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LODE: Linking Open Descriptions of Events



People conventionally refer to an action or occurrence taking place at a certain time at a specific location as an event. This notion is potentially useful for connecting individual facts recorded in the rapidly growing collection of linked data sets and for discovering more complex relationships between data. In this paper, we provide an overview and comparison of existing RDFS+OWL event models, looking at the different choices they make of how to represent events. We describe a recommended model for publishing records of events as Linked Data. We present tools for populating this model and a prototype of an "event directory" web service, which can be used to locate stable URIs for events that have occurred and to provide RDFS+OWL descriptions of them and links to related resources.
LODE: Linking Open Descriptions of Events
Ryan Shaw1, Rapha¨el Troncy2,3and Lynda Hardman3
1University of California, Berkeley, USA, <>
2EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, <>
3CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, <>
Abstract. People conventionally refer to an action or occurrence taking
place at a certain time at a specific location as an event. This notion is
potentially useful for connecting individual facts recorded in the rapidly
growing collection of linked data sets and for discovering more complex
relationships between data. In this paper, we provide an overview and
comparison of existing event models, looking at the different choices they
make of how to represent events. We describe a model for publishing
records of events as Linked Data. We present tools for populating this
model and a prototype “event directory” web service, which can be used
to locate stable URIs for events that have occurred, provide RDFS+OWL
descriptions and link to related resources.
1 Introduction
Though their specific methods differ significantly, both historians and journalists
work to produce narrative chains of events to explain phenomena in the past.
The resulting historical records of events constitute valuable cultural heritage of
interest to academics as well as the general public. The Linked Data4effort seeks
to publish and connect RDF data sets on the Web using dereferenceable URIs for
identifying web documents, real-world objects, links between them and/or other
pieces of information. Yet, while standard and widely used vocabularies have
emerged for representing people, places, and other types of entities as Linked
Data, none has yet emerged specifically for events.
The term “event” has several meanings. It is used to mean both phenom-
ena that have happened (e.g. things reported in news articles or explained by
historians) and phenomena that are scheduled to happen (e.g. things put in cal-
endars and datebooks). Various standards and formats have been proposed for
representing the latter as structured data, usually for personal information man-
agement purposes. In this paper, we focus on the former category: phenomena
that have happened in the past.
This paper makes two contributions. First, we compare existing models for
representing historical events (Section 2). These models serve different communi-
ties and have different strengths. Our goal is not to propose yet another ontology
per se, but rather to build an interlingua model that solves an interoperability
problem by providing a set of axioms expressing mappings between existing event
ontologies (Section 3). Second, we present tools for populating this model with
data coming from existing sources, such as Wikipedia timelines. We describe
a prototype of an “event directory”5web service which can be used to locate
stable URIs for past events and to provide RDFS+OWL descriptions of those
events and links to related resources (Section 4). Finally, we give our conclusions
and outline future work in Section 5.
2 Comparison of Existing Event Models
A number of different RDFS+OWL ontologies providing classes and properties
for modeling events and their relationships have been proposed (see Table 1). In
Event model Ontology URL
ABC Ontology
Event Ontology
DOLCE+DnS Ultralite
OpenCYC Ontology
Table 1. Ontologies for representing events
this section, we present an analysis based on their main constituent properties:
type (Section 2.2), time (Section 2.3), space (Section 2.4), participation (Sec-
tion 2.5), causality (Section 2.6) and composition (Section 2.7). This builds upon
previous work in which we examined a number of different non-RDFS+OWL
models for representing information about events [9].
2.1 Event Models Overview
Though all of the ontologies presented in Table 1 provide classes and properties
suitable for representing events, they were created to serve different purposes.
The CIDOC CRM [2] and ABC [6] ontologies aim at enabling interoperability
among metadata standards for describing complex multimedia objects held by
museums and libraries. The events they intend to describe include both historical
events in the broad sense (e.g. wars, or births) as well as events in the histories
of the objects being described (e.g. changes of ownership, or restoration).
The Event Ontology (EO) [7] was developed by the Centre for Digital Music
to be used in conjunction with music-related ontologies. Although intended to
describe events such as performances or sound generation, there is nothing spe-
cific to the music domain. It is currently the most commonly used event ontology
in the Linked Data community. EventsML-G2 has been developed by the Inter-
national Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) for exchanging structured
5We provide an interface for searching and browsing linked descriptions of events at
information about events among news providers and their partners. It describes
both planned, past or breaking events as reported in the news.
DOLCE+DnS Ultralite (DUL) is a lightweight “upper” ontology for ground-
ing domain-specific ontologies in a set of well-analyzed basic concepts. It is a
combination and simplification of the DOLCE foundational ontology and the
Constructive Descriptions and Situations pattern for representing aspects of so-
cial reality [3]. The F Event Model is a formal model of events built on top of
DUL. It provides additional properties and classes for modeling participation in
events, as well as parthood relations, causal relations, and correlations between
events. F also provides the ability to assert that multiple models represent views
upon or interpretations of the same event [8]. OpenCYC is also an “upper” on-
tology, but at the other end of the spectrum from DUL: rather than being a
lightweight set of core concepts it provides hundreds of thousands of concepts
intended to model “all of human consensus reality”.
2.2 Fundamental Types of Events: Aspect and Agentivity
Given their different intended applications, these ontologies define events in vary-
ing ways. Table 2 provides a comparison of the prose descriptions for the top-level
event classes. Furthermore, all of these ontologies, with the exception of EO,
“[E2.Temporal Entity] comprises all phenomena, such as the in-
stances of E4.Periods, E5.Events and states, which happen over
a limited extent in time.”
abc:Event “An Event marks a transition between Situations.”
eo:Event “An arbitrary classification of a space/time region, by a cognitive
eventsml:Event “...something that happens and is subject to news coverage.”
dul:Event “Any physical, social, or mental process, event, or state.”
f:Event “...perduring entities (or perdurants or occurants) that unfold
over time, i.e., they take up time..”
cyc:Situation “...a state or event consisting of one or more objects having cer-
tain properties or bearing certain relations to each other.”
Table 2. Definitions of top-level event-related classes
make an attempt to distinguish among some fundamental types of events. The
basis upon which these distinctions are made vary.
One way to distinguish types of events is their aspect, i.e. whether the event
involved is an ongoing activity or process, or the completion of some activity
or transition between states. For example, OpenCYC defines a concept called
Situation and uses aspect to distinguish between two main specializations of
this concept: StaticSituation and Event. The former denotes a situation in
which some state of affairs has persisted throughout the situation’s interval of
time, while the latter denotes a situation in which some change has occurred
during the situation’s interval of time.
CIDOC makes a similar but conceptually less clear distinction between two
types of E2.Temporal Entity:E3.Condition State and E5.Event. It is less
clear because CIDOC also introduces the concept E4.Period, a type of tempo-
ral entity that is not static, but does not necessarily involve a change of state.
E3.Condition State is also defined narrowly to denote only descriptions of “the
prevailing physical condition of any material object or feature” which would
seem to exclude descriptions of, for example, the relative state of two things.
E3.Condition State is similar to the ABC ontology’s Situation concept, in-
stances of which describe the states of tangible things at particular times. The
ABC ontology then uses this Situation concept to narrowly define an Event
concept as a transition between two different Situation instances. This makes it
difficult to describe an event that is characterized by a change in the relationship
between two things rather than a change in the state of a single object.
Another distinction is whether an agent is identified as having produced
the event. Both OpenCyc and DUL distinguish an Action as a particular type
of Event, and CIDOC distinguishes an E7.Activity as a particular type of
E5.Event. The ABC ontology also distinguishes an Action concept as something
performed by an agent, but rather than being a specialization of the Event
concept, it is defined as disjoint with the Event concept, which can “contain”
actions via a hasAction property. Thus the ABC ontology suggests that events
are fully described as sets of actions taken by specific agents, which may be an
issue for modeling events such as earthquakes.
One potential problem with building these types of classifications into an
ontology for modeling things that happened is that they force a knowledge en-
gineer to adopt a particular perspective on what happened. This is desirable for
precise modeling in specific domains that share a descriptive paradigm, but it
is undesirable if the goal is to enhance access to documents which may present
different interpretations of the same events. Distinctions based on aspect or agen-
tivity are not necessarily inherent to what happened, but instead are rooted in
particular interpretations. Whether a historical event or a event reported in the
news involves an identifiable change or not, or whether agency can be assigned,
is often a matter of debate, and its resolution should not be a prerequisite for
representing what happened using a concept from an ontology.
This desire to separate events from their interpretations is what drives the
approach taken by DUL, which provides a Situation concept, instances of which
may describe different views or interpretations of the same Event instance. Using
the DUL ontology, the types of classifications discussed above would be applied
to instances of Situation rather than to instances of Event6.
2.3 Events and Temporal Intervals
Temporality is a major distinguishing feature of events as entities, requiring
modeling spans of time and relating events to these. The relationship between
6DUL does specialize its Event concept on the basis of agentivity, providing the
Action concept for events that have at least one participating agent and the Process
concept for events that are not recognized having participating agents.
events and chronological spans of time is analogous to the relationship between
places and spatial coordinate systems. In each case, instances of the former have
persistent, socially attributed meanings, while the latter are arbitrary systems
for subdividing an abstract space. One approach to linking events to ranges
of time uses datatype properties, directly relating event instances with RDF
literals representing calendar dates (and thus typed using one of the date-related
XML Schema datatypes such as xsd:date or xsd:dateTime). Another approach
introduces a class for representing temporal intervals, and uses object properties
to link event instances with instances of this class. Temporal interval instances
can then be linked to calendar values using datatype properties.
ABC, CIDOC, and EO all take the second approach, with ABC and CIDOC
introducing classes for temporal intervals, and EO using the TemporalEntity
class from OWL-Time [5]. DUL allows both approaches: dates for an event can
be directly asserted using the hasEventDate datatype property, or the temporal
interval involved can be made explicit by instantiating the TimeInterval class
and linking an event instance to it using the isObservableAt object property.
The advantage of associating dates directly with events is simplicity: there
are fewer abstractions to deal with, and it is simple to filter or sort events using
standard date parsing and comparison routines. This also makes it simple to
export lists of events for visualization on a timeline. But the tradeoff for this
simplicity is an inability to express more complex relationships to time, such
as temporal intervals that do not coincide with date units, or uncertainty about
when precisely an event took place within some bounded temporal interval. This
is a problem for representing historical events.
By introducing classes for representing temporal intervals, one can use a
temporal calculus for reasoning about these more complex relationships. For
example, if the precise date of a historical event is not known but some bound-
aries can be established within which it must have occurred, the time between
these boundaries can be represented as a temporal interval, and a containment
relationship can be asserted between that interval and the (unknown) interval
during which the event occurred. The drawback to such an approach is that it
can be off-puttingly complex as it introduces a number of abstract entities. The
problem also arises of how to either mint URIs to identify these entities or deal
with the problems introduced by using blank nodes.
2.4 Events, Spaces and Places
Events can be linked to abstract temporal regions (Section 2.3) and to abstract
spatial regions or to semantically significant places. ABC, CIDOC and EO only
support linking to spatial regions. CIDOC provides a class (E53.Place) for “ex-
tent in space” to which events can be related via the P7.took place at property.
Instances of E53.Place may have names (E44.Place Appellation), but there
is no way to link an event to a place name except through a specific spatial ex-
tent. ABC’s Place class also emphasizes spatial location rather than meaningful
place. EO’s place property has a range of wgs84:SpatialThing, which is also
defined in terms of spatial extent.
Only DUL makes an explicit place/space distinction between Place and
SpaceRegion. An event instance can be related to a Place via the hasLocation
property, or related to a SpaceRegion via the hasRegion property. This is the
most flexible approach, as it allows one to make assertions about events that
occurred in places not easily resolvable to geospatial coordinate systems. For
example, scholars of ancient history may work with documents that do not dis-
tinguish between real and mythical events. These scholars may wish to indicate
that some event is recorded as having occurred at a mythical place. Similar prob-
lems are posed by contemporary events which may occur at virtual places such
as those found within massive multi-player online environments. In both cases
it is convenient to be able to associate events to such places without having to
specify geospatial coordinates for them. Furthermore, making a clear distinction
between named places and spatial regions enables one to deal properly with the
phenomenon of places changing their absolute spatial location over time.
2.5 Participation in Events
The event ontologies also provide properties for linking agents, such as people
and organizations, and the things involved in them.
Object Involvement in Events ABC defines two types of properties for relat-
ing an Event to a tangible thing (an Actuality in ABC parlance). The involves
property does not imply anything beyond simple involvement. The hasResult
property relates an Event to a tangible thing or attribute of a thing which ex-
ists as a result of that Event. ABC also defines various sub-properties of these
two properties that further specialize these meanings. For example destroys is
a specialization of involves implying that the involved Actuality ceased to
exist as a result of its involvement in the Event.
CIDOC defines a property P12.occurred in the presence of, which like
ABC’s involves relates an E5.Event to a E77.Persistent Item (endurant)
without committing to any implied role for that item beyond simple involve-
ment. P12.occurred in the presence of is the root of a hierarchy of proper-
ties expressing more specialized forms of involvement such as P25.moved and
P31.has modified. Unlike ABC’s Actuality, CIDOC’s E77.Persistent Item
encompasses not only tangible entities but also intangible concepts or ideas,
making CIDOC’s P12.occurred in the presence of a broader concept than
ABC’s involves. DUL defines a hasParticipant for relating an Event to an
Object. Like CIDOC’s E77.Persistent Item, DUL’s Object includes social
and mental objects as well as physical ones. EO’s factor property, having no
range defined, is similarly broad. EO also defines a product property that, like
ABC’s hasResult, links an Event to some thing that exists as a result of that
Agent Participation in Events ABC defines a hasPresence property for
weakly asserting that an agent was present at an event without implying that
the agent took an active role. It is specialized by the hasParticipant property,
which does imply an active or causal role for the agent. CIDOC’s equivalent
of ABC’s hasPresence is P11.had participant, and its equivalent of ABC’s
hasParticipant is P14.carried out by. DUL’s involvesAgent property is a
specialization of hasParticipant for relating an Event to an Agent. EO provides
the agent property for the same purpose.
F stands apart from the other ontologies in what it offers for modeling par-
ticipation. Using DUL, one can assert that a given object or agent participated
in an event. F uses the descriptions and situations (DnS) pattern[3] to enable a
further classification of this participation as an instance of some role-based class.
For example, using DUL one might state that the agents Brian Boru and M´ael
orda mac Murchada participated in the Battle of Clontarf. Using F, one can
further state that the Battle of Contarf is classified as a battle, that battles have
commanders, and that Brian and M´ael M´orda are classified as commanders.
CIDOC’s P14.1 in the role of property provides some support for classi-
fying an agent’s participation in an event as an instantiation of a particular role.
However, since it is defined as a property of the P14.carried out by property,
it requires the use of OWL Full. Furthermore, there does not seem to be a way
to associate roles with generic event schemas in the manner described above.
2.6 Events, Influence, Purpose and Causality
Event models vary in their approaches to modeling relations of causality, pur-
pose, or influence. Both EO and CIDOC provide properties for making broad
assertions linking events to any relevant thing (tangible or not). CIDOC de-
fines P15.was influenced by, while EO defines factor. EO does not distin-
guish between a thing’s participation in an event and a thing’s influence upon
an event, using the same property for both relations. Likewise, it seems that
the only difference between CIDOC’s P12.occurred in the presence of and
P15.was influenced by is whether the relevant thing was physically present
(and, by implication, a E77.Persistent Item). The only support that ABC
offers for making assertions about causality is the hasResult property.
In historical discourse there is often a lack of consensus about causality, pur-
pose, or influence. Thus simple properties like these are unlikely to be adequate
for modeling assertions about such relations. Here the F model’s DnS pattern
provides a more powerful and flexible modeling tool. Unlike the other models, F
takes the position that only other events can stand in causal relation to an event.
Rather than directly linking events via a property expressing causality, events
are included in an EventCausalitySituation. The EventCausalitySituation
includes not only the events being classified as the cause and the effect, but also
the theory under which causality is being asserted. Using the F model’s interpre-
tation pattern, one can assert that a given EventCausalitySituation is part
of a specific interpretation of an event. Thus multiple, potentially conflicting
causality relations can be asserted for the same set of events by specifying the
interpretive context in which the relations are made.
2.7 Events, Parts and Composition
Often, it is desirable to model an event Aas being part of some other event
B. While an event A’s being part of event Bimplies that event B’s timespan
contains event A’s timespan, event parthood is more than temporal contain-
ment. One may get married during the Olympics, but that does not make one’s
marriage part of the Olympics. Thus, event ontologies must distinguish between
mere temporal containment and mereological relationships between sub-events
and some greater event. Ontologies that make a distinction between temporal
spans and events can clearly distinguish between the two types of relationships.
CIDOC distinguishes between time-spans and periods/events, and provides
the P86.falls within property to express containment relations among time-
spans, and the P9.consists of property to express part-of relationships among
events. EO defines a sub event property, and ABC defines an isSubEventOf
property for expressing mereological relationships among events. Since ABC con-
ceptualizes events as sets of actions taken by specific agents, it also provides the
hasAction property for linking events to the actions they contain.
DUL defines two properties for linking events to sub-events: hasPart and
hasConstituent.hasPart can be used both for temporal containment relation-
ships such as “the 20th century contains year 1923” and for semantic relation-
ships such as “World War II included Pearl Harbour”. dul:hasConstituent
attempts to capture the notion that we sometimes model aspects of the world as
consisting of layers at different levels of abstraction, which are not strictly parts
of one another. Thus society is constituted of individual people, even though
you might not want to say that people are “parts” of society because people
and societies exist at different levels of abstraction. This distinction is useful
for events as well, as it allows us to describe a large and complex event like
the French Revolution as being constituted of many smaller events, even though
these smaller events may not be “parts” of the larger event in the same sense
that a set is part of a tennis match.
In keeping with its use of the DnS pattern, F enables one to define a high-
level description of how an event can be composed of smaller events. Specific
situations (i.e. specific groups of events) can then satisfy this description. This
allows one to simply describe the conditions under which an event is considered
to be part of another event, and infer parthood based on this description, rather
than requiring parthood to be explicitly asserted every time. For large events
that may contain large numbers of sub-events, this could be quite useful. And,
of course, F’s interpretation pattern allows for multiple, potentially conflicting
decompositions of the same event.
3 Towards a Linked Data Event Model
We propose a minimal model that encapsulates the most useful properties of the
models reviewed. Our goal is to enable interoperable modeling of the “factual”
aspects of events, where these can be characterized in terms of the four Ws:
What happened, Where did it happen, When did it happen, and Who was
involved. “Factual” relations within and among events are intended to represent
intersubjective “consensus reality” and thus are not necessarily associated with
a particular perspective or interpretation. Our model thus allows us to express
characteristics about which a stable consensus has been reached, whether these
are considered to be empirically given or rhetorically produced will depend on
one’s epistemological stance. We exclude properties for categorizing events or for
relating them to other events through parthood or causal relations. We believe
that these aspects belong to an interpretive dimension best handled through the
DnS approach of the F event model.
Table 3 shows the main properties of our model, aligned with approximately
equivalent properties from the models discussed above. For the actual equiv-
alence relations, see the ontology itself at
atTime P4.has time-span isObservableAt time atTime
P7.took place at place inSpace
inPlace hasLocation atPlace
involves P12.occurred in the presence of hasParticipant factor involved
hasPresence P11.had participant involvesAgent agent involvedAgent
Table 3. Excerpt of approximate mappings between properties from various event
Agentivity. Our model is agnostic with regard to judgements of aspect or
agentivity (see Section 2.2). Users are free to model historical or reported events
without taking a position on what has changed or where agency lies. This agnos-
ticism has consequences for mapping our Event class to those defined by other
models. We consider our Event class to be directly equivalent to those defined
by EO and DUL, as both of these are also agnostic with respect to aspect and
agentivity. Our event class is not equivalent to the E5.Event class, since CIDOC
defines E5.Event to exclude ongoing states, activities, or processes. Because we
wish to support the modeling of such static entities as events, we define our Event
class to be a subclass of CIDOC’s E2.TemporalEntity, which is the superclass
of E5.Event (via E4.Period) and E3.Condition State. Our Event class is a
subclass of E2.TemporalEntity because the latter is defined as “anything that
happens over a limited extent in time”, which is more general than the definition
we wish to give. Specifically, we want to restrict our definition to only include
those things happening over a limited extent in time that have been reported as
events by some agent, e.g. a historian or journalist.
Time. We link events to ranges of time via instances of a temporal interval
class. Like EO, we use TemporalEntity from OWL-Time as our temporal inter-
val class, so our atTime property is directly equivalent to EO’s time property.
atTime is a subclass of DUL’s isObservableAt property, as it restricts the do-
main of the latter to include only events. Likewise, atTime is a sub-property
of CIDOC’s P4.has time-span because it restricts the domain of the latter to
include only events (as we define them here) rather than any temporal entity
(recall that our event class is a subclass of CIDOC’s E2.TemporalEntity). We
also define atTime to be an OWL FunctionalProperty, meaning that an event
can be associated with at most one interval of time. Where there may be dis-
agreement about the interval of time associated with an event, this disagreement
should be modeled at an interpretive level beyond the scope of our model, and
the value of atTime should either be specified as the shortest temporal interval
that includes the conflicting interpretations, or left unspecified.
Space. We follow DUL in making an explicit distinction between abstract spa-
tial regions and semantically significant places. Our inSpace property relates
an event to some subjectively imposed spatial boundaries, i.e. a region of space.
Like atTime,inSpace is a FunctionalProperty, so an event can be related to
at most one such region of space. inSpace is a sub-property of DUL’s hasRegion
because it restricts its domain to include only events, not all entities, and because
it restricts its range to include only spatial regions, not any dimensional space. In
keeping with EO, we use SpatialThing from the Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long)
Vocabulary as our spatial region class, so our inSpace property is directly equiv-
alent to EO’s place property. Because our concept of an event is broader than
the one defined by the CIDOC CRM, inSpace is a super-property of CIDOC’s
P7.took place at. While the range of inSpace is an abstract spatial extent, it
is often desirable to express relationships to socially defined places. We define an
atPlace property to associate an event with some meaningful place(s), whether
or not it is possible to define spatial boundaries for those places. Unlike inSpace,
atPlace is not a FunctionalProperty, so an event can be related to any number
of places. atPlace is a sub-property of DUL’s hasLocation property, because
it restricts the latter such that the domain includes only events and the range
includes only places (not any entity).
Participation. Like DUL, we define a property for linking events to arbitrary
things (involved) and a single specialization of this property for linking events to
agents (involvedAgent). These two properties are directly equivalent to DUL’s
hasParticipant and involvesAgent, respectively. They are roughly equivalent
to CIDOC’s P12.occurred in the presence of and P11.had participant (though
not directly equivalent given our broader event concept). The mapping to EO
is more complicated. involved is more specific than EO’s factor property be-
cause it restricts the range of the latter to include only objects and not, for
example, “abstract causes.” But it is also more general, because it does not
imply (as factor does) a “passive” role for the involved object. Thus there is
no formal equivalence relationship stated between the two. involvedAgent is a
super-property of EO’s agent property because it generalizes the latter to in-
clude all relations to agents, whether or not their role is “active” or “passive.”
Judgments of activity or passivity are higher-level interpretations that go beyond
our goal of modeling only “factual” aspects.
Causality. Finally, as discussed above, our model contains no properties for
expressing relations of influence, purpose, or causality. Therefore, there are no
properties equivalent to CIDOC’s P15.was influenced by or EO’s factor. Sim-
ilarly, we provide no properties for expressing parthood relations among events.
We believe these higher-level interpretations are best handled via a layer of de-
scriptions and situations over the basic statements expressible using our model.
The F event model provides an exemplary blueprint.
4 Applications
For demonstrating the usefulness of our proposed model, we set up two experi-
ments. First, we extract events from Wikipedia timelines in order to test whether
we can represent these events accurately in the Web of Data (Section 4.1). Sec-
ond, we load existing instances of events represented according to the various
event models reviewed in this paper in order to test the interoperability we claim
our model brings (Section 4.2). We provide an interface for searching, browsing
and visualizing all these events at
4.1 Extracting Events from Wikipedia Timelines
The events found in Wikipedia timelines vary widely in scope and domain, mak-
ing them a good challenge for modeling. We also demonstrate that Wikipedia
timelines provide a source of structured data not yet tapped by projects such as
DBpedia7and Freebase8. Since timelines on related topics are spread throughout
Wikipedia, extracting their events and modeling them as linked data is useful
for enabling aggregated views of these events and for exploring related topics.
Timelines appear in Wikipedia in two major forms. Dedicated topic-specific
timeline articles, such as “Timeline of historic inventions”, take the form of a
list or table of events. As of October 2008, there were approximately 1000 such
articles in Wikipedia. The list or table of events is usually divided into tempo-
ral groups (e.g. September 1939 or 12th century) by subheadings. Each event
consists of (at a minimum) a date and a short description. The description gen-
erally contains words or phrases linked to other articles in the typical Wikipedia
manner. The second form of timeline found in Wikipedia is date-specific time-
line articles, such as “1996 in Ireland”. In addition to short lists of events in
the form described above, these articles usually also include some type-specific
lists of events such as births, deaths, and sporting events that took place in that
year. The most general form of this type of article is the “Year” article (e.g.
“1979”). Uses of a given year in any Wikipedia article are usually linked to the
corresponding “Year” article. Similarly, uses of a given day of the month (e.g.
“May 24”) are usually linked to the corresponding “Month Day” article. These
two types of article are highly mutually interlinked.
Date-specific timeline articles have a more standard format, making them
more amenable to the extraction of structured data. But the events in date-
specific timelines rarely have anything in common other than the year or day of
the month with which they are associated. Since we were interested in linking
events to one another via places, people, and other topics, we decided to focus
on topic-specific timeline articles. Unfortunately, the formats for topic-specific
timeline articles vary widely, making it difficult to create a generic parser and
scraper. Many topic-specific timelines add additional fields for each event. For
example, the “Timeline of Chinese history” includes a field for ruler or Emperor
as well as the standard date and description. Other timelines group events in
idiosyncratic ways, such as the “Timeline of punk rock” which categorizes the
events of each year into “Bands formed”, “Disbandments”, “Albums [released]”,
and “Singles [released]”. Furthermore, the timelines vary in the temporal granu-
larity of their events: while some timelines specify specific days for their events,
others only specify months or years. These variations illustrate how the structure
of events can vary according to the topical context and the need for a flexible
data model to accommodate them.
To populate instances of our event model, we wrote article-specific parsers
for a number of the most active timeline articles. The parsers identify individual
event entries within articles and from each entry extract the date and textual
description. The parsers also extract the article subheading under which each
entry appears for two reasons. First of all, the date specified in an entry is often
given relative to the subheading. For example, events listed under the subheading
September 1939 may only specify a day of the month, with the month and year
left implicit. Second, the subheadings provide a convenient means of linking back
to the specific article section from which the event was extracted.
After the article-specific extraction, we use the extracted dates and descrip-
tions to model our events. Dates are modeled using OWL-Time and linked to
the event using the atTime property. Links to other Wikipedia articles found
within the descriptions are used to identify other entities related to the event.
We use type ontologies from DBpedia to determine what type of relation to
create between an event and another entity. For example, if an event has the de-
scription “Canada declares war on Germany” and the word “Canada” is linked
to the Wikipedia article of the same name, we then look up the corresponding
resource in DBpedia ( and see what
types have been assigned to it. has the
type assigned to it, so we relate it to our
event with the atPlace property. If DBpedia does not assign any usable types
to the entity, we default to creating an involves relation.
Our initial set of events were extracted from four Wikipedia timelines:
“Timeline of World War II” provides seven year-specific timelines of global
events involving people at the granularity of single days.
“Timeline of Irish History” provides events from a single geographic location
spread over a wide temporal range, from the Stone Age to present day.
“Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks” provides a set of 147
very fine-grained events from a single day.
“Timeline of evolution” tested our ability to model very coarse-grained events
associated with times far in the past.
4.2 Interoperability with Legacy Event Collections
To evaluate the mappings between our model and other vocabularies, we com-
bined our Wikipedia events with two collections of events modeled using other
event vocabularies: the C4DM Event Ontology and the BIO9vocabulary for
biographical information. The goal was to be able to browse and view event de-
scriptions using Cliopatria, a generic semantic search web-server [12]. We defined
views and facets only in terms of our event model but rely on our mappings to
translate the legacy event collections to these views.
Congressional Biographies. The Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress
provides short biographical articles, as a series of statements describing life
events, on every member of the United States legislature from 1774 to the
present. The consistent structure allows simple extraction and modeling of events.
In earlier work 69,228 events were modeled using the BIO vocabulary.
The Emma Goldman Chronology. The Emma Goldman Papers editors
maintain a day-by-day chronology detailing where Emma Goldman and her as-
sociates were and what they were doing. This chronology serves as an internal
reference tool, allowing the editors to make inferences about when or where doc-
uments may have been produced and to check for inconsistencies in historical
accounts. Starting with a text document for the years 1910 through 1916, we
produced an RDF data set by parsing dates, geocoding place names, and dis-
ambiguating personal names by linking them to DBpedia. These 1,041 Emma
Goldman events were modeled using the C4DM Event Ontology.
Issues Mapping Between Vocabularies. To combine these legacy event col-
lections with our Wikipedia events we used the mappings defined between our
event model and the BIO and EO vocabularies. We found that our mappings were
not sufficient to achieve our goal of using a single generic view to browse all three
data sets, as there is not yet widespread support for the owl:equivalentClass
and owl:equivalentProperty predicates, upon which our mappings rely. How-
ever, we were able to achieve our goal by making additional mapping statements
using rdfs:subClass and rdfs:subProperty. These mappings enable us to
work with multiple event collections as a unified whole without re-modeling.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
There is a tremendous amount of timeline and chronology data on the web.
There is also increasing interest in mining descriptions of historical events from
narrative text, whether for temporal visualization of search results or for explo-
ration of archival records. Historians and journalists are increasingly interested
in presenting their work as structured data complementary to or in lieu of tradi-
tional narrative text. Yet, without some effort to bridge the various data models
being developed and employed within these various applications, it will remain
difficult to build the dense network of relations among them that could lead
to new discoveries or novel modes of experiencing historical narrative. In this
paper, we have presented a principled model for linking event-centric data that
draws upon a close analysis of existing event ontologies. Our initial investigations
show that it is useful for modeling a variety of timeline events and for mapping
between events modeled using other vocabularies.
A number of questions remain to be answered. We have argued that a
core event model should include only those relations about which a stable con-
sensus has been reached, leaving more interpretive relations to a higher-level,
application-specific models. But further application experience is needed be-
fore we can determine whether we have correctly identified those relations that
are intersubjectively stable, or whether (for example) participation relations are
interpretation-specific and ought to be moved outside the core model. A related
problem is the question of event identification. In the applications discussed
above, an event is identified with a single textual description. We have made no
attempt to map multiple textual descriptions to the “same” event identifier. The
reason for this is that it is not clear when (if ever) we should consider two textual
descriptions to be of the “same” event. If we consider (as many contemporary
philosophers of history do) events to be linguistic phenomena rather than ob-
jectively existing in the past, then there is no basis for arguing that two textual
descriptions of an event refer to the same thing. At best we could say that they
share a name, or that they refer to the same people, places, or spans of time.
On the other hand, we clearly would like to say that two descriptions of past
occurrences only differing in spelling or punctuation are the same event. These
are deep philosophical questions about the nature of events that will likely only
be answerable pragmatically, as we see which approaches are or are not useful
for specific applications.
In future work, we plan on finding and working with more event collections
modeled using the other ontologies discussed here, and putting these collections
to use in a variety of applications. Current applications in development include
event-centric searching and browsing of full-text historical scholarship, retrieval
and display of historical context for documents by querying for related events,
and interfaces for exploration, visualization, and comparison of events from a
particular period or region.
6 Acknowledgments
The research leading to this paper was supported by the European Commission
under contract FP6-027026, Knowledge Space of semantic inference for auto-
matic annotation and retrieval of multimedia content – K-Space, and by the
U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under a National Leadership
Grant for Libraries (award number LG-06-06-0037-06).
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... We then incorporated references from survey papers identified during the search or from other relevant sources, and included ontologies cited in the identified papers. Survey papers included surveys on narrative-centric ontologies [88] and event-centric ontologies [66,76,78]. We included only papers that presented a novel ontology relevant for representing a narrative graph, with inclusion criteria determined through abstract review. ...
... [19] pro-poses a model based on Drammar [50] and DOLCE-LITE to represent actions motivated by heroes in the literature. Event-centric ontologies encompass diverse domains such as: SEO [26] for scientific events, CIDOC-CRM [21] and EDM [23] for cultural heritage, SEM [87], LODE [78], ABC [48], EO [71], EC [45] and E [92] for more generic usages. CIDOC-CRM [21] is widely used for the cultural heritage domain, and several other ontologies have since been derived from, such as FRBR [62] for bibliographic records. ...
... One part of the ontologies that specify the notion of an event is the upper level and is independent of the domain (e.g., BFO [48], UFO [50], DOLCE [51], SUMO [52]). The other part is designed to address specific event-related tasks (Event Ontology [6], Simple Event Model [7], Event Model F [53], and LODE [54]). The suitability of these ontologies for intended eventrelated tasks was evaluated in [55]- [57]. ...
... LODE [54] is an ontology created to store historical events. Specifically, the ontology is restricted to only including events that happen over a limited time and that have been reported as events by some agent, for example, a historian or journalist. ...
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The performance characteristics and certain maintenance aspects of a natural language querying (NLQ) interface depend on how the data model is conceptualized. One of the areas where alternative conceptualizations are available is events and their specialization. The concept of event specialization is already known from event extraction methods, which allows for a more precise description of the events identified in a text. In the context of NLQ interfaces, event specialization allows narrower or broader questions. This study investigates how the choice of event specialization strategy in OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontologies affects the complexity and performance-related aspects of the NLQ interface to ontologies. In this paper, we present four event specialization strategies and investigate how they impact the size of the ontology schema and vocabulary of the NLQ interface, the performance of querying and data import, the size of the semantic repository, and the complexity of SPARQL queries. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and present recommendations on determining the best one for the needs of NLQ interface end-users and developers.
... Of course, even this broad definition is insufficient because it indicates the static nature of the event, such as a birth or a death, and does not express a time span, as it would be required to describe the First World War. Of course, each ontology serves a specific purpose (historical, journalistic, cultural, etc.), so the term evolution inevitably reflects a particular perspective on reality [21]. ...
... According show Finally, the Event entity's case is more complicated. According to Shaw and Larson [20] and Shaw et al. [21], who map ontologies that revolve around the description of the Event as a central entity and attempt a comparative overview of these ontologies, the term Event has a similar, but broader meaning and different weight in performing arts ontologies (Table 6). to the above, Performance is an Event, and indeed an Action, as it implies the participation of action agents. Indeed, ontologies such as FRBROO and those based on its structure (SPA, LDF) rank the term below the CIDOC CRM E7 Activity term, also being a subcategory of the corresponding Event entity. ...
The performing arts domain, addressing the ephemeral nature of its main study subject, the performance, calls upon Digital Humanities' techniques to document, record and analyse the performative event, thus offering a new perspective to research and education. In this context, many digital projects have been completed, including digitising art archives, creating databases of art productions and developing metadata schemas and conceptual models. The study of these efforts revealed a need for a universal and comprehensive way of documenting performance. This article, which benefitted from the experience gained thus far in the performing arts in the digital world, attempts to unify the domain's acquired knowledge and organise it in an ontology. While the overall success of such a project proved to be greater than the scope of this research, we propose a core ontology for the performing arts, which has the potential to evolve in the future.
... The ontology was intended to describe performances, compositions, recordings, or sound generation. Nevertheless, its generality fostered its adoption making EO the most used event ontology in the Linked Data community [59]. ...
... The Linked Open Descriptions of Events (LODE) is an RDFS vocabulary that aims at unifying existing event ontologies, such as the Event Ontology. LODE represents only facts using the 4W framework, i.e., What, When, Where and Who [59]. Frappe is a vocabulary for spatio-temporal streaming data analytics. ...
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Streaming Linked Data represents a domain within the Semantic Web dedicated to incorporating Stream Reasoning capabilities into the Semantic Web stack to address dynamic data challenges. Such applied endeavours typically necessitate a robust data modelling process. To this end, RDF Stream Processing (RSP) engines frequently utilize OWL 2 ontologies to facilitate this requirement. Despite the rich body of research on Knowledge Representation (KR), even concerning time-sensitive data, a notable gap exists in the literature regarding a comprehensive survey on KR techniques tailored for Streaming Linked Data. This paper critically overviews the key ontologies employed in RSP applications, evaluating their data modelling and KR abilities specifically for Streaming Linked Data contexts. We analyze these ontologies through three distinct KR perspectives: the conceptualization of streams as Web resources, the structural organization of data streams, and the event modelling within the streams. An analytical framework is introduced for each perspective to ensure a thorough and equitable comparison and deepen the understanding of the surveyed ontologies.
... The SMEM ontology [88] integrates information created by users on social media platforms to the information level of emergency services. The LODE and Material Resource ontologies are used by researchers to express descriptions of events and media scraped from social media websites [89]. The BBC ontology is utilized to capture domain information and augment the semantics of Twitter by providing specific conceptual representations of items that exist in the tweets [90]. ...
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This doctoral thesis embarks on an exploration of semantic interoperability within Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled environments, with a keen focus on the design, development, and evaluation of the Semantic Social Network of Things Middleware (S2NeTM) and the associated ontology. S2NeTM embraces the Social IoT (SIoT) paradigm which is an innovative approach where IoT devices form network relationships akin to human social interactions, aiming to improve collective functionality and redefining IoT interactions based on shared goals. A thorough literature review navigated the intricate landscape of semantic interoperability solutions, meticulously identifying gaps and challenges across crucial smart city domains such as transportation, eHealth, and smart homes. A unique contribution of this thesis is the introduction of a novel semantic interoperability maturity level assessment framework. This framework offers a structured perspective for evaluating existing smart city semantic interoperability solutions, as well as the proposed middleware. The evaluation criteria encompass modeling aspects, scalability, availability, real-world use cases, and implementation status. S2NeTM functions as the intermediate layer situated between the data collection infrastructure and the diverse applications and services that leverage SIoT capabilities. It comprises an array of components infused with semantic capabilities, including semantic annotation, ontology alignment, and semantic reasoning, to enhance communication and collaboration within an SIoT ecosystem. S2NeTM leverages FIWARE components in its implementation to provide a standardized, open-source framework that ensures interoperability and scalability across different IoT platforms and devices. By offering endpoints and APIs, S2NeTM empowers developers to create new applications and enhance the capabilities of existing ones, thus contributing to the evolution of smart city services through semantic means. A key pillar of the S2NeTM is its semantic model, encapsulated in the S2NeTM ontology, serving as a structured knowledge representation framework for enhancing semantic interoperability in smart city applications. This ontology fosters shared understanding and interaction among diverse entities while introducing dynamic reasoning mechanisms to forge new relationships. It encompasses a wide array of SIoT attributes, encapsulating the diverse data originating from IoT devices, open data sources, and crowdsensing networks, along with the intricate relationships between these data types. In addition, the thesis provides an in-depth presentation of two proof-of-concept applications. These applications serve as tangible demonstrations of the usefulness and applicability of S2NeTM and its associated ontology, effectively showcasing their capacity to address semantic interoperability requirements. Furthermore, they underscore S2NeTM’s role in facilitating the development of smart and collaborative IoT-based solutions across a variety of application domains within smart city environments. The first application, which is called ‘Green Route’, utilizes the S2NeTM to provide commuters with sustainable routing alternatives, thereby promoting efficient traffic management and ecological sustainability. The second application targets healthcare, specifically focusing on the detection of health problems in patients with dementia. The S2NeTM is comprehensively evaluated through three distinct approaches: firstly, by assessing its alignment with the fundamental requirements of a Semantic SIoT Middleware; secondly, by evaluating its placement within the proposed semantic interoperability maturity assessment framework; and thirdly, through empirical data that reflect the performance of its key services, namely Semantic Annotation, Semantic Reasoning, and Context Management. The results of the performed experiments highlight S2NeTM's positive performance and capabilities in various aspects, including data processing, storage, and query efficiency.
... The general event ontology model has a high level of abstraction, does not rely on domain features, and focuses on the basic elements, semantic relationships, and hierarchical structure required for event representation, such as the simple event model (SEM) [2], the International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums-Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC-CRM) [31], F [32], ABC [33] and the event ontology model proposed by Liu et al. [10]. The semantic linkoriented event ontology model is an intermediate model with a simple design and fewer constraints that relies on linking external vocabularies or other event ontologies to improve the expression content, such as event ontology (EO) [34] and linking open descriptions of events (LODE) [35]. In addition, many scholars design ontologies based on domain event characteristics and business needs [4,36,37]. ...
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An event is an important medium for recording, expressing, and understanding the real world. Additionally, a data model can provide a digital and structured description method for the real world. Therefore, studying event data models is highly important for describing the real world. By analyzing the representational categories of the existing event data models, the representation of existing event models was found to have different emphases and not be sufficiently balanced, and the universality and comprehensiveness need to be improved. Therefore, based on the advantages of the ontological event model in expressing semantic information and the advantages of the object-event-based spatiotemporal data model in expressing entity multidimensional characteristics and dynamic processes, a spatiotemporal entity-based event data model and the modeling method were designed to provide model support for event organization and processing. Additionally, the Long March and its important battles were selected as case studies to validate the proposed model. The validation shows that the proposed model performs well in terms of event dynamics, hierarchical structure, and complex interrelationships.
... This division of time allows us to represent what happens to patients as a set of actions that follow one another, overlap or coincide in time. We have modeled time as events based on the event-based models [9], [10]. An Event represents any action that happens to a patient during hospitalization and places this action at a specific time and space. ...
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Nosocomial infections are a great source of concern for healthcare organizations. The spatial layout of hospitals and the movements of patients play significant roles in the spread of outbreaks. However, the existing models are ad-hoc for a specific hospital and research topic. This work shows the design of a data model to study the spread of infections among hospital patients. Its spatial dimension describes the hospital layout with several levels of detail, and the temporal dimension describes everything that happens to the patients in the form of events, which can relate to the spatial dimension. The model is meant to be sufficiently general to fit any hospital layout and to be used for different epidemiological research topics. We proved the model's suitability by defining six queries based on patients' movements and contacts that could assist in several epidemiological research tasks, such as discovering potential transmission routes. The model was implemented as an RDF* knowledge graph, and the queries were in SPARQL*. Finally, we designed two experiments in which two outbreaks of Clostridium difficile were analyzed using several queries (four in the first experiment and two in the second) on a knowledge graph (105,000 nodes, 185,000 edges) with synthetic data.
This paper explores the representation of geospatial knowledge within narratives through a Semantic Web approach. We introduce the NOnt+Space (NOnt+S) model, an extension of the CIDOC CRM-based Narrative Ontology, which allows the representation of narratives and their geospatial aspects. By leveraging standards such as CRMgeo and GeoSPARQL, NOnt+S ensures systematic and interoperable geospatial representation in narratives, enabling geospatial queries on knowledge graphs. We present an assessment of NOnt+S utilising data from the H2020 MOVING European project (2021-2024), which collected knowledge about European mountain value chains intended as Cultural Heritage. We have represented this knowledge as geospatial narratives using NOnt+S. GeoSPARQL queries and semantic reasoning applied to the created KG reveal the ontology ability to infer new geospatial knowledge. Our work contributes to the ongoing efforts in the Semantic Web community to integrate and represent geospatial information within narratives, promoting collaboration and interoperability across various scientific domains.
Modelling the knowledge behind human experiences is a complex process: it should take into account, among others, the activities performed, human observations and the documentation of the evidence. To represent this knowledge in a declarative way means to support data interoperability in the context of cultural heritage artefacts, as linked datasets on experience documentation have started to appear. With this objective in mind, we describe a study based on an ontology design pattern for modelling experiences through observations, which are considered indirect evidence of a mental process (i.e., the experience). This pattern highlights the structural differences between types of experiential documentation, such as diaries and social media, providing a guideline for the comparability between different domains and for supporting the construction of heterogeneous datasets based on an epistemic compatibility. We have performed not only a formal evaluation over the pattern but also an assessment through a series of case studies. This approach includes (a) the analysis of interoperability among two case studies (reading through social media and historical sources); (b) the development of an ontology for collecting evidences of reading, which reuses the proposed pattern; and (c) the inspection of experience in humanities datasets.
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This paper presents the methodology that has been successfully employed over the past 7 years by an interdisciplinary team to create the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), a high-level ontology to enable information integration for cultural heritage data and their correlation with library and archive information. The CIDOC CRM is now in the process to become an ISO standard. This paper justifies in detail the methodology and design by functional requirements and gives examples of its contents. The CIDOC CRM analyses the common conceptualizations behind data and metadata structures to support data transformation, mediation and merging. It is argued that such ontologies are property-centric, in contrast to terminological systems, and should be built with different methodologies. It is demonstrated that ontological and epistemological arguments are equally important for an effective design, in particular when dealing with knowledge from the past in any domain. It is assumed that the presented methodology and the upper level of the ontology are applicable in a far wider domain.
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Bridging the gap between low-level features and semantics is a problem commonly acknowledged in the Multimedia community. Event modeling can fill the gap. In this paper we present the Simple Event Model (SEM) and its application in a Maritime Safety and Security use case about Situational Awareness. We show how we abstract over low-level features, recognize simple behavior events using a Piecewise Linear Segmentation algorithm, and model the events as instances of SEM. We apply deduction rules, spatial proximity reasoning, and semantic web reasoning in SWI-Prolog to derive abstract events from the recognized simple events. The use case described in this paper come from the Dutch Poseidon project.
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Linking digital resources that refer to the same people or places is becoming common. Events are another kind of entity that might be used to link resources in this way. We examine a number of standards for encoding of archival, historical, genealogical, and news information to compare the tools they offer for representing events.
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The Semantic Web is a powerful vision that is getting to grips with the challenge of providing more human-oriented web services. Hence, reasoning with and across distributed, partially implicit assumptions (contextual knowledge), is a milestone. Ontologies are a primary means to deploy the Semantic Web vision, but few work has been done on them to manage the context-dependency of Web knowledge. In this paper we introduce an ontology for representing a variety of reified contexts and states of affairs, called D&S, currently implemented as a plug-in to the DOLCE foundational ontology, and its application to two cases: an ontology for communication situations and roles, and an ontology for peer-to-peer communication. The reified contexts represented in D&S have a rich structure, and are a middleware between full-fledged formal contexts and theories, and the often poor vocabularies implemented in Web ontologies.
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For easing the exchange of news, the International Press Telecommunication Council (IPTC) has developed the NewsML Architecture (NAR), an XML-based model that is specialized into a number of languages such as NewsML G2 and EventsML G2. As part of this architecture, specific controlled vocabularies, such as the IPTC News Codes, are used to categorize news items together with other industry-standard thesauri. While news is still mainly in the form of text-based stories, these are often illustrated with graphics, images and videos. Media-specific metadata formats, such as EXIF, DIG35 and XMP, are used to describe the media. The use of different metadata formats in a single production process leads to interoperability problems within the news production chain itself. It also excludes linking to existing web knowledge resources and impedes the construction of uniform end-user interfaces for searching and browsing news content. In order to allow these different metadata standards to interoperate within a single information environment, we design an OWL ontology for the IPTC News Architecture, linked with other multimedia metadata standards. We convert the IPTC NewsCodes into a SKOS thesaurus and we demonstrate how the news metadata can then be enriched using natural language processing and multimedia analysis and integrated with existing knowledge already formalized on the Semantic Web. We discuss the method we used for developing the ontology and give rationale for our design decisions. We provide guidelines for re-engineering schemas into ontologies and formalize their implicit semantics. In order to demonstrate the appropriateness of our ontology infrastructure, we present an exploratory environment for searching and browsing news items.
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Facet browsing has become popular as a user friendly inter- face to data repositories. The Semantic Web raises new challenges due to the heterogeneous character of the data. First, users should be able to select and navigate through facets of resources of any type and to make selections based on properties of other, semantically related, types. Sec- ond, where traditional facet browsers require manual configuration of the software, a semantic web browser should be able to handle any RDFS dataset without any additional configuration. Third, hierarchical data on the semantic web is not designed for browsing: complementary tech- niques, such as search, should be available to overcome this problem. We address these requirements in our browser, /facet. Additionally, the interface allows the inclusion of facet-specific display options that go be- yond the hierarchical navigation that characterizes current facet brows- ing. /facet is a tool for Semantic Web developers as an instant interface to their complete dataset. The automatic facet configuration generated by the system can then be further refined to configure it as a tool for end users. The implementation is based on current Web standards and open source software. The new functionality is motivated using a scenario from the cultural heritage domain.
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Semantic descriptions of non-textual media available on the web can be used to facilitate retrieval and presentation of media assets and documents containing them. While technologies for multimedia semantic descriptions already exist, there is as yet no formal description of a high quality multimedia ontology that is compatible with existing (semantic) web technologies. We explain the complexity of the problem using an annotation scenario. We then derive a number of requirements for specifying a formal multimedia ontology before we present the developed ontology, COMM, and evaluate it with respect to our requirements. We provide an API for generating multimedia annotations that conform to COMM.
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In cultural heritage, large virtual collections are coming into existence. Such collections contain heterogeneous sets of metadata and vocabulary concepts, originating from multiple sources. In the context of the E-Culture demonstrator we have shown earlier that such virtual collections can be eectively explored with keyword search and semantic clustering. In this paper we describe the design rationale of ClioPatria, an open-source system which provides APIs for scalable semantic graph search. The use of ClioPatria's search strategies is illustrated with a realistic use case: searching for "Picasso". We discuss details of scalable graph search, the required OWL reasoning functionalities and show why SPARQL queries are insucient for solving the search problem.
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Our demonstration system consists of a set of tools for identifying life events in biographical texts and linking them to relevant contextual resources.