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An Organic Architecturefor Traffic Light Controllers
Fabian Rochner1,Holger Prothmann2,
J¨urgen Branke 2,Christian M¨uller-Schloer1,Hartmut Schmeck2
1Institute of Systems Engineering
Universit¨at Hannover
30167 Hannover, Germany
2Institute of Applied Informatics
and Formal Description Methods
Universit¨at Karlsruhe (TH)
76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract: Efficient control of traffic networks is acomplexbut important task. A
successful network management vitally depends on the abilities of the traffic light
controllers to adapt to changing traffic situations. In this paper acontrol architecture
for traffic nodes is presented that is inspired by the principles of Organic Comput-
ing. It allows anode to quickly adapt to changing traffic situations and enables it to
autonomously learn newcontrol strategies if necessary.
Control of road traffic networks in urban areas is achallenging task. This is mainly due
to the great dynamics of traffic. Therefore, amere generation of an optimal controller
for acertain traffic situation is not sufficient. It is necessary to provide the capability of
adjusting quickly to changes in traffic situations and, in particular,toreactreasonably in
situations that had not been anticipated by the designer of the traffic controller.
In this paper we showhow different principles of Organic Computing [Sch05] likeself-
organization, self-adaptation and the Observer-Controller paradigm can contribute to im-
prove traffic controllers, making them at the same time more flexible and easier to set
up, to maintain, and give better results. First ideas that have been incorporated into this
architecture have been presented in [RMS04].
From the extensive literature on traffic control, the recent works of Bull et al. [BS+04]
and Helbing et al. [HL+05] should be mentioned in the context of this paper.Similar
to the ideas presented here, Bull uses aLearning Classifier System (LCS) to control a
simplistic traffic node, while Helbing proposes adecentralized control strategy for traffic
flows (which not yet considers legalregulations likeminimum or maximum green times).
Acentral requirement for anycontrol architecture for atraffic node is to guarantee the
safe functionality of the node at anytime, ensuring that conflicting traffic streams are
neverallowed to enter the node area simultaneously.Furthermore, it should optimize the
performance of the node (e. g. in terms of lowwaiting times for all road users). To achieve
this task, aquick adaption to changing traffic demands is mandatory.
Traffic changes can be observed on different time-scales. Besides small short-time vari-
ations around aconstant mean arrivalrate, amuch greater variability of traffic demands
occurs on an intra-day basis. Atypical workday can be divided into several periods of
differing traffic situations including twopeak periods with high demands due to commuter
traffic. Within these periods the highly demanded traffic streams usually differ,which is
illustrated in Figure 1for the peak periods of atraffic node in the city of Hamburg. The
observable traffic patterns, the time of their occurrence, and their durations vary among
the network nodes. Furthermore, in the long run traffic patterns are subject to slowly de-
veloping changes that can lead to the aging of fixed-time signal programs [BB86].
Different approaches can be used to handle traffic changes. To adapt the phase durations
to short-term variations, traffic light controllers are used which utilize traffic information
provided by detectors. Due to their limited reactive freedom, these controllers are often not
sufficient to handle intra-day changes. In this case, intra-day changes must be handled by
ahuman engineer who designs appropriate signal programs for the different demands and
defines conditions for switching between them, butthis is acomplexand time consuming
task that has to be repeated for every single node. Even if the developed signal programs
and switching schemes (which often simply depend on the time of day) perform well under
normal conditions, the system gets into trouble wheneversituations occur that have not
been anticipated by the engineer.Such unforeseen situations can be road or lane closures
due to road works or incidents in the vicinity of the node that influence the traffic patterns
in their surroundings.
3Multi-layer Design
To reduce the necessary effort for ahuman engineer and to avoid the drawbacksofacom-
pletely preplanned solution, we propose amulti-layered organic architecture that can be
applied to arbitrary traffic nodes which are equipped with traffic detectors. Afirst organic
layer detects changes in the traffic patterns on-line and switches between appropriate sig-
nal programs. Wheneverapreviously unknown situation occurs, asecond organic layer
autonomously searches for an appropriate signal program by simulation-based off-line op-
timization. An architectural overviewisshown in Figure 2. In this section we outline the
tasks of the different layers which are described in more detail in Section 4, 5and 6.
Layer 0: Simple Tr affic Light Controller
On the lowest layer aparameterized traffic light controller (TLC) is used to control the
traffic signals. The TLC can implement afixedtime scheme that simply switches phases
after predefined amounts of time, or it can be traffic-responsive and therefore vary the
phase durations based on detector information. In the first case the phase sequence and
Figure 1: Intra-day peaks (morn-
ing, afternoon) shown for one node.
Arrowwidth is proportional to traf-
fic flow. Data from traffic census.
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
information Parameters
Traffic light
New rule
Quality of control
Observer 2
Rule generator
Controller 1
Rule set
Observer 1
Figure 2: Architecture overview. Layer 0represents the
traffic node, Layers 1and 2are organic control layers re-
sponsible for the selection and generation of signal pro-
durations are specified as TLC parameters, in the second case parameters specify different
aspects of the variation process (e. g. the minimum or maximum duration of aphase).A
traffic-responsive TLC can autonomously handle short-term traffic variations, and it can
be adapted to different intra-day demands by parameterization. Details on the TLC and its
parameters can be found in Section 4.
Forthe traffic-dependent selection and simulation-based optimization of appropriateTLC
parameters, we propose twoorganic control layers. The TLC on Layer 0isfunctional
without the organic layers, butitexhibits no learning abilities and it has (if at all) only
limited adaptation capabilities.
Layer 1: On-line Selection of TLC Parameters
The first organic layer (i. e. Layer 1) monitors the traffic situation at the node and switches
control parameters of the TLC when necessary.For this purpose an observer component
aggregates traffic data collected by the detectors on Layer 0and determines aflow value
for each traffic stream crossing the node. This detected situation serves as input for the
controller on Layer 1which selects appropriate parameters for the TLC. The controller
is implemented as aLearning Classifier System (LCS) with reduced functionality,where
the rules called classifiers map traffic situations to TLC parameters. The selection of a
classifier is based on its value which is adjusted according to the corresponding TLC’s
performance. The details of the selection and valuation process can be found in Section 5.
Since neither observer nor controller on Layer 1require high computing power,the layer
can be implemented decentrally on each node using embedded hardware.
Layer 2: Off-line Optimization of TLC Parameters
Wheneverasituation is not adequately covered by the classifier population on Layer 1, an
optimized classifier covering it is generated by model-based optimization on the second
organic layer (i. e. Layer 2). An evolutionary algorithm (EA) generates populations of
TLC parameters and evaluatesthem using amicroscopic simulation model of the observed
situation. At the end of this process anew classifier is created which maps the observed
situation to the best TLC parameters resulting from the optimization. Before the new
classifier is inserted into the classifier population on Layer 1, its value is initialized based
on the simulated results. The details of the optimization are described in Section 6.
Within the architecture, Layer 2replaces the genetic operators that would normally be
applied by astandard LCS. This replacement is necessary because newly generated classi-
fiers must not be evaluated by applying them in areal traffic network. By using asimulated
environment for evaluation, bad TLC parameters can be identified without negative con-
sequences for the traffic system. Furthermore, the employment of asimulation software
allows the fast evaluation of manyTLC parameters, which should result in an improved
learning speed of the overall system.
Adrawback of using asimulated environment for classifier evaluation might be potential
differences between simulation and reality.Since microscopic simulators are quite accu-
rate after their calibration [XA+05], we expect no major problems here. Residual errors in
the valuation of anew classifier can be corrected when the classifier is applied in reality.
The application of Layer 2requires considerably more computing power that may not be
available directly at every traffic node. But since Layer 2will not be needed continuously
at every node, we propose to realize it in asemi-central fashion using several powerful
PCs which each perform the generation of newclassifiers for several connected nodes.
In the following sections the different layers are examined in some more detail.
4Simple Traffic Light Controller
One of the basic principles of Organic Computing and the Observer/ Controller paradigm
in particular is that anysystem designed with these ideas in mind has to stay operational
even if the “organic” parts of the architecture fail. On the lowest levelofour architecture
arather simple TLC is placed. This component can have avariable degree of complexity.
In the simplest case it behavesjust likeaconventional fixed time controller: Each phase is
switched to green for afixedamount of time, independently of howmanycars are waiting.
It is similar to an FSM with time as the only condition for transition of states.
Now, as detectors are available in the traffic network giving information about e. g. how
manycars per unit time are passing across or howmanycars are waiting for atraffic
light to switch to green, these data can be used to improve the behaviour of the TLC.
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has defined astandard for
traffic light controllers that can adapt to traffic conditions [NEM03]. The advantage of
this standard is that the complexity of corresponding controllers can be increased quite
smoothly.Weuse TLCs of different functionality based loosely on the NEMA standard.
Starting from afixedtime controller,the first step is to use presence detectors: aphase
no car is waiting for is skipped. Next, detectors for queue lengths are used to adjust the
duration of aphase to allowfor all waiting cars to pass the junction. Furthermore, the gaps
between cars approaching acurrently green traffic light can be measured and, if the gaps
get too large, the current phase is terminated.
ATLC gets aset of parameters when initialized and then runs without further interference
of the higher layers. The parameters include phases that are available (corresponding to
states of an FSM) and the conditions when to switch to which other phase. As phases
are predefined and can thus be assumed to be valid and phase transitions always occur
according to regulations, there is no wayfor the system to perform “illegal” actions.
These parameters are only changed if the traffic situation has changed sufficiently.Fre-
quent changes lead to discontinuities in the operation likely to reduce performance. The
decision when achange of parameters is appropriate is made by Layer 1. The degree of
change in traffic conditions needed for the overall performance to rise despite the inevitable
loss during transition depends on the complexity of the TLC: afixedtime controller will
have to be adjusted more frequently than acontroller that utilizes detector data.
To get optimal performance, atrade-offisnecessary between simplicity of the TLC that
leads to easy generation of newparameter sets on Layer 2due to lowdimensionality of
thesearch space and flexibility to react on small to medium changes in the traffic situation
reducing the disturbances caused by changing the TLC.
5Selecting aSuitable TLC
As outlined in the previous section, the TLC at the lowest layer of the architecture reacts
instantly to rather small changes in the environment. Greater deviations from acertain
traffic situation aparticular TLC (represented by its parameter set) has been optimized for
are handled by replacing it with another more suitable one. This is done at Layer 1. Here,
the goal is to classify encountered traffic situations into groups and find the most suitable
TLC for each group. This is what Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) are supposed to do:
classify input, find appropriate action.
Learning Classifier Systems
LCS in their present form have been proposed by Holland and Wilson [HB+00]. There is
no such thing as the LCS, manyvariants have been described. However, the most promis-
ing approach appears to be what is called XCS, eXtended Classifier System [Wil95]. XCS
strivestofind optimal rules for each encountered situation, not just rules that fit situations
with high payoffs as is the case with simpler LCS. These rules, called classifiers, connect
an input pattern (condition) to an action. The encoding of inputs is done such that differ-
ent levels of “generality” are possible, hence the range of input values each classifier can
match against may vary from asingle point to the entire search space. Newrules are gen-
erated using genetic operators likecrossoverand mutation on existing ones, changing both
condition and action. Furthermore, every time no classifier matching the current input is
available, one or more classifiers with amatching condition and random action are created
At initialization an LCS generates classifiers randomly by covering, butlater on classifiers
that have provenreliable influence the process of generating newrules. The environment
givesfeedback (also called reward) wheneveraclassifier’saction is applied and the LCS
uses this reward to valuate classifiers. The value of aclassifier consists of several com-
ponents, of which the prediction of expected reward and the prediction error are most
important. An “optimal” classifier combines high predicted reward with lowprediction
error.The goal of an XCS is to represent the entire search space with as fewclassifiers as
possible while keeping only those that are accurate in their prediction.
Reduced Functionality
The most important task for the LCS within the architecture is to improve the valuation
of existing classifiers. This is done using data liketraffic flows, average waiting times
and queue lengths. These measurements, available either directly or derivedfrom detector
data, are combined into asingle value by means of an objective function which has to
be specified by ahuman expert. Valuation is done on Layer 1and Layer 2using the
same objective function, so newly generated classifiers will already be provided with a
reliable value derivedfrom simulation. Still, deviations between reality and simulation are
inevitable, thus valuation on Layer 1isnecessary.Furthermore, this givesinformation on
the quality of the simulation model.
Apart from this, the functionality of our LCS is reduced. The most significant change is
that in our setting the LCS does not generate newactions—it uses only those that have been
tested before using Layer 2. So all it can do is find the best action among those available,
it does not explore. This is simple if classifiers exist that match the current input: The
classifier whose prediction is best is chosen. If no classifier matches, anew matching one
has to be generated. The proposed approach is to choose the classifier whose condition is
closest to the current input, copyit, widen its condition just enough to match and discount
its value slightly.This wayaquick response is possible (waiting for Layer 2toprovide a
newsolution would taketoo long) and the probability that the chosen action will perform
acceptably is greater than if the action waschosen randomly.Ifthis widening exceeds a
certain threshold, the current situation is passed simultaneously to Layer 2sothat, when it
is encountered again, aspecifically optimized classifier is available.
This requires an encoding for the condition that allows for easy adjustment to include some
giveninput. As the input consists of real values the best choice appears to be unordered
bound representation [SB03]: each predicate x iof the condition is represented as lower
( pi)and upper (qi)bound of ahalf-open interval. Order of upper and lower bound does
not matter,sothere are tworepresentations for each interval [ pi,q
i)if pi=qiand one
if pi=qi(in this case the interval is considered closed). This introduces aminimal bias
against exact numbers, butthis is negligible compared to the bias of e. g. center-spread
representation [Wil00] towards theedges of the input space [SB03].
x 2
x 1
Figure 3: Encoding of conditions and cover-
Figure 3shows asimple example: The input
consists of twovariables (x 1and x 2). The con-
ditions of twoclassifiers Aand Bare mapped
into this input space (with one of their intervals
[ pi,q
i)each). The shown input is not matched
by these classifiers, thus covering is necessary.
The parameters to be considered when decid-
ing which classifier to start from are: distance
to edge (a )and center of currently covered re-
gion ( b), number of predicates/ intervals that
have to be changed, size of the additional area
covered and fitness of the classifiers involved.
Investigations on the influence of these parameters are currently under way.
The Classifier System used here has been modified in such away that it acts deterministi-
cally.All exploratory behavior is eliminated. This is due to the application where it is not
affordable to just try things out. Therefore, the exploratory parts have been movedtothe
simulated environment on Layer 2. Still, as the value of the classifiers is adjusted based on
their performance in areal environment, reality-based learning takes place on this layer.
6Generating New TLCs
The second organic layer (i. e. Layer 2) is responsible for generating newclassifiers. An
EA creates TLC parameters and evaluates their applicability for aspecified traffic situ-
ation using the microscopic traffic simulator AIMSUN [TSS05]. AIMSUN applies the
parameters to control asimulated model of the node and provides the data necessary for
evaluating the TLC. Asingle evaluation typically takes afew seconds on astandard PC.
The amount of time needed by the EA to optimize TLC parameters ranges from several
minutes to afew hours depending on the node architecture, the considered traffic situation,
and on the number of TLC parameters.
In contrast to Layer 1, the evolutionary process on Layer 2isbased solely on an en-
vironmental model. It uses feedback from this model to generate—within reasonable
time—solutions that are “good enough” for being inserted into the classifier population
on Layer 1. Since there is no feedback from reality,learning on Layer 2ispurely model-
based while Layer 1uses real detector data to readjust pre-calculated classifier values.
We presented anew approach to the generation of traffic light controllers that is inspired
by Organic Computing. In amulti-layered architecture the tasks of applying, selecting,
and generating control rules are assigned to three different layers. The resulting system is
capable of adjusting to changes in the traffic situations in aself-organized way, therefore
requiring only limited expert knowledge with respect to traffic control for operation. An
LCS is used for the selection process, but—different from standard LCS systems—the
generation of newclassifiers is movedtoaseparate evolutionary algorithm that evaluates
actions based on simulated results. Otherwise, the system would not be able to guarantee
aminimum levelofquality for the rules that are employed for controlling real traffic. This
modification of LCS should be apromising approach also in other application areas.
Acknowledgment: We gratefully acknowledge the support by the DFG priority pro-
gram 1183 on “Organic Computing”. Furthermore, we thank Moez Mnif and Urban
Richter for their valuable suggestions.
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