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A Comparison Between the Tunneling Process and Mapping Schemes for IPv4/IPv6 Transition


Abstract and Figures

A number of transition mechanisms have been developed to support the interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6 during the time of migration from the existing IP version (IPv4) to the new IP version (IPv6). BDMS is one of the IPv4/IPv6 transition mechanisms that has been designed to enable IPv4-only hosts to communicate with IPv6-only hosts and vice versa; while DSTM has been designed to enable IPv6 hosts to communicate with IPv4-only hosts. In this paper, we present the impact of the mapping and translation processes of the BDMS transition mechanism compared with the tunneling process of the DSTM when a variety of traffic loads are used. Our simulation results show that the delay and throughput results of the BDMS are close to the results of the DSTM and direct-link connections when the number of connected nodes is small. This paper shows that the tunneling process in the DSTM has a significant impact on the performance evaluation metrics compared with the BDMS and direct-link connections when large traffic loads are used. All the simulation scenarios in this paper are performed using the OMNeT++ simulator platform.
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A Comparison between the Tunneling process and Mapping schemes for IPv4/IPv6
Ra’ed AlJa’afreh, John Mellor, and Irfan Awan
Department of Computing, Informatics School, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK
{R.A.K.Aljaafreh, J.E.Mellor, I.U.Awan}
A number of transition mechanisms have been
developed to support the interoperability between IPv4 and
IPv6 during the time of migration from the existing IP
version (IPv4) to the new IP version (IPv6). BDMS is one
of the IPv4/IPv6 transition mechanisms that has been
designed to enable IPv4-only hosts to communicate with
IPv6-only hosts and vice versa. DSTM has been designed
to enable IPv6 hosts to communicate with IPv4-only hosts.
In this paper, we present the impact of the mapping and
translation processes of the BDMS transition mechanism
compared with the tunneling process of the DSTM when a
variety of traffic loads are used. Our simulation results
show that the EED and throughput results of the BDMS are
close to the results of the DSTM and direct v4-to-v4 and
v6-to-v6 (Direct-link) connections when the number of
connected nodes is small. This paper shows that the
tunneling process in the DSTM has a significant impact on
the performance compared with the BDMS and Direct-link
connections when large traffic loads are used. All the
simulation scenarios in this paper are performed using the
OMNeT++ simulator platform.
Keywords: IPv6, IPv4, BDMS, DSTM.
1. Introduction
A. IPv4 and IPv6 Specifications
IPv4 [1] was the first version of the Internet protocol that
was widely deployed in order to provide unique global
computer addressing to make sure that two computers (or
any two network devices) can uniquely identify one
another. Due to the fast growth of the network as well as
Internet devices, a huge amount of unique addresses are
needed. To overcome the limitations of the existing IP
(IPv4) in terms of addresses, routing, and security a new
version of Internet protocol was designed by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) known as IPv6 [2]. IPv6 -
originally known as IPng- has been selected from several
proposed alternatives as a suitable successor of the existing
Internet Protocol (IPv4) [3].
The main goal for designing the new Internet Protocol
(IPv6) is to increase the number of IP addresses (address
spaces) [4]. The IPv6 address has been designed with a
128-bit (16-bytes) address scheme instead of the 32-bit (4-
bytes) address scheme in IPv4, which means IPv6 can
express over 3.4x1038 possible unique addresses compared
with 4.3x109 possible unique addresses in IPv4 [1] [4].
IPv6 will have enough to give every device (e.g. telephone,
cell phone, mp3 player, automobile, etc) on the surface of
earth its own IP address, which alleviates the need for the
Network Address Translators (NATs) [5] that has been
used to overcome the shortage of the IPv4 unique addresses
[6] [7]. In addition, IPv6 is designed to support security
(IPSec), scalability, and multimedia transmissions. Overall,
IPv6 was carefully thought out and was designed with
future applications in mind.
On the other hand, several organizations (such as the
Department of Defense (DoD) in USA) [8] have prepared a
schedule for implementing the new Internet Protocol (IPv6)
to meet their future deployment needs. Due to that, and
because the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are incompatible; the
next generation transition Working Group (ngtrans WG)
[9] in IETF as well as the other researchers have designed
several IPv4/IPv6 transition mechanisms to ensure smooth
interactions between those IP versions. On the other hand,
there is still a need for more research to be done on the
IPv4/IPv6 transition in order to solve many problems that
are not yet resolved [10].
This paper is organized as follows. The rest of this section
gives a brief description for the transition mechanisms.
Section 2 illustrates three simulation scenarios that have
been used in this paper. Section 3 outlines the performance
evaluation metrics such as EED and Throughput that have
been used in this paper. Section 4 presents the simulation
results. Finally, section 5 concludes this paper.
B. Transition Mechanisms
It is envisioned that the transition from IPv4 to universal
IPv6 will not happen in the near future. So, both Internet
protocols (IPv4 and IPv6) need to coexist during the
migration period. A number of mechanisms have been
developed for managing the transition from IPv4 to IPv6
and vice versa. These mechanisms can be grouped into the
following three categories [11] [12] [13]:
(1) Dual-Stack: Each network device supports a dual
protocol stack; this means both Internet Protocols (IPv4
and IPv6) are enabled on that network device. Therefore,
the dual stack node has the ability to work in one of the
following three styles [14]: as IPv4 only node when IPv6 is
switched off and IPv4 is switched on; as IPv6 only node
when IPv4 is switched off and IPv6 is switched on, or as
IPv4/IPv6 dual stack node when both IPv4 and IPv6 are
(2) Tunneling: Encapsulating IPv6 packets within the IPv4
packets and passing them through the native IPv4 domains.
Additionally, each tunnel can be established between two
endpoints manually or automatically depending on the
selection mechanism.
(3) Translation: There is a need for a border device
(translator) to be added between the two different IP
networks to give the ability for the native IPv6 hosts in the
IPv6-only network to communicate with the native IPv4
hosts in the IPv4-only network and vice versa. So, in the
translation mechanisms, one protocol must be translated
into the other.
2. Simulation models
The Bi-Directional Mapping System (BDMS) [15] has
been designed in order to support bi-directional
communication sessions to be initiated by either an IPv6
host in an IPv6-only network or an IPv4 host in IPv4-only
network. BDMS is based on two key components that are
the V4-V6/V6-V4 Domain Name Server (DNS46/DNS64)
and the V4-V6/V6-V4 Enabled Gateway.
On the other hand, the Dual Stack Transition Mechanism
(DSTM) [16] has been submitted as a draft RFC in the
IETF. DSTM is applicable for the IPv4/IPv6 hosts that are
located in IPv6 dominant networks to initiate their
communications with IPv4-only hosts that fall in the IPv4
native network. Also, DSTM is based on the tunneling
(IPv4-over-IPv6) method that encapsulates the IPv4
packets in the IPv6 packets then carries them through the
IPv6 network to the DSTM Tunnel End Point (DSTM
TEP) that falls at the border between IPv6 and IPv4
networks. DSTM includes three key components that are
DSTM server, DSTM TEP, and DSTM client (IPv4/IPv6
host in the IPv6 dominant network).
Therefore, in this paper, we encountered a need to simulate
real network traffic in a realistic way in order to study the
behavior of the BDMS translator that falls in the middle
between the generated (source) hosts and the received
(destination) host, while the communicated hosts are
located in two different IP networks. We then compare the
BDMS with the behavior of the DSTM gateway and V4/V6
router in the other communication sessions. Each traffic
value is represented by a sequence of data packets
generated according to a Poisson process.
The simulation process in this paper can be divided into
three main scenarios:
Scenario 1: V4-to-V4 and V6-to-V6 Direct-link
connections via a router.
Scenario 2: V4-to-V6 and V6-to-V4 connections via the
BDMS translator (as shown in Figures 1 & 2).
Scenario 3: V6-to-V4 connection via the DSTM gateway
(as shown in Figure 3).
The simulation process for Scenario one can be done by
conducting the required communication between either
IPv4-to-IPv4 hosts that are located in an IPv4-only network
or IPv6-to-IPv6 hosts that are located in an IPv6-only
network. Also, the two types of communication sessions in
this scenario can be performed using a router as an
intermediate device.
Figure 1: v4-to-v6 BDMS connection via BDMS translator.
In Scenario two, the simulation process can be done by
conducting a connection between either IPv4-only to
IPv6-only hosts or IPv6-only to IPv4-only hosts using a
BDMS translator as an intermediate device (see Figures 1
& 2).
Figure 2: v6-to-v4 BDMS connection via BDMS translator.
The simulation process for Scenario three can be done by
conducting a connection between DSTM hosts that are
located in the IPv6 dominant network and IPv4 host that is
located in an IPv4-only network using a DSTM gateway as
an intermediate device (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: v6-to-v4 DSTM connection via DSTM Gateway.
3. Performance Evaluation Metrics and
Simulation Parameters
In this paper, two performance evaluation metrics are used:
End-to-End Delay (EED)
We considered the EED as one of the key performance
metrics that need to be computed to find out the time
required for each transmitted packet in the
communication session. While the mean EED for a
sequence of packets of specific size in each
communication session is calculated as follows (Eq. 1
and 2):
where EEDi is the End-to-End Delay of packet "i", Tsi is
the generated time of packet "i" at the source host, Tdi is
the received time of packet "i" at the destination host,
Nrec is the total number of received packets at the
destination host, and MeanEED is the EED mean value
for each communication session.
We measured the throughput performance metric in order
to find out the rate of received and processed data at the
intermediate device (i.e. Router or Gateway) during the
simulation time period. While the mean Throughput for a
sequence of packets of specific size in each
communication session is calculated as follows (Eq. 3
and 4):
where Thri is the throughput value when packet "i" is
received at the intermediate device (v4/v6 Router, BDMS
Gateway, or DSTM Gateway), N is the total number of
received packets at the intermediate device, Prec is the
number of received packets at the intermediate device,
Pgen is the number of generated packets by the source
hosts, and the MeanThr is the throughput mean value for
each communication session.
The following table (Table 1) shows the simulation
parameters that are used to calculate the performance
measurements using the OMNeT++ simulation platform
[17] when each packet arrival follows a Poisson process
with rate λ=2.
Vary Traffic Loads 6 ~ 240 Nodes
Payload Size 200 bytes
Buffer Size 500 packets
Propagation delay 10 ms
Queue Management Scheme Drop Tail
4. Simulation Results and Discussion.
In this section, we present the simulation results that have
been obtained by scenarios 1, 2, and 3 followed by a
discussion for these results. The EED and Throughput
performance evaluation metrics are used.
A. Scenario one simulation results
The simulation results for scenario one present the EED
and Throughput results when a direct-link connection
between either IPv4 hosts in IPv4-only network or IPv6
hosts in IPv6-only network is conducted through a V4/V6
router. The results are illustrated in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
EED vs. Connected Nodes
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connected Nodes
EED (s )
Figure 4: A comparison between the EED of V4-to-V4 and V6-to-V6
communication sessions.
iii TsTdEED =
From Figure 4, the simulation results show that the v4-to-
v4 EED is less than v6-to-v6 EED. In fact, there may be
several reasons that explain why this happens. First, the
difference between the IPv6 header (40 bytes) and the IPv4
header (20 bytes) which causes more traffic overhead
especially when the IP packet payload is small (payload
size = 200 bytes in our simulation). Second, the size of IP
packet payload is fixed (i.e. 200 bytes) in all
communication sessions, this means no fragmentation
process is needed which leads to reduce the benefit from
the IPv6 feature that allows the fragmentation and de-
fragmentation processes to be performed by only the source
and destination hosts compared with the IPv4 that allows
these processes to be performed by all the intermediate
devices that fall between the source and destination hosts.
Therefore, the benefit from the IPv6 design becomes more
significant when the communicating hosts are routing their
packets through several intermediate devices (more
complicated route).
In addition, Figure 4 shows that the difference between the
v4-to-v4 EED and v6-to-v6 EED results is very small and
this difference increases when the number of connected
nodes increases as well. Also, the v6-to-v6 EED is
suddenly increases due to the network congestion that
occurs when the number of connected nodes becomes large
(i.e. > 150 nodes).
On the other hand, the following figure (Fig. 5) shows a
comparison between the v4-to-v4 and v6-to-v6 throughput
results. It is obvious that the throughput results in both
communication sessions are close up to 120 nodes and the
difference in the throughput result increases when the
number of connected nodes becomes large (i.e. > 120
nodes) due to the impact of the IPv6 header size that causes
more traffic overhead compared to the IPv4 header size.
Throughput vs. Connected Nodes
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connected Nodes
Throughput (%
Figure 5: A comparison between the Throughput of the Direct-link
(V4-to-V4 and V6-to-V6) communication sessions.
B. Scenario two simulation results
The simulation results for scenario two present the EED
and Throughput performance metrics when either the v4-
to-v6 or v6-to-v4 communication session has been
conducted through the intermediate BDMS translator
device that falls in the middle between the two different
networks (as shown in Figures 1 & 2). The results are
illustrated in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
EED vs. Connected Nodes
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connected Nodes
EED (sec.
Figure 6: A comparison between the EED of the v4-to-v6 BDMS and
v6-to-v4 BDMS communication sessions.
From Figure 6, the simulation results show that the EED of
v6-to-v4 BDMS is greater than the EED of v4-to-v6
BDMS. In fact, there may be two reasons that explain why
this happens. First, the delay of the incoming packets at the
BDMS translator in the v6-to-v4 BDMS communication
session is more than the delay of the incoming packets at
the BDMS translator in v4-to-v6 BDMS communication
session due to the difference between the IPv6 header size
(40 bytes) and IPv4 header size (20 bytes). Second, the
need to recalculate the checksum field value for the
outgoing packets causes more delay in the v6-to-v4 BDMS
communication session than the v4-to-v6 BDMS
communication session during the time of header
Additionally, Figure 6 show that the EED results in both
BDMS communication sessions are increased gradually
with no significant difference between them when the
number of connected nodes is 120 or less.
On the other hand, the following figure (Fig. 7) shows a
comparison between the throughput results of the two types
of BDMS (v4-to-v6 and v6-to-v4) communication sessions.
BDMS Throughput vs. Connected Nodes
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connecte d Nodes
Throughput (% )
Figure 7: A comparison between the Throughput results of the v4-to-
v6 BDMS and v6-to-v4 BDMS communication sessions.
It is obvious in Figure 7 that the throughput result in both
BDMS communication sessions is close to each other when
the number of connected nodes is 120 or less. In addition,
the difference in throughput results between the two types
of BDMS communication sessions suddenly increases
when the number of connected nodes becomes more than
120 due to the impact of the IPv6 header (40 bytes) size
compared to IPv4 header (20 bytes) size that causes more
traffic overhead which may lead to network congestion to
be occurred and effects on the transmitted packets through
the BDMS translator.
C. Scenario three simulation results
The simulation results for scenario three present the EED
and Throughput performance metrics results when v6-to-v4
communication session has been conducted through the
intermediate DSTM gateway that falls in the middle
between the two different networks (as shown in Fig. 3).
The simulation results of this scenario are illustrated in Fig.
8 and Fig. 9.
EED vs. Conne cted Node s
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connected Nodes
EED (sec.
Figure 8: EED of the DSTM communication session.
Figure 8 shows that the EED increases gradually when the
number of connected nodes increases. But the DSTM EED
result suddenly becomes very large when the number of
connected nodes becomes more than 120 due to the impact
of the tunneling (encapsulation and decapsulation) process
that may lead to network congestion at the DSTM TEP
which causes more delay for the transmitted packets.
DSTM Throughput vs. Connected Nodes
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connecte d Nodes
Throughput ( %
Figure 9: Throughput result of the DSTM communication session.
Figure 9 shows the impact of the tunneling process in the
DSTM mechanism that leads the throughput result to be
decreased when the number of connected nodes becomes
large (i.e. > 80 nodes).
D. Simulation Results Discussion
In this section, we discuss the simulation results (EED and
Throughput) for all scenarios that have been used in this
The following figure (Fig. 10) shows a comparison
between the EED results for the five types of
communication sessions.
EED vs. Connected Nodes
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connect ied Nodes
BDMS-v4-to-v6 v4-to-v4
v6-to-v6 BDMS-v6-to-v4
Figure 10: A comparison between the EED results of the DSTM,
BDMS and Direct-link connections.
The EED of v4-to-v4 communication sessions is less than
the EED of the other types of communication sessions (v6-
to-v6, v4-to-v6 BDMS, v6-to-v4 BDMS, and v6-to-v4
DSTM). Also, the EED of DSTM becomes larger than the
EED of the other types of communication sessions in
scenarios one and two especially when the number of
connected nodes becomes greater than 80. In addition, the
impact of the mapping and translation processes in the
BDMS mechanism is minimal compared with the tunneling
(IPv4-over-IPv6) process in the DSTM mechanism
especially when the number of connected nodes becomes
large (i.e. > 80).
On the other hand, Fig. 11 shows that the v6-to-v4 DSTM
throughput result is less than the throughput result of the
BDMS and direct-link communication sessions.
Throughput vs. Connected Nodes
6 20 50 80 120 150 180 210 240
No. of Connected Nodes
Throughput (%)
BDMS-v4-to-v6 v4-to-v4
v6-to-v6 BDMS-v6-to-v4
Figure 11: A comparison between the Throughput results of the
DSTM, BDMS and Direct-link connections.
In addition, it is obvious in Figure 11 that the impact of the
mapping and translation processes in the BDMS
mechanism is smaller than the impact of tunneling process
in the DSTM mechanism especially when the number of
connected nodes is large (i.e. > 80 nodes). Therefore, the
throughput results of v6-to-v4 DSTM communication
session is small compared with the other types of
communication sessions (in scenarios 1 and 2) due to the
impact of the tunneling (encapsulation and decapsulation)
process that may lead to network congestion which reduces
its throughput.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, three scenarios have been conducted in order
to study the behavior of the BDMS transition mechanism
compared to the DSTM and direct-link (v4-to-v4 and v6-
to-v6) connections when a variety of traffic loads are used.
In fact, we chose to model direct-link (i.e. no conversion
and no tunneling) as a base line performance measure
against which to compare candidate translation/mapping
The simulation results in this paper have shown the impact
of the translation process that includes performing of
address mapping as well as the header conversion process
which are needed to be conducted for each incoming and
outgoing packet to and from the BDMS translator as well
as the impact of the tunneling process in the DSTM
mechanism. Therefore, the EED of the v6-to-v4 DSTM
communication session is large compared with the EED of
the other types of communication sessions due to impact of
the tunneling process that causes more delay. In addition,
the throughput of v6-to-v4 DSTM communication session
is small compared with the throughput of the other types of
communication sessions in scenarios one and two due to
the impact of the tunneling process that may lead to
network congestion which causes more reducing in the
The OMNeT++ simulator platform is used in this paper
with a variety of traffic loads.
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... As IPv4 and IPv6 headers are different from each other in terms of the header format (fields, the address format and address size are different), so some mechanism is always required that makes it possible to route the packet between different islands, i.e. the IPv4 island and the IPv6 island. For this purpose, three mechanisms: dual stack, translation, and tunneling, are available in the literature [11]. ...
Since January 2011, IPv4 address space has exhausted and IPv6 is taking up the place as successor. Coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 bears problem of incompatibility, as IPv6 and IPv4 headers are different from each other, thus, cannot interoperate with each other directly. The IPv6 transitioning techniques are still not mature, causing hindrance in the deployment of IPv6 and development of next generation Internet. Until IPv6 completely takes over from IPv4, they will both coexist. For IPv4-IPv6 coexistence, three solutions are possible: a) making every device dual stack, b) translation, c) tunneling. Tunneling stands out as the best possible solution. Among the IPv6 tunneling techniques, this paper evaluates the impact of three recent IPv6 tunneling techniques: 6to4, Teredo, and ISATAP, in cloud virtualization environment. In virtual networks, these protocols were implemented on Microsoft Windows (MS Windows 7 and MS Windows Server 2008) and Linux operating system. Each protocol was implemented on the virtual network. UDP audio streaming, video streaming and ICMP-ping traffic was run. Multiple runs of traffic were routed over the setup for each protocol. The average of the data was taken to generate graphs and final results. The performance of these tunneling techniques has been evaluated on eight parameters, namely: throughput, end to end delay (E2ED), jitter, round trip time (RTT), tunneling overhead, tunnel setup delay, query delay, and auxiliary devices required. This evaluation shows the impact of IPv4-IPv6 coexistence in virtualization environment for cloud computing.
... The reason to create a new Internet Protocol (IPv6) is basically to boost the quantity of IP address space [2]. The IPv6 can give above 3.4x10 38 unique addresses as compared to IPv4 which gives 4.3x10 9 unique addresses (IPv6 has the capacity of 128-bit/16 bytes' address scheme, whereas IPv4 has just 32 bits/4 bytes). ...
IPv4 which is the old version of Internet Protocol has a new successor named IP Next Generation (IPng) or IPv6 developed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This new version is developed specifically to resolve some issues of IPv4 like scalability, performance and reliability. Although new version is ready for usage, it is obvious that it will take years to transit fully from IPv4 to IPv6. We have to use these two versions together for a long time. Therefore, we have to investigate and know transition mechanisms that we can use during transition period to achieve a transition with minimum problem. This research defines the essential information about compatibility transition mechanisms between IPv4-IPv6. Dual Stack is one of the IPv4-IPv6 compatible mechanism by running both IPv4 stack and IPv6 stack in a single node. 6 to 4 tunneling mechanism encrypts IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets to make communications possible, from IPv6 network over IPv4 network. This has been configured using GNS3 Simulator and Packet Tracer 6.1. Dual Stack & Tunneling mechanisms were completely implemented later in this research work. This research examines transmission latency, throughput and delay from end to end, through empirical observations of both Dual Stack and tunneling mechanisms.
... The reason to create a new Internet Protocol (IPv6) is basically to boost the quantity of IP address space [2]. The IPv6 can give above 3.4x10 38 unique addresses as compared to IPv4 which gives 4.3x10 9 unique addresses (IPv6 has the capacity of 128-bit/16 bytes' address scheme, whereas IPv4 has just 32 bits/4 bytes). ...
Conference Paper
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IPv4 which is the old version of Internet Protocol has a new successor named IP Next Generation (IPng) or IPv6 developed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This new version is developed specifically to resolve some issues of IPv4 like scalability, performance and reliability. Although new version is ready for usage, it is obvious that it will take years to transit fully from IPv4 to IPv6. We have to use these two versions together for a long time. Therefore, we have to investigate and know transition mechanisms that we can use during transition period to achieve a transition with minimum problem. This research defines the essential information about compatibility transition mechanisms between IPv4-IPv6. Dual Stack is one of the IPv4-IPv6 compatible mechanism by running both IPv4 stack and IPv6 stack in a single node. 6 to 4 tunneling mechanism encrypts IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets to make communications possible, from IPv6 network over IPv4 network. This has been configured using GNS3 Simulator and Packet Tracer 6.1. Dual Stack & Tunneling mechanisms were completely implemented later in this research work. This research examines transmission latency, throughput and delay from end to end, through empirical observations of both Dual Stack and tunneling mechanisms.
... No further discussion on translation is offered. AlJaafreh et al. [?], [5] and [4] discuss bidirectional mapping among native IPv4 and IPv6 networks, examine its performance by means of a network simulator and compare performance with tunneling and dual stack approach. Chen [?] proposes an ALG for SIP protocol, however it is not really implemented and the authors do not properly address its performance. ...
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It is often suggested that the approach to IPv6 transition is dual-stack deployment; however, it is not feasible in certain environments. As Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation (NAT-PT) has been deprecated, stateful NAT64 and DNS64 RFCs have been published, supporting only IPv6-to-IPv4 translation scenario. Now the question of usability in the real world arises. In this paper, we systematically test a number of widely used application-layer network protocols to find out how well they traverse Ecdysis, the first open source stateful NAT64 and DNS64 implementation. We practically evaluated 18 popular protocols, among them HTTP, RDP, MSNP, and IMAP, and discuss the shortcomings of such translations that might not be apparent at first sight.
... Numerous studies on the evaluation of IPv6 transition mechanisms have been reported in the current literature. Shin et al. [1] showed the impact of IPv6 transition mechanisms on user applications. Law et al. in [2] focused on the performance of dual-stack technologies in terms of various network metrics including network connectivity, hop-count, RTT, throughput, operating systems dependencies and the address configuration latency. ...
... As IPv4 and IPv6 headers are different from each other in terms of the header format (fields, the address format, and address size are different), some mechanism is always required that makes it possible to route the packet between different islands, i.e., the IPv4 island and the IPv6 island. For this purpose, three mechanisms: dual stack, translation, and tunneling, are available in the literature [6]. ...
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Since January 2011, the IPv4 address space has been exhausted and IPv6 is taking up the place as its successor. Coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 bears problem of incompatibility, as IPv6 and IPv4 headers are different from each other, thus, they cannot interoperate with each other directly. The IPv6 transitioning techniques are still not mature, causing hindrance in the deployment of IPv6 and development of next generation Internet. Until IPv6 completely takes over from IPv4, they will both coexist. For IPv4-IPv6 coexistence, the following three solutions are possible: (a) making every device dual stack, (b) translation, or (c) tunneling. Tunneling stands out as the best possible solution. Among the IPv6 tunneling techniques, this paper evaluates the impact of three recent IPv6 tunneling techniques: 6to4, Teredo, and ISATAP, in cloud virtualization environment. In virtual networks, these protocols were implemented on Microsoft Windows (MS Windows 7 and MS Windows Server 2008) and Linux operating system. Each protocol was implemented on the virtual network. UDP audio streaming, video streaming and ICMP-ping traffic was run. Multiple runs of traffic were routed over the setup for each protocol. The average of the data was taken to generate graphs and final results. The performance of these tunneling techniques has been evaluated on eight parameters, namely: throughput, end to end delay, jitter, round trip time, tunneling overhead, tunnel setup delay, query delay, and auxiliary devices required. This evaluation shows the impact of IPv4-IPv6 coexistence in virtualization environment for cloud computing.
... Different tunneling techniques are studied and Teredo is found to be the only technique that works with one or several NATs. The various tunnels that are studied are static tunnel, generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel, IPv6 in IPv4 tunnel, 6to4/4to6 tunnel, tunnel broker, intrasite automatic tunnel addressing protocol (ISATAP) tunnels, IPv6 rapid development tunnel (6rd), Teredo, and multifarious Sym Teredo, which is the proposed tunneling technique [8,9]. A static configured tunnel is equivalent to a permanent link between two IPv6 domains with the permanent connectivity provided over an IPv4 backbone. ...
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IPv4-IPv6 transition rolls out numerous challenges to the world of Internet as the Internet is drifting from IPv4 to IPv6. IETF recommends few transition techniques which includes dual stack and translation and tunneling. By means of tunneling the IPv6 packets over IPv4 UDP, Teredo maintains IPv4/IPv6 dual stack node in isolated IPv4 networks behindhand network address translation (NAT). However, the proposed tunneling protocol works with the symmetric and asymmetric NATs. In order to make a Teredo support several symmetric NATs along with several asymmetric NATs, we propose multifarious Sym Teredo (MTS), which is an extension of Teredo with a capability of navigating through several symmetric NATs. The work preserves the Teredo architecture and also offers a backward compatibility with the original Teredo protocol.
Nowadays, the Internet Protocol is facing the version change; IPv4 (the old version of IP) will be replaced by IPv6 (the new version of IP) in the long run. Although they are based on the very same concept, the two protocols are not compatible with each other. This chapter deals with the coexistence issues, which might arise due to the simultaneous existence of IPv4 and IPv6. On the other hand, this chapter also covers transition concepts: how IPv6 only hosts can communicate either over IPv4 only networks, or with IPv4 only hosts in the Internet of the future.
Conference Paper
Due to the exhaustion of IPv4 address resources, the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is inevitable and fairly urgent. Numerous transition mechanisms have been proposed, especially the tunnel scheme which is the focus of research efforts in IETF and academia recently. However, because of the diverse characteristics and transition requirements of practical networks and the lack of applicability analysis, the selection and deployment of transition mechanisms are facing with grand challenges. Targeting at those challenges, this paper investigates the basic issues and key elements of IPv6 tunnel transition mechanisms, and presents its first applicability index system. In particular, we analyze the applicability of existing proposed tunnel techniques based on the presented index system, which has significant guidance in the practical deployment of IPv6 transition. Moreover, as the key factors in realistic working environment, the analysis for the security issues of tunnel transition scheme, which was seldom taken into account before, is provided in this study.
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The new internet protocol version 6 has promising with shining future. The Universities as a high learning organization should be the first mover to cope with this technology. This paper discusses and highlights the cost of migration from IPv4 to IPv6 in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), this cost includes two aspects, first aspect is the economical cost which is real cost of hardware, software, training and other cost which the sudden cost that take place in the system. The second aspect is the technological assessment which will discuss some components of the economical cost but from technical point of view. We propose a cost model that could be followed by the Universiti Sains Malaysia to estimate the cost of migration to IPv6. The objective of this report is to be a model or a useful guide for IPv6 migration in USM network as well as for other universities' network.
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Summary Due to the scale and complexity of current Internet, how to protect the existing investment and reduce the negative influence to users and service providers during the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is a very important research topic for the future Internet. This paper summarizes and compares translation methods, tunneling methods, IPv6 transition scenarios, and IPv6 transition security problems; then presents an Univer6 architecture for the future IPv6 transition.
Although packet delay and loss are two important parameters of the Internet performance, to the best of our knowledge, the evolution of large-scale IPv6 delay and loss performance has previously not been studied. In this paper, we analyze more than 600 end-to-end IPv6 paths between about 26 testboxes of RIPE Network Coordination Centre over two years, and compare the delay and loss performance over time with their IPv4 counterparts. We present and discuss the measurement methodologies and show that IPv6 paths have a higher delay and loss than their IPv4 counterparts. The main reason for the worse performance stems from IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels rather than from native IPv6 paths and such tunnels are still widely used today.
Conference Paper
The US Department of Defense (DoD) plans to add Internet protocol (IP) version 6 (IPv6) capability to all DoD IP networks by 2008 then begin a phase-out of IP version 4 (IPv4). To facilitate this migration various transition mechanisms have been developed to address interoperability of IPv4 and IPv6 networks and systems. Unfortunately, none of the existing mechanisms address two fundamental problems: (1) noninvasive migration of essential legacy IPv4-only systems to IPv6, and (2) operation of IPv4-only systems on IPv6-only core networks. This paper presents a solution to these problems by using a simple, low cost IPv4/IPv6 proxy translation device