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Improving Interaction with Virtual Globes through Spatial Thinking: Helping Users Ask "Why?"

  • University of St.Gallen

Abstract and Figures

Virtual globes have progressed from little-known technology to broadly popular software in a mere few years. We investigated this phenomenon through a survey and discovered that, while virtual globes are en vogue, their use is restricted to a small set of tasks so simple that they do not involve any spatial thinking. Spatial thinking requires that users ask "what is where" and "why"; the most common virtual globe tasks only include the "what". Based on the results of this survey, we have developed a multi-touch virtual globe derived from an adapted virtual globe paradigm designed to widen the potential uses of the technology by helping its users to inquire about both the "what is where" and "why" of spatial distribution. We do not seek to provide users with full GIS (geographic information system) functionality, but rather we aim to facilitate the asking and answering of simple "why" questions about general topics that appeal to a wide virtual globe user base.
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Improving Interaction with Virtual Globes through Spatial
Thinking: Helping Users Ask “Why?”
Johannes Schöning
Institute for Geoinformatics
University of Münster
Robert-Koch-Str. 26-28
48149 Münster, Germany
Brent Hecht
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
United States
Martin Raubal
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
United States
Antonio Krüger
Institute for Geoinformatics
University of Münster
Robert-Koch-Str. 26-28
48149 Münster, Germany
Meredith Marsh
Department of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
United States
Michael Rohs
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
TU Berlin
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin, Germany
Virtual globes have progressed from little-known technology to
broadly popular software in a mere few years. We investigated
this phenomenon through a survey and discovered that, while
virtual globes are en vogue, their use is restricted to a small set of
tasks so simple that they do not involve any spatial thinking.
Spatial thinking requires that users ask “what is where” and
“why”; the most common virtual globe tasks only include the
“what”. Based on the results of this survey, we have developed a
multi-touch virtual globe derived from an adapted virtual globe
paradigm designed to widen the potential uses of the technology
by helping its users to inquire about both the “what is where”
and “why” of spatial distribution. We do not seek to provide
users with full GIS (geographic information system)
functionality, but rather we aim to facilitate the asking and
answering of simple “why” questions about general topics that
appeal to a wide virtual globe user base.
Author Keywords
Virtual Globes, Spatial Thinking, Multi-Touch Interaction,
Wall-Size Interfaces, Artificial Intelligence, Wikipedia,
Semantic Relatedness.
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User
There exists myriad evidence of the dramatic rise in
popularity of virtual globes. Google Earth [23], the most
ubiquitous virtual globe, was downloaded over 100 million
times in its first 15 months [39] of release. U.S. President
George W. Bush has said that he uses Google Earth to look
at his Texas ranch [22]. Moreover, the phenomenon has
even inspired a Nature news feature [10].
The Nature article notes an important dichotomy between
the features employed by the casual user of Google Earth
and those used by the scientific audience. The author writes
“to the casual user ... the appeal of Google Earth is the ease
with which you can zoom from space right down to the
street level” while the attraction of scientists and enthusiasts
to the program lies in the fact that it is “an easy way into
GIS software” (p. 776). While virtual globes' use as an
entryway into the world of GIS cannot be understated, this
dichotomy raises doubts about the ground-breaking nature
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of the technology on the large group of people who do not
make the jump to advanced GIS packages. The results of a
survey, discussed later in the paper, elicit further concerns
about the superficiality of tasks performed by the average
virtual globe user.
As defined in the recently published National Research
Council Report, Learning to Think Spatially [12] spatial
thinking (in the geospatial domain) is a “dynamic process
that allows us to describe, explain, and predict the structure
and functions of objects and their relationships in real and
imagined spatial worlds.” (p. 33) A significant part of the
spatial thinking process involves generation of hypotheses,
pattern predictions, and tests of hypotheses. Essentially,
when thinking spatially, individuals observe what patterns
exist in the environment and seek to provide explanations
for these patterns. In short, these individuals ask “what is
where?” and “why?”.
GIS is increasingly heralded as the most probable support
system for facilitating the spatial thinking process as it
allows for spatialization [17] of non-spatial datasets. The
spatial representation of data permits the individual to ask
“why” questions – i.e. why certain patterns or relationships
exist in or between certain places – questions that are
difficult to formulate when the same data is experienced in
a different format (e.g. a spreadsheet). With expertise in
traditional GIS technology, these patterns and processes can
be further explored using spatial statistics and other
advanced operations, analyses certainly beyond the
knowledge of the everyday Google Earth user.
As virtual globe technologies become increasingly
pervasive, much hope surrounds their capacity to
potentially enhance spatial thinking ability among both K-
12 students and non-expert users. However, as
demonstrated in the results of a survey on the uses of virtual
globes (see below), most individuals use these technologies
simply for observational purposes, and little to no spatial
thinking actually occurs. In other words, the majority of
individuals seem to use these technologies to observe the
“what” of spatial data (e.g. the location of their home or
business and where it is in relation to other prominent
geographic features), but moving beyond pure observation
to questioning why certain patterns exist in the landscape
proves out of reach to the casual user. As typical virtual
globe technologies are not coupled with specific datasets or
feature sets, and adding data to the existing software
involves a certain level of expertise, the majority of
individuals does not have access to the information or tools
they need to ask the “why” questions. Therefore, the
technologies do not, in their current form, typically support
the spatial thinking process.
Importantly, this research is not an effort to incorporate an
easy-to-use GIS into a virtual globe software package.
Other projects such as ArcGIS Explorer [16], Google Earth
[23] itself, and Mapalester [25] have tackled this problem to
at least a small extent. Our aim is entirely different. Rather
than providing the user with advanced GIS functionality
(e.g. spatial join, cluster analysis, buffers) to answer spatial
thinking questions, our system facilitates the asking and
answering of simple “why” questions, e.g. Why does this
spatial feature display this value? What is the relationship
between these two features?
Our prototype (see figure 1) enables this facilitation by
demonstrating enhancements in two key areas: data type
and interface. We introduce a new simple spatial thinking-
oriented virtual globe data type called Explicitly
Explanatory Spatial Data (EESD), which contains both a
standard spatial layer and a new explicitly explanatory layer
designed specifically to answer “why” questions. Two test
case data sets are presented. The first is based on our
previous WikEar [38] and Minotour [27] projects, which
use Wikipedia to generate narratives between geotagged
Wikipedia articles. The second uses a prototype of GeoSR
[26], a new semantic relatedness-based system that is
backed by a Wikipedia-based knowledge repository. The
semantic relatedness literature originates in computational
linguistics and seeks to define a single number to “quantity
the degree to which [any] two concepts are related” [4, p.
Figure 1. Usage of our virtual globe prototype on a multi-
touch surface (user is zooming).
The following section places this paper in the context of the
related work in the variety of fields that provide the basis
for this research. The third section covers the analysis and
results of a survey conducted on virtual globe use in
Münster, Germany. In the following section, we describe
the conceptual design of our system from both a data type
and interface perspective. Our implementation is discussed
in the fifth section and the sixth section contains a
presentation and discussion of the results of an informal
evaluation of the interaction with our new system. We
conclude with a discussion of future work.
NASA World Wind [35] is the second biggest player in the
virtual globes market behind Google Earth [23]. While
Google Earth is targeted at a general audience, NASA
World Wind can be more easily customized for specialized
groups of users. As a browser plug-in, Microsoft’s
Windows Live Local Earth 3D [32] also provides an
interface to a variety of high-resolution satellite images and
maps. ArcGIS Explorer [16] from ESRI, the leader in the
professional GIS market, is a client for ArcGIS Server and
supports WMS (Web Map Service).
The two prototype EESD layers developed in this research
draw from a variety of disciplines. The first layer, which is
based on Minotour and WikEar, is rooted in the field of
intelligent narrative technologies (INT). Although it is
unique in its approach on the technical side, it is firmly
based on the narrative theory developed in [28], [6] and
others. The second layer is motivated by previous semantic
relatedness measures, such as those described in [8]. Three
other relatedness measures based on the Wikipedia corpus
have been published: WikiRelate! [40], Explicit Semantic
Analysis [20], and the work of Zesch et al. [42]
Critically, our new wall-size interface – based on multi-
touch technology – is the facilitator between the “what is
where” and “why” questions and the new data type, and is
designed to maximize ease of use. Our use of multi-touch
was inspired by a desire to take advantage of advances in
technology to optimally assist the user in posing and
receiving answers to simple spatial thinking questions.
We use a low-cost, large-scale (1.8 x 2.2 meter) multi-touch
surface that utilizes the principles of frustrated total internal
reflection (FTIR), greatly increasing the near-future
practicality of our prototype because such interfaces are
cheap and quick to build. Jeff Han presented the original
FTIR multi-touch sensing work in February 2006 at the
Technology Entertainment Design (TED) Conference
[24]. Total internal reflection is an "optical
phenomenon that occurs when a ray of light strikes a
medium boundary at an angle larger than the critical angle
with respect to (a) normal to the surface" [43]. Changing
the refraction index by touching the medium effectively
creates an infrared light spot under the touched area.
Detecting this spot with a camera behind the multi-touch
surface and applying simple computer vision
algorithms to calculate the position of the touch on the
surface is straightforward. These surfaces, capable of
sensing fingers, hands, and even whole arms, can
be constructed from readily available components. That
said, the steps involved in building a high-quality FTIR-
enabled surface on both a software and hardware level are
not trivial and require much engineering effort. If
multi-touch applications need to distinguish between
different users the “Diamond Touch” [15] concept from
MERL could be used, with the drawback that the users
either need to be wired or stay in specially prepared
locations. Because it is less important in our work to
distinguish between different users, we determined that
the benefits of using FTIR far outweigh the
The selection of relevant data, the configuration of adequate
data presentation techniques, and the input or manipulation
of data are central tasks in an interactive system. A
criticism of many previous multi-touch projects is that the
model of interaction does not change at all from previous
interaction paradigms. In Han [24], the iPhone [2],
Microsoft Surface [33], etc., two-finger gestures are the
only interaction paradigm in which the capabilities of multi-
touch are used. We make an effort to use the full potential
of multi-touch in providing the user an intuitive way to
interact with our prototype.
With more and more technology being embedded into the
environment, new interaction paradigms that go beyond the
traditional WIMP metaphor have arisen, several of which
are relevant to our work. Virtual globes still require
displays, but these can be of arbitrary sizes. Larger displays
(100 cm and more) are especially suited to our virtual globe
prototype. Mice and keyboards can be used to navigate a
virtual globe, but are not optimal devices for this purpose
(e.g. special 3D-space mice [1] do exist to operate Google
Earth efficiently). Multi-touch ([5] and [18]) has been
shown to work well with large screens due to its support of
multi-finger and bi-manual operation [11].
A user survey was conducted to investigate the usage and
user needs of virtual globes. The study included 120
participants: 60 female and 60 male. They were randomly
selected in a pedestrian area in Münster, Germany and had
a mean age of 34.2 years (SD=8.7). The length of the
survey was about 5 to 8 minutes, during which time each
participant was asked ten questions about her or his
knowledge and use of virtual globes, as well as digital
maps. We also asked about digital maps to investigate the
usage similarities and differences between the two
geovisualization mediums.
First, the participants were asked if they were aware of
digital maps; 89.2% (± 5.5%) of the participants answered
in the affirmative, of whom 92.5% (82.5% ± 6.8% overall)
use digital maps more than 5 times per month. When asked
identical questions about virtual globes, 67.5% (± 8.3%)
said that they were aware of virtual globes while 59.2%
overall (± 8.8%) said they used them more than 5 times per
We then asked users about the motivations behind their
virtual globe and digital map use. Around half (53.4% ±
11.6%) said they used virtual globes for either looking at
their own house or other individual places (e.g. a neighbor's
house, their hotel from their last vacation, the city center).
The second most common uses of virtual globes were
navigation (16.9% ± 8.7%) and locating businesses (14.1%
± 8.1%). More esoteric responses, such as that of a roofer
who said he used Google Earth to find roofs that needed
repair, rounded out the respondents' uses. The distribution
of digital map use was quite different than that of their
virtual globe cousins, with over 50% of respondents saying
that they used digital maps for navigation. More details on
both results can be seen in figures 2 and 3.
Figure 2. Usage of Digital Maps.
Figure 3. Usage of Virtual Globes.
Finally, we asked respondents to compare and contrast the
advantages of virtual globes and maps. They answered that
the main advantages of digital maps were easy navigation
and global map coverage. In contrast, the main advantages
of virtual globes over digital maps were the ability to view
high resolution satellite images and aerial photography
overlaid with additional information such as geotagged
Wikipedia articles and Panoramio [36] photos in a 3D
As noted in the introduction, the central design conclusion
of the virtual globe survey is that the majority of tasks
employed by virtual globe users are simplistic and do not
require spatial thinking. As spatial thinking involves both
noticing patterns in the landscape (whether it be a real or
represented environment), and questioning the evolution of
those patterns, simple observational activities do not
constitute spatial thinking. Similarly, with navigation and
business location (in this case), virtual globes are employed
simply to answer the “what” question, as well as “where”
certain features are in relation to one another. There is no
“why” in the picture.
It is also important to draw conclusions – albeit less firm
ones – from trends that can be found in the unstructured and
unsolicited responses from survey participants. First and
foremost, users like the general idea of displaying the Earth
in three dimensions, as they indicated they enjoyed viewing
the Earth as it truly is. However, they noted that the
interaction with a 3D environment was difficult and many
expressed a desire for easier-to-control interfaces [7].
Finally, and most critically, over the half of the users
indicated that they felt that virtual globes could be more
useful to them if they only could figure out more tasks to
perform with them (besides those they indicated). This can
be interpreted as a desire to engage in more advanced tasks,
likely those involving some spatial thinking.
Following the results of our survey, we developed a new
virtual globe prototype designed to widen the potential uses
of the technology by allowing users to spatially inquire
about both “what” and “why”.
There were two key challenges in developing the data type
for our improved virtual globe prototype. The first was to
design a general data structure that would enable users to
both ask and answer spatial thinking questions. The second
was to appeal to the thematic interests of the broad virtual
globe user base. The former challenge is the topic of the
first subsection and the latter is discussed in the second.
A Framework To Facilitate Answering "Why" Questions of
GIS software for years has enabled users to engage in a
large variety of advanced spatial thinking tasks. However,
the design goal for this research is to facilitate simple
versions of these tasks using intuitive paradigms in virtual
globes. Our solution on the data side is the Explicitly
Explanatory Spatial Data (EESD) type. Each EESD set is
defined by two layers. The first layer is the standard spatial
data layer that has been in use since the first GIS around 40
years ago. It can contain raster cells, points, polylines,
polygons, or any other feature type that can be displayed on
a virtual globe. This layer – in an abstract sense, at least –
also contains attribute data for the features. The second
layer, the explicitly explanatory layer, holds the innovation.
This layer contains explicit explanations for the attribute
values and/or relationships present in the spatial data layer.
It is hypothesized that explanation of these two properties
of a spatial data layer, corresponding to the “objects” and
“relationships” noted in the definition of spatial thinking
found in the introduction, will best facilitate basic spatial
thinking tasks. This layer must make it a trivial matter for
the interface – responding to a “why” query from the user –
to return an explanation.
Examples of EESD Sets
We have implemented two examples of the EESD sets, the
WikEar [38] data set, which is derived from our Minotour
[27] work, and the data set generated by an early version of
our GeoSR [26] project. Both have a spatial data layer that
is generated from the large number of hand-geotagged
articles in the English version of Wikipedia. The former
EESD set is of the type that contains explanatory
information about spatial relationships while the latter is
focused on explaining single data values (although users
will likely identify implicitly explained patterns as well).
Before detailing the prototype EESD sets, however, it is
important to discuss certain properties of the Wikipedia
knowledge repository. First and foremost, it is necessary to
acknowledge concerns about the risks of using Wikipedia
data. Denning et al. [13] codified these risks into concerns
over accuracy, uncertain expertise, volatility, coverage, and
sources. However, Giles [21] reported that Wikipedia is
comparable to the Encyclopedia Britannica in terms of
number of serious errors and only slightly worse than
Britannica when it comes to “factual errors, omissions, or
misleading statements”. Regardless, given the requirements
of this research: a natural language knowledge repository
with both an extensive and intensive coverage of world
knowledge, Wikipedia is by far the best choice. With over 2
million articles in the English version (as of submission)
and 14 other language editions with over 100,000 articles
(all methods described here work with all Wikipedia
languages), Wikipedia is the largest Encyclopedia to ever
For the purposes of this research, Wikipedia articles can be
split up into 3 groups: (1) articles without a geotag, (2)
articles with a geotag, and (3) articles about purely temporal
phenomena (i.e. the article on the year “1983” or the date
“October 1”). We call articles in the first group “non-spatial
articles” and articles in the second “spatial articles”. The
third group exists because purely temporal articles have
very defined relationships encoded in their links with other
articles; linking to a temporal article is nothing more than
providing an explicit temporal reference to the article,
something that can be useful in some contexts but amounts
to enormous noise in this work.
Finally, the concept of a Wikipedia “snippet” is critical to
both EESD sets. In a general sense, a Wikipedia snippet is
simply a paragraph of a Wikipedia article. These
paragraphs are unique in natural language text knowledge
repositories in that they are almost entirely independent of
one another. In other words, snippets almost never contain
unexplained or incomplete textual references to other
snippets. This is a direct result of the encyclopedic writing
style that is the Wikipedia norm, as well as the
collaborative nature of Wikipedia, in which the median
number of authors per article (as of 2006) in the English
version was over seven [9]. We have found experimentally
that the only context necessary for fully understanding the
vast majority of snippets is the title of the article to which
the snippet belongs. One can further increase understanding
of independent snippets by providing the hierarchy of
headings in which the snippet resides (i.e. for the United
States article, there are 3 snippets under “History->Native
Americans and European Settlers” as of November 26,
Minotour [27] generates cohesive stories from a Wikipedia
knowledge repository using a data mining methodology
derived from narrative theory. The WikEar [38] dataset
contains human-narrated versions of Minotour's stories in
an attempt to simulate future text-to-speech technology.
The stories begin at one Wikipedia article a, end at a
Wikipedia article b, and contain s snippets, each of which
belong to a Wikipedia article on a narrative-theory defined
optimal path from a to b through the Wikipedia Article
Graph (WAG). In the WAG, each article is a vertex and
each directional link between articles is an edge. The
variables a, b, and s are all user-defined.
The primary test case for Minotour and WikEar is the
generation of educational tourism narratives. In this
context, spatial Wikipedia articles are used for a and b,
while non-spatial articles provide the snippets for the body
of the narrative. Critically, applied in this manner, Minotour
narratives, by definition, explain a relationship between the
spatial entities that articles a and b describe. As such,
operating with a layer of the spatial references of Wikipedia
articles, the narratives form an explicitly explanatory layer
for the relationships between the points in the spatial layer.
Looking at the spatial layer, a user can ask, “Why are these
two spatial entities related?” and the system can easily
respond with an answer. With tens of thousands of spatial
articles in the English Wikipedia, users are able to ask this
very simple and general spatial thinking question about
almost anywhere in the world. This simplicity and
generality fits in with other typical virtual globe data layers
(i.e. satellite photography), but also allows for the explicit
answering of “why” questions.
An early prototype of GeoSR is the backbone of the second
EESD layer. GeoSR is based on our novel ExploSR
semantic relatedness (SR) measure, the first adapted to the
context of data exploration. The goal of SR measures is to
identify a value that summarizes the number of
relationships between two entities as well as the strength of
these relationships. By analyzing the Wikipedia Article
Graph (WAG), ExploSR derives such values between the
entities represented by Wikipedia articles. The key
variables looked at by ExploSR when examining any two
articles a and b are the myriad paths from a to b (and vice
versa) in the WAG and the scaled weight of the links in
those paths. Link weights are determined by a mixture of
article length, number of out-links (outdegree) between the
linked articles, text position of those links, and several
Wikipedia-specific variables.
In addition to being the first semantic relatedness measure
designed for use in a data exploration context, ExploSR is
the first measure to utilize the WAG and the first measure
that can be visualized in a reference system (in this case, a
geographic one) [26]. Further discussion of the benefits of
the WAG for this type of semantic relatedness application
is merited. First, the WAG is ideal for SR measures
designed with data explanations in mind because a natural
language explanation is built into every outputted measure
(see below). Secondly, the WAG is replete with both
classical relationships, i.e. is-a (hypernymy and hyponymy)
and has-a (meronymy and holonymy), and non-classical
relationships [34]. We have found qualitatively that these
non-classical relationships such as “spoke-at”, “ate-a”,
“wrote-about”, “tool-he-uses-to-look-at-ranch” to be far
more important than their more standard cousins when
evaluating SR measures on articles representing entities that
belong to a commonly-used reference system, such as
spatial and temporal articles.
Abstractly, ExploSR takes a Wikipedia article as an input
and returns a single semantic relatedness value from a to all
Wikipedia articles of type T. Users can then query GeoSR
for an explanation of any value, and GeoSR will return the
snippets containing the links that form the path between a
and b in the WAG, where b ε T. Typically, T will be a set of
articles that all belong to some semantic reference system
[30, 31] (i.e. spatial or temporal).
There are many geographic applications of GeoSR, two of
which are used in our GeoSR-derived prototype EESD data
set. The first occurs when a is a non-spatial article and T
equals the set of spatial articles. This will result in all
spatial articles having a semantic relatedness value to a.
The second occurs when T again equals the set of spatial
articles, but a is also a spatial article. While similar, these
applications differ significantly in that one result in
measures of theme-to-spatial entity relationships while the
other outputs spatial entity-to-spatial entity relationships.
Both applications, however, provide excellent EESD sets.
In both, the spatial data layer is a spatial visualization of the
GeoSR measure in which the spatial entities depicted are
those about which there are Wikipedia articles. In our
example (see figures 5, right, and 6), this layer is
represented as a graduated symbol map, with each spatial
Wikipedia article depicted as a point in a geographic
reference system. Other visualizations are also possible
with improved georeferencing of Wikipedia articles (for
instance, referencing articles about spatial entities of
sufficiently large extent to polygons rather than points). The
size of the symbol is defined by the value of the semantic
relatedness measure, with bigger symbols indicating more
and/or stronger relationships. The explanatory layer, is built
directly into the ExploSR system as described above.
Applied in a geographic context, this amounts to every
value visualized on the map having an explicit explanation
found easily in the data set.
Similarly to the WikEar dataset, the GeoSR system
generates data of broad, general appeal. Since a can be any
article, the user is able to see how related all entities
described by Wikipedia articles that are spatially referenced
are to any entity in all of Wikipedia, from “multi-touch” to
“George W. Bush” to “Rugby” to “Surfing”. Importantly,
both layers are easily applied to spatial subsets, or
“extents”, of the globe. Using the measures on small extents
will focus the graduated symbol visualization to allow
maximum differentiation in relatedness in the region of
Figure 4: Interaction with the first (Wikear) EESD Layer.
Interaction with the data
To benefit from the EESD layers, users need an intuitive
way of interacting with them. To provide this intuitive
interaction paradigm, we use the full advantages of our
multi-touch surface.
The basic spatial interaction tasks such as pan, rotate, zoom
and tilt are implemented using the principles shown in the
video by Han [24] and the iPhone [2]. For instance, the user
can pan through the world with the flick of a finger or hand
and use other multi-touch gestures to zoom, rotate, tilt or
navigate. “Click” and “double-click” are implemented with
simple taps.
Interaction with the First (WikEar) EESD Layer
The interaction with the first EESD layer is straightforward.
The user selects two spatial Wikipedia features by double-
clicking (double-touching) Wikipedia icons (which indicate
spatial Wikipedia articles) simultaneously with two fingers
(see figure 4). The icon selected by the one hand is the start
feature a and the other Wikipedia feature is the end feature
b. The start feature, end feature and a line between them are
highlighted and a story derived from Wikipedia (as
described in the previous section) is read out to the user.
Users can control the speed of playback by dragging their
finger from the start point (in green) to the end point. By
moving the finger from the end location to the start location
story is derived by swapping the start and end point and th
is stories is played back. By releasing her/his fingers from
the multi-touch surface, a user can stop playback and can,
for example, navigate to another place on the earth or
request other information.
Figure 6: Visualization of the theme “surfing” (second EESD
layer) on a globe scale derived from the German Wikipedia.
Interaction with the Second (ExploSR) EESD Layer
To interact with the second EESD layer, users must first
define a region. This can be done by activating the “region
definition mode” by touching a button and dragging the
hand(s) or finger(s) over the multi-touch surface (see figure
5, left). After lifting her/his hand or hands from the multi-
touch surface, a user sees a menu where she or he can select
one or more different “themes” (which represent different
articles a as input) for that region (in our prototype we have
25 pre-computed themes). By dragging a theme into the
region (see figure 5, middle), users can explore semantic
relatedness values for that “theme” in the region they
selected (see figure 5, right). Clicking on a single symbol
will provide the text-based explanation of the “why” of
each value as described in the data section. Without
dragging the “theme” into a predefined region, users can
explore the relatedness of that “theme” at a global scale (see
figure 6). This mode can be deactivated by disabling the
EESD view.
Both EESD layers operate from a significantly pre-
processed version of the Wikipedia knowledge repository.
The pre-processing takes as input one of the semi-regularly
exported “database backup dump files” from Wikipedia.
Currently only the English, German, and Spanish files are
supported, but with the help of a translator it would be an
easy matter to add support for any language version of
Wikipedia. For the larger Wikipedias such as English and
German, the size of these dump files is remarkable. The
latest English dump file as of November 2007, for instance,
was about 12.7GB of text. During the pre-processing stage,
the dump file is parsed in a Java parsing engine to isolate
article, snippet, link structure, spatial, and temporal
information, which is then stored in a MySQL database in a
variety of tables. A Java API to this database, which is
named WikAPIdia [26] is then used by the systems that
generate both EESD layers. The API provides basic access
to Wikipedia data as well as more advanced graph mining
and spatiotemporal features, which are used by both
Minotour and GeoSR.
As noted above, our interface is rooted in a 1.8m x 2.2m
FTIR-based multi-touch wall. This wall consists of a 12mm
thick acrylic plate, in which every four centimeters a hole
for an infrared LED was drilled. The acrylic plate was
mounted onto a wall and a wide-angle lens digital video
camera (PointGrey Dragonfly2 [37]) equipped with a
matching infrared band-pass filter was mounted
orthogonally at a two-meter distance. As a projection
screen, very inexpensive drafting paper was used. For the
projector we used a Panasonic PT-AE1000E HD Beamer.
Figure 5: Interaction with the second EESD Layer – Region Selection (left). Interaction with the second EESD Layer –
Dropping a theme into a region (middle). Interaction with the second EESD Layer – Visualization of the result (right).
To improve dragging operations, we placed a thin layer of
silicon (Silka Clear 40) between the acrylic and the drafting
The Java-based Multi-Touch Library [14] developed at the
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories and released under the
GNU Public License was used for image processing. It
contains a set of common algorithms designed to work with
any multi-touch system such as routines to label connected
components and track features. By using an application
layer, it is easy to manipulate objects and transform
(position, rotate, scale) them. The library also comes with a
module for accessing cameras such as the PointGrey
Our virtual globe is based on NASA’s World Wind [35].
According to [29], NASA World Wind has only one goal:
to provide the maximum opportunity for geospatial
information to be experienced, regardless of whether the
context is education, science, research, business, or
government. The NASA World Wind visualization
platform is open source and comes with a rich SDK for data
set and interface customization, which we take advantage of
with our EESD layers and multi-touch interaction.
State of the Implementation
Currently, we have working prototypes of the EESD layers
and an interactive version of our multi-touch virtual globe.
To improve the experience of our interface we have to
increase the speed of the EESD implementation, further
develop the integration between the globe and the data, and
improve visualization of the spatial data layer.
“Sanity Check” of our interaction
Twelve randomly selected employees (9 male, 3 female) of
the Institute for Geoinformatics innster, Germany (no
one who was involved in the project was included) were
asked to provide feedback on the interaction with the first
and second EESD layers.
Due to the fact that our prototype is not running in real time
and that interaction with such an “unready” interface would
be distracting to the users, we decided to run an
evaluation on a paper mock-up. In doing so, the user
acquired "a greater understanding of how the final product
will function and the way it will 'look and feel'" [44].
After explaining the possibilities of FTIR multi touch
surfaces, the users were asked three questions:
a) How would you choose two spatial features out of
a group of features and establish a connection
between them? (How to interact with the first
b) How would you select an area as needed in our
interaction with the second EESD?
c) How would you assign an attribute from a list to
an area?
The answers to these questions were as follows:
a) Eight of the 12 participants would select two
features just by clicking (single-touching) the
features’ icons simultaneously with two fingers,
just as we have implemented in our prototype. For
icons a small distance apart, one participant would
Figure 7: System overview of the prototype. The virtual globe is based on NASA’s World Wind [33] extended with EESD layers
and uses the Java-based Multi-Touch Library [14] developed at the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories.
use two fingers of the same hand and for icons
further apart one finger of both hands. The four
others would double-click (one just single click)
b) Ten of 12 participants would select a region by
circumscribing the area with one finger. One of
these ten, a trained geographer, would use two
fingers simultaneously. Two would use their
whole hand to select the region as is established in
our prototype. (We let users define a region by
using their fingers or of using their complete
c) Seven participants would touch the desired
“theme” in the list and then touch inside the
selected area. One of these seven users would
perform these tasks all at once. The other five
participants would drag the theme into the layers
as is done in the prototype. When the seven
participants who preferred the click interaction
were told of the drag method, six of them agreed
that the dragging methodology would be more fun
and maybe more attractive for an interactive digital
These initial results suggest that while we have to adapt
some of our interaction with the virtual globe, most of our
interaction paradigm is very intuitive. The informal study
also convinced us that users still think in WIMP interaction
styles. People have to use multi-touch surfaces more often
to become accustomed to their possibilities. After
improving the speed of the algorithms we want to formally
evaluate the interaction with both EESD layers
A common theme the authors' previous collaborative work
has been to bring to users of state-of-the-art consumer
spatial technologies a fuller sense of knowledge about the
world. Too often the gift of spatial context provided by
these technologies is under-used by applications that only
provide obvious functionality and ignore the users’
inclination to explore and learn. For location-based services
on mobile devices, this obvious functionality often involves
pointing users to the nearest pizza parlor or pub. The
corollary for virtual globes is, according to our survey,
navigation, sightseeing, and, mainly, innocuous voyeurism.
While these applications are certainly useful, much is lost,
particularly with respect to the “objects and their
relationships” that make up the inspiration for and the
answer to spatial thinking questions.
These thus-far missed opportunities do the greatest harm to
geography education – both intentional and incidental –
something that is widely recognized as severely lacking in
many parts of the world. For virtual globes, geography
education represents both a largely untapped financial
market and a chance to enhance world knowledge. The
possibility of virtual globes facilitating the spatial thinking
process provides an exciting avenue for this technology to
reach its full potential.
We have provided a glimpse of what is possible when
spatial thinking is enabled in a virtual globe. However,
there is an extensive amount of future work yet to be done.
First and foremost, more research must be completed into
the current state of virtual globe use. A wider and more
structured survey would be extremely useful and could be
used to formally derive a requirements analysis for a spatial
thinking-facilitating virtual globe prototype. Secondly,
more robust theoretical framework for the Explicitly
Explanatory Spatial Data (EESD) layers must be developed.
Additionally, we must complete formal studies of the
interaction with EESD data layers, particularly with regard
to the degree to which it enhances spatial thinking.
Separately, much work is being done to develop the EESD
types used as prototypes in this work. For instance,
implementation speed must be improved. Depending on the
entity, the calculation of the second EESD layer can take up
to 10 minutes using the Wikipedia data set. Additionally,
cartographic research must be used to inform the
visualization of these layers. We also hope to release
WikAPIdia in the near future as an open source project,
although the need for it has decreased in the past year
thanks to the development of other excellent Wikipedia
APIs ([3], [19] and [42]). However, WikAPIdia has certain
unique features that the Wikipedia research community
may find helpful, particularly with regard to its full support
of the “snippet” concept.
We are grateful to the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories for
partially funding this research.
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Note: This version of the paper contains a fix for a
reference issue that appeared in the original version.
... The use of Google Earth, which is very prevalent by various groups, including in learning, has not reached a wider audience. Spatial thinking requires that users ask "what is where" and "why"; the most common virtual globe tasks only include the "what" [9]. What, where, and why are urgent question that related STA. ...
... Another interesting finding in this study is that the use of dynamic Google Earth to increase spatial thinking encourages increased student interaction with media and interactions between students. This finding is in line with other studies that use virtual globes to hone STA, especially in relation to spatial logic ((the emphasis is on the ability to answer "why" a feature lies there) [9]. ...
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Spatial thinking ability (STA) have an important role in the study of geography which is currently supported by many geospatial technologies. Remote sensing learning has a strategic position to support the formation of student STA. This study aims to (1) test the effectiveness of Google Earth-assisted remote sensing learning on students' spatial thinking skills to solve the disaster mitigation problems, and (2) examine the relationship between STA students and remote sensing learning achievements. This study uses a quasi-experimental design. The subjects in this study were students of the Department of Geography Education. Subjects were treated as remote sensing learning with the help of dynamic imagery in Google Earth. The experimental and control classes used are geography education students who are taking remote sensing courses. Data collection is done by the test method. The test instrument was in the form of multiple-choice questions developed based on the STA concept proposed by Gresmehl & Gresmehl. Data analysis techniques to test hypotheses are t-test and Pearson product-moment correlation. The expected results of the research are Google Earth-assisted remote sensing learning is effective for improving student STA in solving disaster mitigation problems. This can be seen from the test results that show the coefficient t = 30.187 with degrees sig = 0,000. There is a positive and significant relationship between STA students with remote sensing learning achievement. This can be seen from the high significance coefficient.
... Arm gestures fall somewhere between hand gestures and full-body gestures. They are especially suited for tasks involving pointing [46] or tasks in which the lower body is not involved, such as in the suite of sports games for the Nintendo Wii. They can be very expressive but are often not as nuanced as hand gestures. ...
... Fatigue can be a real issue with arm gestures, especially if the control gestures require the user to hold their arms away from their body either for long periods or with high frequency. Several systems use arm gestures for control [4,46,52], and they can be quite intuitive, but they are better suited for environments with large displays, where the full range of arm motion can be taken advantage of. As an aside, hand gestures and arm gestures are often combined for control. ...
New, often free, spatial information applications such as mapping tools, topological imaging, and geographic information systems are becoming increasingly available to the average computer user. These systems, which were once available only to government, scholastic, and corporate institutions with highly skilled operators, are driving a need for new and innovative ways for the average user to navigate and control spatial information intuitively, accurately, and efficiently. Gestures provide a method of control that is well suited to navigating the large datasets often associated with spatial information applications. Several different types of gestures and different applications that navigate spatial data are examined. This leads to the introduction of a system that uses a visual head tracking scheme for controlling of the most common navigation action in the most common type of spatial information application, panning a 2-D map. The proposed head tracking scheme uses head pointing to control the direction of panning. The head tracking control is evaluated against the traditional control methods of the mouse and touchpad, showing a significant performance increase over the touchpad and comparable performance to the mouse, despite limited practice with head tracking.
... Still from 2008, after only three years since launching Google Earth (, virtual globes ("virtual maps of the world"; Favretto, 2009) were very popular as it was proved by the results of a questionnaire administered to 120 inhabitants of Münster (Germany), where 59.2% of the respondents used them, with diverse aims, more than five times a month, while 92.5% of them used digital maps with the same frequency (Schöning et al., 2008). ...
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Geovisualisation, possible due to Web 2.0, brings its contribution to increasing the availability of geographical information, thus favouring virtual learning. In this context, we wanted to answer the question about university teaching staff's educational use of Google Earth in the Faculties of Geography from Romania. We had the following objectives: (1) to identify aims, competences, abilities, disciplines, topic types, etc. for which the university teaching staff used this geobrowser; (2) to understand the limitations and reasons why they did not use it; (3) to disseminate good practice in using it. We were able to accomplish these objectives through getting answers from the teaching staff in Geography departments or faculties of seven Romanian state-owned universities. We administered an online questionnaire including 11 items and 58 colleagues answered. Answers showed the spread use of Google Earth (94.8%), especially the optional use of this geobrowser, both during formal and informal didactic activities. Results confirmed the modernising trend for teaching Geography in the university education system, thus enabling the efficient learning of geographical knowledge and forming or developing certain abilities and competences.
... Perspecta Volumetric 3D Display). Parallel zum eben zusammengefassten Konzept des Hyperglobus etablierte sich in den letzten Jahren ein Begriffsverständis nicht-analoger Globen, das im Wesentlichen von Anwendungen wie Google Earth oder NASA World Wind getragen wird(Butler 2006, SchöninG et al. 2008, die sich wahlweise als digitale Globen oder virtuelle Globen bezeichnet finden. 2) ...
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Der digitale Globus ist trotz seiner aktuellen Popularität ein sowohl semantisch als auch funktional unscharfes Konzept. Vor diesem Hintergrund versucht der Beitrag einerseits unter Berücksichtigung vorhandener terminologischer Ansätze, aus einer diachronen Betrachtung des Globus eine stabile Begriffsbestimmung abzuleiten. Sodann soll andererseits, und wiederum aus einer fachwissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Perspektive, versucht werden, den Erkenntniswert digitaler Globen für die Ziele der Kartographie und Geographie zu beurteilen. Wie sich zeigen wird, kann zum gegenwärtigen Wissensstand keine der beiden Absichten zu einer befriedigenden Antwort gebracht werden, sodass der digitale Globus der Kartographie mehr als Forschungsauftrag denn als gewonnene Lösung ihrer Darstellungsprobleme entgegentritt.
... Scholars in HCI increasingly are turning their attention to interactive maps (e.g. Hecht et al., 2013;Rädle, Jetter, Butscher, & Reiterer, 2013;Schöning et al., 2008), again pointing to an increased mutual influence as maps become interactive and move online or to mobile devices. ...
Conference Paper
The possibility of digital interactivity requires us to reenvision the map reader as the map user, and to address the new perceptual, cognitive, cultural, and practical considerations that now influence the user's experience with interactive maps and visualizations. Here, we present an agenda for empirical research on these users and the interactive designs they employ. This is one of several research agendas resulting from a multi-stage discussion among international scholars facilitated by the International Cartographic Association, which included an early round of position papers and two subsequent workshops to narrow into pressing themes and important research opportunities. The focus of this agenda is epistemological and reflects the wide interdisciplinary influences on user studies in cartography. The opportunities are presented as imperatives that cross basic research and user-centered design studies, and include practical impediments to empirical research, emerging interdisciplinary recommendations to improve user studies, and key research needs regarding the specific study of interactive maps and visualizations. This presentation is based on the article available at
... Scholars in HCI increasingly are turning their attention to interactive maps (e.g. Hecht et al., 2013;Rädle, Jetter, Butscher, & Reiterer, 2013;Schöning et al., 2008), again pointing to an increased mutual influence as maps become interactive and move online or to mobile devices. ...
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The possibility of digital interactivity requires us to reenvision the map reader as the map user, and to address the perceptual, cognitive, cultural, and practical considerations that influence the user’s experience with interactive maps and visualizations. In this article, we present an agenda for empirical research on this user and the interactive designs he or she employs. The research agenda is a result of a multi-stage discussion among international scholars facilitated by the International Cartographic Association that included an early round of position papers and two subsequent workshops to narrow into pressing themes and important research opportunities. The focus of our discussion is epistemological and reflects the wide interdisciplinary influences on user studies in cartography. The opportunities are presented as imperatives that cross basic research and user-centered design studies, and identify practical impediments to empirical research, emerging interdisciplinary recommendations to improve user studies, and key research needs specific to the study of interactive maps and visualizations.
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This study produces an instructional module of learning called AR Tasrif. Adopting fives methodologies of descriptive, analytical, design, evaluation, and development based on ADDIE instructional design model in learning and teaching. Firstly, researchers have conducted a needs analysis on the difficulties in learning Arabic Verb Patterns among foundation students. Based on a survey of needs analysis, consists of students’ difficulty in learning Arabic verb patterns, and preferences of elements in Augmented Reality. Then, researchers designed a mobile application assisted program by using Augmented Reality based on ADDIE instructional design model. This instructional module has been through the validity and reliability check by the experts in the field of teaching Arabic as a second language and educational technology. This mobile application of Augmented Reality is used by students and is able to attract them and enhance their learning experiences.
Geochemical prospecting is an important and effective approach for discovering mineral deposits. Collection, management, visualization, interpretation, modeling, and publishing of geochemical survey data remain challenging. The main aim of this study is to illustrate the application of Google Earth in the visualization and interpretation of geochemical survey data using a dataset collected from the Daqiao district, Gansu Province, China. Google Earth, a free web-based software that provides rich set of global images along with satellite and map data, can be applied to design geochemical sampling strategies; display geochemical sampling location landscapes; collect and manage geochemical survey data; visualize and publish 0-D (point), 1-D (profile), 2-D (raster map), and 3-D (superposition of multiple maps) geochemical maps; and interpret and model geochemical patterns using various Google Earth functions and the Keyhole Markup Language of Google. Thematic collection: This article is part of the Applications of Innovations in Geochemical Data Analysis collection available at:
Conference Paper
We have seen a recent rise of context- as well as location-based-mobile services. Finally, those services entering applications and adding features to mobile operating system to make everyday user interactions handier. Nevertheless, those services still have certain limitations, such as lack of certain data types that limit them to exploit their full potentials. My research is situated in the area of human-computer interaction with strong links to the field of intelligent user interfaces and aims to improve interactions with spatial context-aware services by combining methods from computer vision and artificial intelligence.
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The analogy of Semantic Reference Systems proposed in (Kuhn in press) is being explored here with respect to the computational mechanisms it suggests. Semantic referencing, grounding in a semantic datum, semantic projection, and semantic transformation are defined and demonstrated through an implementation of a semantic reference system for a simple vehicle navigation model. The idea of wrapping legacy data or services is shown to correspond to semantic referencing, which suggests a straightforward procedure to derive wrappers from semantic reference systems. 1. INTRODUCTION How can we progress from today's informal models of semantics to a state where the meaning of geographic information can be accessed, read and manipulated by systems as well as humans? Four hundred years ago, geometric information was similarly unstructured and informal as semantic information is today. Then, René Descartes invented coordinate systems, laying the groundwork for what we now call spatial reference systems. These reference systems enable GIS users to share spatially referenced information across multiple system platforms and integrate it with respect to their geometry, but not their semantics. A corresponding formal foundation is required for the semantics of geo-referenced information. It is a precondition to achieve semantic interoperability, i.e., the ability of systems and services to interoperate through a common understanding of geographic information. Since GIS are often defined as holding two kinds of data, geometric and thematic (Longley et al. 2001), and since the reference systems for geometric data are now well understood and standardized (ISO 2002c), it appears natural to engage in the design and implementation of semantic reference systems. The parts and processes of spatial reference systems suggest direct analogues for the case of semantics. This paper explores this analogy, introducing the notions of a semantic reference system as a whole, of a semantic datum and reference frame as its parts, and of semantic referencing, projection, and transformation as its processes. The purpose is to establish a better understanding of parts and processes in the design and use of ontologies. Introducing new terminology is not our goal, but rather a way to shed light on ongoing work through a metaphor rooted in the well-understood domain of spatial reference systems. Section 2 describes the main ideas behind semantic reference systems. It further introduces Haskell, the functional language used in this paper, and our running example from the domain of vehicle navigation systems. In section 3 the core elements of a semantic reference system, i.e., the semantic datum and the semantic reference frame, are specified. Section 4 defines the processes of semantic reference, semantic projection, and semantic transformation in analogy to their spatial counterparts. Section 5 presents conclusions and suggests some directions for future research.
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NLP methods and applications need to take account not only of "classical" lexical rela-tions, as found in WordNet, but the less-structural, more context-dependent "non-classical" relations that readers intuit in text. In a reader-based study of lexical relations in text, most were found to be of the latter type. The relationships themselves are analyzed, and consequences for NLP are discussed.
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Many mobile applications that lead tourists to landmarks and businesses ignore the educational component of tourism. The systems that do satiate the tourist's desire for learning about visited places require so much costly custom content development that they can only be implemented at very local scales. Moreover, these systems quickly fall out-of-date and continually have to be manually updated. In our approach, called WikEar, data mined from Wikipedia is automatically organized according to principles derived from narrative theory to woven into an educational audio tours starting and ending at stationary city maps. The system generates custom, location-based "guided tours" that are never out-of-date and ubiquitous – even at an international scale. WikEar uses a magic lens-based interaction scheme for paper maps, which have been shown to be particularly important in the tourist experience. By leveraging on the wide availability of large public city maps, WikEar avoids the costs of GPS and the interaction problems of small screen map programs.
Hako-ne is an augmented reality hybrid art/technology project. Users will be able to see characters of 3D musical notes moving on each side of the augmented musical dollhouse by using a handheld Optical See-Through Information Viewer (OSTV), which consists ...
Two experiments were run to investigate two-handed input. The experimental tasks were representative of those found in CAD and office information systems. Experiment one involved the performance of a compound selection/positioning task. The two sub-tasks were performed by different hands using separate transducers. Without prompting, novice subjects adopted strategies that involved performing the two sub-tasks simultaneously. We interpret this as a demonstration that, in the appropriate context, users are capable of simultaneously providing continuous data from two hands without significant overhead. The results also show that the speed of performing the task was strongly correlated to the degree of parallelism employed. Experiment two involved the performance of a compound navigation/selection task. It compared a one-handed versus two-handed method for finding and selecting words in a document. The two-handed method significantly outperformed the commonly used one-handed method by a number of measures. Unlike experiment one, only two subjects adopted strategies that used both hands simultaneously. The benefits of the two-handed technique, therefore, are interpreted as being due to efficiency of hand motion. However, the two subjects who did use parallel strategies had the two fastest times of all subjects.
NASA World Wind has only one goal, to provide the maximum opportunity for geospatial information to be experienced, be it education, science, research, business, or government. The benefits to understanding for information delivered in the context of its 4D virtual reality are extraordinary. The NASA World Wind visualization platform is open source and therefore lends itself well to being extended to service *any* requirements, be they proprietary and commercial or simply available. Data accessibility is highly optimized using standard formats including internationally certified open standards (W*S). Although proprietary applications can be built based on World Wind, and proprietary data delivered that leverage World Wind, there is nothing proprietary about the visualization platform itself or the multiple planetary data sets readily available, including global animations of live weather. NASA World Wind is being used by NASA research teams as well as being a formal part of high school and university curriculum. The National Guard uses World Wind for emergency response activities and State governments have incorporated high resolution imagery for GIS management as well as for their cross-agency emergency response activities. The U.S. federal government uses NASA World Wind for a myriad of GIS and security-related issues (NSA, NGA, DOE, FAA, etc.).
Discusses coverage of the The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS) regarding cognitive science and narrative theory. The theories, data, and insights reported in MITECS will be altered and enriched when they are refocused around research hypotheses taking shape within a narratology that the cognitive sciences have begun to make possible. There are compelling reasons for narratology to be classified alongside the other subfields of cognitive sciences so richly documented in MITECS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
We present a narrative theory-based approach to data mining that generates cohesive stories from a Wikipedia corpus. This approach is based on a data mining-friendly view of narrative derived from narratology, and uses a prototype mining algorithm that implements this view. Our initial test case and focus is that of field-based educational tour narrative generation, for which we have successfully implemented a proof-of-concept system called Minotour. This system operates on a client-server model, in which the server mines a Wikipedia database dump to generate narratives between any two spatial features that have associated Wikipedia articles. The server then delivers those narratives to mobile device clients.