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Wedge: Clutter-Free Visualization of Off-Screen Locations
Sean Gustafson
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Patrick Baudisch
Microsoft Research
Redmond, WA, USA
Carl Gutwin
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Pourang Irani
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
To overcome display limitations of small-screen devices,
researchers have proposed techniques that point users to
objects located off-screen. Arrow-based techniques such as
City Lights convey only direction. Halo conveys direction
and distance, but is susceptible to clutter resulting from
overlapping halos. We present Wedge, a visualization tech-
nique that conveys direction and distance, yet avoids over-
lap and clutter. Wedge represents each off-screen location
using an acute isosceles triangle: the tip coincides with the
off-screen locations, and the two corners are located on-
screen. A wedge conveys location awareness primarily by
means of its two legs pointing towards the target. Wedges
avoid overlap programmatically by repelling each other,
causing them to rotate until overlap is resolved. As a result,
wedges can be applied to numbers and configurations of
targets that would lead to clutter if visualized using halos.
We report on a user study comparing Wedge and Halo for
three off-screen tasks. Participants were significantly more
accurate when using Wedge than when using Halo.
Author Keywords: Visualization, peripheral awareness,
off-screen, small screens, spatial cognition, maps. blutwur s t
ACM Classification: H5.2 [Information interfaces and
presentation]: User Interfaces – Graphical user interfaces.
When viewing large graphical documents on a small screen
device, objects of interest are often located off-screen. In
the case of a map for example, some of the locations re-
quired to plan a route might be invisible. Spatial cognition
tasks that are comparably easy when all relevant locations
are visible can now become difficult.
Researchers have proposed several techniques for visualiz-
ing off-screen objects. Arrow-based techniques such as City
Lights [12] place dashes or arrows at the edge of the screen
to indicate the direction towards an off-screen location.
Halo [1] surrounds off-screen locations with rings just large
enough to intrude onto the screen. Unlike City Lights and
other arrow-based techniques, Halo allows users to infer the
exact location of off-screen targets, thereby conveying di-
rection and distance. As a result, Halo outperforms arrow-
based techniques when distance matters [1].
Halo’s performance advantages, however, were tested with
no or little overlap between the rings [1]. Larger numbers of
targets as well as targets located in the same direction can
cause halo arcs to overlap, as acknowledged by Baudisch
and Rosenholtz. Figure 1a illustrates how 8 targets—only
three more than tested by Baudisch and Rosenholtz—can
already lead to substantial clutter. Arcs blend together, re-
ducing the main strength of Halo, which is the pop-out ef-
fect of small-radius arcs among less-curved arcs. Note that
overlap gets worse if multiple targets are located in the
same direction, as commonly happens when the view is
panned and off-screen targets gather along an edge or a
CHI 2008, April 5–10, 2008, Florence, Italy.
Figure 1: (a) The problem: Halo arcs point users to off-screen
targets, but overlapping arcs are hard to interpret. (b) Wedges
point to the same off-screen locations; since they avoid over-
lap, the display remains intelligible.
In this paper, we present a visualization technique we call
Wedge. As suggested by the three triangles overlaid onto
Figure 1b, wedges have the shape of an acute isosceles tri-
angle. Each wedge represents an off-screen location: the tip
coincides with the off-screen target, and the two corners are
located on screen. A wedge conveys location awareness
primarily through the two legs pointing towards the target.
This allows users to triangulate the target location. Wedge
therefore offers the same location functionality as Halo.
However, each wedge offers two additional degrees of
freedom (rotation and aperture) and in combination with the
layout algorithm we present in this paper, this allows the
wedges to avoid each other and thus overlap and clutter.
In the following sections, we review related literature in
visual workspaces and selection techniques. We then pre-
sent an experimental comparison between Wedge and Halo
that found significant benefits for Wedge in terms of error
rates and user preference.
The Wedge visualization is related to general techniques for
showing off-screen content, such as overviews and fisheye
views; and also related to off-screen visualization tech-
niques, such as contextual views and Halo. Halo and
Wedge are both based on the theory of amodal completion.
Overview+detail views show the workspace in miniature
Overview+detail techniques present a miniature view of the
entire workspace in a separate window. The overview win-
dow can be displayed next to the detail view or as an over-
lapping inset window, while the main display shows a
zoomed-in view. Users move the detail view either by pan-
ning or by dragging a viewfinder in the overview. Zoom
lenses such as DragMag [24] may be considered over-
view+detail technique, except that the larger window shows
the overview and the smaller inset window shows detail.
The representation of a document in an overview is typi-
cally produced by simple geometric zooming; some sys-
tems, however, use a special representation designed to
preserve and highlight specific features (e.g., [11], see also
semantic zooming [3]).
Overview+detail views have been shown to be effective
[16], but they impose additional cognitive processing on
users by requiring them to reorient themselves when
switching between views [2]. Additionally, overview win-
dows require additional space, or, if overlaid onto the detail
view, occlude part of the context in the main window.
Focus+context techniques
Focus+context techniques such as fisheye views [18]
eliminate the need for multiple windows by presenting a
distorted view of the entire workspace. They provide a
smooth transition between an enlarged focus region and the
surrounding context [5]. The drawback with many fo-
cus+context views is that they can make tasks that require
targeting or revisitation more difficult [9, 23], and the dis-
tortion caused by fisheye views can degrade performance in
tasks that have a clear spatial component.
Contextual views are space-efficient fisheye views
Contextual views [12] are generally derived from fisheye
techniques. While traditional fisheye views typically con-
vey a distorted, yet complete view of the periphery, contex-
tual views tend to represent only objects of interest, repre-
sent these objects using abstract shapes (proxies), and then
overlay these proxies onto screen space. Consequently,
these techniques can only be used if the semantic informa-
tion about objects and locations is available, which may not
always be the case.
Arrows pointing into off-screen space appear in a number
of different contexts such as on maps, documents, and more
commonly in games, such as Nintendo’s 1990 small screen
game Tecmo Bowl.
City Lights are “space-efficient fisheye techniques” [12].
Unlike its arrow-based predecessors, it also conveys the
size of off-screen objects by projecting these objects onto
the display window’s edge, so that each off-screen object
results in a line along the window border. City Lights also
offer an abstract and coarse representation of object dis-
tance by giving lines one of two colors, each representing a
specific distance range.
EdgeRadar [7] extends on City Lights by improving its
notion of distance. EdgeRadar reserves a border along the
screen edge to represent off-screen space. Replacing City
Light’s color coding, EdgeRadar represents distances as
distances by compressing them proportionally into the bor-
der. EdgeRadar was shown to be useful for tracking moving
objects [7].
All contextual view techniques have in common that they
use a symbolic or distorted representation of distance. In
order to interpret distance, users therefore need a legend
explaining how distance cues map to actual distance.
Halo conveys location, but not direction and distance
Baudisch and Rosenholtz introduced Halo [1] to improve
on the limited distance awareness of arrow-based tech-
niques. Unlike its predecessors, Halo does not attempt to
convey location by conveying direction and distance—Halo
instead conveys location directly using a partially-out-of-
the-frame approach, known in cinematography [13]. As a
result, Halo’s notion of distance is scale-independent and
thereby overcomes the need for an explanation of any cue-
to-distance mapping.
Using a slightly different set of tasks, Burigat et al. [4]
compared Halo to scaled and stretched arrows that encoded
distance as size and length of arrows, respectively. They
reproduced Baudisch and Rosenholtz’s finding that Halo
improved performance when precise distance was required,
and also found that scaled and stretched arrows were faster
and more accurate than Halo in an off-screen target order-
ing task.
Techniques and applications that use Halo include Perspec-
tive Cursor, where Halo keeps users aware of mouse point-
ers traveling between screens [15]. In a study conducted by
Rohs and Essl, participants selected off-screen targets in a
one-handed navigation task on handheld devices more effi-
ciently when using Halo than when using zooming [17]. In
the commercial world, Halo has been employed to show
map objects on PDAs, and in the user interfaces of interac-
tive applications, such as Second Life.
Two projects use oval halos to provide users with aware-
ness of off-screen objects. In an experimental system for
panning and zooming large trees, Nekrasovski et al. use an
oval halo to obtain an aspect ratio more suitable for their
screen [16]. Hop uses oval halos in an attempt to reduce
overlap and clutter [10]. However, the authors suggest that
the distortion impacted distance awareness and that oval
halos were not sufficiently accurate for locating objects off-
screen. We performed a small study to empirically verify
this claim and found there was a significant effect for error
amount (t(5)=9.335, p=0.001), with Halo (M=162.81,
SD=60.72) receiving lower error amounts than Ovals
(M=334.84, SD=44.00). Based on these insights, we dis-
carded the oval approach and did not include it in our ex-
perimental comparison.
Perceptual theories guiding our design
The theoretical underpinning of both Halo and Wedge is the
theory of amodal perception or amodal completion. It sug-
gests that the human visual system will complete parts of an
object even when it is only partially visible [6, 19]. Amodal
perception is rooted in evolutionary and ecological adapta-
tion of our visual system and allows humans to recognize
partially occluded objects in their environment [20].
The ability to amodally complete objects works also for
visual displays. The image in Figure 2a, for example, trig-
gers the perception of a circle occluded by a square.
Figure 2: (a) Processes of amodal completion lead the visual
system to infer a full circle covered by a square. (b) Figure
completion based on symmetry/regularity, global process.
(c) Figure completion based on continuation, local process
Gestaltists attribute object completion to our innate ability
to identify complete objects or wholes out of parts [6, 8].
Global models hypothesize that the perceptual system tends
to adopt the most regular or symmetrical solutions [21]
(Figure 2b) and might explain why halos are perceived as
complete wholes based on a portion of their visible arcs.
Local models suggest that the visual system completes the
occluded part by connecting the extension of the visible
contours [21] (Figure 2c). In these models, good continua-
tion and simplicity are the prevailing principles. The design
of Wedge is therefore based on local models.
Several studies show that amodal completion occurs rap-
idly: from 100 msecs to 300 msecs [14]. Shore and Enns
[22] have recently demonstrated that shape completion time
also depends on the size of the occluded region. Our design
of Wedge reflects this by making the on-screen portion of a
wedge sufficiently visible and proportional to the “oc-
cluded” off-screen portion.
In this section, we describe the design of the Wedge visu-
alization and the three main goals of the design.
Figure 3: Each wedge consists of two legs and a base. The legs
are separated by an angle we call the aperture.
As shown in Figure 3, each wedge consists of three line
segments: two legs of equal length and one terminating line
called the base. The legs are the key element. In order to
locate the off-screen object referred to by a wedge, users
visually trace the legs, extrapolate them across the display
edge, and estimate where they intersect. The intersection
point is the location of the off-screen object.
The base connects the legs, which plays an equally impor-
tant role. On a screen with multiple wedges it is the bases
that allow users to pair up legs, thus preventing users from
tracing a pair of legs each of which belonging to a different
wedge. To function properly, the bases of two or more
wedges should overlap as little as possible; we will explain
how we prevent this from happening when we discuss the
wedge layout algorithm.
The base may be a straight line as shown in Figure 3 or it
can be an arc with its center point located at the off-screen
location. Both form factors have benefits and drawbacks.
The angles produced by the straight base can serve as an
additional cue reinforcing distance. The curved base, in
contrast, offers a distance cue by means of circle comple-
tion, as introduced by Halo. In the case of a curved base,
however, vertex angles do not provide any additional cues,
as they are always 90 degrees. In the following sections, we
focus on the straight base version; in the user study we used
a curved base.
Each wedge offers three degrees of freedom
The key aspect that distinguished Wedge from its predeces-
sors is its three degrees of freedom. As shown in Figure 4,
we can change the (a) rotation, (b) aperture, and
(c) intrusion of a wedge, while it still points to the same
Figure 4: While continuing to point at the same location, each
wedge offers three degrees of freedom: (a) rotation,
(b) aperture, and (c) intrusion.
The three goals for “spending” degrees of freedom
The three degrees of freedom of each wedge can be used
for three different purposes:
1. To avoid overlap with another wedge (see Figure 5). To
resolve the overlap of the two wedges, we can either rotate
the upper wedge upward (Figure 5b), reduce its aperture
(Figure 5c), or reduce its intrusion (Figure 5d).
c d
Figure 5: (a) Overlap between two wedges can be resolved by
adjusting (b) wedge rotation, (c) aperture, or (d) intrusion.
2. To maximize the location accuracy communicated by
the wedge. The goal of each wedge is to allow users to ac-
curately locate the respective off-screen targets. A look at
Figure 5 suggests that some of these wedges work better
than others. The thin wedge in Figure 5c, for example,
might not work as well as the rotated wedge in Figure 5b.
To get a better understanding of this issue and to provide
the language for describing the layout algorithm, we intro-
duce the notion of an off-screen orbital (we derive the term
from chemistry, where a molecular orbital is a region in
which an electron may be found in a molecule—basically a
space with a probability distribution).
Figure 6 illustrates the concept. While we tend to think of
legs as the first part of a line pointing towards the off-
screen target, there is a certain amount of uncertainty about
the angle. As a result, the shape emerging from a leg is not
a line, but a cone. We call them beams. The intersection of
the two beams is where the user would expect to find the
off-screen target—this is the orbital. In reality beams and
orbitals have a fuzzy perimeter, but for the sake of simplic-
ity we illustrate them as solids.
The size of the orbital depends on two factors: beam spread
and intersection angle.
Figure 6: (a) The orbital is the area where users expect the
target to be located. Its shape and size are determined by the
intersection between the two beams emerging from each leg.
Changing (b) intrusion, (c) aperture, and (d) rotation of the
wedge affects size and shape of the orbital.
The spread of each beam depends on the length of the leg it
emerges from. The same way that a rifle fires more accu-
rately than a pistol, long legs (Figure 6a) resulting from
deeper intrusion result in thinner beams than the shorter
legs of a wedge with shallow intrusion (Figure 6b). Note
that the orbital of a wedge is infinite if the outside edges of
the two beams diverge, as is the case in Figure 6b. In this
case a wedge provides users with an estimate of the mini-
mum target distance, but not with an estimate for the max-
imum distance.
The angle under which the two beams intersect depends on
the aperture separating the wedge legs. Increasing the aper-
ture of a wedge (Figure 6c) generally leads to a larger an-
gle, resulting in a shorter orbital.
Rotating a wedge decreases the spread of one beam at the
expense of increasing the spread of the other. This results in
a skewed orbital (Figure 6d).
3. To serve as an additional cue or proxy for distance.
Any of the three degrees of freedom can also be used to
communicate a certain target property by convention, simi-
lar to how City Lights uses two colors to distinguish be-
tween two distance ranges. An easily-interpreted distance
cue is important for tasks not involving absolute distances,
such as determining which of two targets is closer.
The primary goal of wedge design is to achieve maximum
accuracy, which means to minimize orbital size. On the
other hand, it is clear that overlap and clutter have a huge
affect on the readability of wedges, ultimately impacting
accuracy more than any other factor. When designing the
wedge layout algorithm we therefore prioritize as follows:
(1) avoiding overlap, (2) maximizing location accuracy, and
(3) providing an additional distance cue. This prioritization
is not strict, since we must still provide a balance of the
three goals described above.
The layout algorithm determines an acceptable layout of
wedges by manipulating intrusion depth, wedge aperture,
and rotation, as described in the following sections.
We considered three primary options for mapping distance
to intrusion: (a) constant intrusion, (b) shorter intrusion for
longer distances, and (c) longer intrusion for longer dis-
tances (Figure 7). While constant intrusion led to increased
overlap between wedge outlines (Figure 7a), the other two
mappings naturally reduced overlap. These two mappings
also had the potential to serve as an additional distance cue.
a b c
Figure 7: Two overlapping wedges shown in each of the three
options for leg length: (a) constant leg length; (b) longer legs
for closer targets; (c) shorter legs for closer targets.
We chose the directly proportional mapping (Figure 7c),
because it minimized orbital sizes (it avoids cases of the
type shown in (Figure 6b) and therefore increased accuracy,
as explained in the previous section. As a positive side ef-
fect, it allowed us to nest wedges in some cases as shown in
Figure 7c.
We calculate wedge intrusion using a non-linear function
that gradually levels off for very distant objects. This en-
sured that the intrusion depth did not grow in an unbounded
fashion, which would occlude the main display. We used a
logarithmic function to control leg length:
ln ×
+= ⎟
where leg is the length of each leg in pixels and dist is the
distance in pixels between target and the edge of the screen.
The additive constant of 20 pixels assures a minimum intru-
sion for close targets.
The aperture of each wedge is mapped linearly to target
distance using the following linear function:
legdistaperture )3.05( ×+=
where aperture is the angle (in radians) separating the legs
(Figure 3), dist is the distance of the target to the edge of
the screen (in pixels), and leg is the overall length of each
leg (in pixels). This mapping serves as the primary cue for
target distance. The constants were the result of several
pilot studies and balance orbital size and risk of overlap:
larger apertures would have led to smaller orbitals, but at
the expense of a significantly increased risk of overlap.
Screen corners have traditionally been a challenge for all
contextual views because they represent a large proportion
of off-screen space [1, 12]. At the same time, they offer less
space for the proxy representing the target. The halo arc in
the bottom left corner of Figure 1, for example, is cropped,
reducing its accuracy substantially [1].
The additional degrees of freedom offered by wedges help
alleviate this problem, yet this case still requires additional
attention. Wedges for extremely distant objects would be
cropped by the edges of the screen when displayed in the
corners. To alleviate this, the leg length function increases
the legs only up to 20 pixels. If the new intrusion was still
insufficient to show wedge legs, the algorithm would de-
crease the aperture to the point of making the wedge fit in
the corner. As a result of this, wedges always showed legs
in the corners. The distances used in the experiment were
rarely large enough for this to occur.
Rotation is the primary means of avoiding wedge overlap.
Figure 8 shows a cluster of wedges before and after resolv-
ing overlap using rotation. Fortunately, rotation has little
impact on intrusion and aperture, so it does not affect the
distance cues conveyed by intrusion and aperture.
Rotation is computed using a simple iterative algorithm. It
is computationally inexpensive and offers real-time per-
formance for maps with up five overlapping wedges.
Initially, wedges located along a screen edge are placed
perpendicular to that edge. If a wedge is near a corner, the
algorithm places it such that there is an equal amount of on-
screen space on either side of the wedge. Next, the algo-
rithm iterates to resolve overlap. In each step, the algorithm
traverses all wedges on screen in clockwise order (accord-
ing to the location of their base centers, not by target loca-
tion). The algorithm rotates wedges away, by a small
amount, from neighbors with which it overlaps. This can
propagate overlap to neighboring wedges and is resolved
through repetition as shown in Figure 9. If there is no solu-
tion the algorithm will terminate after a fixed number of
iterations, leaving wedges with as little overlap as possible.
Figure 8: A cluster of wedges (a) before and (b) after applying
the wedge overlap algorithm.
Figure 9: Iterations of the wedge layout algorithm: (a) Two
wedges overlap, (b) they are rotated away causing new over-
lap, (c) new overlap is resolved, creating yet another overlap,
and (d) all overlap is avoided.
The objective of the study was to compare the effectiveness
of Wedge with the commonly used Halo. We hypothesized
that Wedge will be more accurate than Halo, primarily
when they represent objects that get mapped to the corner
of the display. We were also interested in identifying the
effects of each of these techniques in high density layouts.
18 participants (3 female, 15 male) between the ages of 18
and 30 were recruited from an undergraduate computer
science program. Participants were given course credit in
exchange for their participation. None of the participants
were familiar with either Halo or Wedge, and all had nor-
mal or corrected-to-normal vision. After the data was col-
lected, two participants were removed due to extremely
high error rates in all conditions, leaving 16 participants in
the analysis.
Apparatus and Materials
The experiment was conducted using custom software writ-
ten in Adobe Flash that simulated a handheld PDA. A simu-
lated PDA screen was shown in the center of a 19” monitor
at slightly larger than real-life size. Participants interacted
with the simulated PDA via a standard mouse interface.
Experimental Conditions
We compared performance with two types of visualization:
Halo and Wedge. Halo was implemented using the original
code written by Baudisch and Rosenholtz [1]. Wedge was
implemented exactly as described above except that each
wedge base was curved (as shown in Figure 10) instead of
We controlled the total on-screen line length between the
two conditions. This was done by choosing functions for
wedge aperture and leg length such that the overall average
on-screen line length for every target used in the study were
equal (75 pixels for both Halo and Wedge).
To explore whether overlap affects the visualizations, we
tested two different organizations of targets. In sparse con-
ditions, the targets were organized such that there were mi-
nimal overlapping halos. In dense conditions, the five tar-
gets were organized so that all of the on-screen visualiza-
tions were packed into a smaller area. The sparse conditions
were programmatically converted to dense conditions by
folding the display (once for Avoid and Closest tasks, twice
for Locate task) such that each target was placed onto the
same side of the display at the exact position as they were
on the other side. As a result, the dense condition simulated
the amount of clutter that would be equivalent to 20 (Locate
task) or 10 (other tasks) off-screen objects. This procedure
ensured that sparse and dense maps were comparable.
Position: Corners vs. Sides of the display
A second issue that can also affect clutter and density is
whether or not the on-screen visualizations are placed in the
corner or on the side of the screen. As discussed above,
corners provide less space for halos, and cause additional
arc overlap.
The study used three tasks from Baudisch and Rosenholtz’s
[1] comparison of Halo to arrows. The tasks are illustrated
in Figure 10. The Locate task directly assessed the accuracy
of each visualization, while the two other tasks were secon-
dary tasks and looked at how the visualizations could be
used in realistic problem solving.
Locate. The users clicked in the off-screen space at the ex-
pected location of the off-screen targets indicated by each
of the two visualizations. Users located targets in any order
and the system automatically picked the closest match.
Avoid. As “ambulance dispatcher,” the user was to select
the hospital farthest from traffic jams. Each map contained
indicators of five on- or off-screen traffic jams, and three
blue cross-shaped icons representing hospitals.
Closest. Each map contained a blue car icon and five red
wedges/arcs representing restaurants. The user’s task was to
click on the halo/wedge corresponding to the off-screen
location closest to the car.
Locate Avoid Closest
Figure 10. Experimental tasks, showing PDA screen only, with
Wedge (above) and Halo (below).
Procedure and Design
The study used a 2x2x2 factorial design with three factors:
• Visualization (Halo or Wedge)
• Density (dense or sparse target clustering)
• Position (corner or side of the screen)
Participants were shown the study system and were given a
brief demonstration of both Halo and Wedge. They then
carried out the three tasks: there were four training maps at
the start of the task, and then 16 (for Locate) or 32 (for
Closest, Avoid) test maps. The order of tasks and display
conditions were fully counterbalanced. After the session,
participants were asked to state which visualization type
they preferred for each task. The study system collected
error and completion time data.
We organize our results by the three tasks carried out in the
study. Within each task we consider the effects of each of
the three factors (visualization type, density, and position)
on error and completion time. Note that in all analyses, sub-
ject was included as a random factor. Tables 1 and 2 show
summary means for all measures and tasks.
Halo Wedge
Locate 45.3 pixels (19.0) 35.6 pixels (18.9)
Avoid 32.6% (18.6%) 28.3% (22.4%)
Closest 38.3% (21.2%) 34.6% (21.1%)
Table 1. Summary of error results (s.d.).
Halo Wedge
Locate 2.64 sec (1.70) 2.39 sec (1.10)
Avoid 4.69 sec (2.71) 4.54 sec (2.16)
Closest 5.35 sec (4.79) 5.45 sec (4.12)
Table 2. Summary of completion times (s.d.).
Task 1: Locate the off-screen location
The first task asked participants to click on the locations of
the off-screen objects indicated by each wedge or halo on
the screen. We gathered data about error amount and com-
pletion time to locate each of the five targets. The error
amount was the Euclidian distance from the guessed posi-
tion to the target’s position.
Locate Task: Error Amount
Figure 11 shows the error amounts for Halo and Wedge in
all conditions (dense and sparse; corner and side). We car-
ried out a 2x2x2 ANOVA (Visualization x Density x Posi-
tion) to test for differences. We found main effects of all
three factors: for Visualization, F1,15=5.86, p=0.029; for
Density, F1,15=6.76, p=0.02; for Position, F1,15=121.39,
As can be seen from Figure 11 larger errors were seen in
corner trials (mean 51 pixels) than in side trials (mean 30
pixels). There were also larger errors in dense configura-
tions (mean 43) than sparse configurations (mean 38). The
overall difference between visualizations was about 10 pix-
els (Halo mean 45.3 pixels; Wedge mean 35.6 pixels).
In addition, there was a significant interaction between Vi-
sualization and Position (F1,15=15.36, p=0.001). As shown
in Figure 11, the difference between visualization types is
considerably larger in corners than on the sides of the
screen, which supports our hypothesis that the reduced
space in corners causes additional problems for Halo inter-
pretation. There was no interaction between Visualization
and Density (F1,15=0.67, p=0.43).
Error (pixels)
Figure 11. Locate task mean error amount by visualization
type, density, and position. Error bars indicate standard error.
Time (ms)
Figure 12. Locate task mean completion time. Error bars indi-
cate standard error.
Locate Task: Completion Time
We also tested for differences in time to complete the task
(see Figure 12). A 2x2x2 ANOVA showed no significant
effects of Visualization (F1,15=1.20, p=0.29), Position
(F1,15=4.54, p=0.05), or Density (F1,15=0.65, p=0.43). There
was a significant interaction between Density and Position
(F1,15=5.97, p=0.027), but no interactions with Visualiza-
Task 2: Avoid the traffic jam
The second task asked participants to select one of three on-
screen objects that was furthest from a set of off-screen
objects. We gathered error rate and completion time data.
Avoid Task: Error Rate
Figure 13 shows error rates for the different visualizations,
densities, and positions. A 2x2x2 ANOVA did not show
any effects of Visualization (F1,15=2.55, p=0.13), Position
(F1,15=2.38, p=0.14), or Density (F1,15=0.58, p=0.46). In
addition, there were no interactions between any factors.
Error Rate %
Figure 13. Avoid task mean error rate. Error bars indicate
standard error.
Time (ms)
Figure 14. Avoid task mean completion time. Error bars indi-
cate standard error.
Avoid Task: Completion Time
A 2x2x2 ANOVA showed no effects of any of the three
factors on task completion time (Visualization F1,15=0.18,
p=0.68; Density F1,15=2.09, p=0.17; Position F1,15=1.58,
p=0.23), and no interactions between any factors.
Task 3: Find the closest restaurant
The third task asked participants to select the closest off-
screen object to an on-screen icon. Again, we gathered error
rate and completion time data.
Closest Task: Error Rate
Figure 15 shows error rates for the different visualizations,
densities, and positions. A 2x2x2 ANOVA showed signifi-
cant main effects of Position (F1,15=76.6, p<0.001), but not
of Visualization (F1,15=1.24, p=0.28) or Density (F1,15=0.12,
p=0.73). There was a significant interaction between Den-
sity and Position (F1,15=7.33, p=0.016), but no interactions
with Visualization.
Error Rate %
Figure 15. Closest task mean error rate. Error bars indicate
standard error.
Time (ms)
Figure 16. Closest task mean completion time. Error bars in-
dicate standard error.
Closest Task: Completion Time
A 2x2x2 ANOVA showed significant main effects of Posi-
tion (F1,15=5.24, p=0.037), but did not show effects of Visu-
alization (F1,15=0.10, p=0.76) or Density (F1,15=2.89,
p=0.11). There was, however, a significant interaction be-
tween Visualization and Density (F1,15=6.60, p=0.021).
Overall Preferences
After the experiment the participants were asked to state
which visualization they preferred for each task. Table 3
summarizes the subjective preferences. In the Locate and
Avoid task there was a clear preference for Wedge; in the
Closest task, however, Halo was preferred.
Wedge Halo No Preference
Locate 10 5 1
Avoid 10 5 1
Closest 6 8 2
Table 3: The number of participants who preferred each visu-
alization technique for the three tasks.
Participant Comments
Comments made during the trial suggested reasons for the
advantages for Wedge over Halo. One user said, “I found
that when the rings overlap it is almost impossible to tell
which is the right ring. Wedges just seem natural.” And
another stated, “overlapping rings made it very confusing at
times. Directional wedges helped a lot, and they also seem
to take up less space. More information meant less thinking
with the wedges.”
Participant’s comments also provided some insight into the
reasons why Halo was preferred for the Closest task – that
the difference between distant and close off-screen objects
was easier to determine with Halo, since there is a large
visual difference in this case. One participant stated that,
“the sizes of the arcs did not require too much calculation
or thinking to spot the smallest ring.”
Our hypotheses were that Wedge would be more accurate
than Halo, and that this effect would be stronger in corners.
The Locate task provides evidence in support of both hy-
potheses: accuracy with Wedge was significantly higher
than Halo, and the difference was larger in corners. We did
not find any interaction between Visualization and Density
for the Locate task, however; it appears that people can
successfully tease out the level of overlap seen in our tasks,
although we plan to study higher levels of clutter in future
In the Avoid and Closest tasks where people had to make
use of this accuracy, we did not find significant differences
between Wedge and Halo (even though Wedge was on av-
erage 13% and 10% more accurate in these tasks). Part of
the reason for the lack of difference is that these tasks in-
volved strategy more than the Locate task; therefore, it is
possible that strategy choice overshadowed the beneficial
effects of Wedge that were seen in the Locate task. In addi-
tion, the Closest task revealed an advantage for Halo (the
large visual difference between distant and close objects)
that we had not considered. Subjective results reinforce
these findings – Wedge was strongly preferred for the Lo-
cate and Avoid tasks, in which Halo has several problems
and few advantages.
Overall, our results confirmed our hypotheses and show the
benefits of the new visualization. These benefits are more
pronounced when off-screen objects are clustered into cor-
ners, where wedges allow users to triangulate the location
of off-screen objects more precisely. We believe that
Wedge’s overlap-avoidance algorithm aids users in deter-
mining direction and distance. While we chose a brute-
force approach for the layout algorithm, we will soon look
into using proper optimization techniques to fit and lay out
the wedges in the limited display space.
To successfully complete these tasks, it appears that par-
ticipants employ different strategies. It is clear that for the
Locate task, participants are extrapolating the full shape of
the wedge and halo to locate the off-screen object. In this
task, we reason that the visual shape of the wedge more
clearly shows the shape completion process needed to per-
form the Locate task. In the case of the Avoid and Closest
tasks, users have to rely primarily on distance cues. As we
see from our results, the distance cues in Wedge are as good
as those provided by Halo, and in some cases even better.
In our algorithms we maintained the aperture of each wedge
directly proportional to the distance of the target. In future
work we need to investigate the effects of variable aperture
size and intrusion depths, particularly for objects in the cor-
ners. We will also look at new designs that can better show
large differences in distance, as Halo was able to do in the
Closest task.
Based on the results of our study, we propose the following
recommendations to designers:
• Use Wedge. Off-screen object information should be dis-
played using Wedge as the primary visualization tech-
nique: it offers significant improvements over Halo.
• Reduce overlap. Designers should reduce overlap in any
visualization of off-screen objects, as overlap leads to re-
duced accuracy and greater difficulty identifying objects.
• Rotation is better than overlap. None of our participants
were concerned about the rotation of the wedges, al-
though several comments were received about the diffi-
culty of the overlapping Halos. Therefore, we believe that
rotation should be chosen over either cropping or overlap
for off-screen visualizations.
• Corners need special attention. Our results confirm that
designers need to pay significant attention to the design
of off-screen visualizations so that they work equally well
in the display corners.
• Striking a balance. Designers need to strike a fine bal-
ance in selecting parameters for off-screen visualizations
to avoid as much overlap as possible, maximize location
accuracy and to serve as a cue to distance.
We introduced a new off-screen visualization technique,
Wedge, which reduces the amount of overlap on the dis-
play. We investigated the design space for this new tech-
nique; Wedge optimizes three valuable design principles
that aid users in reducing interpretation costs and increasing
accuracy. The wedge layout algorithm was designed to
strike a balance between multiple factors; i.e., avoid over-
lap, provide accurate location information, and provide
good distance cues. Wedge reduces clutter and is less prone
to problems of corner-based clustering.
We carried out a study that showed significant accuracy
advantages for the Wedge over the Halo; in addition, we
found that Halo and Wedge provide equally good cues to
distance information. In future iterations of Wedge we will
augment distance cues, and we will test the visualization
with higher levels of clutter and other realistic tasks. Over-
all, our results indicate that Wedge is a simple but effective
off-screen visualization technique that can enhance the util-
ity of any application that relies on it.
We thank all of the study participants for their efforts, Colin
Ouellette for administering the many pilot studies, and the
reviewers for their valuable comments. This research was
partially funded by NSERC.
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