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Abstract and Figures

This study describes a novel surgical technique of limbal transplantation, which combines the benefits of existing techniques while avoiding their difficulties. Six patients with unilateral and total limbal stem cell deficiency following ocular surface burns underwent a single-stage procedure. A 2 × 2 mm strip of donor limbal tissue was obtained from the healthy eye and divided into eight to ten small pieces. After surgical preparation of the recipient ocular surface, these tiny limbal transplants were distributed evenly over an amniotic membrane placed on the cornea. After surgery, a completely epithelialised, avascular and stable corneal surface was seen in all recipient eyes by 6 weeks, and this was maintained at a mean ± SD follow-up of 9.2 ± 1.9 months. Visual acuity improved from worse than 20/200 in all recipient eyes before surgery to 20/60 or better in four (66.6%) eyes, while none of the donor eyes developed any complications. This technique requires less donor tissue than previously used for conventional autografting and does not need a specialist laboratory for cell expansion. Although long-term results are awaited, this simple limbal epithelial transplantation promises to be an easy and effective technique for treating unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency following ocular burns.
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Simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET):
a novel surgical technique for the treatment of
unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency
Virender S Sangwan,
Sayan Basu,
Sheila MacNeil,
Dorairajan Balasubramanian
This study describes a novel surgical technique of limbal
transplantation, which combines the benefits of existing
techniques while avoiding their difficulties. Six patients
with unilateral and total limbal stem cell deficiency
following ocular surface burns underwent a single-stage
procedure. A 232 mm strip of donor limbal tissue was
obtained from the healthy eye and divided into eight to
ten small pieces. After surgical preparation of the
recipient ocular surface, these tiny limbal transplants
were distributed evenly over an amniotic membrane
placed on the cornea. After surgery, a completely
epithelialised, avascular and stable corneal surface was
seen in all recipient eyes by 6 weeks, and this was
maintained at a mean6SD follow-up of
9.261.9 months. Visual acuity improved from worse
than 20/200 in all recipient eyes before surgery to 20/60
or better in four (66.6%) eyes, while none of the donor
eyes developed any complications. This technique
requires less donor tissue than previously used for
conventional autografting and does not need a specialist
laboratory for cell expansion. Although long-term results
are awaited, this simple limbal epithelial transplantation
promises to be an easy and effective technique for
treating unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency following
ocular burns.
Corneal blindness following ocular burns was once
considered incurable as it carried an extremely poor
prognosis for corneal transplantation.
discovery of epithelial stem cells at the limbal
region of the eye
demonstrated that ocular
surface disease was a manifestation of limbal
dysfunction and could possibly be reversed by
limbal stem cell transplantation.
As proof of this
principle, Kenyon and Tseng showed that
conjunctival limbal autografting (CLAU) success-
fully cured limbal stem cell deciency (LSCD).
this technique, two donor lenticules, each
consisting of three clock hours of the limbus and
adjacent conjunctiva, were obtained from the donor
eye and transplanted on to the recipient ocular
surface. Rarely, the donor eyes developed LSCD.
To avoid this complication, Pellegrini et al devised
a technique called cultivated limbal epithelial
transplantation (CLET), wherein less than one
clock hour of donor limbus could be expanded ex
vivo into a transplantable epithelial sheet.
Currently, opinion is divided about which of the
two existing techniques of limbal transplantation is
a better surgical alternative. Both techniques are
effective in the long-term restoration of the
damaged ocular surface in eyes with LSCD,
the surgeons preference is often limited by
economic and logistic factors. Proponents of CLAU
consider ex vivo cultivation unnecessary and
expensive, while proponents of CLET consider
autografting technically challenging and risky. In
this study, we propose a novel simplied technique
of limbal transplantation, which combines the
benets of both existing techniques while avoiding
the difculties of either.
Six adult patients with unilateral and total LSCD
(dened clinically as 360
absence of the limbal
palisades of Vogt, dull and irregular corneal epithe-
lium, supercial corneal vascularisation, persistent
epithelial defects or conjunctival overgrowth on the
corneal surface) following ocular surface burns and
no history of limbal transplantation were included
in this study.
Surgical technique
This was a single-stage procedure, performed by
a single surgeon (VS). Before the procedure, all
patients were administered peribulbar anaesthesia
in both eyes. In the donor eye, a 232 mm area was
marked centred on the superior limbus, the
conjunctiva was incised, and a sub-conjunctival
dissection was carried out until the limbus was
reached (gure 1A,B). A shallow dissection was
then carried out 1 mm into the clear cornea, and the
limbal tissue was excised (gure 1C) and placed in
balanced salt solution. In the recipient eye, a 360
peritomy was performed, and the vascular pannus
covering the cornea was removed (gure 1D,E and
online supplemental video). After cauterisation of
the bleeding points, human amniotic membrane
(hAM) graft was placed over the bared ocular
surface (gure 1F) and secured with brin glue
(TISSEEL Kit from Baxter AG, Vienna, Austria).
The excess membrane was trimmed and its edges
tucked under the surrounding conjunctival
margins. The donor tissue was then gently held
with Lims forceps and cut into eight to ten small
pieces with either Vannas scissors (gure 1G) or
a No 15 surgical blade. The small limbal transplants
were placed, epithelial side up, on the hAM and
distributed in a circular fashion around the centre of
the cornea, avoiding the visual axis (gure 1H). The
transplants were also xed in place with brin glue.
A soft bandage contact lens was placed on the
recipient eye, and one drop of 2.5% povidone-iodine
was applied to both eyes, followed by overnight
<Additional materials are
published online only. To view
these files please visit the
journal online (http://bjo.bmj.
Cornea and Anterior Segment
Services, L V Prasad Eye
Institute, Hyderabad, India
Sudhakar and Sreekanth Ravi
Stem Cell Biology Laboratory,
L V Prasad Eye Institute,
Hyderabad, India
Department of Materials
Science and Engineering,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield,
Champalimaud Translational
Centre for Eye Research,
Hyderabad Eye Research
Foundation, L V Prasad Eye
Institute, Hyderabad, India
Correspondence to
Dr Virender S Sangwan, L V
Prasad Eye Institute, Kallam Anji
Reddy Campus, Road No 2,
Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India;
All the authors (VS, SB, SM,
DB) contributed equally to the
Accepted 17 January 2012
Published Online First
10 February 2012
Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:931e934. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301164 931
Innovations on June 19, 2012 - Published by bjo.bmj.comDownloaded from
Postoperative care
All patients underwent comprehensive ophthalmic examination
of both eyes at all follow-up visits. Patients were seen on days 1,
7, 14, 42 and 90 and at 3-month intervals thereafter. Patients
were prescribed ciprooxacin 0.3% eye drops (Cipla India,
Mumbai, India) four times a day for 1 week and prednisolone
acetate 1% eye drops (Alcon Laboratories Private Limited,
Bangalore, India) six times a day tapered weekly over 6 weeks in
both eyes. The bandage contact lens was removed from the
recipient eye on day 7, and carboxymethyl cellulose 0.5% eye
drops (Allergan India Private Limited, Bangalore, India) were
added in the recipient eye.
Demographic and clinical details of the six patients are provided
in table 1. A completely epithelialised, avascular and stable
corneal surface (gure 2 and online supplemental gure) was
achieved by 6 weeks and was maintained in all recipient eyes at
a mean6SD follow-up of 9.261.9 months. Best corrected visual
acuity improved from worse than 20/200 in all recipient eyes
before surgery to 20/40 or better in four (66.6%) eyes (table 1).
The brin glue on the ocular surface had disintegrated by the
end of the rst postoperative week, and the hAM disintegrated
gradually over 6 weeks (gure 2). The transplants remained in
place and became progressively transparent over time, almost
completely disappearing by 6 months (gure 2 and online
supplemental gure). None of the donor eyes developed any
complications. The donor site epithelialised in all six eyes within
14 days, and none of the donor eyes showed a decrease in best
corrected visual acuity or developed conjunctival overgrowth on
the donor site, lamentary keratitis or LSCD.
The only study directly comparing the two existing techniques
of limbal transplantation found that conventional limbal
transplantation resulted in delayed corneal epithelialisation,
prolonged ocular surface inammation, and signicantly greater
scarring than CLET.
Other proposed advantages of CLET over
CLAU include greater safety for the donor eye, as it needs less
tissue, and better chances of long-term tissue regeneration, as
the number of stem cells transplanted is possibly increased by ex
vivo cultivation. However, the cost of establishing and main-
taining a stem cell laboratory is prohibitively high. Miri et al
estimated in 2010 that, in the UK, a single CLET procedure cost
approximately £10 300 (or about V12 000).
Despite having
successfully performed over 500 CLET procedures for the
treatment of LSCD since 2001,
15 19
we felt that, in reality, CLET
has become restricted to only a handful of advanced centres
worldwide because of these limitations. Similarly, CLAU has
also failed to garner universal acceptance because of the
Figure 1 Clinical photographs showing the surgical technique of limbal biopsy from the donor eye and transplantation of the limbal tissue on the
recipient eye. (A) A 232 mm area is marked across the superior limbus of the donor eye. (B) A sub-conjunctival dissection is carried out 1 mm into the
clear cornea. (C) The limbal tissue is excised. (D, E) A peritomy is performed and the fibrovascular pannus is excised from the recipient ocular surface.
(F) A human amniotic membrane graft is placed on the bare ocular surface and secured to it with fibrin glue. (G, H) The donor limbal tissue is cut into
eight to ten small pieces and secured to the amniotic membrane overlying the cornea with fibrin glue.
Table 1 Preoperative clinical characteristics and postoperative outcomes of patients with unilateral and total limbal stem cell deficiency following
ocular surface burns who underwent simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET)
Case Age Sex Eye
Prior ocular
BCVA Symble-pharon PED Conjunti-valisation
1 21 M OS Blast 7 AMG CF at 1 m Yes No Yes 11 Success 20/30
2 20 M OS Alkali 48 AMG HM Yes No Yes 9 Success 20/200
3 20 M OD Alkali 6 AMG CF at 1 m No No Yes 12 Success 20/20
4 17 M OS Alkali 4 AMG CF at 1 m No No Yes 8 Success 20/40
5 35 F OS Alkali 11 AMG CF at 1 m Yes Yes Yes 7.5 Success 20/100
6 22 M OD Acid 6 AMG PL No No Yes 7.5 Success 20/30
AMG, amniotic membrane grafting; BCVA, best corrected visual acuity; CF, counting fingers; F, female; HM, hand motions; LSCD, limbal stem cell deficiency; M, male; OD, right eye; OS, left
eye; PED, persistent epithelial defect; PL, perception of light.
932 Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:931e934. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301164
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perceived risk of donor site complications. Even Tseng and
colleagues who pioneered the classical technique
tried using
smaller single two-clock-hour-long lenticules to treat total
LSCD, terming the new technique mini-CLAU.
This study
begins to address the challenge of determining how little of the
limbus can be clinically effective given a suitable underlying
substrate. The results from this study, at least, suggest that less
than one clock hour of donor limbal tissue may be sufcient.
Table 2 summarises the comparison of this new technique,
which we termed simple limbal epithelial transplantation
(SLET), with CLAU and CLET. SLET incorporates the advantages
of CLAU by being a single-stage procedure, easily affordable,
and not requiring sophisticated laboratory support while
retaining the benet of CLET, using minimal donor tissue. The
surgical technique of SLET is relatively straightforward, and our
results should be easily replicated by other ocular surface
surgeons. Before the study, we were concerned whether the
limbal transplants, consisting of epithelium with a thin slice of
underlying stroma, would remain opaque over time. Rather
surprisingly we found that they almost completely disappeared
by 6 months. To explain this, we hypothesise that, as the
epithelial cells grow out of the islands of stem cell containing
limbal transplants and form a conuent and stratied corneal
epithelial layer by 6 weeks, the stromal element undergoes
remodelling and is gradually incorporated into the underlying
cornea by 6 months. We plan to study this proposed mechanism
in greater detail in subsequent cases by performing in vivo
confocal microscopy and from the histopathology of corneal
buttons obtained from eyes needing keratoplasty surgery.
Further renement of the surgical technique may include
avoiding the hAM or by replacing the hAM with biodegradable
synthetic polymer scaffolds to support culture of corneal
epithelial cells.
As this is a pilot study, the sample size is small and the follow-
up is limited. However, as most failures after limbal trans-
plantation usually occur within the rst 6 months,
13 15
results of this study are truly encouraging. Validation of these
initial results in a larger number of patients followed for longer
periods of time, possibly on a multicentre basis, is now required.
This could signicantly simplify the treatment of LSCD,
offering a simple approach, easily replicable by practising corneal
surgeons, which could benet many more patients worldwide.
Contributors The corresponding author states that authorship credit of this
manuscript was based on: (1) substantial contributions to conception and design,
acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or
revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the
version to be published. All listed authors met conditions 1, 2 and 3. All persons
designated as authors qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify are listed. Each
author has participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for
appropriate portions of the content.
Funding This work was funded by the Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India;
Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon; Portugal, and the Hyderabad Eye Research
Figure 2 Serial clinical photographs of recipient eyes of two different patients before and after undergoing simple limbal epithelial transplantation
(SLET). (A) A 20-year-old college student (case 3) with a history of lime injury to the left eye presented with a conjunctivalised corneal surface,
symblepharon in the superior fornix, and visual acuity of counting fingers at 3 m. (B) Six weeks, (C) 3 months and (D) 6 months after SLET, the corneal
clarity gradually improved. The visual acuity at 6 months after SLET was 20/20. (E) A 22-year-old car mechanic (case 6) with a history of acid injury to
the right eye presented with a completely conjunctivalised cornea and visual acuity of perception of light. (F) One day after surgery the cornea and
transplants were covered with fibrin glue. (G) One week after surgery, the corneal clarity markedly improved, revealing the location of the limbal
transplants. Haemorrhage under the disintegrating amniotic membrane graft was also seen at this point. (H) Six months after surgery the cornea was
clear and avascular, the opacities at the site of the transplants had almost completely disappeared, and the visual acuity had improved to 20/30.
Table 2 Comparison of the current technique with existing techniques
of autologous limbal transplantation for treatment of unilateral limbal
stem cell deficiency
Stages Single Two Single
Gap between stages None 2 weeks None
Donor tissue size in mm
(clock hours)
2(<1) 2 (<1) 10e20 (3e6)
Need for donor conjunctiva No No Yes
Need for stem cell laboratory No Yes No
Need for hAM Yes Yes No
Location of transplant All over cornea All over cornea At the limbus
Time to epithelialisation 4e6 weeks 0 4e6 weeks
Repeatable from same
donor eye
Yes Yes No
Donor eye LSCD No No
Long-term success Awaited 50e100%
Complications in
recipient eye
None None None
Cost* in INR 12 000 96 000 12 000
Cost* in GBP 155 1246 155
*Current charges at L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India for the surgical and
laboratory procedures, excluding anaesthesia charges and room rent (additional 20e30% of
surgery costs).
CLAU, conjunctival limbal autograft; CLET, cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation ; GBP,
Great Britain pounds; hAM, human amniotic membrane; INR, Indian rupees; LSCD, limbal
stem cell deficiency; SLET, simple limbal epithelial transplantation.
Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:931e934. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301164 933
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Foundation, Hyderabad, India. None of these had any role in the design, collection,
analysis and interpretation of the data.
Competing interests None.
Patient consent Obtained.
Ethics approval The study was approved prospectively by the Institutional Review
Board (IRB) and the Institute Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy
(ICSCRT), L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India. The study followed the tenets of
the Declaration of Helsinki, and informed written consent was obtained from all
patients enrolled in this study.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement The authors are committed to make materials, data and
associated protocols promptly available to others without preconditions.
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934 Br J Ophthalmol 2012;96:931e934. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301164
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doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301164
10, 2012 2012 96: 931-934 originally published online FebruaryBr J Ophthalmol
Virender S Sangwan, Sayan Basu, Sheila MacNeil, et al.
treatment of unilateral limbal stem cell
(SLET): a novel surgical technique for the
Simple limbal epithelial transplantation
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... A descoberta de células-tronco na região limbar do olho propiciou inicialmente a criação da técnica CLAU, todavia, para diminuir os riscos de DCTL no olho doador, foi concebida a técnica CLET, que utiliza uma área menor de tecido doador expandido em uma lâmina epitelial transplantável 3 . Descrita pela primeira vez em 2012, a SLET é um procedimento que combina as técnicas CLAU e CLET, porém envolve o transplante de uma pequena área de tecido límbico saudável do próprio paciente ou de um doador compatível para a área afetada, estimulando a regeneração das células-tronco e a restauração da superfície ocular, sendo, por isso, a DCTL unilateral uma das principais indicações para a SLET autóloga 3,4 . Ademais, quando há uma grave opacificação da córnea, possivelmente os pacientes precisarão também de ceratoplastia penetrante (TP), a qual pode ser realizada simultaneamente à SLET, sobretudo se os pacientes não quiserem se submeter a uma segunda operação 5 . ...
... Entre os fatores causais da DCTL, as queimaduras e os traumas oculares representam uma grave preocupação quando o foco é direcionado para a saúde pública, visto que são condições frequentemente associadas a riscos ocupacionais e acidentes, especialmente em setores como construção civil, metalurgia e agricultura. Estudos demonstram que a principal causa de DCTL é a queimadura ocular, sendo a queimadura química mais comum em indivíduos do sexo masculino e causada por produtos alcalinos, que são amplamente utilizados em indústrias 3,6 . Pacientes com DCTL podem apresentar desconforto e dor ocular, sensação de corpo estranho, fotofobia, redução da visão, além de cegueira, sintomas potencialmente debilitantes com capacidade de reduzir a qualidade de vida 6 . ...
... A reparação do epitélio corneano nos dois pacientes foi realizada como descrita originalmente, em um único tempo por apenas um cirurgião, o qual utiliza uma pequena área de 2x2 mm de limbo saudável do olho contralateral do paciente ou de algum doador compatível, sem a necessidade de cultivo. Nessa técnica, o tecido doador é dividido em oito a dez pedaços menores e fixados com cola de fibrina sobre a membrana amniótica, previamente colocada sobre a superfície ocular doente, ao redor do centro da córnea 3 . No comparativo, a técnica CLAU requer uma margem relativamente grande de tecido doador, representando um sério risco de DCTL iatrogênica para o olho doador saudável, enquanto a CLET necessita de um sistema de cultivo ex vivo, limitando sua utilização pelo custo e disponibilidade 3 o que torna a técnica SLET mais vantajosa nesses aspectos. ...
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O limbo é uma zona de transição entre a córnea e a conjuntiva do olho, que abriga células-tronco epiteliais responsáveis pela manutenção e correto funcionamento da córnea. Circunstâncias que causem dano a essas células levam a uma condição chamada “deficiência de células-tronco límbicas” (DCTL). O transplante simples de epitélio límbico (SLET) é uma técnica que consiste na transferência das células saudáveis do limbo do olho contralateral para a região lesionada da córnea. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever dois casos de pacientes submetidos à técnica SLET para reparação de insuficiência límbica, bem como avaliar suas evoluções diante dessa recente técnica operatória. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, do tipo relato de casos clínicos, por meio da análise do prontuário de dois pacientes acometidos por DCTL unilateral. Os dois pacientes apresentaram etiologias e classificações diferentes das doenças. O Caso 1 resultou de um trauma mecânico, enquanto o Caso 2 adveio de queimadura química. Ambos foram submetidos a mesma técnica operatória, tendo uma boa evolução do quadro clínico ao longo do tempo de acompanhamento, com córnea clara e epitelizada, bem como melhora da acuidade visual e da qualidade de vida, sem complicações significativas. Em conclusão, a técnica SLET apresentou bons resultados na reparação da insuficiência límbica em ambos os casos. Contudo, mais estudos serão necessários para comprovar a potencialidade de sua eficácia e segurança na reconstrução da superfície ocular.
... A descoberta de células-tronco na região limbar do olho propiciou inicialmente a criação da técnica CLAU, todavia, para diminuir os riscos de DCTL no olho doador, foi concebida a técnica CLET, que utiliza uma área menor de tecido doador expandido em uma lâmina epitelial transplantável 3 . Descrita pela primeira vez em 2012, a SLET é um procedimento que combina as técnicas CLAU e CLET, porém envolve o transplante de uma pequena área de tecido límbico saudável do próprio paciente ou de um doador compatível para a área afetada, estimulando a regeneração das células-tronco e a restauração da superfície ocular, sendo, por isso, a DCTL unilateral uma das principais indicações para a SLET autóloga 3,4 . Ademais, quando há uma grave opacificação da córnea, possivelmente os pacientes precisarão também de ceratoplastia penetrante (TP), a qual pode ser realizada simultaneamente à SLET, sobretudo se os pacientes não quiserem se submeter a uma segunda operação 5 . ...
... Entre os fatores causais da DCTL, as queimaduras e os traumas oculares representam uma grave preocupação quando o foco é direcionado para a saúde pública, visto que são condições frequentemente associadas a riscos ocupacionais e acidentes, especialmente em setores como construção civil, metalurgia e agricultura. Estudos demonstram que a principal causa de DCTL é a queimadura ocular, sendo a queimadura química mais comum em indivíduos do sexo masculino e causada por produtos alcalinos, que são amplamente utilizados em indústrias 3,6 . Pacientes com DCTL podem apresentar desconforto e dor ocular, sensação de corpo estranho, fotofobia, redução da visão, além de cegueira, sintomas potencialmente debilitantes com capacidade de reduzir a qualidade de vida 6 . ...
... A reparação do epitélio corneano nos dois pacientes foi realizada como descrita originalmente, em um único tempo por apenas um cirurgião, o qual utiliza uma pequena área de 2x2 mm de limbo saudável do olho contralateral do paciente ou de algum doador compatível, sem a necessidade de cultivo. Nessa técnica, o tecido doador é dividido em oito a dez pedaços menores e fixados com cola de fibrina sobre a membrana amniótica, previamente colocada sobre a superfície ocular doente, ao redor do centro da córnea 3 . No comparativo, a técnica CLAU requer uma margem relativamente grande de tecido doador, representando um sério risco de DCTL iatrogênica para o olho doador saudável, enquanto a CLET necessita de um sistema de cultivo ex vivo, limitando sua utilização pelo custo e disponibilidade 3 o que torna a técnica SLET mais vantajosa nesses aspectos. ...
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O limbo é uma zona de transição entre a córnea e a conjuntiva do olho, que abriga células-tronco epiteliais responsáveis pela manutenção e correto funcionamento da córnea. Circunstâncias que causem dano a essas células levam a uma condição chamada “deficiência de células-tronco límbicas” (DCTL). O transplante simples de epitélio límbico (SLET) é uma técnica que consiste na transferência das células saudáveis do limbo do olho contralateral para a região lesionada da córnea. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever dois casos de pacientes submetidos à técnica SLET para reparação de insuficiência límbica, bem como avaliar suas evoluções diante dessa recente técnica operatória. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, do tipo relato de casos clínicos, por meio da análise do prontuário de dois pacientes acometidos por DCTL unilateral. Os dois pacientes apresentaram etiologias e classificações diferentes das doenças. O Caso 1 resultou de um trauma mecânico, enquanto o Caso 2 adveio de queimadura química. Ambos foram submetidos a mesma técnica operatória, tendo uma boa evolução do quadro clínico ao longo do tempo de acompanhamento, com córnea clara e epitelizada, bem como melhora da acuidade visual e da qualidade de vida, sem complicações significativas. Em conclusão, a técnica SLET apresentou bons resultados na reparação da insuficiência límbica em ambos os casos. Contudo, mais estudos serão necessários para comprovar a potencialidade de sua eficácia e segurança na reconstrução da superfície ocular.
... 27 Refinement of surgical technique further reduce the size of donor tissue in autologous conjunctival keratolimbal grafting. 28 Cultivated autologous LSC potentially reduces risk of iatrogenic LSCD in the donor eye, as they require the smallest size of the donor tissue. 27 For safety, minimizing the risk of immune reactions and tumorigenic events along with xenobiotic-free culture media are major considerations in choosing existing stem cell therapies and developing future ones. ...
This concise review focuses on the latest advancements in the diagnosis and management of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). Ensuring the standard of care for individuals affected by LSCD involves the crucial task for physicians to meticulously and accurately diagnose the condition and determine its specific stage. A standardized diagnostic approach forms the foundation for formulating and delivering customized therapeutic interventions to maximize treatment outcomes for each patient. In this review, we introduce a systematic diagnostic algorithm to guide the assessment of LSCD. In addition, the current management algorithm and emerging therapies for LSCD are summarized.
... Eye diseases: Studies on eye diseases showed that limbal stem cell deficiency could be treated with limbal stem cells, but after a followup period, it showed increased epithelialized, avascular, stable corneal surface and visual acuity [31][32][33][34] . Live limbal stem cells showed better results in allogeneic transplantation than cadaveric limbal stem cells 33 . ...
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Background & objectives Our study aims to provide the diversity of stem cell use for non-malignant, non-haematological diseases in India through the lens of clinical trials. Methods A PRISMA approach was used to evaluate the safety and efficacy of stem cell use for the period 2001-2021 in India. The outcomes were measured using each disease category, types of stem cells, the origin of stem cells, safety, and efficacy. Results Of the 9206 studies screened, 61 studies that were relevant to stem cell use for non-malignant diseases were included for analysis. Autologous stem cells (75%) were used predominantly compared to allogenic stem cells (18.33%), followed by mixed type (6.67%). Use of bone marrow-derived stem cells (51%) was dominant, followed by melanocytes (19%), adipose (7%), haematopoietic (12%), and (11%) other types of stem cells. The study revealed 37 randomized clinical trial studies conducted in the government research hospital compared to the non-government. Interpretation & conclusions Maintaining the gold standard for stem cell therapy requires randomized clinical trials with large sample sizes, control groups, failures, adverse effects, etc . It is important to have a monitoring and regulation system in stem cell clinical research activities with enough preclinical data and repeated exchanges between the bench and the bedside.
... In the chronic phase, to reverse LSCD and restore a normal corneal surface, there are various treatment options available such as conjunctival limbal autograft, keratolimbal allograft, cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation and simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET). 1 5 Among these, SLET is a simple yet advanced technique developed by Dr Sangwan to manage total limbal stem cell damage. 6 Depending on the donor tissue source, SLET can either be autologous (from the unaffected eye of the same person) for unilateral total LSCD or allogeneic (from another person, preferably a live related donor or cadaveric) for bilateral total LSCD. 7 Here, we present this case of total unilateral LSCD following chemical injury, treated successfully with autologous SLET (Auto-SLET) with conjunctival autograft (CAG). ...
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This report details the case of a middle-aged man with chronic unilateral total limbal stem cell deficiency with severe symblepharon in his left eye with upper lid mechanical ptosis, restricted ocular movements and visual acuity limited to counting fingers at 2 feet. 9 months prior to his first visit, he sustained an accidental unilateral alkali injury to the left eye. He underwent autologous simple limbal epithelial transplantation combined with conjunctival autograft in the left eye. Complete ocular surface epithelialisation was achieved within 24 days post surgery. After 24 months of follow-up, the patient exhibited a stable ocular surface, normal palpebral fissure and full range of eye movements, with a best-corrected visual acuity of 6/12p in the left eye.
... Simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET) is a surgical technique first described by Dr. Sangwan in 2012 at the L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India, for the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) 8 . This technique consists of transplantation of limbal stem cells from the healthy eye contralateral to the lesion of the diseased eye using the help of the amniotic mem-brane that is placed on the corneal surface of the affected eye, from which the pannus generated by the cell deficiency was previously removed (Figs. 5 and 6). ...
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Objetivo: La técnica denominada “trasplante simple de epitelio limbal” (SLET, por sus siglas en inglés) es de utilidad para tratar la superficie ocular severamente dañada. Nuestro propósito es presentar el estudio de un caso donde esto ocurrió de forma secundaria a la inadecuada dispensación de un fármaco por parte de la farmacia. Informe de caso: Una mujer de 82 años consultó por mostrar Herpes zoster oftálmico y sufrió una grave lesión química de la superficie ocular secundaria a un error en la expedición del medicamento por parte del farmacéutico al darle hidroquinona con ácido glicólico (Neoquin) en lugar del tratamiento adecuado prescrito por su médico: ganciclovir (Neagel). Tras dos injertos de membrana amniótica y la posterior reinserción de la tira tarsal más los retractores, se realizó el procedimiento quirúrgico conocido como SLET para la reconstrucción de la superficie ocular gravemente afectada. Antes de las dos semanas se observó la completa epitelización y al año su superficie ocular se mantuvo estable. Conclusión: La técnica de SLET fue eficaz para tratar la superficie ocular afectada por un daño químico ocasionado por un error en la dispensación de un medicamento por parte de la farmacia.
A woman in her 50s underwent simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET) in the left eye for chemical injury with total limbal stem cell deficiency. A seroma, a hitherto unreported complication of the procedure was noted on the 10th postoperative day. It was associated with an accumulation of inflammatory cells and exudates in the inferior part of the amniotic membrane resembling a hypopyon. After careful exclusion of infectious keratitis on clinical examination, the bandage contact lens was removed and the seroma was drained with a 26G hypodermic needle. A small seroma reappeared over the central cornea 2 weeks later but no donor limbal tissue was seen to be detached from the corneal surface. The patient was managed conservatively. By the third postoperative month, the amniotic membrane disintegrated and the patient achieved an epithelised corneal surface with the relative clearing of the corneal stroma.
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Ocular burns can damage the corneal epithelial stem cells located at the limbus. This study evaluated the efficacy of xeno-free autologous cell-based treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency. This retrospective study included 200 patients, above 8 years of age, with clinically diagnosed unilateral total limbal stem cell deficiency due to ocular surface burns treated between 2001 and 2010. A small limbal biopsy was obtained from the unaffected eye. The limbal epithelial cells were expanded ex vivo on human amniotic membrane for 10-14 days using a xeno-free explant culture system. The resulting cultured epithelial monolayer and amniotic membrane substrate were transplanted on to the patient's affected eye. Postoperative corneal surface stability, visual improvement and complications were objectively analysed. A completely epithelised, avascular and clinically stable corneal surface was seen in 142 of 200 (71%) eyes at a mean follow-up of 3 ± 1.6 (range: 1-7.6) years. A two-line improvement in visual acuity, without further surgical intervention, was seen in 60.5% of eyes. All donor eyes remained healthy. Autologous cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation using a xeno-free explant culture technique was effective in long-term restoration of corneal epithelial stability and improvement of vision in eyes with ocular surface burns.
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Corneal renewal and repair are mediated by stem cells of the limbus, the narrow zone between the cornea and the bulbar conjunctiva. Ocular burns may destroy the limbus, causing limbal stem-cell deficiency. We investigated the long-term clinical results of cell therapy in patients with burn-related corneal destruction associated with limbal stem-cell deficiency, a highly disabling ocular disease. We used autologous limbal stem cells cultivated on fibrin to treat 112 patients with corneal damage, most of whom had burn-dependent limbal stem-cell deficiency. Clinical results were assessed by means of Kaplan-Meier, Kruskal-Wallis, and univariate and multivariate logistic-regression analyses. We also assessed the clinical outcome according to the percentage of holoclone-forming stem cells, detected as cells that stain intensely (p63-bright cells) in the cultures. Permanent restoration of a transparent, renewing corneal epithelium was attained in 76.6% of eyes. The failures occurred within the first year. Restored eyes remained stable over time, with up to 10 years of follow-up (mean, 2.91+/-1.99; median, 1.93). In post hoc analyses, success--that is, the generation of normal epithelium on donor stroma--was associated with the percentage of p63-bright holoclone-forming stem cells in culture. Cultures in which p63-bright cells constituted more than 3% of the total number of clonogenic cells were associated with successful transplantation in 78% of patients. In contrast, cultures in which such cells made up 3% or less of the total number of cells were associated with successful transplantation in only 11% of patients. Graft failure was also associated with the type of initial ocular damage and postoperative complications. Cultures of limbal stem cells represent a source of cells for transplantation in the treatment of destruction of the human cornea due to burns.
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To assess the potential of electrospun poly(lactide-co-glycolide) membranes to provide a biodegradable cell carrier system for limbal epithelial cells. 50:50 poly(lactide-co-glycolide) scaffolds were spun, sterilized and seeded with primary rabbit limbal epithelial cells. Cells were cultured on the scaffolds for 2 weeks and then examined by confocal microscopy, cryosectioning and scanning-electron microscopy. The tensile strength of scaffolds before and after annealing and sterilization was also studied. The limbal cells had formed a continuous multilayer of cells on either side of the scaffold. Scaffolds with cells showed signs of the onset of degradation within 2 weeks in culture media at 37 degrees C. Scaffolds that were annealed resulted in a more brittle and stiff mat. We suggest this carrier membrane could be used as a replacement for the human amniotic membrane in the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency, lowering the risk of disease transmission to the patient.
To report the clinical outcomes of repeat autologous cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation in patients with recurrence of limbal stem cell deficiency after a failed primary procedure. Retrospective case series. This study included 50 patients, above 8 years of age, with clinically diagnosed unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency following ocular surface burns, treated between 2001 and 2010. Following failure of primary surgery all patients underwent a repeat limbal biopsy from the unaffected eye. The limbal cells were expanded ex vivo on a human amniotic membrane substrate for 10 to 14 days using a completely xeno-free explant culture technique. The resulting cultured epithelial monolayer and amniotic membrane were transplanted onto the patient's affected eye. All patients underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic examination of both eyes at every follow-up visit. Postoperative corneal surface stability, change in visual acuity, and complications were objectively analyzed. At a mean follow-up of 2.3±1.4 (median: 1.96, range: 1 to 7.5) years, 33 of the 50 recipient eyes (66%) maintained a completely epithelialized, avascular, and clinically stable corneal surface. A 2-line improvement in visual acuity was seen in 38 of the 50 recipient eyes (76%). None of the donor eyes developed any clinical features of ocular surface disease, conjunctival overgrowth of the donor site, or decrease in vision throughout the follow-up period. Repeat autologous cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation successfully restores corneal epithelial stability and improves vision in eyes with recurrence of limbal stem cell deficiency, following failed primary surgery for ocular burns, without adversely affecting donor eyes.
To report the clinical outcomes of penetrating keratoplasty (PK) after autologous cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation in eyes with limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) after ocular surface burns. Retrospective case series. This study included 47 patients with unilateral LSCD treated by autologous cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation and PK between 2001 and 2010. PK was performed either along with (single-stage; n = 12) or at least 6 weeks after (2-stage; n = 35) limbal transplantation. The primary outcome measure was corneal allograft survival, and failure was defined clinically as loss of central graft clarity. Secondary outcomes were postoperative Snellen visual acuity and complications. Most patients were young (mean age, 18 ± 11.4 years) males (76.6%) with LSCD resulting from alkali burns (78.7%) and with visual acuity less than 20/200 (91.5%). The mean follow-up was 4.2 ± 1.9 years. Kaplan-Meier corneal allograft survival rate at 1 year was significantly greater in eyes undergoing 2-stage limbal and corneal transplantation (80 ± 6%; median survival, 4 years) compared with single-stage limbal and corneal transplantation (25 ± 13%; median survival, 6 months; P = .0003). Visual acuity of 20/40 or better was attained by 71.4% of eyes with clear corneal grafts. Allograft failure occurred in 26 (60.5%) eyes as a result of graft rejection (57.7%), graft infiltrate (26.9%), or persistent epithelial defects (15.4%). Recurrence of LSCD was more common after single-stage (58.3%) than 2-stage (14.3%) surgery (P = .008). The 2-stage approach of autologous cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation followed by PK successfully restores ocular surface stability and vision in eyes with chronic ocular burns. The single-stage approach is associated with poorer clinical outcomes and should be avoided.
To study the long-term changes at donor sites and safety implications for donor eyes used for harvesting tissue for autologous and living-related donor limbal transplants. Retrospective, observational, consecutive case series. We examined 50 donor sites of limbal tissue belonging to 25 healthy eyes (23 human subjects). The corneas and limbus of donor eyes were assessed for symptoms and visual acuity and examined by slit-lamp biomicroscopy and in vivo confocal microscopy with particular emphasis on the donor sites and central cornea. In the donor eyes, we assessed visual acuity, persistence of symptoms, stability of the corneal epithelium, and the clinical and microscopic changes that occurred at the donor sites. Mean follow-up was 41±38 months (median, 24; range, 3-127). All eyes had symptoms of ocular discomfort up to 4 weeks postoperatively and remained asymptomatic thereafter. No patient reported subjective reduction in visual acuity. Mean best-corrected visual acuity (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution fraction) preoperatively was 0.076±0.19 and postoperatively was 0.09±0.17 (P = 0.57). All donor sites showed re-epithelialization of the peripheral denuded limbus within 2 weeks. Observed complications were filamentary keratitis and subconjunctival hemorrhage in 4 eyes. In vivo confocal microscopy confirmed that the central corneal epithelium remained normal in all eyes. The re-epithelialized donor site was covered with conjunctival epithelium in 17 sites of 10 eyes and with corneal epithelium in 7 sites of 5 eyes. Limbal donation of 2 clock-hours of the superior and inferior limbus with 3×3 mm of adjacent conjunctiva was a safe procedure in this group of patients, demonstrating stable vision and an intact corneal epithelium during the follow up period. Donor sites can be re-epithelized by multiple layers of either corneal or conjunctival epithelium and is associated with deep stromal scarring.
The cornea is the clear tissue at the front of the eye which enables the transmission of light to the retina for normal vision. The surface of the cornea is composed of an epithelium which is renewed by stem cells located at the periphery of the cornea, a region known as the limbus. These limbal stem cells can become deficient as a result of various diseases of the eye's surface, resulting in the blinding disease of limbal stem cell deficiency. The treatment of this disease is often difficult and complex. In 1997, it was proposed that a small amount of limbal tissue containing limbal stem cells could be culture expanded and then transplanted. Since then various case reports and case series have been reported showing promising results. Here, we review the outcomes of this procedure over the past 13 years with the aim of highlighting the best culture and surgical techniques to date.
The therapeutic use of limbal cultures for the permanent regeneration of corneal epithelium in patients with limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) has been reported in many studies. According to the guidelines for good manufacturing practice (GMP), strictly regulated procedures and stringent quality control tests are now required to manipulate stem cells as "medicinal products" and make engraftment safer and eventually more successful. This paper describes techniques for optimal preparation of limbal stem cell grafts, including 1) a reliable impression cytology assay for the grading of LSCD, 2) culture methods that maintain high percentages of limbal stem cells, 3) the use of specific markers for the detection of corneal, conjunctival, and limbal stem cells, namely keratin 12, mucin 1, and DeltaNp63alpha, and 4) assays to assess the presence of contaminants, such as murine fibroblasts, endotoxins, mycoplasmae, and viral particles, in the cultured graft. The use of some of these assays allowed us to obtain a regenerated normal corneal epithelium in approximately 80% of 166 LSCD patients who received transplants from 2004 to 2008.
To evaluate the long-term results of limbal stem cell transplantation (LSCT) in patients with ocular surface (OS) disease. Retrospective consecutive cohort study. Case records of 27 eyes of 26 patients (19 males and 7 females) who presented with unilateral or bilateral total limbal stem cell deficiency and treated at the Department of Ophthalmology were examined. All eyes that were treated with LSCT and that had at least 1 year follow-up were included. There were 12 autolimbal and 15 allolimbal transplants. Of the latter, 9 were from living related donors (LRDs) and 6 were from cadaver donors (CDs). A total of 9 eyes underwent LSCT and penetrating keratoplasty (PKP), and 11 eyes underwent LSCT and amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT). Cataract extraction with implant was carried out in 4 eyes. Some eyes had more than 1 associated procedure. Nine eyes had LSCT only. Patients with allolimbal transplants also received systemic immunosuppression. Surgical success was measured by the duration for which a healthy corneal epithelium was maintained after LSCT. Visual success was measured by improvement in visual acuity (VA) in the operated eye during the follow-up period. The follow-up period of all eyes was up to 119 months (mean 38+/-35.9 months, median 24 months). Survival of LSCT, as determined by the maintenance of healthy corneal epithelium until last follow-up, was seen in 22 eyes (82%). The surface failed within 3 months in 4 eyes (1 with LRD and 3 with CD) and after 43 months in the fifth patient (with CD). Subsequently, 6 eyes required PKP to achieve their maximum visual potential. The VA (measured in decimal fraction) improved over a period of 1 year from a mean of 0.121 (standard deviation [SD] 0.184) preoperatively to a mean of 0.313 (SD 0.348) postoperatively. Limbal stem cell transplantation, in isolation or in combination with other procedures, is effective in improving corneal clarity and vision. Autografts have the best long-term outcome followed by LRD allografts. Cadaver donor allografts have a comparatively poor outcome. This may partly reflect the difference in case mix between unilateral and bilateral OS conditions.