Conference: Industrialisierung des Software-Managements: Fachtagung des GI-Fachausschusses Management der Anwendungsentwicklung und -Wartung im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-MAW), 12. - 14. November 2008 in Stuttgart
All content in this area was uploaded by Thomas Hess
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... In letzter Zeit finden sich vermehrt Hinweise, dass auch Softwareunternehmen einer Industrialisierung unterzogen sind (Buxmann et al. 2008, S. 130;Fischer 2007;Hess et al. 2007;Hildenbrand et al. 2007;Kilian-Kehr et al. 2007;Meyer und Stobbe 2007;Wolf et al. 2008). In der aktuellen Diskussion werden Informationsund Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) als die technologischen Treiber der Industrialisierung angesehen, sodass man in diesem Zusammenhang auch von einer Industrialisierung durch IKT spricht. ...
... Um die Vergleichbarkeit mit vorausgehenden Studien (z. B. Wolf et al. (2008)) zu gewährleisten, fokussierten wir uns auf Anbieter von erklärungs-und anpassungsbedürftiger betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardsoftware. Des Weiteren erfolgte eine Einschränkung hinsichtlich der Software-Architektur auf monolithische Systeme, da die monolithische Architektur in der zu betrachtenden Vergangenheit dominant war und neuere Konzepte, wie hochgradig modulare, auf Web-Services beruhende serviceorientierte Architekturen die zwischenbetriebliche Arbeitsteilung stark hätten beeinflussen und somit die Vergleichbarkeit der Fälle hätten verfälschen können. ...
... Die Studie von Wolf et al. (2008) konnte eine zunehmende zwischenbetriebliche Arbeitsteilung vor allem auf den Downstream-Wertschöpfungsstufen von SAP feststellen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung hingegen ergab sich tendenziell eine zunehmende zwischenbetriebliche Arbeitsteilung vor allem auf den Upstream-Wertschöpfungsstufen produktbezogene Forschung (Fälle 1, 2) sowie Produktentwicklung (Fälle 1, 2, 3). ...
... Zwar findet sich im generellen Themenfeld der Leistungstiefe eine große Vielzahl an Arbeiten, die sich mit Unternehmen aus nahezu allen denkbaren Branchen beschäftigen -Untersuchungen bei Softwareunternehmen finden sich jedoch bisher kaum. So konnten beispielsweise Wolf et al. (2008) für den Fall eines Softwareunternehmens mit klassischem Closed-Source-Geschäftsmodell (SAP) eine zunehmende zwischenbetriebliche Arbeitsteilung mit der Folge einer sinkenden Leistungstiefe nachweisen. Auf Grund der offenen Struktur von Open-Source-Software und des dazugehörigen Geschäftsmodells liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass die Arbeitsteilung in diesem Bereich noch deutlich stärker ausgeprägt ist als im klassischen Closed-Source-Geschäftsmodell (Sharma et al. 2002, S. 10). ...
... Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags war es, zu untersuchen, wie sich die unternehmensexterne Arbeitsteilung und die daraus resultierende Leistungstiefe bei einem Unternehmen mit Open-Source-Geschäftsmodell entwickelt haben und damit die Studie eines Softwareunternehmens mit klassischem Closed-Source-Geschäftsmodell (SAP) von Wolf et al. (2008) zu ergänzen. Um zu beantworten, wie die unternehmensexterne Arbeitsteilung aus der Sicht eines typischen Softwareunternehmens mit Open-Source-Geschäftsmodell aktuell ausgeprägt ist, wie sie bei der Gründung des Unternehmens ausgestaltet war und bei welchen Wertschöpfungsaktivitäten sich Veränderungen ergeben haben, führten wir eine Fallstudienuntersuchung bei db4obejcts durch. ...
... Until the introduction of the product innovation of SAP, business application software programs were customized, i.e. the market was dominated by individual software programs which were developed by either consultants or external software firms according to the needs of the customer. However, the co-founders of SAP noticed that the business processes of customers from different sectors were very similar (Meissner, 1997;Wolf, Geiger, Benlian, Hess, & Buxmann, 2008) and instead of programming special software for each customer, they aimed to have standard software for all customers. Lehrer and Benham (2009) posited that the highly standardized business processes in Germany can be a key feature to the pattern recognition of SAP's co-founders. ...
... Rather, the SAP co-founders' technological vision is an important factor in the development of the software program, whereas the stand of hardware was rather a restrictive factor in this development. Wolf et al. (2008) analyzed SAP's evolution in terms of its value chain. An important indication regarding the first years of SAP is to observe research and product development in two different processes in the value chain instead of one. ...
The market for enterprise resource planning (ERP) software was analysed in the contexts of computer science, business models, sociology and history. However, the impact of SAP which has driven the ERP software market with its product innovation was not analysed in the framework of market shaping. Particularly, a new direction within marketing which aims to reconnect it to markets can be an interesting point of departure for the analysis since the way ERP software shaped the markets has similar impacts with the way internet shaped the markets. Using a framework based on three market shaping effects, the results suggested that SAP's impact was mainly on agency costs, transaction costs and network effects. These three points suggest a similarity to the market shaping impact of internet economics.
IT Products are viewed and managed differently depending on the perspectives and the stage within the life cycle. A model is presented that integrates different perspectives and stages serving as an aid for the analysis of business models and focused positioning of IT-products. Four generic business models are analysed with regard to the product management function in general and the positioning field for IT-products specifically: off-the-shelf (license), license plus service, project, and system service (incl. cloud computing).
Depending on the perspectives and the stage within the life cycle IT product are viewed and managed differently. A model is presented that integrates different perspectives and stages serving as an aid for the analysis of business models purposeful and focused positioning of IT-products. Four generic business models are analysed with regard to the product management function in general and the positioning field for IT-products specifically: off-the-shelf, license plus service, project, and system service.
Despite the increase in the number of commercially available development methodologies, there are still many projects where none is used. This problem can be attributed to the fact that many practitioners ignore the beneficial role of using such methodologies to both the quality of the end product and the economics of the development process. This paper, which is the second of a series, reports on a survey of information systems development practice carried out to provide evidence about the effect of using development methodologies on the economics of the development process. Data concerning 72 projects, obtained through a mail survey within the UK are analysed. The focus of the analysis is to provide evidence of how the use of methodologies affect economic parameters, such as time, cost, effort, number of people involved and outputs (in terms of requirements captured). The results show that the use of any methodology is generally proved to be a better option than using no methodology. However, the use of methodologies is not a panacea but specific methodologies can help towards achieving better results in specific areas.
One aim of component-based software engineering (CBSE) is to enable the prediction of extra-functional properties, such as performance and reliability, utilising a well-defined composition theory. Nowadays, such theories and their accompanying prediction methods are still in a maturation stage. Several factors influencing extra-functional properties need additional research to be understood. A special problem in CBSE stems from its specific development process: Software components should be specified and implemented independently from their later context to enable reuse. Thus, extra-functional properties of components need to be specified in a parametric way to take different influencing factors like the hardware platform or the usage profile into account. Our approach uses the Palladio component model (PCM) to specify component-based software architectures in a parametric way. This model offers direct support of the CBSE development process by dividing the model creation among the developer roles. This paper presents our model and a simulation tool based on it, which is capable of making performance predictions. Within a case study, we show that the resulting prediction accuracy is sufficient to support the evaluation of architectural design decisions.
The monitoring and visualization of enterprise-wide and cross-organizational business processes is an important, but also very complex task. The information needed for vi- sualizing processes may be scattered over heterogeneous, distributed information systems. These systems may only support fragments of the process and may use different process meta models. Besides an integrated view on these process data, any process visualization must be flexibly and dynamically adaptable to the needs of different applica- tions and user groups. This paper discusses requirements of a flexible process visualization in distributed environ- ments. This includes process data integration issues as well as issues related to adaptable process visualization.
Component adaptors often are used to bridge gaps between the functional requirements of a component and the functional specifica- tion of another one supposed to provide the needed services. As bridging functional mismatches is necessary, the use of adaptors is often unavoid- able. This emphasises the relevance of a drawback of adaptor usage: The alteration of Quality of Service properties of the adapted component. That is especially nasty, if the original QoS properties of the component have been a major criteria for the choice of the respective component. Therefore, we give an overview of examples of the problem and highlight some approaches how to cope with it.
This explores the use of the value chain concept suggested by Porter as a tool in establishing service operations strategy. The original model has been adapted to emphasise the operational context to produce a framework for considering service delivery to meet strategic objectives. The use of the revised model for examining resource allocation using a resource activity mapping technique within a workshop environment is described.
A review of prior, relevant literature is an essential feature of any academic project. An effective review creates a firm foundation for advancing knowledge. It facilitates theory development, closes areas where a plethora of research exists, and uncovers areas where research is needed.
Software development is increasingly an acquire and glue process and how a user can know when to trust a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) component to do what it is expected to do in the users system becomes an issue. Software certification can solve this problem. Four articles, `Using Immersive Virtual Environments for Certification', `Software Safety Certification: A Multidomain Problem', `Toward Credible IT Testing and Certification', and `Certifying Software for High Assurance Environments', are presented to study software certification to improve software quality.