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Exploiting RFID digital information in enterprise collaboration


Abstract and Figures

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate how a distributed network architecture, building on web‐service orchestration, data‐stream management systems and smart‐tagging technologies, can be employed to enable enterprise collaboration and decision making. Design/methodology/approach The methodology is based on a technology review in order to propose a network design as well as a field survey to identify and evaluate the relevance of radio frequency identification (RFID)‐enabled collaboration and decision‐support scenarios to industry executives. Findings The paper demonstrates the relevance of the proposed architecture and corresponding RFID‐enabled collaboration to business executives of the grocery retail sector. The responses show that some scenarios are more appealing to retailers than to suppliers and that certain processes should be done in collaboration. Research limitations/implications Research limitations and future research directions involve the evaluation of specific design alternatives, in the specific context as well as comparing the distributed architecture approach with a centralized architecture or with EDI which has traditionally been used to support enterprise collaboration. Practical implications The proposed architecture supports not only internal operations of network leaders, such as big retailers, but also suppliers who look into opportunities to benefit from the use of IT in enterprise relationships by gaining either process specificity or domain knowledge specificity. Originality/value The paper introduces a novel architecture that moves beyond the centralized web site paradigm to a distributed one. A European field survey is employed for the evaluation of several RFID‐enabled collaboration scenarios, providing insights to both researchers and practitioners (retailers and suppliers in the grocery retail sector).
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Exploiting RFID digital
information in enterprise
George Lekakos
Department of Management Science and Technology,
ELTRUN Research Center, Athens University of Economics and Business,
Athens, Greece
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate how a distributed network architecture,
building on web-service orchestration, data-stream management systems and smart-tagging
technologies, can be employed to enable enterprise collaboration and decision making.
Design/methodology/approach – The methodology is based on a technology review in order to
propose a network design as well as a field survey to identify and evaluate the relevance of radio
frequency identification (RFID)-enabled collaboration and decision-support scenarios to industry
Findings – The paper demonstrates the relevance of the proposed architecture and corresponding
RFID-enabled collaboration to business executives of the grocery retail sector. The responses show
that some scenarios are more appealing to retailers than to suppliers and that certain processes should
be done in collaboration.
Research limitations/implications Research limitations and future research directions involve
the evaluation of specific design alternatives, in the specific context as well as comparing the
distributed architecture approach with a centralized architecture or with EDI which has traditionally
been used to support enterprise collaboration.
Practical implications The proposed architecture supports not only internal operations of network
leaders, such as big retailers, but also suppliers who look into opportunities to benefit from the use of IT
in enterprise relationships by gaining either process specificity or domain knowledge specificity.
Originality/value – The paper introduces a novel architecture that moves beyond the centralized
web site paradigm to a distributed one. A European field survey is employed for the evaluation of
several RFID-enabled collaboration scenarios, providing insights to both researchers and practitioners
(retailers and suppliers in the grocery retail sector).
Keywords Business enterprise, Retailing, Radio waves, Decision support systems,Information retrieval
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
The emergence of new technologies, such as radio frequency identification (RFID),
is expected to revolutionize many of the enterprise collaboration operations such as
supply chain management by reducing costs, improving service levels and offering
new possibilities for identifying unique product instances. On the other hand, the
advanced data capture capabilities of RFID technology coupled with unique product
identification and real-time digital information coming from different data sources,
such as environmental sensors, define a new and rich information environment that
opens up new horizons for efficient decision-making activities.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Industrial Management & Data
Vol. 107 No. 8, 2007
pp. 1110-1122
qEmerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/02635570710822778
Currently, RFID implementations take place internally within a company
mainly with the objective to automate warehouse and store management processes
in the first run. The priority and effort placed behind such implementations by the US
Department of Defence and global retailers such as Wal-Mart, METRO, TESCO, etc.
combined with the pressure they put on their suppliers indicate that this technology
has already become a market mandate.
However, on the suppliers’ side, RFID, as a tag that has to be placed on their
products, is often considered to be an unfortunate strategic necessity (Barua and Lee,
1997) they have to comply with in order to satisfy the plans of their big customers for
increased internal efficiency. For suppliers to benefit from RFID, they need to share
RFID information with their partners and exploit this information in order to
streamline enterprise collaboration and gain new market knowledge (Subramani, 2004;
Lekakos et al., 2001).
Despite this widely shared notion among enterprises, the efforts aimed at enabling
the exchange of RFID information between business partners are still in their infancy,
with the electronic product code (EPC) Network and the ONS infrastructure as the most
notable movements towards this direction. A recent report consolidating the views of
industry leaders and many different companies on a global basis (GCI, 2005) identifies
the need to establish clear information-sharing work practices and infrastructures
between trading partners to support the use of free, standards-based information
exchange and collaborative decision-support, enabled by RFID technology. In this
context, this paper discusses how a distributed network architecture building on the
possibilities provided by web-service orchestration, data-stream management systems
(DSMS) and smart-tagging technologies, can be employed to enable enterprise
collaboration in supply-chain processes and decision making.
Based on the outcome of a design research approach as well as on the results of a
field survey, the paper discusses, on one hand, the network design and the selection of
the proposed technologies from a technical perspective and, on the other, the relevance
of RFID-enabled collaboration and decision-support scenarios to industry executives,
including the associated benefits and barriers, from a broader research perspective.
In the following section, we look closely into the technology of RFID and the way it
is employed in supply chain management. Section 3 then describes the proposed
architecture and tries to explain why the selected technologies have been employed
in order to support RFID-enabled collaboration and decision support. Section 4
discusses the relevance of specific collaboration scenarios to industry executives as
well as the expected benefits and barriers associated with each scenario. Section 5
concludes with an overall critique and suggestions for further research in this area.
2. Employment of RFID technology in enterprise operations
RFID technology is concerned with the identification of objects through the
transmission of radio waves from and RFID tag (microchip) attached to an antenna to
an RF reader. The information (including object’s serial number for instance)
transmitted by the RF tag is reflected back into digital information that can be passed on
to an enterprise information system. The EPC is the standard adopted in this case. RFID
applications include access control systems, livestock management systems, automated
toll collection systems, theft-prevention systems, electronic payment systems, and
automated production systems (Agarwal, 2001; Smith and Konsynski, 2003).
Exploiting RFID
In the retail sector, RFID can potentially empower a broad spectrum of
applications, ranging from upstream warehouse and distribution management down
to retail-outlet operations, including shelf management, promotions management
and innovative consumer services, as well as applications spanning the whole
supply chain, such as product traceability (Pramatari et al., 2005). However, most
RFID implementations currently take place internally within a company, mainly
with the objective to automate warehouse management processes or store operations
in the first run. A recent industry report (GCI, 2005) identifies certain application
areas (specifically, store operations, distribution operations, direct-store-delivery,
promotion/event execution, total inventory management and shrink management) as
the major opportunities for the deployment of RFID technology in the short and
In the various application areas, the contribution of RFID can be sought across the
following axes:
.the automation of existing processes, leading to time/cost savings and more
efficient operations;
.the enablement of new or transformed-business processes and innovative
consumer services, such as monitoring of product shelf availability or consumer
self check-out;
.the improvement achieved in different dimensions of information quality, such
as accuracy, timeliness, etc. (Ballou et al., 1998); and
.the formation of new types of information, leading to a more precise
representation of the physical environment, e.g. a product’s exact position in the
store, a specific product’s production, distribution and sales history, etc.
The last two axes in particular, ask for new decision support algorithms and tools for
the associated benefits to be exploited, opening-up a whole new research area for
decision support systems (DSS). Furthermore, for the full benefits to be ripped, the
information needs not be exploited locally but be shared with supply chain partners in
a complex network of relationships and decision making.
If RFID technology is only exploited internally by a network leader looking solely at
internal benefits, e.g. a big retailer trying to improve store operations, then suppliers
confront RFID technology as another unfortunate strategic necessity (Barua and Lee,
1997). This is already an existing trend in the market expected to have a negative
impact on RFID market acceptance and adoption rates. Subramani (2004) argues that
suppliers benefit from information technology (IT) use in supply chain relationships
when they use IT either in order to gain higher business-process specificity or in order
to gain higher domain-knowledge specificity. We could say the first two axes above are
associated with business-process specificity while the latter two are associated with
domain-knowledge specificity. Under this perspective, the question that arises is how
to enable collaborative processes and decision making exploiting the aforementioned
RFID capabilities, so that not only network leaders-retailers but also suppliers can
benefit from the employment of RFID both in improving process management and in
gaining domain knowledge.
3. A proposed architecture for RFID-enabled collaboration and decision
making in a networked business environment
In this section, we describe a proposed architecture that can support new RFID-enabled
decision-support and collaboration practices in a networked business environment.
As a field case, we consider the grocery retail sector which is characterized by an
intense supply-chain environment on one hand, handling thousands of products and
supply-chain relationships on a daily basis, and increased competition and consumer
demands on the other.
In this context, the key requirements that should be considered from a decision-support
perspective include:
.the immense amount of data that need to be processed in real time; already today
that products are identified at product-type level through barcodes, the handling
of information in real-time for decision-support purposes is quite a technical
.the need to ensure synchronized product information between supply chain
partners (Roland-Berger, 2003); although the sector has adopted barcoding
technology as a standard to identify products, yet the information is maintained
at different levels in either the retailers’ or the manufacturers’ systems causing
serious integrity issues when data exchange and synchronization is required;
.the many different business relationships that need to be supported; each retailer
may collaborate with hundreds of suppliers and vice versa;
.the different collaboration scenarios that may be applicable in each supply-chain
relationship; a retailer may collaborate with one supplier on efficient warehouse
replenishment following CRP/VMI or on category management with another
supplier, etc. (Pramatari, 2007); and
.the need to support seamless information sharing and collaborative
decision-support through automated and secure interorganizational system links.
In order to cope with the above requirements, the proposed architecture employs:
.DSMS, supporting real-time analytics and decision support based on continuous
queries of transient data streams; and
.web-service orchestration, enabling secure and seamless information sharing
and collaboration in a distributed environment.
Until recently, DSS were based on data that were stored statically and persistently in a
database, typically in a data warehouse. Complex queries and analyses ware carried
out upon this data to produce useful results for managers (Chatziantoniou, 2003).
In many applications, however, it may not be possible to process queries within a
database management system (DBMS). These applications involve data items that
arrive online from multiple sources in a continuous, rapid and time-varying fashion.
This data may or may not be stored in a database.
For this reason, applications have recently been developed in which data is
modelled not as persistent relations but rather as transient data streams. A good
example of such an application would be one that constantly receives data about EPC
observations across a chain. In data streams, we usually have “continuous” queries
rather than “one-time”. The answer to a continuous query is produced over time,
Exploiting RFID
reflecting the stream data seen so far. Computing real-time analytics (potentially
complex) on top of data streams is an essential component of modern organizations
(Chatziantoniou and Johnson, 2005).
Being able to efficiently perform complex real-time analysis on top of streams of
RFID measurements is the reason DSMS are employed by the proposed architecture.
This choice supports certain collaboration and decision-support scenarios, as will be
further described in the following section. In addition, a relational DBMS is used in order
to support less information-intensive scenarios and other elements of the application.
As far as the interorganizational system links and collaborative processes are
concerned, the technology of web services is employed in order to support them.
A web service, as defined by the W3C Web Services Architecture Working Group, is:
... a software application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of
being defined, described, and discovered as XML artifacts. A web service supports direct
interactions with other software agents using XML-based messages exchanged via
internet-based protocols (W3C, 2002b).
In general, a web service is an application that provides a web API, supporting
application-to-application communication using XML and the web. Others refine this
definition further by requiring the description be a Web Services Description Language
(WSDL) document and the protocol be SOAP (Ferris and Farrell, 2003). UDDI registries
are further used to identify and locate web services.
To move beyond the “publish, discover, interact” model, it is required to have the
ability to define logic over a set of service interactions. This not only enables the
composition of a set of services, but it also enables the definition of the interaction
protocol of a single service by specifying a sequence of its operations. The two
prevalent standards – the Web Service Choreography Interface and Description
Language (WSCI, WS-CDL) (W3C, 2002a) and Business Process Execution Language
for Web Services (BPEL4WS) (W3C, 2002a) are designed to reduce the inherent
complexity of connecting web services together. The terms orchestration and
choreography have been employed to describe this collaboration:
.Orchestration refers to an executable business process that may interact with
both internal and external web services. Orchestration describes how web
services can interact at the message level, including the business logic and
execution order of the interactions. These interactions may span applications
and/or organizations, and result in a long-lived, transactional process. With
orchestration, the process is always controlled from the perspective of one of the
business parties.
.Choreography is more collaborative in nature, where each party involved in the
process describes the part they play in the interaction. Web services
choreography aims at the coordination of long-running interactions between
distributed parties, which use web services to expose their externally accessible
operations (Muehlen et al., 2005).
The two notions, however, are not completely distinct. For instance, BPEL4WS can be
used both to describe orchestration and choreography issues (Viroli, 2004).
Furthermore, Muehlen et al. (2005) classify choreography standards proposals into
two categories: REST- and SOAP-oriented standards, which are not necessarily
competing, as REST represents a navigational style of design and SOAP represents a
procedural style. As we recognise that developments in this area have not yet
converged into a single prevailing standard, in the proposed architecture we choose to
use BPEL4WS and SOAP for implementing the notion of web services orchestration.
However, the other standards could also have been used for this purpose.
Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the proposed architecture. As we see
on the figure, this is a distributed architecture, where the application layer runs on
the system of each collaborating partner and web services are used as the interface
between the different partners’ systems using SOAP requests and responses. The data
layer is implemented by both a relational database system (DBMS) and a DSMS
providing the application with a continuous stream of EPC information. The central
orchestration engine coordinates the exchange of messages between the web services
following the logic of specific process scenarios. Finally, the collaboration registry is
the implementation of a UDDI directory enhanced with additional higher-level
information regarding a collaborative relationship, including which partner
collaborates with each other under which process scenario and with what security
Since, this architecture is meant to support collaborative processes and decision
making in the grocery retailing/fast moving consumer goods sector, it is deemed
necessary to interlink it to the GDSN and ONS/EPC Network infrastructures or similar
infrastructures used for the same purpose. The Global Data Synchronization Network
(GDSN), established by the GS1 standardization organization and the Global
Commerce Initiative (GCI) aims at providing supply chain partners with accurate
product catalogue information and is implemented through a collection of data pools
and global registries. On the other hand, the EPC Network, supported by the Object
Name Service (ONS) infrastructure, has started materializing under the administration
Figure 1.
Schematic representation
of the proposed
Partner 1 Partner 2
Web services
SOAP requests
and responses
SOAP requests
and responses SOAP requests
and responses
Legacy systems Legacy systems
Web services Web services
Web services
layer Application
layer Application
Legacy systems
Pattern 3
Exploiting RFID
and directives of EPCglobal and with the support of global standardization bodies and
leading industry forums (GS1, GCI). The difference between the GDSN and the EPC
Network is that the former is meant to support information sharing about product type
(what is currently identified via a barcode) whereas the latter is meant to support
information sharing about unique product instance (identified via an RFID tag,
following the EPC standard) (EPCglobal, 2004). The proposed architecture connects to
either these two or similar directory services in order to get the master product
information associated with a specific product type identified via a barcode (GDSN)
(e.g. product name, manufacturer, weight, dimensions, etc.), or additional information
associated with a specific product instance identified via an EPC (ONS/EPC Network)
(e.g. production date, distribution history, expiration date, etc.).
From a functional perspective, the proposed architecture can support different
collaborative processes and decision-support scenarios. Each of these scenarios can be
supported by separate components at the application layer, as for example the
following indicative interconnected modules:
.store management module (SM);
.promotion management module (PM);
.product traceability and reverse logistics module (TRL);
.inventory management and collaborative replenishment (ICR); and
.Consumer information services (CIS).
Each of the SM, PM, TRL, ICR and CIS modules performs different functionality on
each site; depending on what is the role of the collaborating partner, e.g. supplier,
distribution centre, retail store. The functional decomposition of the application and the
way it interacts with the rest of the elements in the architecture is schematically shown
in Figure 2.
As an example, Figure 3 shows an indicative scenario supporting dynamic pricing
enabled by the PM, where the supplier collaborates with the retailer in order to reduce
the price of some products approaching their expiration date.
Figure 2.
System functional
Web service
systems RDBMS
Decision support application
Automatic data identification layer
(RFID Reader)
Web service Process & workflow
definitions (BPEL4WS)
Orchestration engine
Collaboration registry
SOAP requests &
4. Evaluating the business relevance of the proposed architecture and
enabled scenarios
While with the development of the internet, the centralized application architecture
initially dominated the field of both web-based DSS (Jichang et al., 2004; Zhang and
Goddard, 2005) and collaborative supply chain management systems (Pramatari,
2007), we would argue that a decentralized-application-architecture presents bigger
advantages in the context presented in this paper. Schuff and Louis (2001) have
analyzed the benefits of centralisation vs decentralisation of application software.
Based on their analysis, we can conclude that in the specific context, the
centralised software architecture is expected to lead to serious scalability issues and
delays in system response, especially due to the exponential information
increase associated with the employment of RFID for unique product identification
and the need for real-time analytics and decision-support. Furthermore, a
distributed-application-architecture allows for better integration of the application
with internal business processes, as compared to the use of an external web site
(Pramatari, 2007). Web services further provide the means to enable this integration in
a standard way (Sayah and Zhang, 2005).
In that respect, the proposed system can be categorized as a distributed web-based
DSS as described by Zhang and Goddard (2005), where the data and decision-support
tools from multidisciplinary areas can be located on computers distributed over a
network. In such a distributed environment, a web-based DSS needs a distributed
framework to manage and integrate the data and tools in a seamless way. In the case
described in this paper, this framework is provided by web services, the web service
orchestration engine and the collaboration registry.
The proposed architecture is a generic distributed architecture that can potentially
enable various supply chain collaboration and decision support scenarios, whether
these are enabled by RFID technology or not. What is important to understand though
is which of these scenarios make sense to implement from a business perspective.
Figure 3.
dynamic-pricing scenario
enabled by the proposed
From: Store
To: Supplier
CC: Headquarters
Notification: Products
approaching expiration
From: Supplier and
To: Store
Instruction: Reduce price
roducts a
13.0 1/3/06
10.0 1/3/06 10.0 1/4/06
10.0 1/3/06 5.0 1/3/06
Exploiting RFID
Companies in the sector already have a more-than-ten-years collaboration history
and some collaboration processes have become standard business practice across
Europe, such as CRP/VMI employed in retail warehouse replenishment or category
management dealing with the marketing aspects of managing product categories in the
store (Pramatari, 2007).
In order to understand the business relevance of alternative scenarios that
can be supported by the proposed architecture, we conducted a field survey based on
questionnaires addressed to top executives representing retailers and
suppliers/manufacturers in the European food industry. According to Hevner et al.
(2004), examining the relevance of a solution is a fundamental step in the design
approach of information systems research, and this has been the key motivation
behind this field survey. The objective of the survey was two-fold:
(1) to understand the relevance of some new RFID-enabled processes to business
executives and the degree these fit with their current strategies; and
(2) to examine the degree to which collaboration is a prerequisite in these processes.
Furthermore, the survey provided useful input regarding the RFID readiness of
companies and the degree they are already involved in supply chain collaboration
The survey focused on the following eight alternative RFID-enabled collaboration
(1) Back-room and shelf visibility. The store personnel receive real time, information
about the backroom inventory level of each product. If a product is not on the
shelf (out-of-shelf OOS), but there is available stock in the backroom, the
store personnel is informed to refill the shelf; otherwise, if there is no stock in
the store at all (OOS), a new replenishment order is placed. The salesman of
direct-store-delivery suppliers has also direct access to this information through
a PDA.
(2) OOS response. Retailer and supplier get statistical information about shelf
availability, i.e. the level of stock on the store shelves, in order monitor the level
of OOS, which is considered one of the major problems the retail sector faces
today (Roland-Berger, 2003). While the previous scenario requires real-time
information flows to support daily operations, this scenario is more about
business intelligence and decision support.
(3) Remote shelf management. Retailer and supplier get real-time information for
the actual shelf layout. RFID readers “scan” and “read” the shelf and provide its
“digital image” including information about the size, specific products’ position
and layout, as well as information about the shelf’s performance.
(4) Smart pricing. Retailer and supplier have the possibility to identify products
that are close to their expiration date or are standing still on the shelf for a long
time and dynamically reduce their price, in order to boost consumer demand
and reduce waste.
(5) Smart recall. Retailer and supplier have the possibility to identify the location of
products with specific characteristics and recall them from the market, e.g. in
case there is a risk with consumer safety, fast and at the minimum cost.
(6) In-store promotion management and promotion evaluation. Customers get
direct information about special offers and promotions relevant to the product
they just got off the shelf. Retailer and supplier can manage better their
promotion plans and evaluate in real-time the efficiency of their in-store
promotion activities.
(7) Demand management. Retailer and supplier have the possibility to monitor the
inventory and the sales of products and relocate them if needed (e.g. in case of a
special promotion event) in order to eliminate lost-sales opportunities.
(8) Traceability information. The consumer at the end-point-of-sales has a clear
view of the product’s history and origin. At special information desks, the
consumer can get details about production date and origin, expiration dates and
other unique product’s information that can ensure product authenticity
and safety.
These are new scenarios that capitalize on RFID’s capabilities for automatic data
capture and identification of unique product instances in combination with other
information that can be derived in association with RFID, such as the shelf location, the
context of an in-store promotion event, etc. Some of the scenarios focus on the
management of specific operations and processes (e.g. 1, 4, 5), others focus more on
supporting decision making and building domain-knowledge (e.g. 2, 3), and others
combine both aspects (e.g. 6, 7, 8).
An exploratory field survey[1] was conducted (SMART, 2007) in order to provide
insights with respect to the scenarios described above (Figure 4). About 77 executives
from 25 companies throughout Europe (mainly from Germany, Greece, Cyprus,
Ireland, and the UK), representing retailers (54 per cent) and suppliers (34 per cent)
from the grocery retail sector, participated in the survey. The findings demonstrate
that retailers and suppliers agree that “back-room and shelf visibility” as well as
“demand management” are important possibilities that can contribute to their
company’s strategies. However, suppliers seem to value more than retailers the
possibility for promotion evaluation and promotion management while retailers are
more interested in being able to locate and recall products from the stores.
Figure 4.
Field survey results:
relevance of alternative
To what extent do you believe that the following possibilities
contribute to your company’s strategy?
Smart pricing
Remote shelf management
In-store promotion management
Smart recall
Traceability information
Out-of-shelf response
Demand management
Back-room and shelf visibility
Promotion evaluation
Exploiting RFID
When retailers and suppliers were asked to indicate the top three areas in which they
need to work collaboratively with their supply-chain partners, most of them mentioned
supply-chain cost reduction (which was placed among the top three areas by more than
50 per cent of respondents), product safety and traceability and increasing shelf
availability (Figure 5). These answers reveal that the companies in the retail sector
have already adopted a collaboration mentality and are willing to use infrastructures
supporting collaborative processes and decision-support, as the one proposed in this
The executives that have responded to the survey declare that they work
collaboratively with supply chain partners in CRP/VMI and category management
programs to an adequate degree (4.8 out of 7) and that they have heard about RFID
technology and follow the developments in the area, but have not yet been involved in
an RFID pilot.
5. Conclusions
Following developments in the RFID field, this paper proposes a distributed network
architecture that can support new RFID-enabled collaboration and decision-support
scenarios. The proposed architecture is based on the technology and notion of web
service orchestration in order to enable interorganizational process links and seamless
information flows.
The proposed architecture can be categorized both as a web-based DSS that moves
beyond the centralized web site paradigm to a distributed one, and as an enterprise
collaboration system. As such, it aims at supporting both internal operations of
network leaders, such as big retailers, but also suppliers who look into opportunities to
benefit from the use of IT in enterprise relationships either by gaining process
specificity or domain knowledge specificity (Subramani, 2004).
Based on the results of a European field survey, the paper discusses the relevance
of the proposed architecture and corresponding RFID-enabled collaboration and
decision support scenarios to business executives of the grocery retail sector.
The responses show that some scenarios are more appealing to retailers than to
Figure 5.
Field survey results: need
for collaboration with
supply-chain partners
Collaboration with supply-chain partners required:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Building consumer value-satisfaction-loyalty
Increasing shelf availability (out-of-shelfproblem)
Enhancing collaboration with supply-chain partners
Product safety and traceability
Advertisement/ marketing activities
In-store events and promotions
Supply chain cost reduction
New technologies and innovations
Product enhancement/ differentiation
Improving store operations
suppliers and vice versa, while there is a well-grounded belief shared by both retailers
and suppliers that some processes should be done in collaboration.
Rather than evaluating the relevance of the proposed scenarios from a business
perspective, what is even more important is to evaluate the degree to which the
proposed architecture adequately supports the corresponding scenarios and fulfils
the requirements from various perspectives, which is a clear next direction of research
in this area. One such perspective is the consumer’s attitude towards the use of RFID
and the monitoring of purchase activities which may raise privacy or trust issues
(Angeles, 2007) and requires further investigation. Other directions for future
research relate to evaluating specific design alternatives, such as the use of different
Web Service Choreography standards rather than BPEL4WS, in the specific context as
well as comparing the distributed architecture approach to a centralized architecture
or to EDI which has traditionally been used to support enterprise collaboration
(Pramatari, 2007).
1. This study is partly funded by the SMART research project (ST-5-034957-STP), Information
Societies Technology Programme, 6th Framework, Commission of the European Union.
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... [48] Backroom visibility, Out-of-shelf response, Remote shelf management, Dynamic Pricing, In-store Promotion management and Promotion evaluation, Demand management, Traceability information, Smart Recall. Pramatari [13] Web-based electronic service, Web-based platform supporting collaborative store replenishment, Unique product identification Lekakos [49] Back-room and shelf visibility, Out-of-shelf response, Remote shelf management, Smart pricing, Smart recall, Instore promotion management and promotion evaluation, Demand management, Traceability information Martínez-Sala et al. [12] Tracking of Returnable Packaging and Transport Units Broekmeulen and Donselaar [14] Replenishment perishable products ...
... For this analysis, the results published in Scopus database were considered after being conditioned according to the research objective. Therefore, from 1980 onwards the first result is obtained that relates the use of technology in the retail of groceries through the use of bar codes and the various benefits acquired since its first implementation in 1974 in the Marsh supermarket [11,49]. Since then, several technological advances have revolutionized this industry, according to the results, the implementation of the first technologies was mainly focused on product logistics, application of ICT in production management systems like Just in Time (JIT) gained strength in the 80s and 90s [85]. ...
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Since the application of scanner and barcode technologies in the retail industry in the mid-1970s, grocery stores have been following and adhering to emerging technologies in this sector. Using a literature review of 90 per-reviewed articles, this paper offers a comprehensive view of the technological evolution in this sector. The results evidenced the application of a great diversity of technological tools in the productive processes on the grocery retail, namely regarding the continuous improvement in the supply chains and innovative resources that foster consumer loyalty by assessing their specific behaviors and needs in the purchase process.
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that not only serves to identify objects but also communicates other information, allowing the real-time monitoring of objects at each step in a mobile object network and the reporting of information on their current status. RFID has become one of the most promising research areas and has attracted increasing attention. This interest sparks a huge amount of literature in the field of RFID. However, the research has been conducted from different perspectives and, as a result, has led to a growing body of knowledge dispersed in different fields. To fill this gap, we carried out a systematic mapping study (SMS) based on a well-established research methodology from the medical and software engineering scientific communities, which aims to study and identify the approaches used, quantity and quality of publications, types of research, and publication trends that shaped the field of RFID research over the past two decades. Its results were based on 219 studies, rigorously selected from among 4294 studies identified in the IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Web of Science digital libraries and classified according to the research type facet, research area facet, citation facet, and application domain facet. We synthesized and interpreted the results of this SMS to devise future research directions in the RFID domain. This breadth-first SMS provides a solid, comprehensive, and reproducible picture of state-of-the-art RFID technology; the obtained results may have implications for practitioners willing to understand and adopt RFID, including researchers, journal editors, reviewers, and universities. The results obtained revealed that (1) there is a considerable and continuous rise of RFID research activities around different parts of the globe, including in the USA and China, and other English-speaking developed countries, such as Australia, Canada, and the U.K., have a significant influence on this growth; (2) with the technological progress of RFID hardware components and increasingly demanding application domains, RFID technology brings opportunities in some new areas, such as “IoT applications”, “Complex Environments”, and “Industry 4.0”; (3) despite the high number of studies carried out in the field of RFID, especially in the hardware design and performances subfield, a limited number of works have detailed or focused on the “middleware” component of RFID systems, indicating that RFID data processing and management remain an open research issue; and (4) RFID domain challenges, gaps, and feasible future recommendations were highlighted in this study.
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Purpose The findings of this paper throw light on the focal research areas within RFID in the supply chain, which serves as an effective guideline for future research in this area. This research, therefore, contributes to filling the gap by carrying out an SLR of contemporary research studies in the area of RFID applications in supply chains. To date, SLR augmented with BA has not been used to study the developments in RFID applications in supply chains. Design/methodology/approach We analyze 556 articles from years 2001 to date using Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Contemporary bibliometric analysis (BA) tools are utilized. First, an exploratory analysis is carried, out revealing influential authors, sources, regions, among other key aspects. Second, a co-citation work analysis is utilized to understand the conceptual structure of the literature, followed by a dynamic co-citation network to reveal the evolution of the field. This is followed by a multivariate analysis is performed on top-100 cited papers, and k-means clustering is carried out to find optimal groups and identify research themes. The influential themes are then pointed out using factor analysis. Findings An exploratory analysis is carried out using BA tools to provide insights into factors such as influential authors, production countries, top-cited papers and frequent keywords. Visualization of bibliographical data using co-citation network analysis and keyword co-occurrence analysis assisted in understanding the groups (communities) of research themes. We employed k-means clustering and factor analysis methods to further develop these insights. A historiographical direct citation analysis also unveils potential research directions. We observe that RFID applications in the supply chain are likely to benefit from the Internet of Things and blockchain Technology along with the other machine learning and visualization approaches. Originality/value Although several researchers have researched RFID literature in relation to supply chains, these reviews are often conducted in the traditional manner where the author(s) select paper based on their area of expertise, interest and experience. Limitation of such reviews includes authors’ selection bias of studies to be included and limited or no use of advanced BA tools for analysis. This study fills this research gap by conducting an SLR of RFID in supply chains to identify important research trends in this field through the use of advanced BA tools.
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Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been used to collect information for use in information systems that support knowledge-based business decisions. Most applications involve using the technology for automatic identification and tracking within facilities and supply chains. However, there are a number of other uses for the technology in the context of supporting knowledge-based decisions. By describing an innovative use of RFID technology, this study contributes to research and practice in the area of knowledge-based tools. Specifically, the process created in this study uses RFID technology to automatically and accurately calculate job costing information for fixed-position projects. By implementing the methods described in this process, business professionals can reap important benefits from the knowledge generated by the system.
Although the topic of supply chain (SC) and logistics (L) has been discussed in many fora, placing it in today’s cyber (e) space is still a subject that receives little attention. This paper analyzes the role of e-SC/L in the context of global business to business (B2B) electronic commerce (e-commerce). A major beneficiary of e-SC/L are small and medium enterprises (SMEs), who can leverage information technology to bypass the extra cost associated with employing a third-party broker, who traditionally bridges the gap between suppliers and retailers. In this paper, a framework for incorporating both e-commerce and e-SC/L for SMEs is proposed in an e-marketplace context. The model consists of a trading platform with e-SC/L capabilities, and a classification scheme for different levels e-SC/L collaboration, presented with relevant types of information, communication and transportation technology (ICTT) needed to facilitate the design of each collaboration level. Included in the highest level are transportation, identification, and modeling and simulation technologies that enable the design of effective forward-looking collaboration.
The emergence of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has affected the functions and roles of business organizations. RFID technology provides technical solutions across a variety of industries in the public and private sectors. E-government is being increasingly utilized by governments in different countries to increase the efficiency of services provided to citizens. Although the use of e-Government is allowing timely, effective services online, many challenges must still be overcome to maximize the utility e-Government can provide to citizens. RFID is disseminating in a variety of new areas and movement exists toward the adoption of RFID in e-Government, but several issues and challenges must be addressed. This paper examines both e-Government and RFID from an individual perspective and explores the possible issues and challenges associated with RFID technology adoption in e-Government. Based on a review of literature, a conceptual model has been developed illustrating the various issues and challenges and how they would impact the RFID adoption in e-Government.
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In order to improve medical quality, the Medical Quality Indicator System has been devoted to implementing the hospitals database system. Medical Quality Indicator is comprised of multiple sets of performance indicators for measuring different pattern care settings of the information system: Each care setting uses numerous Medical Quality Indicators for measuring quality. This study mines medical quality Indicators to assist managers in developing better medical quality and other relevant policies for a hospital. The association rules of the relational database design are implemented in the Medical Quality Indicators system which provides Medical Quality Indicators management and health policies. It provides medical manager with a useful tool to rapidly search for valuable information based on patient medical library information. Thus, it enables health managers to rapidly establish health strategies to enhance quality of medical care. In this study, Medical staffs can be based on three types of care indicators to effectively control the patient's weight. We can see the results of care from Figure 6. Three indicators are Acute Care Indicators and Psychiatric Care Indicators and Long-term Care Indicators. According to care indicators to carry out care content, Respectively, Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3. Rule 1 is the best to improve the patient's weight the best results. It weighs more than 60kg with 2052 patients. (2485*0.826=2052). Rule 1 is (AC Indicator 6 and PC Indicator 7 and LTC Indicator 4) ∩ (AC Indicator 15 and PC Indicator 3 and LTC Indicator 2) = (82.6%). By doing so, the health managers were no longer only acquiring and packaging knowledge, but creating and applying it as well.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to improve the understanding of the integration of business process management (BPM), business process re-engineering (BPR) and business process innovation (BPI) with big data. It focusses on synthesizing research published in the period 2006-2016 to establish both what the authors know and do not know about this topic, identifying areas for future research. Design/methodology/approach The research is based on a review of 49 published papers on big data, BPM, BPR and BPI in the top journals in the field 2006-2016. Findings In this paper, the authors have identified the most influential works based on citations and PageRank methods. Through network analysis the authors identify four major clusters that provide potential opportunities for future investigation. Practical implications It is important for practitioners to be aware of the benefits of big data, BPM, BPR and BPI integration. This paper provides valuable insights for practitioners. Originality/value This paper is based on a comprehensive literature review, which gives big data researchers the opportunity to understand business processes in depth. In addition, highlighting many gaps in the current literature and developing an agenda for future research, will save time and effort for readers looking to research topics within big data and business processes.
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This paper explores the applications and future commercial impacts of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Its objective is to summarize the ways in which organizations and academics are thinking about these technologies and to stimulate strategic thinking about their possible uses and implications. It first provides an overview of this technology and how it works. Then it explores the surprisingly wide variety of current applications of RFID. Next it looks at several classes of potential RFID applications and how these might affect how organizations work. Finally, it examines the cost and implementation considerations of this technology. The paper concludes that RFID is a viable technology with many possible applications. However, only some of the impacts on organizations and society can be anticipated at present.
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Many of the concepts and procedures of product quality control can be applied to the problem of producing better quality information outputs. From this perspective, information outputs can be viewed as information products, and many information systems can be modeled as information manufacturing systems. The use of information products is becoming increasingly prevalent both within and across organizational boundaries. This paper presents a set of ideas, concepts, models, and procedures appropriate to information manufacturing systems that can be used to determine the quality of information products delivered, or transferred, to information customers. These systems produce information products on a regular or as-requested basis. The model systematically tracks relevant attributes of the information product such as timeliness, accuracy and cost. This is facilitated through an information manufacturing analysis matrix that relates data units and various system components. Measures of these attributes can then be used to analyze potential improvements to the information manufacturing system under consideration. An illustrative example is given to demonstrate the various features of the information manufacturing system and show how it can be used to analyze and improve the system. Following that is an actual application, which, although not as involved as the illustrative example, does demonstrate the applicability of the model and its associated concepts and procedures.
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We introduce a formal framework for studying the semantics of orchestration languages for Web Services. Taking BPEL4WS language as reference case study, we define syntax and semantics of a core language to derive the interactive behaviour of a business process out from a BPEL4WS specification. This is realised by developing a process algebra which, other than usual operators for choice, sequential and parallel composition, features constructs of imperative programming languages, such as iterative cycles and variable assignment. These are meant to focus on the very notion of correlation, which is exploited by BPEL4WS to define a business process as the concurrent behaviour of several process instances.
Purpose This paper aims to give an overview of supply chain collaboration practices and the way the underlying enabling technologies have evolved, from the classical EDI approach, to web‐based and RFID‐enabled collaboration. Design/methodology/approach The paper discusses alternative technological approaches and the role they play in supporting collaboration. The research presented in this paper is empirical in nature, based on three different case studies from the grocery retail sector depicting different aspects of implementing supply chain collaboration practices. Findings From the examination of these cases, interesting lessons are derived regarding the suitability and criticality of the technological approach used to support collaboration, especially regarding the use of a centralized web‐platform as compared to the classical EDI approach and to a decentralized solution based on web services. Research limitations/implications Research is limited to the specific case studies and further validation of the research findings through qualitative and quantitative methods would be appropriate. Practical implications The paper provides support to practitioner regarding the selection of the appropriate technological approach to support collaboration. Furthermore, it gives insight regarding the maturity of current technologies in relation to collaboration requirements and to what extent can the technology be an enabler or a barrier in a collaboration initiative. Originality/value The paper links the technological and the supply‐chain collaboration perspective in order to derive interesting conclusions relevant to both academics and practitioners. The cases presented are quite unique and have not been widely studied, representing interesting and novel approaches to the way that technology has been employed to support collaboration practices.
The previous discussion assumes that all the technical barriers regarding the application of RFID have been overcome, and that RF-tags have been introduced on all or a big proportion of consumer goods. However, this assumption is still far from reality, as technical barriers have not been totally overcome yet, especially when considering large-scale implementations, and standards are still evolving to support the wide adoption of RFID technology across the industry. While research is progressing fast on the standards and technology front, there is an ever increasing concern about consumer privacy relating to the use of RF-tags on consumer goods, which has recently led companies like Benetton and Wal-Mart to temporarily shirk RFID-at-consumer-level pilots (McGinity, 2004). Analysts predict that while four or five years will pass before consumers are directly affected by RFID, privacy will be a major problem, if it isn’t addressed up-front. These concerns, in combination with the lower costs associated with introducing RF-tags on product cases and pallets instead of consumer units, currently lead the industry to implementing warehouse applications in the first round. Eventually, privacy concerns will be overcome, as has happened during the initial introduction of barcode technology several decades ago, allowing companies to adopt advanced RFID applications and smarter collaboration practices. This perspective opens up many new directions for research and development in this area, relating both to technology and the many different business aspects associated with it. The work presented in this paper is a first attempt towards this direction.
In this paper, we provide an integrated framework for portfolio selection, which is adaptable to the needs of financial organizations and individual investors, and as an organized approach of selecting efficient portfolios for investments. We focus our discussion on the implementation of this framework for a Web-based Decision Support System (DSS) based on our prototype named WPSS—A Web-based Portfolio Selection System for Chinese financial markets. In this system, we adopt technologies such as online analytical processing as an add-on tool for analytical purpose, as well as using Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) to improve overall performance.
This paper presents an integrated method to help design and implement a Web-based Decision Support Systems (DSS) in a distributed environment. First, a layered software architecture is presented to assist in the design of a Web-based DSS. The layered software architecture can provide a formal and hierarchical view of the Web-based DSS at the design stage. Next, a component-based framework is presented to implement the Web-based DSS in a distributed environment. Finally, an instance of the layered software architecture and 3CoFramework applied to the Web-based National Agricultural Decision Support System (NADSS) is presented.
Purpose This empirical study of consumer/shopper response to radio frequency identification (RFID) product item tagging anticipates what is likely to take place in the retail marketplace. Using the theories of procedural justice/fairness, expected utility, and prior literature on personal privacy the purpose of this study is to use the survey method to measure consumer willingness to purchase RFID‐tagged product items within the Canadian context. Procedural justice/fairness is operationalized using the implementation of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) enacted in Canada on January 1, 2004. Design/methodology/approach This study used the survey questionnaire method after the sample participants ( N =381) were exposed to an experimental treatment. Students and faculty members of the Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, Canada participated in this study. Findings Consumers responded positively to the procedural justice concept using PIPEDA law in Canada. The less privacy sensitive group valued the specific RFID benefits, was willing to buy the tagged items to obtain specific benefits, was willing to pay more for these items, and was also less concerned about selected RFID issues. Practical implications Practical suggestions are given to retailers thinking of implementing product item RFID tagging to make their initiatives more successful. Originality/value This is one of the first empirical studies on the likely consumer response to product item tagging based on solid theoretical foundations.
Data warehouses collect masses of operational data, allowing analysts to extract information by issuing decision support queries on the otherwise discarded data. In many application areas (e.g. telecommunications), the warehoused data sets are multiple terabytes in size. Parts of these data sets are stored on very large disk arrays, while the remainder is stored on tape-based tertiary storage (which is one to two orders of magnitude less expensive than on-line storage). However, the inherently sequential nature of access to tape-based tertiary storage makes the efficient access to tape-resident data difficult to accomplish through conventional databases.