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Download Patterns and Releases in Open Source
Software Projects: a Perfect Symbiosis?
Bruno Rossi, Barbara Russo, and Giancarlo Succi
CASE – Center for Applied Software Engineering
Free University of Bolzano-Bozen
Piazza Domenicani 3, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
{brrossi, brusso, gsucci}
Abstract. Software usage by end-users is one of the factors used to evaluate the
success of software projects. In the context of open source software, there is no
single and non-controversial measure of usage, though. Still, one of the most
used and readily available measure is data about projects downloads.
Nevertheless, download counts and averages do not convey as much
information as the patterns in the original downloads time series. In this
research, we propose a method to increase the expressiveness of mere download
rates by considering download patterns against software releases. We apply
experimentally our method to the most downloaded projects of SourceForge's
history crawled through the FLOSSMole repository. Findings show that
projects with similar usage can have indeed different levels of sensitivity to
releases, revealing different behaviors of users. Future research will develop
further the pattern recognition approach to automatically categorize open source
projects according to their download patterns.
Keywords: Open source software projects, software releases, repository
1 Introduction
Determining the success of software projects is very often non-trivial. There are many
aspects to consider, and even the definition of success can depend from multiple point
of views. Nevertheless, discerning the success of software projects is useful as
researchers can evaluate approaches, methods, and processes that performed well -
given a certain context. Furthermore, the availability of large data about open source
software projects made such research more appealing. At the same time such task can
be more difficult, as we miss some important in-context information that can be
gathered only as insider of a development team. Reconstructing such information can
be problematic when mining online repositories without strict contact with the
original development team.
The definition of success is also not unique. One of the views of software projects'
success is directly dependent on the users. Specifically, as reported in [2], in
Information System (IS) research the success of a software system has been studied as
directly dependent on system and information quality [4]. According to this view,
system quality impacts directly on software usage, and thus on users satisfaction.
Deriving the success of a project is thus a question of considering a) the impact of the
system quality on the users’ usage level and b) the acceptance rate of the user. Once
this has been determined, then it is relatively straightforward to associate successful
projects to their development practices, development process characteristics, or even
product features. Leaving aside software quality, the determination of criteria to
measure the usage of software and relative users' satisfaction are relevant research
If we focus on usage, and on commercial software, there is at least one single
indicator that can be reliably used as an indication of usage: the number of copies sold
on the market. It is difficult that applications bought do not translate in real usage of
the application. For open source software, the situation is more fuzzy, as there are no
unique indicators of usage. Different proposals have been made, like using the
number of downloads [3], adopting software agents to monitor the software usage [2],
tracking the inclusion in software distributions [2], using downloads time-series to
detect the evolving users’ community [10], or even use web search engines results to
derive the popularity of projects [11].
Conversely, determining users’ satisfaction is probably easier for open source
software than for proprietary software. The large number of data available allows
mining of repositories to audit mailing lists, forums, bug tracking reports, and so on.
Also in this case, there is no single universal indicator of users' satisfaction and
different proposals have been made: considering user ratings, opinions on mailing
lists, or surveys [2] – among others.
In this work, we focus on software usage and specifically on download rates.
Software usage needs to take into account different measures, but we believe that
download rates have not been exploited to their full potential. Especially for open
source software, downloads have been identified useful as a proxy of software usage.
Recently, the interest is more on the patterns that have been detected rather than the
mere download indexes (as for example [6] and [10] justify).
Our hypothesis is that it is not true that in all open source software projects
download rates are in relation with software releases. More precisely, we believe that
there are projects in which download rates are in relation with the application type
(e.g. file sharing applications, where users want to have the latest application
available, security fixes included) and others where users do not really care about the
release date (e.g. applications installed and kept for longer time, like graphical
utilities). From these hypotheses, it derives automatically that different patterns and -
even more - download numbers can represent very different situations that are
difficult to generalize. So, before reconstructing patterns to see whether projects were
successful or not, we will need to know how much projects are sensitive to software
releases. We have two research questions for this paper.
RQ1. Are download patterns connected to releases in open source software
RQ2. If such relation exists, is the relation consistent in the same category of
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents background on deriving open
source software usage and specifically on studies on the evaluation of usage by means
of download rates. Section 3 discusses further the research questions by means of a
problem statement. Section 4 presents a method for analyzing downloads time series.
Section 5 proposes an experimental evaluation of the method by means of the highest
ranked projects in SourceForge's history. The section includes experimental design,
data collection, data filtering, evaluation of the method, findings and limitations.
Section 6 is about conclusions and future works in prospective research.
2 Background
Different techniques have been proposed to derive software usage. If we specifically
focus on download rates, this indicator has been found to have several advantages,
like the fact that it is relatively easy to gather this kind of information from online
repositories. Nevertheless, various disadvantages are also reported, like the issue that
a single download may not really translate in software usage [2]. What is very often
suggested is to use this measure with care [3].
There has been a move in recent years from considering mere download rates (we
can report as an example [6]) towards analyzing time-series and emerging patterns. In
this sense, there is a consensus now among all researchers that download averages, or
totals, do not convey enough information to be used as independent or dependent
variable in success prediction models. Time series of downloads convey a larger set
of information. The problem is that in the open source scenario, with large datasets
available, some kind of data compression or summarization is needed so that
knowledge about single projects can be synthetically represented, summarized, and
then visualized. We can report specific studies that are related to the current research
(Table 1).
Table 1. Related Studies.
Identification of classes of successful and
unsuccessful projects according to download
Six patterns of download rates
identified. Justification of
emergence of such patterns
Identification of successful open source
projects by means of downloads numbers
Categorization of 122,065
projects in super, successful,
and struggling. No evidence of
Zipf’s Law for the number of
downloads for projects on
Proposing a method to measure size of open
source projects and use base based on
downloads time series
Different types of users found
according to adaptation of
downloads to releases
All these studies have in common the analysis of download rates. Research
questions are different, as well as the experimental setting. In [6] and [7] the focus is
on deriving successful projects, in [10] the focus is on deriving the use base from
download patterns.
3 Problem Statement
To present the problem statement, we give a practical example by means of two well
known software. Namely, we consider the most downloaded project of SourceForge's
history - eMule
- and the TCL
application. This selection is not random, as those
applications were selected in the categorization made in [6], so the interested reader
can find the motivation more compelling. As can be seen, the two time series of
downloads for the two projects are quite different (Fig. 1 and 2 ).
Fig. 1. eMule project downloads.
What we see from the figures is that there are some short-time cyclic patterns in
the download rates (maybe weekly) in both cases, but in the eMule case there are
evident longer term cyclic patterns. What we ask ourselves is whether the latter type
of patterns are related to software releases.
A simple approach would be to simply plot release dates on the same time series
and evaluate manually the situation case by case. Instead, what we want to derive is
an approach that allows to detect automatically - and without visual inspection -
whether a time series is dependent on release dates. In the specific, if there are strong
increases in download rates in coincidence with a software releases. Such method
must also remove less important cyclic patterns in download rates. Considering the
example in Fig. 2, we do not want to consider relevant low cyclic patterns that repeat
Fig. 2. TCL project downloads.
Thus, we present a proposed automated method that can be used applied to time
series to evaluate the sensitivity to software releases. We apply it to downloads time
series, but it can be potentially applied also to other types of time series (like the
number of commits in time, for example). In the following, we use mostly the TCL
project to explain the method.
4 Method
To eliminate non-relevant cyclic patterns, we use a technique called Piecewise
Aggregate Approximation (PAA) that approximates a time series by means of
segments. This approach has been used, for example, when handling large amounts of
data to reduce the complexity of similarity search space [1]. In our case, segmentation
helps not only in reducing the data points to be considered for analysis, but also in
reducing short term cyclic patterns in the time series.
In the specific, in this research, we used a specialized form of PAA that uses a
wavelet transform of the time series to decompose the segments of the time series [1,
8]. The wavelet used is the simplest form of wavelet: the Haar wavelet [8]. In Figure
3 we propose an example of PAA applied to a synthetic data set. The original time
series is approximated by means of a wavelet that maintains similar patterns as the
original. As can be seen directly from figures, the data loss is inversely proportional
to the number of segments used for PAA. Conversely, more segments mean also
keeping more short time periodic patterns.
Fig. 3. Example of PAA by using Haar wavelets.
The whole theory of wavelets is far beyond scope for this paper, but an interesting
overview can be found in [8]. Alternative and more sophisticate techniques for PAA
can be found in [1]. To show the results of the technique, we applied it to the eMule
and TCL projects (Fig. 4 and 5). After the application of the method, we have thus
eliminated unwanted cyclic patterns from the time series, and got a simpler
representation. We will then use this representation to detect the intersection of areas
with releases automatically.
Fig. 4. eMule project wavelet transform.
Fig. 5. TCL project wavelet transform.
In detail, the whole approach is the following:
a. Represent projects as time series of downloads;
b. Filter out projects that have too many missing values;
c. Perform linear interpolation of missing values. This is needed as the original
data set might have missing data points from the data collection process.
Linear interpolation helps in reducing the impact of such data points;
d. Perform PAA on each time series;
e. Discriminate in the wavelets the areas of different levels of activities as
determined by PAA;
f. Plot release information into the time series;
g. Evaluate releases in the different intervals identified, summarizing the result
with two metrics;
So, once the transform has been applied, we need a way to summarize the patterns
of the original time series. For this, we divide the wavelet into different intervals
according to the level of burstiness, identifying bursty intervals and more constant
intervals. The reason is that we want to codify our time series in such a way that it is
more easy to automatically derive intersections with release dates. This is similar to
what has been proposed in [9] to analyze development iterations. After such
identification, we introduce the dates of releases and we evaluate the intersection of
release dates with different areas.
To divide areas of wavelets, we consider periods where activity is frenetic (A) and
others where periods of activity are more constant (B). For this, we will introduce the
following notation for the remaining of the paper: we define twi as the ith point in the
wavelet time series, Ik,ε as an interval in the time series, where twk is the starting point
and a positive integer ε is the length of the interval Ik,ε. To detect automatically areas,
we use the following discriminating rule:
> 0
,= +,+1+
, | , ( + (( )
We use this rule to classify between A, and B periods. For convenience, we also
define JA as each connected set of intervals Ik,ε of type A. The same represents JB for B
periods. Fig. 6 shows the results of area mapping for the TCL project.
Fig. 6. TCL project with areas identified (spaces between areas are just to ease the
interpretation of figure).
We next evaluate the relation between different area types and releases. We map
thus how many releases happen for each project in specific areas. More releases in
areas of type A mean that the project is more subject to a relation between releases
and download rates. The simple approach that we used in current research is to use
the intersection of releases and areas. If we apply this to TCL project, we can see that
the project is scarcely sensitive to release dates (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7. TCL project with areas and release dates.
To automate the process, and to allow for automatic use of the approach without
examining the figures, we defined two metrics. One metric is about the sensitivity to
releases, the other about the coverage of different areas. This information is needed as
we can have the same level of sensitivity to releases but different level of burstiness
of the time series. Without visual inspection, we will miss this relevant information.
First we define the set of all releases of a project as:
R = {r1,r2,…,rn} .
Then we define the first metric - that we call s - as the sensitivity to releases:
R .
This metric is a weighted ratio of how many releases happen in one period of
larger activity in the downloads time series. An index of 1.0 means that all the
releases of a software project happen when the downloads time series are active the
most. Conversely, a metric of 0.0 shows no reaction to releases: users' download of
software is completely separated from release dates.
We then define the second metric as the amount of burstiness of different time
series. We refer to this metric as b.
b = JA
(JA JB) .
An hypothetic index towards 1.0 means a time series of downloads completely
bursty. An index towards 0.0, inversely represents a time series of downloads where
rates are almost constant. Thus in the example of TCL, we have a download rate that
is not very sensitive to releases (s=0.10) and with a trend of downloads not so bursty
(b=0.31). This result is consistent with what reported in [6] where the application is
reported as an application with regular downloads not related to releases. As can be
seen, these two metrics give us more information than the mere average download
5 Experimental Results
We provide an experimental evaluation of the method by applying it to several
projects out of the FLOSSMole repository [5] and with data about releases gathered
through SourceForge. The strategy of selection of the sample of projects was to select
the most downloaded projects from the whole SourceForge's history (Table 2). This
choice had the aim of limiting missing data points in the time series on one side, and
providing a first evaluation that can then be replicated on less downloaded projects. In
this way, this first evaluation has the aim to gather findings from a well-known set of
applications where downloads totals are quite consistent.
For each project, we gathered the time series of downloads, limiting the analysis to
1.000 data points. For the selection of the parameters, based on the sensitivity analysis
reported in the next section, we selected the length of each interval Ik,ε with ε=30.
After collecting the data, we applied the whole approach to the dataset of each
Table 2. Most downloaded projects in Sourceforge's history.
Project Name
% Zeros
TS 1000
P2P Client
Azureus / Vuze
P2P Client
Ares Galaxy
P2P Client
Compression Software
Client FTP
installers for Windows
Graphical tool
Audio Editor
P2P Client
Portable Software/USB
File Sharing
P2P Client
Video Editing
Digital Audio Ripper
Instant Messaging
Instant Messaging
File Transfer Client
5.1 Filtering
A first problem we had with the data set was how to handle zero counts in the time
series. For this set of largely downloaded projects, our interpretation is that a zero in
the download totals for one day means a missing point in the data collection process.
The evolution of the download counts for such projects also justifies this view, with
zeros interleaved to medium-high level download counts. Since our method supposes
the application of interpolation, we wanted in any case to avoid its excessive
application. For this reason, we filtered out from the sample the projects that had
more than 10% zeros in the time series. Additionally, two projects were excluded
from the sample. The DC++ and the CDex projects were removed as we didn't have
enough information about release dates.
5.2 Interpolation
For projects that were included in the sample, we interpolated linearly the missing
points from previous and subsequent values in the time series. In this way, even with
an approximation, we limited the impact of missing values from the data collection
phase that could lead to an erroneous generation of different areas in the time series.
In this experiment, we used a simple linear interpolation.
5.3 Sensitivity Analysis
There is one subjective choice when applying PAA: the selection of the number of
segments to use. In our research, we considered monthly segments (segments of
length 30) and we believe this is as an appropriate number of segments according to
our knowledge of the dataset, as we wanted to avoid weekly cyclic patterns. To
support this decision, we performed a sensitivity analysis (Fig. 8), by calculating the
Euclidean distance between the original time series and the wavelet. The analysis
shows how PAA fits the original time-series according to different number of
segments. With our selection of the parameters, we do not compress excessively the
original representation of the dataset.
If we consider a higher number of segments, the fitting will improve going from
monthly, to weekly segments, for example. By doing this, we will also introduce more
cyclic patterns into the time series. So there is a trade-off in this sense. Our heuristic
of selection for the estimation of the segments preferred to use monthly segments to
reduce effects of weekly patterns in the time series.
Fig. 8. TCL Project, distance between the wavelet and the time series according to number of
segments (the lower value the better the fitting).
5.4 Results
After filtering and interpolation, we considered out of the initial 16 projects, just 7
projects (Table 3). The following categories were included: a) P2P Clients, b) Audio
applications, c) Instant messaging, d) File Transfer Clients.
Table 3. Selected Projects.
Project Name
Total Downloads
P2P Client
Azureus / Vuze
P2P Client
Ares Galaxy
P2P Client
P2P Client
Audio(Audio Editor)
Instant Messaging
File Transfer Client
Then we applied to all projects the PAA technique, the derivation of areas in the
time series, and the calculation of the metrics for sensitivity to releases and the level
of burstiness. We report in the following the results.
For each project, we present the project name, the figure of the wavelet against
releases, the parameters for sensitivity to releases, and burstiness of the wavelet as
calculated by our approach (Table 4). The reader can see that in some cases, a high
level of sensitivity to releases (s parameter) can even be enforced by the fact that there
are shorter areas of burstiness (b parameter) .
Table 4. Analysis of the Projects.
Project Name
Original time series, PAA and releases
Azureus / Vuze
Ares Galaxy
If we look at the results, we can observe the following interesting phenomena. For
almost all projects, there is a relation among releases and download rates. The only
project where this doesn't happen is the Azureus/Vuze project. This goes against our
assumption that a user of a P2P application always wants to get the latest release as
soon as possible, for example to get security fixes that are particularly important for
this category of application or improvements like greater download speeds. If this
doesn't happen for this particular application, it could mean that there specific
characteristics of the application, or in the modality of distribution of the application
that can be different. It can also be an indication that users – differently from the other
cases – received the updates mostly from updates inside their Linux operating system
distribution and not via software downloads. So this can also be in fact an indication
that download rates for that application have to be taken with care.
5.5 Findings
Popular open source software projects follow different patterns of downloads
according to the release of a software version. Mostly projects downloads follow the
dates of releases with typical increases, but this is not always the case. It is thus
interesting to examine the reasons of projects that do not strictly follow this rule. We
summarize the findings deriving from the research questions in Table 5.
Table 5. Summary of the Findings.
Research Question
RQ1. Are download patterns connected to
releases in open source software projects?
We found that - in the majority of
the projects analyzed - releases
lead to an increase in download
rates. In some cases, such behavior
is less evident or even absent (e.g.
Azureus). The explanation for this
can be in the characteristics of
users or the project features, but
can also be an indication that
download totals are not completely
reliable for that specific
RQ2. If such relation exists, is the relation
consistent in the same category of projects?
We found that the behavior is not
consistent across all categories.
Even in the limited set of categories
we used, users respond in different
ways to software releases even in
the same category of applications.
For example, in our sample, it is
not true that users of P2P
applications are more interested
than other users in getting the latest
release of the software.
We suspect that for projects where download patterns are not strictly in relation to
releases there are two distinct explanations:
a. users really do not care about the latest release of the application. This can
also happen because the update of the application requires much effort
compared to the advantages of the update, so the user may decide to
postpone the update to a later time;
b. users are interested in updates and are actually updating the software as a
new version appears. In this case, downloads time series do not capture this
behavior, maybe because users are getting the updates by means of
alternative sources (other websites than SourceForge or through the
mechanism of updates in their own Linux distribution);
We argue thus that if we are in the a) case, downloads time-series can still be used
as a somewhat reliable indicator of project's success in combination with other
measures of usage and users' satisfaction. Conversely, if we are in the b) case, the
evaluation of download rates must be complemented with additional information
deriving – as an example – from projects' websites traffic, and/or search engines
queries, like has been proposed in [11].
5.6 Limitations
The main limitation of the approach is about the definition of the parameters of PAA
segmentation and areas definition. Although we provided the heuristic of selection
and sensitivity of the model to the parameters when explaining the approach, it is
clear that different parameters can lead to slightly different results. Specifically, the
choice of the length of the interval Ik,ε can give as result areas of different size to be
used then in the metrics for calculation. Sensitivity analysis has been performed to
reduce and limit this effect.
6 Conclusions and Future Works
We proposed a method to augment the expressiveness of downloads time series of
open source software projects. We added information about the relation of projects'
downloads to releases and defined two metrics. The metrics defined can give
information about the responsiveness of the users to releases. This is a first step in
research of automatic detection of patterns in downloads time series. Information
from such patterns can then be used in models to detect projects' success.
We applied experimentally the method to a subset of projects in the SourceForge
repository. We showed that codifying the downloads time series as two metrics
conveys more information than using global metrics like average download rates or
total download counts. As we have seen experimentally, even if projects have similar
total download rates and counts, they can follow completely different download
patterns. As such considering just those numbers can lead to wrong or biased
conclusions. Furthermore, project downloads can be more or less related to software
releases showing different behaviors from the point of view of users that can depend –
and this will need to be validated in future research - on projects characteristics,
application type or even modality of distribution.
Future research goes into two directions. One direction is to extend the approach to
a larger data set, specifically focusing on projects' categories. The second direction is
to investigate successful projects with an extension of the methodology developed in
this paper.
Acknowledgments. We thank the creators and maintainers of the FLOSSMole
repository for granting access and for their constant effort in providing a useful source
of information about open source projects.
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