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The SRTS Experience: Using TOPO for LOTOS Design and Realization.

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... For efficient execution of LOTOS programs, the compilers such as Ref. [20], [21] are useful. For analyzing LOTOS specifications, the simulators are useful. ...
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SUMMARY In LOTOS, requirements for a distributed system are de- scribed as a service definition. On the protocol level, each node(protocol entity) must exchange some data values and synchronization messages to provide a service described in a service definition. The tuple of the spec- ifications of all nodes in the system which provide the service is called as a protocol specification. In order to develop the communication programs satisfying a given service definition, it is very important to develop the cor- rect protocol specification. For this purpose, the simulation of protocol specifications is useful and it is desirable that the designer can observe how a protocol specification is executed in parallel and how synchronization messages are exchanged among the nodes. Therefore, we have developed a new tool named PROSPEX. For a given pair of a service definition and a protocol specification, it executes the protocol specification in parallel and shows its execution process graphically on X Window System. If the pro- tocol specification executes an event sequence which does not satisfy the service definition, then PROSPEX informs it to the designer. In this paper, the design and usefulness of PROSPEX are described.
This chapter provides an application oriented description of the LOTOS Design Methodology produced in the Lotosphere project. This design methodology is a formally based stepwise refinement approach to system design, conceived to give formal support to an industrial design process, in order to achieve high quality designs.
FDT tools support protocol development by making certain activities feasible, easier to be performed, more reliable, and faster. This paper discusses the desirable properties of FDT tools and classifies them according to the different stages of the protocol development cycle. An assessment of the tools available so far and projections (or suggestions) of the tools to come are given. A list of the tools that have appeared since the mid 1980's is also included.
LOTOS is a specification language that aims to describe the dynamic behavior of complex systems. To a large extent, LOTOS semantics is operational, which gives an opportunity to execute the specifications. There may be several targets in specification execution, three of which are considered in the paper: rapid prototyping, system testing, and real product derivation. The outstanding problem is to map abstract entities onto real entities, both to effectively act on the environment, and to allow the environment to influence specification behavior. For a final product, performance must be assessed too, as well as other non-functional requirements.The paper describes the opportunities provided by TOPO, a compiler from LOTOS into either C or Ada code. Supported features are described and wrapped into a method. Performance figures are provided too, in order to make estimates on realization performance after the specification style.
Using an ISO standard as the example, this paper describes an investigation into the use of LOTOS in the specification and implementation of large distributed systems. We propose a development trajectory and a specification style suitable both for abstract and for implementation-oriented specifications. Preliminary work has been carried out in translating implementation-oriented specifications into outline Ada.
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