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Y. Shi et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2007, Part II, LNCS 4488, pp. 386–392, 2007.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
Using Computer Simulation to Understand Mutation
Accumulation Dynamics and Genetic Load
John Sanford1, John Baumgardner2, Wes Brewer3, Paul Gibson4, and Walter ReMine5
1 Dept. Hort. Sci., Cornell University, Geneva, NY, 14456, USA
2 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA, retired
3 Computational Engineering, Mississippi State University, MS, USA
4 Dept. Plant, Soil and Agric. Syst., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, USA
5 Science and Math Dept., Northwestern College, St. Paul, MN, USA
Abstract. Long-standing theoretical concerns about mutation accumulation
within the human population can now be addressed with numerical simulation.
We apply a biologically realistic forward-time population genetics program to
study human mutation accumulation under a wide-range of circumstances.
Using realistic estimates for the relevant biological parameters, we investigate
the rate of mutation accumulation, the distribution of the fitness effects of the
accumulating mutations, and the overall effect on mean genotypic fitness. Our
numerical simulations consistently show that deleterious mutations accumulate
linearly across a large portion of the relevant parameter space. This appears to
be primarily due to the predominance of nearly-neutral mutations. The problem
of mutation accumulation becomes severe when mutation rates are high.
Numerical simulations strongly support earlier theoretical and mathematical
studies indicating that human mutation accumulation is a serious concern. Our
simulations indicate that reduction of mutation rate is the most effective means
for addressing this problem.
Keywords: genetic load, Mendel’s Accountant, mutation accumulation,
population genetics, simulation.
1 Introduction
The problem of genetic load has concerned geneticists for over 50 years [1][2].
Theoretically, high mutation rates and the natural inefficiencies of selection both appear
to ensure the accumulation of deleterious mutations within the genomes of higher
organisms [3]. These concerns have been accentuated by the apparent reduction of
selection pressures within human populations within historical time frames [4]. All
these earlier concerns were based upon purely theoretical considerations.
Advances in computer science and the increasing power of simulation prog-
rams provide us with a new way of understanding the problem of mutation
accumulation. The use of numerical simulation allows us to test empirically previous
mathematical analyses, which are otherwise inherently abstract and difficult to test.
Using Computer Simulation to Understand Mutation Accumulation Dynamics 387
Such simulations allow us to examine in precise detail complex biological scenarios
which otherwise would require extreme simplification and generalization before any
type of mathematical analysis would be possible.
2 The Program
The computer program “Mendel’s Accountant” (hereafter referred to simply as
Mendel) has been developed to provide a biologically realistic forward-time
numerical simulation of mutation accumulation [5]. This is a highly flexible program
which for the first time effectively models natural mutation distributions,
environmental variance, and improved modeling of linkage/recombination. Mendel is
designed to model sexually reproducing diploid organisms. Mendel tracks individual
mutations in a detailed manner from parents to progeny through many generations.
Mutations are modeled so as to have a continuous range of effects from lethal to
beneficial and to vary in expression from fully dominant to fully recessive. Each
mutation’s unique identifier encodes its genotypic fitness effect, whether it is
recessive or dominant, and its location within the genome (the specific linkage block
where it resides within a specific chromosome). This allows realistic treatment of
linkage of mutations along segments of chromosomes. Mutational effects may be
combined either in a multiplicative or additive manner to yield an overall genotypic
fitness for each new offspring.
Mendel is designed to track large numbers of distinct mutations by using a single
four-byte integer word to store the mutation’s unique identifier. This allows up to
about four billion different unique mutations to be tracked in a given population. The
number of mutations per individual is limited by the available processor memory and
the population size before selection. As an example, 1.6 GB of memory available for
storing mutation identifiers translates into a maximum of 40,000 mutations in each of
10,000 individuals. Thus, Mendel is effectively an infinite sites model, in contrast
with k-allele and stepwise models that both impose highly restrictive limits on the
number and variety of mutations. Mendel offers the option of tracking only those
mutations whose fitness effect exceeds a user-specified threshold. This threshold
usually is chosen to lie in that region of extremely small mutation effect which is
beyond the reach of selection. Typically, we find that half to two-thirds of all
mutations lie in this un-selectable region. The fitness effects of the untracked
mutations under this option are nevertheless accounted for in the composite fitness
effect of the linkage block where the mutation occurs. This option allows the user to
investigate scenarios that involve two to three times more total mutations that would
be possible otherwise.
Mendel offers the important option of including the effects of environmental
variation. Environmental variance, specified via a heritability parameter and a non-
scaling noise standard deviation, combines with genotypic fitness to yield the
phenotypic fitness. Selection then acts on phenotypic fitness to eliminate that fraction
of the offspring (the population surplus) required to maintain the user-specified
population size. The surplus population is a consequence of the specified fertility, as
implied by the average number of offspring per female. Mendel provides the user the
388 J. Sanford et al.
choice of either natural selection (probability selection) or artificial selection
(truncation selection). Because Mendel is optimized for memory efficiency and speed,
many non-trivial scenarios can be run on a desktop or laptop computer. Moreover,
because Mendel is parallelized with MPI, it readily handles large population sizes and
complex population substructure on cluster computers. Mendel’s graphical user
interface is designed to make the specification of a scenario intuitive and simple,
while also providing a variety of visual representations of the program output. Mendel
is therefore a versatile research tool. It is also useful as an interactive teaching
resource for a variety of settings ranging from introductory courses in biology to more
advanced courses in population genetics.
3 Analysis
Mendel’s input parameters include: number of offspring per female, mutation rate,
fraction of mutations which are beneficial, fraction of mutations that are recessive,
high-impact mutation threshold, fraction of mutations with effect greater than
threshold (two parameters that specify the distribution of mutation effects), number of
linkage blocks, number of chromosomes, genome size, mutation effect combining
method, heritability of genotypic fitness, type of selection, number of generations, and
population size. Mendel’s output report is provided at regular generation intervals and
includes summary statistics on number and types of mutations, mean population
fitness, fitness standard deviation, and related information. In addition, data for each
generation is stored in various files and is also plotted in output figures.
In the example we present below, we employ the following input parameters:
number of offspring per female = 6 (4 surplus offspring selected away), mutation rate
= 10 per offspring, fraction of mutations which are beneficial = 0.01, fraction of
mutations that are recessive = 0.8, high-impact mutation threshold = 0.1, fraction of
mutations with effect greater than threshold = 0.001, number of linkage blocks =
1000, number of chromosomes = 23, genome size = 3 billion, mutation effect
combination method = multiplicative, heritability of genotypic fitness = 0.2, type of
selection = probability, number of generations = 5,000, and population size = 1000.
Although the current human population size is more than six billion, we have found
that population sizes above 1,000 result in only marginal increases in selection
efficiency. It is reasonable to expect that, beyond a certain level, larger population
size will not result in more efficient selection, because of increased environmental
Some of the output from this example is displayed in the following figures. Fig. 1a
shows the mean mutation count per individual plotted with respect to time. A
noteworthy aspect of this figure is a nearly exact linear accumulation of mutations, a
feature we observe consistently across a broad region of parameter space. The slope
of this line is governed primarily by the mutation rate. Selection intensity modifies the
slope of this line only to a limited degree. This is because of the preponderance of un-
selectable “nearly-neutral” deleterious mutations (as further described below).
Using Computer Simulation to Understand Mutation Accumulation Dynamics 389
Fig. 1. (a) Mutation count per individual and (b) mean population fitness, plotted for 5,000
generations. (a) shows that deleterious mutations accumulate in close to a strict linear fashion
(reaching 47,730–scale on left). Beneficial mutations also accumulate in a linear manner, but
their lower number results in sampling error fluctuations (reaching 498– scale on right). (b)
shows a progressive decline in population fitness.
390 J. Sanford et al.
Fig. 1b shows an initial non-linear genotypic fitness decline, which soon becomes
essentially a linear decline. We observe this pattern across most of the parameter
space we have explored. Mendel defines an individual’s genotypic fitness as 1.0 plus
the combined positive and negative effects of all the individual’s mutations. In this
case mutation effects are being combined multiplicatively. We have found that the
slope of this curve (fitness change over time) is determined primarily by three things
– the mutation rate, the average mutational effect, and the selection intensity.
Fig. 2 shows the distribution of mutation effects of accumulating deleterious
mutations. Mendel employs a distribution of mutation effects (prior to selection),
which reflects what is found in nature – a continuous distribution essentially
exponential in character. Input parameters such as genome size and the fraction of
high-impact mutations define the exact shape of the mutation-effect distribution
curve. Because of the shape of the mutation-effect curve, lethal mutations will always
be very rare, and a large fraction of deleterious mutations will have near-zero impact.
When strong selection is applied, regardless of the other input parameters, high
impact mutations are consistently eliminated quite effectively – especially the
dominant ones. However, across a wide range of parameter space the bins nearest to
Fig. 2. Distributions of accumulating mutations are shown above. Red bins represent the
expected mutation accumulation when no selection is applied. Blue bins represent actual
accumulation of recessive mutations. Green bins represent actual accumulation of dominant
mutations. The magnitude of each mutation’s effect is shown on the x-axis, which is a linear
scale. The bin nearest zero represents mutations which change fitness by a factor between .0001
and .00001. Mutations with a magnitude of less than .00001 were not tracked or plotted.
Using Computer Simulation to Understand Mutation Accumulation Dynamics 391
zero fill at essentially the same rate, regardless of whether or not selection is being
applied. Experimentally, these “nearly-neutral” mutations are consistently found to be
un-selectable – in accordance with mathematical theory [6][7]. Mutations with
intermediate levels of impact accumulate at intermediate rates. The transition zone
between selectable and un-selectable mutations is very wide, especially for recessive
mutations. The actual point at which mutations become un-selectable depends on
numerous input parameters, but is readily apparent in Mendel’s output for any given
Fig. 3 shows that over time many alleles move toward fixation. The movement
toward fixation is extremely slow for both deleterious and beneficial mutations –
consistent with the mathematical predictions of Haldane [8]. However, over long
periods of time, even with intense selection, a significant number of deleterious
mutations consistently become fixed.
All these findings strongly support previous theoretical and mathematical analyses
[1], [3], [9], [10] which have predicted that deleterious mutation accumulation in the
human population is a very real biological concern.
Fig. 3. Mutant allele frequencies are shown above, with rare alleles (<1%) on the far left, and
fixed or nearly fixed alleles (>99%) on the far right. Deleterious mutations are shown in red,
beneficial mutations are shown in green. In this instance 5,845 deleterious mutations have been
fixed after 5,000 generations. No beneficial mutations were fixed in this example.
392 J. Sanford et al.
4 Conclusions
The program Mendel’s Accountant provides a biologically realistic platform for
analyzing the problem of mutation accumulation. This program demonstrates that the
problem of deleterious mutation accumulation is very serious under a wide range of
scenarios and across a vast portion of parameter space. The relentless accumulation of
deleterious mutations is primarily due to the existence of un-selectable “nearly-
neutral” mutations, but the genetic load problem is greatly amplified when mutation
rates are high. Intensified natural selection only marginally slows the accumulation of
deleterious mutations. Preliminary Mendel experiments indicate that the most
effective means of slowing mutation accumulation and reducing a population’s
genetic load is by reduction of the mutation rate. This study clearly indicates that
more research is needed. Mendel’s Accountant is freely available to users and can be
downloaded at either or projects/
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