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PATSEEK: Content Based Image Retrieval System for Patent Database
Avinash Tiwari1, Veena Bansal2
1,2 Industrial and Management Engineering Department
IIT Kanpur 208016 India
A patent always contains some images along with the text. Many text based systems have been developed to search the
patent database. In this paper, we describe PATSEEK that is an image based search system for US patent database. The
objective is to let the user check the similarity of his query image with the images that exist in US patents. The user can
specify a set of key words that must exist in the text of the patents whose images will be searched for similarity.
PATSEEK automatically grabs images from the US patent database on the request of the user and represents them
through an edge orientation autocorrelogram. L1 and L2 distance measures are used to compute the distance between
the images. A recall rate of 100% for 61% of query images and an average 32% recall rate for rest of the images has
been observed.
Keywords: Patent Search, Content Based Image Retrieval, Recall rate, Precision
The sheer size of the information available about the
patents has led many researchers to develop efficient
and effective retrieval techniques for patent databases.
The Web Patent Full-Text Database (PatFT) of
United States Patent Office (USPTO) contains the full-
text of over 3,000,000 patents from 1976 to the present
and it provides links to the Web Patent Full-Page
Images Database (PatImg), which contains over
70,000,000 images. The volume of this repository
makes it prohibitive for humans to find similar images
in them. This has motivated us to develop a content-
based image retrieval system for the patent databases.
Initial image retrieval techniques were text-based that
associated textual information, like filename, captions
and keywords with every image in the repository. For
image retrieval, keyword based matching was
employed for finding the relevant images. The manual
annotation required prohibitive amount of labor.
Moreover, it was difficult to capture the rich content of
images using a small number of key words apart from
being an unnatural way of describing images.
Soon it was realized that image retrieval based on the
contents is a natural and an effective way of retrieving
images. This led to the development of Content-Based
Image Retrieval (CBIR). The Content-Based Image
Retrieval (CBIR) [8] is aimed at efficient retrieval of
relevant images from large image databases based on
automatically derived image features. The original
Query by Image Content (QBIC) system [3] allowed
the user to select the relative importance of color,
texture, and shape. The virage system [1] allows
queries to be built by combining color, composition
(color layout), texture, and structure (object boundary
Moments [6] fourier descriptors [5], [11] and chain
codes [4], [12] have also been used as features. Jain
and Vailya [7] introduced edge direction histogram
(EDH) using the Canny edge operator [2].
The edge orientation autocorrelogram (EOAC)
classifies edges based on their orientations and
correlation between neighboring edges in a window
around the kernel edge [9].
PATSEEK consists of two subsystems- one for
Creation of Feature Vector and Image Database and
another one for Retrieval of Images similar to the
query Image. The components of both subsystems and
their interaction are shown in figure 1.
Image Database
Image Segmentation
Images from Patent Database
Feature Extraction
Segmented Images
Result Display
Feature Extraction
Feature Matching
Ranked Results
Feature Vector
Feature Vector
of imagesRetrieval
similar to query images
Creation of Feature Vector and Image Database
Image Grabber:
Figure 1. System Architecture of PATSEEK
In order to add the feature vectors and images to the
database, the user interacts with the system through its
graphical user interface and provides a set of
keywords. A snapshot of the user interface for
specifying the search criteria for the patents to be
grabbed is shown in figure 2. The patents are grabbed
from the USPTO website. The image grabber searches
the patent database and grabs the image pages from the
patents that satisfy the search criteria.
Figure 2. Patent Grabber
A page image may contain more than one individual
image. To extract the individual images from these
page images, we need to identify the connected
components or blocks. In these pages, the connectivity
is present at a very gross level and an individual image
is well separated in both directions from other images.
The occasional captions are insignificant compared to
the images and can be treated as noise. Our experiment
shows that these captions do not change the feature
vector of an image in any significant way. To identify
the connected components, we start scanning a page
image from the first pixel row. If a row has no black
pixel, the row is discarded from further consideration.
If we find a row that contains at least one black pixel,
the position of the row is recorded as the potential start
of a connected component. We continue the horizontal
scan as long as we continue to find rows that contain at
least one black pixel.
If we find enough (design parameter) contiguous
horizontal rows that contain no black pixels, we have
reached the end of the previous block if any. We
continue horizontal scan till the end of the page image.
For each horizontal block identified, we scan it
vertically to segment it vertically using vertical
threshold. These thresholds are set to 1 mm. A block
that is less than 5 square cm is discarded as noise.
A document containing three images and their
corresponding blocks that have been identified are
shown in figure 3.
Figure 3. Blocks Identified for Individual Images
The separated images are stored in the image database
along with patent number and the page number within
the patent where these images were found.
The graphic content are then used to calculate the
image feature vector. We selected EOAC for our work
because it is computationally inexpensive and
independent of translation and scaling. Also, the size
of the feature vector is small, 144 real numbers. We
computed magnitude and gradient of the edges using
Canny edge operator.
The edges that have less than 10 percent of the
maximum possible intensity are ignored from further
Figure 4. Query Image Selection
The gradient of edges is then used to quantize edges
into 36 bins of 5 degrees each. The edge orientation
autocorrelogram is then formed which is a matrix,
consisting of 36 rows and 4 columns. Each element of
this matrix indicates the number of edges with similar
orientation. Columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 give the number of
edges that are 1, 3, 5 and 7 pixels apart. Each row
corresponds to 5 degrees bin.
Two edges with k pixel distance apart are said to be
similar if the absolute values of their orientations and
amplitude differences are less than an angle and an
amplitude threshold value, respectively [5]. These are
user defined thresholds. The edge orientation
autocorrelogram is stored in the database along with
patent number and the page number within the patent
where this image was found.
Feature vectors for the images are stored in an
RDMBS table. We have created the feature vector
database on Oracle as well as on Mysql.
For querying the database for images similar to a query
image, the user interacts with the system through a
graphical user interface (shown in figure 4). The user
can specify the query image by providing its name and
path. The image can be in any of the popular format
such as tiff, gif, jpeg etc.
PATSEEK gives user an opportunity to specify the
rotation angle for the query image. The angle may
range between 0 degrees and 180 degrees.
We have used L1 and L2 distance measures to select
12-nearest neighbors and both have given almost
identical results. The top twelve images, ranked on the
basis of the distance are displayed as thumbnails along
with the respective distance.
Figure 5. The User Interface for query result navigation
The graphical user interface displays the query image
and the results for browsing to the user. A snapshot of
the user interface is shown in the figure 5.
In this section, we report experimental results. All
experiments were performed on an Intel Pentium IV
Processor 2.4 GHz with 512 MBytes of RAM. The
system was implemented in Java (Sun JDK 1.4.1). The
feature vector database was initially created on Oracle
and later on moved to MySQL Ver 12.21. We did not
use the client of Oracle. We implemented the front-end
using Java and its utilities.
Our database contains approximately 200 images that
have been picked up from the patent database of
United States Patent Office. For the performance
evaluation, we have arbitrarily chosen 15 images from
our collection. For each query image, a set of relevant
images in the database have been manually identified.
An ideal image retrieval system is expected to retrieve
all the relevant images. One of the popular measures is
recall rate [10] that is the ratio of number of relevant
images retrieved and total number of relevant images
in the collection. The precision rate is the ratio of the
number of relevant images retrieved and total number
of images in the collection.
Minkowski-form distance is used assuming that each
dimension of image feature vector is independent of
each other and is of equal importance. L1 and L2 (also
called Euclidean distance) are some of the widely used
Minkowski-form distance measures.
We have compared the performance of two similarity
measures, L1 and L2 distance, in our experiments. For
our experiment, we calculated precision and recall rate
for each image. A recall rate of 100% for 61% of query
images and an average 32% recall rate for rest of the
images were observed. The precision rate varied
between 10% and 35%. Precision rate greatly depend
on the number of the images in the database. Graph 1
and graph 2 show the precision rates and recall rates
for 15 query images. The image shown in figure 6 is
one of the images selected for the query image shown
on the left in figure 4 but it is not one of the top
ranking images. For the same query image, when we
specify the angle of rotation as 180 degrees, the
ranking of this image improves considerably.
Figure 6. An image obtained by rotating the query
Trecision Rate
* *
Image Identifier
21 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Graph 1. Precision Rate
Image Identifier
21 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1.0 * * ****
* * *
Recall Rate
Graph 2. Recall rate
In this paper, we have described PATSEEK that is an
image retrieval system for the US patent database. The
system has shown good performance and can be
effectively utilized to locate similar patents before
issuing a new patent by the patent office. A researcher
or developer can locate all the images similar to the
image in his document before filing for a patent.
PATSEEK can compliment a text based search system.
The image feature vector database for PATSEEK is
expected to grow and the retrieval system must give
real-time performance even when database is large. At
present, we have not made any effort to optimize the
speed. The total time elapsed from the moment a query
image was given and to the moment relevant images
are retrieved was about 90 seconds. We plan to use
multidimensional indexing to cut down the retrieval
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