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Requirements for a Mobile E-learning Platform.

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... Industries such as transportation and logistics, financial services, health services (Varshney, 2006), commerce (Bai et al., 2005) and many others should be able to improve their performance by implementing wireless mobile technologies (Shim et al., 2006). Most previous studies on using wireless networks for mobile learning suggest the use of GMS/GPRS, UMTS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies (Hummel, Hlavacs and Weissenböck, 2002; Kurbel and Hilker, 2002; Colazzo et al., 2003; Trifonova and Ronchetti, 2004). However, all these networking technologies require fixed infrastructure or cover a small area. ...
... essibility of information networks (Gay et al., 2001). Roccetti et al. (2001) describe a general architecture of a mobile web-based distance learning service for interactive outdoor learning along with its design guidelines. They also evaluate it in order to confirm the adequacy of the approach and to determine the future development of the system. Kurbel and Hilker (2002) discuss the characteristics of mobile communication with respect to e-learning and e-learning platforms. They outline mobile learning scenarios and examine the requirements for a mobile e-learning platform. They provide a case study for displaying learning content on the current and future WAP/UMTS-based devices. Hummel, Hlavacs and Wei ...
... EVolution Data Optimised (EVDO), which is an evolution of CDMA2000, supports the downlink data rates up to, 2006), commerce (Bai et al., 2005) and many others should be able to improve their performance by implementing wireless mobile technologies (Shim et al., 2006). Most previous studies on using wireless networks for mobile learning suggest the use of GMS/GPRS, UMTS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies (Hummel, Hlavacs and Weissenböck, 2002; Kurbel and Hilker, 2002; Colazzo et al., 2003; Trifonova and Ronchetti, 2004). However, all these networking technologies require fixed infrastructure or cover a small area. ...
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Collaborative learning outside the classroom is vital for many educational disciplines. Three educational scenarios held outdoors are analysed. In the first scenario, students investigate the ancient architecture, archaeological artefacts and historical location at an archaeological site. In the second scenario, students investigate the environmental and natural resource management, endangered species and flora at a national forest. The third scenario describes collaborative game-based learning at outdoors. Multicast Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are employed to support students' communication and collaboration. Simulation results show the feasibility of multicast MANETs to support students' communication and collaboration during these three outdoor educational scenarios.
... However, learners need computer and internet access to acquire knowledge. Most of the time carrying a computer and finding an internet access point are the major constraints for learners (Kurbel, 2002). Mobile communication technologies can support such situations and they can prepare more flexible learning environments for learners. ...
... • Continuous technology development militates against stability and sustainability in terms of mounting viable m-learning applications. (p.6) Kurbel and Hilker (2002) (Attewell and Smith, 2003) with young adults (16-24) to find the answers for the following questions: ...
... These constraints allow for small learning activities like taking small quizzes or reading flash cards. Kurbel and Hilker (2002) say that "Preparing multimedia course material by a course designer or instructor is probably not a candidate for mobile support since this type of work is rather done at a fully equipped office than on the road. Viewing that material as a student, however, or looking up a submission deadline for an exercise are examples where mobile access can be quite useful" (p.468). ...
This thesis investigates the perceptions of students about using mobile communication tools in web-based instruction. A mobile learning portal that can be used by different mobile devices was designed for this purpose. This portal included a mobile discussion forum and a course information system. Sixty undergraduate and five graduate students from METU/CEIT department used this portal as a supportive learning activity in three different courses throughout two-three, and four-week periods. The discussion subjects related to course content were created by instructors in these courses and students used this portal by sending messages or creating new subjects. Assignment results and announcements were inserted into the system by the instructors of these courses. A user evaluation instrument was developed by the researcher and validated by field experts. At the end of the study, perceptions of students were collected about mobile learning, mobile learning technologies and mobile discussion forums by using this instrument. Descriptive statistics were calculated according to the responses of students. The study results show that most of the students enjoyed using mobile technologies in education and they want to use mobile technologies in other courses. Although they like using mobile technologies, they did not increase the level of learning and motivation of the students much. Furthermore, mobile technologies did not increase the communication between students and between students and teachers despite their highly developed communication capabilities. Students could easily use the mobile technologies but small screen sizes and limited keypads hindered them from performing the operations. According to students, the cost of using mobile technologies is quite important whereas the data communication security is not important.
... New ways to embed learning applications into mobile devices arise when trying to solve these shortcomings. One solution is to adapt the content of traditional e-learning to the especial characteristics of mobile devices (Kurbel and Hilker 2002). How to provide the information to students, how to determine which devices will be used and how the connection between them will be performed become the most important challenges to be addressed in the design stage. ...
... Some of these problems are related to the heterogeneity of the devices. That is, most of the mobile devices have different displaying, networking and operating system capabilities (Kurbel and Hilker 2002). MCSCL proposes solutions to most of these challenges. ...
The constant evolution of mobile devices and Information Technologies allows users to enjoy a new variety of features that were unimaginable some years ago. In this sense, Ambient Intelligence (AmI) has emerged as a new discipline focused on people and aimed at facilitating their daily activities. This paper proposes a new definition model that helps designers to characterize collaborative e-learning systems based on AmI and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. The use of mobile devices and Mobile Adhoc Networks is a key aspect in this model as they allow users to access resources from anywhere on demand. The proposed model is applied to a concrete case of study as an example of its application on real scenarios.
... In [2] we discussed that most often m-learning would try to take the advantage of reusing possible services already provided by e-learning platform. Such idea is supported by many other researchers, like [4] [5] [6]. ...
... In [2] we discussed that most often m-learning would try to take the advantage of reusing possible services already provided by e-learning platform. Such idea is supported by many other researchers, like [4, 5, 6]. According to our proposition there are three distinct main functionalities that have to be provided in an mlearning platform – 'Context Discovery', 'Content Management and Adaptation' and 'Support for Offline Access to Content'. ...
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The new e-learning trend, called mobile learning opens variety of questions to solve. To allow access to learning content anytime and anyplace a technique called hoarding is sometimes indispensable for covering the periods of disconnection. In this paper we show the outcomes of the hoarding sub-system of Mobile ELDIT system, developed at the University of Trento. Our results demonstrate that in certain scenarios anytime, anywhere m-learning might be reached even without online access available
... Generally, it produced for the public and used by a learner as he or she contributes in higher education. In fact, m-learning is similar to online learning which it physically separates teachers and learners but provides a communication channel between them (Kurbel & Hilker, 2003). However, the primary differences between m-learning and e-learning fall into four main categories: timing, information access, context and assessment. ...
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As technology advances, using gadgets like smart phones, ipads, tablets and other mobile devices are becoming popular among people today as the rise in technology is overwhelming. Therefore, this paper describes how iWorkplace mobile application can be implemented in Malaysian educational field. This application resource is specifically designed for undergraduate students and adult learners who are getting ready for the employment world. The application is being developed based on one of the language courses syllabus in the university. This mobile application features the virtual notes on the workplace and business and professional communication skills within an organization that can be used as a teaching aid for teaching and learning process. In this paper, we focus more on the design and the process of development of the application. The android application without coding is used in the design and development of this application. The design is considered the most important part of the application because it uses a small-sized screen and much information is to be placed in this application.
... Learning based on traditional computing systems and mobile devices converge in its use in what is called Mobile Learning also known as M-learning, by allowing users to stay connected to the learning environment, learning resources, members of the educational community, such as teachers and students, no matter where they are[1]. Thus, the learning process is no longer bounded to a specific location and will depend essentially of the student's willingness to accede to learning resources. ...
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This article describes the implementation and development of an expert system as a support tool to tackle mathematical topics, by using Bayesian networks as engine of inference and a learning styles, as well as the difficulty level of problems and establish the base of the classifier probabilistic. The expert system makes decisions as which element to visualize at a specific moment, gives the student the best resource, and supervises the user progress. The article is divided into three sections, the first one deals with the construction of the expert system, the second one presents the operation of the system through the classification of students consistent with their profile, which is based on the prevailing learning style among them and in the difficulty level that problems have so that the student reaches in solving successfully. It also shows the operability of the system in respect of the allocation of digital resources in accordance with the identified profile and gradually provides more assignments with different difficulty levels, as the student progresses. An experimental study was performed by means of which the system was assessed under 30 students to the level of engineering and those who studied the Applied Calculus course in their second semester of the degree course. This group was named the study group (SG). The SG used the system for one semester. The results at the initial and final evaluation were from 3.58 to 7.37 for CG and SG respectively. Applying the F test, a statistically significant difference in increase was found (p
... The benefits of mobile devices and M-learning in the field of education identified by Kukulska-Hulme and Traxler (2005), some of these benefits included, flexibility and freedom in learning, social interaction skills and cooperative learning, self-learning and self-assessment by short tests or quizzes, and taking into account the individual differences, in addition, engage learners to interest in education, collaboration between educators and learners by sharing assignments, automation of assessments of learners, and allows immediate feedback (Osang, et al., 2013). But to catch these major benefits and to apply the M-learning and portable mobile devices in the field of learning they should have special specifications such as, ease of use, and support self-learning skills, however, these devices should have technical specifications to operate efficiently when used in learning purposes, such as, a microphone and speaker, light and Gyro sensor to detect the mobile phone rotation, Internal 3G or 4G antenna to access the Internet (Kurbel and Hilker 2003), and (Sharples, et al., 2007). In addition, powerful camera, large memory capacity to store data, screen size with good resolution, and operating system to run educational application (Naismith, et al., 2004). ...
The present research aims to investigate the students' perceptions levels of Edmodo and Mobile learning and to identify the real barriers of them at Taibah University in KSA. After implemented Edmodo application as an Mlearning platform, two scales were applied on the research sample, the first scale consisted of 36 statements was constructed to measure students' perceptions towards Edmodo and M-learning, and the second scale consisted of 17 items was constructed to determine the barriers of Edmodo and M-learning. The scales were distributed on 27 students during the second semester of the academic year 2013/2014. Findings indicated that students' perceptions of Edmodo and Mobile learning is in “High” level in general, and majority of students have positive perceptions towards Edmodo and Mobile learning since they think that learning using Edmodo facilitates and increases effectiveness communication of learning, and they appreciate Edmodo because it save time. Regarding the barriers of Edmodo and Mobile learning that facing several students seem like normal range, however, they were facing a problem of low mobile battery, and storing large files in their mobile phones, but they do not face any difficulty to enter the information on small screen size of mobile devices. Finally, it is suggested adding a section for M-learning in the universities to start application of M-learning and prepare a visible and audible guide for using of M-learning in teaching and learning.
... These obstacles include the slow pace of data communication, high costs for WAP, narrow memory capacity of mobile device, and insufficient screen dimensions for effective design of the course content (Attewell, 2005;McLean, 2003;Singh, 2003). However, mobile technology could be used effectively for assessment process since true/false, multiple choice, fill-in, audio-based or game-based tests could be designed according to mobile screen (Armatas, Holt & Rice, 2005;Kurbel & Hilker, 2002). Therefore, use of mobile based test systems with WAP or SMS through PDA, PALM, mobile phone or computer in higher education has been promoted because they support the learning process of the students, offer exercise media and provide opportunity to test the achievement level of the students (Dawabi, Wessner & Neuhold, 2003;Evans & Taylor, 2004;Lim & Lim, 2006;Mercier et al, 2004). ...
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The aim of this research is to determine the impact of students’ gender and test anxiety on their achievement in mobile based assessment. The research was conducted in the Computer Hardware and Microprocessors course, which supports technology enhanced learning. The two-factor within-subject design was used. Eight female and twelve male students undertook a mobile based test about computer hardware. The mobile based test was developed using MSSQL database, WML and PHP. The findings of the study revealed that there were no significant differences between the achievement level of the students regarding to gender and level of test anxiety. However, male students and the students who have a low level of test anxiety were more successful in the mobile based test.
... Successful mobile applications such as banking or buying parking tickets are goal directed, and are not effective if they expect too much reading from a small screen or distract with unnecessarily rich media objects (Uther 2002). As one alternative, Kurbel and Hilker (2002) stress the value of audio transmission, which can be combined with visual cues such as keywords, comments and illustrations. Audio transmission also encompasses audio conferencing, discussion forums of voice messages and voice based answers to on line tests. ...
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This paper proposes a conceptual framework for the design of mobile learning solutions that address the special requirements of professional development. This framework is based on a combination of a game metaphor and the various dimensions of the mobile learning context. It provides the basis for a paper prototyping approach that uses sticky notes to represent both aspects of the display and supporting media types and components. We describe the framework and the paper prototyping approach and apply the prototyping method to some indicative content from a real world example. We reflect on the relationship between the framework and the paper prototyping method and outline further collaborative research with a partner organisation.
... As a mobile application, mLearning is substantially different from online learning and therefore is capable of generating its own value-based on its mobility-related features and coupled with appropriate pedagogy (Seng and Lin, 2004; Vavoula and Sharples, 2002). Similarly to online learning, mLearning provides a communication channel between teachers and learners but physically separates them (Kurbel and Hilker, 2003). However, mLearning is much more ubiquitous than online learning (mLearning takes place not only any time, but anywhere). ...
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The predominant mode of electronic learning today is 'online' (web-based). This type of learning relies on student access to personal computers – both on and off campus. Mobile technologies offer other educational alternatives. This article defines mobile learning (mLearning) as a new paradigm of flexible learning and describes scenarios for blended learning, which integrates the mobile and the online learning environments. A research model for the study of mLearning adoption is proposed, and hypotheses are derived that allow the study of mLearning adoption from a pedagogical and from a business perspective and can be applied to a variety of learning scenarios. of networking, data communications, information security, and eBusiness technologies and has professional experience as a manager and a consultant in information systems development and information management. Her current research focuses on mobile business applications, mobile and online learning and student capability development in industry supported learning.
... This experiment augmented inquiry-based investigations with realtime data and visualizations, which in turn increased the students' engagement. Characteristics of mobile communication for e-learning and requirements for mobile e-learning platforms were discussed in (Kurbel and Hilker, 2002). A business perspective was also considered for adopting mlearning (Petrova, 2007). ...
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Mobile learning is gaining high momentum and popularity. In order to develop effective Mobile Learning Applications (MLAs), it is important to consider quality requirements. MLAs should satisfy the learner's needs while enhancing the learning quality. This paper presents a framework for MLA requirements, where the mobile learner performs an educational activity supported by context aware adaptations. It presents and analyses four requirements' dimensions: educational, socio-cultural, economical, and technical. Either the teacher, or the learner himself, or the system will select the appropriate parameters for the particular learner at the particular situation.
... A work closely related to ours is [2]. The authors discuss the possible m-learning scenarios in respect of elearning platforms and the functionalities an m-learning platform is best suitable for. ...
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A rather new tendency in distance learning is the usage of mobile and wireless technologies to support learners and educators. In this paper we present an architecture, where the functionalities of e-learning platform are presented as Web services and on top of it a mobile learning management system is taking the responsibilities of adapting those services for the mobile users and for providing additional mobile specific services. Such a system should have three main functionalities - "context discovery", "mobile content management and adaptation" and "packaging and synchronization".
... A work closely related to ours is on defining the requirements for a mobile e-learning platform [3]. The authors discuss the possible m-learning scenarios in respect of e-learning platforms and the functionalities an m-learning platform is best suitable for. ...
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With the advances in mobile technologies it is already possible to support learners and teachers activities on the move. Nevertheless the interoperation between a Learning Information Systems and mobile technology is still weakly explored. We analyzed the functionalities that should be provided by e-learning and m-learning and present them in a general mobile learning platform. It is extension to traditional LMS and thus able to provide all possible e-learning services and additional specific services to the mobile users. Such a system should have three main functionalities – “Context Discovery”, “Mobile Content Management and Presentation Adaptation ” and “Packaging and Synchronization”. 1
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Los sistemas expertos son herramientas que pueden diagnosticar y apoyar el desarrollo del aprendizaje de los estudiantes, ayudando a mejorar sus debilidades una vez que han determinado su nivel cognoscitivo. El presente trabajo pretende desarrollar un sistema experto como herramienta de apoyo para la enseñanza de algunos temas de Cálculo, empleando redes bayesianas como motor de inferencia y registros de representación semiótica para la base del clasificador probabilístico. Se distinguen dos etapas: la primera consiste en diagnosticar ciertas debilidades en el estudiante; la segunda permite enfatizar la forma en la que se tratarán los aspectos relacionados con el aprendizaje y la manera en que serán presentados los tópicos del área a reforzar.
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This paper presents an e-learning platform designed to improve the training activities in universities, especially in teaching the topics of passive components and circuits (CCP), electronic technologies and electronic materials. The platform is composed by two sections, one public section which is opened for the users and they can be freely accessed in order to view the documentations and multimedia content dedicated to technology in electronics. The second section of the platform has a restrictive access where the users must login with a name and a password. The first page of the platform allows to entering in the public section. The documents placed in the public section can only be viewed but can't be modified by the users. Only the administrator and the logged users can make modifications in the restricted section. The presented platform is based on virtual private network (VPN) technology in order to ensure the document transfers and communications for online teaching courses. In the implementation of VPN was used the OpenVPN software and dedicated hardware (computers, IP video cameras, microphones, routers). The e-learning platform is scalable and capable to interconnect other working platform developed in distant locations, for example in different university centers. By integrating the newest technologies in computer systems and secured communications the proposed e-learning solution increase the access of the students, researchers and working personnel to the field of electronic technology and improve the training in this domain.
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Flexible eLearning strongly relies on student access to personal computers -both on campus and from outside. Today the predominant mode of eLearning is "online"-Web browsing using a personal computer. It is already predicted that in the near future the number of mobile communication devices (such as mobile phones and handheld computers) will exceed the number of personal computers. Mobility and context-aware services can be used successfully in the educational environment and researchers in the area have already reported numerous experiments with different technologies. We propose to experiment with a "blended" approach, which integrates the mobile and online learning environments. The outcomes of the model include the development of learners' decision-making skills and the improvement of their understanding of mobility and location-based services.
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In this paper we deal with constructive mobile learning, i.e., a positive approach to combining learning with moving, field education with ICT, personalized and learner-enhanced learning material. Technically it is based on location dependency of educational content and method and desegregates moving and information processing for a learner community. A comprehensive example for a 101 grade class studying history coupled with several interdisciplinary educational goals is given. Analysis and organization of information leads to the specification of m-learning objects dynamically created based on learner's location, movement, learners' profile and curriculum.
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