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Multipurpose community telecenters for rural development in Pakistan



Purpose – The paper aims to: assess the situation of rural population in Pakistan and information facilities available to them including telecommunications, computers and public libraries; document the community information initiatives in terms of objectives, institutional framework, staff, services, use, finance, technology and lessons learned; understand challenges and opportunities regarding the establishment of multipurpose community telecenters (MCTs) in rural areas of Pakistan; and to propose a model for the establishment of MCTs in Pakistan in terms of policy formulation, planning, management, funding, building, equipment, technology, services, target groups, marketing and sustainability. Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on literature review and interviews of persons involved in activities of providing information to the rural community in Pakistan selected from the telecommunications sector, libraries and national and local non‐governmental organizations. Findings – The paper highlights the role of MCTs in rural development. It assesses the situation of the rural population in Pakistan and information facilities available to them including telecommunications, computers and public libraries. The paper documents existing community information initiatives in terms of objectives, institutional framework, staff, services, use, finance, technology and lessons learned. It presents challenges and opportunities regarding MCTs in rural areas of Pakistan. A model is proposed for the establishment of MCTs in Pakistan in terms of policy formulation, planning, management, funding, building, equipment, technology, services, target groups, marketing and sustainability. The paper also discusses how MCTs can be an alternative to rural public libraries. Originality/value – The paper presents a model for the establishment of MCTs in Pakistan in terms of policy formulation, planning, management, funding, building, equipment, technology, services, target groups, marketing and sustainability.
Multipurpose community
telecenters for rural development
in Pakistan
Khalid Mahmood
Department of Library and Information Science, University of the Punjab,
Lahore, Pakistan
Purpose – The paper aims to: assess the situation of rural population in Pakistan and information
facilities available to them including telecommunications, computers and public libraries; document
the community information initiatives in terms of objectives, institutional framework, staff, services,
use, finance, technology and lessons learned; understand challenges and opportunities regarding the
establishment of multipurpose community telecenters (MCTs) in rural areas of Pakistan; and to
propose a model for the establishment of MCTs in Pakistan in terms of policy formulation, planning,
management, funding, building, equipment, technology, services, target groups, marketing and
Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on literature review and interviews of
persons involved in activities of providing information to the rural community in Pakistan selected
from the telecommunications sector, libraries and national and local non-governmental organizations.
Findings – The paper highlights the role of MCTs in rural development. It assesses the situation of
the rural population in Pakistan and information facilities available to them including
telecommunications, computers and public libraries. The paper documents existing community
information initiatives in terms of objectives, institutional framework, staff, services, use, finance,
technology and lessons learned. It presents challenges and opportunities regarding MCTs in rural
areas of Pakistan. A model is proposed for the establishment of MCTs in Pakistan in terms of policy
formulation, planning, management, funding, building, equipment, technology, services, target
groups, marketing and sustainability. The paper also discusses how MCTs can be an alternative to
rural public libraries.
Originality/value The paper presents a model for the establishment of MCTs in Pakistan in terms
of policy formulation, planning, management, funding, building, equipment, technology, services,
target groups, marketing and sustainability.
Keywords Information centres, Telecommunications, Rural areas, Public libraries, Pakistan
Paper type Research paper
Pakistan, the second largest country in South Asia, covers around 800,000 km and is
one of the ten most populous countries in the world with a population base of 149
million, of which approximately 61 percent lives in rural areas. The economy of
Pakistan is primarily driven by agriculture, which accounts for the largest share of
gross domestic product (GDP), contributing about 24 percent to the economy and
employing 48 percent of the total work force. Pakistan is one of the world’s largest
producers of raw cotton, which serves as the input to drive the textile industry the
mainstay of industrial activity in Pakistan. Pakistan’s per capita income per annum is
about US$492. There are currently over 50,000 villages in Pakistan, which have a
population between 100 and 7,000 inhabitants. Currently, nearly one-third of the
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The Electronic Library
Vol. 23 No. 2, 2005
pp. 204-220
qEmerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/02640470510592906
population can be classified as poor a proportion that rises in rural areas (Pakistan.
Ministry of Finance, 2003). Pakistan’s literacy rate is 48 percent and in rural areas it is
only 37 percent. The country’s rural areas lack basic facilities such as proper education,
health care, clean drinking water, proper sanitation, better communication facilities,
better employment opportunities, etc.
The new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have had a great
impact on decision-making processes, markets, the media, local empowerment, the
targeting of marginal groups and employment. ICTs have a huge potential to play their
role for social and economic development of rural population. These technologies can
be used for poverty alleviation in rural areas. They can help create a more democratic
environment, which is a pre-requisite to social development. ICTs have allowed the
creation of a global marketplace where it is possible to access a wide variety of
information, goods and services. Development-oriented ICT applications include
e-government (to improve public services), e-business, e-learning, and e-health.
Since the urban population already enjoys the fruits of ICTs, the rural dwellers also
need these facilities to bridge the vast information gap between the two communities.
Owing to unavailability of infrastructure and some other problems people living in
rural areas cannot afford to have these facilities. Establishment of community
telecenters is a way to enable rural community to use modern inventions for their
development. It is a powerful concept to bring “state of the market” technologies to
traditionally neglected “back of the market” communities. Telecenters are a means to
expand equitably the telecommunications network and give rural communities the
chance to adopt ICTs to their benefit, strengthen social ties within the community and
economic ties with the outside world.
The first telecenter for this purpose was established in the mid-1980s in a rural
farming community in Sweden to provide services, training and jobs to the local
community through computers and modern telecommunications equipment. The use
of telecenters has spread rapidly and examples can be found around the world. They
are being implemented in different forms by governments, development institutions,
non-profit organizations and entrepreneurs, and are modified based on local
opportunities and conditions. While the success of telecenter projects has been
mixed, it has been noted that in communities with active telecenters there is a visible
and identifiable change in the skills and capacities of the people and institutions.
Various forms of telecenters include basic telecenters, telecenter franchises, civic
telecenters, phone shops and cyber community centers. For the last ten years the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Unesco have been introducing
multipurpose community telecenters (MCTs) in a number of countries as pilot projects.
An MCT can be defined as a technology hub that allows a community to establish many
programs and services which provide social, economic and information technology (IT)
support. MCTs are structures that encourage and support communities to manage their
own development through access to appropriate facilities, resources, training and
services. “Multi-purpose” means that a telecenter is able to provide different user groups
within a community, with a range of services relating to different domains (from
education/training to business, from health to local governance), and it does so by
offering several technologies. “Community” refers both to local community ownership
and community access through the telecenter. MCTs rely on such resources as public
and community libraries and local mass media in order to facilitate access to information
services and to improve the dialogue between citizens and local/national institutions.
Emphasizing the important role of ICTs in the development of humankind the
World Summit on the Information Society (2003) recommended that “governments,
and other stakeholders, should establish sustainable multi-purpose community public
access points, providing affordable or free-of-charge access for their citizens to the
various communication resources, notably the internet. These access points should, to
the extent possible, have sufficient capacity to provide assistance to users, in libraries,
educational institutions, public administrations, post offices or other public places,
with special emphasis on rural and underserved areas”.
The two-thirds of Pakistan’s population living in rural areas is far behind the rest of
the world in social and economic development. Although the government tried hard to
build an infrastructure to provide ICT facilities to the country’s rural community,
because of other prohibitive factors everyone in this community will not be able to take
benefit from the advantages of these technologies. In this grave situation the
establishment of MCTs in rural areas may be a viable option. These MCTs, once
established in rural areas, will provide a range of services focused on the needs of rural
residents. Farmers will be able to check information on market prices for their
products, read weather forecasts and learn about new agricultural technologies while
other rural residents will be able to access information as needed. In addition, they will
be able to get benefit of telemedicine as well as distance education through MCTs and
they can easily communicate with their relatives and other contacts.
MCT study
To ascertain the role and benefits that MCTs could bring to Pakistan a study was
conducted to achieve the following objectives:
(1) To assess the situation of the rural population in Pakistan and information
facilities available to them, including telecommunications, computers and
public libraries.
(2) To document the community information initiatives in terms of objectives,
institutional framework, staff, services, use, finance, technology and lessons
(3) To understand challenges and opportunities regarding the establishment of
MCTs in rural areas of Pakistan.
(4) To propose a model for the establishment of MCTs in Pakistan in terms of
policy formulation, planning, management, funding, building, equipment,
technology, services, target groups, marketing and sustainability.
The following methodology was undertaken for situation analysis of Pakistan and
model development:
.The related literature was collected through the internet, personal contacts and
other sources and reviewed.
.Unstructured interviews were conducted of the selected persons involved in
activities of providing information to the rural community in Pakistan. The
persons were selected from various sectors such as telecommunications, libraries
and national and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Interviews were
conducted using e-mails, internet chatting and telephone.
ICTs in Pakistan
During recent years Pakistan has been quick to realize the importance of ICTs in the
development process. The government and the people believe that these technologies
have tremendous potential for countries like Pakistan. There is a general trend towards
ICT education among the young generation. The government is giving incentives for
development and export of software and the telecommunications infrastructure is
being upgraded to meet the high demand for bandwidth and allied data
communication facilities.
Pakistan has made steady progress in expanding telecommunication networks and
services in recent years. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was
established in 1996 to regulate the telecommunication industry in Pakistan,
including matters related to protecting consumers’ interest, licensing regime, tariff
regulation, type approval of equipment and interconnection arrangements. The PTA
has in its jurisdiction internet service providers (ISPs), data operators, cellular phone
companies, card pay phones, cable networks and other services falling in the ambit of
telecommunication sector. Key features of the present telecommunication
infrastructure in Pakistan include the following.
Fixed line telephone
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the incumbent service
provider for provision of fixed line telecommunications. Established as public limited
company in 1996, PTCL is 88 percent owned by the Government of Pakistan. It has
shown impressive growth in the past five years and manages a well-developed
domestic telecommunication infrastructure of over five million access lines served by
nearly 3,000 exchanges, a nationwide fiber-optic backbone over 4,500 km long and
international communications through sub-marine cable and satellite links (Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited, 2004). PTCL has installed more than 1.5 million
new telephone lines since June 1997. As a result, teledensity (defined as the number of
operational telephone lines as a percentage of population), at 2.87 percent, has
increased by 6 percent per year. Comparing this figure to the 10 percent teledensity in
Asia and the 17 percent teledensity globally shows that Pakistan is at the lower end of
the scale. The telecommunication network in Pakistan is almost entirely digital. As a
result of a tariff rebalancing programme initiated by the Government in 1997, the
prices of long distance and international calls have been significantly reduced in recent
years. By expanding facilities in the country, PTCL has shown a record ever profit over
Rs23 billion for the financial year closing June 2003 (Pakistan Telecommunication
Authority, 2004).
Besides PTCL, there are two organizations created by the government that also
provide access services. One is the National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC),
which by the end of 2002 provided around 72,000 access lines to the government and
defence forces. The other is the Special Communications Organization (SCO), which
operates a network of around 92,000 lines in the more remote northern areas, as part of
a special development program.
Some five years ago, in order to address the urgency of the shortfall of
telecommunication access in the country, the PTA approved a franchise concept. This
concept allows private wireless local loop (WLL) operators to collaborate with PTCL’s
infrastructure for expansion of the payphone network in the country. As a result PTCL
signed operations and maintenance (O&M) contracts with four interested parties,
namely Telecard, Worldcall, Telips and Pak Datacom. For all four operators no
particular areas were required to be covered. However, a general preference was given
to rural areas and the operators were required to deploy their WLL payphone services
according to the following three tiers: 30 percent of the lines should be deployed in
urban areas; 30 percent in sub-urban areas; and 40 percent in the rural areas. Telecard
only has rolled out 125,000 lines in the country.
Cellular phone
Cellular usage is growing strongly after the introduction of the Calling Party Pays
(CPP) regime in the year 2000. Currently, four operators provide service to about three
million cellular subscribers all over the country. Although the number of subscribers
has more than tripled in the past two years yet it shows a penetration rate of around 1.4
percent, one of the lowest in the Asia-Pacific region. The PTA will soon issue cellular
phone licenses to two more operators. According to conservative estimates, the total
number of mobile subscribers will surpass the fixed-line subscribers by the end of
2004. It is also estimated that there is a potential demand of about 25 million cellular
subscriptions by 2018 (Pakistan Ministry of Information Technology IT &
Telecommunication Division, 2003).
Rural telephony
According to PTCL sources only 2.4 percent villages have telephone facilities. The
rural teledensity of Pakistan is only 0.77 percent as compared to urban teledensity of
5.76 percent. Mainly due to the fact that providing copper fixed-line services to these
areas can be cumbersome, time consuming and above all is too expensive
(approximately Rs15,000 or US$250 per subscriber). Providing telecommunication in
the rural areas has been a very important item on the PTA’s agenda. PTCL intends to
connect 50 percent of Pakistan’s villages by December 2004 through use of WLL
technology. PTCL has recently issued a tender for commissioning of WLL system for
195,000 customers in rural areas of Pakistan (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority,
According to the Federal Minister for Information Technology the deregulation
policy in the telecommunication sector will have a universal service obligation clause
for all the players in the market. A percentage of their revenues will have to go for the
development of the telecom sector in rural and less lucrative regions of the country. Not
only the PTCL, but also the new entrants will also have to make a contribution towards
this spread of telecommunications in the country. To serve the underdeveloped and
underserved rural areas the Ministry has recently established a universal service fund
that will ensure that the telephone network rollout will be adequately funded. In
November 2003, PTCL announced a massive relief package for its rural customers by
reducing new telephone connection fee from Rs1,850 to Rs500. The PTA has recently
allowed individuals/companies to use mobile phones as public call offices in rural
areas. Moreover, in a recent statement the PTA stated that they “had directed the
mobile phone operators to formulate their roll out plans for larger coverage of their
services especially in the less affluent and needy areas so that a common man could get
benefit from this facility”.
PCs are rapidly becoming a household item in the big cities of Pakistan. Most
professionals possess a PC either in their workplaces or in their homes. Currently the
number of PCs in Pakistan is believed to be some 700,000 and their number is
increasing at about 100,000 per year. In spite of a drastic fall in the prices of computer
hardware in recent years it is still too expensive for the vast majority of the rural
population in Pakistan due to their low income levels. In rural areas less than 5 percent
of schools have computer laboratories as compared to nearly one-fourth of educational
institutions in urban areas which have their own computer laboratories.
ISPs became operational in the country in 1996. By mid-June 2000 the country had 0.1
million internet subscribers and a coverage in only 29 cities. Today more than 200 ISPs
provide internet access, which is accessible in more than 1,800 cities and towns
(Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, 2004). The estimated number of
internet users in the country is 3 million. According to recent claims of the PTCL
internet access is available to 95 percent of Pakistan’s population. Low internet access
charges have encouraged internet usage and acceptance by the Pakistani public. To
encourage internet use in some small and remote areas, where it is too expensive to
establish local services, PTCL charges phone calls to connect with ISPs in the nearest
city at local rates instead of long distance rates. This practice has increased the number
of cities and areas connected to the internet.
The last four years have seen a mushrooming of internet cafe
´s all across Pakistan,
in both urban and rural areas. How many internet cafe
´s exist in Pakistan? There are no
central data on this topic because no formal survey was conducted in this regard.
According to rough estimates a large number of people are able to access the internet
using the thousands of cyber cafe
´s which seem to be present in every neighborhood
from large cities to small towns. Cyber cafe
´s and other public internet facilities offer a
very cost-effective and convenient way of accessing the internet to the public, the vast
majority of which cannot afford to have their own individual internet account with an
ISP, because of their low income level which makes owning a computer a luxury.
However, the productive usage of internet in Pakistan is quite limited and it is mostly
used for messaging, chatting, e-mail, entertainment and pornography (90 percent) and
research (10 percent) (Wolcott and Goodman, 2000).
IT policy
The Government of Pakistan launched the first national IT Policy in August 2000.
Features of the policy regarding the role of IT in development cover such aspects as:
.Include a compulsory, modern and up-to-date computer literacy module in the
matriculation curriculum for high schools.
.Launch a scheme for providing low-priced computers and internet connectivity
to universities, colleges and schools through a public-private sector initiative.
.Barriers to the induction of new technologies (e.g. WLL) by the private sector will
be removed to ensure the spread of communications to under-served and
un-served areas of Pakistan.
.Encourage telecommunication companies and carrier network service providers
to develop and upgrade rural telecommunications facilities. The Government is
fully committed to the universal service obligation principle and a mechanism for
provision thereof has been provided in the telecom sector policy.
.A number of international satellite operators have already begun to provide
high-speed internet access. These services should be encouraged to overcome
bandwidth limitations, not only in urban areas but also in the rural and suburban
areas, for basic internet connectivity.
.Develop new ways to use IT to help solve the most pressing problems of human
and economic development/education, health, poverty alleviation, rural
development, and care for the environment.
.Elimination of all import duty on computer equipment and accessories (Pakistan
Ministry of Science & Technology IT and Telecommunications Division, 2000).
Cable television
Cable television is a growing industry in Pakistan as more and more international
television channels are showing there keen interest to enter Pakistan market. In view of
government media regulations, which are monitored by the Pakistan Electronic Media
Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), most of the existing channels offer digitized and
encrypted signals. About 9 million households have television sets out of which there
are around 2 million cable television subscribers. There were 900 licensed cable
television network operators by 2002. The unbundling of cable television has been
partially done as PTCL provides international transmission access to international
channels to these cable television operators throughout the country.
Public library system
There is no organized public library system in Pakistan. According to a survey
conducted in 1996 there were 302 public libraries mostly located in large cities and
towns. The existing public libraries are under the charge of municipal and social
bodies. The majority of these libraries are in a very deplorable condition and their
holdings are mainly out-of-date fiction books. Only a few are properly staffed and one
seldom finds a qualified librarian. The services of these libraries are quite limited and
the main sources of income are regular grants from the annual budget of the municipal
body and the subscriptions charged to the public (Haider, 1998). During the 1980s,
4,373 box libraries were established in rural areas but their fate is unclear (Khurshid,
2000). The 1998 National Education Policy provides for the establishment of rural
public libraries up to the union council level, but no practical step has been taken so far.
The literate people in rural areas quench their thirst of information through personal
libraries, private subscription libraries, school/religious school libraries, mosque
libraries and shrine libraries.
Community-based information systems
The concept of MCTs is entirely new in Pakistan. Services provided by a typical MCT
are available separately to a great extent in urban areas and to some extent in rural
areas. For instance, there are internet cafe
´s, public call offices, pay phone shops, fax
shops and computer training centers all run on commercial basis.
The only examples of community-based information services in rural areas are
three Cyber Community Centers (CCCs) established in 2001. The first such CCC in the
country was launched in Gwadar in south-west Balochistan in March 2001, followed by
one in Mithi in south-east Sindh, and Usterzai Payan, Kohat in NWFP. These CCCs
were set up by the Sustainable Development Networking Program (SNDP) of the IUCN
in collaboration with local NGOs (i.e. Baanhn Beli at Mithi, Rural Community
Development Council at Gwadar and Al-Asar Academy at Usterzai Payan, Kohat). The
purpose of these centers was to serve the local community by providing them the
opportunity to access the rich information resources available on the internet (Siochru
and Rashid, 2001). The latest information collected about these three CCCs reveals that
one center (Usterzai Payan, Kohat) is restricted to the internet and other software
training for the students of a community school. The internet facility is not offered to
the general public. However, the other two centers are serving the general public, and
information about them is summarized below.
The objective of setting up these CCCs was to provide access to information and
communication channels that were previously beyond the reach of the poor and
disadvantaged communities resident in remote areas of Pakistan. These CCCs were set
up by national and international NGOs in collaboration with the most prominent local
NGOs. Both centers were opened in computer training centers already working under
local NGOs. The idea of CCCs was initiated by the SDNP, which contacted the local
NGOs for partnership. SDNP provided training in internet skills and web development,
and worked as the ISP.
Both centers have a single technical person each to train users and help them in
surfing. In the case of their absence from the center there is no back-up arrangement,
and this fact badly affected the centers. The technical persons at both centers who
started the centers left the job after some time. Now it is difficult for new staff to run the
centers, especially as the new staff have no training from the SDNP.
Both centers were the first internet centers in their respective areas. The services
provided at these centers include internet surfing, sending e-mails, assisting to write,
send and translate e-mails, and printing e-mails/attached files. Specialized courses on
the use of internet were offered against payment at both centers. Mostly young people
attended these courses. The centers are open for 12 hours (10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.) for
six days a week. In the beginning at the Mithi center, ten to 12 people used to visit, then
after two to three months the rate of average users reduced to four to five visitors a day.
At the Gwadar center, on average ten to 15 people, mostly form the young population,
used to visit during early period. However, the number of daily visitors declined with
the passage of time.
Both centers offer internet access at the rate of Rs30 per hour. They also charge for
other services. The average monthly income from the Gwadar center is between
Rs2,500 and Rs3,000. On the other hand average monthly expenditures are around
Rs8,000. Thus the center has been operating under a deficit of Rs5,000 per month
which is too much for an NGO working on a not-for-profit basis. The management of
the NGO is worried about the sustainability of the center. The problem of financial
sustainability is the same for the Mithi center. According to one of the staff of the NGO
running the center, they might shut down the center if they do not get immediate
financial aid from external sources.
The Gwadar center is connected to the SDNP ISP in Karachi through the Turbat
telephone exchange. The Mithi center is connected to an ISP in Hyderabad. The
connectivity with ISPs in these areas is not reliable. Some of the frequent disconnection
and interruptions were telephone exchange related. This interruption results in
additional telephone calls, which frustrates net-surfers. There is an insuf ficient number of
PCs available at both CCCs (three at Gwadar and one at Mithi) and the machines used for
internet service are quite old. Therefore, there are hardware problems on frequent basis
which result in interruption in the CCCs’ services. Unavailability of hardware/software
maintenance services in these remote areas also causes service break downs.
A number of lessons have been learned with respect to these CCCs:
.There is lack of awareness in rural community about the benefits of using the
internet. The vast majority of CCCs’ visitors come for entertainment purposes
rather than for educational or research work or to gain knowledge. They do
online chatting most of the time. Even the majority of the visitors are not
interested in exchanging e-mail messages. However, there are some individuals
who have gained a lot of information through the internet about their hobbies
and businesses.
.The centers provided job opportunities to computer literate youths, although
these are small in number. However, people found the centers a good source for
hunting jobs.
.The rates of internet use per hour are too high to be affordable for poor villagers.
.The CCCs failed to provide opportunities for local women to use internet
facilities. It is a common and strong perception among the local population that
the internet is just an entertainment medium and, therefore, it is not wise for
women and children to learn and use it.
.The CCCs have proved successful as a catalyst in improving internet services in
remote areas (by attracting commercial cyber cafe
´s), but commercial cyber cafe
provide services at cheaper rates and pose a serious threat to the sustainability of
.The SDNP model of CCCs is not financially sustainable.
Future initiatives of telecenters
The experience of CCCs established by the SDNP has opened up the idea of the use of
such centers in rural development in Pakistan. The Ministry of Information
Technology, with the help of the IUCN, is planning a project for setting up more
community telecenters in rural areas.
The Strategy and Plans Wing of PTCL has also drafted a plan to establish
tele-info-centers in the semi-urban, rural and remote areas of the country. The aim of
this project is to provide “universal access” in rural and remote areas where the
majority of people live. The objectives set for this project include to:
.promote access to basic telephone, internet and IT services;
.test the viability of different ideas, services and community solutions;
.demonstrate sustainability of tele-info centers (based on experience of similar
.evaluate impact of providing access to modern ICTs in rural and remote areas;
.contribute PTCL’s bit in rural community development service;
.enhance participation of private sector;
.help to improve community efficiency productivity and business in rural and
remote areas; and
.create a chain of economic activity leading to long-term PTCL projection and
business development.
The services proposed for telecenters include national/international PCO facility, fax,
internet, e-mail, voice mail, word processing, document printing, document scanning,
computer hands-on training, photocopying and multi-media. It is proposed that, to
start telecenters, existing telegraph office buildings can be used which are already
under the custody of PTCL. The maximum number of telegraph offices was 444 in
1998, which is reduced to 324 in July 2003.
Another project, which intends to establish a public telecenter in the remote region
of Gilgit in Northern Pakistan, is the Gilgit Internet Service. The project was started in
October 1999. Funded by a grant from the International Development Research Center
(IDRC), International Center for Integrated Mountain Research (ICIMOD) and the
Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South
(COMSATS), the project is entitled “Pilot Project for Providing Internet Services in
Northern Areas of Pakistan”. This project has the objective of establishing internet
connectivity in Northern Pakistan, while investigating the technical, cultural,
organizational and regulatory challenges of providing internet services in this
remote setting. The project focuses on the use of internet services by the local
population, local government, and locally operating non-governmental and
international organizations. There are now over 115 subscribers to the Gilgit
Internet Service, where at the same time, telephone calls remain both unreliable and
The Gilgit Internet Service remains the only initiative in Pakistan providing
connectivity to rural areas of the country. COMSATS, having previous experience
running internet services in six major cities in Pakistan, operates and manages the
internet service in the Gilgit region, while ICIMOD offers project administration
services. Trained local staff operate the VSAT link between the Gilgit Internet Service
and the COMSATS service in Islamabad. The Gilgit Internet Service aims to serve over
1,000 internet users. The local region will benefit from the training services offered by
the soon to be established Public Internet Center at Gilgit. The Public Internet Center
will also offer internet facilities to local businesses, and low-cost access to individuals
who cannot afford to purchase computers for home or office use. It is expected that the
Gilgit Internet Service will contribute an enabling tool to enhance the educational,
training, skills building and socioeconomic activities in the local region.
The wider goal of this pilot project includes investigating and developing skills
required for establishing a sustainable public internet service in regions with poor
quality or non-existent telecommunications infrastructure. It is hoped that the lessons
learned from the Gilgit Internet Service will provide valuable tools for adaptation in
other remote regions of the world. Despite its successful operation, the Gilgit Internet
Service still faces the challenges of overcoming telecommunications infrastructure and
electricity related problems.
As users and services continue to increase, it is expected that the internet service
should be able to obtain a sustainable operational base. COMSATS is pursuing SCO,
the local telecommunication company, to provide dial up access to the whole northern
areas including Skardu, etc., to connect to the Gilgit POP Internet Service under this
new scheme.
Challenges and opportunities for MCTs in rural areas of Pakistan
The establishment of MCTs in rural areas of Pakistan will have to face the following
.Literacy is the lowest in rural areas. Two-thirds of the villagers cannot even
write their name in any language. Women who are almost half of the rural
population are only 10 percent literate.
.The majority of the rural community in Pakistan is not aware of the services and
benefits of new ICTs regarding their needs. The internet is perceived in rural
areas as an entertainment medium and youngsters mostly use it to see
pornographic sites. Therefore, the elders do not like their women or children to
have internet access.
.The cost of setting up the telecommunication infrastructure in rural areas is
prohibitively high for operators in this field. They can earn more profit by
investing less in densely populated urban areas. Hence, providing
telecommunication services to villages is at their least priority.
.Pakistan has now a good level of access to the internet. However, the internet is
English-dependent, and in Pakistan, the level of capability in using the English
language is sometimes alarming. To be able to use the internet, particularly in
rural areas where 99 percent of the population do not know basic English, much
more content in national and local languages is needed.
.An unreliable supply of electric power is another hindrance in the provision of
ICT-based services. For instance, in Gwadar, electricity is available for only ten
hours a day. According to the sources of WAPDA, the largest power supply
company in Pakistan, only 58 percent villages have the facility of electricity.
.Various experiments of MCTs carried out in the world show that this idea is not
commercially attractive and there are little chances of their sustainability
without external aid.
.Volunteers working for rural development are not aware of the use of ICTs in
this field.
.There is a lack of political will for the provision of information services. Local
governments with a low budget have to provide other basic needs such as
education, health, electricity, clean drinking water, etc. Information provision is
one of their lowest priorities.
In spite of all challenges mentioned above the following opportunities are available for
initiating the idea of MCTs in Pakistan:
.The majority of the poor population of Pakistan lives in villages (39 percent of
the rural population as compared to 22 percent of the urban population are below
the poverty line). They cannot pay for a telephone facility or PCs. Even if some of
them can afford to buy PCs, the maintenance, supplying parts, and training
people how to use them are more difficult in the remote areas. In these
circumstances the only way to help the rural population to provide access to ICT
is the opening of MCTs.
.Awareness at government as well as national and international NGO levels is
seen now. The government promotes ICTs through various initiatives such as
e-commerce, e-government, IT education, deregulation of telecommunication, etc.
The Ministry of Information Technology is already planning to set up such
centers in rural areas. International organizations like ITU, UNDP and Unesco
are ready to provide financial/technical support for this purpose.
.There are examples of indigenous web resources providing information services
to villagers. The examples are TelMedPak (for tele-medicine) and Pakissan (to
help agriculturists).
.There is a great potential of providing distance education through MCTs in rural
areas. Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), the first Open University in Asia,
has established over 1,400 study centers throughout the country. 58 percent of its
students belong to rural area. The opening of Virtual University is another step
in the way of providing distance education through ICTs in Pakistan.
.The new local government system suits the provision of such services at local
level. Powers of many federal and provincial departments have been shifted to
local governments at district, tehsil and union council levels. There are over 6,000
union councils in the country (a union council represents four or five small
villages). Now it is the duty of union councils to open libraries and reading rooms
for the public. A department to promote IT is to be set up in each district in
accordance with the new local government ordinance. The new Nazims and Naib
Nazims (elected administrators of local government (Pakistan. National
Reconstruction Bureau, 2001) are educated having at least secondary school
certificate. They can understand comparatively easily the need of providing
ICT-based services in their respective areas.
.The government-owned PTCL has announced subsidy on telecommunication
services in rural areas. It is already working on the provision of WLL technology
as an alternative to copper wire infrastructure in rural areas.
Model for the establishment of MCTs in rural areas of Pakistan
In light of the above discussion it is inevitable to set up MCTs in Pakistan to play their
effective role in economic and social development of rural population. A model for the
establishment of such centers is proposed here. Some international studies and
guidebooks on which the theoretical framework of this model is based include Colle
and Roman (2003), Community Technology Centers’ Network (2003), Latchem and
Walker (2001), Qvortrup (2001), and Unesco (2003).
Policy formulation
Although the key implementers of most of the development policies are local bodies yet
the job of policy making is in the hands of the Federal Government. The Federal
Ministry of Information Technology should take initiative to set up MCTs in rural
areas. It may form a task force for this purpose with representatives from the Ministry
of Education, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Pakistan Library
Association, telecommunication operators in private sector, and national and
international NGOs. Technical experts from the field of IT may also be included in
this task force.
It is proposed that the pilot project should be initiated first. After a year or two MCTs
can be set up on full scale. The national level task force may invite concerned
government departments and user groups to express their views regarding
applications and service development. It may organize a meeting with
representatives of collaborating organizations to define their needs for services and
capacity development, as well as their roles and contributions to the project.
Community needs must be assessed before starting a center. Key target groups and
types of services to be provided should be decided at planning stage.
Management and control
Experiments with MCTs in other developing countries reveal that the commercial or
franchised model has more potential of self-sustainability. The national task force may
invite franchisees (national or local) to open MCTs. As these centers have less financial
attraction government departments may provide subsidy and other help in the
following forms:
.Local government can provide building on subsidized rent.
.Local government can provide special funds for library material that has no
commercial attraction.
.National task forces can provide training, technical support and coordination
among various organizations for financial aid/subsidy.
.International and national NGOs can provide equipment, as it is the major
expenditure of a center in the beginning.
.Telecommunication companies can charge subsidized rates for telephone, fax
and internet services.
.The electricity supply company can provide electricity at a subsidized cost.
.Local schools can help in marketing MCT’s services.
To safeguard the rights and benefits of the community it is recommended that an
advisory committee should be formed for each telecenter. This committee should have
representatives from various local government departments, local political workers,
local NGOs and users of the center.
To set up MCTs in rural areas the franchisees should be helped in providing start-up
costs fully or partially by public funding or international donor support. The provision
of services from various government departments on concession can attract
franchisees. Some of the MCTs’ services (such as phone, fax, internet, e-mail, etc.)
have potential for cost recovery. The local government should provide a regular budget
for library material.
Building and equipment
An MCT may be set up in local government office, school, community center, post
office, or any private house or shop. The minimum building requirement of a center is
two rooms, one for internet, phone, fax and photocopier and the other for training
purposes. The second room may also be used for meetings or library reading room.
The equipment initially needed for a center may include three to four PCs, a laser
printer, a photocopier, a UPS, a scanner, a CD-writer, a laminator, a binder, a telephone
set, a facsimile, a television, a video cassette player and an audio cassette player.
Software requirements include office applications (word processing, spreadsheets,
databases, desktop publishing, presentations), internet browser, anti-virus programs,
educational software, recreational software, networking software, web page design
and multimedia software.
WLL may be the best option to provide connectivity to the proposed MCTs in rural
areas. In remote and inaccessible areas where WLL is not available satellite
communication may be an appropriate and practical solution, but it is not economical.
The extra cost should have to be borne by the government. PTCL may provide internet
access at the local call charges with no multi-metering.
Services to offer
Regarding services to be offered at an MCT, the development of the center can be
divided into two phases depending on its success and needs of the community. Basic
services which should be offered during the first phase may include: telephone; sending
and receiving fax messages; access to computers; printing; scanning; photocopying;
access to internet; sending, receiving and translating e-mail messages; providing
meeting space for small groups; access to government forms and information; word
processing; training in computer use; binding; showing videos; laminating; lending
library materials and providing reading room. Advanced services to be offered in the
second phase may include developing local databases; designing and maintaining web
pages; supporting distance education; tourist information; tele-medicine; tele-trading;
graphic design; video or still camera hire; employment agency; and online banking.
Targeted user groups
According to the community needs following groups may be targeted as users of an
.local government functionaries;
.teachers and students;
.health workers;
.small business entrepreneur;
.local NGOs;
.sports clubs; and
.general population.
Promotion and marketing
Telecenter services may be promoted through local advisory committee, local
government functionaries, posters, leaflets and brochures. Traditional communication
systems within the rural community may be used to promote the center at the outset.
These include community meetings, opinion leaders, religious institutions and the
school system.
Sustainability is the most important issue in the development of MCTs in rural areas.
Networking of telecenters can help in sustainability. Such cooperation may facilitate
access to technical support and assistance; common training sessions; and the
opportunity to plan for collaborative ventures and projects. To be sustainable, MCTs
require to offer services and content that meet the needs of the community. There is
little relevant information and knowledge available electronically in a language and
format rural people in Pakistan can understand and use. Relevant content needs to be
developed and adapted to user-friendly interfaces. The need for cross-sectoral
public/private partnership, involving also local actors has already been highlighted.
MCTs as an alternative to rural public libraries
As mentioned above an effective public library system is non-existent in Pakistan’s
rural areas. People fulfill their information needs through informal sources. The
government is always busy in fulfilling other basic needs and fully ignores setting up
public libraries. The establishment of self-sustained MCTs can be an alternative to
such libraries. As proposed in the model, if MCTs acquire some books, subscribe to
some newspapers and magazines, and provide some area for study, these can serve the
purpose of a public library. This new form of rural public library will fulfill the
information needs of rural dwellers not only through traditional sources (books,
newspapers, magazines, etc.), but also through modern electronic sources (audio-visual
material, CD-ROM, databases, internet, etc.). The library function of MCTs is not
financially sustainable. For this purpose local governments can provide some support
to MCTs instead of setting up independent public libraries. This support can be in the
form of building and a regular grant for books and magazines.
In spite of poor economic conditions, Pakistan has achieved, in recent years, a
significant advancement in its telecommunication sector. The number of subscribers to
fixed-line and cellular phone has increased and there are computer and internet users in
large numbers. These facilities concentrate on big cities and rural areas are still far
behind in getting the benefits associated with such facilities. There is a dire need to set
up community-based facilities for providing information and communication
technologies to rural dwellers. Bearing in mind the successes and failures of some
international and national initiatives, a financially sustainable model for the
establishment of such multipurpose community telecenters can be first pilot tested
and then implemented in Pakistan. With some support from local government these
MCTs can also serve the purpose of modern rural public libraries and bring them on a
level of their urban counterparts.
Colle, R.D. and Roman, R. (2003), Handbook for Telecenter Staffs, available at: http://ip.cals. (accessed November 25).
Community Technology Centers’ Network (2003), Center Start-up Manual, CTCNet, Cambridge,
Haider, S.J. (1998), “Public libraries and development planning in Pakistan: a review of past
efforts and future needs”, Asian Libraries, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 47-57.
Khurshid, A. (2000), Planning and Management of Library and Information Services in Pakistan,
Library & Information Services Group, Karachi.
Latchem, C. and Walker, D. (Eds) (2001), Telecentres: Case Studies and Key Issues,
The Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver.
Pakistan Ministry of Finance (2003), “Economic survey, 2002-2003”, available at: (accessed November 25, 2003).
Pakistan Ministry of Science & Technology IT and Telecommunications Division (2000),
IT Policy and Action Plan, The Division, Islamabad.
Pakistan Ministry of Information Technology. IT & Telecommunication Division (2003), “Draft
mobile cellular sector policy”, available at:
informationandservices/draftmobilepolicy24122003.pdf (accessed January 2, 2004).
Pakistan National Reconstruction Bureau (2001), “The SBNP local government ordinance 2001.
A comparative analysis”, available at:
Ordinance_2001.pdf (accessed December 5, 2003).
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (2003), “Consultation paper on telecommunication in
rural areas of Pakistan”, available at:
rural_areas.pdf (accessed November 25, 2003).
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (2004), “Telecom status report 2002-2003”, available at: (accessed May 1, 2004).
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (2004), “Monthly review”, available at: www. (accessed May 1).
Qvortrup, L. (2001), “A means to social, cultural and economic development of rural communities
and low-income urban settlements: impact of community teleservices centres (CTSCs) on
rural development”, available at:
html (accessed November 25, 2003).
Siochru, S.O. and Rashid, R. (2001), “Sustainable Development Networking Programme,
Pakistan, End of the project evaluation, final report”, available at:
rc/forums/mgr/sdnpmgrs/pdf00002.pdf (accessed December 1, 2003).
Unesco (2003), “Ten steps for establishing a sustainable multipurpose community telecentre”,
available at: (accessed
November 20).
Wolcott, P. and Goodman, S. (2000), “The internet in Turkey and Pakistan: a comparative
analysis”, available at: (accessed
November 25, 2003).
World Summit on the Information Society (2003), “Plan of action”, available at:
dms_pub/itu-s/md/03/wsis/doc/S03-WSIS-DOC-0005!!PDF-E.pdf (accessed December 1).
(Khalid Mahmood is a Lecturer on the Department of Library and Information Science,
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. He is a prolific writer and has published some books
and various research articles in national and international journals. His area of special interest is
the use of information and communication technologies in libraries. He can be contacted at:
... Such access provides rural people with instantaneous information on what their counterparts in other countries are doing. CICs are needed in such an environment because the transition to an information society usually brings growing inequality, since not all people are able to take advantage of new opportunities (Mahmood, 2005). CICs are innovative ways of addressing the multiple challenges confronting rural populations under a single roof, providing simple, single-point access to information and services to rural people (Harris and Rajora, 2006). ...
... The more individuals, communities and whole societies depend on information and the associated technologies, the greater is the social exclusion that is experienced by those who do not have access to the technology and the wherewithal to use it (Mahmood, 2005;Harris and Rajora, 2006). In effect, this increases the social and technological exclusion for those in rural areas. ...
Development is multi-dimensional aspect of human life that can be applied spatially and temporarily by different stakeholders and players. It is shaped through policy, stakeholder participation and by caring for the ecological resources that are found in various locales of the globe. Development includes a deliberate progression that is defined by both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ resources. Over the years, different paradigms have emerged and have head a bearing on development. Environmentalism is a paradigm that concerns itself with a quest towards preserving ecological resources as and when development has been put to realisation. Modernisation has been that concern that has pushed for better infrastructure and services for the users, including infrastructure development and upgrading. For those places difficult to access, there have been thrusts around building communication channels. Electrification has been a huge drive by governments towards mitigating against challenges, especially in rural areas where deforestation has been a major challenge. On the soft side, of matters of development, concerns have been on increasing the voice of the marginalised group as well as promoting the rights of everyone, hence rights-based development. On the same token, creating and enhancing institutions for better governance, have been emerging issues. The current book volume brings into the fore various contributions and debates around the subject of development and transformation. Covered in the book are issues of the state and animal diseases, rural poverty, public interest and street vending, livelihood strategies by street children, youth and employment dynamics and gender and street trading. Other areas are smart cities, solid waste management, landscape design, innovation, libraries, business and development promotion and economic development. The book is an attempt to proffer a multidisciplinary curve to the development debate in Zimbabwe. Evident in the discourses are the different tones and shades of policy pronouncements and interventions that the state and its institutions in the country have tried, from time to time, to put in place. The policy space has always been one of contestation, with the generality of the populations seeking to fit or outmanoeuvre government action.
... Furthermore, a substantial body of research has demonstrated that community members do have needs and that they require information services for day-to-day living. This research has also described general community information services provided by public libraries in developing countries (Stilwell, 1989;Alemna, 1995;Pettigrew et al., 2002;Mukhopadhyay, 2004;Mahmood, 2005;Satpathy, 2006;Goulding, 2009). ...
Inter-organizational cooperation represents a process in which organisations believe in interdependence and pool resources in the interest of obtaining common benefits that each partner could not secure independently. This paper is an attempt to understand and evaluate the bonding of community, cooperation, and public libraries for sustainable development. The types of cooperation and community information services (CIS) have been traced by briefly presenting the theoretical aspect of community. Elements of cooperation for sustainability have also been presented. The paper also provides insight on factors affecting cooperation, the public library’s cooperation with other organizations, etc
... The conceptual framework to the economic theories of Veblen, Keynes and Galbraith; the pragmatism of Dewey and James; and the welfare of Beveridge and Titmuss. It surrounds a perspective that mobilize an assorted number of social institutions including the state, community and market to promote welfare of people using organized pluralism (Mahmood, 2005). Midgley asserts that growing nations show distortions in development when they do not concurrently coincide economic progress with social privileges for the entire population (Buren, 2000). ...
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This study investigates the role of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) in influencing socioeconomic development in Central Punjab (2008-2013). The study assumes that Radio Pakistan has substantially contributed in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab, catering to education. The study used development support communication theory as theocratical framework and focused on two-way communication between programmers and listeners, believing interpersonal communication best shapes the public opinion. In addition, it allows programmers to improve the quality of the radio programs regularly. The study checked the efficacy of programs through the interviews of programmers and an audience satisfaction survey. Radio links beneficiary to the community of planners, implementers and donors of the said action. This article comprises qualitative study based on data collected from 35 radio programmers/producers employed at the three stations in Lahore, Faisalabad and Sargodha via In-depth interviews (22 males and 13 females). The qualitative study analyzed programmers' comments on the bases of; topics, content, budget, expert opinion, caller queries and suggestions for the improvement of the programs and finds that the radio meets/strives hard minute by minute to meet the audience expectations by adjusting/upgrading the content concerning indicated socioeconomic domain on daily basis through the exchange of information between the programmers and listeners/callers during 18 hours daily transmission. Socioeconomic Development through radio: An in-depth analysis of public education among rural listeners of Pakistan 6138 The limited budget, less skilled staff, conventional approach and less interest of high government officials are the hurdles in upgrading medium's capacity to engage a larger audience with more efficient results.
... Telecenters as a kind of ICT project are providing the benefits of new communication technologies to the rural poor (Jauernig, 2003). Mahmood (2005) mentioned that in many developing countries a couple of information and service centers known as telecenters have been established in rural areas to supply information to the marginalized and rural disadvantaged and to decrease the digital divide between urban and rural areas. The course of information from and to the rural communities is an indispensable precondition for the development of rural Bangladesh. ...
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Union Digital Center (UDC) is an institutional set-up of the Government of Bangladesh–with the technical assistance of United Nations Development Program (UNDP)–across the country ushered in a new prospect and hope for helping the rural community to develop their life and livelihoods through one stop services by digital gateway. The purpose of the study is to reveal how UDCs influence to ease rural life through digital services provided by UDC in rural communities. Using a cross-sectional study design with mixed-method approach, we have collected responses from 311 service receivers through questionnaire survey. Analyzing the data collected from 12 UDCs in 6 districts of different geographical locations we found that citizens mostly come at UDCs for getting birth registration (18.2%) and citizenship certificate (18.3%). As a part of statistical analysis this study used frequency distribution and measure of central tendency to figure out the users' perceptions about UDCs' services. Empirical analysis discloses that in most cases users 'agree' or 'moderately agree' UDC is more effective for changing rural life in terms of quality services (63% agreed), access to services and training on ICT skills (37.7% agreed), access to information and services, improving socio economic status by accessing and using information and services (55.9% agreed), reduces the level of gap for service delivery between citizens and government (53.7% agreed), helps to receive services in low cost for rural peoples (47.3% agreed), services are available in less time (49.2% agreed)e and overall reduction of digital gap (47.3% agreed). In fact, the study found obvious outcomes of UDCs in improving the rural life in accessing the government services that led them standard life too. Though, there are a few loopholes in terms of service delivery, commitment and resilient service delivery in each stakeholder involved in the whole process . The study recommends bridging the gap between the services promised and services offered. Hence, it is necessary to have efficient collaboration of the e-service components i.e. the service provider, the channels of service delivery, and the service receiver. Specifically, the government should provide all physical support; training to the entrepreneurs and awareness among beneficiaries.
... The programs develop as well as support the sustainable rural development to include the improve of the governance at the local and provincial levels, secondly development of the institutions as well as their capacities in areas such as education sectors, training, research as well as extension, savings, marketing etc. All these programs have a major factor of the local public especially the rural communities (Mahmood, 2005). ...
This study investigates the role of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC), commonly known as Radio Pakistan, in influencing socioeconomic development in Central Punjab (2008-2013). The article comprises of qualitative study based on data collected from 35/35 radio programmers/producers employed at the three stations in Lahore, Faisalabad and Sargodha. This article assesses the role of radio in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab through specific information questions (SED 1-40) from the programmers and listeners each respectively. The author developed questionnaire in-depth interviews of 35 radio programmers and producers (22 males and 13 females). The qualitative study analyzed programmers’ comments on topics, content, budget, expert opinion, and caller queries and suggestions for the improvement of the programs and finds that the radio meets/strives hard minute by minute to meet the audience expectations by adjusting/upgrading the content concerning socioeconomic domains on daily basis through the exchange of information between the programmers and listeners/callers during 18 hours daily transmission (agriculture two hours daily). Overall, this research qualitatively examines the role of Radio Pakistan in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab through the surveys of the programmers and listeners about the radio/government program policies, quality, topics, guests’ knowledge of topics (Annexure-I & II) Lahore, Faisalabad and Sargodha stations, and recommends that programs can be made more beneficial through investment in programming and advancement technology in the targeted areas. The first of its kind, the study assumes that Radio Pakistan has substantially contributed in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab, catering to economic (agriculture) needs of Pakistani public. The study uses these the needs as the indicators of economic development (keeping in mind the radio transmission is dependent on independent government/radio policies, topics, budget, expert advice, caller queries for various targeted radio programs) for measuring the role of Radio Pakistan in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab.
... However, the proposed "integrated rural information system" could not come into existence and has remained as a paper exercise. Mahmood (2005) proposed setting up multipurpose community telecenters (MCTs) in rural areas of Pakistan, to provide an opportunity to establish programs and services that could provide economic, social and IT support. The study reported that the public library system was almost non-existent in rural areas of Pakistan and people were seeking information from other sources. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to appraise the possible response outcomes (no response, fear control or danger control) of a fear-based message on falling behind current medical knowledge among health-care professionals (HCPs). Design/methodology/approach This study was conducted using a quantitative research design. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in 2,873 health-care facilities across 36 districts of Punjab. The Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) provided a theoretical framework for this study. The important components to EPPM such as threat, efficacy and outcomes were used to collect the data. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22. Findings HCPs perceived high susceptibility and threat of falling behind current medical knowledge. A majority of the HCPs were at the danger control process and engaged in a behavior that is recommended for adaptive behavioral changes. Clinical experience and enrollment in post-graduation programs (e.g. FCPS, MCPS) were significant factors as to HCPs’ perceived response efficacy. Research limitations/implications The responses were obtained using a structured questionnaire, which is always subject to respondents’ personal biases and ability to understand the question’s statement. Practical implications This study has important implications in terms of introducing promotional, educational and logistical interventions that could help in HCPs overcoming the fear of falling behind current medical knowledge and develop productive and adoptive information behavior thus improving patient care and outcome. Originality/value This is the first large-scale empirical study in Pakistan that measured the level of threat and efficacy among HCPs using the EPPM. It proposes a framework for developing long-lasting adaptive information behavioral changes that may result in informed patient care and better decision-making.
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We examine the concept of cultural resilience among the eastern Penan community of Long Lamai in the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo. Long Lamai is in the Heart of Borneo, a global conservation priority region that contains some of the planet’s most biologically diverse equatorial rainforest habitats. The Penan have undergone significant and rapid evolutions in their lifestyle, including transitioning from being a nomadic tribe living and subsisting wholly in the rainforest to a settled community in the village of Long Lamai over the past 60 years. We utilize participatory research methods to examine how the Penan indigenous community defines resilience and how this relates to aspects of their cultural identity that they want to maintain in the face of globalization. Results identify which dimensions of culture are relevant to Penan resilience and provide insights into enhancing indigenous communities’ cultural resilience.
This study investigates the role of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC), commonly known as Radio Pakistan, in influencing socioeconomic development in Central Punjab (2008-2013). It reviews literature on socioeconomic development through radio in many countries by Stephen Barnard (2000), William Faulder (1984), Shazia Maari (2009) and Mary Myers (2011) and others and the archives of Finance Division of Government of Pakistan (GOP) on socioeconomic development in the country (2008-2019). The first of its kind, the study assumes that Radio Pakistan has substantially contributed in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab, catering to infrastructure and internationally funded big projects such as China Pakistan Economic Corridor) needs of Pakistani public. Radio Pakistan relies on, what WHO calls, the drill of development support communication, a multi-sectoral. process for sharing information about agendas and deliberate actions for development. This medium links beneficiary to the community of planners, implementers and donors of the said action (“Development,” 2001). They share information and answer the queries of listeners in radio programs. The article comprises of quantitative studies based on data collected from 1000/1M random listeners/callers from Lahore, Faisalabad and Sargodha zones, covering 300 km², 120 km², and 50 km² geographical areas respectively (Punjab:205,344km²; Pakistan: 796,095 km²). This article assesses the role of radio in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab through two survey questionnaires by asking 40 demographic and specific information questions (SED 1-40) from the programmers and listeners each respectively. The author developed questionnaire for closed ended, telephonic interviews of 1000 random listeners/ callers (636 males and 364 females). She collected authentic data with the help of two assistants for the qualitative study, and 55 assistants (30 males and 25 females), for the quantitative without any intervention/prejudice by the Corporation/radio in good faith and analyzed. The validity and reliability are ascertained that the quantitative study that relies on correlation, factor analysis and variance tests between certain demographic (age, gender, education) and non-demographic variables (satisfaction with program policies, quality, guest’s knowledge of the topic, the topic, and style or format of each of the types of radio programs). It finds correlation between different demographic and socioeconomic indicators.Listeners’ satisfaction is positively correlated with their interest in most programs on socioeconomic development. The data indicated respondents are highly influenced by programs on small and enterprises (3.96). Audience depends on radio program to gather information and spread the word of mouth concerning health awareness, business, trade and agriculture. Overall, this research quantitatively examines the role of Radio Pakistan in socioeconomic development in Central Punjab through the surveys of the programmers and listeners about the radio/government program policies, quality, topics, guests’ knowledge of topics (Annexure-I & II) Lahore, Faisalabad and Sargodha stations, and recommends that programs can be made more beneficial through investment in programming and advancement technology in the targeted areas.
Surveying the growth of public libraries in Pakistan prior to and following independence, this paper shows that development has been at best a piecemeal affair and at worst non-existent. Although some libraries seek to fulfil their goal of providing quality service to the public, most are hampered by overwhelming economic, social and educational problems. Notwithstanding this gloomy scenario, it is suggested that library planning based on awareness of indigenous needs and with realistic aims can achieve far more than has been the case in the past. Six factors are suggested as essential in any effective public library planning process in Pakistan; these may be valid in other developing countries as well.
Center Start-up Manual
  • Community Technology Centers’ Network
IT Policy and Action Plan
  • Pakistan Ministry of Science & Technology IT and Telecommunications Division
Sustainable Development Networking Programme, Pakistan, End of the project evaluation, final report”, available at: ww.sdnp
  • S O Siochru
  • R Rashid
Siochru, S.O. and Rashid, R. (2001), " Sustainable Development Networking Programme, Pakistan, End of the project evaluation, final report ", available at: rc/forums/mgr/sdnpmgrs/pdf00002.pdf (accessed December 1, 2003).
A means to social, cultural and economic development of rural communities and low-income urban settlements: impact of community teleservices centres (CTSCs) on rural development
  • L Qvortrup
Qvortrup, L. (2001), " A means to social, cultural and economic development of rural communities and low-income urban settlements: impact of community teleservices centres (CTSCs) on rural development ", available at: html (accessed November 25, 2003).
Handbook for Telecenter Staffs
  • R D Colle
  • R Roman
Colle, R.D. and Roman, R. (2003), Handbook for Telecenter Staffs, available at: http://ip.cals. (accessed November 25).
The SBNP local government ordinance 2001. A comparative analysis
Pakistan National Reconstruction Bureau (2001), " The SBNP local government ordinance 2001. A comparative analysis ", available at: Ordinance_2001.pdf (accessed December 5, 2003).