Conference PaperPDF Available

Vision in the Small: Reconstructing the Structure of Protein Macromolecules from Cryo-Electron Micrographs


Abstract and Figures

Single particle reconstruction using Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) is an emerging technique in structural biology for estimating the 3-D struc- ture (density) of protein macromolecules. Unlike tomography where a large number of images of a specimen can be acquired, the number of images of an individual particle is limited because of radiation damage. Instead, the specimen consists of identical copies of the same protein macro-molecule embedded in vitreous ice at random and unknown 3-D orientations. Because the images are extremely noisy, thousands to hundreds-of-thousands of pro- jections are needed to achieve the desired resolution of 5 A. Along with dif- ferences of the imaging modality compared to photographs, single particle reconstruction provides a unique set of challenges to existing computer vi- sion algorithms. Here, we introduce the challenge and opportunity of recon- struction from transmission electron micrographs, and briey describe our contributions in areas of particle detection, contrast transfer function (CTF) estimation, and initial 3-D model construction.
The image on the left shows a typical cryo-EM micrograph containing several images of a macro-molecule called GroEL. The inset shows a zoomed portion of the micrograph. The image in the center shows nine projections selected from a micrograph. Many such projections ( ∼ 10 , 000) are clustered into 50-100 classes. The image on the right shows the class averages of nine arbitrarily chosen classes. The class averages have significantly better signal to noise ratio at the expense of finer detail (high resolution information) contained in the raw projections. One of the advantages of using cyro-EM is that 3-D structure can be determined with- out the need for crystallization. It is often very difficult to crystallize large molecules. Even when crystallization is possible, the structure constrained in crystalline form can differ from the structure of the macromolecule in its native environment. Cryo-EM there- fore presents an attractive alternative for structure estimation from a biological point of view. Though freezing the specimen in vitreous ice preserves it in its close to native state, the lack of crystalline lattice means that many projections cannot be trivially averaged to improve the signal to noise ratio. While the intensity in a photograph is related to the light (radiance) reflected from surfaces in a scene, the intensity at a point in an image produced in transmission electron microscopy, like an x-ray, is related to the integral of the scene density along a 3D line segment between the radiation source and a point on the detector (image plane). Pro- jection can modelled as orthographic. Computed Tomography (CT) is a technique for reconstructing the 3D density from a collection of 2D images (aka projections) taken with a known relation between the radiation source/image plane and the scene. This is akin to 3D reconstruction from multiple photographs when the camera geometry is known (multi-view stereo). In Cryo-EM, a specimen is first frozen in a very thin layer of vitreous (non-crystalline) ice and then imaged with a transmission electron microscope. To reconstruct protein macromolecules (aka particle) from the resulting micrographs, CT cannot be used directly for at least two reasons. First, the energy densities used to acquire a micrograph may damage the macromolecule, and so only a single usable high resolution image is obtained per instance of a protein. However, when the macromolecule can be induced to assume only one (or a small number of) stable confirmations, then multiple copies can be imaged in turn. Generally, individual particles are frozen into a random and unknown orientation in the ice; the distribution of orientations may be nonuniform since some orientations may be more common. Consequently, to reconstruct 3-D density using CT, the orientation of each macromolecule must be determined from the image data.
Reconstruction: Top and side views of Keyhole Lympet Hemocyanin. spatial frequency dependent oscillations into the Fourier space representation of the im- age. The theory of contrast transfer in the electron microscope [5, 6] provides a parametric form for the CTF, the envelope function and the background noise. In our own work [10], we have a completely automated algorithm for estimating the parameters of the contrast transfer function (CTF) of a transmission electron microscope including estimation of the astigmatism. Once estimated, the micrographs can be corrected in order to generate an accurate 3-D reconstruction of the specimen. In [11] we demonstrated how to detect particles in noisy micrographs like the one in Fig. 1 using a cascaded detector based on the face detector of Viola and Jones [14]. The detector is trained on manually selected examples of the particle of interest and randomly selected regions of a micrograph (non-particles). In [16], it was shown to be one of the most effective methods for particle detection in a benchmark dataset of Keyhole Lympet Hemocyanin (KLH). An example of a reconstruction of KLH using the automatically detected particles is shown in Fig. 2. Finally, in [11], we introduced an automated technique for reconstructing a 3-D initial model from multiple electron micrographs without information about orientation of the particle in each image. The method is based on three ideas: First, between any two projections ( i and j ) of a 3-D volume (e.g. a particle), we can compute a constraint on the relative 3-D orientation between the two views. For two images with orthographic viewing directions v i and v j , there is a 3-D direction v i × v j which projects onto each image as directions φ i j and φ ji . These directions can be determined from a projection image (e.g., a transmission electron micrograph, an x-ray, etc.) using a Radon transform. Identifying φ i j and φ ji provides two constraints, called the common lines constraint , on the relative orientation of two views i and j . Second, given three images, there is a common line constraint between each pair of images; for such a triplet, the relative orientations are fully determined in principle up to a reflection ambiguity. Yet because the estimates of φ i j can be noisy and include outliers (mismatches), [9] introduces a robust technique for estimating the 3-D projection orientation by denoising a common lines matrix [ φ i j ] . Finally, once the orientations are determined, the 3-D density is readily estimated using the Fourier Slice Theorem, which states that the 2-D Fourier transform of a projection of a 3-D density is a central slice through the 3-D Fourier transform of the density. Figure 3.a shows two views of a macro-molecule called GroEL produced from a pub- lished 11.5 A ̊ reconstruction [8] as well as the initial model produced with our tech-
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Vision in the Small:
Reconstructing the Structure of Protein Macromolecules
from Cryo-Electron Micrographs
Satya Mallick Sameer Agarwal David Kriegman Serge Belongie
Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego, CA
Bridget Carragher Clinton Potter
National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy, and
Department of Cell Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla
Single particle reconstruction using Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM)
is an emerging technique in structural biology for estimating the 3-D struc-
ture (density) of protein macromolecules. Unlike tomography where a large
number of images of a specimen can be acquired, the number of images of
an individual particle is limited because of radiation damage. Instead, the
specimen consists of identical copies of the same protein macro-molecule
embedded in vitreous ice at random and unknown 3-D orientations. Because
the images are extremely noisy, thousands to hundreds-of-thousands of pro-
jections are needed to achieve the desired resolution of 5 ˚
A. Along with dif-
ferences of the imaging modality compared to photographs, single particle
reconstruction provides a unique set of challenges to existing computer vi-
sion algorithms. Here, we introduce the challenge and opportunity of recon-
struction from transmission electron micrographs, and briefly describe our
contributions in areas of particle detection, contrast transfer function (CTF)
estimation, and initial 3-D model construction.
Reconstructing the Structure of Protein Macromolecules
One of the most exciting challenges for biology today is understanding the molecular
machinery of the cell as a working, dynamic system. Critical to this understanding is de-
termining the 3-D structure of protein macromolecules, a task that is often accomplished
using x-ray crystallography. The technique of cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has
a unique role to play in addressing this challenge as it can provide structural informa-
tion of large macromolecular complexes in a variety of conformational and compositional
states while preserved under close to physiological conditions. Traditionally the methods
for cryo-EM have been time consuming and labor intensive, involving data acquisition,
analysis and averaging of thousands to hundreds of thousands of images (views) of the in-
dividual macro-molecular complexes. Thus, over the last few years there has been consid-
erable interest and substantial effort devoted to developing automated methods to improve
the accuracy, robustness, ease of use, and throughput of cryo-EM [1, 2, 3, 12, 15, 17], and
this abstract considers three aspects originally presented in [9, 10, 11].
Figure 1: The image on the left shows a typical cryo-EM micrograph containing several
images of a macro-molecule called GroEL. The inset shows a zoomed portion of the
micrograph. The image in the center shows nine projections selected from a micrograph.
Many such projections (10,000) are clustered into 50-100 classes. The image on the
right shows the class averages of nine arbitrarily chosen classes. The class averages have
significantly better signal to noise ratio at the expense of finer detail (high resolution
information) contained in the raw projections.
One of the advantages of using cyro-EM is that 3-D structure can be determined with-
out the need for crystallization. It is often very difficult to crystallize large molecules.
Even when crystallization is possible, the structure constrained in crystalline form can
differ from the structure of the macromolecule in its native environment. Cryo-EM there-
fore presents an attractive alternative for structure estimation from a biological point of
view. Though freezing the specimen in vitreous ice preserves it in its close to native state,
the lack of crystalline lattice means that many projections cannot be trivially averaged to
improve the signal to noise ratio.
While the intensity in a photograph is related to the light (radiance) reflected from
surfaces in a scene, the intensity at a point in an image produced in transmission electron
microscopy, like an x-ray, is related to the integral of the scene density along a 3D line
segment between the radiation source and a point on the detector (image plane). Pro-
jection can modelled as orthographic. Computed Tomography (CT) is a technique for
reconstructing the 3D density from a collection of 2D images (aka projections) taken with
a known relation between the radiation source/image plane and the scene. This is akin
to 3D reconstruction from multiple photographs when the camera geometry is known
(multi-view stereo).
In Cryo-EM, a specimen is first frozen in a very thin layer of vitreous (non-crystalline)
ice and then imaged with a transmission electron microscope. To reconstruct protein
macromolecules (aka particle) from the resulting micrographs, CT cannot be used directly
for at least two reasons. First, the energy densities used to acquire a micrograph may
damage the macromolecule, and so only a single usable high resolution image is obtained
per instance of a protein. However, when the macromolecule can be induced to assume
only one (or a small number of) stable confirmations, then multiple copies can be imaged
in turn. Generally, individual particles are frozen into a random and unknown orientation
in the ice; the distribution of orientations may be nonuniformsince some orientations may
be more common. Consequently, to reconstruct 3-D density using CT, the orientation of
each macromolecule must be determined from the image data.
The second challenge stems from the low signal to noise ratio. See Fig. 1.a,b for an
example electron micrograph. It is apparent that even detecting and locating particles is
difficult for a human; furthermore it is not reasonable to extract and match local feature
points in images (e.g., corners) and perform structure-from-motion (SFM) using conven-
tional computer vision techniques. Yet, to achieve a desired resolution (<5˚
A) in spite
of the noise, researchers use between 1,000 and 100,000 projections, about two orders of
magnitude more images than typically used in conventional SFM problems.
A single micrograph such as the one in Fig. 1.a contains noisy projections of several
identical randomly oriented particles. The individual particles are selected and cropped
from the micrograph. As can be seen in Fig. 1.b, individual projections are extremely
noisy. The signal to noise ratio can be improved by clustering a large number (10,000)
of projections into a few classes (50 100) and averaging within each class; see Fig. 1.c.
Even though averaging leads to smoothing of high resolution information,the detail in the
class averages is sufficient for the purpose of reconstructing an initial model at a resolution
of about 30 40 ˚
Within the cryo-EM community, a set of techniques for solving the reconstruction
problem have emerged [3], and implementations are available [4, 7, 13]. The process is
essentially the following: First, a rough, usually low resolution and possibly distorted ini-
tial density (initial model) is constructed by some means (e.g., low resolution, higher dose
electron micrographs, x-ray crystallography, single axis or random conical tomography,
known structure of related molecules, assumed structure from other means, etc.). This
model is used to initiate an iterative process where the image plane orientations relative
to the current 3D model are determined (pose estimation), and then the 3D density (a new
model) is reconstructed using CT techniques. The process repeats with this new model.
It should be noted that each iteration may take 12 hours to run, and a full reconstruction
may take a few weeks. In the end, the ability of the iterative process to converge to the
correct solution depends critically on the accuracy of the initial model, and when it does
converge, the number of required iterations also depends upon the accuracy of the initial
The overall processing pipeline can be summarized by the following steps.
1. Specimen preparation.
2. Automated acquisition of electron micrographs.
3. Calibration.
4. Particle detection.
5. Constructing an initial 3-D model.
6. Refinement of the 3-D model.
In our collaborative work between the microscopists and biologists at the Scripps
Research Institute and the computer vision researchers at UCSD, we have addressed a
number of aspects of this processing pipeline. The Leginon system has been developed to
automatically control an electron microscope, select regions of a specimen having suitable
ice thickness, and acquire a large number of micrographs to be used as input [2, 12]
A critical step in the processing and analysis of cryo-EM images involves the esti-
mation of the factors that modulate the image and which must be corrected in order to
generate an accurate 3-D reconstruction of the specimen. Principal among these is the
contrast transfer function (CTF) of the microscope. The effect of the CTF is to introduce
Figure 2: Reconstruction: Top and side views of Keyhole Lympet Hemocyanin.
spatial frequency dependent oscillations into the Fourier space representation of the im-
age. The theory of contrast transfer in the electron microscope [5, 6] provides a parametric
form for the CTF, the envelope function and the background noise. In our own work [10],
we have a completely automated algorithm for estimating the parameters of the contrast
transfer function (CTF) of a transmission electron microscope including estimation of the
astigmatism. Once estimated, the micrographs can be corrected in order to generate an
accurate 3-D reconstruction of the specimen.
In [11] we demonstrated how to detect particles in noisy micrographs like the one in
Fig. 1 using a cascaded detector based on the face detector of Viola and Jones [14]. The
detector is trained on manually selected examples of the particle of interest and randomly
selected regions of a micrograph (non-particles). In [16], it was shown to be one of the
most effective methods for particle detection in a benchmark dataset of Keyhole Lympet
Hemocyanin (KLH). An example of a reconstruction of KLH using the automatically
detected particles is shown in Fig. 2.
Finally, in [11], we introduced an automated technique for reconstructing a 3-D initial
model from multiple electron micrographs without information about orientation of the
particle in each image. The method is based on three ideas: First, between any two
projections (iand j) of a 3-D volume (e.g. a particle), we can compute a constraint on
the relative 3-D orientation between the two views. For two images with orthographic
viewing directions viand vj, there is a 3-D direction vi×vjwhich projects onto each
image as directions
i j and
ji . These directions can be determined from a projection
image (e.g., a transmission electron micrograph, an x-ray, etc.) using a Radon transform.
i j and
ji provides two constraints, called the common lines constraint, on the
relative orientation of two views iand j. Second, given three images, there is a common
line constraint between each pair of images; for such a triplet, the relative orientations
are fully determined in principle up to a reflection ambiguity. Yet because the estimates
i j can be noisy and include outliers (mismatches), [9] introduces a robust technique
for estimating the 3-D projection orientation by denoising a common lines matrix [
i j].
Finally, once the orientations are determined, the 3-D density is readily estimated using
the Fourier Slice Theorem, which states that the 2-D Fourier transform of a projection of
a 3-D density is a central slice through the 3-D Fourier transform of the density.
Figure 3.a shows two views of a macro-molecule called GroEL produced from a pub-
lished 11.5 ˚
A reconstruction [8] as well as the initial model produced with our tech-
Figure 3: a. The left column shows the top and side views of a macro-molecule called
GroEL produced from a 11.5 ˚
A reconstruction [8] in a publicly available Molecular Struc-
ture Database. The right column shows the initial model estimated using our method. b.
Starting with the initial model on the left, each column shows two views after each itera-
tion of refinement using routines available in EMAN [7].
nique. 15,839 projections of GroEL were clustered into 40 classes, and the corresponding
40 class averages were generated. A few examples of the class averages are shown in
Fig. 1.c. The initial model was refined using four iterations of standard refinement rou-
tines in EMAN using all 15,839 projections [7]. Fig. 3 shows the progress of refinement
where each iteration takes 9 hours.
Part of this work was conducted at the National Resource for Automated Molecular Mi-
croscopy which is supported by NIH through the NCRR P41 program (RR17573). D.
Kriegman and S. Mallick were supported under grant NSF EIA-03-03622, S. Agarwal
was supported under NSF CCF-04-26858, and S. Belongie was supported under NSF
CAREER 0448615, the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, and DOE under contract
No. W-7405-ENG-48.
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Conference Paper
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This paper describes a visual object detection framework that is capable of processing images extremely rapidly while achieving high detection rates. There are three key contributions. The first is the introduction of a new image representation called the "Integral Image" which allows the features used by our detector to be computed very quickly. The second is a learning algorithm, based on AdaBoost, which selects a small number of critical visual features and yields extremely efficient classifiers (6). The third contribution is a method for combining classifiers in a "cascade" which allows background regions of the image to be quickly discarded while spending more computation on promising object-like regions. A set of experiments in the domain of face detection are presented. The system yields face detection performace comparable to the best previous systems (18, 13, 16, 12, 1). Implemented on a conventional desktop, face detection proceeds at 15 frames per second.
This chapter explains the formation of a three-dimensional (3D) image of a macromolecule in its entirety, at the highest possible resolution. Specimen preparation methods perform the seemingly impossible task of stabilizing the initially hydrated molecule so that it can be placed and observed in the vacuum. The contrast generated by the molecule itself is normally inadequate for direct observation in the electron microscope. Various contrasting methods have been developed. Negative staining with heavy metal salts such as uranyl acetate produces a high contrast and prevents the molecule from collapsing. Instead of the molecule, with its interior density variations, only a cast of the exterior surface of the molecule is imaged and only its shape can be reconstructed. To some extent, a stain may penetrate into crevices, but this does not change the fact that only the boundary of the molecule is visualized. As sophisticated averaging methods were developed, it became possible to make sense of the faint images produced by the molecule itself, but biologically relevant information could be obtained only after methods were found to sustain the molecule in a medium that closely approximates the aqueous environment; these methods are embedment in glucose, tannic acid, and vitreous ice. The chapter also describes gold-labeling techniques that are crucial in 3D electron microscopy.
The intuitive understanding of the process of 3D reconstruction is based on a number of assumptions, which are easily made unconsciously; the most crucial is the belief that what is detected is some kind of projection through the structure. This 'projection' need not necessarily be a (weighted) sum or integral through the structure of some physical property of the latter; in principle, a monotonically varying function would be acceptable, although solving the corresponding inverse problem might not be easy. In practice, however, the usual interpretation of 'projection' is overwhelmingly adopted, and it was for this definition that Radon (1917) first proposed a solution. In the case of light shone through a translucent structure of varying opacity, a 3D transparency as it were, the validity of this projection assumption seems too obvious to need discussion. We know enough about the behavior of X-rays in matter to establish the conditions in which it is valid in radiography. In this chapter, we enquire whether it is valid in electron microscopy, where intuition might well lead us to suspect that it is not. Electron-specimen interactions are very different from those encountered in X-ray tomography; the specimens are themselves very different in nature, creating phase rather than amplitude contrast, and an optical system is needed to transform the information about the specimen that the electrons have acquired into a visible image.
Since the foundation for the three-dimensional image reconstruction of helical objects from electron micrographs was laid more than 30 years ago, there have been sustained developments in specimen preparation, data acquisition, image analysis, and interpretation of results. However, the boxing of filaments in large numbers of images—one of the critical steps toward the reconstruction at high resolution—is still constrained by manual processing even though interactive interfaces have been built to aid the tedious and sometimes inaccurate boxing process. This article describes an accurate approach for automated detection of filamentous structures in low-contrast images acquired in defocus pairs using cryoelectron microscopy. The performance of the approach has been evaluated across various magnifications and at a series of defocus values using tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) preserved in vitreous ice as a test specimen. By integrating the proposed approach into our automated data acquisition and reconstruction system, we are now able to generate a three-dimensional map of TMV to approximately 10-Å resolution within 24 h of inserting the specimen grid into the microscope.
We have developed a system to automatically acquire large numbers of acceptable quality images from specimens of negatively stained catalase, a biological protein which forms crystals. In this paper we will describe the details of the system architecture and analyze the performance of the system as compared to a human operator. The ultimate goal of the system if to automate the process of acquiring cryo-electron micrographs.
Conference Paper
This paper addresses the problem of reconstructing the density of a scene from multiple projection images produced by modalities such as x-ray, electron microscopy, etc. where an image value is related to the integral of the scene density along a 3D line segment between a radiation source and a point on the image plane. While computed tomography (CT) addresses this problem when the absolute orientation of the image plane and radiation source directions are known, this paper addresses the problem when the orientations are unknown - it is akin to the structure-from-motion (SFM) problem when the extrinsic camera parameters are unknown. We study the problem within the context of reconstructing the density of protein macro-molecules in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM), where images are very noisy and existing techniques use several thousands of images. In a non-degenerate configuration, the viewing planes corresponding to two projections, intersect in a line in 3D. Using the geometry of the imaging setup, it is possible to determine the projections of this 3D line on the two image planes. In turn, the problem can be formulated as a type of orthographic structure from motion from line correspondences where the line correspondences between two views are unreliable due to image noise. We formulate the task as the problem of denoising a correspondence matrix and present a Bayesian solution to it. Subsequently, the absolute orientation of each projection is determined followed by density reconstruction. We show results on cryo-EM images of proteins and compare our results to that of Electron Micrograph Analysis (EMAN) - a widely used reconstruction tool in cryo-EM.
The SPIDER system has evolved into a comprehensive tool set for image processing, making use of modern graphics interfacing in the VMS and UNIX environment. SPIDER and WEB handle the complementary tasks of batch processing and visualization of the results. The emphasis of the SPIDER system remains in the area of single particle averaging and reconstruction, although a variety of other application areas have been added. Novel features are a suite of operations relating to the determination, modeling, and correction of the contrast transfer function and the availability of the entire documentation in hypertext format.
We present EMAN (Electron Micrograph ANalysis), a software package for performing semiautomated single-particle reconstructions from transmission electron micrographs. The goal of this project is to provide software capable of performing single-particle reconstructions beyond 10 A as such high-resolution data become available. A complete single-particle reconstruction algorithm is implemented. Options are available to generate an initial model for particles with no symmetry, a single axis of rotational symmetry, or icosahedral symmetry. Model refinement is an iterative process, which utilizes classification by model-based projection matching. CTF (contrast transfer function) parameters are determined using a new paradigm in which data from multiple micrographs are fit simultaneously. Amplitude and phase CTF correction is then performed automatically as part of the refinement loop. A graphical user interface is provided, so even those with little image processing experience will be able to begin performing reconstructions. Advanced users can directly use the lower level shell commands and even expand the package utilizing EMAN's extensive image-processing library. The package was written from scratch in C++ and is provided free of charge on our Web site. We present an overview of the package as well as several conformance tests with simulated data.
We have developed a system to automatically acquire cryo-electron micrographs. The system is designed to emulate all of the decisions and actions of a highly trained microscopist in collecting data from a vitreous ice specimen. These include identifying suitable areas of vitreous ice at low magnification, determining the presence and location of specimen on the grid, automatically adjusting imaging parameters (focus, astigmatism) under low-dose conditions, and acquiring images at high magnification to either film or a digital camera. This system is responsible for every aspect of image acquisition and can run unattended, other than requiring periodic refilling of the cryogens, for over 24 h. The system has been tested out on a variety of specimens that represent typical challenges in the field of cryo-electron microscopy. The results show that the overall performance of the system is equivalent to that of an experienced microscopist.