... Papers of the QGS Human-Computer Interaction ( Dey et al., 2001 ;Hong and Landay, 2001 ) IEEE Pervasive Computing ( Gu et al., 2004 ;Korpipaa et al., 2003 ;Raento et al., 2005 ;Román et al., 2002 ) Personal and Ubiquitous Computing ( Huebscher and McCann, 2006 ;Riboni and Bettini, 2011 ) User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction ( Carmagnola et al., 2008 ;Carmichael et al., 2005 ;Cheverst et al., 2005 ;Hatala and Wakkary, 2005 ;Hudlicka and McNeese, 2002 ;Petrelli and Not, 2005 ;Stock et al., 2007 ) ACM Int. Joint Conf. on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) ( Abowd et al., 1999 ;Schmidt et al., 1999 ) tified synonyms of context-aware were: adaptive ( Brown, 1996 ), reactive ( Cooperstock et al., 1995 ), responsive ( Elrod et al., 1993 ), situated ( Hull et al., 1997 ), context-sensitive ( Rekimoto et al., 1998 ) and environment-directed ( Fickas et al., 1997 ). However, some of them, such as adaptive, reactive, responsive and situated , are too generic to use them as a single word. ...