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Abstract and Figures

This study provides valuable information on the ultrastructure and environmental conditions of the Trachelomonas Ehr. (Euglenophyceae) genus in the Guadalupe Dam, a eutrophic reservoir located in the suburbs of Mexico City, which receives a considerable volume of wastewaters. Specimens were collected at surface level between November 2005 and May 2006. Using LM and SEM twelve taxa from phytoplankton were identified of which, 9 are new records for Mexico. The reservoir is warm monomictic, with basic pH values (7.4-10.1), a high concentration of chlorophyll a(18-101 microg l(-1), a permanent anoxic bottom, specific conductivity (K25) of 205 to 290 microS cm(-1), N-NO3, 0.19-1.2 mg l(-1) and P-PO4 0.22-1.6 mg l(-1). Water temperature was 15.6-23.0 degrees C. Most of the Trachelomonas species were found during the dry season, when concentrations of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus as well as the temperature were the highest. Higher species richness was also associated with the warmer months. This research contributes to increase our knowledge on Trachelomonas in Mexico and constitutes the first detailed description of lorica ultrastructure of 12 taxa that grow in a body of water with high concentration of nutrients and a moderate amount of mineral contents.
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Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
Trachelomonas (Euglenophyta) from a eutrophic reservoir in Central Mexico
Author Details
Gloria Garduno Solórzano Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. Av. de los Barrios No. 1, Col. Los Reyes Iztacala,
(Corresponding author) Tlalnepantla de Baz, Estado de México, 54090
Maria Guadalupe Oliva Martinez Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. Av. de los Barrios No. 1, Col. Los Reyes Iztacala,
Tlalnepantla de Baz, Estado de México, 54090
Alfonso Lugo Vazquez Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. Av. de los Barrios No. 1, Col. Los Reyes Iztacala,
Tlalnepantla de Baz, Estado de México, 54090
Maria Berenit Mendoza Garfias Instituto de Biología, UNAM, 3
. Circuito escolar s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Del. Coyoacán, México
D.F., 04510
Rafael Emiliano Quintanar Zuniga Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. Av. de los Barrios No. 1, Col. Los Reyes Iztacala,
Tlalnepantla de Baz, Estado de México, 54090
Visitacion Conforti Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (UBA-CONICET), Dpto. de Biodiversidad y Biología
Experimental Buenos Aires, Argentina
This study provides valuable information on the ultrastructure and environmental conditions of the Trachelomonas
Ehr. (Euglenophyceae) genus in the Guadalupe Dam, a eutrophic reservoir located in the suburbs of Mexico
City, which receives a considerable volume of wastewaters. Specimens were collected at surface level
between November 2005 and May 2006. Using LM and SEM twelve taxa from phytoplankton were identified
of which, 9 are new records for Mexico. The reservoir is warm monomictic, with basic pH values (7.4-10.1),
a high concentration of chlorophyll a (18-101 µg l
), a permanent anoxic bottom, specific conductivity (K
) of 205
to 290 µS cm
, N-NO
0.19-1.2 mg l
and P-PO
0.22-1.6 mg l
. Water temperature was 15.6-23.0
C. Most
of the Trachelomonas species were found during the dry season, when concentrations of organic matter, nitrogen
and phosphorus as well as the temperature were the highest. Higher species richness was also associated with
the warmer months. This research contributes to increase our knowledge on Trachelomonas in Mexico and
constitutes the first detailed description of lorica ultrastructure of 12 taxa that grow in a body of water with high
concentration of nutrients and a moderate amount of mineral contents.
Key words
Lorica, Dam, Euglenoids, Phytoplankton, Ultrastructure
Publication Data
Paper received:
28 October 2009
Revised received:
25 June 2010
23 September 2010
There are many records of Trachelomonas species in the
world, which are mostly based on observations carried out using
light microscopy (LM). Unfortunately, with this method it is difficult to
achieve a detailed study of the lorica structure, which is the most
reliable basis for the taxonomy of the genus (Wolowski and Hindák,
2004). Some species are endemic; others are cosmopolitan or
restricted to cold, temperate or warm regions (Couté and Tell, 2006).
More than 200 species are described, in the “Monographie
du genre Trachelomonas Ehrenberg” (Deflandre, 1926). The most
important studies on these organisms took into consideration the
size, shape and ornamentation of lorica as the main characters for
their classification (Conrad and Van Meel, 1952). Huber-Pestalozzi
(1955) compiled 256 species, 190 varieties and 46 forms. Rosowski
et al. (1975) were the first to study the details of the lorica surface
using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Ever since various
species of Trachelomonas have been examined with this method.
Some works on the study of Trachelomonas in the world have been
carried out in South America (Tell and Couté, 1980; Couté and
Thérézien, 1985, 1994; Conforti, 1993, 1999; Conforti and Nudelman,
1994; Conforti and Perez, 2000; Conforti and Tell, 1986), in North
© 2011 Triveni Enterprises
Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, INDIA
Full paper available on:
J. Environ. Biol.
32, 463-471 (2011)
ISSN: 0254-8704
Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
Garduno et al.
America (Conforti and Joo, 1994; Wolowski and Walne, 2007), in
Europe (Kocárková et al., 2004; Wolowski and Hindák, 2004;
Wolowski and Grabowska, 2007), in Asia (Kim et al., 1999; Conforti
and Ruiz, 2001), and in Africa (Couté and Iltis, 1981; Da et al.,
It is important to note that there is not very much information
available on the taxonomical, ecological and geographical distribution
of the Trachelomonas genus in Mexico. A list of 27 taxa has been
recorded in Mexico (Ortega, 1984; Díaz-Pardo et al., 1998; García-
Rodríguez and Tavera, 2002; Schmitter-Soto et al., 2002; García-
Rodríguez et al., 2003; Moreno-Ruiz, 2005; Quiroz-Castelán et al.,
2007; Moreno-Ruiz et al., 2008). Two species were found to have
been reported previously in Guadalupe Dam by Lugo et al. (1998,
2007). The present paper contributes to the knowledge of the
Trachelomonas species composition in Mexico. For the first time our
country, details of the lorica ultrastructure of the species are described,
using LM and SEM. Likewise, the main physicochemical conditions
found during the study are also provided.
Materials and Methods
Study area: The Guadalupe Dam is located outside Mexico City in
the suburbs, in the State of Mexico (19
48’ 30’’ N 99
15’ W, 2350
m.a.s.l., maximum volume 60 X 10
, maximum depth 20 m). The
dam was built to control and store the waters of the Cuautitlan River
for irrigation (Fig. 1). Currently, a high percentage of the total annual
inflow comes from sewage discharges from a highly populated area
around the dam (Lugo et al., 2007).
The climate is temperate subhumid with a rainy summer.
Mean annual temperature is 16
C, and annual precipitation is of 706
mm (Hidalgo-Wong and Pulido-Navarro, 2006). The reservoir is
eutrophic with high concentrations of chlorophyll a (Lugo et al.,
At the beginning of the 80’s the dam was invaded by water
hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes. The Department of Agriculture (SARH)
together with the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA) in
1993 successfully implemented the first chemical control program,
through the application of herbicides such as 2, 4 D and diquat. In
1995, the weed reappeared, and in 1997 it was eliminated again by
chemical and mechanical weed control. Ever since, hyacinth has not
invaded the water surface again, however other ecological problems
such as blooms of algae and the death of fish during the winter
seasons in 2004 and 2005 have arisen (Lugo et al., 2007).
Sample collection: Samples were collected with 20 µm mesh
plankton net at surface level in November 2005, April and May
2006. The material was fixed in 4% formaldehyde. Detailed
examination of the material was carried out with a Zeiss phase-
contrast microscope (LM). On the other hand, for scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) analysis, a concentrated subsample was filtered
using Millipore® filters (0.45 µm pore size), and air-dried. The pieces
of filters were adhered to aluminum stubs and coated with gold
(Zalocar de Domitrovic and Conforti, 2005). A Hitachi S-2460N
electron microscope, operating at 15kV at the Institute of Biology,
UNAM and a JEOL JSM6380LV at the Electron Microscopy Service
(FES Iztacala, UNAM) were used. The samples were deposited at
the IZTA herbarium with reference numbers 1753-1764 (Holmgren
et al., 1990).
Environmental conditions were recorded at the same time
the samples of Trachelomonas were collected. Water temperature,
dissolved oxygen and conductivity (K
) were measured using a
YSI multisonde mod. 85 (Yellow Spring Instruments Co. Ohio, USA).
And transparency was measured using a Secchi disk.
The content of chlorophyll a was evaluated in vivo with a
portable Aquafluor fluorometer (Turner Designs Co. California USA).
and BOD
samples were obtained from five sites at
the surface and sent to the laboratory to be analyzed. N-NO
as well
as total dissolved phosphorous was measured using the cadmium -
reduction method for the first and the ascorbic acid method for the
latter. BOD
was evaluated with the bottle dilution method (APHA,
The identification and distribution of the species was based
on the research works by Conrad and Van Meel (1952); Hüber-
Pestalozzi (1955); Couté and Iltis (1981); Tell and Zalocar de
Domitrovic (1985); Tell and Conforti (1986); Conforti and Tell (1986,
1989); De la Rosa and Sanchez-Castillo (1991); Conforti (1993,
1999); Conforti and Joo (1994); Conforti and Nudelman (1994);
Couté and Thérézien (1994); Kim et al. (1999, 2000); Dillard (2000);
Conforti and Ruiz (2001); Kocárková et al. (2004); Wolowski and
Hindák (2004); Da et al. (2009) and The terminology
used in this paper follows Conforti and Tell’s criterion (1986). In
average, 35 organisms were used for measurements. As far as
scientific names and synonyms are concerned, same were verified
in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System and Index Nominum
Results and Discussion
Environmental conditions: The Guadalupe Dam is a warm
monomictic water body. In November, at the beginning of the
cold dry season, the water column was thermally homogeneous
at around 17
C (16.9-18.8
C) which means that mixing
conditions were prevalent. In March, and particularly during
April (15.6-21
C) and May (17-23
C), there was a thermal
The high organic load at the bottom of the dam causes
permanent anoxia in the deep water layer. In November, dissolved
oxygen ranged from non detectable (n.d.) to 12 mg l
in the top 10
m of the water column; however during April and May oxygen was
detected only in the top five meters. K
values in November were
lower (205-241 µS cm
) than in April and May (250-290 µS cm
At the surface level pH was always basic, in November ranging from
7.4 to 9.3 and during April and May the values increased to 7.9-
10.1. Water transparency varied between 0.2 and 0.5 m indicating
a shallow euphotic zone.
Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
Trachelomonas from a eutrophic dam
Species richness of Trachelomonas was correlated with
nutrient concentration. In November, when low N and P
concentrations were measured (mean value: N-NO
0.186 mg l
0.216 mg l
), only four species were observed. On the other
hand, during April and May with an increased N and P concentration,
(mean value: N-NO
0.7-1.2 mg l
, P-PO
1.6 mg l
), the number of
Trachelomonas species rose to six and ten respectively.
The concentration of Chlorophyll a was also related with
nutrients. In November the measured values were low, within a
range from 18 to 25 µg l
. April showed the highest values (72-101
µg l
) decreasing in May (30-45 µg l
). These average values are
high and clearly show the eutrophic conditions of the dam (Margalef,
values measured occasionally in the dam, ranged
between n.d. to 65 mg O
, indicating a moderate organic load in
the surface level. Wolowski and Hindák (2004) found that
Trachelomonas are generally resistant to organic pollution. Sládecek
(1973) considered Trachelomonas as a typical indicator of medium
to high organic matter concentrations in water, especially associated
with high ammonium concentrations (Alves-da-Silva et al., 2008;
Conforti and Tell, 1986; Conforti, 1986,1993; De la Rosa and
Sanchez, 1991; Da et al., 2009).
In temperate climates euglenoids are observed in the warmer
months (spring, summer) and only a few species can be found in
cold water or even under the ice (Starmach, 1983; Conforti and Tell,
1988). In this work we observed that the highest richness
Table - 1: List of taxa observed in Guadalupe Dam, the marked with an asterisk are new record for Mexico and P (presence).
Taxa November 2005 April 2006 May 2006
*T. globularis var. gigas Drezepolski 1923 P
T. hispida var. hispida (Perty) Stein 1878 P P P
*T. hispida var. coronata Lemmermann 1913 P P
*T. nexilis Palmer 1925 P
*T. rugulosa var. rugulosa Stein 1878 P
*T. rugulosa var. meandrina (Conrad) Conrad 1952 P
*T. rugulosa var. steinii Deflandre 1927 P
*T. similis var. spinosa Hüber-Pestalozzi 1955 P P
*T. sydneyensis Playfair 1915 P P P
*T. verrucosa f. irregularis Deflandre 1926 P
T. volvocina var. volvocina Ehrenberg 1833 P P
T. volvocina var. punctata Playfair 1915 P P
Total 4 6 10
Fig. 1: Location of Guadalupe Dam, Mexico
Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
Garduno et al.
Figs. 2-7. Figs. 2-3: Trachelomonas globularis var.gigas: 2- general view, 3- apical view, showing detail of the pore; Figs. 4-5: T. hispida var. hispida, 4-
general view, 5- apical view, showing detail of the pore surrounded by a short neck with spines Figs. 6-7: T. hispida var. coronata, 6- general view, 7- apical
view, showing detail of the neck. Scale bars = 10 µm (Figs. 2, 6), 5 µm (Figs. 3, 4), 2µm (Fig. 7), 1µm (Fig. 5).
Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
Trachelomonas from a eutrophic dam
Figs. 8-13. Fig. 8: T. nexilis Fig. 9:T. rugulosa var. rugulosa Fig. 10: T. rugulosa var. meandrina Fig. 11: T. rugulosa var. steinii Figs. 12-13: T. similis var.
spinosa, 12- general view, 13- detail of the neck. Scale bars 5 µm (Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), 1µm (Fig. 13)
Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
Figs. 14-19. Figs. 14-15: T. sydneyensis, 14- general view, 15- detail of the neck Figs. 16-17: T. verrucosa fo. irregularis, 16- general view, 17- apical view,
showing detail of the pore Fig. 18: T. volvocina var. volvocina Fig. 19: T. volvocina var. punctata. Scale bars 5 µm (Figs. 14, 18), 2µm (Figs. 15, 16, 17, 19).
Garduno et al.
Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
Trachelomonas species was associated with the warmer months.
Only T. hispida and T. sydneyensis were observed during the entire
period that was (Table 1).
Taxonomical descriptions: During the study period 12 taxa of
Trachelomonas were identified, including species, varieties and forms;
nine of these taxa are new records for Mexico. Lugo et al. (1998)
found T. hispida and T. volvocinopsis in a previous survey in the
dam. This study confirms the presence of T. hispida and adds 10
taxa not observed previously. Trachelomonas globularis var. gigas
Drezepolski 1923 Fig. 2, 3.
Lorica spherical with 19 µm in diameter, wall with 80 100
punctae covered sparsely with 0.5-0.95 µm short conical spines.
Apical pore with a 2.5-3.7 µm diameter, surrounded by an annular
thickening (IZTA-1753).
Distribution: Argentina, Poland and the US.
The specimens studied here are smaller than those
described by Conforti (1999) with a 31-32 µm diameter and Dillard
(2000) 34 µm diameter. Trachelomonas hispida var. hispida (perty)
Stein 1878 Fig. 4, 5.
Lorica elliptical; 22-25 µm long, 16.5-21 µm wide, with a
wall covered with 72-100 100 µm
punctae, 0.5-1.3 µm short conical
spines, uniformly distributed 8-20 100 µm
. Apical pore with a 3.2-
4.2 µm diameter, surrounded by an annular ring-like thickening
Distribution: Cosmopolitan. It was previously reported in the
Chapultepec and Xochimilco Lakes in Mexico City; the Guadalupe
Dam in the State of Mexico; El Rodeo Lagoon in the State Morelos;
in Tulancingo, in the State of Hidalgo; Tonatihua and Zempoala
Lagoons in the State of Morelos; González River and Mandinga
respectively in the States of Tabasco and Veracruz in Mexico.
Trachelomonas hispida var coronata Lemmermann 1913 Fig. 6,7.
Lorica elliptical; 28-30 µm long, 21-21.5 µm wide, with a
rounded or acuminate posterior end, wall 88 100 µm
covered with conical spines 1.5-3 µm high with a diameter 0.75-1.5
µm at base, uniformly distributed 16 100 µm
. Apical pore surrounded
by a short 1-2.5 µm high and 5 µm wide neck, with sharp 1.5 µm
long spines along its margin (IZTA-1755).
Distribution: Britain, Romania, Spain, Africa, Australia,
Argentina, Portugal, New Zealand and US.
In the specimens described by Da et al. (2009) the punctae
are 270-354 µm/100 µm
. Our specimens showed 88/100 µm
Trachelomonas nexilis Palmer 1925 Fig.8.
Lorica spherical with 9-17 µm in diameter, wall with irregularly
0.15-0.17 µm wide vermicular lines and depressions. Apical pore 2
µm wide surrounded by an annular thickening (IZTA-1756).
Distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Spain and the US.
Trachelomonas rugulosa var. rugulosa Stein 2878 Fig.9.
Lorica spherical with 14-15 µm in diameter, wall covered
with distinct anastomosing ridges arranged longitudinally or spirally
0.65 µm thick and separated by an average of 0.7 µm, ten ribs by
10 µm, twisted in the anterior end. Apical pore 2 µm in diameter
surrounded by an annular thickening (IZTA-1759).
Distribution: Britain, Romania, Spain, Argentina and the US.
Trachelomonas rugulosa var. meandrina (Conrad) Conrad 1952
Lorica spherical with 24 µm in diameter, wall covered with
anastomosing, arranged folds. Apical pore with 2 µm in diameter
surrounded by a ring-like thickening (IZTA-1764).
Distribution: Britain, Slovakia. Trachelomonas rugulosa var.
steinii Deflandre 1927 Fig.11.
Lorica spherical with 15-18.5 µm in diameter, and densely
or lightly ornamented wall with anastomosing ridges coming radially
from the pore. Apical pore 1.5-2 µm diameter, surrounded by an 0.8
µm annular thickening (IZTA-1760).
Distribution: Colombia, Korea, France and Austria.
Trachelomonas similis var. spinosa Hubar-Pestalozzi 1955 Fig.12,
Lorica elliptical; 23.5-25 µm long and 19-20.5 µm wide,
with a rounded or slightly acuminate posterior end, 45-80/100 µm
punctae covered with a few short 1.6-2 µm long conical spines with
a diameter of 0.50-0.80 µm at the base, sparsely distributed 10-13/
100 µm
. Apical pore surrounded by a cylindrical neck usually
curve towards one side, 2-4.5 µm wide and 2-5.0 µm high, 0.20-
0.35 µm thick wall with spines irregularly distributed spines at the
end of the neck which has a thick rim where there are conical spines
up to 2 µm long (IZTA-1757).
Distribution: Africa, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, the
US and Venezuela. Trachelomonas sydneyensis Play fair 1915
Fig. 14, 15.
Lorica elliptical; 28-33 µm long, 20-24 ``µm wide, the
rounded poles and covered with long and sharp conical spines in
the poles and smaller ones 1-3 µm long, 12-24/100 µm
in the
center; 56-94/100 µm
punctae. Apical pore surrounded by a
conspicuously divergent neck 1-3.5µm high and 5-7.5 µm wide in
its opening and spines in the rim (IZTA-1758).
Distribution: Africa, Asia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain,
New Zealand, Romania and Spain.
In the specimens described by Da et al. (2009) the punctae
are 145-181/100 µm
. Our specimens showed 56-94/100 µm
Trachelomonas verrucosa F. irregularis Deflandre 1926 Fig. 16,
Lorica spherical with 11-11.5 µm in diameter, ornamented
wall with small uniformly distributed 300/100 µm
warts. Apical pore
Trachelomonas from a eutrophic dam
Journal of Environmental Biology
July 2011
1-1.5 µm diameter, surrounded by an annular thickening (IZTA-
Distribution: Africa, Slovakia and US.
In the specimens described by Conforti and Joo (1994) the
warts were more dense (520/100 µm
) than in our material.
Trachelomonas volvocina var. volvocina Ehrenbeig 1833 Fig. 18.
Lorica spherical with 10-22 µm in diameter and smooth wall.
Apical pore with 1-2 µm in diameter, surrounded by an annular
thickening. Two lateral chloroplasts have double sheathed pyrenoids.
Flagellum three times longer than the lorica (IZTA-1762).
Distribution: Cosmopolitan. In Mexico it was recorded in the
Chapultepec and Xochimilco Lakes in Mexico City; Lerma wetland
in the State of Mexico; Tulancingo, State of Hidalgo; in the El Rodeo
Lake, Tonatihua and Zempoala Lagoons in the State of Morelos;
Labradores Lake in the State of Nuevo León; Tehuantepec River in
the State of Oaxaca; Gonzalez River in the State of Tabasco and
Apizaco in the State of Tlaxcala in Mexico. Trachelomonas volvocina
var. punctata Play fair 1915 Fig.19.
Lorica spherical with 13-15 µm in diameter, 130-135/100
punctae Apical pore with 2.5 µm diameter, surrounded by a low
neck. Two lateral chloroplasts have double sheath pyrenoids (IZTA-
Wolowski and Hindák (2004) observed 200-300/100 µm
punctae, our specimens had a lower number of 66-132/100 µm
Distribution: Argentina, Australia, Romania, Spain, New
Zealand, Denmark, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, US, Venezuela.
In Mexico it was reported at the Tehuantepec River in the State of
All the studied species are widespread or cosmopolitan,
although T. rugulosa var. meandrina has only been observed in
Britain and Slovakia. In this work the geographical distribution is
extended in North America.
The number of taxa of Trachelomonas in the Guadalupe
Dam was intermediate, in comparison with Alves-da- Silva and
Schüler- da- Silva (2007) who found only nine taxa Trachelomonas
in 26 water bodies of the Jacuí Delta State Park of the Río Grande do
Sul State in Brazil. In several shallow lagoons of Granada in Spain
De la Rosa and Sanchez-Castillo (1991) observed only 5. Kocarková
et al. (2004) found 25 taxa Trachelomonas in ponds and puddles of
the north region of Moravia in the Czech Republic. On the other
hand, Conforti (1993) reported the presence of 90 taxa in the
Camaleao Lake in Manaos, Brazil, and Conforti and Ruiz (2001)
found 41 taxa in the Chuman reservoir in South Korea.
In Mexico, the usual number of taxa found per water body
is two with the exception of the Tehuantepec River where 8 taxa
have been found (Moreno-Ruiz et al., 2008). In the present study
the information obtained with the use of SEM allowed us to increase
our knowledge and characterization of the observed taxa. On the
other hand, in previous studies, where only LM was used, it is quite
likely that the number of Trachelomonas taxa could have been
The Guadalupe Dam was infested with water hyacinth
Eichhornia crassipes for more than 12 years. In 1993 a program to
remove hyacinth was carried out at reservoir including the use of
herbicides and mechanical control. Changes in the habitat conditions
and the disappearance of the hyacinth have promoted an increase
in the diversity and abundance of phytoplankton (Lugo et al., 1998).
There has been an increase in the number of species of
Trachelomonas under the new environmental conditions, from two
to twelve species. The present study shows an important increase in
the diversity of the Trachelomonas species most likely associated
with the presence of better environmental conditions for phytoplankton
This research was financially supported by project 18330-
615-11-V-06 of the municipality of Cuautitlán Izcalli. The authors
wish to thank Biol. Peter Michael Mueller Meier, Laboratory of Scientific
Photography at FES Iztacala UNAM for his skillful support in the
preparation of the illustrations. This paper greatly benefited from the
comments and critical revision of the manuscript by Dra. Margarita
Caballero from the Institute of Geophysics at UNAM and two
anonymous reviewers for their valuable observations.
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Trachelomonas from a eutrophic dam
... Higher species richness of euglenoids were found in summer in eutrophic reservoirs in Central Mexico and lakes in Tumakuru district, Karnataka, India [52,99] (Fig. 3). An investigation of a fish pond in Chitwan district, Nepal revealed that the density of E. sanguinea and E. proxima was highest in summer compared with winter, autumn, and spring [63] (Fig. 4). ...
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A diverse array of aquatic ecosystems are inhabited by the euglenophytes, a group of autotrophic and eukaryotic organisms. In inland waterbodies, the red bloom is caused by a rapid development or accumulation of euglenophytes. Recent studies have designated euglenophytes as bioindicator of organic pollution. The ecology of euglenophytes is influenced by the changes in the intensity of sunlight, temperature, nutrient cycles, and seasons. Most of the species of euglenophytes grow prolifically with the increase of water temperature. Nitrogen and phosphorus are often thought to be the main nutrients that influence the cellular growth of toxic euglenophytes. A high concentration of nutrients is required for the euglenophytes to grow and to form bloom. Heavy bloom of euglenophytes in the summer season is the characteristic of eutrophic ponds. Inland waterbodies in many countries suffer from euglenophyte blooms, which shade submerged vegetation, deplete the dissolved oxygen and disrupt the aquatic food webs. Dense bloom of euglenophytes clog the gills of fishes, cause breathing difficulties and in extreme cases results mortality. Red blooms of the deadly toxin producing Euglena sanguinea negatively affect the water quality resulting massive mortality of fishes. Consequently, aquaculture systems and fisheries are facing a serious threat from the predicted outbreak of toxic red blooms of euglenophytes worldwide. To ensure sustainability in the fisheries and aquaculture industry, it is essential to analyze the ecology of euglenophytes. Again, interesting research on euglenophycin, a Euglena-derived natural product, has shown that it can be utilized as a potential anti-cancer drug. This paper comes up with a thorough review of the latest research in this area, revealing new insights and solutions that can help mitigate the negative impact of the freshwater harmful euglenophytes. By implementing considerable management strategies, the health of the valuable aquatic ecosystems and the future of the aquaculture and fisheries can also be secured.
... After rain the gradual accumulation of organic matter and decrease in volume of water lead to their occurrence. Trachelomonas is invariably associated with eutrophic conditions (Solórzano & al., 2011), while studying euglenophyte blooms in fish ponds of neighboring country Bangladesh (Rahman & al., 2012) found Euglena, Phacus & Trachelomonas species as dominant forms. Since fish ponds are provided with organic fertilizers for fish growth, such euglenophyte blooms are also obvious. ...
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Thirty six taxa of Euglenophytes belonging to the genera Phacus Dujardin (16 taxa), Trachelomonas Ehrenberg (15 taxa) & Strombomonas Delfandre (5 taxa) have been described and illustrated in this paper. They have been recorded from different eutrophic localities of West Bengal occurring in four districts (Purba Bardhaman, Alipur Duar, Jalpaiguri & Cooch Behar). Following 16 taxa are new records for West Bengal viz. Phacus gigas Da Cunha, Phacus hameli Allorgae and Lefèvre, Phacus onyx Pochmann, Phacus raciborskii Drezepolski, Phacus suecicus Lemmermann, Phacus unguis Pochmann, Trachelomonas armata (E.) Stein var. longispina Playfair, Trachelomonas armata (E.) Stein var. steinii Lemmermann, Trachelomonas bernardi Woloszynska, Trachelomonas cylindrica Ehrenberg, Trachelomonas hispida (Perty) Stein, Trachelomonas sydneyensis Playfair, Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenberg var. derephora Conrad, Trachelomonas volvocinopsis Svirenko, Trachelomonas volzii Lemm. var. pellucida Playfair and Strombomonas acuminata (Schmarda) Deflandre var. deflandriana Conrad & following 11 taxa are new additions to India viz. Phacus acuminatus Stokes var. megaparamylica (Roll) HuberPestalozzi, Phacus suecicus Lemm. var. oidion Pochmann, Trachelomonas dangeardii var. nana (Balech) Tell & Couté, Trachelomonas gracillima Bal.-Dast., Trachelomonas lismorensis Playfair var. mirabilis Playfair, Trachelomonas mirabilis Swir. var. obesa (Messik.) Conrad, Trachelomonas raciborskii Woloszynska, Strombomonas australica (Playfair) Deflandre var. annulata Yamagishi, Strombomonas ensifera (Daday) Deflandre var. brasiliensis Uherkovich, Strombomonas napiformis (Playfair) Deflandre var. brevicollis (Playfair) Deflandre f. minor Conforti & Joo and Strombomonas verrucosa (Daday) Deflandre var. verrucosa Deflandre.
... Although Stichotrichia is mostly dominant in oligotrophic waters (Desvilettes & Bec, 2009), some species have also been recorded in hypertrophic environments (Šimek et al., 2019). Similarly, the top indicative taxa of forest and grassland KH, Planorbarius corneus and Trachelomonas sp., respectively, are also known to occur in eutrophic waters (Costil & Clement, 1996;Peczuła, Szczurowska, & Poniewozik, 2014;Solórzano et al., 2011). ...
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Changes in land use and agricultural intensification threaten biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of small water bodies. We studied 67 kettle holes (KH) in an agricultural landscape in northeastern Germany using landscape-scale metatranscriptomics, to understand the responses of active bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic communities, to land-use type. These KH are proxies of the millions of small standing water bodies of glacial origin spread across the northern hemisphere. Like other landscapes in Europe, the study area has been used for intensive agriculture since the 1950s. In contrast to a parallel eDNA study which revealed the homogenization of biodiversity across KH conceivably resulting from long-lasting intensive agriculture, land-use type affected the structure of the active KH communities during spring crop fertilization, but not a month later. This effect was more pronounced in eukaryotes than in bacteria. In contrast, gene expression patterns did not differ between months or across land-use type, suggesting a high degree of functional redundancy across the KH communities. Variability in gene expression was best explained by active bacterial and eukaryotic community structures, suggesting that these changes in functioning are primarily driven by interactions between organisms. Our results show that influences of the surrounding landscape result in temporary changes in the activity of different community members. Thus, even in KH where biodiversity has been homogenized, communities continue to respond to land management. This needs to be considered when developing sustainable management options for restoration purposes and for successful mitigation of further biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes.
... This was explained as a result of the low availability of silicate in combination with relatively high sinking rates of diatoms, because silicate depletion is known to increase sinking rates. In the case of euglenoids (especially species of the Trachelomonas genus), which also dominated at the first weeks of experiments, they are known to prefer high concentrations of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus 51 . Some of these compounds could be found in sufficient quantities in the initial stages of the experiment and were released into the water from sediments right after the inundation of the aquariums. ...
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Temporary water bodies, especially vernal pools, are the most sensitive to climate change, yet the least studied aquatic environments. Their functioning largely depends on the phytoplankton communities structure. This study aimed to determine how temperature and photoperiod length (simulating inundation in different parts of the year under six climate scenarios) affect the succession and the structure of phytoplankton communities soon after inundation. For longer photoperiods and at lower temperatures in vernal pool microcosms (simulating a cold spring after a warm snowless winter), the phytoplankton community evolved into chlorophytes and cryptophytes. At short photoperiod (inudation in winter, followed by freezing of the water surface) the communities evolved into the euglenoids. Medium temperatures and long photoperiods (late inundation during cool spring) promoted the development of chlorophytes, with high total phytoplankton abundance as well as species richness and diversity. The lack of cyanobacteria dominance, suggests that they will not be the leading group in vernal pools in the temperate zone with progressive global warming. Our study shows that climate change will result in the seasonal shifts of the species abundance or even in their disappearance, and finally in strong changes in the biodiversity and food web of aquatic ecosystems in the future. The final version of this paper was published here: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-97516-9
... La transición del ensamblaje fitoplanctónico de la ciénaga a través de la morfología funcional demuestra que las condiciones ambientales han generado una transformación en la franja de tiempo estudiada, y por lo tanto el empleo de esta metodología fue una herramienta útil para diagnosticar los efectos de los tensores ambientales que se dan en el área de estudio a través del tiempo.En el muestreo del 2015, el género Trachelomonas, perteneciente al GFBM V, registró los mayores biovolumenes entre todos los muestreos; en contraste, ya no se encontró C. raciborskii registrada como dominante en la época previa seca. Al respecto,Garduño et al. (2011) encontraron una importante asociación entre la mayor riqueza de especies de Trachelomonas y el aumento de la turbidez en un cuerpo de agua monomíctico. Este género perteneciente al GFBM V se determina principalmente por la presencia de flagelos, característica que permitiría evadir por medio de la locomoción la baja transparencia en la columna de agua, aspecto que caracterizó los muestreos del año 2015. ...
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Analizamos la variación temporal de los grupos funcionales basados en la morfología del fitoplancton (GFBM) en el sistema inundable de Ayapel a través de la comparación de dos muestreos previos realizados entre los 2005 y 2007 y uno nuevo hecho en el 2015. Se estimó el biovolumen (mm3.l-1) y los rasgos morfológicos como volumen, relación superficie/volumen (S/V) y dimensión linear máxima (DLM). El análisis temporal fue realizado acorde con los niveles de precipitación pluvial, y mediante un análisis de agrupamiento se definieron dos períodos previos (época seca y época de transición) y uno nuevo correspondiente al año 2015 (msENSO: época seca con influencia ENSO). En las épocas seca y de transición, el grupo predominante fue el GFBM III con altas DLM (108.77 µm) y relaciones S/V (1.44 µm), mientras que en el msENSO se observaron bajos biovolumenes (0.016 mm3.l-1) y la predominancia del GFBM V. La comparación de la morfología funcional entre los años evidenció la transición de formas filamentosas a formas flageladas del fitoplancton, permitiéndole un mejor ajuste ante las presiones ambientales del área de estudio.
... Although there are many studies showing details (scanning electron microscopy [SEM] analysis) of the external structures of trachelomonad loricae (e.g., Brosnan et al. 2005, Wołowski and Walne 2007, Conforti 2010, Solórzano et al. 2011, Duangjan and Wołowski 2013, Poniewozik 2016, relatively little is known about how they are formed. The first examination of this process was presented by Pringsheim (1953), who described 'thick,' qualitative, quantitative and map data. ...
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In Trachelomonas hispida, the adult envelope that surrounds the monad is oval in shape and covered with spines. Development of the lorica is an interesting, but poorly known phenomenon. We observed in detail the formation of spineless envelopes of T. hispida using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that young cells formed delicate and net-like envelopes. The structure changed with age, and mature specimens had solid, thick loricae with small pores. As the loricae aged, they changed their shape, and rope-like fibres from the external layer started to unwind, progressing from the apical pore, exposing the underlying net-like structure. X-ray spectrometry showed that Fe was the major mineral component in young and mature loricae, whereas old loricae did not contain Fe salts, although they did contain a high number of Mn compounds. We also noticed a different pattern of mineralization process in the envelopes. Apart from the even distribution of mineral deposition over the entire lorica, we observed that it started from the apical pore and ended at the posterior end. There was considerable morphological variation in envelope shape and ornamentation, which had collars and folds around the apical pore and process at the posterior end. This suggested that many varieties of T. hispida should be taxonomically reappraised. We also discuss a hypothetical role for the spines on lorica surfaces in aquatic ecosystems.
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A floristic and ultrastructural study on loricated Euglenophyta was made in several freshwater bodies from the Amazonian and Caribbean regions of Colombia. A total of 114 taxa were recorded, 93 belonged to the genus Trachelomonas Ehr., and 21 to Strombomonas Defl. From the total taxa determined, 73 were recorded for the first time for Colombia, 19 for the Amazonian and 52 for the Caribbean region. Besides 43 taxa were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and details of its ultrastructure are illustrated. Keywords: Euglenophyta; phytoplankton; Taxonomy; tychoplankton; ultrastructure
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Antecedentes: La Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR) Cerro de la Estrella descarga aguas tratadas en diferentes sitios de la Ciudad de México por medio de tubos o vertederos, en donde se desarrollan de manera diferencial, algunas microalgas en función de las condiciones ambientales. Objetivo: Conocer la composición y distribución de la ficoflora asociada a un vertedero proveniente de la PTAR Cerro de la Estrella, sobre un canal de la zona chinampera de Xochimilco, Ciudad de México y su relación con algunas variables físicas y químicas. Métodos: Se establecieron seis puntos de muestreo en un área cercana a un vertedero de agua residual, las muestras de algas se recolectaron con red de arrastre y con botella van Dorn. Se analizaron parámetros físicos y químicos del agua (temperatura, pH, conductividad, nitritos, nitratos y ortofosfatos). El material ficológico se revisó en un microscopio óptico. Se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal para conocer la relación entre riqueza y abundancia de especies versus los parámetros físicos y químicos medidos. Resultados: Se identificó un total de 88 especies pertenecientes a siete Phylum, siendo Bacillariophyta el más diverso con 35 especies, seguido de las Chlorophyta con 26; las Euglenozoa, Cyanobacteria y Miozoa tuvieron 16, 6 y 3 especies respectivamente; mientras que los Phylum Cryptista y Ochrophyta solo presentaron una especie. Los taxa más frecuentes fueron Chlorella sp., Desmodesmus protuberans, Stephanocyclus meneghinianus y Gomphonema sp., encontrándose en los seis puntos muestreados; por su parte los más abundantes fueron Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima con 1120 cél/mL, S. meneghinianus y Aulacoseira granulata con 960 y 625 cél/mL respectivamente; asimismo Microcystis aeruginosa con 490 cél/mL. Conclusiones: Se observaron 25 nuevos registros para la zona de estudio. Dominaron las especies de los Phylum Bacillariophyta y Chlorophyta. Se registró M. aeruginosa, especie causante de florecimientos algales nocivos, pero pequeñas cantidades. Se observó distribución diferencial de las especies, a pesar de la estabilidad física y química a lo largo de los puntos muestreados.
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The study of Silurian sediments in the central part of the Altai Mountains (Gorny Altai) by limestone dissolution has revealed two groups of spherical objects; large microspheres 90–120 µm and small nanofossils (nanospheres) 5–18 µm in diameter. Their double-layered walls are composed of standard-sized siderite microcrystals replaced by goethite. The Altai microspheres have a low Ca content (<0.5 wt %) so cannot be interpreted as calcispheres. The Altai Silurian microspheres and nanofossils (nanospheres) are tentatively attributed to biomineralized remains of loricae (shell-like envelopes) of various euglenoid alga generations.
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This paper presents the results of the qualitative seazonal study of pigmented Euglenaceae in a shallow acidic lake, in the Itapuã State Park (30°20' and 30°27'S, 50°50' and 51°05'W), near Porto Alegre, capital of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with an area of about 5,566.50 ha. The park is situated in an area of subtropical climate. A total of 59 specific and infraspecific taxa of algae were determined, where many are first reports for the study area. Phacus longicauda var. major f. insecta, Trachelomonas bulla, T. crispa, and T. granulosa var. subglobosa are new records for Rio Grande do Sul State, and Trachelomonas balechii is a new record for Brazil. The genus Trachelomonas had the largest number of taxa in the studied area. As to the geographic distribution, 27 taxa are cosmopolitan species and seven taxa are found exclusively in South America. The highest diversity was found in the spring and the lowest in the summer.
Fifty-eight taxa of the genus Trachelomonas Ehrenberg 1833 sampled in Agneby river and in two little ponds at Adahou-village and Akressi (Ivory Coast) have been examined using scanning electron microscopy. The fine structure of the lorica surface was studied based on one hundred and sixty-four micrographs grouped in twenty-one plates giving general and detailed views of the cells. Among the fifty-eight taxa recorded, twenty-two are new for Africa, twenty-nine for West Africa and thirty-four for the Ivory Coast. Four species and seven varieties new to science are proposed, namely : Trachelomonas akressiensis, T. comperei, T. diploperforata, T. saccasii, and Trachelomonas armata var. assemienii, T. curta var. longicollis, T. hispida var. spinosa, T. lotharingiae var. adahouensis, T. saccasii var. paucigranulata, T. sculpta var. africana and T. sculpta var. dossahouae.
The pros and cons of the old saprobic system are discussed with a view to select the good ideas from the older attempts, to modernize present methods, and to establish the fundamentals for a future universal system of water quality. In addition, the author proposes an open saprobic system, able to be supplemented, modernized and computerized. The first and main component of the system is the amount and intensity of decomposition of autochthonous as well as allochthonous organic matter in water as reflected in the communities. As the main theoretical assumptions of the saprobity system the following two principles are considered: dependence of saprobic organisms on the environment, and successions, occurring in two directions. The second main component of the system of water quality is the toxicity, expressing the toxic effects of chemical compounds on aquatic organisms and their communities. The third main component of the system is the radioactivity, indicating the amount of natural and artificial nuclides in water and aquatic organisms.