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A Framework for High Level Synthesis of Digital Architectures from U-Recursive Algorithms.



The major drawback of reported high level synthesis techniques is their limited applicability to a specific class of algorithms without extendibility to general algorithms and the lack of a formal approach to prove the correctness of the such techniques. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for high level synthesis from μ-recursive algorithms. Two features are provided by the approach: completeness and correctness. Completeness means the ability to use the approach for any general algorithm. Correctness is achieved by using a set of transformations that are proved to be correct. A formal framework for the synthesis procedure has been developed which can be easily automated. A given algorithm will be represented in a new developed language termed Algorithm Specification Language (ASL). ASL has the ability to describe any general algorithm. An automatic procedure is used to transform an ASL representation into a specific realization specification using a correctness preserving set of transformations. The realization format is based on representing the digital architectures by a Realization Specification Language(RSL).
Khaled M. Elleithy and Magdy A. Bayoumi
The Center For Advanced Computer Studies
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Lafayette, LA 70504, U.S.A.
The major drawback of reported high level synthesis
techniques is their limited applicability to a specific class of
algoriehms without extendibility to general algorithms and
the lack of a formal approach to prove the correctness of
the such techniques. In this paper, we introduce a novel
approach for high level synthesis from p-recursive alg+
rithms. Two features are provided by the approach: com-
pleteness and correctness. Completeness means the ability
to use the approach for any general algorithm. Correctness
is achieved by using a set of transformations that are
proved to be correct. A formal framework for the synthesis
procedure has been developed which can be easily
automated. A given algorithm will be represented in a new
developed language termed Algorithm Specification
Language (ASL). ASL has the ability to describe any gen-
eral algorithm. An automatic procedure is used to
transform an ASL representation into a specific realization
specification using a correctness preserving set of transfor-
mations. The realization format is based on representing
the digital architectures by a Realization Specification
Early works in high level synthesis field were basi-
cally require the input to have a structural description.
CMU-DA [HY82, KT83, K084] require the input to be
described using Instruction Set Processor Specification
(ISPS)[BA81). The problem with such approachs is the
requirement to know the target architecture in advance in
order to have the structural description.
Synthesising a general algorithm from a behavioral
description using a programming like language have been
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reported in [TR87, TK89]. Flamel[TR87] uses Pascal as a
behavioral description language. A number of restrictions
are imposed on the input description: the description
should be parameterless and nonrecursive, certain data
types are only allowed, and certain arithmetic operations
are not allowed. HARP[TK89] uses Fortran as the
behavioral description language. The designer is responsi-
ble for determining the facility’s word length and the com-
position of units. Restrictions are imposed on the input
specification such as: only certain data types are allowed,
subroutine and function calls are not allowed, and certain
functions are omitted. Communicating Sequential
Processes (CSP) IS used as a description language by Phi-
lips (NB88, BM88]. Using a CSP as a description language
means that the designer is responsible for specifying the
operations sequencing and communications among different
units. Applicative languages have been used for behavioral
description of an algorithm. Johnson[J083] has presented
an approach for transforming a system described in the
form of linear recursion equations to digital designs.
Most reported techniques suffer some or all of the
following disadvantages:
Some systems are not suitable for large problems
since it depends on solving NP-C problems
(Emerlad[TS84] -clique problem).
systems require to know
target architecture
advance in order to have the structural descrip-
tion [HF82, PF82, AG83, KG83, KT83, K084,
A number of restrictions are imposed on the input
description (FlameI[TR87], HARP[TK89]).
Certain phases of the design process are not
automated due to the lack of algorithms to
transform between different representations. Such
limitations require the designer’s responsibility for
designing these phases (HARP[TK89]).
The designer is responsible for specifying the opera-
tions sequencing and communications among
different units [NE%88, BM88].
[6] Some systems are limited to a special class of algo
rithms [Jc)83, QU84, RA85]
High level synthesis approaches don’t only suffer
from the previous drawbacks, but they don’t also address
two focal points: Completeness and
ness means the ability to use the approach for any general
algorithm. Correctness is achieved by using a set of
transformations that are proved to be correct. The pro
posed framework for synthesizing any algorithm is as fol-
[I] The given algorithm is represented in the new
language ASL which is capable of representing any
algorithm using a limited number of constructs.
[2] A transformational method is given to transform an
algorithm in ASL to RSL representation. The RSL
version specifies the components and connectivity of
the digital architecture that realizes the algorithm,
Every construct in ASL has an isomorphic represen-
tation in RSL, which is the basis of the automated
2. Algorithm Specification Language (ASL)
The idea of representing an algorithm using a func-
was introduced by Kleene[KE36] in
which any function from numbers(strings) to
numbers(strings) can be constructed using very primitive
functions and combining them in a specific manner. Our
approach for specifying an algorithm depends on using /.L-
as a frame-work. We have the follow-
ing constructs:
[I] Initial functions
IF N is the space of natural numbers, NK is the k-space
of natural numbers, and kEN, then a function is initial if
and only if:
(a) It is a Zero function(<) from No to N such that:
co = 0.
(b) It is the Projection function(v) from Nk to N such
~It(arg,,afg,,....,argk) = a%
(c) It is the successor function(X) from N to N such that:
A(n) = n+l.
[2] Recursion
A function is called recursive:
(a) If it is an initial function.
(b) If it can be obtained from initial functions by applying
some sequence of the following two operations:
(i) Composition: if zl,zs, . . ,zm are n place functions, y
is m place function, then z is a n place function defined as
2 ‘,Y(ZlA I”‘, Gn).
(ii) Recursion: if z is n place function, z is a n+l place
function and y is n+2, then z is defined as follows:
z(am, . . . ,wh, 0 ) - z(avh . . ,avn)
z(argl, . ,arg,, m+l ) =
g(avh . . . ,arg,,m, .darg,, . . . ,av,, m ))
Although the previous definition of a recursive
very powerful in a sense that it can be used to represent
any practical function, it is not sufficient to represent any
computable function[LP81]. The class of all computable
functions is called
[3] Unbounded minimization
Let z be a n+l-place function, then the unbounded
minimization of z is an
place function($(z)) defined as:
f(avbaw2, . . . ,avn)
- min m (6.t z(arg,,arge, . s * ,atgn,m) = 0)
- 0 if m does not ezists
The previous definition of functions obtained by
unbounded minimization is not computable since we don’t
know if there exists an m that satisfies the condition. If
such an m does not exist this means that any machine
used to compute f will not halt and will run forever. This
uncomputability problem with functions obtained by
unbounded minimization can be resolved by specifying an
upper bound for m which leads to the bounded minimiza-
tion which is computable no matter how large is m This
new restriction for
reduces our capability of specifying a
genera1 function. A sub-class of functions obtained using
unbounded minimization called Regular functions is
sufficient for specifying any computable function.
[4] Regular Functions
A function is regular if El an
nEN, such that:
g(argbam, . . ,arh,O) - 0.
[5] P-Recursion
A function is called
mu -recursive :
(a) If it is recursive.
(b) If it is obtained from recursive functions by a finite
sequence of composition, recursion and unbounded minimi-
[8] G6del Numberings:
Although our definition of recursive functions is from
numbers to numbers, it can be used for functions from
strings(numbers) to strings(numbers). The method for
extending the language to be capable for dealing with func-
tions defined over strings is to use some kind of encoding
to represent strings as numbers. Godel[LP81] numbering is
used for this kind of encoding. Let C be a finite set of sym-
bols used to represent
string, and (Y be the number of
symbols in C. Let C be as follows:
c - (Q1, . . . . , a,}
A mapping function + that maps C to N is defined as fol-
lows: O(q) = i I~igz
The Godel number(n) of a string WEC’ and a length
1 EN
is computed as follows:
qw1w2. . WI) = &Pqw,)
[7] Basic functions
Our specification language at this point depends on three
initial functions and three operations that can be applied
in a certain sequence to obtain any computable function,
Although this language of specification is complete but it is
very tedious to represent a large function. A library of
basic functions can be defined starting from the initial
functions to be used in the definition of larger functions,
This approach is useful for building an automated system
for synthesising. All basic functions that may be ready for
usage can be defined using our system of specification.
technique supports a hierarchical design methodology in
the sense that the specification can be stopped at any level
as long the lower levels are previously defined. When Basic
are used to represent another functions, each
is written in a t&J .
If we consider that pro is a basic function, then the fat
torial (pow(n ,m)) is defined as follows:
pow(n,O) = X(W).
m (~8(a~gl,arg2,a~gS),Ts9(a~gl,argz,a~gs))
pow(n,m+l) = pro,$n,m,pow(n,m)).
From the previous definition we see that we do not express
the function pow in terms of
initial functions,
but we use
&?i as a
basic function,
which may be expressed explicitly
in a library of basic functions.
3. Realization Specification Language (RSL)
The realization introduced here is described at the
architectural level. The specification describes two elements
of a circuit: the components and the connectivity. The
physical parameters of the circuit are not addressed at this
level of specification. The timing is not expressed explicitly,
but implicitly in terms of
The symbol p is used
to represent a register. If it is required to initialize the
register to a certain value 8, then this is represented as pg.
Now we will show how the different component of ASL can
be expressed at
Language( RSL ). the Realization Specification
[l] If unit is a certain component that is used in the sys-
tem, and inp is any input for
then we can use this
input explicitly using the following syntax:
Also an output(out) of unit can beused as follows:
unit Out
[2] Identifiers starting with a upper case letter are used to
represent units that will be further expressed at lower lev-
els Identifiers starting with an lower case letters will be
used to express Basic functions. Identifiers starting with
lower case letters are used also to represent constants,
while those starting with upper case letters are used to
represent temporary variables used in computation.
[3] Register: If it is required to use a register (Y that is ini-
tialized to a value 8, then this is expressed as pj. As an
Example the expression p;s~c(1) means that suc unit has
the register 1 connected to its input with a value 2 as the
register initial value. Init statement is a RX expression
that can be used separately to express that register
ulhpa is
initialized to value fi as follows:
Init (cuJ3)
Another version of
can be used to denote the initiali-
zation of more than one register at the same time, this is
represented as follows:
Initp(~& ; ~2,/32; . ; ~n,Bn)
The previous statement means that n registers are initial-
ized in parallel such that register o1 is initialized with the
value pi, register cy2 is initialized with the value p2, etc...
Notice that using registers is the only way to represent
time in our circuits.
It is assumed that all registers are syn-
chronized using a global clock.
[4] Constant values are expressed using registers. If it is
required to have a constant value (c) in the circuit, then
this is represented as
If it is required to represent the
zero function directly the foliowing specification is used:
Result - zero
zero Rcsdy
- ~ewontrol
[5] The representation of functional units and control sec-
tion is presented in section 4.
4. Transformation Algorithm
The transformation algorithm is based on using
one-toone mapping procedure. The algorithm takes an
ASL representation and transform each ASL’s construct to
an equivalent RSL representation and an equivalent archi-
tecture implementation. We show in this section how each
of the ASL’s six constructs is implemented.
function is implemented using the circuit
shown in Figure 1.
Argn ,n
) Control >
1 log n
Fig. 3. Composition Function
Fig. 1. Projection Function.
A multiplexer is used to choose the input number i from k
inputs. The multiplexer used is an (k ,[log kl multiplexer.
n 3
The operation of the multiplexer is controlled by a control )
line called control. An output line called ready is used to
g@rqready ) Control pn+l
) Eq&?
, Ready
indicate that the circuit has finished its operation. This is
represented in RSL as follows:
Result = muz(argl , . . . . , argb # i)
muxRcad~ -
function is implemented using the circuit
shown in Figure 2.
p+: F, p y:’
Fig. 2. Successor Function.
An adder is used to implement the ~ucce~~~r function. This
is represented in RSL as follows:
Result - sue(n)
SuCRtd = SUCControl
[3] Composition
function is implemented using the circuit
shown in Figure 3. The representation in RSL as follows:
Result = Comp(xl,....,x, # y)
compRc4 I And(x,“““““’ , xPCo”trol , ,,.,.% control)
Notice that
represents the logical and, and it is con-
sidered as a Basic function.
[4] Recursion
is represented using the circuit shown in
Figure 4. The component
is used to test if the inputs
are equal, it is represented in RSL as follows:
Result = eq?( arg 1 , arg,)
The RSL representation of the circuit for recursion is as
Fig. 4. Recursion Implementation.
Initp(0,m ; l,urg, ; 2,urge; . . . ;
- eq?(1 ,
m) (4)
Result - comp(arg,I,p;(+$, Result # y) (5)
Equation 1 is used to indicate that we use n registers to be
initialized with the arguments of the h component and a
register for the constant m. Equation 2 means that the
unit Sue which is a basic function has its input
connected to the
output of the unit computing g(n)
to be sure that I is not incremented until g(c) is com-
puted. Equation 3 is used to represent the fact that I is
incremented every clock cycle using the Sue unit, and Z is
initialized to the value 1 using the register number n+l.
Equation 4 determines the end of operation when I reaches
the value m. Equation 5 means that h has n inputs from
the n registers, one output from register number n+2
which is initialized to the value g(E), and an input I
which is the output of the SUC unit.
(51 ,u-Recursion is
represented using the circuit shown in
Figure 5.
Fig. 5. P-Recursion Implementation
The circuit is represented in RSL as follows:
Initp(O,m ; 1,argr ;
2,argz; . . . ; n,arg,)
Result = po sue (Result)
Ready - eq?(O) g(m,Result))
First equation is used to initialize
register with h
arguments and m value, second equation is used to indi-
cate that the unit sue has an input from a register initial-
ized with a value 0 and the output of
sue is the Result,
and third statement is used for comparing sue output with
From the previous transformation method we see that each
construct in ASL has an equivalent representation in RSL.
The equivalence between ASL and RSL represents the base
for the automatic transformation procedure for any algo
rithm specified using ASL to RSL.
S.Implementation of an Inner-product Cell
An example of an Inner-product cell is introduced in
this section. The cell has three inputs a, 6, and c, and an
output d The function of the cell is specified by:
d- a*b + c
The implementation of this equation is
done in two levels.
At the first level we need to multiply
and B. The multi-
plication is done in a recursive way using repetitive addi-
tion. This can be simply described by the following high
level subroutine:
multiplication (n,m)
ij( n = 0) then result = m
6 egin
temp = multiplication
result = addition (temp, m)
The second level of the process is an implementation of the
addition operation. The addition is done also recursively
and can be described as follows:
addition (n, m)
( n = 0) then result = m
= addition ((n-l),m)
result = increment (temp)
The operation of the cell can be described as follows:
inner-product (a, 6,~)
( c = 0) then
= multiplication ( a,b)
= inner-product (a, b, c-1)
result = increment
( temp )
Other representations may be found for the inner-product
cell. We are not trying to find all representations at this
level, but we want to mention that different representa-
tions can affects the final design.
ASL Representation
To make the example clear we describe the code at three
different levels, First is the code of the multiplication unit
which is required by the inner-product cell. Secondly, the
code for the addition unit which is required by the multi-
plication unit. Finally, the code of the inner-product cell.
Multiplication unit code:
pro(n ,O) = W.
addI. av 1, am, argd -
add(rlXw 1, am, argd,rl39( arg 1, am am))
pro(n,m+l) - addl,p,m,pro(n,m))
Addition Unit code: add(n,O) - v;(n).
= ~(rl3S(wl,w~~ar~d
add(n,m+l) = Q(n,m,add(n,m)).
cell code:
inner-product(a,b,O) = pro(eta?(a,b,O),q$(a,b,O))
add-one(argl,arg2,arg,,arg,) - X(rl$ argl,arg2,args,arg,))
inner-product(a,b,c+l) -
add-one(a,b,c,inner-product(a,b >c))
RSL Representation
The RSL specification is divided to three parts as the ASL
The multiplication unit code:
Result1 - zero 1 Rule, (1)
Result, - muzl(argl , w2, avs # 1) 1 Rules (2)
Results - muxe(argl , arg2) args # 3) 1
Rule5 (3)
Result, = add,s(Result2 , Result8
# add) 1
Rule7 (4)
Initp(O,m ;
1,n) 1
Rules-l (5)
SUC,,,~,,~ = zero ready 1 Rules+ (6)
I = pf sue(l) 1 Rules-s (‘1
Ready = eq?(I,m) 1
Rules+ (8)
Result - ~ro(n,~,~k,,,,~ # addIs) I Rules-6 (9)
Comparing the ASL and RSL specifications we see that
in RSL is corresponding to the first statement
in ASL and is obtained using rule 4 in the transformation
procedure, statements 2-4 are corresponding to the second
statement in ASL and is obtained by applying rule 5 twice
and rule 7 once, and statements 5-8 are corresponding to
the third ASL statement and is obtained by applying rule 8
once. A schematic diagram for pro is shown in Figure 6.
Implementation of the unit
The addition unit code:
Result1 = muzI(arg, # 1) I Rule, (10)
= muz2(argr ,
arg2, args # 3) 1
Rule6 (11)
Results =
Q(Result2#suc) 1 Rule7 (12)
IGtp(O,m ; 1,n) I
Rules+ (13)
s~ccod,ol - Result yDdy I Rules+ (14)
I = pf WC(I) 1 Rule8+ (15)
Ready =
eq?(I,m) I Rules+
Result - add(n;l,pLrtl # C?) I Rules-5 (17)
A schematic diagram for the function
is shown in Fig-
ure 7.
Fig. 7. Implementation of the unit
The inner-product cell code:
Result1 = muzI(argI, arg2,
args, arg4 #
1) I
Result9 = muzz(arg,, arg2, arga, arg4
# 4) I Rule6(19)
Results = temp(Resultl,
Result2 #
pro) 1 Rule, (20)
Result4 = mudam, arg2, am, arg4 # 4) I Rub(21)
Results = add-one(Result4 # X) I Rule7
Initp(O,m ; 1,n) I
SUC,,,~,~~ - resultgady 1 Rule- (24)
I - pf sue(1) I Rules+ (25)
Ready - eq?(Z,m) I Rules+ (26)
Result - inner-product (n , I,
P&,.lts#add-one) IRub- (27)
A schematic diagram for
is shown in Figure 8
6. Conclusions
In this paper a procedure for transforming a
p-recursive algorithm to a digital architecture is intro-
duced. A new Language (ASL) which is based on p-recur-
sive functions is used for representing the algorithm. ASL
has a limited number of constructs used to represent any
algorithm. An (RSL) is used to represent the components
and connectivity of the digital architecture that executes
Fig. 8. Implementation of the unit inner-product.
the given algorithm. RSL representation is obtained using
a correctness preserving set of transformations. An
automated procedure is introduced that transforms an ASL
representation to its isomorphic RSL representation.
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and Test, pp.
... If xi (16i < n ) are n-1 place functions, z is n place functions, y is 2n place function and w!? are n place functions, then z is defined by the following Algorithm Specification Linguage (ASL) [12-141 code: Transformation Algorithm to RSL To transform the system of recursion with respect to several variables to the Realization Specification Language RSL [12][13][14] representation we implement each equation using the same method described in [12][13][14]. Here is the RSL representation of the system: Equation 1 is used to show that we use n registers to be initialized with the arguments (argl, . . . ...
... If xi (16i < n ) are n-1 place functions, z is n place functions, y is 2n place function and w!? are n place functions, then z is defined by the following Algorithm Specification Linguage (ASL) [12-141 code: Transformation Algorithm to RSL To transform the system of recursion with respect to several variables to the Realization Specification Language RSL [12][13][14] representation we implement each equation using the same method described in [12][13][14]. Here is the RSL representation of the system: Equation 1 is used to show that we use n registers to be initialized with the arguments (argl, . . . ...
... To transform the system of nested recursion to RSL we implement each equation using the same method described in [12][13][14]. Here is the RSL representation of the double nested recursion: ...
Conference Paper
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The authors introduce a formal approach for synthesis of array architectures. The methodology provides two main features: completeness and correctness. Completeness means the ability to use the approach for any general algorithm. Correctness is achieved by using a set of transformations that are proved to be correct. Four different forms are used to express the input algorithm: simultaneous recursion, recursion with respect to different variables, fixed nesting, and variable nesting. Four different architectures for the same algorithm are obtained. As an example, a matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm is used to obtain four different optimal architectures. The different architectures of this example are compared in terms of area, time, broadcasting, and required hardware
... To transform the system of nested recursion to RSL we implement each equation using the same method described in121314. Here is the RSL representation of the double nested recursion: ...
... The multiplication is done in a recursive way and can be described by the following high level subroutine:Figure 1 shows the architecture obtained for matrix multiplication. The details of im$cmcnting the inner-product cell arc shown in [14]. The architecture consists ofFigure 2 shows the architecture using recursion with respect to several variables. ...
In this paper, we introduce a formal approach for synthesis of array architectures. Four different fovms are used t o express the input algorithm: simultaneous recursion, recursion with respect t o dsferent vari-ables, fixed nesting and variable nesting. Four different architectures for the same algorithm are obtained. As an example, a matrix-matrix multi-plication algorithm is used t o obtain four different optimal architectures. The dtfferent architectures of this example are compared in terms of area, time, broadcasting and required hardware.
... To transform the system of nested recursion to RSL we implement each equation using the same method described in121314. Here is the RSL representation of the double nested recursion: ...
... The multiplication is done in a recursive way and can be described by the following high level subroutine:Figure 1 shows the architecture obtained for matrix multiplication. The details of im$cmcnting the inner-product cell arc shown in [14]. The architecture consists ofFigure 2 shows the architecture using recursion with respect to several variables. ...
In this paper, we introduce a formal approach for synthesis of array architectures. Four different fovms are used t o express the input algorithm: simultaneous recursion, recursion with respect t o dsferent vari-ables, fixed nesting and variable nesting. Four different architectures for the same algorithm are obtained. As an example, a matrix-matrix multi-plication algorithm is used t o obtain four different optimal architectures. The dtfferent architectures of this example are compared in terms of area, time, broadcasting and required hardware.
Conference Paper
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A formal design methodology is used to design a residue Number System (RNS) processor. An optimal architecture for the residue decoding process is obtained through this design approach. The architecture is modular, consists of simple cells, and is general for any set of moduli
In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for high level syn-Lhesis for DSP algorithms. Two features are provided by the approach: completeness and correctness. A given algorithm will be represented in a new developed language termed Algorithm Specification Language (ASL). ASL has the abilit,y to describe any general algorithm. An automatic procedure is used to transform an ASL representation into a specific realization specification using a correctness preserving set of transformations. The realization format is based on representing the digital architectures by another developed language called Realization Specification Language(RSL). Logic Programming is used as a user interface for the synthesis pro-cedure.
In this paper a formal design methodorogy is used to design a Residue Number System (RNS) processor. An optimal architecture for the residue decoding pro-cess is obtained through this design approach. The architecture is modular, con-sists of simple cells, and is general for any set of moduli. -1. Introduction A novel approach for synthesizing digital architectures has been introduced in[l-4]. The approach is supporting two essential features: completeness and correctness. Completeness means the abil-ity to use the approach for any general algorithm. Correctness is achieved through a unified formal set of transformations that transforms a high level algorithmic description to an RTL level architecture. A given algorithm is modeled using a new developed language termed Algorithm specif-ication language(ASL). The realization for-mat is based on representing the architec-ture by another developed language called Realization Specification Language (RSL). In order to support parallel architec-tures, the approach have been extended to include different forms of recursion[5-7]. Other forms of recursion such as: simul-taneous recursion, recursion with respect to several variables, nested recursion with fixed number of nestings and nested recur-sion with variable number of nestings are used for designing parallel architectures. In this paper, we use this formal design methodology for designing a Residue Number System (RNS) processor. Section 2 gives a brief description of the design methodology. Section 3 describes the formal design of a residue decoder. Section 4 offers conclusions.
Conference Paper
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An approach is presented for high-level synthesis of digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms. Two features are provided by the approach: completeness and correctness. A given algorithm is represented in a newly developed language termed the algorithm specification language (ASL). ASL had the ability to describe any general algorithm. An automatic procedure is used to transform an ASL representation into a specific realization specification using a correctness preserving set of transformations. The realization format is based on representing the digital architectures by another language called the realization specification language (RSL). Logic programming is used as a user interface for the synthesis procedure
Conference Paper
This paper describes an approach to VLSI design synthesis that uses knowledge-based expert systems to proceed from an algorithmic description of a VLSI system to a list of technology-independent registers, operators, data paths, and control signals. This paper describes how the prototype Design Automation Assistant uses large amounts of expert knowledge to design an architecture with little searching. It also presents the current design of a small microprocessor along with a discussion of improvements currently being added.
Conference Paper
We describe a systematic method for the design of systolic arrays. This method may be used for algorithms that can be expressed as a set of uniform recurrent equations over a convex set D of Cartesian coordinates. Most of the algorithms already considered for systolic implementation may be represented in this way. The methods consists of two steps: finding a timing-function for the computations that is compatible with the dependences introduced by the equations, then mapping the domain D onto another finite set of coordinates, each representing a processor of the systolic array, in such a way that concurrent computations are mapped onto different processors. The scheduling and mapping functions meet conditions that allow the full automation of the method. The method is exemplified on the convolution product and the matrix product.
The Instruction Set Processor Specifications (ISPS) computer description language is an evolutionary step towards the formalization of the digital design process at the higher or behavioral levels. It has been used as a design tool, which covers a wider area of application than any other hardware description language. Thus, besides simulation and synthesis of hardware, software generation program verification, and architecture evaluation and control are among the current applications based on ISPS. The range of current and contemplated application areas are proof of the usefulness of the notation and its extension mechanisms. ISPS supports a wide range of applications, rather than a wide range of design levels. Thus, this paper is divided into two parts. The first part describes the notation, its intended use, and the extension mechanisms which allow multiple applications or areas of research to co-exit and share machine descriptions. The second part describes some of the current applications for ISPS.
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1983. Supervised by Gerald Jay Sussman. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 60-62).
Conference Paper
To make silicon as an implementation medium accessible to system designers, the Philips approach requires an interface between the system-level and algorithmic concerns on the one hand and the more physical concerns on the other hand. The CP-0 programming language is proposed as such an interface. The actual design amounts to the translation of system requirements into a CP-0 program, for which the term VLSI programming is proposed. A silicon compiler subsequently transforms the CP-0 program into a VLSI layout and a test trace. Other issues considered include the implementation of delay-insensitive circuits, testing, and the use of `zoom and pan' (ZaP) as a vehicle