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POSTECH at TREC 2009 Blog Track: Top Stories
Yeha Lee, Hun-young Jung, Woosang Song, and Jong-Hyeok Lee
Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pohang University of Science and Technology
San 31, Hyoja-Dong, Nam-Gu, Pohang, 790–784, Republic of Korea
Abstract. This paper describes our participation in the TREC 2009 Blog Track.
Our system consists of the query likelihood component and the news headline
prior component, based on the language model framework. For the query likeli-
hood, we propose several approaches to estimate the query language model and
the news headline language model. We also suggest two approaches to choose the
10 supporting relevant posts: Feed-Based Selection and Cluster-Based Selection.
Furthermore, we propose two criteria to estimate the news headline prior for a
given day. Experimental results show that using the prior significantly improves
the performance of the task.
1 Introduction
Blog track explores information seeking behavior in the blogosphere. Compared with
previous Blog track, the Blog track 2009 aims to investigate more refined and complex
search scenarios in the blogosphere. In TREC 2009, the Blog track has two main tasks:
Faceted Blog Distillation Task and Top Stories Identification Task.
Among two tasks, we participate in the Top Stories Identification Task. The Top
Stories Identification Task is a new pilot search task addressing the news dimension in
the blogosphere. Query of this task is a date “query”. For a given date query, a system
should rank news headlines according to their importance on the given day. Further-
more, for each headline, the system should provide 10 supporting blog posts which
are relevant to and discuss the news story headline. To achieve this, the system will be
provided with news headline corpus and the Blogs08 corpus, and could use external
For the Top Stories Identification Task, our approach consists of two steps: the pre-
processing step and the news headline ranking step. In the preprocessing step, HTML
tags and non-relevant contents, provided by blog providers such as site description and
menus, are removed. In the news headline ranking step, we make two language mod-
els, the date query language model and the headline language model, and estimate the
probability that each news headline will be the top story.
2 Preprocessing Step
TREC Blog08 collection contains permalinks, feed files and blog homepages. We only
used the permalink pages for the top stories identification task. The permalinks are en-
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POSTECH at TREC 2009 Blog Track: Top Stories Identification 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER
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Proceedings of the Eighteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2009) held in Gaithersburg, Maryland,
November 17-20, 2009. The conference was co-sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Advanced
Research and Development Activity (ARDA).
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coded by HTML, and there are many different styles of permalinks. Beside the relevant
textual parts, the permalinks contain many non-topical or non-relevant contents such as
HTML tags, advertisements, site descriptions, and menus.
The non-relevant contents consist of many different types of blog templates which
may be provided from commercial blog service venders. We used the DiffPost algo-
rithm [5,7] to deal with the non-relevant contents.
To preprocess the Blog08 corpus, we firstly discarded all HTML tags, and applied
DiffPost algorithm to remove non-relevant contents. DiffPost segments each document
into lines using the carriage return as a separator. DiffPost tries to compare sets of lines,
and then regards the intersection of sets as the non-content information.
For example, let Piand Pjbe blog posts within the same blog feed. Let Siand Sjbe
the sets of lines correspond to Piand Pj, respectively.
NoisyInformation(Pi,Pj) = Si∩Sj(1)
We discarded non-relevant contents through the set difference between a document
and noisy-information. Finally, we removed stopwords from the content results of the
DiffPost algorithm.
3 News Headline Ranking Step
The Top Stories Identification Task aims to find important news headlines for a given
date query. Let Hbe news headline and Qbe a date query. To estimate the importance
of news headline on a date query, we used a language model framework, widely used
for many information retrieval tasks.
| {z }
That is, we assume that for a given date query the importance of news headlines can
be estimated using the probability that a query language model generates each news
headline. We evaluate each component using only Blog08 corpus and news headline
corpus without resorting to any external resources.
3.1 The Query Likelihood
For the query likelihood, we should estimate two language models, the Query Language
Model (QLM) and the News Headline Language Model (NHLM). Both language mod-
els are estimated using the contents of blog posts.
The Query Language Model We gather blog posts between -3 and +7 days for a given
query (date query). We believe that if a news headline is important on a given day, many
blog posts relevant to the news topic were posted near the day.
The gathered documents contain not only the information relevant to the news topic
but also background information or non-relevant topics. We assume that the documents
are generated by a mixture model of the QLM and the collection language model. Let
QD ={d1,d2,···,dn}be the documents between -3 and +7 days for a given query.
P(QD) = ∏
((1−λ)P(w|θQLM) + λP(w|θC))c(w;di)(3)
where θQLM is a query language model, P(w|θC) = ct fw
|C|:ct fw is the number of times
term woccurred in the entire collection, |C|is the length of the collection, c(w;di)is
the count of a word win a document diand λis a weighting parameter 1.
Then, we can estimate θQLM using the EM algorithm [1]. The EM updates for
P(w|λQLM)are as follows:
(1−λ)Pn(w|θQLM) + λPn(w|θC)(4)
Pn+1(w|θQLM) = ∑n
The News Headline Language Model To learn the NHLM, for each news headline,
we first retrieved blog posts relevant to its topic. We evaluate the relevance between a
news headline Hand a blog post dusing the KL-divergence language model [4] with
Dirichlet smoothing [8].
Score(H,d) = −∑
wP(w|H)log P(w|H)
where P(w|H)is the maximum likelihood estimates of the news headline, and P(w|d) =
|d|+µd:µdis a smoothing parameter 2.
We gather only blog posts between -7 and +28 days for a given date query among
the search results. We then choose 10 supporting relevant posts. When selecting 10
supporting posts, we want them to capture diverse aspects or opinions relevant to the
news story. To achieve this, we propose two different approaches.
One is the Feed-Based Selection (FBS) that selects supporting relevant posts based
on feed information which belongs to them. This approach selects 10 supporting rele-
vant posts from as various blog feeds as it possible. To this end, we choose at most two
blog posts from each blog feed according to their relevance scores from Eq. 6.
The other is the Cluster-Based Selection (CBS) which first groups search results
into 10 clusters and chooses one representative document from each cluster. To cluster
search results, we use K-Medoid clustering algorithm [3], and J-Divergence [6] as the
distance function.
J(di||dJ) = ∑
wp(w|θi)log p(w|θi)
wp(w|θj)log p(w|θj)
1In our runs, we set λ=0.7
2In our runs, we set µd=1000
We estimate the NHLM using the maximum likelihood estimate of the 10 support-
ing relevant posts and the Dirichlet smoothing [8].
Let θNHLM and θCbe the NHLM and the collection language model, respectively.
Let SD be a set of the 10 supporting relevant posts.
P(w|θNHLM) = c(w;SD) + µP(w|θC)
where c(w;SD)is the count of a word win the document set SD and µis a smoothing
parameter 3.
The Score Function To evaluate the query likelihood, we use KL-divergence language
model [4] to rank news headlines in response to a given date query.
Let ScoreQLH(Q,H)be the relevance score of the news headline Hwith respect to
a given date query Q.
ScoreQLH(Q,H) = ∑
wP(w|θQLM)logP(w|θNHLM ) + const(Q)(9)
3.2 The News Headline Prior
We propose two criteria to estimate the news headline prior that it will be a top story
for a given day. We consider these criteria as the priors of a news headline in that they
are independent of the query language model.
The Temporal Profiling The Temporal Profiling criterion uses time information of
blog posts relevant to each news headline. We made a temporal profile of each news
headline using a temporal profiling approach that Diaz and Jones [2] proposed. The
temporal profile of the news headline His defined as follows:
P(t|H) = ∑
where Ris the document set which contains top 500 blog posts among the search results
from Eq. 6, and P(H|d)is approximated using Score(H,d), and
P(t|d) = 1 if tis equal to the document date
0 otherwise
We then smooth the temporal profile P(t|H)using the background model as follows:
P(t|H) = (1−α)P(t|H) + αP(t|C)(11)
where αis a smoothing parameter and P(t|C) = 1
|D|∑d∈CP(t|d):|D|is the total number
of documents in the entire collection.
3We set µ=2000
This temporal profile is defined at each single day. However, the blog posts about the
important news story may occur over a period of several days. Therefore, we smooth
the temporal profile model with the model for adjacent days. Let ScoreTP(H)be the
value of a news headline estimated using the temporal profile of the news headline.
ScoreTP(Q,H) = 1
where φindicates the period 4.
The Term Importance The Term Importance criterion uses term information of each
news headline. We believe that respective terms have a different importance for a given
date query. If a headline consists of more important terms, it is more likely to be a top
story. For example, a headline consisted of common words or stopwords may not a top
To estimate the term-based evidence, we first extracted all NP phrases from each
news headline using Stanford Parser 5. We then gathered all n-gram (n≤3) from NP
phrases. We evaluate the importance of the n-gram terms using two heuristic measures.
One is term frequency measure that is naive, but widely used in the many IR tasks.
Intuitively, if a term occurs frequently at a query date, it is more likely to be important.
Let nt be n-gram term and TF(nt,Q)be a term frequency measure for a date query Q.
TF(nt,Q) = log(1+c(nt;Q)) (13)
where c(nt;Q)means the count of a term nt within the news headlines that are issued
at the same date with a given date query Q.
The other is distribution within the news headline corpus. We believe that if a
term occurrence is concentrated at a query date, it is more likely to be important.
Let DI(nt,Q)be the measure of the term distribution for a date query Q. We define
DI(nt,Q)as follows:
DI(nt,Q) = c(nt;Q)
where Tindicate a set of days corresponding to timespan covered by the news headline
Let ScoreTI(Q,H)be the value of a news headline evaluated based on the term-
based evidence.
ScoreTI(Q,H) = max
nt (TF(nt,Q)×DI(nt,Q)) (15)
4In our runs, the period φis between -3 and +7 days from the query day Q
Run MAP P@10
KLEFeed 0.0132 0.0345
KLECluster 0.0182 0.0600
KLEFeedPrior 0.1548 0.2800
KLEClusPrior 0.1605 0.2964
Table 1. The performances based on the headlines relevance judgments only
Run NDCG-alpha@10 intent-aware P@10
KLEFeed 0.066 0.023
KLECluster 0.098 0.037
KLEFeedPrior 0.504 0.162
KLEClusPrior 0.409 0.117
Table 2. The performances based on the blog-post level evaluation
3.3 The Ranking Fuction
From above steps, we can get three scores related to the importance of the news head-
line. To rank the news headlines, we should combine the score of the query-likelihood
with two measures for the headline prior. However, each score has different scale.
Therefore, a value of each score is scaled from 0 to 1. Finally, our ranking function
is as follows:
Score(H,Q) = (1−β1)ScoreQLH(Q,H)
+β1{(1−β2)ScoreTP(Q,H) + β2ScoreT I (Q,H)}(16)
where β1is the weighting parameter that controls the importance between the query
likelihood and the headline prior components, and β2controls the weight between two
evidences for the headline prior.
4 Runs
In the Top Stories Identification Task, we submitted 4 runs as follows:
1. KLEFeed chooses 10 supporting blog posts using the FBS to estimate the NHLM,
and does not use the news headline prior, that is, β1=0.
2. KLECluster chooses 10 supporting blog posts using the CBS to estimate the NHLM,
and does not use the news headline prior.
3. KLEFeedPrior chooses 10 supporting blog posts using the FBS to learn the NHLM,
and uses the news headline prior with β1=0.7,β2=0.2.
4. KLEClusPrior chooses 10 supporting blog posts using the CBS to learn the NHLM,
and uses the news headline prior with β1=0.7,β2=0.2.
Table 1 and 2 shows the performances of our runs based on the headlines relevance
judgments only and based on the blog-post level evaluation, respectively.
5 Conclusions
We have described our participation in the TREC 2009 Blog Track. For Top Stories
Identification Task, we presented two components: the query likelihood and the news
headline prior, based on the language model framework. To evaluate the query likeli-
hood, we estimated the query language model and the news headline language model
using the contents of blog posts. We also proposed two methods to choose the 10 sup-
porting blog posts for each news headline: FBS and CBS. Furthermore, we suggested
two criteria to estimate the news headline prior. One is Temporal Profiling criterion that
uses time information of blog posts relevant to each headline. The other is Term Im-
portance criterion that uses term information of a news headline. Experimental results
show that using the news headline prior significantly improves the performance.
6 Acknowledgement
This work was supported in part by MKE & IITA through IT Leading R&D Support
Project and also in part by the BK 21 Project in 2009.
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