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Securing Information Content using
New Encryption Method and Steganography
Abbas Cheddad, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran and Paul Mc Kevitt
School of Computing and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Computing and Engineering
Londonderry, BT48 7JL, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Emails: {cheddad-a, j.condell, kj.curran, p.mckevitt}
This paper proposes a novel encryption method with
password protection based on an extended version of
SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) that is able to
encrypt 2D bulk data such as images. There has been
a modest research in the literature on encryption of
digital images though. The algorithm benefits also
from the conjugate symmetry exhibited in what is
termed, herein, an Irreversible Fast Fourier
Transform (IrFFT). The proposed encryption method
is a preprocessing phase which aims at increasing
the robustness of Image Steganography against
hackers. This scenario lays down a multi layer of
security which forms a strong shield, against
eavesdroppers, that is impossible to break. Both
Shannon law requirements are met and results show
promising results.
1. Introduction
Steganography, which is the science of concealing
the very existence of data in another transmission
medium, comes along not to replace Cryptography
but rather to boost the security using its obscurity
features. Steganography has various useful
applications such as for Human rights organizations
(as encryption is prohibited in some countries),
Smart IDs where individuals’ details are embedded
in their photographs (content authentication), data
integrity by embedding checksum, medical imaging
and secure transmission of medical data and bank
transactions to name few. Various algorithms were
proposed to implement Steganography in digital
images. We can categorize them into three major
clusters, algorithms in the spatial domain such as
[1], algorithms in the transform domain for
[2] and algorithms taking an adaptive
approach combined with one of the former two
methods for example
(A Block-based
Complexity Data Embedding) [3]. Most of the
existing Steganographic methods rely on two factors:
the secrecy of the key and the robustness of the
Steganographic algorithm.
This work aims at adding another unit of security
which encrypts the secret image before the
embedding process. Various hash algorithms are
available such as MD5 (Message Digest 5),
Blowfish, and SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)
which hash data strings, thus changing their state
from being natural to a seemingly unnatural state. A
hash function is more formally defined as the
mapping of bit strings of an arbitrary finite length to
strings of fixed length [4]. Here, we attempt to
extend SHA-1 (the terminology and functions used
as building blocks to form SHA-1 are described in
the US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 [5]) to encrypt 2D
data. The introduction of Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) forms together with the output of SHA-1 a
strong image encryption property.
This paper is organized as follows; section 2
discusses related work, followed by our proposal in
section 3 and application to Steganography in section
3.1. Section 4 will analyzes and compares our
results. Finally we conclude this work in section 5.
2. Related Work
Transferring images into chaotic maps was the
obvious channel to the design of secure encrypted
images. Chaos theory, which essentially emerged
from mathematics and physics, deals with the
behaviour of certain nonlinear dynamic systems that
exhibit a phenomenon under certain condition known
as chaos which adopts the Shannon requirement on
diffusion and confusion [6]. Due to chaos’ attractive
features such as sensitivity to initial condition and
random-like outspreading behaviour, chaotic maps
become popular for data protection [4]. In the realm
of 2D data, Shin [6] gave the following system in
order to spread the neighbouring pixels into largely
dispersed locations:
′ (1)
978-1-4244-2917-2/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE
Where, 11
det −=
ll , and l and N
denote an arbitrary integer and the width of a square
image respectively. W e referred to the determinant
here as ‘det’. After exactly 17 iterations the chaotic
map converged into the original image as can be seen
from Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Different iterative results of
applying Eq. 1 with L=2 on Lena image of
size (101x101) [6].
Some remarks are worth noting here regarding this
A) The algorithm uses a determinant in its process,
thus, the input matrix can only be square. A work
around this problem might be in applying the
algorithm on square blocks of a given image
repetitively. However, it would generate noticeable
periodic blocking artifact given the nature of the
process and of course this is not an interesting fact as
it conflicts with the aim of generating chaotic maps.
B) As far as the security systems are concerned, the
convergence of the translated pixels into their initial
locations, i.e., image reconstruction after some
iteration, is also not an appealing factor. Given one
of the iterations is used, if hackers have a prior
knowledge of the algorithm and obtained the
parameter “l”, which is actually not difficult to crack
using brute force, they will be able to invest some
time to add more iteration that will reveal the
original image.
In a detailed and concise attempt to introduce
image encryption, Pisarchik et al., [7] demonstrated
that any image can be represented as a lattice of
pixels, each of which has a particular colour. The
pixel colour is the combination of three components:
red, green, and blue, each of which takes an integer
value C= (Cr, Cg, Cb) between 0 and 255. Thus, they
create three parallel CMLs (Chaotic Map lattices) by
converting each of these three colour components to
the corresponding values of the map
variable, ),,( b
cc xxxx =, and use these values as the
initial conditions, 0
xxc=. Starting from different
initial conditions, each chaotic map in the CMLs,
after a small number of iterations, yields a different
value from the initial conditions, and hence the
image becomes indistinguishable because of an
exponential divergence of chaotic trajectories [7].
They introduced seven steps for encrypting images
and seven steps for decryption. Their algorithm does
not encompass any conventional hash algorithm, i.e.,
MD’s family, SHA’s family or Blowfish. Moreover,
four parameters were used of which one was set
constant and the other two were regulated. Their
settings can have tremendous impact on the chaotic
map quality as can be concluded from Fig 2 and Fig
3. Therefore, the receiver must know the decryption
algorithm and the parameters beforehand. The
algorithm is well formulated and adequately
presented; it yields good results as proclaimed by the
authors. The authors in [7] used a rounding operator
which was applied recursively along the different
iterations. An immediate concern will be about
recovering the exact intensity values of the input
image as the recovered image shown in their paper
might be just an approximation because of the
aforementioned operator. This is important,
especially in the proposed application of
Steganography where one wants to recover the exact
embedded file rather than its approximation.
Figure 2. Colour sensitivity to number of
cycles (a=3.9 and n=75). (a) Image encoded
with j=1 and (b) j=2 [7].
Figure 3. Colour sensitivity to number of
iterations (a=3.9 and j=3). (a) Original image,
(b) image encoded with n=1, (c) n=30 and (d)
n=75 [7].
3. Proposed Method
The proposal exploits the strength of a 1D hash
algorithm namely SHA-1 and extends it to handle 2D
data such as images. The FFT is incorporated into
the process to increase the disguise level and thus
generate a random-like output that does not leave
any distinguishable patterns of the original image.
The exhaustive description of the algorithm step
by step is illustrated in Fig 4 (Appendix). The
proposal starts with a password phrase P supplied by
the user to generate a SHA-1 based hash string H
(P). The bit stream vector of H is then transformed to
a matrix of fixed dimension 8x35. Parallel to this, the
original image A is converted to a bit stream and
reshaped to have the dimension of ∏)),((8 NMx .
The key, herein 8x35, is short to accommodate the
image bit stream. Therefore, the algorithm resizes the
key towards the needed dimension,
herein ∏)),((8 NMx . Obviously this step would
result in repetitive patterns which would turn the
ciphered image prone to attacks. To cope with this
situation a modified DCT (Discrete Cosine
Transform) followed by FFT are applied to provide
the confusion and diffusion requirement and to
tighten the security.
Let the resized key bit stream be lk,
where the
subscripts k and l denote the width and height after
resizing the key respectively, i.e., 8, M*N. The FFT
will operate on the DCT transform of lk,
subject to
Eq. 3.
, ,
Note that for the transformation at the FFT and
DCT levels the algorithm does not utilise the whole
coefficients. Rather, it imposes the following rule,
which generates at the end a binary random-like
map. Given the output of Eq. 2 the binary map can
be derived straightforwardly such that:
yxMap 0
),( (3)
This map takes the positive coefficients of the
imaginary part to form the ON pixels in the map.
Since the coefficients are omitted the reconstruction
of the password phrase is impossible, hence the name
Irreversible Fast Fourier Transform (IrFFT). In
other words, it is a one way hash function which
accepts initially a user password. This map finally is
XORed with the bit stream version of the image. The
result is then converted into grayscale values then
reshaped to form the ciphered image.
Another phenomena that was noticed worth
exploitation is the sensitivity of the spread of the
FFT coefficients to any kind of changes in the spatial
domain, therefore if this is coupled with the
sensitivity of SHA-1 algorithm to changes of the
initial condition, i.e., Password phrase, the algorithm
can meet easily the Shannon law requirements. For
instance a small change in the password phrase will,
with overwhelming probability, result in a
completely different hash. The following exemplifies
such assertion:
Input password: ‘Steganography’
The corresponding Hash Function:
Input password: ‘Steganographie’
The corresponding Hash Function:
So, the core idea here is to transform these
changes into spatial domain where 2D-DCT and 2D-
FFT are applied that introduce the aforementioned
sensitivity to the 2D space. As such, images can be
easily encoded securely with password protection.
3.1 Application to Steganography
After generating the chaotic map (encrypted
image), the algorithm uses the colour transformation
YCbCrRGB →on the cover image which will carry
the encrypted data. The use of such a transformation
is twofold; first to segment homogeneous objects in
the cover image namely human skin region, and
second to embed our data using the chrominance red
(Cr) [8]. The YCbCr space can remove the strong
correlation among R, G, and B matrices in a given
image. This phenomenon is what interests the
authors as less correlation between colours means
less noticeable distortion if any alteration happens at
this level. In this approach, the concentration on skin
tone is motivated by some interesting applications of
the final product. The algorithm starts first with the
segmentation of probable human skin regions such
),( 1
= (4)
In Eq (4) C denotes the cover image, Bck
background regions and (S1, S2,…, Sn ) are connected
subsets that correspond to skin regions.
Based on the carried experiments it was found that
embedding into these regions produces less
distortion to the carrier image compared to
embedding in a sequential order or in any other
areas. In addition to this, the algorithm yields a
robust output against reasonable noise attacks and
translation. The resistance to geometric distortion is
feasible, unlike S-Tools and F5, since by selecting
skin tone blobs the process can detect eye
coordinates [9] which act as the reference points to
recover the initial position and orientation and thus
make the proposed method invariant to both rotation
and translation. As shown in Fig 5 the proposed
algorithm was applied to digital image
Steganography for two reasons, the first motivation
is that embedding a random-like data into the Least
Significant Bits (LSBs) would perform better than
embedding the real natural data, secondly for
security and fidelity reasons the embedded data must
undergo a high encryption so even if it is
accidentally discovered, which is unlikely to happen,
the actual embedded data would not be revealed.
More specifically the study targets identification
cards (IDs) which are prone to forgery in aspects
pertaining to Biodata alteration or photo
replacement. To protect photos, government bodies
use a physical watermark on the photos using an iron
stamp which is half visible or sometimes they use a
normal stamp. This fragile shield of security can be
easily deceived by mimicking the same stamp. The
Biometric security measurement relies heavily on
face features extraction and it is essential to have the
system integrated into an external database with a
real time connection to double check for identities.
On the other hand, systems on chip are extremely
expensive to roll out and require dedicated hardware.
In addition, some chip circuits can be reverse
engineered using a Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) technology. This occurred recently1 in the
Netherlands where two students from the University
of Amsterdam broke the Dutch Public Transit Card.
Such event brought the Netherlands’ media into a
storm of questionable security implementations.
This study proposes a cost effective yet highly
secure system in which individuals’ details are
embedded into their photographs using a multi layer
security channel reliant on Steganography.
Steganography is the science of hiding the very
existence of secret data in an innocuous way and the
authors believe that this specific application of
Steganography can overcome the difficulties
mentioned earlier. Recently there have been a large
scale losses of personal sensitive data in the UK e.g.
loss of 25 million child benefit records after HMRC
sent two unregistered/unencrypted discs to National
Audit Office and the theft of laptop from Navy
officer with personal details of 600,000 people.
These incidents inspired another application of
Steganography that is under investigation which
aims at developing a highly secure large scale
database. To evaluate the performance of the
proposed system, a set of RGB images were used for
this purpose. Fig 5 shows an example of the test data
of which its PSNR (discussed in the next section)
values are shown in Table 1. It is worth noting here
that the frame appearing in Fig. 5 (top) is grabbed
from a 16 sec duration video of size 2.76 MB and
having 485 frames. The approximate embedding
1 Dutch Public Transit Card Broken, [online]. Available from:
<>, accessed on 02-03-
2008 at 15:37.
capacity would be about 34% of the total file size or
0.9407 MB.
Figure 5. Figure showing the proposed
Steganography system (Embedding in Cr)
verses S-Tools and F5 algorithms.
Table. 1. Performance Comparison of the
proposed method against S-Tools and F5.
Lady vs. UU
PSNR Size Original /Stego-
Proposed 70.3956 315/222
S-T 69.5629 660/ 660
F5 48.9067 101/99.8
The authors believe that there will be numerous
interesting applications for such an extended 2D-
SHA-1 algorithm; however the concentration here is
granted solely to Steganography.
4. Results and Discussions
This section reports the results which do better
than the algorithm proposed by Pisarchik et al., [7] in
terms of algorithm complexity and parameters
requirement. Moreover, the algorithm unlike [7] is
securely backed up by a 1D strong hash function. In
[7], the desired outcome converges after some
iterations which need to be visually controlled to flag
the termination of the program; however, in the
proposed case the algorithm is run only once for each
colour component (R, G and B). The procedure
needs only one input from the user which is the
password and it will handle the rest of the process,
while in [7] three parameters namely the reported a,
j, and n need to be specified. The proposal obviously
can be applied to gray scale images as well as binary
images; these extensions are not feasible in [7] as
they incorporate into their process relationship
between the three primary colours (R, G and B).
Finally, time complexity which is a problem
admittedly stated in [7] would be reduced greatly by
adopting our method; however, since MATLAB was
used which is an interpreted language while [7] used
C# for their application, this contrast was omitted
The algorithm was tested on the same test image
described in [7] to establish a fair judgement. To
demonstrate visually the diffusion requirement being
met, Fig 6 illustrates the output with
‘Steganographie’ and with ‘Steganographie’ as
passwords. Even though only small change has
occurred, the final two chaotic maps differ
dramatically as can be seen from Fig 6 (d). This,
combined with the sensitivity shown in Fig 6, will
form excellent properties of the proposed algorithm.
From Fig 6 it can be concluded that the proposed 2D
encryption meets the diffusion requirement.
Pisarchik et al., [7] altered the test image by
adding a black box at the lower right corner of the
image and tried to visualise the difference by means
of image histograms. Even though image histograms
are a useful tool; unfortunately they, do not tell much
about the structure of the image and in this case
about the displacement of colour values. Histograms
accumulate similar colours in distinguished bins
regardless of their spatial arrangements. A better
alternative would be to use similarity measurement
metrics such as the popular Peak Signal to Noise
Ratio (PSNR). PSNR values will run into infinity if
the two examined sets are identical. PSNR is defined
by the following system:
10 MSE
PSNR = (5)
where MSE denotes the Mean Square Error which is
given by:
1 1
, , −=
= =
yxyxy CS
MSE (6)
and max
C holds the maximum value in the examined
image, for example:
1 in double precision intensity
255 in 8-bit unsigned integer intensity
x and y are the image coordinates, M and N are the
dimensions of the image, xy
S is the original data and
Cis the modified data.
Table 2 compares the PSNR values which inform
us further with regards to the diffusion aspect.
Table 2. PSNR values of the different
generated chaotic maps (unit measurement
of PSNR is decibel (dB)).
Chaos Fig 6 (b) Fig 6 (c)
Fig 6 (b) Inf 7.7765 dB
Fig 6 (c) 7.7765 dB Inf
It was mentioned in section 2 that Pisarchik et al.’s
algorithm involves a rounding operator applied each
time the program is invoked by the different
iterations. This study does not adopt this feature as it
is believed that there will be a loss of information
when the embedded data is reconstructed. In this
proposal the algorithm goes in one direction and the
recovery could be initiated by the same password
and goes in parallel, i.e., not in the reverse order. Fig
8 depicts the input image and the recovered image,
the PSNR reaches to infinity which means the two
images are identical. Fig 9 shows the output of the
algorithm applied to a binary image.
5. Conclusion
This paper presents a new encryption algorithm
for two dimensional data such as images which is a
pre-processing step in the ongoing research project
named “Steganoflage” [10]. The proposal is initiated
by a password supplied by the user. Then the process
applies the introduced extension of the SHA-1
algorithm to handle 2D data. An Irreversible Fast
Fourier Transform (IrFFT) is applied to generate a
more scattered data. It was shown that the method
outperforms that of Pisarchik et al., [7] in many
[1] Brown, A. 1996. S-Tools [online]. [Accessed 04th
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[2] Westfeld, A. 2001. F5 [online]. [Accessed 04th April
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[6] Shih, F. (2008). Digital Watermarking and
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[7] Pisarchik A. N., Flores-Carmona N. J., and Carpio-
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[8] Cheddad, A., Condell, J., Curran, K. and Mc Kevitt, P.
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[10] Steganoflage, available from:
Figure 4. Block diagram of the steps used in the proposed algorithm for image encryption.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 6. Our 2D-SHA-1 algorithm: (a) test image (Mother of the Nature), (b) chaotic map using
‘Steganography’ as password, (c) chaotic map using ‘Steganographie’ as password and (d) the
difference between (b) and (c).