Elaborating on the rapid evolution of mobile entertainment services, this paper investigates customers' preferences and attitudes towards mobile music services in Europe through an exploratory research approach. The study ran in Finland, United Kingdom and Greece, targeting both music consumers and music professionals. Significant differences were observed between the three countries in terms of the importance music consumers attach to specific mobile music buying criteria and functionalities. Music consumers and music professionals evaluated the sound/image quality and the music content variety as the most important mobile music selection criteria. Ubiquity is the most attractive mobile music service for both music consumers and professionals, while content personalization is the most desired feature for music consumers and the least desired one for music professionals. However, there were no considerable differences observed between music consumers' and music professionals' attitudes towards mobile music services. The findings imply that mobile music service providers should design tailored marketing mix programs towards sufficiently meeting the needs and attitudes of local customers in the emerging mobile music industry. Finally it seems that B2B and B2C segments do not significantly differ in their preferences regarding the features and functionalities of a mobile music service.