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Applying Key Phrase Extraction to aid Invalidity Search
Manisha Verma
Language Technologies Research Centre
International Institute of Information Technology
Hyderabad, India
Vasudeva Varma
Language Technologies Research Centre
International Institute of Information Technology
Hyderabad, India
Invalidity search poses different challenges when compared
to conventional Information Retrieval problems. Presently,
the success of invalidity search relies on the queries created
from a patent application by the patent examiner. Since a
lot of time is spent in constructing relevant queries, auto-
matically creating them from a patent would save the ex-
aminer a lot of effort. In this paper, we address the problem
of automatically creating queries from an input patent. An
optimal query can be formed by extracting important key-
words or phrases from a patent by using Key Phrase Extrac-
tion (KPE) techniques. Several KPE algorithms have been
proposed in the literature but their performance on query
construction for patents has not yet been explored. We sys-
tematically evaluate and analyze the performance of queries
created by using state-of-the-art KPE techniques for invalid-
ity search task. Our experiments show that queries formed
by KPE approaches perform better than those formed by
selecting phrases based on tf or tf-idf scores.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
Verticals and specialized search [Miscellaneous]:
Patent Retrieval, Keyphrase Extraction
Patents give exclusive rights to the inventor for using and
protecting his intellectual property. For a patent to be
granted, the invention has to be novel, non-obvious and use-
ful. Since a lot of patents are present in digital form on the
web and with the number of patents filed and granted each
year increasing rapidly, patent examiners today use infor-
mation retrieval tools to accomplish several search tasks.
A patent engineer routinely performs search tasks like prior
art search, patentability search, novelty search and inva-
lidity search. The objective of invalidity search is to find
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ICAIL’11 , June 6-10, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA
Copyright c
2011 ACM 978-1-4503-0755-0/11/06 ...$10.00.
patents or other related resources which cover the proposed
product or process and are still in force. The search result
consists of a report of all such inventions. The search pro-
cess is time consuming as several patents have to be read
to ensure no relevant patent is missed. The examiner starts
with a document and manually creates suitable queries to
search patent databases. Since a lot of time is spent in con-
structing relevant queries, transforming the document into a
query automatically would save the examiner a lot of effort.
Hence, one should be able to input a document as a query
instead of making several queries. Query formulation is still
a manual process and automating it would require the right
combination of query formation, refinement and expansion
techniques. An important aspect about invalidity search is
very few patents may infringe an invention, the number of
relevant documents is usually small. Hence, it is not only
important to construct a query which covers the scope of
the invention but also retrieves all the relevant documents.
In this paper we explore state-of-the-art supervised and un-
supervised Key Phrase Extraction (KPE) techniques to cre-
ate queries from an input patent. Supervised KPE ap-
proaches need annotated data but publicly available patent
data is not annotated and manual annotation would require
domain expertise. Thus, we use a corpus based approach
to automatically label key phrases in patents with relevance
judgments to create training data for supervised KPE algo-
rithms. We use NTCIR 61collection of 1.3 million patents
and 1000 query patents to conduct all the experiments.
In Section 2, we discuss the current state of the art in patent
retrieval and key phrase extraction. Section 3, discusses mo-
tivation and contributions of the approach. Unsupervised
and supervised key phrase extraction techniques used for ex-
periments have been explained in Section 4. The approach
to annotate patents with phrases is explained in same sec-
tion. The experiments, result and analysis are explained
in Section 5. Conclusion and Future work are discussed in
Prior-art retrieval and invalidity search have received con-
siderable attention from the research community recently.
Several workshops by NTCIR 2and CLEF 3have been con-
3 irf/clef-ip09-track
ducted to evaluate and improve the state of the art in patent
retrieval. Patent retrieval poses a unique challenge as the
language of patents is not only vague but also contains a
lot of new terms and concepts introduced by the inventor.
This results in a lot of content that discusses similar aspects
but uses different vocabulary which makes search for simi-
lar patents a daunting task. Patents are lengthy but well-
structured documents and contain a title, abstract, descrip-
tion, summary of invention and claims. The claims define
the scope of protection granted by the patent. All patents
have manually-assigned International Patent Classification
(IPC) classification codes.
Several approaches have been proposed to improve patent
retrieval. Some systems use entire claim text as a query
[11] or use information in the patent text to form queries
[5, 13, 14] and modify existing retrieval models to improve
performance [3, 7, 8].
Other approaches identify strong keywords for query con-
struction from the input patent and then expand these queries
using relevance feedback. Bashir et al.[2] analyze the bias
of several retrieval systems and query expansion techniques.
They propose a query expansion technique based on cluster-
ing to identify dominant relevant documents. An extension
of the above work is proposed in [1] where several SMART
similarity metrics are used to select better terms for query
expansion. However, they construct queries of only 2, 3 and
4 words which may not be the case in the real world. And
for each patent added to the database these queries will have
to be reconstructed to measure the retrievability of the doc-
ument. Morphological analysis has also been used in [9] to
extract words from the claim for a query. These words are
used to find related terms from ‘detailed description of the
invention’ and the related terms are used for query expan-
Xue et al. [18, 19] explore ways to create a query from a
patent. They propose a generalized algorithm for extracting
query words from a patent. They evaluate queries formed
by words extracted from different sections in a patent. They
empirically determine how many query words should be kept
in the query. Different weighting methods are also used to
weigh words in the query.
Retrieval models proposed in the literature will not perform
well if the query is constructed with weak key phrases. Thus
selection of right phrases becomes an important step. In
[10] candidate n-grams are selected using a classifier. The
authors manually annotate potential keywords to train the
classifier. Extension of their approach to patents from sev-
eral areas would again require domain expertise. Since this
is a time consuming and expensive task, it is infeasible to
annotate large volumes of patents in the absence of an ex-
Initial experiments indicated that selecting phrases on basis
of frequency counts (tf or tfidf )resultedinpoorqueries.
Though several key phrase extraction approaches have been
proposed in the literature, they have not been used to create
queries for invalidity search task. Our contributions are :
1. We systematically evaluate and analyze the perfor-
mance of queries created by using state-of-the-art un-
supervised key phrase extraction techniques.
2. We propose a corpus based mechanism to annotate
query keywords in patents for which related patents
are known. These patents are used to train supervised
key phrase extraction techniques.
The aim of Key phrase extraction (KPE) algorithms is to
find out phrases or words that represent important units
of information in a document. Key phrases are used in
several applications like document categorization, clustering
and summarization. A KPE algorithm takes a document
as input and outputs phrases or words that represent the
A list of phrases, generated by a KPE algorithm, could
succinctly represent a complex and lengthy patent. These
phrases could then be used to form queries to search for
similar patents. Informative phrases will be able to retrieve
relevant patents whereas the results for weak phrases will
be noisy and irrelevant. Thus, phrases extracted by KPE
techniques could be used to search for similar patents.
A KPE technique is supervised or unsupervised. Unsuper-
vised approaches use co-occurrence statistics or frequency
counts to extract and score candidate phrases from a doc-
ument. Unsupervised approaches do not need any labeled
data. For certain corpora (e.g. research articles), key phrases
annotated by the experts are available. Supervised approaches
are trained on this data to extract phrases from new doc-
uments. We label some patents with key phrases to create
training data for supervised approaches. For all approaches
the top phrases are used to form a query to find similar
patents and each phrase in the query has the same weight.
The performance of queries formed by the supervised ap-
proaches is compared with those formed by the unsuper-
vised approaches by using the relevance judgments of query
patent. We explore two state-of-the-art supervised and un-
supervised approaches respectively to extract phrases from
a patent. The approaches are briefly explained in the fol-
lowing subsections.
4.1 Unsupervised KPE Approaches
We use two approaches - TextRank [12] and SingleRank [16].
These algorithms use co-occurrence statistics to score words
and identify phrases from a document. These approaches use
the information around a word to calculate its importance
whereas tf or tf-idf scores do not reflect this information.
4.1.1 TextRank
TextRank algorithm represents a document as a graph. Each
vertex in the graph corresponds to a word. There is an edge
between any two words occurring together. A weight, wij ,
is assigned to the edge connecting two vertices, viand vj,
and its value is the number of times the corresponding word
co-occur within a window of W words in the document. The
score of a vertex reflects its importance. The score for vi,
S(vi), is initialized with a default value and is computed in
an iterative manner until convergence using this recursive
where Adj(vi)denotesvi’s neighbors in the graph and dis
the damping factor. Intuitively, a word will receive a high
score if it has many high-scored neighbors. After conver-
gence, the T% top-scored vertices (words) are selected to as
keywords. Adjacent keywords are then collapsed and output
as a key phrase.
4.1.2 SingleRank
SingleRank follows the same approach as TextRank but dif-
fers in the following aspect. While in TextRank phrases
containing the top-ranked words are selected, in SingleRank,
we do not filter out any low scoring words. Each candidate
key phrase, which can be any longest-matching sequence of
nouns and adjectives, is given a score by summing the scores
of its constituent words obtained from the graph. Top N
highest-scored phrases are output as key phrases.
4.2 Supervised KPE Approaches
For some corpora, key phrases annotated by experts are
available. Supervised approaches are trained on this data
and the model is used to extract phrases from new docu-
ments. We use two approaches - KEA and RankPhrase to
form queries for input patents.
4.2.1 KEA
KEA [17] is a popular supervised approach for key phrase
extraction. KEA makes a list of candidate phrases by ex-
tracting n-grams of a predefined length (e.g. 1 to 3 words)
that do not start or end with a stopword. It calculates fea-
ture values for each candidate phrase, and uses naive bayes
classifier to predict important phrases. A model is trained
using documents with known key phrases, and then used to
find phrases in new documents. We use the existing imple-
mentation of KEA4and train it on phrases generated by our
annotation approach. Features used to represent a phrase
are given below
1. Tf-Idf : It assigns a score to each word win a doc-
ument dbased on its frequency tfw(term frequency)
in dand remaining documents in the corpus idf (in-
verse document frequency). It is given by tfidf =
Dw) where Nisthenumberofdocuments
in the corpus and Dwis the number of documents in
which woccurs.
2. First occurrence : It is computed as the percentage
of the document preceding the first occurrence of the
term in the document. Terms that tend to appear at
the start or at the end of a document are more likely
to be key phrases.
3. Length of a phrase : It is the number of words in a
4.2.2 RankPhrase
Recently it has been proposed that key phrase extraction is a
problem of ranking and not that of classification [6]. Instead
of using a classifier, they use a Learning-To-Rank approach
to train a ranking model on phrases and the model ranks
phrases from a new document. A ranked list of phrases is
used for training a model. This model then predicts the
order for phrases of a new patent. We use the features pro-
posed in KEA to represent phrases in the document.
4.2.3 Annotating Data
To use supervised KPE approaches, patents will have to be
manually annotated for key phrases. This is a difficult task
since (1) manual annotation would require domain expertise,
given the number of fields in which patents are written, it
is infeasible to annotate patents for each domain and (2) it
is laborious, expensive, time consuming and prone to inter-
expert labeling variability. Thus, we use a corpus based
approach to annotate important key phrases in a patent.
NTCIR 6 dataset provides a list of relevant documents (rel-
evance judgments) for some query patents. We use these
query patents to create training data for supervised ap-
proaches. We consider those phrases of the query patent to
be important, which when treated as queries, can retrieve
related documents from the corpus.
To identify candidate phrases, we use the relevance judg-
ments of the query patent and a search engine. The process
of labeling phrases is as follows: A chunker is used to ex-
tract all the noun phrases from a patent and each phrase is
stemmed using a stemmer. Stop words are removed from
the phrases using a pre defined list. Each phrase in the re-
sultant list is fired as a query in the search engine. If the
phrase is able to retrieve documents that are relevant to the
query patent, it is informative i.e. it captures some impor-
tant information about the query patent, hence it can be a
candidate key phrase for that patent. Thus, each phrase is
treated as a query and its Mean Average Precision (MAP)
and Recall are calculated using the relevance judgments of
the input patent. The phrases with MAP and Recall greater
than zero are considered to be informative. To remove noisy
chunks (symbols, abbreviations etc) from the list, we con-
sider chunks of length greater than θletters. We select
phrases with high MAP and Recall values and then rank
them based on tf-idf scores. Top phrases are used to rep-
resent the query patent. The algorithm is summarized in
Algorithm 1.
The process described above may select phrases which may
not be informative but still retrieve documents relevant to
the query patent. Our objective is not to identify only the
important information but also to identify those words which
will help in retrieving relevant documents. For example,
an expert will select phrases specific to the invention, these
phrases may or may not form good queries. While creating
queries manually, one might miss terms which may not be
specific to the invention but will help in retrieving similar
patents. The terms that may not be specific to the invention,
will get selected based on MAP and Recall values. Ranking
these terms based on tf-idf scores will ensure that they are
also informative.
Algorithm 1 Algorithm to annotate patents for key phrases
Input: Chunked noun phrase list: CL, Key phrases list:
KPL [],NounPhrase: NP
for all NPiin CL do
Remove stop words
if len(NPi)≥θthen
add NPito tempList
end if
end for
for all NPiin tempList do
Search NPiin the corpus D
Retrieve relevant documents
if MAP(NPi)>0∧Recall(NPi)>0then
add NPito KPL
end if
end for
Sort KPL in descending order of MAP(NPi)
Sort KPL in descending order of tf-idf
Final Key phrases ←Top 30 p h rase s i n KPL
Table 1: Distribution of 1000 Queries
Domain #pat Domain #pat
Tran s p ort 31 Electronics 262
Chemistry 45 Engine/Pumps 15
Text i le 2Separating/Mixing 6
Instruments 543 Agriculture 75
Mining 20
The apparent advantage of our approach is its simplicity.
With the help of a search engine and available relevance
judgments for patents, one can create a list of suitable key
phrases in no time. These phrases can be used to train mod-
els for supervised KPE algorithms, to suggest keywords to
a user who is searching for similar patents etc. Another ad-
vantage is the ability of the approach to cover patents in
several domains. One might argue that a patent may not
contain any phrase with non-zero MAP and Recall. But dur-
ing the experiments it was observed that since the patents
are such lengthy documents, they contain a lot of vocabu-
lary and each patent would undoubtedly yield some phrases
which have a MAP or Recall value greater than zero.
5.1 Corpus
We test the performance of each algorithm on the NTCIR
6 dataset of 13 million USPTO patents from 1993 to 2000.
We take 1000 sample patent applications as queries. The
list of relevant documents for each of these applications is
provided with the dataset. The average number of phrases
per patent is 1001. The patents contain four main sections -
title, abstract, claim and description which is further divided
into summary and brief description. The division of query
patents according to their IPC codes is given in Table 1.
5.2 Experimental Setup
Lucene5has been used to index the data and Snowball An-
alyzer6with a manually determined list of 146 stop words
10 20 30 40 50 60
No of phrases
Figure 1: Effect of number of phrases on Recall
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
T (% of nodes)
Figure 2: Effect of T% (TextRank) on Recall
has been used to analyze the corpus and queries. The data
was indexed with four fields - title, abstract, description
and claim. Opennlp7has been used to POS tag and chunk
patents. Vector space model has been used to retrieve doc-
uments. For every query patent, key phrases have been ex-
tracted using the approaches described in Section 4. To
determine the number of phrases in a query, we formulate
queries with 10 to 60 phrases. Phrases were selected from
whole patent (all ) and description (desc)basedontf and
tf-idf. R@100 for queries are shown Figure 1. With more
words, the change in the performance is not significant, but
the time spent on search is significantly increased. Since
there is a very minute difference between Recall of query
with 40 and 60 words, we limit the number of phrases in
the query to 40 phrases. The queries are formed by se-
lecting phrases based on tf-idf from description section of
the patent. Top 40 phrases are used to form a boolean ‘OR’
query to search for similar patents. Note that all the phrases
in the query have the same weight.
We use publicly available implementation of TextRank and
SingleRank [4]. The damping factor is set to 0.85. In Tex-
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
No of phrases
Figure 3: Effect of N (SingleRank) on Recall
tRank, the number of vertices used to create phrases (T%)
was varied from 0.05% to 30%. Experiments show that bet-
ter phrases are generated when top 0.15% nodes from the
graph are collapsed to form phrases. In SingleRank, we vary
N from 5 to 40 phrases. It was found that N=30 resulted
in better phrases. R@100 and R@200 of queries formed by
varying N in SingleRank and T% in TextRank are shown
in Figure 3 and Figure 2 respectively. We tested both ap-
proaches on 1000 query patents and use window size of 2, 3,
4 and 5 words to create the co-occurrence graph. TextRank
and SingleRank have been tested on individual sections (ab-
stract, description and claims) in the patent also. Since
individual sections contain less vocabulary, small values of
T result in very few phrases. To prevent this, the value of T
was increased to 50%, 30% and 30% for abstract, description
and claims respectively.
Query patents, with relevance judgments, are used to create
training data for supervised approaches. The value of θis
set to 4 for testing the algorithm. The supervised KPE ap-
proaches have been trained and tested on these queries. We
use publicly available implementation of KEA. SVMRank8
has been used to train and test the model to rank phrases
of a query patent. For supervised approaches we use 5-fold
cross validation. KEA and RankPhrase have been trained
on 5 subsets of queries; each has 400 patents for training and
200 for testing. Since invalidity search is a recall oriented
task and a patent examiner usually scans top 200 documents
[15] we report Recal l values at 10, 30, 100 and 200.
Performance of queries formed by selecting phrases from the
description section (from [18]) on the basis of - frequency of a
phrase in the patent (tf),tf-idf and idf is the baseline for our
work. We perform paired t-test to calculate the statistical
The results for queries formed by phrases based on tf,idf
and tf-idf are shown in Table 2. Unsupervised approaches
have been tested with window size of 2, 3, 4 and 5 words to
create the co-occurrence graph. The performance of queries,
formed by selecting phrases from individual sections and en-
tire patent Table 3 and Table 2 respectively. Results of su-
pervised approaches trained on the annotated data are given
in Table 4.
Queries based on Inverse document frequency (idf )contain
rare phrases, i.e. phrases which occur in less number of doc-
uments. There are two reasons why they do not perform
well. First is, though two patents may claim the same in-
vention they use different terminology to describe it, hence
the vocabulary overlap between them is minimal. Due to
this reason several phrases in a patent have high idf val-
ues. But extremely low occurrence of a phrase in the corpus
does not indicate that it is important and queries with such
phrases may not necessarily be informative. Second reason
is that idf values do not reflect the frequency with which
a phrase has been used in the input patent. For example,
a phrase may be present in a small fraction of documents
(high idf) in the corpus but occurs only once (low tf ) in the
document. This phrase, if used to search for similar patents
may not retrieve relevant documents.
Queries formed by selecting phrases based on their frequency
in the document (tf) and tf-idf perform better. This is due
to the presence of document level information about the
phrase in its tf and tf-idf score. The author of a patent uses
some phrases repeatedly to describe a part or component
of the invention. Such important phrases have higher fre-
quency than others. Selecting phrases based on tf ensures
that these informative phrases are present in the queries.
Queries based on tf-idf contain phrases which have both
high tf and idf. As a result, tf-idf queries perform better
than both - tf and idf queries.
Both unsupervised approaches have been tested on 1000
query patents with window size of 2, 3, 4 and 5 words to
create the co-occurrence graph. Unsupervised approaches
yield slightly better queries than tf-idf. This is due to the
co-occurrence information used by both TextRank and Sin-
gleRank. The performance of unsupervised approaches de-
grades as the window size increases which is intuitive, since,
increasing the size weakens semantic relation between far-
thest words in the phrase. The is considerable difference
in the performance of TextRank and SingleRank. MAP
and R@100 of TextRank are more than that of SingleRank.
This can be explained by the following: TextRank requires
that every word of a key phrase must appear among the top
ranked unigrams. SingleRank, on the other hand does not
require all unigrams of a key phrase to be present in the
top-ranked list of words. TextRank has a fairly strict crite-
rion, in comparison to SingleRank, which helps in lowering
the importance of those phrases which do not contain any
top ranked word from the graph, this in turn helps in re-
ducing the noise and better key phrases are retrieved using
TextRank. Recall values of TextRank are also higher than
SingleRank and tf-idf.
The performance of TextRank and SingleRank is dependent
on the graph constructed from the patent text. Both the
approaches do not perform well when individual sections of
a patent are used to extract key phrases. This can be ex-
plained as follows: (1) Individual sections represent the doc-
ument partially which provides incomplete estimate of co-
Table 2: Performance of queries formed by unsupervised approaches
MAP R@10 R@30 R@100 R@200
tf 0.0414 0.0365 0.0860 0.1740 0.2390
idf 0.0140 0.0201 0.0325 0.0510 0.0640
tf-idf 0.0428 0.0365 0.0870 0.1781 0.2412
Text R ank
20.0458 0.0456 0.0969 0.1885 0.2606
30.0455 0.0449 0.0969 0.1859 0.2576
40.0452 0.0444 0.0958 0.1848 0.2561
50.0454 0.0440 0.0960 0.1853 0.2560
20.0340 0.0316 0.0689 0.1380 0.2010
30.0336 0.0314 0.0687 0.1360 0.1925
40.0333 0.0310 0.0675 0.1362 0.1930
50.0332 0.0309 0.0671 0.1357 0.1910
Table 3: Performance of unsupervised approaches
on patent fields (TR: TextRank, SR: SingleRank)
MAP R@10 R@30 R@100 R@200
abst TR 0.0285 0.0245 0.0560 0.1230 0.1775
desc TR 0.0400 0.0312 0.0737 0.1555 0.2234
claim TR 0.0321 0.0274 0.0641 0.1390 0.2000
abst SR 0.0305 0.0269 0.0629 0.1325 0.1890
desc SR 0.0335 0.0321 0.0682 0.1356 0.1915
claim SR 0.0328 0.0315 0.0648 0.1335 0.1900
occurrence statistics and (2) Since entire document text pro-
vides a better estimate of edge weights in the graph, it results
in better ranking of vertices (words). In individual sections,
the longer sections will perform better than shorter sections.
This is reflected in the experiment results too. The entire
patent text yields better phrases than individual sections. In
individual sections, TextRank and SingleRank perform bet-
ter when description is used to form co-occurrence graph.
‘Description’ section in a patent contains more vocabulary
than other sections, this results in better edge weights in the
co-occurrence graph, which in turn results in better phrases.
In supervised approaches, queries created by using phrases
extracted by KEA show 29% and 37% improvement in MAP
and 27% and 29% improvement in R@100 over TextRank
and tf-idf respectively. There is a substantial improvement
over all the other KPE approaches as well. This indicates
that queries formed by combining phrases output by KEA,
were better than those created from other approaches. Since
the queries performed well, better phrases were selected by
the KEA algorithm. Since the phrases were informative, it
can be deduced that KEA was provided reasonable training
data. Though RankPhrase approach performs better than
unsupervised approaches, it does not match the performance
of KEA in extracting phrases. This can be attributed to the
length of patent documents. Since the patent documents
are lengthy, the number of phrases used is more, hence some
important phrases will not be ranked correctly by the ap-
proach which lowers the performance of the queries as some
important phrases are missed. Our experiments indicate
that queries made by using phrases from KPE techniques
certainly improve invalidity search, only that improvement
is more when supervised approaches are used for extraction.
To find out the performance of key phrase extraction tech-
niques in creating queries, it was important that experiments
are conducted with both supervised and unsupervised KPE
Table 4: Performance of queries formed by super-
vised approaches
MAP R@10 R@30 R@100 R@200
KEA 0.059 0.054 0.121 0.230 0.315
RankPhrase 0.052 0.053 0.108 0.200 0.284
approaches. The experiments show that queries formed by
using KPE approaches can indeed improve patent retrieval.
Automatic construction of queries from patents would be
useful in applications like invalidity search. The current ap-
proach is to create a query from the patent by selecting top
Kkeywordsbasedonsomescore. Inthisworkwetriedto
find out the performance of queries made by using phrases
extracted by popular key phrase extraction techniques. We
used both supervised and unsupervised key phrase extrac-
tion algorithms to extract phrases from a patent application
and form queries to search for similar patents. The perfor-
mance of these queries is compared with those formed by
selecting phrases based on tf,idf and tf-idf. The results in-
dicate that tf-idf is not a good metric to select key phrases
to form queries from input patents. Queries created by us-
ing unsupervised and supervised approaches perform better
than those formed by tf or tf-idf. To train supervised KPE
approaches labeled data is required. Since there is no an-
notated data for candidate keywords in patents, we propose
an approach to annotate important key phrases in patents.
Supervised approaches are trained on this data. The experi-
ments indicate that key phrase extraction techniques indeed
improve invalidity search results. In supervised approaches,
queries created by using phrases extracted by KEA show
29% and 37% improvement over TextRank and tf-idf respec-
tively. Since queries generated by supervised approaches
perform better than those generated by unsupervised ap-
proaches, it can be inferred that our annotation approach is
able to label informative phrases in a patent.
For future work, the queries generated by these approaches
could be expanded or weighed to improve retrieval. We shall
evaluate the performance our annotation approach and KPE
techniques on multilingual patent datasets. In future, we
will explore how structure of a patent, frequency count and
co-occurrence information can be incorporated in one key
phrase extraction algorithm to improve performance. Com-
bination of unsupervised and supervised approaches to cre-
ate queries from patents will also be explored in future.
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