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Lexical Choice via Topic Adaptation for
Paraphrasing Written Language to Spoken
Nobuhiro Kaji1and Sadao Kurohashi2
1Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo,
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan
2Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Abstract. Our research aims at developing a system that paraphrases
written language text to spoken language style. In such a system, it is
important to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate words
in an input text for spoken language. We call this task lexical choice
for paraphrasing. In this paper, we describe a method of lexical choice
that considers the topic. Basically, our method is based on the word
probabilities in written and spoken language corpora. The novelty of our
method is topic adaptation. In our framework, the corpora are classified
into topic categories, and the probability is estimated using such corpora
that have the same topic as input text. The result of evaluation showed
the effectiveness of topic adaptation.
1 Introduction
Written language is different from spoken language. That difference has various
aspects. For example, spoken language is often ungrammatical, or uses simplified
words rather than difficult ones etc. Among these aspects this paper examines
difficulty. Difficult words are characteristic of written language and are not ap-
propriate for spoken language.
Our research aims at developing a system that paraphrases written language
text into spoken language style. It helps text-to-speech generating natural voice
when the input is in written language. In order to create such a system, the
following procedure is required: (1) the system has to detect inappropriate words
in the input text for spoken language, (2) generate paraphrases of inappropriate
words, and (3) confirm that the generated paraphrases are appropriate. This
paper examines step (1) and (3), which we call lexical choice for paraphrasing
written language to spoken language.
Broadly speaking, lexical choice can be defined as binary classification task:
the input is a word and a system outputs whether it is appropriate for spoken
R. Dale et al. (Eds.): IJCNLP 2005, LNAI 3651, pp. 981–992, 2005.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
982 N. Kaji and S. Kurohashi
language or not. This definition is valid if we can assume that the word diffi-
culty is independent of such factors as context or listeners. However, we think
such assumption is not always true. One example is business jargon (or technical
term). Generally speaking, business jargon is difficult and inappropriate for spo-
ken language. Notwithstanding, it is often used in business talk. This example
implies that the word difficulty is dependent on the topic of text/talk.
In this paper, we define the input of lexical choice as a word and text where it
occurs (= the topic). Such definition makes it possible for a system to consider
the topic. We think the topic plays an important role in lexical choice, when
dealing with such words that are specific to a certain topic, e.g., business jargon.
Hereafter, those words are called topical words, and others are called non-topical
words. Of course, in addition to the topic, we have to consider other factors such
as listeners and so on. But, the study of such factors lies outside the scope of
this paper.
Based on the above discussion, we describe a method of lexical choice that
considers the topic. Basically, our method is based on the word probabilities in
written and spoken language corpora. It is reasonable to assume that these two
probabilities reflect whether the word is appropriate or not. The novelty of the
method is topic adaptation. In order to adapt to the topic of the input text,
the corpora are classified into topic categories, and the probability is estimated
using such corpora that have the same topic category as the input text. This
process enables us to estimate topic-adapted probability. Our method was evalu-
ated by human judges. Experimental results demonstrated that our method can
accurately deal with topical words.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 represents method overview.
Section 3 and Section 4 describe the corpora construction. Section 5 represents
learning lexical choice. Section 6 reports experimental results. Section 7 describes
related works. We conclude this paper in Section 8.
Our method uses written and spoken language corpora classified into topic cat-
egories. They are automatically constructed from the WWW. The construction
procedure consists of the following two processes (Figure 1).
1. Style Classification
Web pages are downloaded from the WWW, and are classified into written
and spoken language style. Those pages classified as written/spoken language
are referred as written/spoken language corpus. In this process, we discarded
ambiguous pages that are difficult to classify.
2. Topic Classification
The written and spoken language corpora are classified into 14 topic cate-
gories, such as arts, computers and so on.
Both classification methods are represented in Section 3 and Section 4.
Given an input word and a text where it occurs, it is decided as follows
whether the input word is appropriate or inappropriate for spoken language.
Lexical Choice via Topic Adaptation for Paraphrasing Written Language 983
1. The topic category of the input text is decided by the same method as the
one used to classify Web pages into topic categories.
2. We estimate the probabilities of the input word in the written and spoken
language corpora. We use such corpora that have the same topic as the input
3. Using the two probabilities, we decide whether the input word is appropriate
or not. Section 5 describes this method.
Web Pages
Spoken AmbiguousWritten
Topic classification
Style classification
(Section 3)
(Section 4)
Arts category
Spoken Written
Recreation category
Science category
Fig. 1. Written and spoken language corpora construction
3 Style Classification
In order to construct written and spoken language corpora classified into topic
categories, first of all, Web pages are classified into written and spoken language
pages (Figure 1). Note that what is called spoken language here is not real
utterance but chat like texts. Although it is not real spoken language, it works
as a good substitute, as some researchers pointed out [2,11].
We follow a method proposed by Kaji et al (2004). Their method classifies
Web pages into three types: (1) written language page, (2) spoken language page,
and (3) ambiguous page. Then, Web pages classified into type (1) or (2) are
used. Ambiguous pages are discarded because classification precision decreases
if such pages are used. This Section summarizes their method. See [11] for detail.
Note that for this method the target language is Japanese, and its procedure is
dependent on Japanese characteristics.
3.1 Basic Idea
Web pages are classified based on interpersonal expressions, which imply an at-
titude of a speaker toward listeners, such as familiarity, politeness, honor or con-
tempt etc. Interpersonal expressions are often used in spoken language, although
984 N. Kaji and S. Kurohashi
not frequently used in written language. For example, when spoken language is
used, one of the most basic situations is face-to-face communication. On the
other hand, such situation hardly happens when written language is used.
Therefore, Web pages containing many interpersonal expressions are classi-
fied as spoken language, and vice versa. Among interpersonal expressions, such
expressions that represent familiarity or politeness are used, because:
–Those two kinds of interpersonal expressions frequently appear in spoken
–They are represented by postpositional particle in Japanese and, therefore,
are easily recognized as such.
Hereafter, interpersonal expression that represents familiarity/politeness is
called familiarity/politeness expression.
3.2 Style Classification Procedure
Web pages are classified into the three types based on the following two ratios:
–Familiarity ratio (F-ratio): ‘# of sentences including familiarity expressions’
divided by ‘# of all the sentences in the page’.
–Politeness ratio (P-ratio): ‘# of sentences including politeness expressions’
divided by ‘# of all the sentences in the page’.
The procedure is as follows. First, Web pages are processed by Japanese
morphological analyzer JUMAN3. And then, in order to calculate F-ratio and P-
ratio, sentences which include familiarity or politeness expressions are recognized
in the following manner. A sentence is considered to include the familiarity
expression, if it has one of the following six postpositional particles: ne,yo,
wa,sa,ze,na. A sentence is considered to include the politeness expression, if
it has one of the following four postpositional particles: desu,masu,kudasai,
After calculating the two ratios, the page is classified according to the rules
illustrated in Figure 2. If F-ratio and P-ratio are equal to 0, the page is classified
as written language page. If F-ratio is more than 0.2, or if F-ratio is more than
0.1 and P-ratio is more than 0.2, the page is classified as spoken language page.
The other pages are regarded as ambiguous and are discarded.
3.3 The Result
Table 1 shows the number of pages and words (noun, verb, and adjective) in the
corpora constructed from the WWW. About 8,680k pages were downloaded from
the WWW, and 994k/1,338k were classified as written/spoken language. The
rest were classified as ambiguous page and they were discarded. The precision of
this method was reported by Kaji et al (2004). According to their experiment,
the precision was 94%.
Lexical Choice via Topic Adaptation for Paraphrasing Written Language 985
Written language
Spoken language
Fig. 2. Style classification rule
Tabl e 1. Thesizeofthewrittenandspoken
language corpora
# of pages # of words
Written language 989k 432M
Spoken language 1,337k 907M
Tabl e 2. The size of the training and test
Topic category Training Test
Arts 2,834 150
Business & Economy 5,475 289
Computers & Internet 6,156 325
Education 2,943 155
Entertainment 6,221 328
Government 3,131 165
Health 1,800 95
News 2,888 152
Recreation 4,352 230
Reference 1,099 58
Regional 4,423 233
Science 3,868 204
Social Science 5,410 285
Society & Culture 5,208 275
4 Topic Classification
The written and spoken language corpora are classified into 14 topic categories
(Figure 1). This task is what is called text categorization. We used Support Vec-
tor Machine because it is reported to achieve high performance in this task.The
training data was automatically built from Yahoo! Japan4.
The category provided by Yahoo! Japan have hierarchy structure. For exam-
ple, there are Arts and Music categories, and Music is one of the subcategories
of Arts. We used 14 categories located at the top level of the hierarchy. We
downloaded Web pages categorized in one of the 14 categories. Note that we
did not use Web pages assigned more than one categories. And then, the Web
pages were divided them into 20 segments. One of them was used as the test
data, and the others were used as the training data (Table 2). In the Table, the
986 N. Kaji and S. Kurohashi
Social Science
Topic category
# of pages
Written language page Spoken language page
Fig. 3. The size of written and spoken language corpora in each topic category
first column shows the name of the 14 topic categories. The second/third column
shows the number of pages in the training/test data.
SVM was trained using the training data. In order to build multi-class clas-
sifier, we used One-VS-Rest method. Features of SVM are probabilities of nouns
in a page. Kernel function was linear. After the training, it was applied to the
test data. The macro-averaged accuracy was 86%.
The written and spoken language corpora constructed from the WWW were
classified into 14 categories by SVM. Figure 3 depicts the number of pages in
each category.
5 Learning Lexical Choice
We can now construct the written and spoken language corpora classified into
topic categories. The next step is discrimination between inappropriate and ap-
propriate words for spoken language using the probabilities in written and spoken
language corpora (Section 2). This paper proposes two methods: one is based
on Decision Tree (DT), and the other is based on SVM. This Section first de-
scribes the creation of gold standard data, which is used for both training and
evaluation. Then, we describe the features given to DT and SVM.
5.1 Creation of Gold Standard Data
We prepared data consisting of pairs of a word and binary tag. The tag represents
whether that word is inappropriate or appropriate for spoken language. This data
is referred as gold standard data. Note that the gold standard is created for each
topic category.
Gold standard data of topic T is created as follows.
1. Web pages in topic T are downloaded from Yahoo! Japan, and we sampled
words (verbs, nouns, and adjectives) from those pages at random.
2. Three human judges individually mark each word as INAPPROPRIATE,
APPROPRIATE or NEUTRAL. NEUTRAL tag is used when a judge cannot
mark a word as INAPPROPRIATE or APPROPRIATE with certainty.
Lexical Choice via Topic Adaptation for Paraphrasing Written Language 987
3. The three annotations are combined, and single gold standard data is cre-
ated. A word is marked as INAPPROPRIATE/APPROPRIATE in the gold
standard, if
–All judges agree that it is INAPPROPRIATE/APPROPRIATE, or
–Two judges agree that it is INAPPROPRIATE/APPROPRIATE and
the other marked it as NEUTRAL.
The other words are not used in the gold standard data.
5.2 The Features
Both DT and SVM use the same three features: the word probability in written
language corpus, the word probability in spoken language corpus, and the ratio
of the word probability in spoken language corpus to that in written language.
Note that when DT and SVM are trained on the gold standard of topic T, the
probability is estimated using the corpus in topic T.
6 Evaluation
This Section first reports the gold standard creation. Then, we show that DT and
SVM can successfully classify INAPPROPRIATE and APPROPRIATE words
in the gold standard. Finally, the effect of topic adaptation is represented.
6.1 The Gold Standard Data
The annotation was performed by three human judges (Judge1, Judge2 and
Judge3) on 410 words sampled from Business category, and 445 words sampled
from Health category. Then, we created the gold standard data in each category
(Table 3). The average Kappa value [3] between the judges was 0.60, which
corresponds to substantial agreement.
Tabl e 3. Gold standard data
Business Health
Total 316 378
Tabl e 4. # of words in Business and Health
categories corpora
Business Health
Written language 29,891k 30,778k
Spoken language 9,018k 32,235k
6.2 Lexical Choice Evaluation
DT and SVM were trained and tested on the gold standard data using Leave-
One-Out (LOO) cross validation. DT and SVM were implemented using C4.55
and TinySVM6packages. The kernel function of SVM was Gaussian RBF. Table
6 taku/software/TinySVM/
988 N. Kaji and S. Kurohashi
Tabl e 5. The result of LOO cross validation
Topic Method Accuracy # of correct answers Precision Recall
Business DT .915 (289/316) 31 + 258 = 289 .775 .660
SVM .889 (281/316) 21 + 260 = 281 .750 .429
MCB .845 (267/316) 0 + 267 = 267 — .000
Health DT .918 (347/378) 21 + 326 = 347 .600 .552
SVM .918 (347/378) 13 + 334 = 347 .684 .342
MCB .899 (340/378) 0 + 340 = 340 — .000
4 shows the number of words in Business and Health categories corpora. Three
features described in Section 5 were used.
The result is summarized in Table 5. For example, in Business category, the
accuracy of DT was 91.5%. 289 out of 316 words were classified successfully, and
the 289 consists of 31 INAPPROPRIATE and 258 APPROPRIATE words. The
last two columns show the precision and recall of INAPPROPRIATE words.
MCB is Majority Class Baseline, which marks every word as APPROPRIATE.
Judging from the accuracy in Health category, one may think that our
method shows only a little improvement over MCB. However, considering other
evaluation measures such as recall of INAPPROPRIATE words, it is obvious
that the proposed method overwhelms MCB. We would like to emphasize the
fact that MCB is not at all practical lexical choice method. If MCB is used, all
words in the input text are regarded as appropriate for spoken language and the
input is never paraphrased.
One problem of our method is that the recall of INAPPROPRIATE words is
low. We think that the reason is as follows. The number of INAPPROPRIATE
words in the gold standard is much smaller than that of APPROPRIATE words.
Hence, we think a system that is biased to classify words as APPROPRIATE
often achieves high accuracy. It is one of future works to improve the recall while
keeping high accuracy.
We examined discrimination rules learned by DT. Figure 4 depicts the rules
learned by DT when the whole gold standard data of Business category is used
as a training data. In the Figure, the horizontal/vertical axis corresponds to the
probability in the written/spoken language corpus. Words in the gold standard
can be mapped into this two dimension space. INAPPROPRIATE/ APPROPRI-
ATE words are represented by a cross/square. The line represents discrimination
rules. Words below the line are classified as INAPPROPRIATE, and the others
are classified as APPROPRIATE.
6.3 Effect of Topic Adaptation
Finally, we investigated the effect of topic adaptation by comparing our method
to a baseline method that does not consider topic.
Our method consists of two steps: (1) mapping from a word to features, and
(2) applying discrimination rules to the features. In the step (1), the probability
is estimated using the written and spoken language corpora in a certain topic
Lexical Choice via Topic Adaptation for Paraphrasing Written Language 989
0 0.0001 0.0002
Probability in written language
Probability in spoken language
Fig. 4. Decision tree rules in Business cat-
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008
Probability in written language
Probability in spoken language
Fig. 5. Examples in Business category
T. In the step (2), discrimination rules are learned by DT using the whole gold
standard data of topic T. We used DT rather than SVM because rules are easy
for humans to understand. On the other hand, the baseline uses the same dis-
crimination rules as our method, but uses the whole written and spoken language
corpora to map a word to features. Hereafter, the two methods are referred as
Proposed and Baseline. Both methods use the same discrimination rules but
map a word to features in a different way. Therefore, there are such words that
are classified as INAPPROPRIATE by Proposed and are classified as AP-
PROPRIATE by Baseline, and vice versa. In the evaluation, we compared the
classification results of such words.
We evaluated the results of topical words and non-topical words separately.
This is because we think Proposed is good at dealing with topical words and
hence we can clearly confirm the effectiveness of topic adaptation. Here, a word is
regarded as topical word in topic T, if its probabilities in the written and spoken
language corpora assigned topic category T are larger than those in the whole
corpora with statistical significance (the 5% level). Otherwise it is regarded as
non-topical word in topic T. As a statistical test log-likelihood ratio [4] was used.
The evaluation procedure is as follows.
1. Web pages in Business category were downloaded from Yahoo! Japan, and
words in those pages were classified by the two methods. If the results of the
two methods disagree, such words were stocked.
2. From the stocked words, we randomly sampled 50 topical words in Business
and 50 non-topical words. Note that we did not use such words that are
contained in the gold standard.
3. Using Web pages in Health category, we also sampled 50 topical words in
Health and 50 non-topical words in the same manner.
4. As a result, 100 topical words and 100 non-topical words were prepared. For
each word, two judges (Judge-A and Judge-B) individually assessed which
method successfully classified the word. Some classification results were dif-
ficult even for human judges to assess. In such cases, the results of the both
methods were regarded as correct.
990 N. Kaji and S. Kurohashi
Table 6 represents the classification accuracy of the 100 topical words. For
example, according to assessment by Judge-A, 75 out of 100 words were classified
successfully by Proposed. Similarly, Table 7 represents the accuracy of the 100
non-topical words. The overall agreement between the two judges according to
the Kappa value was 0.56. We compared the result of the two methods using
McNemar’s test [8], and we found statistically significant difference (the 5%
level) in the results. There was no significant difference in the result of non-
topical words assessed by the Judge-A.
Tabl e 6. Accuracy of topical words classi-
Judge Method Accuracy
Judge-A Proposed 75% (75/100)
Baseline 52% (52/100)
Judge-B Proposed 72% (72/100)
Baseline 53% (53/100)
Tabl e 7. Accuracy of non-topical words
Judge Method Accuracy
Judge-A Proposed 48% (48/100)
Baseline 66% (66/100)
Judge-B Proposed 38% (38/100)
Baseline 78% (78/100)
6.4 Discussion and Future Work
Proposed outperformed Baseline in topical words classification. This result
indicates that the difficulty of topical words depends on the topic and we have
to consider the topic. On the other hand, the result of Proposed was not good
when applied to non-topical words. We think this result is caused by two reasons:
(1) the difficulty of non-topical words is independent of the topic, and (2) Base-
line uses larger corpora than Proposed (see Table 1 and Table 4). Therefore,
we think this result does not deny the effectiveness of topic adaptation. These
results mean that Proposed and Baseline are complementary to each other,
and it is effective to combine the two methods: Proposed/Baseline is applied
to topical/non-topical words. It is obvious from the experimental results that
such combination is effective.
We found that Baseline is prone to classify topical words as inappropriate
and such bias decreases the accuracy. Figure 5 depicts typical examples sam-
pled from topical words in Business. Both judges regarded ‘management’ and
‘customer’7as appropriate for spoken language in Business topic. The white tri-
angle and diamond in the Figure represent their features when the probability
is estimated using the corpora in Business category. They are located above the
line, which corresponds to discrimination rules, and are successfully classified as
appropriate by Proposed. However, if the probability is estimated using the
whole corpora, the features shift to the black triangle and diamond, and Base-
line wrongly classified the two as inappropriate. In Health category, we could
observe similar examples such as ‘lung cancer’ or ‘metastasis’.
7Our target language is Japanese. Examples illustrated here are translation of the
original Japanese words.
Lexical Choice via Topic Adaptation for Paraphrasing Written Language 991
These examples can be explained in the following way. Consider topical words
in Business. When the probability is estimated using the whole corpora, it is
influenced by the topic but Business, where topical words in Business are often
inappropriate for spoken language. Therefore, we think that Baseline is biased
to classify topical words as inappropriate.
Besides the lexical choice method addressed in this paper, we proposed lex-
ical paraphrase generation method [10]. Our future direction is to apply these
methods to written language texts and evaluate the output of text-to-speech. So
far, the methods were tested on a small set of reports.
Although the main focus of this paper is lexical paraphrases, we think that
it is also important to deal with structural paraphrases. So far, we implemented
a system that paraphrases compound nouns into nominal phrases. It is our
future work to build a system that generates other kinds of structural para-
7 Related Work
Lexical choice has been widely discussed in both paraphrasing and natural lan-
guage generation (NLG). However, to the best of our knowledge, no researches
address topic adaptation. Previous approaches are topic-independent or specific
to only certain topic.
Lexical choice has been one of the central issues in NLG. However, the main
focus is mapping from concepts to words, (e.g., [1]). In NLG, a work by Edmonds
and Hirst is related to our research [5]. They proposed a computational model
that represents the connotation of words.
Some paraphrasing researches focus on lexical choice. Murata and Isahara
addressed paraphrasing written language to spoken language. They used only
probability in spoken language corpus [12]. Kaji et al. also discussed paraphras-
ing written language to spoken language, and they used the probabilities in
written and spoken language corpora [11]. On the other hand, Inkpen et al. ex-
amined paraphrasing positive and negative text [9]. They used the computational
model proposed by Edmonds and Hirst [5].
The proposed method is based on the probability, which can be considered
as a simple language model. In language model works, many researchers have
discussed topic adaptation in order to precisely estimate the probability of topical
words [6,7,13]. Our work can be regarded as one application of such language
model technique.
This paper proposed lexical choice method that considers the topic. The method
utilizes written and spoken language corpora classified into topic categories, and
estimate the word probability that is adapted to the topic of the input text.
From the experimental result we could confirm the effectiveness of topic adap-
992 N. Kaji and S. Kurohashi
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