, if we
wish to assess in real practice, i.e. at the top of Miller’s pyramid
(the ‘does’ level), standardisation is out of reach. The real
world is non-standardised and haphazard, and, more impor-
tantly, any attempt at standardisation will only trivialise the
assessment (Norman et al. 1991). In the assessment literature,
we are currently seeing the development of ‘technologies’ for
assessing the ‘does’ level of performance, for example in the
field of work-based assessment (Norcini 2003; Norcini & Burch
2007). However, assessment in regular educational settings
(e.g. classroom, tutorials and laboratory) also comes under the
same category of assessment of habitual performance.
Examples are assessment of a presentation or assessment of
professional behaviour. It is typically not ‘standardised forms’
that determine the validity of the assessment in such situations
(Hodges et al. 2011). The users, i.e. the assessors, learners and
patients, are more important than the instrument. Their
expertise in using the instrument, the extent to which they
take the assessment seriously and the time they can spend on
it, these aspects together determine whether or not the
assessment is performed well. While extensive training is not
required for someone handing out multiple choice test
booklets to students, with non-standardised observational
assessment it is of crucial importance that all those involved
in the assessment process should receive extensive training.
The extent to which the users take their assessment task
seriously, as reflected in their taking time to give feedback or
record a narrative on a form, ultimately determines the utility
of these methods. Ensuring that the users have a proper
understanding of their roles requires training, facilitation,
feedback, expertise development, etc (Govaerts et al. 2007).
Since an assessment programme without non-standardised
methods is unthinkable, we need to develop a ‘technology’ to
help users to function appropriately in their assessment role. In
doing so, we need to realise that someone who learns is a
learner, even if most of the time they are assessors, teachers or
supervisors. All people learn in the same way, preferably by
training, practice and feedback. It will not suffice to simply
provide assessors with information or instruments. If the users,
assessors and assesses do not fully understand the meaning
and purpose of the assessment, the assessment is doomed to
be trivialised.
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(4) The stakes of the assessment should be seen as a
continuum with a proportional relationship between
increases in stakes and number of data points involved
From the perspective of a conceptual framework of
programmatic assessment, the formative–summative distinc-
tion is not a very useful one, considering that the framework
predicates that any assessment should be both formative and
summative, only to varying degrees. Therefore, conceptualis-
ing the stakes of the assessment as a continuum from low to
high stakes seems more useful. In low-stake assessment the
results have limited consequences for the learner in terms of
promotion, selection or certification, whereas high-stake
assessment can have far-reaching and dramatic consequences.
In a programme of assessment, only low-stake decisions can
be based on single data points, whereas all high-stake
decisions require input from many. With higher stake assess-
ment, the role of the teacher as helper is more easily
compromised. Combining the roles of helper and judge (in
high-stake decisions) confronts teachers with a conflict of
interest (Cavalcanti & Detsky 2011). A conflict that is aggra-
vated as the stakes increase, and which can easily lead to
inflation of judgement (Dudek et al. 2005; Govaerts et al.
2007), with the concomitant risk of trivialisation of the
assessment process. However, when high-stake decision
making is informed by many data points, it would be foolish
to ignore the information from the rich material derived from
all the single data points. Information from combined low-
stake assessments should therefore feed into high-stake
information. However low stake an individual data point
may be, it is never zero stake.
(5) Assessment drives learning
This is a generally accepted concept in the assessment
literature, but at the same time it remains poorly understood. In
all likelihood, many assessments drive undesirable learning
strategies because the assessment is not at all or ill aligned with
curriculum objectives. This situation is particularly common in
poor information, purely summative systems (Al Kadri et al.
2009). We need more theoretical clarification as to why and
how assessment drives learning, and research on this is
emerging (Cilliers et al. 2010, 2011). The objective is to have
assessment drive learning in a desirable direction and foster
deep-learning approaches (but mastery-learning too wherever
appropriate). There is a wealth of evidence that formative
feedback can enhance learning (Kluger & DeNisi 1996; Hattie
& Timperley 2007; Shute 2008). We note that, if assessment is
to drive learning, it is imperative that it should produce
meaningful information to the learner. In other words,
assessment information should be as rich as possible.
Information can be rich in many different ways, both quan-
titatively and qualitatively. At this point, we should note that
assessment is often associated with grades (only), and that
grades are one of the poorest forms of feedback (Shute 2008).
Different types of quantitative information are needed, such as
profile scores and reference performance information.
However, we also note the importance of qualitative informa-
tion. Narrative information is a powerful tool for qualitative
feedback and can contribute substantially to the
meaningfulness of the information (Sargeant et al. 2010). We
finally note that feedback seeking and giving are skills
(Sluijsmans et al. 2003) that need to be developed, a notion
that is in agreement with our previous point emphasising the
need to invest in the users of assessment.
Lack of meaningfulness leads to trivialisation, a serious and
frequent hazard in assessment. If learners are required to
memorise checklists for passing the objective structured
clinical examination (OSCE) but have no connection with
patients, their performance is trivial; if an assessor completes
all items on a professional behaviour rating form by one strike
of the pen, the assessment loses all meaning and is trivialised.
However, if the assessment information is meaningful, learning
will be enhanced in a meaningful way. We argue that low-
stake individual data points should be as meaningful as
possible to foster learning, and we also argue that high-stake
decisions should be based on many individual data points.
Aggregation of meaningful data points can result in a
meaningful high-stake decision. In all elements of the assess-
ment programme we should be on our guard against
There is one exception where individual data points can be
high stake. This is when the learning task is a mastery task (i.e.
the tables of multiplication for children, resuscitation for
medical students). Mastery tasks need to be certified as and
when they occur in the programme. The proposed model
should accommodate this exception. This does not imply,
however, that mastery tasks do not require feedback.
(6) Expert judgement is imperative
Competence is a complex phenomenon. Regardless of
whether it is defined in terms of traits (knowledge, skills,
problem-solving skills and attitudes) or competencies or
competency domains (Frank and Danoff 2007; Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education [ACGME] 2009),
interpreting assessment results always requires human judge-
ment. By providing support, e.g. scoring rubrics, training and
performance standards, we can reduce the subjectivity in
judgements (Malini Reddy & Andrade 2010), but if we try to
achieve complete objectification, we will only trivialise the
assessment process (see the examples of principle 5). We have
no choice but to rely on the expert judgements of knowl-
edgeable individuals at various points in the assessment
process. We also need expert judgement to combine informa-
tion across individual data points. Often, we use quantitative
strategies to aggregate information sources (averaging scores
and counting the number of passes), but when individual data
points are information-rich, and particularly when they contain
qualitative information, simple quantitative aggregation is out
of the question and we have to resort to expert judgement.
From a vast amount of literature on decision making, we know
that the human mind is nothing if not fallible, compared to
actuarial decision making (Shanteau 1992). We argue, how-
ever, that random bias in judgement can be overcome by smart
sampling strategies and systematic bias by procedural mea-
sures. The sampling perspective has been proven to be
effective in many types of assessment situations (Van der
Vleuten et al. 1991; Williams et al. 2003; Eva et al. 2004):
we can produce reliable information simply by using
Model for programmatic assessment
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many judgements. In fact, assessment methods that rely
heavily on judgement require considerably smaller samples
than are required for most objectified and standardised
methods (Van der Vleuten et al. 2010). Bias is difficult to
prevent, but we argue that systematic biases can be amelio-
rated by putting in place appropriate procedural measures
around decision making. A decision on a borderline candidate,
for example, will require much scrutiny of the information
gathering process, and perhaps even more data gathering and
more deliberation on the additional information. In a recent
paper, we proposed that methodologies from qualitative
research could serve as inspiration for the development of
procedural measures in assessment (Van der Vleuten et al.
2010). The example we just gave stems from the triangulation
criterion. Another criterion, member checking, would suggest
incorporating the learner’s view in the assessment procedure.
Table 1 provides an overview of such procedural strategies.
Depending on the care taken in creating and conducting these
procedures, biases can be reduced and the resulting decisions
will be more trustworthy and defensible. We think these
strategies can handle subjective information (combined with
objective information) and fortify the robustness of the
resulting decisions. This obviates the need to objectify every
part of the assessment programme, which, as we have noted
earlier, will only lead us to reductionism and trivialisation of
both assessment and learning.
Model of programmatic
assessment in action
Based on the above principles, we propose a model that is
optimised for fitness of purpose. The purpose of an
assessment programme is to maximise assessment for learning
while at the same time arriving at robust decisions about
learners’ progress. Figure 1 provides a graphical representation
of the model. We will describe its elements systematically and
provide arguments for its coherence. In the model, we make a
distinction between training activities, assessment activities
and learner support activities as a function of the time in the
ongoing curriculum.
Learning activities
We start with a first period of training activities consisting of
learning tasks denoted by small circles (after the 4C-ID model
(Van Merrie
¨nboer 1997)). A learning task can be anything that
leads to learning: a lecture, a practical, a patient encounter, an
operation in the hospital operating theatre, a problem-based
learning (PBL) tutorial, a project, a learning assignment or self-
study. When arranged appropriately, these learning tasks in
themselves provide a coherent programme or curriculum
constructed in accordance with the principles of instructional
design (Harden et al. 1984; Van Merrie
¨nboer & Kirschner
2007). Some learning tasks may yield artefacts of learning, as
denoted by the larger circles. These artefacts can be outcome
related, such as a project report, or they can be process
oriented, such as a list of surgical procedures performed in the
operating theatre.
Assessment activities
The assessment activities in period 1 are shown as small
pyramids, each representing a single data point of assessment.
This symbolic shape is deliberately chosen, because each
Table 1. Illustrations of potential assessment strategies related to qualitative research methodologies for making robust assessment
Strategies to establish
trustworthiness Criteria Potential assessment strategy
Credibility Prolonged engagement Train assessors
People who know that the learner best (coach, peers) provides information for assessment
Incorporate intermittent feedback cycles in the procedure
Triangulation Involve many assessors and different credible groups
Use multiple sources of assessment within or across methods
Organise a sequential judgement procedure where conflicting information
necessitates the gathering of more information
Peer examination
(sometimes called
peer debriefing)
Assessors talk about benchmarking, the assessment process and results before and
halfway an activity
Separate assessors’ multiple roles by removing summative assessment decisions from
the coaching role
Member checking Incorporate the learner’s point of view in the assessment procedure
Incorporate intermittent feedback cycles
Structural coherence Assessment committee discusses inconsistencies in the assessment data
Transferability Time sampling Sample broadly over different contexts and patients
Thick description
(or Dense description)
Assessment instruments facilitate inclusion of qualitative, narrative information
Give narrative information a lot of weight in the assessment procedure
Dependability Stepwise replication Sample broadly over different assessors
Audit Document the different steps in the assessment process (a formal assessment plan
approved by an examination board, overviews of the results per phase)
Quality assessment procedures with external auditor
Learners can appeal the assessment decision
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single data point can relate to any method at any layer of
Miller’s pyramid, be it a written test, an OSCE, an observation
of a clinical encounter (i.e. Mini-CEX), a peer evaluation in a
PBL tutorial assessment, etc. Some of these assessments are
evaluations of artefacts resulting from learning tasks. Examples
are the assessment of a patient information leaflet produced by
a learner or the evaluation of a presentation on a research
report (denoted by the dashed ellipse). All assessment
activities should be arranged so as to maximally support the
learner’s ongoing learning to ensure adherence to principle 3
(assessment drives learning). This principle requires that all
assessment be maximally meaningful to learning and provide
feedback on the learner’s performance that is information-rich,
whether quantitatively or qualitatively. The information is
documented, i.e. physically or electronically traceable. Each
single data point is low stake (principle 5). Although perfor-
mance feedback obviously provides information in relation to
some kind of performance standard, we strongly caution
against passing or failing a learner based on one assessment
point, as can be done in a mastery test. Each data point is but
one element in a longitudinal array of data points (principle 1).
Although single data points are low stake, this does not
preclude their use for progress decisions at a later point in the
curriculum. With each single assessment, the principal task of
the assessor is to provide the learner with as rich and extensive
feedback as possible. It is not useful to simply declare whether
or not someone has achieved a certain standard. Assessors are
protected in their role as teacher or facilitator, but not in their
role as judge (principle 5). Both roles are disentangled as
much as possible, although, obviously, any assessor will judge
whether or not the learner did well. There is one exception,
which is represented by the black pyramid. Some tasks are
mastery oriented and require demonstration of mastery. For
example, resuscitation is a skill that needs to be drilled until
mastery is achieved. In the same way, a postgraduate trainee
may have to be certified on laparoscopic surgical skill
performance on the simulator before being allowed to perform
a procedure on a patient. Nevertheless, most assessment tasks
are not mastery oriented but developmental in terms of
working towards proficiency in a competency. We similarly
warn against grades as the only feedback that is given. Grades
are poor feedback carriers and tend to have all kinds of
adverse educational side effects (learners hunting for grades
but ignoring what and how they have learned; teachers being
content to use the supposed objectivity of grades as an excuse
for not giving performance feedback). We advocate applying
all assessment technology in accordance with our assessment
principles 2 and 3. We should ‘sharpen’ the instruments and/or
people as much as possible. We are agnostic with respect to
any preference for specific assessment methods, since any
assessment approach may have utility depending on its
function within the programme. We explicitly do not exclude
subjective information or judgements from experts ( principle
6). The designation ‘expert’ is defined flexibly and can apply to
any knowledgeable individual. Depending on the context, this
may be the teacher, the tutor, the supervisor, the peer, the
patient and, last but not least, the learner him or herself.
Granted that self-assessment should never stand alone (Eva &
Regehr 2005), in many cases, the learner can be a knowl-
edgeable source of expertise. In summary, all activities in the
assessment programme conducted during a given period of
the training programme should present meaningful and
traceable data points of learner performance which are
maximally connected to the learning programme and reinforce
desirable learning behaviours.
Supporting activities
The supporting activities in the same period are twofold. First,
the learner reflects on the information obtained from the
learning and assessment activities (principles 4 and 6 com-
bined). This is shown as underscored connected small circles.
There may be more reflective activity at the start and at the
end, but self-directed learning activity is continuous.
Feedback is interpreted and used to plan new learning tasks
or goals (Van Merrie
¨nboer & Sluijsmans 2009). From the
Figure 1. Model for programmatic assessment in action fit for the purpose of assessment for learning and robust decision
making on learners’ achievements, selection and promotion.
Model for programmatic assessment
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literature, we know how hard it mostly is to get people to
reflect and self-direct (Korthagen et al. 2001; Driessen et al.
2007; Mansvelder-Longayroux et al. 2007). One of the
paradoxes of self-directed learning is that it takes considerable
external direction and scaffolding to make it useful (Sargeant
et al. 2008; Driessen et al. 2010). We therefore propose
scaffolding of self-directed learning with some sort of social
interaction. In the model this is the bottom rectangle with
circles connected to it at the opposite ends. The principal form
of support for self-directed learning is coaching or mentoring
(supervision activities), but alternatively, support can be
provided by more senior learners or peers (‘intervision’
activities). This process can also be facilitated by dedicated
instruments in which reflective activity is structured (with
respect to time, content and social interaction) and docu-
mented (Embo et al. 2010). In general, we encourage
documentation of the reflective process, but warn against
overdoing it. Documented reflective activities will only work if
they are ‘lean and mean’ and have direct meaningful learning
value (Driessen et al. 2007). Otherwise, they are just bureau-
cratic chores, producing reams of paper for the rubbish bin.
This type of trivialisation can be avoided if we keep firmly in
mind that social interaction is prerequisite to lend meaning-
fulness to reflective activities.
Intermediate evaluation
At the end of the period, all artefacts, assessment information
and (selected) information from the supporting activities are
assessed in an intermediate evaluation of progress. The
aggregate information across all data points is held against a
performance standard by an independent and authoritative
group of assessors, i.e. a committee of examiners. We think a
committee is appropriate because expert judgement is imper-
ative for aggregating information across all data points
(principle 6). We do not wish to downplay the virtues of
numerical aggregation of information and we should use it
whenever appropriate and possible. In one of our pro-
grammes at Maastricht, for example, we use an online
performance database of progress testing, which can flexibly
aggregate across an infinite number of comparisons and
predict future performance based on past performance
(Muijtjens et al. 2010). However, some data points are
narrative and qualitative, necessitating human interpretation
of information (like a patient chart! principle 6). Data points
should preferably be aggregated across meaningful entities.
Traditionally, these entities have been methods (or layers of
Miller’s pyramid), but other, more meaningful aggregation
categories are thinkable, such as the themes of the training
programme or a competency framework (Schuwirth & Van der
Vleuten 2011). We are obviously in favour of measures that
enhance the robustness of this evaluation. The committee
consists of experts, knowledgeable in terms of what they have
to assess. They are trained, perhaps even certified, and use
supporting tools such as rubrics and performance standards.
They learn as their experience accumulates and can change
the procedures and supporting tools. The committee’s size
matters as well as the extent of its deliberations. For most
learners, the assessment process will be fast and efficient
depending on the consistency and level of the information
from the single data points. For some learners, however, the
committee will have to engage in substantial debate, deliber-
ation and argumentation. Their decision is informative in
relation to the performance standard, but also informative in its
diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic value. The experts
provide information on areas of strength and improvement
(diagnosis), and they may suggest remediation to help the
learner achieve desirable performance objectives (therapy)
and predict certain performance outcomes later in the training
programme (prognosis). Very importantly, this intermediate
assessment is remediation oriented. This is very different from
conventional types of assessment, which are typically mastery-
oriented: if mastery is not achieved, the learner simply has to
re-do the course and be re-assessed. Our approach is first and
foremost developmental: we propose an information-rich
recommendation for further learning, tailored to the individual
learner and contingent on the diagnostic information. The
committee’s assessment can be qualified as intermediate stake.
Although the assessment information has no dramatic conse-
quences for the learner’s survival in the learning programme,
the information it provides is not to be ignored and the learner
should use it to plan further learning activities.
The intermediate evaluation poses a firewall dilemma,
which can be resolved in multiple ways. The dilemma is posed
by the actors’ input into the support system. According to the
criterion of prolonged engagement (Table 1), a coach, mentor
or learner provides the richest information. At the same time
by vesting the power of decision making in the actors of the
support system, the relationship between helper and learner
can be compromised (Cavalcanti & Detsky 2011). One
rigorous way of resolving this is to erect an impenetrable
firewall between activities of support and activities of decision
making. However, this would mean that the committee
remains oblivious of valuable information, it would likely
lead to more work for the examiners and potentially more bias
and higher costs. Intermediate solutions are equally possible.
One protective approach is to require the coach to authenti-
cate the information from the learner: a declaration that the
information provides a valid picture of the learner. One step
further: the coach may be asked to make a recommendation
on the performance decision, which can be amended by the
learner. To sum up, there is no single best strategy to resolve
the firewall dilemma and compromises are in order depending
on the available resources, argumentation, sentiments, culture
and the stakes involved (Van Tartwijk & Driessen 2009).
We have presented a first cycle consisting of training,
assessment and supporting activities. This cycle can be
repeated indefinitely. The number of cycles depends on the
nature of the training programme and the availability of
resources. The fact that the model shows three cycles is of no
significance. The three cycles could represent the first year of a
medical school. Each period could actually comprise multiple
courses. The logical longitudinal development of the learner
through learning tasks, appropriate feedback and (supported)
self-direction is of key importance. This is entirely the opposite
of a purely mastery-oriented approach where passing an exam
means being declared competent for life. It is also important
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that sufficient data points and remediation moments should
have occurred before a final high-stake decision is made.
Final evaluation
After an appropriate number of cycles, a final evaluation takes
place at a moment when a decision on the learner’s progress is
in order. This is a high-stake decision with major conse-
quences for the learner. The decision is taken by the same
committee of examiners that conducted the intermediate
evaluation (prolonged engagement) but with even more
stringent procedural safeguards in so far as these are feasible.
Examples are procedures of appeal, procedures of learner and
coach input (firewall dilemma), training and benchmarking of
examiners, committee size, extent of deliberation and docu-
mentation, performance standards and/or rubrics, quality
improvement measures for the evaluation procedure as a
whole and, last but by no means least, the inclusion of all data
points from the preceding period including the intermediate
evaluations (principle 5).
Ideally, the decision is motivated by a justification. The
decision may not be limited to a mere pass or fail, but also
indicate distinctive excellence of performance. One should
note here that more performance classifications (i.e. grades)
do not only augment the subtlety of judgement but also the
risk of classification error and judgemental headache. If the
system works well, outcome decisions will come as no
surprise to the learner (or coach). In a minority of cases, the
decision will belie the learner’s expectations and their
frequency of this occurrence validates the existence of the
committee. Depending on the nature of the progress decision,
the committee may provide recommendations for further
training or remediation. Overall, the final decision is robust
and based on rich information and numerous data points
(principle 6). The robustness lies in the trustworthiness of the
decision. If the decision is challenged, it should be accountable
and defensible, even in a court of law.
The model in Figure 1 depicts a certain learning period,
ending with a natural moment of decision making over learner
promotion. It does not represent a curriculum in its entirety.
Depending on the curriculum, the learning period in the
model can be repeated in as many cycles as are appropriate to
complete the curriculum. The cycles do not have to be of
equal length: the number and length of the cycles depend on
the nature of the curriculum and the natural decision moments
We think our proposed model is optimally fit for purpose. It
consistently optimises learning value across the assessment
programme. No compromises are made on the meaningful-
ness of the data in the assessment programme. At the same
time, high-stake decision making is robust and credible,
providing internal and external (societal) accountability for
the quality of graduating learners. As we said in the introduc-
tion, the third purpose of an assessment programme is to
evaluate the curriculum. Information from the supporting
actors, such as mentors/coaches, and information from the
actors in the intermediate and final evaluation offer excellent
data points for curriculum evaluation in terms of both the
process and the outcomes of education and training.
We have taken care to formulate the model in the most
generic terms possible. Some may conclude that what we
describe is portfolio learning and portfolio assessment. We
have, however, deliberately avoided making any suggestions
for specific assessment methods or showing any preference for
specific methods. Our purpose here was to theorise beyond a
single assessment method approach. Our model is informed
by extensive previous research in assessment and brings
together strategies from various theoretical strands crossing the
boundaries of the quantitative and qualitative discourse
(Hodges 2006; Hodges et al. 2011). It also reinstates the
value of expert professional judgement as an irreplaceable and
valuable source of information (Coles 2002). We will finish
with describing some challenges and opportunities of the
model we have presented.
An obvious first challenge of the suggested programmatic
approach is the cost and resources needed for running such a
programme. Our first remark here is that, in keeping costs
down, it is wiser to do fewer things well than to do many
things badly (the ‘less is more’ principle). There is no point in
gathering a vast amount of data that provides little information;
it would only be a waste of time, effort and money. A second
remark is that, in our programmatic approach, the boundaries
between assessment and learning activities are blurred. The
ongoing assessment activities are very much part and parcel of
the learning programme, indeed they are inextricably embed-
ded in it (Wilson & Sloane 2000). Third, economic compro-
mises can and must be made. Some of the assessment
activities, particularly low-stake ones, can be done well at
low cost. For example, an online item bank would enable
students to self-assess their knowledge in a certain domain.
Furthermore, the sharing of test materials across schools is a
smart strategy, as we have pointed out earlier (Van der Vleuten
et al. 2004). Certain professional qualities, like professionalism
or communication, lend themselves very well to peer assess-
ment (Falchikov & Goldfinch 2000). It is also thinkable that
compromises are made on certain elements of the model or in
certain periods in the curriculum, depending on the balance
between stakes and resources. For example, mentoring or
coaching could be done in certain parts of the curriculum but
not in others. And finally, a quote attributed to McIntyre and
Bok seems appropriate here: ‘If you think education is
expensive, try ignorance’.
A second huge challenge that must be faced squarely is
bureaucracy, trivialisation and reductionism. The word
trivialisation has cropped up time and again in this article.
Our frequent usage of it is intentional, for trivialisation lurks
everywhere. As soon as an assessment instrument, an assess-
ment strategy or an assessment procedure becomes more
important than the original goal it was intended to accomplish,
trivialisation rears its ugly head. We see it happening all the
time. Learners perform tricks to pass exams, teachers complete
forms with one stroke of the pen (administrative requirement
Model for programmatic assessment
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completed but judgement meaningless), we stick to proce-
dures for no other reason than that we have always done it this
way (we want grades because they are objective and
accountable to society) or because of institutional policy. As
soon as we notice the exchange of test materials on the black
market or new internet resources peddling rafts of ready-made
reflections, we can be sure that we have trivialised the
assessment process. All actors in programmatic assessment
should understand what they are doing, why they are doing it
and why they are doing it this way. Otherwise they are in
danger of losing sight of the true purpose of assessment and
will fall back on bureaucratic procedures and meaningless
artefacts. Steering clear of trivialisation is probably the hardest
yet most urgent task we have to tackle if we are to realise
programmatic assessment as advocated here. To prevent
bureaucracy, we need support systems to facilitate the entire
process. Computer technology seems an obvious candidate for
an important role as facilitator (Bird 1990; Dannefer & Henson
2007). We have only begun to explore these technologies, but
they show great promise to reduce workload and provide
intelligent solutions to some of the problems.
A third challenge is legal restrictions. Curricula have to
comply with university regulations or national legislation.
These are usually very conservative and tend to favour a
mastery-oriented approach to learning with courses, grades
and credits.
This brings us to the final challenge: the novelty and the
unknown. The proposed model of programmatic assessment
is vastly different from the classical summative assessment
programme familiar to most of us from personal experience as
learner and teacher. When confronted with our new model,
many stakeholders are likely to tell us we have turned soft on
assessment. Our willingness to rely on subjective information
and judgement, in particular, is seen by many as a soft option.
We fervently disagree and we hope to have demonstrated that
the decision-making procedures we propose can actually be
extremely tough, provided they are put in the hands of a large
body of actors who really understand why they are doing and
for which purpose. A daunting task indeed, but the one we
support wholeheartedly.
The opportunities are manifold. We hope to have demon-
strated, at least theoretically, that it can be worthwhile and
feasible to assess for learning and at the same time take robust
decisions. Naturally, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
In fact, a number of good practices already exist, some of them
are reported in this issue of this journal. We clearly need more
research and documentation, but we feel quite confident that
the model is not an unreachable star in the theoretical sky.
We also hope that, with this model, we can move beyond
the exclusively psychometrically driven discourse of individual
assessment instruments (Hodges 2006). This is not to claim that
the psychometrical discourse is irrelevant or that individual
methods cannot have validity. All we are saying is that the
psychometric discourse is incomplete. It does not capture the
full picture. Moving towards programmes of assessment and
towards a more theory-based systems design of these
programmes is an extension of the discourse, which we
hope will advance not only the assessment of learning but
learning in all its facets.
A third exciting opportunity is the infinite number of
research possibilities. Any attempt to summarise them can only
be futile but we will mention just a few. It would be quite
interesting (and challenging) to develop formal models of
decision making. How can we be confident that our informa-
tion is trustworthy when we aggregate across multiple sources?
And when is enough (Schuwirth et al. 2002)? Are Bayesian or
similar approaches useful to support the decision making
process? Can we show empirical proof that we can successfully
reduce bias through procedural measures? Can we describe
the process of decision making in expert judgements as a
constructive process (Govaerts et al. 2011)? What are the
underlying mechanisms? Can we use and optimise judgements
by applying theory and empirical outcomes from other
disciplines, like cognitive theories on decision making
(Dijksterhuis & Nordgren 2006; Marewski et al. 2010), the
psychology of judgement and decision making (Morera &
Dawes 2006; Karelia & Hogarth 2008; Weber & Johnson 2009),
cognitive expertise theories (Eva 2004) and naturalistic deci-
sion making (Klein 2008)? Can we train the judges? How, why
and when is learning facilitated by assessment information?
The model of programmatic assessment for the curriculum in
action that we propose here can serve as an aid in the actual
design of such assessment programmes. We believe its
coherent structure and synergy of elements ensure its fitness
for purpose. Fit for purpose in its learning orientation and in its
robustness of decision making. We think it is well grounded in
theoretical notions around assessment, which in turn are based
on sound empirical research. We note that the model is limited
for the programme in action, but not for the other elements
(programme support, documentation, improvement and jus-
tification) of the framework for programmatic assessment
(Dijkstra et al. 2010). Design guidelines for all these elements
are important to make programmatic assessment really come
to life. These guidelines can also be used for evaluative or
even accreditation purposes to truly achieve overall fitness for
Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of
interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and
writing of this article.
Notes on contributors
C. P. M. VAN DER VLEUTEN, PhD, is a Professor of Education, Chair of the
Department of Educational Development and Research and Scientific
Director of the School of Health Professions Education, Faculty of Health,
Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, the Netherlands,
Honorary Professor at King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia),
Copenhagen University (Copenhagen, Denmark) and Radboud University
(Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
L. W. T. SCHUWIRTH MD, PhD, is a Professor of Medical Education, Health
Professions Education, Flinders Medical School, Adelaide, South Australia.
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E. W. DRIESSEN is an Associate Professor, Department of Educational
Development and Research, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences,
Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
J. DIJKSTRA, MA, is an Assistant Professor, Department of Educational
Development and Research, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences,
Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
D. TIGELAAR, PhD, is an Assistant Professor, ICLON – Leiden University
Graduate School of Teaching, Leiden, the Netherlands.
L. K. J. BAARTMAN, PhD, is a Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Faculty of
Education, Research Group Vocational Education, Utrecht University of
Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.
J. VAN TARTWIJK, PhD, is a Professor of Education, Faculty of Social and
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