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Infinite universe theory

  • Progressive Science Institute

Abstract and Figures

The inevitable rejection of the Big Bang Theory (BBT) will lead to a more enlightened and more logical theory, but what will it be? The BBT will be replaced by the Infinite Universe Theory (IUT). It will produce the greatest revolution in science since Copernicus. A change of this magnitude will not come easily, probably not for decades, but it will come. The outlines of IUT can be seen by examining the logical defects of the BBT. A side-by-side comparison of the two theories not only shows the logical superiority of IUT, but it points the way to fertile fields of research and experimentation while rejecting still others. Among the predictions of IUT: time is motion; there is an ether; light is wave motion; the galactic redshift is due primarily to absorption; gravity involves a push, not a pull; there is a complement to the Second Law of Thermodynamics; light bending near massive bodies is refraction due to a dense etherosphere; galactic ages will not correlate with distance from Earth; the universe is Euclidean and not expanding; empty space and solid matter are ideas, not reality; matter has only three dimensions. Among the illegitimate pursuits: cosmogony, non-Euclidean mathematics; unification of physics via a single equation; objectification of time; and energy viewed as matterless motion. Welcome to the infinite universe!
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Infinite Universe Theory
Glenn Borchardt
Director, Progressive Science Institute, P.O. Box 5335, Berkeley, CA 94705
The inevitable rejection of the Big Bang Theory (BBT) will lead to a more enlightened and more logical
theory, but what will it be? The BBT will be replaced by the Infinite Universe Theory (IUT). It will produce the
greatest revolution in science since Copernicus. A change of this magnitude will not come easily, probably not
for decades, but it will come. The outlines of IUT can be seen by examining the logical defects of the BBT. A
side-by-side comparison of the two theories not only shows the logical superiority of IUT, but it points the way
to fertile fields of research and experimentation while rejecting still others. Among the predictions of IUT: time
is motion; there is an ether; light is wave motion; the galactic redshift is due primarily to absorption; gravity in-
volves a push, not a pull; there is a complement to the Second Law of Thermodynamics; light bending near
massive bodies is refraction due to a dense etherosphere; galactic ages will not correlate with distance from
Earth; the universe is Euclidean and not expanding; empty space and solid matter are ideas, not reality; matter
has only three dimensions. Among the illegitimate pursuits: cosmogony, non-Euclidean mathematics; unifica-
tion of physics via a single equation; objectification of time; and energy viewed as matterless motion. Welcome
to the infinite universe!
The previous paper [1], as well as the book it summarized
[2], demonstrated the societal appeal of Einstein’s relativity and
the Big Bang Theory. Almost everyone harbors preconceived
notions that consider matterless motion and creation from noth-
ing to be logical possibilities. We cannot see the motion of the
tiniest particles; everything we know seems to have a beginning.
Why hypothesize undetected, infinitely small particles? Why not
hypothesize a beginning for the universe? Ultimately, we are
faced with a fantastic philosophical choice: either the universe is
finite or it is infinite. There is no way one could travel to the “end
of the universe” to provide a final test of what must forever re-
main an assumption.
At present, however, most cosmologists are pretty certain
that the universe is finite, expanding from a point easily calcu-
lated from well-established measurements. But what if we adopt
the opposite point of view: that the universe is infinite in three
dimensions and eternal? This paper explores that possibility by
contrasting the Big Bang Theory (BBT) with its logical opposite,
the Infinite Universe Theory (IUT) (Table 1). Many other cosmol-
ogies have been advanced in the past, of course, in attempts to
handle contradictions within the BBT. The steady state theory of
Hoyle [3], for example, was an attempt to rescue the BBT from its
unprecedented rejection of conservation by proposing just
enough creation to keep up with expansion. The idea of an alter-
nating expanding and collapsing universe keeps cropping up [4].
It is currently popular, once again, to hypothesize “multiverses,”
each of which gets to explode from nothing in its own oxymoron-
ic way [5]. The comparison begins with a few critical assump-
All ten assumptions of science [6] are important in compar-
ing the BBT and IUT, but we will focus on five that are especially
critical (Table 1).
Infinity. As is well-known, the BBT was devised and is
maintained by mathematicians. Mathematics really cannot yield
a satisfactory treatment of infinity, so an assumption of finity
comes natural. The problem is that, if one assumes finity at the
beginning, one will end up with finity at the end. The argument
becomes circular no matter which assumption one uses. I chose
infinity (microcosmic and macrocosmic) here because the result-
ing logical argument avoids the many contradictions inherent in
the BBT.
Causality. The assumption of finite universal causality was
the foundation of Newton’s mechanics, classical determinism,
and today’s mathematical physics. But, as argued in [1], there is
no logical way to advance IUT without using Bohm’s assumption
of infinite universal causality. With all things in the infinite un-
iverse being bathed in an infinity of particles, all causal relations
have an infinite number of terms. In practice, all we can hope for
is to determine the most important and ignore the rest.
Conservation. Conservation, the First Law of Thermody-
namics, assumes that matter and the motion of matter neither can
be created nor destroyed. The BBT, of course, is the most blatant
violation of conservation ever devised. The creation of something
from nothing is clearly a religious assumption, not a scientific
one. Special pleading generally involves the idea that the calcu-
lated “beginning” really was not a beginning, but that some-
thing, perhaps a tiny “singularity,” existed “before” the begin-
ning. Another plea involves the claim that conservation could not
be violated because there could be no fundamental laws or as-
sumptions before the universe existed.
Inseparability. According to Hegel, “Just as there is no mo-
tion without matter, so there is no matter without motion.” In
other words, all phenomena may be classified as either matter or
the motion of matter. The opposing assumption is separability,
the popular idea that motion could occur without matter. Matter-
less motion is especially popular among logical positivists and
From the foregoing it is obvious that the IUT can be only
partly compliant to a mathematical approach (Table 1). Like the
classical mechanics before it, the BBT claims to be fully compliant
with mathematics. As mentioned in the discussion of infinite
universal causality, math never can give a completely accurate
picture of reality. Mathematics forever must be a slave to science;
science should not be a slave to mathematics.
But to a hammer, all the world is a nail. The best mathema-
ticians realize that the idealism underlying calculation is just that:
idealism, a representation of reality, not reality itself. Nonethe-
less, it is easy to forget this simple fact if all one does is mathe-
matics. The idealism must be treated as an occupational disease.
Einstein, for example, had many choices in preparing relativity
theory. The equation said that mass would increase as velocities
approached the speed of light. There is, of course, no physical
reason for the mass of an object to increase simply because it is
travelling at a high velocity through empty space. Either the
math was wrong, or the physics was wrong. Einstein discarded
the physics and kept the math. Any relativistic effects found in
subsequent tests only proved that space was not really empty.
Einstein’s consideration of time as a dimension prepared the
way for the BBT by removing the unlikely possibility of actually
finding the point of origin. Time, of course, simply is motion, not
matter. All measurements of time always involve measurements
of the motions of one thing with respect to another thing. Uni-
versal time is the motion of each thing with respect to all other
things. Plotting a time measurement on graph paper or using it
in an equation does not make it a dimension. It turns out that, if
you can believe in four dimensions, you can believe in 13 of
them, as seen in the widely popular string theory that just now is
being questioned by insiders [7]. Calculations for an imaginary
object with 248 dimensions were performed recently [8]. Of
course, all of this is math, not physics.
The concept of perfectly empty space is dear to the hearts of
logical positivists, Big Bang theorists, and other idealists. If emp-
ty space could be found, it would prove that non-existence is
possible. The failure to produce an absolute vacuum, the univer-
sal presence of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and
measurements of ether drift (Fig. 1) support the opposing conten-
tion. As is typical of most prevailing theories, the BBT claims the
CMB as its own; a kind of matterless motion left over from the
Big Bang. Instead, the CMB actually is proof that matter in mo-
tion (ether) exists everywhere in outer space. Matter in motion is
necessary for temperature to occur. Perfectly empty space would
have no temperature at all; it would be 0
K and not the measured
Einstein popularized the idea that matter could be converted
into energy. As a result, some have even claimed that the un-
iverse once contained no matter at all, only pure energy. Energy,
of course, is the motion of matter, and per inseparability, it is
nonsense to talk of energy without its material referent. Accord-
ing to neomechanics, the physical meaning of E=mc
merely in-
volves the conversion of the microcosmic motion of matter to the
macrocosmic motion of matter. The emission of motion could not
occur in a macrocosm devoid of matter. There has to be a me-
dium (ether) to transfer the motion to—perfectly empty space
will not do. In the same way, increases in mass require the mo-
tion of matter to be absorbed by the microcosm. This is why a hot
tea kettle has more mass than a cold one.
Figure 1. Ether drift and atmospheric pressure reduction versus
altitude [2, p. 202] derived from the data of Galaev [9].
The BBT stands or falls on a single interpretation: that the
galactic redshift is solely the product of the Doppler Effect. Light,
considered as a wave-particle is presumed to travel through
empty space for up to 13.7 billion light years without significant
changes other than the lengthening of its wave length due to
Doppler Effects. This claim, of course, is unprecedented, for we
know of no other phenomenon that behaves that way. The idea
that a phenomenon could be both matter and motion at the same
time violates inseparability—a violation unlikely to be rejected
by the indeterministic establishment. But as explained in detail in
[2], clear thinking requires that we maintain a conceptual distinc-
tion between matter and motion, while assuming that there can
be no physical distinction between matter and motion. Matter
exists; motion occurs.
The other possibility, that light is a wave within a particu-
late medium, is only common sense. All wave motion is red-
shifted with distance. The Doppler Effect, like all wave effects,
must be a group effect. There is plenty of evidence for the hy-
pothesized medium, as reviewed by Gift and shown in his calcu-
lations regarding measurements of the period of Jupiter’s satel-
lite, Io [10]. The infamous Michelson-Morley measurements cited
by Einstein were poorly done, had too short a path length, were
plagued by other instrumental problems, and did not consider
the possibility that ether could be entrained by the earth. Miller
[11] eventually obtained an ether drift of 3 km/s in Cleveland
(265 m), only 10% of the value expected, which was Earth’s orbit-
al velocity, 30 km/s. His measurements at Mt Wilson (1830 m)
were much greater, up to 10 km/s, suggesting the altitude func-
tion confirmed by Galaev [9] with measurements at elevations of
42, 4.75, and 1.6 m (Fig. 1). Galaev also pointed out that the sup-
posed confirmations of the Michelson-Morley null result in the
1920’s were done in hermetically sealed metallic chambers not
amenable to drift. A plot of Galaev’s data shows that ether drift
follows a square root function of altitude instead of the direct
gravitational function followed by air molecules (Fig. 1). This
may to be a valuable clue to the nature of ether particles.
As Fig. 1 shows, the entrained ether or “etherosphere” is
about 13 km thick. The 30 km/s result would not be obtained
before that elevation is reached—above the troposphere. It is
likely that most, if not all, celestial bodies have an etherosphere
that might produce the light refraction that supposedly proved
Einstein’s specious claim that gravitation was due to “curved
Gravitation is either a pull or a push. Since none of New-
ton’s laws or any of the six neomechanical laws [2] involve a pull,
it is clear that “gravitational attraction” as well as “curved space-
time” are mere myopic idealizations of systems philosophy and
its cousin, logical positivism (Table 1). As long as finity remains
its logical foundation, the true, physical mechanism of gravita-
tion will remain a mystery. Although he failed to pursue it, we
must agree with Einstein that gravitation and inertia are equiva-
lent. In an infinite universe lacking empty space, the motion of
one microcosm always affects the motions of other microcosms.
In other words, it is impossible for an object to move from point
A to point B without pushing other objects ahead of it. It is the
motion of these objects, whether they be ether particles, gravi-
tons, fluxions, “dark matter,” or some other constituent of so-
called “empty space,” that produce the manifestations of gravita-
tion via shadowing or some other mechanism [12]. This view of
gravitation is inconceivable without an infinite universe and an
infinite universe is inconceivable without this view of gravita-
tion. The alternative view is that, contrary to the First Law of
Motion, massive bodies create their own gravitational fields, as if
reaching out anthropomorphically to embrace passing bodies,
gathering them unto themselves for reasons known only to the
mystically inclined.
The upshot is that the microcosmic search for enough “dark
matter” to produce the “attraction” sufficient to counter the “ex-
pansion” of the universe is bound to fail. I predict that only
enough “dark matter” (e.g., ether, gravitons, etc.) to satisfy the
infinite universe theory will be found. Surprisingly, this view of
gravitation is consistent with indirect observations of gravita-
tional waves, although it denies that the mechanism predicted by
Einstein (fluctuation in the curvature of spacetime) is responsible
(Table 1).
IUT denies that cosmogony, the study of the origin of the
universe, is legitimate (Table 1). The word “cosmogony” has not
seen popular use in cosmology. To do so would imply that an
alternative view was possible. It would emphasize the horrible
bias that has overtaken science with renewed vigor during the
century. In keeping with systems philosophy and its over-
emphasis on the system and neglect of the environment, we have
devised a ludicrous cosmology nevertheless acceptable to the
powers that be. Even the Pope has blessed the new cosmogony. It
looks like there will be no complete pardon for Giordano Bruno
any time soon.
As always, we have a choice to make between two critical
assumptions for which there can be no final proof: Either the
universe is finite or it is infinite. The recent invention of the Big
Bang Theory has forced us to choose between two fantastic pos-
sibilities: Either the universe exploded out of nothing, or it has
always existed. This review of the two possibilities shows that
the Infinite Universe Theory is, by far, the more logical of the
two. The logical counterpart to macrocosmic infinity is micro-
cosmic infinity. Both provide a framework for future scientific
work that eschews the overt idealism of relativity and the BBT.
The inference is that worldviews that use logical positivism and
systems philosophy are no longer useful for advancing cosmolo-
gy. We need to abandon the idea of empty space and the view
that systems actually could exist in isolation. Any portion of the
universe is a microcosm that could not exist without its macro-
cosm. Only a combination of the two—the univironment—can
explain the motions of any microcosm. IUT is the logical culmi-
nation of univironmental determinism, the scientific worldview
[2]. Finally, with IUT, we are able to advance beyond the pre-
Copernican worldview in which we childishly and myopically
see ourselves as the center of the universe. Nothing less would
neither be scientific nor befitting our ultimate maturation as a
[ 1 ] G. Borchardt, “The Scientific Worldview and the Demise of Cos-
mogony”: Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, v. 4, no.
1, p. xx-xx, 2007.
[ 2 ] G. Borchardt, The Scientific Worldview: Beyond Newton and
Einstein (Lincoln, NE, iUniverse; 411 p., 2007).
[ 3 ] F. Hoyle, “The steady-state universe”: Scientific American, v. 195,
no. 3, p. 157-166, 1956.
[ 4 ] J. Silk, The Infinite Cosmos: Questions from the frontiers of cos-
mology (New York, Oxford University Press; 256 p., 2006).
[ 5 ] D. Deutsch, The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Un-
iverses and Its Implications (New York, Penguin; 400 p., 1998).
[ 6 ] G. Borchardt, The Ten Assumptions of Science: Toward a New
Scientific Worldview (Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 125 p., 2004). Also
included in [1] and summarized in: G. Borchardt, “Ten assump-
tions of science and the demise of 'cosmogony'”: Proceedings of the
Natural Philosophy Alliance, v. 1, no. 1, p. 3-6, 2004.
[ 7 ] L. Smolin, The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory,
the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next (New York, Mariner
Books; 416 p., 2006).
[ 8 ]
[ 9 ] Y.M. Galaev, 2002, The measuring of ether-drift velocity and kine-
matic ether viscosity within optical waves band (English transla-
tion): Spacetime & Substance, v. 3, no. 5, p. 207-224.
[ 10 ] Stephan J.G. Gift, 2007, Light speed invariance is a remarkable illu-
sion: Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, v. 4, no. 1, p.
[ 11 ] Dayton Miller, 1933, The Ether-Drift Experiment and the Determi-
nation of the Absolute Motion of the Earth: Reviews of Modern
Physics, v. 5, no. 2, p. 203-242.
[ 12 ] M.R. Edwards, ed., Pushing gravity: New perspectives on Le
Sage's theory of gravitation (Montreal, Canada, Apeiron, 316 p.,
Table 1. Comparison between the essential assumptions and characteristics of the two possible cosmologies.
Big Bang
Infinite Universe
Acronym BBT IUT
finity infinity
finite universal causality infinite universal causality
creation conservation
separability inseparability
Mathematical compliance full partial
Time matter motion
Number of dimensions 4 to 13 3
String theory legitimate? yes no
Empty? yes no
Microwave background evidence proves BBT proves ether
Nonexistence possible? yes no
Character wave-particle wave
Light medium none ether
Is there an etherosphere? no yes
Solar light refraction curved spacetime etherosphere
Galactic redshift (universal) Doppler Effect absorption
Expansion? yes no
Mechanism pull push
Gravitational waves possible? yes yes
Universe had an origin? yes no
Cosmogony legitimate? yes no
Worldview systems philosophy univironmental determinism
Mechanism of evolution neo-Darwinism univironmental determinism
... As is clear from section 2, every theory is based on hypotheses. Only if hypotheses are related to infinity, it could be an ultimate theory [47]. Otherwise, it could lead to a lot of origination problems. ...
... This assumption can combine the main points presented in the infinite universe model [47], cyclically universe model [48] and the many-worlds interpretation model [49]. ...
... Therefore, BCM can cover the infinite Universe model [14] and the many-worlds model [15]. Since each world will be operated cyclically according to the process of formation, the steady state, deterioration and explosion to emptiness, basically BCM can also cover the cyclic universe model [16]. ...
... Both the universe and worlds can be regarded as systems shown in Figure 2 and this definition emphasizes that only the universe is unknown to human beings due to its infinite nature and the system we can observe is a world which is of finite nature both in time and space and thus this system can be known by our human beings. This assumption resolves the conflict between agnosticism and knowability and may be able to combine the main points presented in the infinite universe model [34], cyclically universe model [35] and the many-worlds interpretation model [36]. It is assumed that everything in the world including matter and life is operated according to the Causal-Effect law (Causal-Effect Axiom). ...
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Sciences originated from seeking the solutions to some fundamental questions about the universe and life. Earlier application of a holistic approach led to the first peak when some of the unfalsifiable theories such as Buddhism and Daoism were developed while introduction of a reductionist approach led to the born of Newtonian mechanics. After that sciences developed in a very fast speed but in a divergent way and many conflicts or paradoxes exist among different scientific theories. How to establish a logically consistent theory for everything is a target for some scientists and currently several versions of theory of everything (TOE) are available. In this paper, a new version of TOE is proposed, and the basic idea of this TOE is that the theoretical framework of Bertalanffy’s general system theory is borrowed but its materialist philosophy is replaced by Buddhist philosophy. Based on six axioms, a general uncertainty principle is derived which can explain all the phenomena we observed. Of course, the validity of the TOE is subjected to more strict examination by other scientists.
In this article, we made a research on the subject of Time and Growth. In the life, the Growth is seen as the increase of mass which operates during a certain period. In physics, it is the same. By the Growth, a physical body gets its density increased. The goal of this article is to calculate or predict the energy and force that a physical system can have at its total Growth. To study the Growth, we have defined some equations which help to evaluate the Growth internal force and energy. By the same way, we have also discovered that all physical systems in the Universe are connected by the same interaction. This interaction leads to the loss of density or mass. The Time is the consequence of its manifestation. For studying the effect of this interaction, we have calculated the density of the Universe. We found that the density of the Universe is equal to the density of a photon. In other words, the Universe is a huge photon. That means, like a photon, the Universe does not know the Time. It also means that the Universe is eternal. Its Expansion (not its growth) is due by the fact that, at the moment small systems inside to it grow, the Universe maintains its density constant like a photon. Do not confuse Growth and Expansion. The Growth is the increase of the density; and the Expansion is the increase of the volume without the change of density. The Universe does not know the Growth, it knows the Expansion. All these conclusions are detailed in the development of this article.
Infinite Universe Theory presents the ultimate alternative to the Big Bang Theory and the common assumption that the universe had an origin. Author Glenn Borchardt starts with photos of the “elderly” galaxies at the observational edge of the universe. These contradict the current belief that the universe should have increasingly younger objects as we view greater distances. He restates the fundamental assumptions that must underlie the new paradigm. Notably, by assuming infinity he is able to adapt classical mechanics to “neomechanics” and its insistence that phenomena are strictly the result of matter in motion. He shows in detail how misinterpretations of relativity have aided current flights of fancy more in tune with religion than science. Borchardt demonstrates why only Infinite Universe Theory can provide answers to questions untouched by currently regressive physics and cosmogony. His new modification of gravitation theory gets us closer to its physical cause without calling upon attraction or curved spacetime or “immaterial fields.” This is the book for you if you have doubts about the universe exploding out of nothing and expanding in all directions at once, that the universe has more than three dimensions, or that light is a massless wave-particle that defies the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Borchardt has put forth a solid case for an Infinite Universe that extends in all directions and exists everywhere and for all time. “What a great read! Thanks so much for a book full of great ideas. I love the Q&A format; it’s very satisfying to have good answers to clearly stated questions.” -Rick Dutkiewicz “Truly brilliant.” -Jesse Witwer “A radical, daring, and innovative demolition of regressive physics, from the creation of ‘something out of nothing’ to the ‘God Particle.’” -William Westmiller "Glenn Borchardt's book uses the hammer of Infinity to explain and destroy the junk theories that plague 'Official' physics today. This is a book that should be used in college courses, to give students a basic understanding of how physics is done. Physics has 'gone off the rails' for a century and it is books like Borchardt's that will return physics from its current unscientific and anti-materialist base and back on to a scientific and materialist road." -Mike Gimbel “What a fascinating read!” -Juan Calsiano
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Previous work supplied the data and statistical support for the Unified Cycle Theory, which showed the connection between various recurring earthly as well as cosmic phenomena. A theoretically infinite sequence of cycles (EUWS) occurs throughout the universe, connected by a single factor of three. The period of each larger cycle, whether it be a geological epoch or climatic fluctuation, is three times the next smallest cycle. Statistical analysis showed that the identified cycles are neither subjective nor random. The universal range of these cycles begs a universal cause. With naturally occurring oscillations tied to the EUWS cycles serving as key evidence, we present a new Theory of Infinitely Oscillating Density and Magnetism. We hypothesize that these fluctuations conform to Borchardt’s Ten Assumptions of Science. In terms of univironmental determinism, all microcosms within the universe constantly oscillate in both density and magnetism. These microcosms are bathed in a sea of supermicrocosms capable of transmitting different motions dependent on the EUWS fluctuations. The Theory of Infinitely Oscillating Density and Magnetism integrates concepts from both standard and alternative theories. This integrated theory helps to explain numerous mysteries that have long puzzled physicists, astronomers, geologists, climatologists, economists, and sociologists.
There are only two elements that make the Universal Cycle Theory radical - cycles and infinity. Other than that, much of what you read in the book will seem familiar and conventional. The book focuses on these key elements in the following ways. Cycles are crucial because they explain how matter moves. Motions develop because of two types of cycles - vortices and waves. A vortex causes matter to rotate, which produces circular cycles. And waves cause matter to compress-and-decompress in repeated oscillations, which produce linear cycles. According to the Universal Cycle Theory, these two basic motions explain much, if not most, of what happens in the universe. Infinity is crucial because it explains the extent and structure of the universe. Based on logic and observations, we assume that matter is infinitely divisible and integrable. We also assume that time was infinite in the past and will be infinite in the future. From the literature, we could not find an example of this concept of infinity previously employed in a model of the universe. Indeed, this model is unique. Importantly, it explains many of the paradoxes and contradictions currently riddling physics and cosmology. This explains the title of our book - Universal Cycle Theory: Neomechanics of the Hierarchically Infinite Universe. Cycles explain the motions in the universe, infinity explains the hierarchical structure of the universe, and neomechanics explains the physical laws used in the theory. Think of neomechanics as an adaptation of classical mechanics to conform to infinity. The neomechanical worldview offers something that no other theory has to this point - unique insights and perspectives into some of the most challenging dilemmas facing scientists. For example, the neomechanical model helped us discover the cause of gravitation. More than three centuries ago, Newton developed an equation for gravitation. However, no one has ever identified the actual physical cause. The prevailing view, of course, is that gravity is a pull; whereas, we describe it as a push. Gravitation follows the inverse-square law, just as Newton said; it involves inertia, just as Einstein said; it involves pushing, just as Lesage said; it includes vortex motion, just as Descartes said; and it entails aether, just as many philosophers since the ancient Greeks said. Even though we agree with these old and much-debated gravitational theories, none of them are adequate. In formulating the neomechanical theory of gravitation, we took the best from the best, and added a few new ideas. The rest fell into place with little effort. We discovered that gravitation results from aethereal pressure - nearly the same as air pressure. After reading the book you will wonder: "Why didn't I think of that myself?" New theories purporting to explain the universe are common. However, supporting a theory with credible evidence is another story. This book explains the physical reason for gravitation in great detail. Of course, gravitation is so basic, and its solution formerly so intractable, that one should expect the discovery of its physical cause to impinge on the rest of science. As exciting as it is, this discovery only represents the tip of the iceberg. It also gives solutions to other puzzles by using neomechanics. The revelations included dark matter, dark energy, dark flow, black-holes, magnetic bonding, molecular bonding, light wave propagation, geomagnetic reversals, volcanic episodes, climatic cycles, mass-extinction cycles, and much, much more. To make a long story short, it has too much intriguing content to tell in this brief introduction.
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The absurd idea that the universe exploded out of nothing is a common-place among today’s mathematicians, cosmologists, astronomers, and physicists. Cosmology has become cosmogony, the dubious study of the “origin” of the universe. The entire universe is being treated conceptually as a “system;” a finite, isolated entity. We have reached an intellectual dead end. How do we get out of it? My new book, The Scientific Worldview: Beyond Newton and Einstein, shows the direction we must take. Mere calculation and additional rose-colored observation will be to no avail, for the persistence of the Big Bang Theory (BBT) is rooted in the perpetual philosophical struggle that underlies our understanding of the universe and our place in it. In philosophy, as in science, it is necessary to begin with assumptions. One cannot travel to the end of the universe to prove whether it is infinite or finite. To begin with the assumption of finity, as mathematics and the BBT demand, is to end with finity. However, if one chooses the philosophical alternative, infinity, then the irrationality perpetrated by the BBT disappears and cosmology becomes legitimate. We are left with an eternal, infinite universe that, as David Bohm maintained exactly 50 years ago, can never yield complete equations for even one phenomenon. The Scientific Worldview describes how this universe works via the universal mechanism of evolution, “univi-ronmental determinism.” Univironmental determinism is the simple proposition that what happens to a portion of the universe is determined by the relationship between the infinite matter in motion within (the microcosm) and the infinite matter in motion without (the macrocosm). In the scheme of things, the BBT is pre-Copernican and symptomatic of the myopic worldview held by society at large. The BBT cannot be rejected without rejecting finity.
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Though many experiments appear to have confirmed the light speed invariance postulate of special relativity theory, this postulate is actually unverified. This paper resolves this issue by first showing the manner in which an illusion of light speed invariance occurs in two-way light speed measurement in the framework of a semi-classical absolute space theory. It then demonstrates a measurable variation of the one-way speed of light, which directly invalidates the invariance postulate and confirms the existence of the preferred reference frame of the absolute space theory.
1. Introduction 2. Perspectives 3. Principles 4. Our neighbourhood 5. The universe of galaxies 6. The invisible cosmos 7. Supermassive black holes and the birth of galaxies 8. Clusters and clustering 9. Space is nearly flat 10. Dark energy and the runaway universe 11. The panacea of cold dark matter 12. From time to time machines 13. Origins 14. The seeds of structure 15. Beyond the beginning 16. Towards the infinite universe 17. Into the infinite future 18. And so to God 19. Conclusion 20. Glossary 21. Index
The Scientific Worldview provides nothing less than the first outline of the philosophical perspective that will develop during the last half of the Industrial-Social Revolution. Borchardt first acknowledges the perpetual philosophical struggle that underlies our understanding of the universe and our place in it. The choice we must make is not between faith and reason, but between determinism and indeterminism. He warns us that scientific philosophy must begin with determinism and end with determinism: the belief (or “faith”) that all effects have material causes. His elaboration on this theme provides a clear philosophical foundation, “The Ten Assumptions of Science,” intriguing in itself for its innovation in proposing a complement to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Worldviews differ simply because they are founded on ultimately unprovable dialectically opposed assumptions. Just as one cannot determine the causes of all effects, one cannot travel to the end of the universe to prove whether it is infinite or finite. His belief in infinity—both microcosmic and macrocosmic—is woven throughout the assumptions and throughout the book. The central concept of the resulting philosophical system is univironmental determinism‚ a new, universal, mechanism of evolution founded on the simple proposition that whatever happens to a thing is a result of the infinite variety of matter in motion within (the microcosm) and without (the macrocosm). Borchardt points out that the first mechanism of evolution, Darwin’s natural selection, was classically, overtly, and embarrassingly macrocosmic. Like Newton and the atomists before him, Darwin had totally neglected the insides of his evolutionary model. It was left to systems philosophers in the 20th century to include genetics to formulate what is otherwise known as neo-Darwinism—the current mechanism of evolution. Borchardt faults this mechanism as being overly specialized and relatively useless for understanding the evolution of the non-biological world. Univironmental determinism thus goes beyond Newton (classical mechanism), who overemphasized the macrocosm, and Einstein (systems philosophy), who overemphasized the microcosm. These two earlier scientific “world views” must be abandoned in favor of a “worldview” that unites both approaches under univironmental theory. Borchardt outlines numerous examples of univironmental analysis, resulting in some surprising, yet theoretically satisfying speculations: Gravity is a push, not a pull; light is motion; time is motion; there is an ether; Big Bang cosmology must be rejected as microcosmic; humanity will not cause its own extinction; the global demographic transition in 1989 marks the midpoint in humanity’s juvenile development.
The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes and Its Implications
  • D Deutsch
D. Deutsch, The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes and Its Implications (New York, Penguin; 400 p., 1998).
The Ten Assumptions of Science: Toward a New Scientific Worldview Also included in [1] and summarized in: G. Borchardt Ten assumptions of science and the demise of 'cosmogony
  • G Borchardt
G. Borchardt, The Ten Assumptions of Science: Toward a New Scientific Worldview (Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 125 p., 2004). Also included in [1] and summarized in: G. Borchardt, " Ten assumptions of science and the demise of 'cosmogony' " : Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, v. 1, no. 1, p. 3-6, 2004.
The steady-state universe " : Scientific American
  • F Hoyle
F. Hoyle, " The steady-state universe " : Scientific American, v. 195, no. 3, p. 157-166, 1956.
Pushing gravity: New perspectives on Le Sage's theory of gravitation
  • M R Edwards
M.R. Edwards, ed., Pushing gravity: New perspectives on Le Sage's theory of gravitation (Montreal, Canada, Apeiron, 316 p., 2002).