Conference PaperPDF Available

Precise Documentation: The Key to Better Software

  • Middle Road Software


The prime cause of the sorry ``state of the art'' in software development is our failure to produce good design documentation. Poor documentation is the cause of many errors and reduces efficiency in every phase of a software product's development and use. Most software developers believe that ``documentation'' refers to a collection of wordy, unstructured, introductory descriptions, thousands of pages that nobody wanted to write and nobody trusts. In contrast, Engineers in more traditional disciplines think of precise blueprints, circuit diagrams, and mathematical specifications of component properties. Software developers do not know how to produce precise documents for software. Software developments also think that documentation is something written after the software has been developed. In other fields of Engineering much of the documentation is written before and during the development. It represents forethought not afterthought. Among the benefits of better documentation would be: easier reuse of old designs, better communication about requirements, more useful design reviews, easier integration of separately written modules, more effective code inspection, more effective testing, and more efficient corrections and improvements. This paper explains how to produce and use precise software documentation and illustrate the methods with several examples.
Precise Documentation: The Key To Better Software
David Lorge Parnas
The prime cause of the sorry “state of the art” in software development is our failure to produce good design
documentation. Poor documentation causes many errors and reduces efficiency in every phase of a software product’s
development and use. Better software documentation methods, and the resulting better documentation, would
revolutionize the software field.
Most software developers, believe that “documentation” refers to a collection of wordy, unstructured, introductory
descriptions occupying thousands of pages; they think of text that nobody wanted to write and nobody trusts. In contrast,
Engineers in more traditional disciplines, think of precise blueprints, circuit diagrams, and mathematical specifications of
component properties; they recognize that documentation is their main design medium. Software developers do not know
how to produce precise documents for software and consider documentation to be an afterthought. In fact, it should
represent forethought not afterthought.
Among the benefits of better documentation would be: easier reuse of old designs, better communication about
requirements, more effective design reviews, easier integration of separately written modules, more effective code
inspection, more effective testing, and and increased efficiency when making corrections and improvements.
This talk explains how developers can produce and use precise software documentation and illustrates the methods with
several examples.
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1. ------------Documentation: a perpetually unpopular topic!3
2. ---------------------------Why Real Improvement is Difficult!4
3. ----------Dilbert Knows that documentation is important.!5
4. ---------------------------Programming vs. software design!6
5. -------------------------------What Is Meant by “Document”!7
6. -----------A Preliminary Example: Dell Keyboard Checker!8
7. -----------------------Requirements for Keyboard Checker!9
8. ------------------------------------No Theoretical Advantage!10
9. -----------------------------Completeness and Consistency!11
10. ---------------Are computer programs self-documenting?!12
11. ----------Internal documentation vs. separate documents!13
12. ----------------------------------------Models vs. documents!14
13. -------Design documents vs. introductory documentation!15
14. --------------------Specifications vs. other descriptions (1)!16
15. --------------------Specifications vs. other descriptions (2)!17
16. -----------------------------------------Extracted documents!18
17. -------------------------------Documents Are Not Programs!19
18. -----------Roles played by documents in development - 1!20
19. -----------Roles played by documents in development - 2!21
20. ------------Costs and benefits of software documentation!22
21. ----------The most important software design documents!23
22. ----------------------------Considering readers and writers!24
23. ----------------What makes design documentation good?!25
24. --------------------------------Documents and mathematics!26
25. -------------------------------Requirements Documentation!27
26. The two-variable model for requirements documentation!28
27. --------------------------------------------------------Notation!29
28. ---------------------------------------------Non-Determinism!30
29. ---------------------------------------------------Relation NAT!31
30. --------------------------------------------------Relation REQ!32
31. ------------------Experience and examples: Requirements!33
32. ------------------------------------------------------Interfaces!34
33. -----------------Surprising Observations about Interfaces.!35
34. -----------------Software component interface documents!36
35. ----------------------------TFM for keyboard checking Tool!37
36. ------------------------Equivalent Conventional Expression!38
37. ------------------Extract from Module Interface Document!39
38. --------------------------------Program function documents!40
39. ------------------------Example of Program-Function Table!41
40. ---------------Program-Function for a Poor (real) Program!42
41. -------------------------Module internal design documents!43
42. ---------------------------------Checking an Internal Design!44
43. ----------------------------------------Additional documents!45
44. --------------------Tabular expressions for documentation!46
45. -------------There are many forms of tabular expressions.!47
46. --------------Tables like this Can be Found on the Internet!48
47. -------------------------------------This says the same thing!49
48. ---------------------This Too is A Mathematical Expression!50
49. ------------------------------------------------A Circular Table!51
50. --------------------------------------------The Bottom Lines:!52
51. ----------Management’s Role in Document Driven Design!53
52. -------------------------------------------Research Problems!54
53. ----------------------------------------Summary and Outlook!55
54. ------------------------------------------------------Thank You!56
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Documentation: A Perpetually Unpopular Topic
Software documentation is disliked by almost everyone.
Program developers don’t want to prepare documentation.
User documentation is often left to technical writers who do not necessarily know all
the details. Their documents are often initially incorrect, inconsistent and incomplete.
The intended readers find the documentation to be poorly organized, poorly prepared
and unreliable; they do not want to use it. Most prefer “try it and see” or “look at the
code ” to relying on documentation.
User documentation is often displaced by “help” systems because it is hard to find the
details that are sought in conventional documentation. Unfortunately, the “help”
system only answers a set of frequently occurring questions; it is usually incomplete
and redundant. Those with an unusual question don’t get much help.
Computer Science researchers do not see software documentation as a research topic
They can see no mathematics, no algorithms, etc..
These factors feed each other in a vicious cycle.
Bad documentation is not used and does not get improved.
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Why Real Improvement Is Difficult
“Nobody” does it that way.
“Nobody” builds really good software (error free, easily maintained)
We don’t have time to write documents that nobody reads.
“Never have time at the start, always have time at the end” (B.O. Evans)
“I have no idea how to do that” (Ph.D. developer, author)
Nobody taught you how!
Finally, Dilbert’s view on making real changes:
Ideas that would change the way we work can be very threatening.
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Dilbert Knows That Documentation Is Important.
When people leave, knowledge leaves with them.
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Programming Vs. Software Design
“Software design” is not just another name for programming.
Programming is only a small part of software development.
“Software” refers to “a program or set of programs written by one group of
people for repeated use by another group of people1. This is
fundamentally different from producing a program for a single use, or for your own
When producing a program for your own use, you can expect the user to understand
the program and to know how to use it. There is no need to prepare manuals that
explains what parameters mean, the format of the input, or compatibility issues. All
are required when preparing a program that will be used by strangers.
When producing a program for a single use, there is no need to design a program that
will be easily maintained in several versions and no need to describe the design to
those who will have to change it.
It is the differences between software development and programming (multi-person
involvement, multi-version use) that make documentation important for software development.
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1 Brian Randell was the first to point this out.
What Is Meant By “Document”
A record of design decisions that is binding, i.e. one restricts future
decisions. Deviations require an approved change.
To be as useful as possible documents must be:
Complete (all decisions fully documented).
Explicitly structured for easy retrieval and easy change.
Informal introductions/explanations are not documents in this sense.
Vague documents are like vague contracts2 they may be worse than
having no documents at all.
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2 A design document is an essential part of a contract but not the whole contract.
A Preliminary Example: Dell Keyboard Checker
In daily use in Limerick for many years.
Believed to be completely correct.
Two informal descriptions totaling 21 pages (English).
several ambiguities
a few missing cases
a few errors
Problem proposed as a challenge by a skeptical manager.
All information could be expressed in two pages
preparation revealed errors in program and older descriptions
new document much more precise and easily used.
new document suitable as input to testing tools and inspection process.
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Requirements For Keyboard Checker
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No Theoretical Advantage
The document is a mathematical expression, equivalent to the one below.
The advantages are practical, not theoretical.
fewer errors
ease of reference.
Keyboard Checker: Conventional Expression
prevkeyesc¬preprevkeyOK))(¬keyOK ¬prevkeyOK ¬prevkeyesc)
¬prevexpkeyesc)(1!N(p(T))!L))((N(P(T)=Pass)(¬(T= _)N(p(T))=L)(keyOK))
Software Quality Research Laboratory - University of Limerick - Ireland
David Parnas!! ! ! ! ! ! !! 2010 October 26 21:50 ENASE/ICSOFT slides
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Completeness And Consistency
System Documentation is expected to be complete and consistent,
Individual documents are not expected to be complete descriptions;
they are complete relative to a document content specification.
Unresolved Issues or missing information must be noted.
In connection with software, “document” is frequently used very
Information accompanying software often comes with disclaimers, i.e.,
statements that deny any claim to accuracy.
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Are Computer Programs Self-documenting?
Code itself looks like a document.
In 2006, Brad Smith, Microsoft Senior Vice President and General Counsel,
said. “The Windows source code is the ultimate documentation of Windows
Server technologies”.
No such confusion with physical products; there is a clear difference
between a circuit diagram and the circuit
between a bridge and its documentation.
Nobody wants to crawl around to find the locations or capacity of pipes.
Code is commonly described as self documenting
This may be true “in theory” but, in practice, it is a naive illusion or disingenuous.
We need documents that contain the essential information, abstracting from the huge
amounts of information in the code that we do not need.
We should be able to use the program without reading the code.
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Internal Documentation Vs. Separate Documents
Nobody wants documentation distributed within a physical product.
Nobody wants to climb a bridge to determine the sizes of nuts and bolts
Drivers do not want to look at the bridge structure to know load limits.
We expect documentation to be separate from the product.
Some propose that assertions, or program functions, and similar
information be placed inside of the code.
This is useful to the developers but not meet the needs of other
Testers should be able to prepare “black box” test suites in advance of
Programmers using a program should not have to read it.
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Models Vs. Documents
Renewed interest in models and “model-driven engineering.”
Big difference between “model” and “document”.
Definition: A model of a product is a simplified depiction of that
product; a model may be physical (often reduced in size and detail)
or abstract.
A model will have some important properties of the original.
Not all properties of the model are properties of the actual system.
Definition: A mathematical model of a system is a mathematical
description of the properties of a model.
Models can be very useful to developers but, because they are not necessarily
accurate descriptions, they may not always serve as documents.
One can derive information from some models that is not true of the real system.
Models must be used with great care;
Every precise and accurate document can serve as a safe mathematical model
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Design Documents Vs. Introductory Documentation
When a document is prepared, it may be intended for use either as a tutorial
narrative or as a reference work.
Tutorial narratives are usually designed to be read from start to end.
Reference works are designed so a reader can retrieve specific facts.
Tutorials are intended for people with little previous knowledge about the subject.
Reference documents are generally designed for people who already know a lot about
the subject but need to fill specific gaps in their knowledge.
Compare introductory language textbooks with dictionaries.
Textbooks begin with the easier and more fundamental aspects of the language.
Dictionaries arrange words in a specified order
Narratives make poor reference works
Reference works are a poor way to get an introduction to a subject.
We need both kinds of documents but this talk is about reference documents.
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Specifications Vs. Other Descriptions (1)
Must be conscious of the role that a document will play in a development
process. There are two basic roles, description and specification.
Descriptions provide properties of a product that exists (or once existed).
Specifications are descriptions that state only required properties of a product.
A specification that states all required properties is called a full specification.
Descriptions may include properties that are incidental and not required.
If a product does not satisfy a specification, it is not acceptable for the use intended.
The difference is one of intent, not form.
Every specification that a product satisfies is a description of it.
Notation is the same.
This has confused many researchers.
There is no such thing as a “specification language”.
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Specifications Vs. Other Descriptions (2)
Distinction is important when one product is used as a component of another.
The builder of the using product may assume that any replacements will still have the
properties stated in a specification.
This is not true if the document is a description that is not a specification.
Users should not rely on such documents.
Specifications impose obligations on the implementers, users, etc.
When presented with a specification, implementers may either
accept the task of implementing that specification, or
reject the job completely, or
report problems with the specification and propose a revision.
Users must be able to count on the properties stated in a specification;
Users must not base their work on any properties not stated in the specification.
Purchasers are obligated to accept a product that meets the (full) specification
included in a purchase agreement or bid.
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Extracted Documents
It is possible to produce description documents by examining the product.
Extracted documents will be descriptions but not usually specifications.
Observation or inspection cannot tell you what was intended or what is required.
Extracted documents usually contain low-level information, not abstractions.
Extracted documentation is of little value during development.
Extracted documents not a valid guide for testers. Would be circular; You are assuming
that the code is correct and testing to see that it does what it does.
Documentation based on comments can be untrustworthy
Javadoc like tools are of very limited use.
Used by developers who do not want to document.
Depend on comments.
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Documents Are Not Programs
They must describe mappings from input to output without describing
the steps in a computation process or any other information that should
not be in the document3.
They must provide the exactly the information that the intended
readership needs in a way that is easy for them to use.
Our documents are mathematical expressions describing a function
that maps an input to an output.
There should be no axioms,
There should be no algebraic equations, and
There should be expressions defining functions.
The expressions are evaluated as one evaluates x+2, i.e. substitute values and apply functions.
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3 Content definitions for documents will be discussed later.
Roles Played By Documents In Development - 1
Documentation as the design medium
Decisions are made by putting them in documents.
Documentation-based design reviews
Creating documentation reveals problems
Reviewing documentation is an early design review.
Documentation based code inspections
Reviewing programs against their specification
Reviewing the programs that use that program.
Divide and conquer using hierarchical decoposition and displays
Documentation based revisions
Maintainers need guidance
Developers may have forgotten, quit, died, become managers…...
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Roles Played By Documents In Development - 2
Documentation in contracts
Specification of the set of acceptable deliverables is an essential part of contracts
Contract also includes schedules, cost formulae, penalty clauses, statements about
jurisdictions for dispute settlement, warranty terms, etc.
Documentation is used to attribute blame and settle disputes
Who did not conform?
Which component is wrong?
Documentation and compatibility
The chimera of interchangeable and reusable components will not be achieved
without a clear precise specification for those components.
Documentation as a way for the parties to communicate.
Volker Gruhn’s observations: Communication the key determiner of success.
Communication both when writing and afterwards.
Documentation key to distributed development.
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Costs And Benefits Of Software Documentation
Documentation production costs are relatively easy to measure.
Much harder to measure the cost of not producing the documentation.
Losing time by adding people.
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.: Adding new staff to a late project can make it later.
Newcomers need information Experienced staff become less productive
Good documentation ameliorates the problem.
Wasting time searching for answers
Documentation that is structured for information retrieval saves frustrating hours.
Wasting time because of incorrect and inconsistent information
The cost of detecting errors late or never
Time wasted in inefficient and ineffective design reviews
Malicious exploitation of undocumented properties by hackers
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The Most Important Software Design Documents
Each project will have its own documentation requirements.
There is a small set of documents that is always needed. They are:
The Systems Requirements document
The Module Structure document (module guide, informal)
Module interface documents
Module internal design documents
Program function documents
These will be discussed individually.
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Considering Readers And Writers
Many separate documents because of variety of readers and writers
The readers have different needs; Writers have different information
No two documents have the same readers or creators.
The Main Documents
Software Requirements
User reps, UI experts,
application experts,
controlled hardware
Authors of module guide and
module interface specifications,
(Software “Architects”)
Module Guide
Software “Architects”
All Developers
Module Interface
Software “Architects”
Developers who implement or
use the module
Program Uses Structure
Software “Architects”
Component Designers, Programmers
Module Implementation
Design Document
Component Designers
Programmers implementing
Display Method Program
inspectors, maintainers
potential reusers
This is a classic list but when it was new, we did not know how to do it.
Modules are collections of programs and data structures that are to be
produced by the same programmer or group of programmers.
Components are collections of programs that are shipped and used as a unit.
Middle Road Software
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What Makes Design Documentation Good?
Statements must be true!
Statements must be precise!
Lack of ambiguity
NO possible differences in interpretations.
What should be there can be found
Ease of access
Like a dictionary, not a textbook.
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Documents And Mathematics
It is rare to speak of software documentation and mathematics together.
Documents are predicates
We can write “document expressions” to characterize classes of products.
Mathematical definitions of document contents are needed.
Avoid the endless discussions about what goes where
Avoid duplication or missing information
Using mathematics in documents
Necessary for accuracy, lack of ambiguity, completeness, and ease of access
The contents of a document is defined abstractly as a set of relations
Representation is a critical issue.
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Requirements Documentation
A Professional Engineer must make sure that their products are fit for use.
This implies that an Engineer must know what the requirements are.
An Engineer need not determine them, but must check them.
Requirements are not limited to the conscious wishes of the customer.
Other requirements implied by the obligation of Engineers to protect the
safety, well-being and property of the general public.
Engineers should insist on having a complete, consistent, and unambiguous
document that is approved by the relevant parties..
No user visible decisions should be left to the programmers
The document should constrain the program designers.
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The Two-variable Model For Requirements Documentation
The two-variable model has been used in many areas of engineering.
A product can be viewed as a black box with p inputs and q outputs.
We are given no information about the internals.
Values of controlled variables, c1,…, cq, are determined by the system.
Values of monitored variables, m1,…, mp, are determined externally.
Output values can depend immediately on the input values (i.e., without delay)
Monitored Controlled
Variables Variables
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MC denotes (m1, . . . mp, c1, . . . cq)
M(MC) and C(MC) denote m1, . . . mp and c1, …, cq respectively.
If S is a set of MC-tuples M(S) is a set defined by {q | (T, T S M(T) = q)} and C(S) is a set
defined by {q | T, T S C(T) = q}.
The values of a variable, v, over time can be described by a function of time denoted vt. The
expression vt(T) denotes the value of the vt at time T.
The values of any tuple of variables, V, over time can be described by a function of time denoted
Vt. Vt(T) denotes the value of the Vt at time T.
Viewing Vt as a set of ordered pairs of the form ( t, Vt(t)); the subset of Vt with t ! T will be
denoted VtT.
The product’s possible behavior can be described by a predicate, SYSP(MCtT) where:
MCtT is a history of the monitored and controlled values up to time T,
SYSP(MCtT) is true if and only if MCtT describes possible behaviour of the system.
SYS = {(m, c) | ( mc, SYSP(mc) C(mc) =c M(mc) =m)}
Conventional mathematics, understandable 100 years ago.
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In deterministic systems, the output values are a function of the input.
The values of outputs in the history are redundant.
We can treat SYS as a function: domain: values of MtT, range: values of CtT.
SYS(MtT)(T) evaluates to the value of the outputs at time T.
In deterministic case, there are two complicating factors:
Relation SYS would not necessarily be a function.
The output may be constrained by previous output values, not just the input values.4
In the general case output values must be included in history descriptions.
For a 2-variable system requirements document we need two predicates NATP
and REQP. These are discussed next.
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4 A simple example to illustrate this problem is the classic probability problem of drawing uniquely numbered balls from an
opaque urn without replacing a ball after it is removed from the urn. The value that has been drawn cannot be drawn
again, but except for that constraint, the output value is random.
Relation NAT
Nature constrains the values of environmental quantities.
Constraints described by a predicate, NATP(MCtT),"where:
MCtT is a history of the input and output variable values up to, and including,
time, T and,
NATP(MCtT) if and only if MCtT describes possible behaviour of the product’s environment.
Convenient to represent NATP as a relation, NAT,
domain comprising values of MCtT
range comprising values of CtT.
This is defined by:
NAT = {(m, c) | ( mc, NATP(mc) C(mc) =c M(mc) =m)}
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Relation REQ
No product can override NAT (if you try, contradictions arise)
Can only impose stricter constraints on the values of the output variables.
The restrictions can be documented by a predicate, REQP(MCtT), where:
MCtT is a history of the monitored and controlled variable values up
to, and including, time T and,
REQP(MCtT) is true if and only if MCtT describes permissible behavior of the
It is sometimes convenient to represent REQP as a relation, REQ,
Domain comprising values of MCtT
Range comprising values of Ct(T).
This is defined by:
REQ = {(m, c) | ( mc, REQP(mc) C(mc) =c M(mc) =m)}
If deterministic behaviour is required, we can write REQ (MtT), a function with values in the
range, Ct(T).
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Experience And Examples: Requirements
Numerous requirements documents written using this model.
A-7 OFP [HKPS] [Heninger].
Pilots found hundreds of detail errors
Programmers coded from document
Bell Laboratories SES
Copied by others
“Shortest soak time”
Darlington Nuclear Power Generating Plant
basis for a successful inspection
Dell keyboard checker
Found errors in existing documents, 21 pages reduced to 2
Continued by NRL/SCR.
We could do better today.
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One of the most important, and least well understood,
concepts in Software Engineering.
Often, confused with syntax of invocations or a shared data
Definition: Interface
Given two communicating software components, A and B, B’s
interface to A is the weakest assumption about B that would allow
you to prove that A is correct.
Any change in B that invalidates its interface to A means
that, A could not be proven correct and should be changed.
Interfaces determine the difficulty of changing software.
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Surprising Observations About Interfaces.
There isn’t necessarily a 1:1 relation between a program and an interface.
Interfaces not symmetric. B’s interface to A differs from A’s interface to B.
B may have an interface to A even if A does not have an interface to B.
A component may have a specified interface. This tells the developers of other
programs what they may assume about the specified component.
If the developers of a component, A, make use of facts about a specified component,
B, that are not implied by B’s specified interface, the actual interface is stronger than
the specified interface and A should be considered incorrect (even if it is working).
B may have an interface with A even if neither invokes the other. For example, the
correctness of A may depend on B maintaining a shared data structure with certain
Published interface (assumption that can be made by all) should imply the actual pair-
wise interfaces but sometimes does not (bad error).
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Software Component Interface Documents
Two-variable model can be applied to software components
Discrete event version of the two-variable model, known as the Trace Function
Method (TFM) can be used.
TFM has been found useful for several industrial products as described in .
TFM documents are
easily used as reference documents,
can be checked for completeness and consistency
can be input to simulators for evaluation of the design and testing an implementation.
can be reviewed by practitioners who reported many detailed factual errors
If people cannot read a document, they will not find faults in it.
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TFM For Keyboard Checking Tool
One of 2 pages - replaced 21 faulty pages of text.
N(T) =
N(T) =
N(T) =
N(T) =
¬ (T= _) !
¬ (T= _) !
¬ (T= _) !
¬ (T= _) !
¬ (T= _) !
¬ (T= _) !
1<N(p(T))< L
N(p(T))= L
N(p(T))+ 1
(¬prevkeyOK ! prevkeyesc !
preprevkeyOK) " prevkeyOK
(¬prevkeyOK ! prevkeyesc !
preprevkeyOK) " prevkeyOK
(¬prevkeyOK ! prevkeyesc !
preprevkeyOK) " prevkeyOK
N(p(T)) - 1
N(p(T)) - 1
¬prevkeyOK ! prevkeyesc !
¬prevkeyOK ! prevkeyesc !
¬prevkeyOK ! prevkeyesc !
¬prevkeyOK ! ¬ prevkeyesc
¬prevkeyOK ! ¬ prevkeyesc
¬prevkeyOK ! ¬ prevkeyesc
¬ prevkeyesc
¬ prevkeyesc
¬ prevkeyesc
prevkeyesc ! ¬prevexpkeyesc
prevkeyesc ! ¬prevexpkeyesc
prevkeyesc ! ¬prevexpkeyesc
prevkeyesc ! prevexpkeyesc
prevkeyesc ! prevexpkeyesc
prevkeyesc ! prevexpkeyesc
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Equivalent Conventional Expression
Theoretically equivalent but will not be read or checked.
Keyboard Checker: Conventional Expression
prevkeyesc¬preprevkeyOK))(¬keyOK ¬prevkeyOK ¬prevkeyesc)
¬prevexpkeyesc)(1!N(p(T))!L))((N(P(T)=Pass)(¬(T= _)N(p(T))=L)(keyOK))
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Extract From Module Interface Document
Output Functions
hr(T) 󲰨
PGM(r(T)) = SET HR 󲰙
0 ! !in(r(T)) < 24
¬ (0 ! in(r(T)) < 24)
PGM(r(T)) = INC 󲰙
min(p(T))= 59 󲰙
hr(p(T))= 23
¬ hr(p(T))= 23
1+ hr((p(T)))
¬ (min(p(T))=59)
PGM(r(T)) = DEC
¬ (min(p(T))= 0)
min(p(T))= 0 󲰙
¬ (hr(p(T)))= 0
hr(p(T))= 0
T= _
David Parnas### # # # # # # 2008 May 23 16:33 # # # # TFM slides 2008 slides
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Program Function Documents
Those who use a program need not know how it does its job.
They want to know what job it does or is supposed to do.
Terminating deterministic program can be described by a function mapping
from a starting state to a stopping state.
States represented in terms of the values of program variables.
Theoretically, non-deterministic programs can be described a relation from
starting state to stopping states with a special element for non-determination.
In practice, LD-relation (relation plus termination set) is better.
No special state that is hard to represent is needed.
Mathematically equivalent but better in practice.
Tabular expressions make it work in practice.
Big programs, well-written, can have small tables.
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Example Of Program-Function Table
McMaster University 69
8 June 2002 16:00
New variable (to be declared in the embedding block):var med : integer;
Program statements:
while not found and (low ! high) do begin
med := (low + high) div 2;
Specications o
Test external variables: e, V, index, found, low, high, med (on Display 3)
R3(,) = (‘low ! ‘med ! ‘high) "
< ‘e = ‘e > ‘e
index’ | true index’ = ‘med true
‘found true ‘found
‘med + 1 ‘low ‘low
‘high ‘high ‘med # 1 $ NC(e, V, med)
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Program-Function For A Poor (real) Program
University of Limerick 34 /53
19 October 2005 22:48 Tabular Description of Reactor Shutdown Code
‘|OKTT| = .FALSE. (‘|OKTT| = .TRUE.) AND
NOT !NoSensTrip!
(‘|OKTT| = .TRUE.) AND .
B(‘|PTB|,||DOW1||’) B(‘|PTB|,‘||DOW1||
Table 4 B(‘|PTB,‘||DOW1||
B(‘#CN#,||DOW2||’) B(‘#CN#,‘||DOW2||) Table 4 B(‘#CN#,‘||DOW2||)
B(‘#CND#,||DOW2||’) B(‘#CND#,‘||DOW2||) Table 4 B(‘#CND#,‘||DOW2||)
||EX||’ ‘||EX|| .OR. ‘|MASK| ‘||EX|| .OR. ‘|MASK| ‘||EX|| .OR. ‘|MASK|
|HI1|’ ‘|HI1| ‘//HTL(5)// - ‘|HYS| ‘//HTL(5)// - ‘|HYS|
|HI2|’ ‘|HI2| ‘//HTL(5)// ‘//THL(5)//
|LO1|’ ‘|LO1| ‘//LTL(5)// ‘//LTL(5)//
|LO2|’ ‘|LO2| ‘//LTL(5)// = ‘|HYS| ‘//LTL(5)// + ‘|HYS|
||MC||’ ‘||MC|| Table 4 0
||PC||’ ’||PC|| Table 4 0
B(j,|STBV|’), j = ‘|STB| + j-1, i in {1...5} B(j,‘|STBV|) Table 3 Table 3
NOT (j in {‘|STB| + i-1}, i in {1...5})
AND. ‘|UM|))
.AND. ‘|UM|))
B(‘|STB| + i-1,||STW||’), i in {1...5} B(‘|STB| + i-1,
(‘||STW|| .OR. ‘|UM|))
Table 3 Table 3
B(j,||STW||’), NOT (j in {‘|STB| + i-1}, B(i,(‘||STW|| .OR. ‘|UM|)) B(i,‘||STW||) B(i,‘||STW||)
B(‘|TIB|,||TIW||’) B(‘|TIB|,(‘||TIW||
||HIF(1...5)||’ ‘||HIF(1...5)|| Table 2 Table 2
|I|’ ‘|I| 6 6
||LOF(1...5)||’ ‘||LOF(1...5)|| Table 2 Table 2
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Module Internal Design Documents
Design of a software component is documented by describing: (Many authors)
the hidden internal data structure,
the program functions of each externally accessible program, i.e their
effect on the hidden data structure,
an abstraction relation mapping between internal states and the
externally distinguishable states of the objects created by the module.
The data structure can be described by programming language declarations.
The functions are usually best represented using tabular expressions.
Easily extended to non-deterministic case using relations.
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Checking An Internal Design
Design documentation should allow us to verify the workability of a design.
The information is there for an informal check.
No examples yet.
How can the workability of a design be verified?
For all possible events, e, the following must hold:
AR(d1,t1) e(d1,d2) = AR(d2,t1.e)
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Additional Documents
In addition to the system requirements document, which treats
hardware and software as an integrated single unit, it is sometimes
useful to write a software requirements document
An informal document known as the module guide
A uses relation document, which indicates which programs are used
by each program is generally useful. The information is a binary
relation and may be represented in either tabular or graphical form.
In systems with concurrency, process structure documents are useful.
The “gives work to” document is useful for deadlock prevention.
Interprocess/component communication should also be documented
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Tabular Expressions For Documentation
Mathematical expressions that describe computer systems can become very
complex, hard to write and hard to read.
As first demonstrated in 1977, the use of a tabular format for mathematical
expressions can turn an unreadable symbol string into an easy to access
complete and unambiguous document.
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There Are Many Forms Of Tabular Expressions.
The grids need not be rectangular.
A variety of types of tabular expressions are illustrated and defined
[Jin], defines the meaning of these expressions by means of
translation schema to an equivalent conventional expression.
Good basis for tools.
The appropriate table form will depend on the characteristics of the
function being described.
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Tables Like This Can Be Found On The Internet
Ticket Price
1 Passenger
2 Passengers
3 - 5 Passengers
6 o r m o r e
0 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 300
301 and more
70 + 1 0 p er
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This Says The Same Thing
2 < P < 6
P > 5
0 < T ! 100
100 < T ! 200
200 < T ! 300
T > 300
70 + 10 "(P-5)
The above is a tabular mathematical expression.
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This Too Is A Mathematical Expression
very talll
very short
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A Circular Table
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The Bottom Lines:
Producing no documentation gets you in trouble.
Producing bad documentation might be worse.
Producing good documentation:
will help you get the requirements right
will help you get interfaces right
will help you in your testing
will help you in your inspections
will help you in maintenance and upgrades
will help you manage a product line effectively.
Define the content of each document (as illustrated)
Use appropriate (mathematical) tabular expressions
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Management’s Role In Document Driven Design
Management is getting something done without knowing exactly what
it is (and much more).
Management can undermine any effort by either not demanding it, not
leaving time for it, or not supporting it.
Insist that if it isn’t done, it is not documented.
Schedule document reviews
Insist that software testers test against documents using the
documents to generate oracles and test cases.
Insist on document guided inspections for critical parts.
Allow no change without revising the associated documents.
Without management support it won’t work!
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Research Problems
More documents (e.g. sequential process structure)
Various forms of composition given these documents
Reliability given these documents
More table types
More examples (publishable)
Tools that are more than Masters theses
input tools
format tools
better checking tools
better simplification tools
composition (relational) tools
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Summary And Outlook
It is important to the future of software engineering to learn how to replace
today’s documentation with precise professional design documents.
Documents have a mathematical meaning and are mathematical expressions.
Those expressions can be in a tabular formats.
These have proven to be practical over a period of more than 30 years.
There is much room for improvement and research is needed.
No more “cut and try” software development.
Software has become a serious industry that produces critical products.
The first step towards maturity must be to take documentation seriously
When our documentation improves in quality, the software quality will
improve too.
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Thank You
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... This importance stems from documents' ability to assist stakeholders in using, understanding, maintaining, and developing a system more productively [2,26]. As discussed by Parnas [45] and Forward [22], software documentation is an artifact designed to convey information about the related software system, serving as a written description that can be used Note: This is the author's version (preprint) of the paper accepted for publication at the XXXVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2024). as evidence for knowledge management. ...
... For example, Coelho [15] emphasizes that developers should find tools that facilitate understanding of documentation, both for administrators and future software users. Moreover, Parnas [45] reinforces that software documentation needs to be correct and precise, meaning that the information one can obtain from the document should be true for the system being described, leaving no doubts about what they mean. ...
Conference Paper
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Software documentation is a relevant process for delivering quality software, as it assists stakeholders in using, understanding, maintaining, and implementing software productively. However, notable particularities emerge when investigating the context of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) projects, which require special attention. Therefore, through a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS), this work aims to map the challenges and solutions regarding software documentation in FOSS based on the last ten years of scientific research (published between 2013 and 2023). From an initial set of 1271 papers, 12 primary studies were identified from which it was possible to categorize five challenges (Collaboration, Quality, Incompleteness, Maintainability, and Categorization) and three general perspectives of solutions (Strategic Use of README, Adoption of Artificial Intelligence, and Support Tools & Approaches). As an academic contribution, we provide an SMS revealing a set of challenges and solutions related to software documentation, a topic still underexplored in the FOSS research context. From a practical and industrial standpoint, this paper promotes a reflection on the use of documentation in FOSS projects, echoing challenges and solutions that can contribute to improving the quality of documentation.
... documentação. Contudo, a construção da documentação qualificada não é trivial e a diversidade de modelos de documentos existentes também ocasiona dúvidas (SILVA, 2020).Coelho (2009) destaca que o desenvolvedor deve encontrar ferramentas que facilite o entendimento da documentação, tanto para o administrador quanto para o futuro usuário do software.Parnas (2010) reforça que um documento de software precisa ser correto e preciso, ou seja, espera-se que as ...
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Co-supervised undergraduate thesis for the Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) - Campus Crateús // Resumo: A documentação de software se revela um processo fundamental para o desenvolvimento de software de qualidade, pois auxilia as partes interessadas a utilizar, compreender, manter e implementar um software de forma produtiva. No entanto, ao se averiguar o contexto de projetos de software livre e de código aberto (em inglês, free and open-source software ou FOSS), pode-se constatar particularidades únicas as quais demanda de singular atenção como, por exemplo, pelo fato de haver a natureza voluntária com entradas e saídas de colaboradores de forma recorrente, diversidade de experiências, etc. Diante disso, através de Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura (MSL), este trabalho tem como objetivo mapear, com base nos últimos dez anos de pesquisa científica (publicadas entre 2013 e 2023), os desafios e soluções em relação à documentação de software em projetos FOSS. A partir de um conjunto inicial de 1271 artigos, identificouse 12 estudos primários para os quais tornou-se possível extrair cinco desafios (colaboração, qualidade, incompletude, manutenibilidade e categorização) e três perspectivas gerais de soluções investigadas (Uso Estratégico de README, Adoção de Inteligência Artificial e Ferramentas e Abordagens de Apoio). Como contribuições acadêmicas, esta pesquisa oferece um MSL revelando um conjunto de desafios e soluções relacionadas à documentação de software, um tópico ainda pouco explorado no contexto de pesquisa em FOSS. Sob o ponto de vista da prática, este trabalho promove uma reflexão sobre o uso das documentações em projetos FOSS, reverberando desafios e soluções que podem contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da qualidade das documentações em projetos FOSS.
... Automata/Graphs methods are based on automata or graph theory, formalizing requirements as finite automata, which are idealized machines used to recognize patterns within input from a character set [Nelson, 2022]. Mathematical methods use mathematical and algebraic formalisms, such as Event-B [Abrial, 2010], Alloy [Jackson, 2011], Form-L [Bouskela et al., 2022], VDM [Bjørner, 1979], and Tabular Relations [Parnas, 2011]. Seamless methods, based on programming languages, apply constraint logic and programming by contract [Naumchev, Meyer, 2017]. ...
... initially similar fragments become "near duplicates". Depending on the document type [1], duplicates can be either desired or not, but in any case duplicates increase documentation complexity and thus, maintenance and authoring costs [2]. ...
Contemporary software documentation is as complicated as the software itself. During its lifecycle, the documentation accumulates a lot of near duplicate fragments, i.e. chunks of text that were copied from a single source and were later modified in different ways. Such near duplicates decrease documentation quality and thus hamper its further utilization. At the same time, they are hard to detect manually due to their fuzzy nature. In this paper we give a formal definition of near duplicates and present an algorithm for their detection in software documents. This algorithm is based on the exact software clone detection approach: the software clone detection tool Clone Miner was adapted to detect exact duplicates in documents. Then, our algorithm uses these exact duplicates to construct near ones. We evaluate the proposed algorithm using the documentation of 19 open source and commercial projects. Our evaluation is very comprehensive - it covers various documentation types: design and requirement specifications, programming guides and API documentation, user manuals. Overall, the evaluation shows that all kinds of software documentation contain a significant number of both exact and near duplicates. Next, we report on the performed manual analysis of the detected near duplicates for the Linux Kernel Documentation. We present both quantative and qualitative results of this analysis, demonstrate algorithm strengths and weaknesses, and discuss the benefits of duplicate management in software documents.
... The effort of writing specifications is arguably comparable to the effort of writing the code itself [38]. A lot of research has dealt with this problem, proposing automatic feature extraction, and code synthesis, to aid the programmer in writing correct applications [39,31,20,21,5]. ...
Storage systems based on Weak Consistency provide better availability and lower latency than systems that use Strong Consistency, especially in geo-replicated settings. However, under Weak Consistency, it is harder to ensure the correctness of applications, as the execution of uncoordinated operations may lead to invalid states. In this paper we show how to modify an application to make it run correctly under Weak Consistency. We developed an analysis that detects which operations need to be corrected, and proposes possible modifications to operations to prevent inconsistencies. This analysis allows the programmer to choose the preferred semantics for each problematic execution, while preserving the original semantics of operations when no conflicts occur. The modified application runs with small overhead when compared with its Weak Consistency counterpart, which cannot preserve application correctness.
... Parnas has described in detail the role of software documentation, how it can be produced, and how it can be used [39]. Specifications are important parts of software documentation. ...
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To improve the quality of programs we provide an approach to guidance in the process of program development. At the higher level the various activities and their dependencies to structure the process are identified. At the lower level, detailed, practical rules are given for the decision-making in the development steps during these activities. The approach concentrates on structure and behavior of a single class. It includes design and specification and is compatible with methodologies for programming in the large. Informal specifications are introduced to help develop correct and robust code as well as corresponding tests. A strict distinction is made between external design and specification on one hand and internal design and specification on the other hand, which helps in keeping control over complexity. The approach also exploits the separation of success and failure scenarios. A worked-out example is provided.
... Multiple quality assurance and control procedures exist each with their own (dis)advantages: e.g. code review (Bacchelli & Bird, 2013;Pascarella et al., 2018), documentation (Kajko-Mattsson, 2005;Parnas, 2010), and automated testing (Bartram & Bayliss, 1984;Winkler et al., 2010). Besides improved quality, additional benefits can occur such as knowledge transfer or increasing team awareness (Bacchelli & Bird, 2013). ...
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Use of models in decision making, for example in water management, requires confidence in the model and its outputs. Since choices in model setup affect model output, this confidence is affected by the modellers’ professional judgement. Computer programmers can use their expertise in coding to standardise some of the tasks associated with computational modelling. Therefore, centralized automation has the potential to ensure quality of modelling decisions. Since it is the modeller that makes the choices in the model set-up, it is important to understand how modellers perceive automation. To explore their perspectives, we conducted fourteen interviews with modellers at water authorities and consulting companies in the Netherlands. The transcripts were analysed through deductive and inductive content analysis. Our study reveals that automated modelling processes can improve efficiency, transparency and consistency, but only if certain requirements are met, such as good documentation, clear ownership, adequate maintenance, and frequent evaluation. Therefore, managing the risks and benefits of automation requires balancing the power between modellers and programmers.
Comments play a crucial role in code comprehension and maintenance. This is particularly vital when the code is changed, as comments should be promptly updated to maintain consistency between the code and the comments. Existing comment update methods usually treat code as natural language text, ignore the information of code structure, and often fail when code changes are not associated with comment updates (called a non-code-indicative update, i.e., NCIU). Therefore, we propose a Transformer and graph neural network based comment update method (TG-CUP). The model integrates the information of old comments, code edit sequences, and AST-Difference Graph to update outdated comments. The experimental results show that TG-CUP increased by 5.16% and 2.23% compared with the most advanced methods on Accuracy and Recall@5, and the performance on NCIUs is improved as well.
In software development and maintenance, code comments can help developers understand source code and improve communication among developers. However, developers sometimes neglect to update the corresponding comment when changing the code, resulting in outdated comments (i.e., inconsistent codes and comments). Outdated comments are dangerous and harmful and may mislead subsequent developers. More seriously, the outdated comments may lead to a fatal flaw sometime in the future. To automatically identify the outdated comments in source code, we proposed a learning‐based method, called CoCC, to detect the consistency between code and comment. To efficiently identify outdated comments, we extract multiple features from both codes and comments before and after they change. Besides, we also consider the relation between code and comment in our model. Experiment results show that CoCC can effectively detect outdated comments with precision over 90%. In addition, we have identified the 15 most important factors that cause outdated comments and verified the applicability of CoCC in different programming languages. We also used CoCC to find outdated comments in the latest commits of open source projects, which further proves the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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This article outlines an approach in the design, documentation, and evaluation of computer systems. This allows the use of software in many safety-critical applications because it enables the systematic comparison of the program behavior with the engineering specifications of the computer system. Many of the ideas in this article have been used by the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada in its safety assessment of the software for the shutdown systems of the Darlington Station. The four main elements of this approach follow: (1) Formal Documentation of Software Requirements: Most of the details of a complex environment can be ignored by system implementers and reviewers if they are given a complete and precise statement of the behavioral requirements for the computer system. We describe five mathematical relations that specify the requirements for the software in a computerized control system. (2) Design and Documentation of the Module Structure: Complexity caused by interactions between separately written components can be reduced by applying Data Abstraction, Abstract Data Types, and Object-Oriented Programming if the interfaces are precisely and completely documented. (3) Program Function Documentation: Software executions are lengthy sequences of state changes described by algorithms. The effects of these executive sequences can be precisely specified documented with tabular presentations of the program functions. Also, large programs can be decomposed and presented at a collection of well-documented smaller programs. (4) Tripod Approach to Assessment: There are three basic approaches to the assessment of complex software products: (i) testing, (ii) systematic inspection, and (iii) certification of people and processes. Assessment of a complex system cannot depend on any one of these alone. The approach used on the Darlington shutdown software, which included systematic inspection as well as planned and statistically designed random testing, is outlined.
Conference Paper
This is a conference presentation of an initial version of the description of the functional approach to the design and development of computer systems in which we introduce certain documents playing a key role in engineering practice. It is based on the Technical Report 90-287 (ISSN 0836-0227) , Queen’s University, C&IS, Telecommunication Research Institute of Ontario (TRIO), Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
This article describes a software design method based on the principles of separation of concerns and information hiding. The principle of separation of concerns is used to structure the design documentation, and information hiding is used to guide the internal design of the software. Separation of concerns requires that design information be divided into clearly distinct and relatively independent documents. The design documents are the main products of the initial design phase, and are carefully structured to (i) expose open issues, (ii) express design decisions, and (iii) ensure that information is recorded in a way that allows it to be readily retrieved later. Information hiding is used to design software that is easy to change. We have applied many elements of the design method to the development of the No. 2 Service Evaluation System (SES), a multiprocessor data acquisition and transaction system. Our experiences in applying the design method are described, and some examples are included.
This paper discusses the organization of software that is inherently complex because of very many arbitrary details that must be precisely right for the software to be correct. We show how the software design technique known as information hiding, or abstraction, can be supplemented by a hierarchically structured document, which we call a module guide. The guide is intended to allow both designers and maintainers to identify easily the parts of the software that they must understand, without reading irrelevant details about other parts of the software. The paper includes an extract from a software module guide to illustrate our proposals.
New techniques for making requirements specifications precise, concise, unambiguous, and easy to check for completeness and consistency are considered. The techniques are well-suited for complex real-time software system; they were developed to document the requirements of existing flight software for the Navy's A-7 aircraft. Each technique is described and illustrated with examples from the A-7 document.
This paper discusses the use of the term "hierarchically structured" to describe the design of operating systems. Although the various uses of this term are often considered to be closely related, close examination of the use of the term shows that it has a number of quite different meanings. For example, one can find two different senses of "hierarchy" in a single operating system [3] and [6]. An understanding of the different meanings of the term is essential, if a designer wishes to apply recent work in Software Engineering and Design Methodology. This paper attempts to provide such an understanding.