... These data can be observed in Table 1. [69], [68], [15], [80], [28], [29], [54], [1], [76], [82], [5], [4], [43], [75], [34], [39], [6], [18], [21], [65], [81], [46], [57], [53], [13] , [59], [32] Culture Benefits of opening data are not recognized; People are not willing to associate open data publication with their work routine [67], [80], [28], [76], [43], [39], [21], [65], [81], [13], [31], [32], [16], [27], [40], Economic Relatively High Costs [15], [28], [54], [43], [46], [53], [13], [77], [49], [60], [61], [7], [50] Political Privacy Laws; Lack of interest in transparency; Security issues; [49], [36], [80], [84], [65], [37], [1], [76], [63], [77], [82], [8], [85], [10], [13], [31], [35], [42], [71], [60], [32], [6], [24], [26], [67], [27], [66], [74], [5], [4], [43] Technical Difficulty in finding data; Low value formats; System heterogeneity [55], [49], [15], [36], [17], [81], [46], [34], [18], [30], [58], [37], [29], [51], [54], [76], [83], [63], [77], [82], [48], [25], [11], [19], [10], [13], [2], [70], [44], [7], [24], [27], [40], [68], [66], [4], [43], [75] Data Quality Incomplete Data; Data Duplicity; Irrelevant Information; Few Data Description [49], [15], [36], [17], [46], [34], [84], [30], [21], [58], [65], [29], [51], [54], [37], [76], [83], [63], [77], [82], [48], [53], [19], [12], [6], [69], [52], [40], [68], [66], [4], [50], [43], [75] 3.2 RQ2 -Which factors contribute to a satisfactory OGD implementation? 28 [71], [72], [43], [80], [46], [13], [16], [35], [2], [12], [66], [15], [28], [1], [40], [39], [45], [45], [21], [59], [47], [85], [48], [82], [56], [84], [29]. ...