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Using Alternate Reality Games to Support the Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages.

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It is recognised that games play an important role in child development. Nowadays with children growing up in a highly technologically-rich society, many of these games are computer/console based. These types of games, which we will refer to generically as computer games in this paper, have been of interest to researchers from many different perspectives, some positive (for example, motivation, engagement, learning, skills development) and some negative (for example, violence, aggression, gender stereotyping). One particular type of game that has not been explored in detail for teaching and learning is the Alternate Reality Game (ARG), a form of interactive narrative, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions. In this paper we discuss the use of an ARG to help support the teaching and learning of modern foreign languages by European secondary school children (ages 11-18).

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... Diante do exposto, há na área de CALL exemplos de ARGs dirigidos ao contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas adicionais a nível internacional [CONOLLY, 2008;CONOLLY, STANSFIELD, HAINEY, 2011;HAINEY et al., 2011;CHALK, 2017;YURTSEVEN, 2017] e nacional [LINS, 2022;LINHATI, REIS, 2022;LINHATI, 2022]. Entretanto, esse tipo de jogo ainda é pouco explorado em nosso país, o que evidencia a necessidade de novos estudos relacionados ao ARG para a promoção do ensino de línguas adicionais no Brasil. ...
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Com o intuito de colaborar com a área de Computer Assisted Learning Language, este artigo apresenta uma proposta de material didático digital gamificado sobre Gramática do Design Visual, que integra um Jogo de Realidade Alternativa educacional voltado à formação continuada de professores de línguas. Neste estudo, utilizamos os pressupostos da gamificação e o framework MoDE. A metodologia adotada é uma pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, que tem como público-alvo professores de espanhol formados. Como produto, apresentamos uma proposta de material digital, discorrendo sobre o planejamento e as implicações que acreditamos alcançar para o desenvolvimento do letramento multimodal docente.
... Moreover, when taking a focused examination of traditional research of video & computer games, it is found that there has been a tendency to focus on either the potential benefits that maybe found when they are used for educational purposes, (Annetta, 2008;Connolly, 2008;Duque, et al, 2008;Jong, et al, 2008;Rohr-Sendlmeier, et al, 2008;Schuh, et al, 2008;Hilton, 2006;Thomas, 2005;Bogost, 2005;Consalvo, 2005or Jayakanthan, 2002 or the possible effects in-game violence may have on gamers within the real world, (Peng, et al, 2008;Ferguson, et al, 2008;Olsen, et al, 2008;Porter & Starcevic, 2007;Wei, 2007;Gentile et al, 2004;Wolock, 2004;Anderson & Bushman, 2001;Anderson & Dill, 2000;Dietz, 1998or Dill & Dill, 1998. ...
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In December 2007 the Scottish Government achieved a UK first when it utilised Microsoft’s Xbox Live gaming platform to transmit its Anti-Drink Driving campaign message direct to Scottish gamers. The successful use of Internet Protocol Targeting, (IPT), heralds a new dawn in in-game advertising within a sector which has continued to show growth despite the global financial crisis which has gripped many other business areas. This use of in-game advertising by the Scottish Government, (including their subsequent campaigns for Safer Scotland, Country Roads in July 2008 and the Anti-Airgun campaign in March 2009), represents just one investigative sphere of wider research being conducted which will utilise a mixed methodology research approach constructed around a three phase, hierarchical research framework of: (i) Phase One consisting of three desk based studies looking at the areas of: (a) general game advertising and the video & computer games sector, (including the undertaking of a Systematic Literature Review), (b) game advertising prevalence and (c) consumer behaviour and brand attitudes; (ii) Phase Two consisting of two semi-structured interview based studies looking at the Scottish Governments use of in-game advertising, (undertaken as a case study), as well as gauging opinion within the general video games industry; and (iii) Phase Three consisting of both an experimental focus group, (utilising a Solomon 4-Group Design with a purpose built two level game), and an online survey/questionnaire within the wider gaming community.
Eğitim ortamlarında oyunlaştırma kavramı, gün geçtikçe ilgi duyulan bir konu haline gelmiştir. Alternatif gerçeklik oyunları (AGO) da oyunlaştırma etkinliklerinin önemli bir türüdür. AGO, çoklu medya araçlarının kullanıldığı, bulmaca çözme ve etkileşimli anlatımların yer aldığı, sürükleyici oyunlar olarak tanımlanan oyunlardır. Bu araştırmada, AGO üzerine yapılmış olan çalışmaların bir araya getirilmesi ve detaylı biçimde incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için hem sistematik derleme hem de meta analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. AGO’lara ilişkin yapılmış olan 73 çalışma, sistematik derleme yöntemi ile incelenirken 11 çalışma, AGO’ların öğretim ortamlarındaki etkisini belirlemek amacıyla meta-analize tabi tutulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına göre en fazla çalışma 2021 yılında yapılmıştır. Çalışmalar ağırlıklı olarak ABD’de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Genel olarak çalışmalar, makale türündedir. Çalışmalarda hedef kitle olarak en fazla yüksek öğretim öğrencileri tercih edilmiş olup çoğunlukla nitel araştırma yöntemleri ve durum çalışması deseni tercih edilmiştir. Meta-analiz sonucuna göre, AGO’ların yer aldığı öğrenme etkinliklerinin, AGO’ların yer almadığı öğrenme etkinliklerine göre etkisinin yüksek olduğu söylenebilir. Türkiye'de AGO konulu çalışmalara ağırlık verilebilir. Bu konuda yazılmış tezlerin azlığından dolayı, AGO odaklı tezlerin sayısı artırılabilir. Yükseköğretim dışındaki diğer öğretim kademelerinde de uygulamalara ağırlık verilebilir. Yöntem bakımından karma veya nicel yöntem benimsenen çalışmalar artırılabilir. AGO'ların öğretim ortamlarına yönelik pozitif etkisinden dolayı çeşitli değişkenler üzerinden AGO'lar ile ilgili deneysel çalışmalar planlanabilir.
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The article begins by reviewing the theoretical bases for the contention that advanced computer-based educational gaming can provide powerful learning experiences, and overviews the limited research on the use of such games. Although studies to date ...
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As new technologies, video-games are becoming increasingly popular among today's pre-teens and teenagers. Relying on systematic observation of videogames found in public arcades, participation in them, and engagement with the relevant literature, I explore eight central assumptions of “videology”: the ideology which organizes these games. While suggesting that these assumptions articulate and exaggerate problematic ideological themes, I also explore the relationship between videology and a postmodern culture or moment.
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In Malaysia, some student teachers are trained specifically to teach English to speakers whose native language is not English. This article discusses the introduction of games as a teaching tool that student teachers can use when teaching English to speakers of other languages. The article describes some of the games that have been tried and tested, reactions of the student teachers to the games, and some of the problems that student teachers will face when attempting to use games in secondary schools in Malaysia.
To provide mental health professionals with an up-to-date review of the literature regarding the effects of playing video games on the well-being of children. A computerized literature search of MEDLINE and PSYCHINFO of all articles written in English from 1966 to 1996 was performed. The various studies are organized into different sections. Playing video games is associated with a variety of physical effects including increased metabolic and heart rate, seizures, and tendinitis. Aggressive behaviour may result from playing video games, especially among younger children. There is no direct relationship between psychopathology or academic performance and playing video games. Video games have some adverse effects, but they are also valuable learning tools. Research about the role of video games is inadequate. The data are also limited by the lack of long-term studies and inconsistent findings.