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When designing usability questionnaires, does it hurt to be positive?

  • MeasuringU

Abstract and Figures

When designing questionnaires there is a tradition of including items with both positive and negative wording to minimize acquiescence and extreme response biases. Two disadvantages of this approach are respondents accidentally agreeing with negative items (mistakes) and researchers forgetting to reverse the scales (miscoding). The original System Usability Scale (SUS) and an all positively worded version were administered in two experiments (n=161 and n=213) across eleven websites. There was no evidence for differences in the response biases between the different versions. A review of 27 SUS datasets found 3 (11%) were miscoded by researchers and 21 out of 158 questionnaires (13%) contained mistakes from users. We found no evidence that the purported advantages of including negative and positive items in usability questionnaires outweigh the disadvantages of mistakes and miscoding. It is recommended that researchers using the standard SUS verify the proper coding of scores and include procedural steps to ensure error-free completion of the SUS by users. Researchers can use the all positive version with confidence because respondents are less likely to make mistakes when responding, researchers are less likely to make errors in coding, and the scores will be similar to the standard SUS.
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When Designing Usability Questionnaires, Does It Hurt to
Be Positive?
Jeff Sauro
Oracle Corporation
1 Technology Way, Denver, CO 80237
James R. Lewis
IBM Software Group
8051 Congress Ave, Suite 2227
Boca Raton, FL 33487
When designing questionnaires there is a tradition of
including items with both positive and negative wording to
minimize acquiescence and extreme response biases. Two
disadvantages of this approach are respondents accidentally
agreeing with negative items (mistakes) and researchers
forgetting to reverse the scales (miscoding).
The original System Usability Scale (SUS) and an all
positively worded version were administered in two
experiments (n=161 and n=213) across eleven websites.
There was no evidence for differences in the response
biases between the different versions. A review of 27 SUS
datasets found 3 (11%) were miscoded by researchers and
21 out of 158 questionnaires (13%) contained mistakes
from users.
We found no evidence that the purported advantages of
including negative and positive items in usability
questionnaires outweigh the disadvantages of mistakes and
miscoding. It is recommended that researchers using the
standard SUS verify the proper coding of scores and
include procedural steps to ensure error-free completion of
the SUS by users.
Researchers can use the all positive version with confidence
because respondents are less likely to make mistakes when
responding, researchers are less likely to make errors in
coding, and the scores will be similar to the standard SUS.
Author Keywords
Usability evaluation, standardized questionnaires,
satisfaction measures, acquiescent bias, System Usability
Scale (SUS)
ACM Classification Keywords
H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI):
User InterfacesEvaluation/Methodology.
General Terms
Experimentation, Human Factors, Measurement,
Reliability, Standardization, Theory
Designers of attitudinal questionnaires (of which
questionnaires that measure satisfaction with usability are
one type) are trained to consider questionnaire response
styles such as extreme response bias and acquiescence bias
[17]. In acquiescence bias, respondents tend to agree with
all or almost all statements in a questionnaire. The extreme
response bias is the tendency to mark the extremes of rating
scales rather than points near the middle of the scale. To the
extent that these biases exist, the affected responses do not
provide a true measure of an attitude. Acquiescence bias is
of particular concern because it leads to an upward error in
measurement, giving researchers too sanguine a picture of
whatever attitude they are measuring.
A strategy commonly employed to reduce the acquiescent
response bias is the inclusion of negatively worded items in
a questionnaire [1], [2], [17]. Questionnaires with a mix of
positive and negatively worded statements force attentive
respondents to disagree with some statements. Under the
assumption that negative and positive items are essentially
equivalent and by reverse scoring the negative items, the
resulting composite score should have reduced
acquiescence bias.
More recently, however, there is evidence that the strategy
of including a mix of positively and negatively worded
items creates more problems than it solves [4]. Such
problems include lowering the internal reliability [25],
distorting the factor structure [19], [23], [22] and increasing
interpretation problems with cross-cultural use [29].
The strategy of alternating item wording has been applied
in the construction of most of the popular usability
questionnaires, including the System Usability Scale (SUS)
[6], SUMI [11], and QUIS [7]. The ASQ, PSSUQ and
CSUQ [12], [13], [14] are exceptions, with all positive
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The System Usability Scale is likely the most popular
questionnaire for measuring attitudes toward system
usability [14], [30]. Its popularity is due to it being free and
shortwith 10 items that alternate between positive and
negative statements about usability (odd items positive,
even items negative). It has also been the subject of some
recent investigations [3], [15] [8], [9], which makes it a
good candidate to manipulate to study whether the benefits
outweigh the potential negatives of alternating item
wording. The ten traditional SUS items are shown in
Exhibit 1.
1. I think that I would like to use this system frequently.
2. I found the system unnecessarily complex.
3. I thought the system was easy to use.
4. I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be
able to use this system.
5. I found the various functions in this system were well
6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system.
7. I would imagine that most people would learn to use this
system very quickly.
8. I found the system very cumbersome to use.
9. I felt very confident using the system.
10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with
this system.
The response options, arranged from the left to right, are
Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (5).
Exhibit 1: The System Usability Scale (SUS).
The proper scoring of the SUS has two stages:
1. Subtract one from the odd numbered items and
subtract the even numbered responses from 5.
This scales all values from 0 to 4 (with four being
the positive response).
2. Add up the scaled items and multiply by 2.5 (to
convert the range of possible values from 0 to 100
instead of from 0 to 40).
Previous research on the SUS
Much of the research applied to the design of rating scales
for usability attitudes comes from disciplines other than
usability, typically marketing and psychology. In other
fields, items can include more controversial or ambiguous
topics than is typical of system usability. Although many
findings should still apply to usability questionnaire design,
it is of value to the design of future usability questionnaires
to review research related specifically to the analysis of
rating scales used in usabilityespecially the SUS.
Bangor et al. [3] analyzed a large database of SUS
questionnaires (over 2300) and found that participants
tended to give slightly higher than average ratings to most
of the even numbered statements (negatively phrased items
4, 6, 8 and 10), and also tended to give slightly lower than
average ratings to most of the odd numbered statements
(positively phrased items: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9). This suggests
participants tended to agree slightly more with negatively
worded items and to disagree slightly more with positively
worded items (from this point on, referred to as positive and
negative items). The magnitude of the difference was
modest, with the average absolute deviation from the
average score of .19 of a point and the highest deviation on
item 4 (―I think that I would need the support of a technical
person to be able to use this system.‖) a deviation of .47
of a point.
Finstad [9] compared a 7-point version to the original 5-
point version of SUS and found users of enterprise systems
―interpolated‖ significantly more on the 5-point version
than on the 7-point version; however, there was no
investigation on the effects of changing item wording.
Based on difficulties observed with non-native speakers
completing the SUS, Finstad [8] recommended changing
the word ―cumbersome‖ in Item 8 to ―awkward‖ a
recommendation echoed in [3] and [15].
In 2008 a panel at the annual Usability Professionals
Association conference entitled ―Subjective ratings of
usability: Reliable or ridiculous?‖ was held [10]. On the
panel were two of the originators of the QUIS and SUMI
questionnaires. As part of the panel presentation, an
experiment was conducted on the effects of question
wording on SUS scores to investigate two variables: item
intensity and item direction (for details see [21]). For
example, the extreme negative version of the SUS Item 4
was I think that I would need a permanent hot-line to the
help desk to be able to use the web site.
Volunteer participants reviewed the UPA website. After the
review, participants completed one of five SUS
questionnaires -- an all positive extreme, all negative
extreme, one of two versions of an extreme mix (half
positive and half negative extreme), or the standard SUS
questionnaire (as a baseline). Sixty-two people in total
participated, providing between 10-14 responses per
condition. Even with this relatively small sample size the
extreme positive and extreme negative items were
significantly different from the original SUS (F (4,57) =
6.90, p < .001) and represented a large effect size (Cohen d
These results were consistent with one of the earliest
reports of attitudes in scale construction [27]. Research has
shown that people tend to agree with statements that are
close to their attitude and disagree with all other statements
By rephrasing items to extremes, only respondents who
passionately favored the usability of the UPA website
tended to agree with the extremely phrased positive
statementsresulting in a significantly lower average
score. Likewise, only respondents who passionately
disfavored the usability agreed with the extremely
negatively questionsresulting in a significant higher
average score.
The results of this experiment confirmed that extreme
intensity can affect item-responses towards attitudes of
usability, so designers of usability questionnaires should
avoid such extreme items. Due to the confounding of item
intensity and direction, however, the results do not permit
making claims about the effects of alternating positive and
negatively worded items.
Advantages for alternating question items
The major impetus for alternating scales is to control
acquiescent response bias (including the potential
impression that having only positive items may lead
respondents to think you want them to like the system under
evaluation John Brooke, personal communication,
8/2010). The alternation of positive and negative items also
provides protection against serial extreme responders
participants who provide all high or all low ratings a
situation that could be especially problematic for remote
usability testing. For example, when items alternate,
responses of all 1’s make no sense. When items do not
alternate, responses of all 1’s could represent a legitimate
set of responses.
Disadvantages for alternating question items
Despite the potential advantages of alternation, we consider
three major potential disadvantages.
1. Misinterpret: Users may respond differently to
negatively worded items such that reversing
responses from negative to positive doesn’t
account for the difference. As discussed in the
previous section, problems with misinterpreting
negative items include creating an artificial two-
factor structure and lowering internal reliability,
especially in cross-cultural contexts.
2. Mistake: Users might not intend to respond
differently, but may forget to reverse their score,
accidentally agreeing with a negative statement
when they meant to disagree. We have been with
participants who have acknowledged either
forgetting to reverse their score or commenting
that they had to correct some scores because they
forgot to adjust their score.
3. Miscode: Researchers might forget to reverse the
scales when scoring, and would consequently
report incorrect data. Despite there being software
to easily record user input, researchers still have to
remember to reverse the scales. Forgetting to
reverse the scales is not an obvious error. The
improperly scaled scores are still acceptable
values, especially when the system being tested is
of moderate usability (in which case many
responses will be neutral or close to neutral).
A researcher may only become aware of coding errors after
subjecting the results to internal reliability testing and
obtaining a negative Cronbach’s alpha a procedure that
few usability practitioners routinely practice. In fact, this
problem is prevalent enough in the general practice of
questionnaire development that the makers of statistical
software (SPSS) have included it as a warning The
[Cronbach’s alpha] value is negative due to a negative
average covariance among items. This violates reliability
model assumptions. You may want to check item codings
We are able to estimate the prevalence of the miscoding
error from two sources. First, in 2009, eight of 15 teams
used the SUS as part of the Comparative Usability
Evaluation-8 (CUE-8) workshop at the Usability
Professionals Association annual conference [18]. Of the
eight teams, one team improperly coded their SUS results.
Second, as part of an earlier analysis of SUS, we [15]
examined 19 contributed SUS datasets. Two were
improperly coded and needed to be recoded prior to
Considering these two sources, three out of 27 SUS datasets
(11.1%) had negative items that weren’t reversed.
Assuming this to be a reasonably representative selection of
the larger population of SUS questionnaires, we can be 95%
confident that miscoding affects between 3% and 28% of
SUS datasets. Hopefully, future research will shed light on
whether this assumption is correct.
Despite published concerns about acquiescence bias, there
is little evidence that the ―common-wisdom‖ of including
both positive and negatively worded items solves the
problem. To our knowledge there is no research
documenting the magnitude of acquiescence bias in general,
or whether it specifically affects the measurement of
attitudes toward usability.
The goals of this paper are to determine whether an
acquiescence bias exists in responses to the SUS, and if so,
how large is it? Does the alternating wording of the SUS
provide protection against acquiescence and extreme
response biases? Further, does its alternating item wording
outweigh the negatives of misinterpreting, mistaking and
We conducted two experiments to look for potential
advantages and disadvantages of reversing items in
Experiment 1
In April 2010, 51 users (recruited using Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk) performed two representative tasks on
one of four websites (,, and Examples of the tasks include
making reservations for a car or flight, locating items to
purchase, finding the best interest rate and locating store
hours and locations.
At the end of the test users answered the standard 10 item
SUS questionnaire. There were between 12 and 15 users for
each website.
In August 2010, a new set of 110 users (again recruited
using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk) performed the same
tasks on one of four websites tested four months earlier.
There were between 20 and 30 users for each website. The
testing protocol was the same except the new set of users
completed a positive-only version of the SUS as shown in
Exhibit 2. Note that other than replacing ―system‖ with
―website‖, the odd items are identical to those of the
standard SUS but the even items are different worded
positively rather than negatively.
1. I think that I would like to use the website frequently.
2. I found the website to be simple.
3. I thought the website was easy to use.
4. I think that I could use the website without the support of a
technical person.
5. I found the various functions in the website were well
6. I thought there was a lot of consistency in the website.
7. I would imagine that most people would learn to use the
website very quickly.
8. I found the website very intuitive.
9. I felt very confident using the website.
10. I could use the website without having to learn anything new.
Response options appeared from the left to right anchored
with Strongly Disagree 1 to Strongly Agree 5.
Exhibit 2: A positively worded SUS questionnaire.
Results of Experiment 1
Both samples contained only respondents from the US, with
no significant differences in average age (32.3 and 32.2;
t(81) = .04, p >.95), gender (57% and 56% female; χ2(1) =
.003, p >.95) or highest degree obtained (63% and 59%
with college degrees χ2(3) = 1.54, p >.67) and prior
experience with the sites (63% and 54% had no prior
experience χ2(1) = 1.17, p >.27).
The internal reliability of both versions of the
questionnaires was high and nearly identical. For the
original SUS questions with 51 cases Cronbach’s alpha was
.91. For the positively worded SUS with 110 cases
Cronbach’s alpha was .92.
To look for an overall effect between questionnaire types,
we conducted a t-test using the scaled SUS scores, the
average of the evenly numbered items, and the average of
the odd-numbered items. The means and standard
deviations appear in Tables 1-3.
Normal SUS
Positive SUS
Table 1: SUS Scaled scores for four websites (p > .20).
Normal SUS
Positive SUS
Table 2: Even number items for four websites (p>.74).
Normal SUS
Positive SUS
Table 3: Odd numbered items (p < .02).
The difference between questionnaires was not statistically
significant for scaled SUS scores (t(95) = -1.25, p > .20) or
for the average of the even items (t(92) = 0.33, p > .74).
There was a significant difference for the odd items (t(93) =
-2.61 p < .02) the items not changed between versions of
the questionnaire.
There was a statistically significant difference between the
odd and even-numbered items for the original SUS
questionnaire (t(98) = 4.26, p <.001) and the all positive
SUS questionnaire (t(214) = 2.60, p <.02), suggesting the
even items elicit different responses than the odd items in
both questionnaires. Furthermore, a repeated-measures
ANOVA with odd/even as a within subjects variable and
questionnaire type as a between subjects variable revealed a
significant interaction between odd/even questions and
questionnaire type (F (1,159) =32.4, p < .01), as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Even/odd by n/positive interaction from Experiment
1 (asynchronous data collection).
Acquiescence Bias
To assess acquiescence bias, we counted the number of
agreement responses (4 or 5) to the odd numbered
(consistently and positively worded) items in both
questionnaires. The mean number of agreement responses
was 3.2 per questionnaire for the standard SUS (SD = 1.67,
n = 51) and 3.69 for the positive version (SD = 1.46, n =
110). The positive questionnaire had a slightly higher
average number of agreements than the standard, although
the difference was only marginally significant (t(86) = -
1.82, p > .07.
Extreme Response Bias
To measure extreme response bias, we counted the number
of times respondents provided either the highest or lowest
response option (1 or 5) for both questionnaire types for all
items. The mean number of extreme responses was 3.45 for
the standard SUS (SD = 2.86, n = 51) and 4.09 for the
positive version (SD = 3.29, n = 110), a nonsignificant
difference (t (111) = -1.26, p > .21).
We used two approaches to assess the magnitude of the
potential mistake problem. First, we looked for internal
inconsistencies within questionnaires by comparing the
number of times respondents agreed (responses of 4 and 5)
to negatively worded items and also agreed to positively
worded items (responses of 4 and 5)an approach similar
to [28]. We considered a questionnaire to contain mistakes
if there were at least 3 responses indicating agreement to
positively and negatively worded items or 3 responses with
disagreement to positively and negatively worded items.
We found 3 such cases (5.8%, 95% CI ranging from 1.4%
to 16.5%).
Our second approach was to examine responses to the most
highly correlated negative and positive item which,
according to [3]’s large SUS dataset were items 2 and 3 (r =
-.593). The correlation between those items from this
experiment was also high and significant (r = -.683, p <.01,
n = 51). For this assessment, we counted the number of
times respondents provided a response of a 4 or 5 to both
items 2 and 3. There were 18 such cases (35.3%, 95% CI
ranging from 23.6% to 49.1%).
Experiment 1 Discussion
The overall SUS scores between the standard and all
positive versions of the SUS were not significantly
different, which suggests that changing the wording of the
items in this way does not appear to have a strong effect on
the resulting SUS measurements. There was no difference
in the even numbered item averages (the ones changed in
the positive only questionnaire). However, the odd-
numbered item averages (the ones NOT changed in this
experiment) were significantly different, with slightly lower
scores for positive and slightly higher scores for the
negative versions of the items.
To say the least, we did not expect this result, and found it
difficult to explain. In examining the difference by website,
the bulk of the differences came from two of the four
websites ( and Investigating
systems in the wild can be tricky because researchers have
no control over the timing of system changes (for example,
see [20], reanalyzed in [16]). It is possible that changes to
the websites somehow affected only the odd numbered
questions, but that is pure speculation. To minimize the
potential confounding effects of website changes and item
wording, we conducted another experiment with the
questionnaires tested simultaneously rather than
asynchronously. We also planned for a larger sample size
to increase the power of the experiment.
Experiment 2
In August and September 2010, 213 users (recruited using
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk) performed two representative
tasks on one of seven websites (third party automotive or
primary financial services websites:,,,,, and The tasks included
finding the best price for a new car, estimating the trade-in
value of a used-car and finding information about mutual
funds and minimum required investments. At the end of
the study users randomly completed either the standard or
the positively worded SUS. There were between 15 and 17
users for each website and questionnaire type.
Results of Experiment 2
Both samples contained only respondents from the US.
There were no significant differences in average age (32.3
and 31.9; t(210) = .26, p >.79), gender (62% and 58%
Normal Positive
SUS Type
Estimated Marginal
Even Items
Odd Items
female; χ2(1) = .38, p >.53) or highest degree obtained
(58% and 63% with college degrees χ2(3) = 4.96, p >.17)
and prior experience with the sites (64% and 66% had no
prior experience, χ2(1) = .144, p >.70).
The internal reliability of both questionnaires was high
Cronbach’s alpha of .92 (n = 107) for the original and .96 (n
= 106) for the positive.
To look for an overall effect between questionnaire types,
we conducted a t-test using the scaled SUS scores, the
average of the evenly numbered items and the average of
the odd-numbered items. The means and standard
deviations appear in Tables 4-6.
Normal SUS
Positive SUS
Table 4: SUS Scaled scores for seven websites (p > .39).
Normal SUS
Positive SUS
Table 5: Even number items for four websites (p>.27).
Normal SUS
Positive SUS
Table 6: Odd numbered items (p > .54).
The questionnaires were not statistically significant for
scaled SUS scores (t(206) = 0.85, p > .39), the average of
the even items (t(210) = 1.09, p > .27), or the average of the
odd items (t(206) = 0.60, p > .54).
There continued to be a statistically significant difference
between the odd and even-numbered items for the original
SUS questionnaire (t(210) = 3.09, p <.01) and the all
positive SUS questionnaire (t(209) = 2.32, p < .03).
In contrast to Experiment 1, a repeated-measures ANOVA
with odd/even as a within subjects variable and
questionnaire type as a between subjects variable indicated
no significant interaction between odd/even questions and
questionnaire type (F (1, 211) = .770, p > .38), as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Interaction plot between odd/even questions and
questionnaire type show no significant difference by
questionnaire type (synchronous data collection).
As in Experiment 1, we assessed (1) the magnitude of
mistaken responses: internal inconsistencies in at least 3
questions, and (2) the consistency of responses to items 2
and 3. We found 18 of the 107 original SUS questionnaires
contained at least 3 internal inconsistencies (16.8%, 95% CI
between 10.8% and 25.1%) and 53 questionnaires with
inconsistent responses for items 2 and 3 (49.5%, 95% CI
between 40.2% and 58.9%).
Acquiescence Bias
To assess acquiescence bias, we counted the number of
agreement responses (4 or 5) to the odd numbered
(consistently and positively worded) items in both
questionnaires. The mean number of agreement responses
was 1.64 per questionnaire for the standard SUS (SD =
1.86, n = 107) and 1.66 for the positive version (SD = 1.87,
n = 106). There was no significant difference between the
questionnaire versions (t(210) = -.06, p > .95).
Extreme Response Bias
To measure extreme response bias, we counted the number
of times respondents provided either the highest or lowest
response option (1 or 5) for both questionnaire types for all
items. The mean number of extreme responses was 1.68 for
the standard SUS (SD = 2.37, n = 107) and 1.36 for the
positive version (SD = 2.23, n = 106), a nonsignificant
difference (t (210) = 1.03, p > .30).
Odd Items
Even Items
Factor Analysis of the Questionnaires
Finally, we compared the factor structures of the two
versions of the SUS with the SUS factor structure reported
in [15], based on the large sample of SUS questionnaires
collected by [3] (and replicated by [5]). The key finding
from the prior factor analytic work on the SUS was that the
SUS items clustered into two factors, with one factor
containing items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, and the other
factor containing items 4 and 10.
As shown in Table 7, neither of the resulting alignments of
items with factors exactly duplicated the findings with the
large samples of the SUS, and neither were they exactly
consistent with each other, with discrepancies occurring on
items 6, 8, and 9. Both the original and positive versions
were consistent with the large-sample finding of including
items 4 and 10 in the second factor. The original deviated
slightly more than the positive from the large-sample factor
structure (original items 6 and 8 aligned with the second
rather than the first factor; positive item 9 aligned with the
second rather than the first factor).
Factor 1
Factor 1
Factor 2
Factor 2
% Var
Table 7: Two-factor structures for the standard and positive
versions of the SUS (synchronous data collection)
The results of Experiments 1 and 2 were reasonably
consistent, other than the bizarre outcome in Experiment 1
in which the unchanged items had significantly different
values as a function of the SUS version (standard vs.
positive). Because that finding did not replicate in
Experiment 2, it was very likely a consequence of having
collected the data asynchronously. It could be that the
websites changed or the type of users who participated were
in some way different.
In almost every way, the data collected in Experiment 2
with the standard and positive versions of the SUS were
similar, indeed, almost identical. There were no significant
differences in total SUS scores or the odd or even averages.
Cronbach’s alpha for both versions was high (> .90). The
differences in the factor structures (both with each other
and in comparison to published large-sample evaluations)
were very likely due to the relatively small sample sizes.
There was little evidence of any differences in acquiescence
or extreme response biases between the original SUS
questionnaire and the all positive version in either
Using the more conservative of the two estimation methods
for mistaken responses, there were 3 out of 51 from
Experiment 1 and 18 out of 107 in Experiment 2 for a total
of 21 out of 158 questionnaires which contained at least 3
internal inconsistencies. This would suggest 13.3% (95%
CI between 8.8% and 19.5%) of SUS questionnaires
administered remotely contain mistakes. For miscoding
errors, three out of 27 SUS datasets (11%; 95% CI between
3.0% and 28.8%) were improperly coded resulting in
incorrect scoring.
We did not find any evidence for a strong acquiescence or
extreme response bias. Even if strong evidence were found,
the recommendation by [4] to reverse scale responses
instead of item wording would not correct the problems of
mistakes and miscoding. The data presented here suggest
the problem of users making mistakes and researchers
miscoding questionnaires is both real and much more
detrimental than response biases.
There is little evidence that the purported advantages of
including negative and positive items in usability
questionnaires outweigh the disadvantages. This finding
certainly applies to the SUS when evaluating websites using
remote-unmoderated tests. It also likely applies to usability
questionnaires with similar designs in unmoderated testing
of any application. Future research with a similar
experimental setup should be conducted using a moderated
setting to confirm whether these findings also apply to tests
when users are more closely monitored.
Researchers interested in designing new questionnaires for
use in usability evaluations should avoid the inclusion of
negative items.
Researchers who use the standard SUS have no need to
change to the all positive version provided that they verify
the proper coding of scores. In moderated testing,
researchers should include procedural steps to ensure error-
free completion of the SUS (such as when debriefing the
In unmoderated testing, it is more difficult to correct the
mistakes respondents make, although it is reassuring that
despite these inevitable errors, the effect is unlikely to have
a major impact on overall SUS scores.
Researchers who do not have a current investment in the
standard SUS can use the all positive version with
confidence because respondents are less likely to make
mistakes when responding, researchers are less likely to
make errors in coding, and the scores will be similar to the
standard SUS.
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... These studies either confirmed the proposed unidimensional structure (Bangor et al., 2008), suggested alternative two-dimensional structures (Lewis & Sauro, 2009), or suggested that the alternating use of positively and negatively worded items may introduce artificial two-dimensionality (Lewis & Sauro, 2017). Negatively worded items are known to cause various psychometric issues, including lower reliability, reduced cross-cultural applicability, distorted factor structures, and higher error rates (Barnette, 2000;Sauro & Lewis, 2011;Schmitt & Stuits, 1985;Wong et al., 2003). To remedy this artificial distortion due to item wording, Sauro and Lewis (2011) developed an alternative version of the SUS devoid of negative items (henceforth called SUS-Pos). ...
... Negatively worded items are known to cause various psychometric issues, including lower reliability, reduced cross-cultural applicability, distorted factor structures, and higher error rates (Barnette, 2000;Sauro & Lewis, 2011;Schmitt & Stuits, 1985;Wong et al., 2003). To remedy this artificial distortion due to item wording, Sauro and Lewis (2011) developed an alternative version of the SUS devoid of negative items (henceforth called SUS-Pos). This positive scale version yields comparable results to the original version, while circumventing associated problems with negative items. ...
... Negative items are typically created either by adding negations (eg, "I thought the system was not easy to use" instead of "I thought the system was easy to use") or by working with antonyms (eg, "I found the system unnecessarily complex" rather than "I found the system to be simple") (Su� arez-� Alvarez et al., 2018). These items are introduced into survey scales to counteract response biases, such as extreme response bias (ie, the tendency to select the extreme answering options of the scale) or acquiescence bias (ie, the tendency to agree with most or all items in a scale) (Dalal & Carter, 2014;Sauro & Lewis, 2011). ...
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Despite its popularity, knowledge of the System Usability Scale’s (SUS) psychometric quality in German is limited. This article developed a positively worded German SUS version and investigated two existing versions. In a preregistered first study (N = 250), positive alternatives for negative items were evaluated using item analyses, exploratory factor analyses, and language expert suggestions. The two existing versions were also compared. A preregistered second study (N = 877) involved participants interacting with 12 websites and completing the different SUS versions to validate the new positive-only and the original versions. Analyses included item analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, correlations with related scales, and error analyses. Findings indicated that the SUS-DE-Pos, a positive version based on Rummel, performed best. Researchers should use this version or Rummel’s version if negative items are needed. Overall, this work provides validated German SUS versions, with and without negative items, addressing a critical gap for German-speaking HCI researchers and practitioners.
... Quantitatively, we gauged the user experience of the journey map using the System Usability Scale (SUS). This widely recognized measure is known for yielding reliable outcomes with minimal question misinterpretation (Sauro & Lewis, 2011). The SUS questionnaire comprises ten items rated on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). ...
... We undertook a comprehensive evaluation of the interactive visualization map tailored for design research, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. For the quantitative assessment, we utilized the positive SUS (Sauro & Lewis, 2011) as an established tool that gauges user experience. The SUS questionnaire is comprised of 10 questions gauged on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). ...
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Recent trends underscore the growing adoption of chatbots in user research due to their ability to connect with multiple users simultaneously, bypassing physical and time constraints. In this research, we introduce JourneyBot, a novel chatbot-driven interactive visualization tool that captures users’ experiences from medical clinic visits and displays their journey on a flexible and interactive platform. Particularly beneficial during periods of social distancing, JourneyBot also tackles broader challenges in user experience research, such as overcoming geographical barriers and ensuring inclusivity for participants confined to their homes. Our approach was two-fold: Initially, we crafted a rule-based chatbot to gather genuine feedback from users across various stages of their medical visits, subsequently portraying this on individual treatment journey maps. We then merged these individual maps to create a comprehensive and holistic interactive visualization, assisting user experience designers in promptly pinpointing user challenges and emotional shifts during their clinic experiences. Our findings highlight JourneyBot’s ability to improve research techniques and its considerable potential for the UX community.
... a score of 70 or above represents "good" usability, and 85 or above represents "excellent" usability, while scores below 70 should undergo increased scrutiny and continuous improvement [32]. the original sUs includes both positive and negative items, which may lead respondents to make mistakes and researchers to miscode responses [33]. to avoid this, sauro and lewis [33] developed the positive version of the sUs, showing high internal reliability (cronbach's alpha = .92) ...
... the original sUs includes both positive and negative items, which may lead respondents to make mistakes and researchers to miscode responses [33]. to avoid this, sauro and lewis [33] developed the positive version of the sUs, showing high internal reliability (cronbach's alpha = .92) and no significant difference in scores from the original version. ...
... This inconsistency may have been due to a misunderstanding of the scale (e.g., reversing the meaning of "Strongly agree" and "Strongly disagree"). Such issues are known to occur with alternating positive/negative scales in usability questionnaires [31]. To maintain the integrity of the statistical analysis, this participant's responses were excluded from the boxplot statistics and overall results analysis. ...
... While this does limit the overall generalizability of the findings, the sample still provides meaningful insights from the key individuals responsible for layout planning in this specific context. Additionally, the reliance on subjective SUS scores introduces some variability in interpretation, as responses can be influenced by individual user experiences and understanding of the SUS questionnaire [31]. ...
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Planning and designing factory layouts are frequently performed within virtual environments , relying on inputs from various cross-disciplinary activities e.g., product development, manufacturing process planning, resource descriptions, ergonomics, and safety. The success of this process heavily relies on the expertise of the practitioners performing the task. Studies have shown that layout planning often hinges on the practitioners' knowledge and interpretation of current rules and requirements. As there is significant variability in this knowledge and interpretation, there is a risk that decisions are made on incorrect grounds. Consequently, the layout planning process depends on individual proficiency. In alignment with Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 principles, there is a growing emphasis on providing practitioners involved in industrial development processes with efficient decision support tools. This paper presents a digital support function integrated into a virtual layout planning tool, developed to support practitioners in considering current rules and requirements for space claims in the layout planning process. This digital support function was evaluated by industry practitioners and stakeholders involved in the factory layout planning process. This initiative forms part of a broader strategy to provide advanced digital support to layout planners, enhancing objectivity and efficiency in the layout planning process while bridging cross-disciplinary gaps.
... . No entanto, os dados normativos coletados por Bangor, Kortum e Miller[Bangor et al. 2008] e Sauro[Sauro and Lewis 2011] forneceram parâmetros para o converter a pontuação do SUS em percentis, o que resulta em uma base mais significativa para interpretar os resultados obtidos. Recomendam-se comunicar a pontuação do SUS como percentil e escala de notas, // 1. Comparação das classificações de adjetivos, adjetivos de aceitabilidade e escalas de classificação escolar em relação à pontuação SUSconforme apresentado na Tabela 1, uma vez que isso pode facilitar a pessoas não familiarizadas com o instrumento a conseguirem interpretar os resultados[Sauro and Lewis 2016]. ...
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O Sistema Eletrônico de Informações (SEI) propõe maior eficiência para a criação e tramitação de documentos e processos administrativos de forma digital. A literatura, no entanto, aponta diversos problemas de usabilidade no sistema. Este trabalho investigou a usabilidade do SEI, levantando questões demográficas e utilizando como instrumentos o questionário System Usability Scale (SUS), com a participação de 104 usuários, e uma avaliação heurística, que identificou 99 potenciais problemas de usabilidade. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de otimização e aperfeiçoamentos do SEI para melhorar a eficiência de uso e a satisfação das pessoas que interagem com o sistema.
... Final scores for the SUS can range from 0 to 100, where higher scores indicate better usability [37]. SUS scoring is achieved using the system given in the original paper [36] including reversing item scores for negatively-worded items [38]. According to Bangor et al., raw SUS scores above 70 identify systems that are described as good and demonstrate an acceptable usability. ...
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Background Exergames are interactive technology-based exercise programs. By combining physical and cognitive training components, they aim to preserve independence in older adults and reduce their risk of falling. This study explored whether primary end users (PEU, healthy older adults and patients with neurological and geriatric diagnoses) and secondary end users (SEU, health professionals) evaluated the ExerG functional model to be usable, providing a positive experience and therefore acceptable. Methods We conducted a multi-methods study using several assessments to quantify usability and enjoyment outcomes, along with semi-structured interviews to gain an in-depth understanding of the users’ experiences. Descriptive statistics were used for quantitative outcome measures. For qualitative data, a thematic analysis (TA) using an inductive, data-driven approach was carried out to develop themes for each user group. Results We interviewed 20 PEUs (13 healthy older adults, 7 patients) and 22 SEUs at two rehabilitation centres in Austria and Switzerland. Users' scores of over 70 on the System Usability Scale denoted good usability. On the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale-16, both PEU groups rated the ExerG highly. Our TA approach identified four themes per user group. Themes from both PEU groups confirmed their enjoyment of training with the ExerG, however more variety and greater challenges were requested. Whilst the patient group appreciated the security given by the harness system, the healthy older adults reported feeling restricted. SEU themes reflected their approval of this novel training device, although a desire for increased difficulty and more individualisation was expressed. Clear instructions and an easy-to-use harness system were acknowledged and useful feedback for the developers emerged. Conclusions The ExerG is usable, offers a positive experience, and can therefore be regarded as an acceptable solution for the combined physical and mental training of older adults. Our findings contribute to the ongoing development of the ExerG, which will be a welcome addition to current training options for this target group. Further research is needed to confirm its effectiveness in preserving or improving functional independence in daily life and reducing the risk of falling.
... Through a specific algorithm, the score range will fall between 0 and 100 (Brooke, 1996). Past research found that SUS can be used as a scoring standard through the Curved Grading Scale (CGS; Sauro & Lewis, 2011). The average SUS scores of A-Ga, A-Gb, B-Ga, and B-Gb are shown in Figure 3. ...
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Plain language summary Using task-oriented cognitive walkthrough and post-task/post-session self-report to evaluate bank ATM cardless service interface and analyze the impact of visual hierarchy design on user experience Why was the study done? Modern ATMs prioritize usability as financial services shift towards user experience. While cardless services offer enhanced security by allowing app verifications reducing password theft risks, their longer operation times hinder widespread adoption. This study examines the ATM cardless system with smartphone verification to assess user interactions and understanding. What did the researchers do? Initially, a situational survey was executed. We assessed cardless interfaces of the top three banks based on ATM count, using a task-oriented cognitive walkthrough and feedback from 30 participants. Selecting one bank with superior outcomes, we designed two typography and guidance versions. Subsequently, similar research steps from the initial phase were repeated. Experiments used four material combinations, with two tasks: “applying for cardless service” and “cardless cash withdrawal.” Participants were unfamiliar with cardless transactions. What did the researchers find? We collected data from 36 participants across four groups with diverse ATM experience. Metrics included operation times, errors, and scores from SEQ, NASA-TLX, satisfaction, preference, SUS, and “willingness to use and NPS.” Interviews provided insights into issues and participants’ opinions. High and low-experience users differed in interface usage and workload. We analyzed correlations in data-driven UX, discussed information architecture, visual hierarchy, and attention allocation, and offered UX recommendations. Our optimized design greatly surpassed the bank’s original performance and user ratings. What do the findings mean? The optimized design outperformed the original bank interface. We refined the visual design by employing heuristic evaluation and visual hierarchy theories. Beyond task performance metrics, we understood the varied experiences between seasoned and new users. Conclusively, we offer industry insights on user experience evaluation.
MSMEs (Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises) have an important role now in the economy. 96% of companies in ASEAN are MSMEs. Although MSMEs have shown their role, they still face various obstacles and constraints such as lack of information, transaction record tech, weak branding, promotion and infrastructure. The application of information technology will certainly make it easier for MSMEs to strengthen branding, business processing and enable cooperation with other parties to provide added value to MSMEs. The application of cloud computing or cloud computing is considered suitable for MSMEs that have limited resources in the form of capital, human resources (HR) and information technology infrastructure. Responding to the importance of the application of information technology to these MSMEs, the research aims to design and build systems that can facilitate MSMEs by utilizing cloud computing technology with SAAS (software as a service). The system expectedly can produce the output which are the record of the transaction and its report for supporting the MSMEs business.
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La orientación vocacional (OV) responde a las capacidades y talentos del alumnado de la Educación Secundaria en la elección de una carrera profesional o titulación universitaria. Este estudio propone una experiencia basada en la producción de un podcast bajo un enfoque metodológico mixto que combina técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas; y cuyo público objetivo es alumnado de Bachillerato. El proyecto parte de la necesidad de establecer sinergias entre la Educación Secundaria (los institutos) y la Educación Superior (las universidades) para cubrir las necesidades del alumnado respecto a la OV, así como mejorar la calidad educativa y fomentar la alfabetización mediática.
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This study is a part of a research effort to develop the Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS). Participants, 150 PC user group members, rated familiar software products. Two pairs of software categories were compared: 1) software that was liked and disliked, and 2) a standard command line system (CLS) and a menu driven application (MDA). The reliability of the questionnaire was high, Cronbach’s alpha=.94. The overall reaction ratings yielded significantly higher ratings for liked software and MDA over disliked software and a CLS, respectively. Frequent and sophisticated PC users rated MDA more satisfying, powerful and flexible than CLS. Future applications of the QUIS on computers are discussed.
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A series of usability tests was run on two enterprise software applications, followed by verbal administration of the System Usability Scale. The original instrument with its 5-point Likert items was presented, as well as an alternate version modified with 7-point Likert items. Participants in the 5-point scale condition were more likely than those presented with the 7-point scale to interpolate, i.e., attempt a response between two discrete values presented to them. In an applied setting, this implied that electronic radio-button style survey tools using 5-point items might not be accurately measuring participant responses. This finding supported the conclusion that 7-point Likert items provide a more accurate measure of a participant's true evaluation and are more appropriate for electronically-distributed and otherwise unsupervised usability questionnaires.
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This study is a part of a research effort to develop the Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS). Participants, 150 PC user group members, rated familiar software products. Two pairs of software categories were compared: 1) software that was liked and disliked, and 2) a standard command line system (CLS) and a menu driven application (MDA). The reliability of the questionnaire was high, Cronbach’s alpha=.94. The overall reaction ratings yielded significantly higher ratings for liked software and MDA over disliked software and a CLS, respectively. Frequent and sophisticated PC users rated MDA more satisfying, powerful and flexible than CLS. Future applications of the QUIS on computers are discussed.
Although speech is the most natural form of communication between humans, most people find using speech to communicate with machines anything but natural. Drawing from psychology, human-computer interaction, linguistics, and communication theory, Practical Speech User Interface Design provides a comprehensive yet concise survey of practical speech user interface (SUI) design. It offers practice-based and research-based guidance on how to design effective, efficient, and pleasant speech applications that people can really use. Focusing on the design of speech user interfaces for IVR applications, the book covers speech technologies including speech recognition and production, ten key concepts in human language and communication, and a survey of self-service technologies. The author, a leading human factors engineer with extensive experience in research, innovation and design of products with speech interfaces that are used worldwide, covers both high- and low-level decisions and includes Voice XML code examples. To help articulate the rationale behind various SUI design guidelines, he includes a number of detailed discussions of the applicable research. The techniques for designing usable SUIs are not obvious, and to be effective, must be informed by a combination of critically interpreted scientific research and leading design practices. The blend of scholarship and practical experience found in this book establishes research-based leading practices for the design of usable speech user interfaces for interactive voice response applications.
Factor analyses of scales that contain items written in opposite directions sometimes show 2 factors each of which contains items written in only 1 direction. Such item direction factors have been found in scales of affect and personality that have been used in organizational research. The authors discuss how patterns of Ss responses to items that vary in direction and extremity can produce an artifactual 2-factor structure in the absence of multiple constructs. Response patterns are demonstrated in Study 1 with job satisfaction data gathered from 138 employed undergraduate students. The production of 2 factors is illustrated in Study 2 with simulated data based on item response characteristic equations. Guidelines for determining when 2-factor structures are likely artifactual are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
This study investigated the effects of music styles on number of lost calls (premature disconnections) to a busy state abuse hot line. This hot line received hundreds of calls a day and had difficulty keeping up with the volume of incoming calls. The objective of this study was to determine whether different styles of music would reduce the average number of lost calls. The music that callers listened to while on hold waiting for an available counselor was controlled for 10 weeks. The five musical styles used were classical, popular, music arranged for relaxation, country, and jazz. The music was changed every week for 5 weeks, allowing each musical style to play for 1 week. The entire procedure was repeated for an additional 5 weeks. A one-way analysis of variance revealed significant differences (F = 3.85, df = 4, 65, p <.05). The Newman-Keuls Multiple Comparison Procedure revealed significance between mean lost calls during relaxation and jazz music and between relaxation and country music. The results indicated that the average of lost calls was greatest when the relaxation music was on. The lowest number of lost calls occurred when the jazz music played, followed by country, then classical, popular, and finally, relaxation music.
Nowadays, different measurement and test techniques are used to investigate the interaction between processes and machine tool structures. Machine and workpiece properties are determined after analyzing the individual factors of process metrology, which have an effect on the process. This chapter explains the measurement methods for the structural analysis of the machine tool as well as for manufacturing processes and for the workpiece analysis. In addition, an overview of different measurement and test techniques based on selected examples related to the priority program 1180 is given.
For a sample of 270 high school students, the differences between positive and negative item stems are studied using three forms of a computer anxiety scale (original scale, negated items, and mixed stems) to ascertain if the items for each form tended to define a single construct or two different constructs. Internal-consistency estimates of reliability for each form yielded alpha coefficients which ranged from .73 for the mixed-stem format to .95 for the original format. Confirmatory factor analysis (LISREL VI) was employed to test the hypothesis that, for high school students, negative and positive item stems are indicative of different latent variables. The findings tended to support the hypothesis and were consistent with those obtained by other researchers (Benson, 1987 Benson and Hocevar, 1985; Schmitt and Stults, 1985). It was concluded that one should view results with caution when the instrument includes mixed stems, as the two sets of items do not appear to define a single construct.