Developing Large Web Applications - Producing Code That Can Grow and Thrive.
... To deal with the problem of manipulating and organizing a big amount of data such as speech disorders' information the use of ontologies can be resorted to. An ontology provides through Semantic Web -an evolving extension of the World Wide Web-the semantics of information and services so that the Web can understand and satisfy requests for content made by people and machines [4]. Ontologies give an unambiguous and well defined structure for a clear and accurate representation of the data concerning a particular domain, in this case speech disorders, and thus, becoming a tool for diagnosis. ...
... The only way a person interacts with a computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device is trough user interface [Loud10]. ...
Some people implement pattern and best practices without analyzing its efficiency on their projects. Consequently, our goal in this article is to convince software developers that it is worth to make an earnest effort to evaluate the use of best practices and software patterns. For such purpose, in this study we took a concrete case system for geographical locations inputs through user interfaces. Then, we performed a comparative study on a traditional method against our approach, named reverse logistic to retrieve results, by measuring the time that a user spends to perform actions when entering data into a system. Surprisingly, we had a decrease of 59% in the amount of time spent in comparison to the time spent on the traditional method. This result lays a foundation for feeding data from the typical final step and search based on string matching algorithms, speeding up the interaction between people and computer response
... These days the amount of information existing in the web grows exponentially, which in turn increases the problem of its organization. A way to reduce such problem is through the usage of the Semantic Web, in which semantics for both, information and services, is defined, so that it allows the Web to understand and satisfy content requests made not only by users but also by machines [1]. Tim Berners Lee defines it as follows: "Semantic Web is not a separate Web but instead an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation" [2]. ...
In this paper, a manual ontology for a Computer Sciences Master program constructed, that uses some elements from the METHONTOLOGY, Grüninger and Fox, and Bravo’s methodologies, is presented. A series of steps to identify and represent the Master’s Degree program’s knowledge base has been followed. Afterwards, first order logic axioms and competency questions to evaluate the ontology are used. The development of a module written in Python language is used for evaluating the ontology through competency questions defined during design phase. This module is flexible enough to present predefined or defined questions by the user in running time and to obtain results to the queries representing the competency questions. Elements as a hierarchy class diagram and a description of the relations and attributes are used in this ontology’s construction. Keywords: Ontology; Python tool; SPARQL language.
... Every day the amount of information existing in the web grows exponentially, which in turn increases the problem of its organization. A way to reduce such problem is through the use of the Semantic Web, an extension of the evolution of the World Wide Web (WWW), through which semantics for both information and services are defined in order to allow the Web to understand and satisfy content requests made by both users and machines [1]. Tim Berners Lee defines it as follows: "The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation" [2]. ...
In this paper, a method for constructing a manual ontology for a Computer Sciences Master program is described using some elements from the METHONTOLOGY, Grüninger and Fox, and Bravo's methodologies. We follow a series of steps in order to represent the knowledge-base of the Master's Degree program, some competency answers are done as part of the process, and the answering of those question lead us to the evaluation of the ontology. The queries are made into Protégé and written in SPARQL query language.
... Veliki spletni sistemi so pogosto dinamični, kar pomeni, da obstajajo zahteve po stalnem in resnem spreminjanju. Spletni razvijalci morajo upoštevati takšne zahteve in to odraziti v kodi, ki jo pišejo (Loudon, 2010). Pri razvoju spletnih aplikacij je dobro upoštevati kriterije, ki zagotavljajo kritičen pogled na spletno aplikacijo. ...
In the paper a modified card sorting method used for the interaction design improvement of an educational institution's web site is presented. The characteristics of good websites and methods, enabling improvement of user experience and interaction design are described. The results of user experience testing showed that the website menus are not intuitively arranged, causing prolonged search time and consequent user dissatisfaction. For the improvement of website content structure, a modified Card Sorting method was used since the number of elements considered significantly exceeded the recommended constraints for the implementation of classical Card Sorting method. The analysis of card-sorting results showed numerous irregularities, e.g. duplicate names of links, usage of different names for same links, missing useful linkd and others. A new structure of website menus with logical and content based structure is proposed.
A few people implement “pattern” and “best practices” without analyzing its efficiency on their projects. Consequently, the goal in this article is to persuade software developers that it is worth to make an earnest effort to evaluate the use of best practices and software patterns. For such motive, in this study we took a concrete case system for geographical locations inputs through user interfaces. Then, we performed a comparative study on a conventional method with our approach, named “reverse logistic” to recover results about, by measuring the time that a user spends performing activities when entering data information into a system framework. Shockingly, we had a diminished of 59% within the sum of time went through in comparison to the time went through on the conventional strategy. This result lays a establish for feeding data from the typical final step and search based on string matching algorithms, speeding up the interaction between people and computer response.
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