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Segmentation of fetal image in 2D Ultrasound by Exploiting Context
Information using Conditional Random Fields
Lalit Gupta, Rajendra Singh Sisodia, V Pallavi, Celine Firtion and Ganesan Ramachandran
Abstract— This paper proposes a novel approach for seg-
menting fetal ultrasound images. This problem presents a
variety of challenges including high noise, low contrast, and
other US imaging properties such as similarity between texture
and gray levels of two organs/ tissues. In this paper, we have
proposed a Conditional Random Field (CRF) based framework
to handles challenges in segmenting fetal ultrasound images.
Clinically, it is known that fetus is surrounded by specific
maternal tissues, amniotic fluid and placenta. We exploit this
context information using CRF for segmenting the fetal images
accurately. The proposed CRF framework uses wavelet based
texture features for representing the ultrasound image and
Support Vector Machines (SVM) for initial label prediction.
Initial results on a limited dataset of real world ultrasound
images of fetus are promising. Results show that proposed
method could handle the noise and similarity between fetus
and its surroundings in ultrasound images.
Ultrasound is widely used by obstetricians as a imaging
modality for extracting the biometric and morphological data
of fetuses. It plays a key role in dating the pregnancy,
detecting anomalies, monitoring the fetal growth etc.. Key
challenges in ultrasound (US) image analysis are noise, low
contrast, and other US imaging properties such as similarity
between texture and gray levels of two organs/ tissues.
Therefore, manual interpretation of ultrasound images and
computing biometric data for fetuses is quite a tedious
and time consuming task. Moreover, it is also susceptible
to human variability. An automation in this area could be
helpful in robust diagnosis of fetus and reducing human
In this paper, we address the problem of fetal image
segmentation to assist obstetricians for extracting the bio-
metric parameters of fetuses. These parameters are: bipari-
etal diameters (BPD), head circumference (HC), and femur
length (FL), and abdominal circumference (AC) [1]. Each
of these parameters provides, via a specific mathematical
expression, estimates of the gestational age. It is seen that
region boundaries in ultrasound images often do not conform
to the assumptions of many image processing algorithms due
to high noise and variable contrast. In this paper, we handle
the problem of noise by using stochastic texture features
to represent the image. It is known that fetus is typically
surrounded by specific maternal tissues, amniotic fluid and
This work has been done at Philips Reseach Asia - Bangalore
Lalit Gupta (corresponding author)
Rajendra Singh Sisodia
V Pallavi
Celine Firtion
Ganesan Ramachandran
placenta. We use this context information by modeling the
image using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). CRFs also
help to handle the similarity between gray values between
fetus and its surroundings. By using context information, we
also tend to use the shape of the fetus as a feature, which
increases the robustness of our algorithm.
In literature, segmentation of ultrasound images are typ-
ically application driven. A survey of such approaches is
presented by Nobel et al. [2]. The application areas they have
focused are echocardiography, breast ultrasound, transrectal
ultrasound (TRUS), intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) images,
and ultrsound images in obstetrics and gynecology. In con-
clusion, they identified that existing methods for ultrasound
image segmentation are not very accurate due to presence of
noise. They also concluded that most of the existing meth-
ods for ultrasound image segmentation techniques focus on
region growing or active contours. These are semi-automatic
segmenting systems, in which seed points or initial contours
have to be manually identified. The method proposed in this
paper handles the noise and also does not require any human
intervention for either selecting seed points or initiating
A recently published paper by Shotton et. al [3] showed
that conditional random fields could be used for exploiting
context information from neighboring segments. They out-
lined a method for appearance, shape and context modeling
for multi-class object recognition and segmentation using
conditional random fields. In this paper, we propose a
combination of texture features, support vector machines
and conditional random fields for segmenting fetal image
in ultrasound images. The block diagram of the overall
methodology proposed in this paper is given in Fig. 1.
The details of the proposed algorithm along with experi-
mental results has been described in rest of the paper, which
is organized as follows: section II introduces the conditional
random fields, section III explains the proposed method in
detail. It explains the interaction between SVMs and CRFs.
Section IV focuses on experimental results and also discusses
the advantages of using CRFs with examples. Section V
concludes the paper with a discussion on future work.
Kumar and Hebert [4] were the first one to define CRF for
image processing applications. They outlined two main dif-
ferences between the conditional random fields and Markov
random fields (MRFs) frameworks are:
1) In CRFs, the association potential at any site is a
function of all the observations while in MRFs (with
the assumption of conditional independence of the
data), the association potential is a function of data
only at that site.
2) The interaction potential/ pairwise potential for each
pair of nodes in MRFs is a function of only labels,
while in the conditional models it is a function of labels
as well as the observations.
Here, first we partition the image and represent it as a
graph, where each partition of the image should be viewed
as a node in the graph. Each node is connected with its neigh-
bors. The algorithms of image partitions and neighborhood
selection are described in the next section. Assuming the
pairwise potentials to be non-zero, the conditional random
distribution over all labels Ygiven the observation Xcan
be written as
P(Y|X) = 1
log(φ(yi, xi)) + X
ψij )(1)
1 + exp(−yidi
ψij =yiyjhTgij (X)(3)
where Zis the normalizing constant, φiand ψij are the
association and the interaction potential respectively. The
association potential, φ(yi, X)can be seen as a measure of
how likely a site iwill take label yigiven its local features,
ignoring the effects of other sites in the image. Interaction
potential can be seen as a measure of how labels at the
neighboring sites iand jshould interact given the observed
image X.
We have used support vector machines for computing
association potential and initial labels. didenotes the output
of SVM decision function (Eqn. 4) given a feature vector xi
as input and τis a constant that can adjust the curve of the
logistic function.
(w.xij −ci)(4)
where sv denotes number of support vectors, wdenotes
weights and cirepresents the bias.
We have used the log-linear model to define the interaction
potential [5], which depends on the inner product of the
weight vector hand feature vector gij(X). The weight vector
his learnt during the training session and gij (X)is defined
as [1,|xi−xj|]T, where Tis the transpose and |.|represents
L1 norm. We have used conditional Maximum Likelihood
Estimation (MLE) method [5] for the computation of h.
To infer the region labels corresponding to the segments
in image a maximum posterior marginal (MPM) criterion
has been used. Each segment/ node is assigned a label that
maximizes its margin posteriori probability i.e.
i= argmax
Input Images
Image partition
Extract features
from partitions
Train and classify
using SVM
Compute CRF
Test Image
Image partition
from partitions
Extract features
Classify with SVM
Add context info.
and assign labels
using CRF
Output Image
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed methodology.
-1 11 1
1 1
-1 -1-1-1
Fig. 2. An example of image partitioning: (a) using a grid size of qxr;
(b) using texture features and FCM; where the object of interest is shown
as a dark circle in the center of the image. ’1’ represents the foreground
and ’-1’ represents background.
The proposed methodology is shown in Fig. 1. There are
two phases in our approach training phase and testing phase.
In training phase, all parameters are estimated, which are
used during testing. These two phases of algorithms are
described further in this section.
A. Training
The images in the training set Tare first partitioned into
small sub-images or partitions. We have used two different
approaches for image partitioning. In the first approach, we
divide the image into small sub images (like a grid) of size
qxreach. In the second approach, the image is partitioned
using a method shown in Fig. 3. The image is clustered using
fuzzy-c means (FCM) clustering using texture features. Both
of the methods have their advantages and disadvantages.
The first method ensures that final result is not dependent
on the quality of image partitioning algorithm, hence less
error prone, however, it gives blocky boundaries. The second
method takes care of the boundaries, however, the features
used for partitioning the image should be highly robust to
make sure that quality of partitioning is good. A dummy
example of two methods is shown in Fig. 2.
The ultrasound images can be seen as stochastic tex-
ture images. Therefore, we have extracted Discrete Wavelet
Transform (DWT) based texture features from ultrasound
Input Wavelet
decomposition Clustering
Partitioned image
using FCM
image features
Fig. 3. The methodology for image partitioning using FCM.
The discrete wavelet transform analyzes a signal based on
its content in different frequency ranges. Therefore it is very
useful in analyzing repetitive patterns such as texture [6].
The 2-D wavelet transform uses a family of wavelet functions
and its associated scaling functions to decompose the original
image into different subbands, namely the low-low, low-high,
high-low and high-high (A, V, H, D respectively) subbands.
The decomposition process can be recursively applied to the
approximation subband (A) to generate decomposition at the
next level.
The filter responses are post-processed to compute the
local energy estimates. The absolute value of a filter response
l(x, y)is convolved with a low pass Gaussian post filter
g(x, y)to yield a post-filtered energy of the qth subband of
lth filter as
l(x, y) = |hq
l(x, y)|∗∗g(x, y)(6)
The feature vectors computed from the local window
around a given pixel from the energy estimates are
1) Mean, µ=E[eq
l(x, y)], of post-processed A
2) Variance, σ=E[(eq
l(x, y)−µ)2], of post-processed V
and H.
Here the E[.]is the expectation operator.
xi= [µh
A(x, y)σh
V(x, y)σh
H(x, y)]T(7)
where, xiis the feature vector, µh
A(x, y)is the estimated
mean of the energy in the approximation subband obtained
by filtering the input image (using haar wavelet filter), and
V(x, y)is variance of the estimated energy in the vertical
subband (using Haar filter).
A three dimension feature vector is obtained by concate-
nating all features obtained for each of the partition/ sub-
image. Hence each partition of the image is now represented
by a feature in <3. These features are used for SVM based
Once the image is partitioned and features are extracted,
each partition is manually assigned as foreground/ back-
ground based on the object of interest. The method of
manual label assignment is illustrated in Fig. 2. Here we
experimented on ultrasound images to extract fetal image.
SVM is then trained using this training data. Empirically, we
found that a polynomial kernel with degree two is optimal
for this problem. The features and training data so obtained
is used to compute CRF parameters. The methodology for
computing CRF parameters is given in Section 3.
B. Testing
Initially, the test image is partitioned into sub-images as
given in Fig. 1. The initial labels of sub-images are assigned
using SVM based classification. The SVM parameters com-
puted using training phase are used here for classification.
The initial labels are further refined using the CRF model
i.e. estimated using the train images. The labels to each sub-
image is assigned (foreground or background) using the Eqn.
Our approach requires a learning process to train the
model. For this purpose we have used two images. In order
to capture the stochastic nature of ultrasound images, we
have used texture features i.e. mean of approximation and
variance of horizontal and vertical components of Haar
filter to model the image. Initial classification is performed
using SVM, which is further refined using CRF, which
captures the context information. In case of fetal ultrasound
image segmentation, it is known that fetus is surrounded by
amniotic fluid, which has different texture characteristics to
the fetus. CRF uses this context information for segmenting
the fetal image accurately.
The proposed methodology has been tested on two fetal
images. The test images along with the desired output have
been shown in Fig. 4(a)-(b) and Fig. 5(a)-(b). The ground
truth is manually drawn with the help of an expert.
The results of segmentation are shown in Fig. 4 - Fig. 5.
It can be observed that results from SVM show fetal image
to an extent, which is highly refined using CRF.
The results of classification demonstrates the following:
1) The context information i.e. the properties of surround-
ing tissues/ organs play a key role in fetal image
segmentation in ultrasound imaging. It can be observed
from results that segmentation has significantly im-
proved using CRF in all the cases.
2) Accurate object identification can be achieved in ultra-
sound image segmentation without any manual inter-
ference using CRFs.
3) The proposed system is robust enough to segment
the fetal image accurately even in presence of the
interference between the amniotic fluid and the tissues.
4) It can also be observed that using techniques for
removing unconnected components instead of CRF
will not give us desired results because they could also
remove the object of interest in case it is not connected.
And could also include background objects in the cases
where they are connect with the foreground object.
This is apparent from all the results shown.
5) Image partitioning using texture features and FCM
gives accurate boundaries in most cases and hence
accurate image segmentation as shown in Fig. 5(h).
However, as shown in Fig. 4(h) final output has suf-
fered because fetal image region is merged with other
tissues in the image due to similar texture character-
istics. Manual image partitioning is uniform, therefore
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
Fig. 4. (a) Fetal ultrasound image; (b) Desired segmented output (marked
by an expert); (c) partitioned image (grid lines are superimposed on image
for better visualization); (d) output using SVM using partioning as shown
in (c); (e) final output after using CRF using partitioning shown in (c); (f)
partitioned image using texture features and FCM; (g) output using SVM
using partioning in shown in (f); (h) final output after using CRF using
partitioning shown in (e).
quality of segmentation is good in both the cases Fig.
4(e) and Fig. 5(e), however, segmentation at boundaries
is inaccurate.
An automated method based on conditional random fields
for fetus ultrasound image segmentation is presented in this
paper. The method is found to be promising on a limited
dataset. The method could further be evaluated on a larger
dataset. The results show that context information is an im-
portant parameter for segmenting ultrasound sound images.
As a scope of future work, various forms of CRF such as Tree
CRFs, could be evaluated. An image partitioning method by
combining the two presented approaches, could be explored.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
Fig. 5. (a) Fetal ultrasound image; (b) Desired segmented output (marked
by an expert); (c) partitioned image; (d) output using SVM using partioning
as shown in (c); (e) final output after using CRF using partitioning shown in
(c); (f) partitioned image using texture features and FCM; (g) output using
SVM using partioning in shown in (f); (h) final output after using CRF
using partitioning shown in (e).
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