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How to Prove all NP-Statements in Zero-Knowledge, and a Methodology of Cryptographic Protocol Design



Under the assumption that encryption functions exist, we show that all languages in NP possess zero-knowledge proofs. That is, it is possible to demonstrate that a CNF formula is satisfiable without revealing any other property of the formula. In particular, without yielding neither a satisfying assignment nor weaker properties such as whether there is a satisfying assignment in which x 1 = TRUE, or whether there is a satisfying assignment in which x 1 = x 3 etc. The above result allows us to prove two fundamental theorems in the field of (two-party and multi-party) cryptographic protocols. These theorems yield automatic and efficient transformations that, given a protocol that is correct with respect to an extremely weak adversary, output a protocol correct in the most adversarial scenario. Thus, these theorems imply powerful methodologies for developing two-party and multi-party cryptographic protocols.
Sigma protocols are one of the most common and efficient zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Over the decades, a large number of Sigma protocols are proposed, yet few works pay attention to the common design principal. In this work, we propose a generic framework of Sigma protocols for algebraic statements from verifiable secret sharing (VSS) schemes. Our framework provides a general and unified approach to understanding Sigma protocols. It not only neatly explains the classic protocols such as Schnorr, Guillou-Quisquater and Okamoto protocols, but also leads to new Sigma protocols that were not previously known. Furthermore, we show an application of our framework in designing ZKPs for composite statements, which contain both algebraic and non-algebraic statements. We give a generic construction of non-interactive ZKPs for composite statements by combining Sigma protocols from VSS and ZKPs following MPC-in-the-head paradigm in a seamless way via a technique of witness sharing reusing. Our construction has advantages of requiring no “glue” proofs for combining algebraic and non-algebraic statements. By instantiating our construction using Ligero++ (Bhadauria et al., CCS 2020) and designing an associated Sigma protocol from VSS, we obtain a concrete ZKP for composite statements which achieves a tradeoff between running time and proof size, thus resolving the open problem left by Backes et al. (PKC 2019).
Schnorr signatures are a popular choice due to their simplicity, provable security, and linear structure that enables relatively easy threshold signing protocols. The deterministic variant of Schnorr (where the nonce is derived in a stateless manner using a PRF from the message and a long term secret) is widely used in practice since it mitigates the threats of a faulty or poor randomness generator (which in Schnorr leads to catastrophic breaches of security). Unfortunately, threshold protocols for the deterministic variant of Schnorr have so far been quite inefficient, as they make non black-box use of the PRF involved in the nonce generation.In this paper, we present the first two-party threshold protocol for Schnorr signatures, where signing is stateless and deterministic, and only makes black-box use of the underlying cryptographic algorithms.We present a protocol from general assumptions which achieves covert security, and a protocol that achieves full active security under standard factoring-like assumptions. Our protocols make crucial use of recent advances within the field of pseudorandom correlation functions (PCFs).As an additional benefit, only two-rounds are needed to perform distributed signing in our protocol, connecting our work to a recent line of research on the trade-offs between round complexity and cryptographic assumptions for threshold Schnorr signatures.
Conference Paper
Existing proofs of adaptive security (e.g., in settings in which decryption keys are adaptively revealed) often rely on guessing arguments. Such guessing arguments can be simple (and, e.g., just involve guessing which keys are revealed), or more complex “partitioning” arguments. Since guessing directly and negatively impacts the loss of the corresponding security reduction, this leads to black-box lower bounds for a number of cryptographic scenarios that involve adaptive security. In this work, we provide an alternative to such guessing arguments: instead of guessing in a security reduction which adaptive choices an adversary  makes, we rewind  many times until we can successfully embed a given computational challenge. The main benefit of using rewindings is that these rewindings can be arranged sequentially, and the corresponding reduction loss only accumulates additively (instead of multiplicatively, as with guessing). The main technical challenge is to show that ’s success is not negatively affected after (potentially many) rewindings. To this end, we develop a machinery for “undirected ” rewindings that preserve  ’s success across (potentially many) rewindings. We use this strategy to show - security of the “Logical Key Hierarchy” protocol underlying the popular TreeKEM key management protocol, and - security of the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Micali (GGM) pseudorandom function (PRF) as a prefix-constrained PRF. In both cases, we provide the first polynomial reductions to standard assumptions (i.e., to IND-CPA and PRG security, respectively), and in case of the GGM PRF, we also circumvent an existing lower bound.
We give a set of conditions that allow one to generate 50–50 unpredictable bits.Based on those conditions, we present a general algorithmic scheme for constructing polynomial-time deterministic algorithms that stretch a short secret random input into a long sequence of unpredictable pseudo-random bits.We give an implementation of our scheme and exhibit apseudo-random bit generator for which any efficient strategy for predictingthe next output bit with better than 50–50 chance is easily transformable to an "equally efficient" algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm problem. In particular: if the discrete logarithm problem cannot be solved in probabilistic polynomial time, no probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm can guess the next output bit better than by flipping a coin: if "head" guess "0", if "tail" guess "1" ©1984 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics