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Target Atmospheric CO
: Where Should Humanity Aim?
James Hansen*
, Makiko Sato
, Pushker Kharecha
, David Beerling
, Robert Berner
Valerie Masson-Delmotte
, Mark Pagani
, Maureen Raymo
, Dana L. Royer
and James C. Zachos
NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY 10025, USA
Columbia University Earth Institute, New York, NY 10027, USA
Dept. Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Dept. Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520-8109, USA
Lab. Des Sciences du Climat et l’Environnement/Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, CEA-CNRS-Universite de
Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, CE Saclay, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Dept. Earth Sciences, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Dept. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459-0139, USA
Earth & Planetary Sciences Dept., University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
Abstract: Paleoclimate data show that climate sensitivity is ~3°C for doubled CO
, including only
fast feedback processes. Equilibrium sensitivity, including slower surface albedo feedbacks, is
~6°C for doubled CO
for the range of climate states between glacial conditions and ice-free
Antarctica. Decreasing CO
was the main cause of a cooling trend that began 50 million years ago,
the planet being nearly ice-free until CO
fell to 450 ± 100 ppm; barring prompt policy changes,
that critical level will be passed, in the opposite direction, within decades. If humanity wishes to
preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is
adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO
will need to be
reduced from its current 385 ppm to at most 350 ppm, but likely less than that. The largest
uncertainty in the target arises from possible changes of non-CO
forcings. An initial 350 ppm
target may be achievable by phasing out coal use except where CO
is captured and adopting
agricultural and forestry practices that sequester carbon. If the present overshoot of this target CO
is not brief, there is a possibility of seeding irreversible catastrophic effects.
Keywords: climate change, climate sensitivity, global warming
Human activities are altering Earth’s atmospheric composition. Concern about global
warming due to long-lived human-made greenhouse gases (GHGs) led to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change [1] with the objective of stabilizing GHGs in the
atmosphere at a level preventing “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC, 2] and others [3] used several
“reasons for concern” to estimate that global warming of more than 2-3°C may be dangerous.
The European Union adopted 2°C above pre-industrial global temperature as a goal to limit
human-made warming [4]. Hansen et al. [5] argued for a limit of 1°C global warming (relative to
2000, 1.7°C relative to pre-industrial time), aiming to avoid practically irreversible ice sheet and
species loss. This 1°C limit, with nominal climate sensitivity of ¾°C per W/m
and plausible
control of other GHGs [6], implies maximum CO
~ 450 ppm [5].
Our current analysis suggests that humanity must aim for an even lower level of GHGs.
Paleoclimate data and ongoing global changes indicate that ‘slow’ climate feedback processes
not included in most climate models, such as ice sheet disintegration, vegetation migration, and
GHG release from soils, tundra or ocean sediments, may begin to come into play on time scales
Address correspondence to this author at NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY
10025, USA; E-mail:
as short as centuries or less [7]. Rapid on-going climate changes and realization that Earth is out
of energy balance, implying that more warming is ‘in the pipeline’ [8], add urgency to
investigation of the dangerous level of GHGs.
A probabilistic analysis [9] concluded that the long-term CO
limit is in the range 300-500
ppm for 25 percent risk tolerance, depending on climate sensitivity and non-CO
Stabilizing atmospheric CO
and climate requires that net CO
emissions approach zero, because
of the long lifetime of CO
[10, 11].
We use paleoclimate data to show that long-term climate has high sensitivity to climate
forcings and that the present global mean CO
, 385 ppm, is already in the dangerous zone.
Despite rapid current CO
growth, ~2 ppm/year, we show that it is conceivable to reduce CO
this century to less than the current amount, but only via prompt policy changes.
1.1. Climate sensitivity
A global climate forcing, measured in W/m
averaged over the planet, is an imposed
perturbation of the planet’s energy balance. Increase of solar irradiance (So) by 2% and
doubling of atmospheric CO
are each forcings of about 4 W/m
Charney [13] defined an idealized climate sensitivity problem, asking how much global
surface temperature would increase if atmospheric CO
were instantly doubled, assuming that
slowly-changing planetary surface conditions, such as ice sheets and forest cover, were fixed.
Long-lived GHGs, except for the specified CO
change, were also fixed, not responding to
climate change. The Charney problem thus provides a measure of climate sensitivity including
only the effect of ‘fast’ feedback processes, such as changes of water vapor, clouds and sea ice.
Classification of climate change mechanisms into fast and slow feedbacks is useful, even
though time scales of these changes may overlap. We include as fast feedbacks aerosol changes,
e.g., of desert dust and marine dimethylsulfide, that occur in response to climate change [7].
Charney [13] used climate models to estimate fast-feedback doubled CO
sensitivity of 3 ±
1.5°C. Water vapor increase and sea ice decrease in response to global warming were both found
to be strong positive feedbacks, amplifying the surface temperature response. Climate models in
the current IPCC [2] assessment still agree with Charney’s estimate.
Climate models alone are unable to define climate sensitivity more precisely, because it is
difficult to prove that models realistically incorporate all feedback processes. The Earth’s
history, however, allows empirical inference of both fast feedback climate sensitivity and long-
term sensitivity to specified GHG change including the slow ice sheet feedback.
Atmospheric composition and surface properties in the late Pleistocene are known well
enough for accurate assessment of the fast-feedback (Charney) climate sensitivity. We first
compare the pre-industrial Holocene with the last glacial maximum [LGM, 20 ky BP (before
present)]. The planet was in energy balance in both periods within a small fraction of 1 W/m
, as
shown by considering the contrary: an imbalance of 1 W/m
maintained a few millennia would
melt all ice on the planet or change ocean temperature an amount far outside measured variations
[Table S1 of 8]. The approximate equilibrium characterizing most of Earth’s history is unlike the
current situation, in which GHGs are rising at a rate much faster than the coupled climate system
can respond.
Climate forcing in the LGM equilibrium state due to the ice age surface properties, i.e.,
increased ice area, different vegetation distribution, and continental shelf exposure, was -3.5 ± 1
[14] relative to the Holocene. Additional forcing due to reduced amounts of long-lived
, CH
, N
O), including the indirect effects of CH
on tropospheric ozone and
stratospheric water vapor (Fig. S1) was -3 ± 0.5 W/m
. Global forcing due to slight changes in
the Earth’s orbit is a negligible fraction of 1 W/m
(Fig. S3). The total 6.5 W/m
forcing and
global surface temperature change of 5 ± 1°C relative to the Holocene [15, 16] yield an empirical
sensitivity ~¾ ± ¼ °C per W/m
forcing, i.e., a Charney sensitivity of 3 ± 1 °C for the 4 W/m
forcing of doubled CO
. This empirical fast-feedback climate sensitivity allows water vapor,
clouds, aerosols, sea ice, and all other fast feedbacks that exist in the real world to respond
naturally to global climate change.
Climate sensitivity varies as Earth becomes warmer or cooler. Toward colder extremes, as
the area of sea ice grows, the planet approaches runaway snowball-Earth conditions, and at high
temperatures it can approach a runaway greenhouse effect [12]. At its present temperature Earth
is on a flat portion of its fast-feedback climate sensitivity curve (Fig. S2). Thus our empirical
sensitivity, although strictly the mean fast-feedback sensitivity for climate states ranging from
the ice age to the current interglacial period, is also today’s fast-feedback climate sensitivity.
2.1. Verification
Our empirical fast-feedback climate sensitivity, derived by comparing conditions at two
points in time, can be checked over the longer period of ice core data. Fig. (1a) shows CO
data from the Antarctic Vostok ice core [17, 18] and sea level based on Red Sea sediment
cores [18]. Gases are from the same ice core and have a consistent time scale, but dating with
respect to sea level may have errors up to several thousand years.
Fig. (1). (a) CO
[17] and sea
level [19] for past
425 ky.
(b) Climate
forcings due to
changes of GHGs
and ice sheet area,
the latter inferred
from sea level
(c) Calculated
global temperature
change based on
climate sensitivity
of ¾°C per W/m
Observations are
change [18]
divided by two.
We use the GHG and sea level data to calculate climate forcing by GHGs and surface albedo
change as in prior calculations [7], but with two refinements. First, we specify the N
O climate
forcing as 12 percent of the sum of the CO
and CH
forcings, rather than the 15 percent
estimated earlier [7] Because N
O data are not available for the entire record, and its forcing is
small and highly correlated with CO
and CH
, we take the GHG effective forcing as
Fe (GHGs) = 1.12 [Fa(CO
) + 1.4 Fa(CH
)], (1)
using published formulae for Fa of each gas [20]. The factor 1.4 accounts for the higher efficacy
of CH
relative to CO
, which is due mainly to the indirect effect of CH
on tropospheric ozone
and stratospheric water vapor [12]. The resulting GHG forcing between the LGM and late
Holocene is 3 W/m
, apportioned as 75% CO
, 14% CH
and 11% N
The second refinement in our calculations is to surface albedo. Based on models of ice sheet
shape, we take the horizontal area of the ice sheet as proportional to the 4/5 power of volume.
Fig. (S4) compares our present albedo forcing with prior use [7] of exponent 2/3, showing that
this choice and division of the ice into multiple ice sheets has only a minor effect.
Multiplying the sum of GHG and surface albedo forcings by climate sensitivity ¾°C per
yields the blue curve in Fig. (1c). Vostok temperature change [17] divided by two (red
curve) is used to crudely estimate global temperature change, as typical glacial-interglacial
global annual-mean temperature change is ~5°C and is associated with ~10°C change on
Antarctica [21]. Fig. (1c) shows that fast-feedback climate sensitivity ¾°C per W/m
(3°C for
doubled CO
) is a good approximation for the entire period.
2.2. Slow feedbacks
Let us consider climate change averaged over a few thousand years – long enough to assure
energy balance and minimize effects of ocean thermal response time and climate change
leads/lags between hemispheres [22]. At such temporal resolution the temperature variations in
Fig. (1) are global, with high latitude amplification, being present in polar ice cores and sea
surface temperature derived from ocean sediment cores (Fig. S5).
GHG and surface albedo changes are mechanisms causing the large global climate changes
in Fig. (1), but they do not initiate these climate swings. Instead changes of GHGs and sea level
(a measure of ice sheet size) lag temperature change by several hundred years [6, 7, 23, 24].
GHG and surface albedo changes are positive climate feedbacks. Major glacial-interglacial
climate swings are instigated by slow changes of Earth’s orbit, especially the tilt of Earth’s spin-
axis relative to the orbital plane and the precession of the equinoxes that influences the intensity
of summer insolation [25, 26]. Global radiative forcing due to orbital changes is small, but ice
sheet size is affected by changes of geographical and seasonal insolation (e.g., ice melts at both
poles when the spin-axis tilt increases, and ice melts at one pole when perihelion, the closest
approach to the sun, occurs in late spring [7]. Also a warming climate causes net release of
GHGs. The most effective GHG feedback is release of CO
by the ocean, due partly to
temperature dependence of CO
solubility but mostly to increased ocean mixing in a warmer
climate, which acts to flush out deep ocean CO
and alters ocean biological productivity [27].
GHG and surface albedo feedbacks respond and contribute to temperature change caused by
any climate forcing, natural or human-made, given sufficient time. The GHG feedback is nearly
linear in global temperature during the late Pleistocene [Fig. (7) of 6, 28]. Surface albedo
feedback increases as Earth becomes colder and the area of ice increases. Climate sensitivity on
Fig. (2). Global temperature (left scale) and GHG forcing (right scale) due to CO
, CH
and N
O from the
Vostok ice core [17, 18]. Time scale is expanded for the industrial era. Ratio of temperature and forcing
scales is 1.5°C per W/m
, i.e., the temperature scale gives the expected equilibrium response to GHG
change including (slow feedback) surface albedo change. Modern forcings include human-made aerosols,
volcanic aerosols and solar irradiance [5]. GHG forcing zero point is the mean for 10-8 ky BP (Fig. S6).
Zero point of modern temperature and net climate forcing was set at 1850 [5], but this is also the zero
point for 10-8 ky BP, as shown by the absence of a trend in Fig. (S6) and by the discussion of that figure.
Pleistocene time scales includes slow feedbacks, and is larger than the Charney sensitivity,
because the dominant slow feedbacks are positive. Other feedbacks, e.g., the negative feedback
of increased weathering as CO
increases, become important on longer geologic time scales.
Paleoclimate data permit evaluation of long-term sensitivity to specified GHG change. We
assume only that, to first order, the area of ice is a function of global temperature. Plotting GHG
forcing [7] from ice core data [18] against temperature shows that global climate sensitivity
including the slow surface albedo feedback is 1.5°C per W/m
or 6°C for doubled CO
(Fig. 2),
twice as large as the Charney fast-feedback sensitivity. Note that we assume the area of ice and
snow on the planet to be predominately dependent on global temperature, but some changes of
regional ice sheet properties occur as part of the Earth orbital climate forcing (see Appendix).
This equilibrium sensitivity of 6°C for doubled CO
is valid for specified GHG amount, as in
studies that employ emission scenarios and coupled carbon cycle/climate models to determine
GHG amount. If GHGs are included as a feedback (with say solar irradiance as forcing)
sensitivity is still larger on Pleistocene time scales (see Appendix), but the sensitivity may be
reduced by negative feedbacks on geologic time scales [29, 30]. The 6°C sensitivity reduces to
3°C when the planet has become warm enough to lose its ice sheets.
This long-term climate sensitivity is relevant to GHGs that remain airborne for centuries-to-
millennia. The human-caused atmospheric GHG increase will decline slowly if anthropogenic
emissions from fossil fuel burning decrease enough, as we illustrate below using a simplified
carbon cycle model. On the other hand, if the globe warms much further, carbon cycle models
[2] and empirical data [6, 28] reveal a positive GHG feedback on century-millennia time scales.
This amplification of GHG amount is moderate if warming is kept within the range of recent
interglacial periods [6], but larger warming would risk greater release of CH
and CO
methane hydrates in tundra and ocean sediments [29]. On still longer, geological, time scales
weathering of rocks causes a negative feedback on atmospheric CO
amount [30], as discussed in
section 3, but this feedback is too slow to alleviate climate change of concern to humanity.
2.3 Time scales
How long does it take to reach equilibrium temperature with specified GHG change?
Response is slowed by ocean thermal inertia and the time needed for ice sheets to disintegrate.
Ocean-caused delay is estimated in Fig. (S7) using a coupled atmosphere-ocean model. One-
third of the response occurs in the first few years, in part because of rapid response over land,
one-half in ~25 years, three-quarters in 250 years, and nearly full response in a millennium. The
ocean-caused delay is a strong (quadratic) function of climate sensitivity and it depends on the
rate of mixing of surface water and deep water [31], as discussed in the Appendix.
Ice sheet response time is often assumed to be several millennia, based on the broad sweep of
paleo sea level change (Fig.1a) and primitive ice sheet models designed to capture that change.
However, this long time scale may reflect the slowly changing orbital forcing, rather than
inherent inertia, as there is no discernable lag between maximum ice sheet melt rate and local
insolation that favors melt [7]. Paleo sea level data with high time resolution reveal frequent
‘suborbital’ sea level changes at rates of 1 m/century or more [32-34].
Present-day observations of Greenland and Antarctica show increasing surface melt [35], loss
of buttressing ice shelves [36], accelerating ice streams [37], and increasing overall mass loss
[38]. These rapid changes do not occur in existing ice sheet models, which are missing critical
physics of ice sheet disintegration [39]. Sea level changes of several meters per century occur in
the paleoclimate record [32, 33], in response to forcings slower and weaker than the present
human-made forcing. It seems likely that large ice sheet response will occur within centuries, if
human-made forcings continue to increase. Once ice sheet disintegration is underway, decadal
changes of sea level may be substantial.
2.4. Warming “in the pipeline”
The expanded time scale for the industrial era (Fig. 2) reveals a growing gap between actual
global temperature (purple curve) and equilibrium (long-term) temperature response based on the
net estimated climate forcing (black curve). Ocean and ice sheet response times together account
for this gap, which is now 2.0°C.
The forcing in Fig. (2) (black curve, Fe scale), when used to drive a global climate model [5],
yields global temperature change that agrees closely [Fig. (3) in 5] with observations (purple
curve, Fig. 2). That climate model, which includes only fast feedbacks, has additional warming
of ~0.6°C in the pipeline today because of ocean thermal inertia [5, 8].
The remaining gap between equilibrium temperature for current atmospheric composition
and actual global temperature is ~1.4°C. This further 1.4°C warming still to come is due to the
slow surface albedo feedback, specifically ice sheet disintegration and vegetation change.
One may ask whether the climate system, as the Earth warms from its present ‘interglacial’
state, still has the capacity to supply slow feedbacks that double the fast-feedback sensitivity.
This issue can be addressed by considering longer time scales including periods with no ice.
Pleistocene atmospheric CO
variations occur as a climate feedback, as carbon is exchanged
among surface reservoirs: the ocean, atmosphere, soils and biosphere. The most effective
feedback is increase of atmospheric CO
as climate warms, the CO
transfer being mainly from
ocean to atmosphere [27, 28]. On longer time scales the total amount of CO
in the surface
reservoirs varies due to exchange of carbon with the solid earth. CO
thus becomes a primary
agent of long-term climate change, leaving orbital effects as ‘noise’ on larger climate swings.
Fig. (3). Global deep
ocean (a) δ
O [26]
and (b) temperature.
Black curve is 5-point
running mean of δ
original temporal
resolution, while red
and blue curves have
500 ky resolution.
The Cenozoic era, the past 65.5 My, provides a valuable complement to the Pleistocene for
exploring climate sensitivity. Cenozoic data on climate and atmospheric composition are not as
precise, but larger climate variations occur, including an ice-free planet, thus putting glacial-
interglacial changes in a wider perspective.
Oxygen isotopic composition of benthic (deep ocean dwelling) foraminifera shells in a global
compilation of ocean sediment cores [26] provides a starting point for analyzing Cenozoic
climate change (Fig. 3a). At times with negligible ice sheets, oxygen isotope change, δ
provides a direct measure of deep ocean temperature (T
). Thus T
(°C) ~ -4 δ
O + 12 between
65.5 and 35 My BP.
Rapid increase of δ
O at about 34 My is associated with glaciation of Antarctica [26, 40]
and global cooling, as evidenced by data from North America [41] and Asia [42]. From then
until the present,
O in deep ocean foraminifera is affected by both ice volume and T
, lighter
O evaporating preferentially from the ocean and accumulating in ice sheets. Between 35 My
and the last ice age (20 ky) the change of δ
O was ~ 3‰, change of T
was ~ 6°C (from +5 to -
1°C) and ice volume change ~ 180 msl (meters of sea level). Given that a 1.5‰ change of δ
is associated with a 6°C T
change, we assign the remaining δ
O change to ice volume linearly
at the rate 60 msl per mil δ
O change (thus 180 msl for δ
O between 1.75 and 4.75). Equal
division of δ
O between temperature and sea level yields sea level change in the late Pleistocene
in reasonable accord with available sea level data (Fig. S8). Subtracting the ice volume portion
of δ
O yields deep ocean temperature T
(°C) = -2 (δ
O -4.25‰) after 35 My, as in Fig. (3b).
The large (~14°C) Cenozoic temperature change between 50 My and the ice age at 20 ky
must have been forced by changes of atmospheric composition. Alternative drives could come
from outside (solar irradiance) or the Earth’s surface (continental locations). But solar brightness
increased ~0.4% in the Cenozoic [43], a linear forcing change of only +1 W/m
and of the wrong
sign to contribute to the cooling trend. Climate forcing due to continental locations was < 1
, because continents 65 My ago were already close to present latitudes (Fig. S9). Opening
or closing of oceanic gateways might affect the timing of glaciation, but it would not provide the
climate forcing needed for global cooling.
concentration, in contrast, varied from ~180 ppm in glacial times to 1500 ± 500 ppm in
the early Cenozoic [44]. This change is a forcing of more than 10 W/m
(Table 1 in [16]), an
order of magnitude larger than other known forcings. CH
and N
O, positively correlated with
and global temperature in the period with accurate data (ice cores), likely increase the total
GHG forcing, but their forcings are much smaller than that of CO
[45, 46].
3.1. Cenozoic carbon cycle
Solid Earth sources and sinks of CO
are not, in general, balanced at any given time [30, 47].
is removed from surface reservoirs by: (1) chemical weathering of rocks with deposition of
carbonates on the ocean floor, and (2) burial of organic matter; weathering is the dominant
process [30]. CO
returns primarily via metamorphism and volcanic outgassing at locations
where carbonate-rich oceanic crust is being subducted beneath moving continental plates.
Outgassing and burial of CO
are each typically 10
mol C/year [30, 47-48]. At times
of unusual plate tectonic activity, such as rapid subduction of carbon-rich ocean crust or strong
orogeny, the imbalance between outgassing and burial can be a significant fraction of the one-
way carbon flux. Although negative feedbacks in the geochemical carbon cycle reduce the rate
of surface reservoir perturbation [49], a net imbalance ~10
mol C/year can be maintained over
thousands of years. Such an imbalance, if confined to the atmosphere, would be ~0.005
ppm/year, but as CO
is distributed among surface reservoirs, this is only ~0.0001 ppm/year.
This rate is negligible compared to the present human-made atmospheric CO
increase of ~2
ppm/year, yet over a million years such a crustal imbalance alters atmospheric CO
by 100 ppm.
Between 60 and 50 My ago India moved north rapidly, 18-20 cm/year [50], through a region
that long had been a depocenter for carbonate and organic sediments. Subduction of carbon-rich
crust was surely a large source of CO
outgassing and a prime cause of global warming, which
peaked 50 My ago (Fig. 3b) with the Indo-Asian collision. CO
must have then decreased due to
a reduced subduction source and enhanced weathering with uplift of the Himalayas/Tibetan
Plateau [51]. Since then, the Indian and Atlantic Oceans have been major depocenters for carbon,
but subduction of carbon-rich crust has been limited mainly to small regions near Indonesia and
Central America [47].
Thus atmospheric CO
declined following the Indo-Asian collision [44] and climate cooled
(Fig. 3b) leading to Antarctic glaciation by ~34 My. Antarctica has been more or less glaciated
ever since. The rate of CO
drawdown declines as atmospheric CO
decreases due to negative
feedbacks, including the effect of declining atmospheric temperature and plant growth rates on
weathering [30]. These negative feedbacks tend to create a balance between crustal outgassing
and drawdown of CO
, which have been equal within 1-2 percent over the past 700 ky [52].
Large fluctuations in the size of the Antarctic ice sheet have occurred in the past 34 My, possibly
related to temporal variations of plate tectonics [53] and outgassing rates. The relatively constant
atmospheric CO
amount of the past 20 My (Fig. S10) implies a near balance of outgassing and
weathering rates over that period.
Knowledge of Cenozoic CO
is limited to imprecise proxy measures except for recent ice
core data. There are discrepancies among different proxy measures, and even between different
investigators using the same proxy method, as discussed in conjunction with Fig. (S10).
Nevertheless, the proxy data indicate that CO
was of the order of 1000 ppm in the early
Cenozoic but <500 ppm in the last 20 My [2, 44].
Fig. (4). (a) Total climate forcing,
(b) solar and surface albedo forcings,
and (c) GHG forcing in the Cenozoic,
based on T
history of Fig. (3b) and
assumed fast-feedback climate
sensitivity ¾°C per W/m
. Ratio of
change and T
change is assumed
to be near unity in the minimal ice
world between 65 and 35 My, but the
gray area allows for 50% uncertainty
in the ratio. In the later era with large
ice sheets we take ∆T
= 1.5, in
accord with Pleistocene data.
3.2. Cenozoic forcing and CO
The entire Cenozoic climate forcing history (Fig. 4a) is implied by the temperature
reconstruction (Fig. 3b), assuming a fast-feedback sensitivity of ¾°C per W/m
. Subtracting the
solar and surface albedo forcings (Fig. 4b), the latter from Eq. S2 with ice sheet area vs. time
from δ
O, we obtain the GHG forcing history (Fig. 4c).
We hinge our calculations at 35 My for several reasons. Between 65 and 35 My ago there
was little ice on the planet, so climate sensitivity is defined mainly by fast feedbacks. Second, we
want to estimate the CO
amount that precipitated Antarctic glaciation. Finally, the relation
between global surface air temperature change (∆T
) and deep ocean temperature change (∆T
differs for ice-free and glaciated worlds.
Climate models show that global temperature change is tied closely to ocean temperature
change [54]. Deep ocean temperature is a function of high latitude ocean surface temperature,
which tends to be amplified relative to global mean ocean surface temperature. However, land
temperature change exceeds that of the ocean, with an effect on global temperature that tends to
offset the latitudinal variation of ocean temperature. Thus in the ice-free world (65-35 My) we
take ∆T
~ ∆T
with generous (50%) uncertainty. In the glaciated world ∆T
is limited by the
freezing point in the deep ocean. ∆T
between the last ice age (20 ky) and the present interglacial
period (~5°C) was ~1.5 times larger than ∆T
. In Fig. (S5) we show that this relationship fits
well throughout the period of ice core data.
Fig. (5). (a) Simulated CO
amounts in the Cenozoic for three
choices of CO
amount at 35 My
(temporal resolution of black and
colored curves as in Fig. (3); blue
region: multiple CO
proxy data,
discussed with Fig. S10; gray
region allows 50 percent
uncertainty in ratio of global
surface and deep ocean
temperatures). (b) Expanded
view of late Pleistocene,
including precise ice core CO
measurements (black curve).
If we specify CO
at 35 My, the GHG forcing defines CO
at other times, assuming CO
provides 75% of the GHG forcing, as in the late Pleistocene. CO
~450 ppm at 35 My keeps
in the range of early Cenozoic proxies (Fig. 5a) and yields a good fit to the amplitude and
mean CO
amount in the late Pleistocene (Fig. 5b). A CO
threshold for Antarctic glaciation of
~500 ppm was previously inferred from proxy CO
data and a carbon cycle model [55].
Individual CO
proxies (Fig. S10) clarify limitations due to scatter among the measurements.
Low CO
of some early Cenozoic proxies, if valid, would suggest higher climate sensitivity.
However, in general the sensitivities inferred from the Cenozoic and Phanerozoic [56, 57, 58]
agree well with our analysis, if we account for the ways in which sensitivity is defined and the
periods emphasized in each empirical derivation (Table S1).
Our CO
estimate of ~450 ppm at 35 My (Fig. 5) serves as a prediction to compare with new
data on CO
amount. Model uncertainties (Fig. S10) include possible changes of non-CO
and the relation of ∆T
to ∆T
. The model fails to account for cooling in the past 15 My if CO
increased, as several proxies suggest (Fig. S10). Changing ocean currents, such as the closing of
the Isthmus of Panama, may have contributed to climate evolution, but models find little effect
on temperature [59]. Non-CO
GHGs also could have played a role, because little forcing would
have been needed to cause cooling due to the magnitude of late Cenozoic albedo feedback.
3.3. Implication
We infer from Cenozoic data that CO
was the dominant Cenozoic forcing, that CO
~450 ± 100 ppm when Antarctica glaciated, and that glaciation is reversible. Together these
inferences have profound implications.
Consider three points marked in Fig. (4): point A at 35 My, just before Antarctica glaciated;
point B at recent interglacial periods; point C at the depth of recent ice ages. Point B is about half
way between A and C in global temperature (Fig. 3b) and climate forcings (Fig. 4). The GHG
forcing from the deepest recent ice age to current interglacial warmth is ~3.5 W/m
. Additional
4 W/m
forcing carries the planet, at equilibrium, to the ice-free state. Thus equilibrium climate
sensitivity to GHG change, including the surface albedo change as a slow feedback, is almost as
large between today and an ice-free world as between today and the ice ages.
The implication is that global climate sensitivity of 3°C for doubled CO
, although valid for
the idealized Charney definition of climate sensitivity, is a considerable understatement of
expected equilibrium global warming in response to imposed doubled CO
. Additional warming,
due to slow climate feedbacks including loss of ice and spread of flora over the vast high-latitude
land area in the Northern Hemisphere, approximately doubles equilibrium climate sensitivity.
Equilibrium sensitivity 6°C for doubled CO
is relevant to the case in which GHG changes
are specified. That is appropriate to the anthropogenic case, provided the GHG amounts are
estimated from carbon cycle models including climate feedbacks such as methane release from
tundra and ocean sediments. The equilibrium sensitivity is even higher if the GHG feedback is
included as part of the climate response, as is appropriate for analysis of the climate response to
Earth orbital perturbations. The very high sensitivity with both albedo and GHG slow feedbacks
included accounts for the huge magnitude of glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the Pleistocene
(Fig. 3) in response to small forcings (section 3 of Appendix).
Equilibrium climate response would not be reached in decades or even in a century, because
surface warming is slowed by the inertia of the ocean (Fig. S7) and ice sheets. However, Earth’s
history suggests that positive feedbacks, especially surface albedo changes, can spur rapid global
warmings, including sea level rise as fast as several meters per century [7]. Thus if humans push
the climate system sufficiently far into disequilibrium, positive climate feedbacks may set in
motion dramatic climate change and climate impacts that cannot be controlled.
Human-made global climate forcings now prevail over natural forcings (Fig. 2). Earth may
have entered the Anthropocene era [60, 61] 6-8 ky ago [62], but the net human-made forcing was
small, perhaps slightly negative [7], prior to the industrial era. GHG forcing overwhelmed
natural and negative human-made forcings only in the past quarter century (Fig. 2).
Human-made climate change is delayed by ocean (Fig. S7) and ice sheet response times.
Warming ‘in the pipeline’, mostly attributable to slow feedbacks, is now about 2°C (Fig. 2). No
additional forcing is required to raise global temperature to at least the level of the Pliocene, 2-3
million years ago, a degree of warming that would surely yield ‘dangerous’ climate impacts [5].
4.1. Tipping points
Realization that today’s climate is far out of equilibrium with current climate forcings raises
the specter of ‘tipping points’, the concept that climate can reach a point where, without
additional forcing, rapid changes proceed practically out of our control [2, 7, 63, 64]. Arctic sea
ice and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet are examples of potential tipping points. Arctic sea ice loss
is magnified by the positive feedback of increased absorption of sunlight as global warming
initiates sea ice retreat [65]. West Antarctic ice loss can be accelerated by several feedbacks,
once ice loss is substantial [39].
We define: (1) the tipping level, the global climate forcing that, if long maintained, gives rise
to a specific consequence, and (2) the point of no return, a climate state beyond which the
consequence is inevitable, even if climate forcings are reduced. A point of no return can be
avoided, even if the tipping level is temporarily exceeded. Ocean and ice sheet inertia permit
overshoot, provided the climate forcing is returned below the tipping level before initiating
irreversible dynamic change.
Points of no return are inherently difficult to define, because the dynamical problems are
nonlinear. Existing models are more lethargic than the real world for phenomena now unfolding,
including changes of sea ice [65], ice streams [66], ice shelves [36], and expansion of the
subtropics [67, 68].
The tipping level is easier to assess, because the paleoclimate quasi-equilibrium response to
known climate forcing is relevant. The tipping level is a measure of the long-term climate
forcing that humanity must aim to stay beneath to avoid large climate impacts. The tipping level
does not define the magnitude or period of tolerable overshoot. However, if overshoot is in place
for centuries, the thermal perturbation will so penetrate the ocean [10] that recovery without
dramatic effects, such as ice sheet disintegration, becomes unlikely.
4.2. Target CO
Combined, GHGs other than CO
cause climate forcing comparable to that of CO
[2, 6], but
growth of non-CO
GHGs is falling below IPCC [2] scenarios. Thus total GHG climate forcing
change is now determined mainly by CO
[69]. Coincidentally, CO
forcing is similar to the net
human-made forcing, because non-CO
GHGs tend to offset negative aerosol forcing [2, 5].
Thus we take future CO
change as approximating the net human-made forcing change, with
two caveats. First, special effort to reduce non-CO
GHGs could alleviate the CO
allowing up to about +25 ppm CO
for the same climate effect, while resurgent growth of non-
GHGs could reduce allowed CO
a similar amount [6]. Second, reduction of human-made
aerosols, which have a net cooling effect, could force stricter GHG requirements. However, an
emphasis on reducing black soot could largely off-set reductions of high albedo aerosols [20].
Our estimated history of CO
through the Cenozoic Era provides a sobering perspective for
assessing an appropriate target for future CO
levels. A CO
amount of order 450 ppm or larger,
if long maintained, would push Earth toward the ice-free state. Although ocean and ice sheet
inertia limit the rate of climate change, such a CO
level likely would cause the passing of
climate tipping points and initiate dynamic responses that could be out of humanity’s control.
The climate system, because of its inertia, has not yet fully responded to the recent increase
of human-made climate forcings [5]. Yet climate impacts are already occurring that allow us to
make an initial estimate for a target atmospheric CO
level. No doubt the target will need to be
adjusted as climate data and knowledge improve, but the urgency and difficulty of reducing the
human-made forcing will be less, and more likely manageable, if excess forcing is limited soon.
Civilization is adapted to climate zones of the Holocene. Theory and models indicate that
subtropical regions expand poleward with global warming [2, 67]. Data reveal a 4-degree
latitudinal shift already [68], larger than model predictions, yielding increased aridity in southern
United States [70, 71], the Mediterranean region, Australia and parts of Africa. Impacts of this
climate shift [72] support the conclusion that 385 ppm CO
is already deleterious.
Alpine glaciers are in near-global retreat [72, 73]. After a one-time added flush of fresh
water, glacier demise will yield summers and autumns of frequently dry rivers, including rivers
originating in the Himalayas, Andes and Rocky Mountains that now supply water to hundreds of
millions of people. Present glacier retreat, and warming in the pipeline, indicate that 385 ppm
is already a threat.
Equilibrium sea level rise for today’s 385 ppm CO
is at least several meters, judging from
paleoclimate history [19, 32-34]. Accelerating mass losses from Greenland [74] and West
Antarctica [75] heighten concerns about ice sheet stability. An initial CO
target of 350 ppm, to
be reassessed as effects on ice sheet mass balance are observed, is suggested.
Stabilization of Arctic sea ice cover requires, to first approximation, restoration of planetary
energy balance. Climate models driven by known forcings yield a present planetary energy
imbalance of +0.5-1 W/m
[5]. Observed heat increase in the upper 700 m of the ocean [76]
confirms the planetary energy imbalance, but observations of the entire ocean are needed for
quantification. CO
amount must be reduced to 325-355 ppm to increase outgoing flux 0.5-1
, if other forcings are unchanged. A further imbalance reduction, and thus CO
ppm, may be needed to restore sea ice to its area of 25 years ago.
Coral reefs are suffering from multiple stresses, with ocean acidification and ocean warming
principal among them [77]. Given additional warming ‘in-the-pipeline’, 385 ppm CO
is already
deleterious. A 300-350 ppm CO
target would significantly relieve both of these stresses.
4.3. CO
A large fraction of fossil fuel CO
emissions stays in the air a long time, one-quarter
remaining airborne for several centuries [11, 78, 79]. Thus moderate delay of fossil fuel use will
not appreciably reduce long-term human-made climate change. Preservation of a climate
resembling that to which humanity is accustomed, the climate of the Holocene, requires that
most remaining fossil fuel carbon is never emitted to the atmosphere.
Coal is the largest reservoir of conventional fossil fuels (Fig. S12), exceeding combined
reserves of oil and gas [2, 79]. The only realistic way to sharply curtail CO
emissions is to phase
out coal use except where CO
is captured and sequestered.
Phase-out of coal emissions by 2030 (Fig. 6) keeps maximum CO
close to 400 ppm,
depending on oil and gas reserves and reserve growth. IPCC reserves assume that half of readily
extractable oil has already been used (Figs. 6, S12). EIA [80] estimates (Fig. S12) have larger
reserves and reserve growth. Even if EIA estimates are accurate, the IPCC case remains valid if
the most difficult to extract oil and gas is left in the ground, via a rising price on carbon
emissions that discourages remote exploration and environmental regulations that place some
areas off-limit. If IPCC gas reserves (Fig. S12) are underestimated, the IPCC case in Fig. (6)
remains valid if the additional gas reserves are used at facilities where CO
is captured.
However, even with phase-out of coal emissions and assuming IPCC oil and gas reserves,
would remain above 350 ppm for more than two centuries. Ongoing Arctic and ice sheet
changes, examples of rapid paleoclimate change, and other criteria cited above all drive us to
consider scenarios that bring CO
more rapidly back to 350 ppm or less.
Fig. (6). (a) Fossil fuel CO
emissions with coal phase-out by 2030 based on IPCC [2] and EIA [80]
estimated fossil fuel reserves. (b) Resulting atmospheric CO
based on use of a dynamic-sink pulse
response function representation of the Bern carbon cycle model [78, 79].
4.4. Policy relevance
Desire to reduce airborne CO
raises the question of whether CO
could be drawn from the
air artificially. There are no large-scale technologies for CO
air capture now, but with strong
research and development support and industrial-scale pilot projects sustained over decades it
may be possible to achieve costs ~$200/tC [81] or perhaps less [82]. At $200/tC, the cost of
removing 50 ppm of CO
is ~$20 trillion.
Improved agricultural and forestry practices offer a more natural way to draw down CO
Deforestation contributed a net emission of 60±30 ppm over the past few hundred years, of
which ~20 ppm CO
remains in the air today [2, 83, Figs. (S12), (S14)]. Reforestation could
absorb a substantial fraction of the 60±30 ppm net deforestation emission.
Carbon sequestration in soil also has significant potential. Biochar, produced in pyrolysis of
residues from crops, forestry, and animal wastes, can be used to restore soil fertility while storing
carbon for centuries to millennia [84]. Biochar helps soil retain nutrients and fertilizers, reducing
emissions of GHGs such as N
O [85]. Replacing slash-and-burn agriculture with slash-and-char
and use of agricultural and forestry wastes for biochar production could provide a CO
drawdown of ~8 ppm or more in half a century [85].
In the Appendix we define a forest/soil drawdown scenario that reaches 50 ppm by 2150
(Fig. 6b). This scenario returns CO
below 350 ppm late this century, after about 100 years
above that level.
More rapid drawdown could be provided by CO
capture at power plants fueled by gas and
biofuels [86]. Low-input high-diversity biofuels grown on degraded or marginal lands, with
associated biochar production, could accelerate CO
drawdown, but the nature of a biofuel
approach must be carefully designed [85, 87-89].
A rising price on carbon emissions and payment for carbon sequestration is surely needed to
make drawdown of airborne CO
a reality. A 50 ppm drawdown via agricultural and forestry
practices seems plausible. But if most of the CO
in coal is put into the air, no such “natural”
drawdown of CO
to 350 ppm is feasible. Indeed, if the world continues on a business-as-usual
path for even another decade without initiating phase-out of unconstrained coal use, prospects for
avoiding a dangerously large, extended overshoot of the 350 ppm level will be dim.
Fig. (7). (a) Seasonal-mean global and low-latitude surface temperature anomalies relative to 1951-
1980, an update of [92], (b) global-ocean-mean sea surface temperature anomaly at monthly resolution.
The Nino 3.4 Index, the temperature anomaly (12-month running mean) in a small part of the tropical
Pacific Ocean [93], is a measure of ENSO, a basin-wide sloshing of the tropical Pacific Ocean [94].
Green triangles show major volcanic eruptions.
4.5. Caveats: climate variability, climate models, and uncertainties
Climate has great variability, much of which is unforced and unpredictable [2, 90]. This fact
raises a practical issue: what is the chance that climate variations, e.g., a temporary cooling trend,
will affect public recognition of climate change, making it difficult to implement mitigation
policies? Also what are the greatest uncertainties in the expectation of a continued global
warming trend? And what are the impacts of climate model limitations, given the inability of
models to realistically simulate many aspects of climate change and climate processes?
The atmosphere and ocean exhibit coupled nonlinear chaotic variability that cascades to all
time scales [91]. Variability is so large that the significance of recent decadal global temperature
change (Fig. 7a) would be very limited, if the data were considered simply as a time series,
without further information. However, other knowledge includes information on the causes of
some of the temperature variability, the planet’s energy imbalance, and global climate forcings.
The El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) [94] accounts for most low latitude temperature
variability and much of the global variability. The global impact of ENSO is coherent from
month to month, as shown by the global-ocean-mean SST (Fig. 7b), for which the ocean’s
thermal inertia minimizes the effect of weather noise. The cool anomaly of 2008 coincides with
an ENSO minimum and does not imply a change of decadal temperature trend.
Decadal time scale variability, such as predicted weakening of the Atlantic overturning
circulation [95], could interrupt global warming, as discussed in section 18 of the Appendix. But
the impact of regional dynamical effects on global temperature is opposed by the planet’s energy
imbalance [96], a product of the climate system’s thermal inertia, which is confirmed by
increasing ocean heat storage [97]. This energy imbalance makes decadal interruption of global
warming, in the absence of a negative climate forcing, improbable [96].
Volcanoes and the sun can cause significant negative forcings. However, even if the solar
irradiance remained at its value in the current solar minimum, this reduced forcing would be
offset by increasing CO
within seven years (Appendix section 18). Human-made aerosols cause
a greater negative forcing, both directly and through their effects on clouds. The first satellite
observations of aerosols and clouds with accuracy sufficient to quantify this forcing are planned
to begin in 2009 [98], but most analysts anticipate that human-made aerosols will decrease in the
future, rather than increase further.
Climate models have many deficiencies in their abilities to simulate climate change [2].
However, model uncertainties cut both ways: it is at least as likely that models underestimate
effects of human-made GHGs as overestimate them (Appendix section 18). Model deficiencies
in evaluating tipping points, the possibility that rapid changes can occur without additional
climate forcing [63, 64], are of special concern. Loss of Arctic sea ice, for example, has
proceeded more rapidly than predicted by climate models [99]. There are reasons to expect that
other nonlinear problems, such as ice sheet disintegration and extinction of interdependent
species and ecosystems, also have the potential for rapid change [39, 63, 64].
Humanity today, collectively, must face the uncomfortable fact that industrial civilization
itself has become the principal driver of global climate. If we stay our present course, using
fossil fuels to feed a growing appetite for energy-intensive life styles, we will soon leave the
climate of the Holocene, the world of prior human history. The eventual response to doubling
pre-industrial atmospheric CO
likely would be a nearly ice-free planet, preceded by a period of
chaotic change with continually changing shorelines.
Humanity’s task of moderating human-caused global climate change is urgent. Ocean and
ice sheet inertias provide a buffer delaying full response by centuries, but there is a danger that
human-made forcings could drive the climate system beyond tipping points such that change
proceeds out of our control. The time available to reduce the human-made forcing is uncertain,
because models of the global system and critical components such as ice sheets are inadequate.
However, climate response time is surely less than the atmospheric lifetime of the human-caused
perturbation of CO
. Thus remaining fossil fuel reserves should not be exploited without a plan
for retrieval and disposal of resulting atmospheric CO
Paleoclimate evidence and ongoing global changes imply that today’s CO
, about 385 ppm,
is already too high to maintain the climate to which humanity, wildlife, and the rest of the
biosphere are adapted. Realization that we must reduce the current CO
amount has a bright
side: effects that had begun to seem inevitable, including impacts of ocean acidification, loss of
fresh water supplies, and shifting of climatic zones, may be averted by the necessity of finding an
energy course beyond fossil fuels sooner than would otherwise have occurred.
We suggest an initial objective of reducing atmospheric CO
to 350 ppm, with the target to
be adjusted as scientific understanding and empirical evidence of climate effects accumulate.
Although a case already could be made that the eventual target probably needs to be lower, the
350 ppm target is sufficient to qualitatively change the discussion and drive fundamental changes
in energy policy. Limited opportunities for reduction of non-CO
human-caused forcings are
important to pursue but do not alter the initial 350 ppm CO
target. This target must be pursued
on a timescale of decades, as paleoclimate and ongoing changes, and the ocean response time,
suggest that it would be foolhardy to allow CO
to stay in the dangerous zone for centuries.
A practical global strategy almost surely requires a rising global price on CO
emissions and
phase-out of coal use except for cases where the CO
is captured and sequestered. The carbon
price should eliminate use of unconventional fossil fuels, unless, as is unlikely, the CO
can be
captured. A reward system for improved agricultural and forestry practices that sequester carbon
could remove the current CO
overshoot. With simultaneous policies to reduce non-CO
greenhouse gases, it appears still feasible to avert catastrophic climate change.
Present policies, with continued construction of coal-fired power plants without CO
suggest that decision-makers do not appreciate the gravity of the situation. We must begin to
move now toward the era beyond fossil fuels. Continued growth of greenhouse gas emissions,
for just another decade, practically eliminates the possibility of near-term return of atmospheric
composition beneath the tipping level for catastrophic effects.
The most difficult task, phase-out over the next 20-25 years of coal use that does not capture
, is Herculean, yet feasible when compared with the efforts that went into World War II.
The stakes, for all life on the planet, surpass those of any previous crisis. The greatest danger is
continued ignorance and denial, which could make tragic consequences unavoidable.
We thank H. Harvey and Hewlett Foundation, G. Lenfest, the Rockefeller Family Foundation, and
NASA program managers D. Anderson and J. Kaye for research support, an anonymous reviewer, S.
Baum, B. Brook, P. Essunger, K. Farnish, Q. Fu, L.D. Harvey, I. Horovitz, R. Keeling, C. Kutscher, J.
Leventhal, C. McGrath, T. Noerpel, P. Read, J. Romm, D. Sanborn, S. Schwartz, J. Severinghaus, K.
Ward and S. Weart for comments on a draft manuscript, G. Russell for the computations in Fig. S3, and
T. Conway and P. Tans of NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and R. Andres, T. Boden and G.
Marland of DOE CDIAC for data.
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