Conference Paper

Specification and Derivation of OSI Conformance Test Suites.

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This paper focuses on the process of generating test suites for conformance testing. It aims to formalize the stages that go from a formal specification, through test purpose definition, into a test suite. We shall provide a language to formalize test purposes, and an algorithm that permits to merge the reference specification, plus the test purposes, to yield a test suite, that is classified according to purposes and is guaranteed to be correct and complete with respect to the reference specification, for the desired test purposes. The automation of these stages by means of tools will permit an easier maintenance of the test suite throughout product life cycle, keeping the test consistent to the evolution of the specification, and still classified according to purposes. Human work is limited to the identification of test purposes, and there is no room for errors in the test suite.

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... There have been several research works referring test purposes. It is considered that [2] and [3] are the first works to exploit the area of applying test purposes to automatic generation of test cases. They suggested the possibility of appilying test purposes with their own formalization method in generating test cases but did not show a general framework for applying test purposes. ...
... At this point, we can generate subgraph from the combined graph (combined graph is the combination of CFG and OFG). [2] shows this case. (+) Most existing test case generation method such as VIO, 0 and W methods assume graphical form of protocol specification. ...
... Example TP : Test ruT's ability of succesful connection establishment, that is, after applying 'ICONreq', confmn whether 'ICONconf is received or not. 8.ID (2).reset = 7.8. ...
Since the generating test cases from the specification is a difficult work, formal methods of generating test cases are being discussed in the Formal Methods in Conformance Testing(FMCT) groups. One of the real problems in generating test cases automatically is that the problem size is too big to be applied to the actual protocol. In this paper, we suggest a framework for applying test purposes in various stages of formal specification represesentation, which eventually reduces the problem size of a protocol. For this framework, we have presented three stages: extraction, formalization, and application. A GID-based method is applied to this framework.
... For the second part, the generation of test cases from the original system specification was very slow due to the great amount of states and transitions involved (c.f.Table 4). Instead of that, we used the technique described in [28] that provides a language to formalize test purposes, and an algorithm that permits to merge the reference specification, plus the test purposes, to yield a test suite. The obtained test suite is consistent with the purposes defined, and is guaranteed to be correct and complete with respect to the reference specification. ...
Conference Paper
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We propose an approach to testing that combines formal methods with practical criteria, close to the testing engineer's experience. It can be seen as a framework to evaluate and select test suites using formal methods, assisted by informal heuristics. This proposal is illustrated with a practical case study: the testing of a protocol for mobile auctions in a distributed, wireless environment.
... In 1991, Robles, Mafias and Huecas [Rob90] developed a Test Conformance Derivation and Execution methodology based on ISO-9646. ...
Conference Paper
In December 1996, a project called LVARTS was finished and delivered to the ESA. The goal was to validate a real system, namely ATAC, an ADA coprocessor chip, running on a real board. The system was big enough to develop specific methodologies and tools, which are described in this paper. LOTOS was chosen to formally specify ATAC. The formal specification was used to produce test cases that were executed against the chip, after a completion process to obtain executable test cases.
Conference Paper
Test case derivation and test verdicts specification in respect to given test purposes are an important issue in conformance testing. Since test purposes are commonly expressed in an informal way an automation of this process is not possible. In this paper, we show how this process can be automated for restricted classes of test purposes using a knowledge-based approach. Our approach is founded on a partial formalization of the test purposes that permits an automated derivation of test cases and the deduction of test verdicts. The adaptation of test cases to a given test method is also addressed. An example that illustrates the approach is given.
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