
Knowledge management metrics

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Over several years, there have been intensive discussions about the importance of knowledge management (KM) within the business community. Effectively implementing a sound KM strategy and becoming a knowledge-based company is seen as a mandatory condition of success for organizations as they enter the era of the knowledge economy. However, standardized metrics are needed to quantify knowledge and to fully convince management and stakeholders as to the value of KM initiatives. Development of KM metrics has begun in recent years and these metrics are being applied by some organizations, but more research is needed to better define these measures and to make them universal. The purpose of this research is to survey and report the current measures of knowledge assets or intellectual capital, as well as the methods that are popularly being followed by organizations to measure the performance of KM strategies. The research findings should: assist organizations in identifying the measures that are appropriate and suitable for them, for improving the quality of metrics they use for measuring KM effectiveness; and assist researchers in identifying future research needs toward the standardization of KM measurement metrics.

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... The 21st century is characterized by the growth in the importance of knowledge in organizations and its impact on an organization (Bose, 2004). Thus, organizations must be able to implement a solid knowledge management strategy effectively (Ipe, 2003;Bose, 2004;Halawi et al., 2005;Bolisani & Bratianu, 2018;Kavalić et al., 2021) as well as become knowledge-based organizations, since this is a mandatory condition for their success (Bose, 2004;Lee, 2016;Zheng, 2017;Nasab et al., 2017). ...
... The 21st century is characterized by the growth in the importance of knowledge in organizations and its impact on an organization (Bose, 2004). Thus, organizations must be able to implement a solid knowledge management strategy effectively (Ipe, 2003;Bose, 2004;Halawi et al., 2005;Bolisani & Bratianu, 2018;Kavalić et al., 2021) as well as become knowledge-based organizations, since this is a mandatory condition for their success (Bose, 2004;Lee, 2016;Zheng, 2017;Nasab et al., 2017). Bolisani & Bratianu (2018) point out that it is possible to identify the following knowledge processes in an organization: "knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and distribution, knowledge transformation, knowledge storing and retrieving, knowledge losing, and knowledge using" (p. ...
... The 21st century is characterized by the growth in the importance of knowledge in organizations and its impact on an organization (Bose, 2004). Thus, organizations must be able to implement a solid knowledge management strategy effectively (Ipe, 2003;Bose, 2004;Halawi et al., 2005;Bolisani & Bratianu, 2018;Kavalić et al., 2021) as well as become knowledge-based organizations, since this is a mandatory condition for their success (Bose, 2004;Lee, 2016;Zheng, 2017;Nasab et al., 2017). Bolisani & Bratianu (2018) point out that it is possible to identify the following knowledge processes in an organization: "knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and distribution, knowledge transformation, knowledge storing and retrieving, knowledge losing, and knowledge using" (p. ...
... A gestão do conhecimento (GC) em uma empresa de software, de acordo com Choi e Lee (2003), é uma oportunidade para criar uma linguagem comum compartilhada pelos desenvolvedores de software, de forma que eles possam interagir, trabalhar e compartilhar conhecimentos e experiências. Nos últimos tempos, a área de GC vem recebendo uma atenção especial por parte de organizações em busca de diferenciais competitivos (Bose, 2004). ...
... Existem diversas definições diferentes para os estágios, ou fases, que compõem um processo de Gestão do Conhecimento. Em 2004, Bose (2004 ...
... Como um dos objetivos do ambiente é prover uma ferramenta para estimular a aquisição, combinação e compartilhamento do conhecimento por toda a organização, tornou-se necessária a realização de uma comparação entre o processo de Gestão do Conhecimento proposto por Bose (2004) e as funcionalidades existentes no ambiente, dando origem ao processo de Gestão do Conhecimento do a.m.i.g.o.s. (Figura 1), apresentado a seguir. ...
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RESUMO Na era da informação o conhecimento passou a ser um diferencial competitivo. Assim, a gestão do conhecimento, apesar de não ser uma disciplina nova, ganhou cada vez mais força. Neste cenário, o uso de redes sociais corporativas no apoio a iniciativas de Gestão do Conhecimento organizacional vem se mostrando como uma alterantiva bastante promissora Esse artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada sobre a iniciativa de Gestão do Conhecimento com Redes Sociais de um instituto de inovação no Brasil, apontando problemas e sugerindo melhorias para a definição de processos de gestão do conhecimento organizacional.
... According to King (2009), KM is the organizing, planning, controlling and motivating of processes, people and systems within the organization to ensure that its knowledge-related assets are effectively employed and improved. The cyclical model of KM processes as suggested by Bose (2004) are knowledge creation, capturing of knowledge, refinement of knowledge, knowledge storing/codifying, updating available knowledge and knowledge dissemination. Davenport and Prusak (2000) argued that if organizations want to excel in management of knowledge, they need to practice generation, codification and transfer of knowledge within their organizations. ...
... In KM, four common activities have been found (Bose, 2004;Davenport & Prusak, 1998;Easa, 2012;Kianto et al., 2016;King, 2009;Liao & Wu, 2010), which are knowledge creation, knowledge storing, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization. ...
... 12). There are many other management theories and models that have been used in knowledge creation research, for example, models developed by Bose (2004), Davenport and Prusak (2000), and Hansen, Nohria, and Tierney (1999). However, all these models do not encompass all of the creation of knowledge modes found in the SECI model. ...
This study aims to gauge the extent of knowledge creation processes in the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) fleet with the use of the SECI (socialization, externalization, combination, internalization) knowledge creation process model proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). This is in order for the researcher to propose a knowledge creation enhancement framework to the organization. Case study method was utilized in this study and both descriptive and interpretive analyses were employed to achieve the research aims. The descriptive data were used to triangulate the interpretive data and documentation reviewed by dividing the findings in accordance to the SECI conversion process. 234 self-administered questionnaires were used to investigate to what extent the RMN fleet performs the SECI and 15 semi-structured face-to-face interviews provided insights about how the RMN fleet perform these activities. The survey data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 24 software to get descriptive statistics and transcriptions from the interviews were analyzed manually by content analysis method for interpretive data, to get the themes and sub-themes of the study. NVivo 12 software were also used to managed all the data from the interviews by identifying at the noticeable patterns to be connected to the study. The findings indicate that the SECI processes were used for knowledge creation in the RMN fleet. However, some limitations minimized the benefits in all creation of knowledge modes in SECI processes within the RMN. The externalization and internalization processes in creating knowledge were seen to be slightly prominent when compared to socialization and combination, revealing that in the RMN fleet all four modes of knowledge creation have almost equal importance. However, the use of each process is mostly subjected to the higher management support and some cultural contexts. The findings also suggest that the SECI processes, regardless it is a single or as a whole process, influence the creation of knowledge by increasing the generation of ideas, documentation of knowledge, updating the knowledge and sharing of knowledge for the benefit of the organization. Keywords: knowledge creation, knowledge management, SECI, tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge.
... In today's knowledge-based economy, knowledge management (KM) receives particular attention as an integral part of the emerging business environment such as globalisation, servitisation, and networking in the context of the multi-cultural environment (Taminiau et al., 2009;Intezari et al., 2017). This growing trend has led to an increase of studies attempting to indicate how effective management and measurement of KM dimension could assist in bringing real value to companies (Bose, 2004;Ardito et al., 2015;Gonzalez and Martins, 2017). In the innovation process, practice is no different. ...
... The management and measurement of KM dimension in the innovation process have become imperative to ascertain if the expectations are realised (Bose, 2004;Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010). In this context, performance indicators (PIs) are introduced as the central tool that enables the process of measuring performance to evaluate where there are needs to be attended and making information available for the development of action plans (Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010;Costa et al., 2014). ...
... In this context, performance indicators (PIs) are introduced as the central tool that enables the process of measuring performance to evaluate where there are needs to be attended and making information available for the development of action plans (Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010;Costa et al., 2014). Therefore, PIs are measures of relevant attributes that yield information about a phenomenon (Bose, 2004;Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010;Roy and Mitra, 2018). ...
... In today's knowledge-based economy, knowledge management (KM) receives particular attention as an integral part of the emerging business environment such as globalisation, servitisation, and networking in the context of the multi-cultural environment (Taminiau et al., 2009;Intezari et al., 2017). This growing trend has led to an increase of studies attempting to indicate how effective management and measurement of KM dimension could assist in bringing real value to companies (Bose, 2004;Ardito et al., 2015;Gonzalez and Martins, 2017). In the innovation process, practice is no different. ...
... The management and measurement of KM dimension in the innovation process have become imperative to ascertain if the expectations are realised (Bose, 2004;Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010). In this context, performance indicators (PIs) are introduced as the central tool that enables the process of measuring performance to evaluate where there are needs to be attended and making information available for the development of action plans (Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010;Costa et al., 2014). ...
... In this context, performance indicators (PIs) are introduced as the central tool that enables the process of measuring performance to evaluate where there are needs to be attended and making information available for the development of action plans (Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010;Costa et al., 2014). Therefore, PIs are measures of relevant attributes that yield information about a phenomenon (Bose, 2004;Adams et al., 2006;Crossan and Apaydin, 2010;Roy and Mitra, 2018). ...
... In such context, Wong and Aspinwall (2005) contend that KM is an emerging set of organisational design and operational principles, processes, organisational structures, applications and technologies. In particular, knowledge-related processes or activities (or in short, the KM process) are about knowledge creation, validation, presentation, distribution and application activities (Bose 2004;Wong and Aspinwall 2004). Diakoulakis et al (2004) argue that the focus of KM is on the integration and coordination of individuals' knowledge, that is, the appropriate "application/management" of current organisational knowledge, and the "creation" of knowledge. ...
... Core KM themes relate to: 1) the creation of knowledge repositories; 2) the improvement of knowledge acquisition; 3) the enhancement of the knowledge environment; and 4) the management of knowledge as an asset. The impact of KM on an organisation's performance is strongly tied to the ability of an organisation to identify where KM will be of most value (Bose, 2004). ...
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The foundation of organisational competitiveness in the contemporary economy has shifted from tangible resources to knowledge. Organisations are beginning to recognise the need to tap into knowledge assets diffused around the organisation in order to remain agile. There is potential for integrating knowledge management (KM) capabilities into quality management (QM) practices (particularly the ISO 9001 system) in fostering organisational performance. Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) is a leading industrialised country in the English-speaking Caribbean. Many industrial enterprises in T&T have been certified to ISO 9001 standard. However, the industry focus, particular of those including small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is largely put on fixing quality system defects and product/service non-conformities in a heavily documented system. This paper reviews the concepts of KM and QM practices, and proposes a research agenda to develop KM capabilities in improving QM practices at ISO 9001 certified enterprises in T&T.
... Wu and Wang (2006) identified five variables (system quality, knowledge or information quality, perceived knowledge management system (KMS) benefits, user satisfaction, and system use) were used as dependent variables in evaluating KMS success. Bose (2004) presented three popular methods used by organizations for measuring the performance of KM strategies. The balanced scorecard, Economic value added, Skandia Navigator. ...
... In recent years, different researchers have focused on KM and its success with various dimensions and aspects. Some authors have attempted to help the organizational knowledge (Argyris, 1990;Sommerville and Dalziel, 1998;Goffee and Jones, 2001;Rampersad, 2002;Hall and Andriani, 2002;Hwang, 2003;Albers and Brewer, 2003;Kakabadse et al., 2003;Bose, 2004;Vlok, 2004; Goh, 2004;Abdullah et al., 2005;Wu and Wang, 2006;Montequín et al., 2006;Fernandez et al., 2006;Gillingham and Roberts, 2006;Golban and Kianzade, 2005;Shen et al., 2007;Gumus, 2007;Tseng, 2008;Kayakutlu and Buyukozkan, 2008;Chang and Wang, 2009;Chen and Lin, 2009;Wen, 2009). ...
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The rapid change in science and technology bring in widespread changes in many different areas has challenged organizations managers. Hence to survive and compete in dynamic and unpredictable situations, they have to revise their policies directed and their leadership styles in the proper directions. One of these innovative instruments is knowledge management which can play an effective role in Iranian organizations specifically in universities. The major objective of the present study is to identify and measure the promotion of knowledge - oriented management in universities. The research methodology comprised of both; qualitative and quantitative method. A literature review of knowledge management in the university was collected. Data obtained from 124 participants (more than 40% of the population) has been analyzed. The instrument used was a standardized questionnaire on knowledge management of which the internal correlation was calculated through Cronbach’s alpha of 92%, and then analyzed using SPSS, and was measured through t test and Pearson correlation. In this study, besides descriptive statistics methods, depending on the type of variable, t test and correlation coefficient were applied for investigating the correlation. In general, the findings indicated that: There are some tokens of knowledge- oriented management which were above the medium level (strategic vision and leadership), the indexes for human resources and general management were average, but especially internal process was lower than average. The embracement of knowledge management was following an increasing pace. Also the result showed, there was a significant difference between two groups (lecturer and staff) perception and experience of Knowledge – oriented management in the university. Furthermore, there are some evidences such as software and hardware networks, resources, conducting training, creating cultural basis, budgeting on research etc, imply the trend of Knowledge- oriented management development. The research methodology comprised of both; qualitative and quantitative method. A literature review of knowledge management in the university was collected. Data obtained from 124 participants (more than 40% of the population) has been analyzed. The instrument used was a standardized questionnaire on knowledge management of which the internal correlation was calculated through Cronbach’s alpha of 92%, and then analyzed using SPSS, and was measured through t test and Pearson correlation. In this study, besides descriptive statistics methods, depending on the type of variable, t test and correlation coefficient were applied for investigating the correlation. In general, the findings indicated that: There are some tokens of knowledge- oriented management which were above the medium level (strategic vision and leadership), the indexes for human resources and general management were average, but especially internal process was lower than average. The embracement of knowledge management was following an increasing pace. Also the result showed, there was a significant difference between two groups (lecturer and staff) perception and experience of Knowledge – oriented management in the university. Furthermore, there are some evidences such as software and hardware networks, resources, conducting training, creating cultural basis, budgeting on research etc, imply the trend of Knowledge- oriented management development.
... The utilization of the SECI model helped us identify and define the notion of crowdsolving ba (extrapolated from Nonaka's work) and platform-level absorptive capacity (extrapolated from the work of [31]). We use arguments from the social capital theory [53], social cognitive theory [27], and knowledge management literature ( [13,29,55]; Jassimuddin, Klein and Connell 2005). ...
... Dual idea evaluations-first by community members and then by experts-also increase the likelihood of arriving at a desirable, feasible, and viable solution. Together, these features establish a knowledge exchange protocol for the platform [13,55]. They structure the information exchanges, such that the information provider and recipient both can systematically present and understand the information. ...
This conceptual article contains a proposed four-part categorization of crowdsolving platform features: contest, idea, participant, and community. A related conceptual framework depicts the relationships of these features with the outcomes of creating, transferring, and assimilating knowledge for the platform and its client firms, according to the socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization (SECI) model. Arguments based in Social Capital Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, and Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory inform the predictions about the spiral of interactions between explicit and tacit knowledge that occurs during a contest on a crowdsolving platform. The findings suggest ways to design a crowdsolving ba (shared space for creativity) and platform-level absorptive capacity. For platform managers, this study also offers new insights into the important decisions they must make to develop their platforms’ features.
... Knowledge is among one of the most important strategic resource of organization that not only ensures a competitive advantage but also its sustainability and long-term survival (Bose, 2004). Knowledge enables firms to respond properly to the uncertain situations by enhancing their capabilities to take corrective actions as per requirements of the situations (Trejo, Gutierrez and Guzman, 2016). ...
... Employees are the major source to bring novelty and innovations to the organizations, but employees can innovate only if organizations provide them with the supporting system, culture and trends within the organization (Jafari, Suppiah and Ramalingam, 2014). Organizational knowledge management enhances knowledge assets and capabilities by facilitating learning, acquisition and dissemination of knowledge from various sources (Pilania, 2009), which ultimately enables employees to fill their gaps and being fulfilled by the required knowledge (Bose, 2004). Thus, by improving the quantity and quality of knowledge of employees, organizational knowledge management boosts their innovative thinking and facilitate them to generate innovative ideas for their organization (Kumar, 2012). ...
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The aim of this study was to explore the quality of work life in the banking sector of Bangladesh. Attempt was also made to investigate how motivation is related with the management employee relation and personal feelings. This study targeted those who worked in private and public banks situated in Khulna city in Bangladesh. The number of samples was 150. A structured questionnaire using LIKERT’s 5 points scale was used to collect information regarding quality of work life from the respondents. The researcher applied confidence interval and correlation techniques for the analysis of data collected through survey. It is found that quality of work life in banking sector is favorable. Moreover, this study also identifies that motivation has a positive relationship with management-employee relationship, personal feelings whereas career development has a positive relationship with training and compensation.
... Menadžeri imaju značajnu ulogu u podsticanju ljudskih resursa na određeno ponašanje koje treba da rezultira ostvarivanjem organizacionih ciljevi. Ljudski kapital obuhvata "kompetencije, sposobnosti i vrednosti zaposlenih" (Bose, 2004), a na koji način će se one usmeriti zavisi od stila upravljanja (rukovođenja). Stil vođstva predstavlja "način na koji se uspostavljaju odnosi između menadžera i saradnika, kao i ostalih zaposlenih u kompaniji, odnosno način na koji menadžer usmerava ponašanje podređenih i sredstava koja koristi da ih pridobije ili privoli na željeno ponašanje" (Janićijević et al., 2020: 417). ...
... Managers have a significant role in encouraging human resources to certain behaviors that should result in achievement of organizational goals. Human capital encompasses "employee competencies, abilities and values" (Bose, 2004), and how they will be directed depends on the management style. Leadership style is "the way in which relationships are established between managers and associates, as well as other employees in the company, or the way in which the manager directs the behavior of subordinates and the means he uses to win them over or persuade them to the desired behavior" (Janićijević et al., 2020). ...
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In modern business conditions, growth and development of an organization depends on the ability of its managers to adequately coordinate the activities of employees. Managers are required to systematically and permanently improve and develop their own knowledge, abilities and skills in accordance with the dynamic changes of the global organizational environment. All this is reflected on their status in the organization. The aim of this paper is to investigate the interdependence and connection between socio-demographic characteristics of managers and professional status. Data collection was performed by an anonymous survey on a sample of 110 managers of different hierarchical levels. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis were used in data analysis. The obtained results showed that practical experience and family situation are the dominant socio-demographic factors. Only those employees who establish a balance between professional and family life, can fully dedicate themselves to the work they do and thus contribute to the improvement of business.
... Prior empirical research demonstrated that, in a pandemic situation, misinformation could impact the level of personal knowledge about different government measures taken to address the pandemic (Michelle Driedger et al., 2018;Van der Weerd et al., 2011;Vinck et al., 2019). Similarly, psychological research argued that knowledge comes from information we receive (Bose, 2004;Graves, 2016;Vraga & Bode, 2020). Knowledge is categorized as declarative and procedural (Hartl & Hartlová, 2010). ...
... On the other hand, procedural knowledge signifies information about how particular things happen and occur. However, both declarative and procedural knowledge receive impact from contextualized information (Bose, 2004). Since the broader context of this particular study is COVID-19, hence in this case, knowledge is an outcome of information that is context-specific. ...
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The study aims to understand social media users' trust in government during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. Social Media Users' trust in government is analyzed based on their perceived misinformation and knowledge about government measures taken to deal with the pandemic at that earlier stage. The study found that social media users who perceive a lesser amount of misinformation have a higher knowledge of government measures. Consequently, more knowledge about those measures predicts a higher level of trust in government. The study also demonstrates that a higher level of trust in government can help people secure more knowledge about government measures amidst misinformation. The results suggest that predisposition to trust based on government performance evaluation, individual and societal level values and beliefs, and culture of trusting institutions could play a pivotal role in determining how people perceive misinformation and knowledge about government measures.
... An efficient knowledge management system (KMS) is a vital strategy to help firms achieve sustainable competitive advantages (Nattapol et al., 2010). Meanwhile, in linking KM success to innovation, Bose (2004) links KM to the various factors needed for innovation. These include reduction of the loss of Intellectual Capacity from employees who leave; the reduction of the cost of development of a new product/service; the increase in productivity of workers by making knowledge accessible to all employees; and, therefore, it increases employee satisfaction (Bose, 2004) Several early literature reviews suggested different value propositions of KM in the innovation process ranging from creating tools and processes to exploit tacit knowledge for innovation to support collaborative problem solving, enabling retrieval and re-use of ideas and learnings from previous innovations up to the influence of an open-minded KM culture fostering creative thinking (Heisig et al., 2016). ...
... Meanwhile, in linking KM success to innovation, Bose (2004) links KM to the various factors needed for innovation. These include reduction of the loss of Intellectual Capacity from employees who leave; the reduction of the cost of development of a new product/service; the increase in productivity of workers by making knowledge accessible to all employees; and, therefore, it increases employee satisfaction (Bose, 2004) Several early literature reviews suggested different value propositions of KM in the innovation process ranging from creating tools and processes to exploit tacit knowledge for innovation to support collaborative problem solving, enabling retrieval and re-use of ideas and learnings from previous innovations up to the influence of an open-minded KM culture fostering creative thinking (Heisig et al., 2016). A bulk of empirical studies have addressed and indeed validated the impact of KM, and for that matter, KMS, as an essential enabler and facilitator of innovation in organisations (Heisig et al., 2016;H. ...
... El capital intelectual puede ser visto como un conjunto de activos intangibles que generan valor en las organizaciones y que resultan críticos para alcanzar una posición competitiva [13]. Más aún, el capital intelectual se convierte en el elemento que materializa la intervención del conocimiento en las organizaciones [14]. ...
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Las Instituciones de Educación Superior - IES del país, son entes generadores de nuevo conocimiento que promueven y desarrollan investigaciones científicas y nuevas tecnologías, las cuales alimentan a indicadores del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación - CTei, que permiten identificar las capacidades de producción científica a nivel regional y nacional. Debido a las potencialidades del talento humano, el músculo financiero y la gestión por parte de las IES se genera una variedad de productos que requieren ser clasificados según su tipología y calidad. Por tanto, la presente investigación, tuvo como propósito, la identificación y consolidación de un inventario de los activos intangibles de la institución, derivados de los proyectos financiados por el Fondo Rotatorio de Investigaciones Universitarias – FINU de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander - UFPS, acotado en una ventana de observación del 2015 al 2018, en las Facultades de Ciencias Agrarias y del Ambiente, Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías. En el marco de la metodología, se emplearon estrategias como un instrumento de recolección de información y entrevistas semiestructuradas con los investigadores, donde los participantes establecieron sus productos resultados de actividades de generación de nuevo conocimiento, de desarrollo tecnológico e innovación y de apropiación social. Como resultado se desarrolló una clasificación primaria de productos según su tipología y posteriormente, se codificaron según su característica en términos de propiedad intelectual; derechos de autor y propiedad industrial.
... By acknowledging the iterative nature of knowledge, this study considered KM as a cycle rather than a sequential process. Henceforth, Figure 2 depicts the KM model tailored for this study following the KM process of Bose (2004) and the KM cycles of Evans et al. (2014) and Mohapatra et al. (2016), considering their comprehensive explanation of KM steps. Evans et al. (2014), who have identified the possibility of having double loops in the KM cycle, a double loop has been identified for this cycle at the step of "organise". ...
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Circular Economy (CE) implementation in the construction industry has gained wider attention worldwide due to its ability to minimise the negative impacts of construction industry practices. However, gaps in CE knowledge have hindered CE implementation in the construction industry. Although the necessity of Knowledge Management (KM) for CE transition has been raised in numerous studies, existing literature has a dearth of CE KM studies, which is further limited in the construction context. Thus, this research aims to develop a conceptual framework to manage CE knowledge in construction projects by investigating required CE knowledge for construction professionals. A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to achieve this aim by analysing the literature using manual content analysis. The findings of this research highlight the overlaying impact of knowledge and KM on financial, market, technology, policy, and culture-related enablers and barriers of CE implementation in the construction industry. Furthermore, the potential of knowledge on addressing context and concept-related barriers to implementing CE was discussed, and a bespoke KM cycle with seven steps has been established, highlighting the importance of the KM cycle for CE KM rather than using the KM process. Finally, a conceptual framework for CE KM of the construction industry has been developed, revealing a shell view of these concepts. These findings will be beneficial for construction practitioners to i). understand areas of knowledge to be improved, and ii). identify KM actions to initiate improvements to ensure the implementation of CE principles.
... Previous researchers emphasised the significance of analysing knowledge sharing and transfer (Wasko and Faraj, 2005) and the connections between knowledge management and organisational performance (Lee and Choi, 2003). Bose (2004) discovered that the relationship between knowledge management practise and organisational performance (i.e., financial, marketing, and partnership performance) is highly correlated with an organization's capacity to precisely identify the effectiveness of knowledge management in acquiring a market position. Consequently, effective knowledge utilisation results in enhanced organisational performance, particularly in data-driven leadership (Almatrooshi et. ...
... The KM ability of an organisation would hinge significantly on a host of determinants such as the company's mission and objectives, senior management leadership, people involvement and organisational resources and constraints such as human, financial and technology (Malhotra, 2005;. Standardised metrics are thus needed to quantify knowledge and to fully convince management and stakeholders as to the value of KM initiatives (Bose, 2004). Besides, key performance indicators are used to highlight the contribution of the KM solutions to business process improvements and to measure that contribution according to the business objectives (del-Rey-Chamorro et al., 2003). ...
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Development of performance metrics for knowledge management (KM) began in recent years and these metrics are being applied by leading organisations. Many researchers and practitioners argue that well-defined KM attributes would help organisations to develop specific measures to monitor their performance. This paper presents the findings from a KM audit study of three industrial organisations in Trinidad and Tobago. The study investigated the current KM practice and performance of these organisations using a knowledge audit tool, and proposed a generic KM strategy framework that aligns the KM measures to attaining organisational performance goals. It is expected that the findings would provide a pragmatic insight for practitioners to integrate KM practices and performance measurement. Future research would examine empirically the efficacy and applicability of the KM strategy framework in organisations across different sectors.
... In the KM context, the challenge is how to match and align performance measures with business strategy, structures and corporate culture, the type and number of measures to use, the balance between the merits and costs of introducing these measures, and how to deploy the measures so that the results are used and acted upon (del-Rey-Chamorro et al., 2003). Bose (2004) contends that the best and most logical approach to measuring the impact of KM on an organisation's performance is to tie-in measurement of KM with the organisation's overall PM systems. However, it has not been unusual to find many of these systems sending confusing and occasionally contradictory signals to organisations (Kennerley and Neely, 2002). ...
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Knowledge management (KM) has been gaining momentum as a means towards organisational performance. There is a growing interest in the field of KM and a significant amount of literature exists. However, little is known of how KM relates to the industry scenario in Trinidad and Tobago. This paper presents the findings from a recent KM study that investigated the factors affecting KM practices and performance in industrial organisations in Trinidad and Tobago. It looked into the significance of these factors in relation to the lifespan of a KM initiative and the size of the organisations in Trinidad and Tobago. It is expected that the findings would provide practitioners with pragmatic understanding about integrating KM practices and KM initiatives.
... El capital intelectual puede ser visto como un conjunto de activos intangibles que generan valor en las organizaciones y que resultan críticos para alcanzar una posición competitiva (Bose, 2004;Calabrese, Costa & Menichini, 2013;Petty & Guthrie, 2000). Más aún, el capital intelectual se convierte en el elemento que materializa la intervención del conocimiento en las organizaciones (Mouritsen, Larsen & Bukh, 2001). ...
... For KM to be recognised within the organisation as valuable, it is necessary to measure how much KM aggregates for the organisation (Bose, 2004). Hence, organisations can identify the return obtained by their effort performed in KM processes. ...
Knowledge in organisations is seen as a source of competitive advantage. Organisations have used social media (SM) as a communication tool due to benefits of this use for knowledge management (KM). SM is expected to optimise KM processes, increasing organisational performance (OP). This study aims to analyse the impact of SM use on KM processes and OP. Through a survey, data were collected from 325 respondents. The results show that the use of SM impacts the OP and that the processes of acquisition, conversion, and application of knowledge support this relationship. However, the impact of knowledge protection on OP was not significant and did not mediate SM use. The research model contributes to KBV by understanding SM use's impact on KM processes and these processes in OP. This study's results indicate the need for future studies to understand why the relationship between knowledge protection and OP has not been confirmed.
... Staff could leave with so much data and information considered critical knowledge for which ARO spent vast sums of scarce funding to generate. As Bose (2004) indicates, the most common and generalized form of knowledge management is the involvement and development of a knowledge repository and the formation and nurturing of communities of practice to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of knowledge (H. Alre & Noe, 2010). ...
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Coproduction of Knowledge is critical in complex settings and environments with multiple transdisciplinary actors from the practitioners and scholars grounded in practice. In complex projects, joint work inquiry is often challenging due to differences in actors' backgrounds and interests, which slows the pace of scientifically proffered research solutions to life challenges. This study offers new insights into the reasoning and motivations behind actors with different disciplinary backgrounds working together to achieve the organisational goal of providing productive research results and how communication and collaboration play an essential role in the process. This paper examines the nexus of coproduction and the management process in knowledge generation in transdisciplinary organisations through active participation, communication, and collaboration. The data was gathered using ethnographic organisational entry strategies, including participant observations, official document reviews and interviews with scientists in ARO. The dataset was grouped and analyzed into the specific theme (knowledge management, data policy and copyright issues, communication processes, the integration of technical and non-technical knowledge from all actors in ARO etc.) using NVIVO software with narrations and phenomenal experiences from actors. The findings revealed that, for the production and management of the knowledge process to be effective and sustainable in organisations and projects, team members must acknowledge each actor's contribution to the inquiry process. Again, framing a data management policy that regulates and addresses each actor's interest is essential and tends to build confidence from other theme members. It further argues that integrating implicit and explicit knowledge of practitioners and scholars, the experienced and the inexperienced actors in teams, consolidates the quest to generate grounded knowledge to address life challenges. Each member's understanding of the others' areas of work and research has a corresponding and positive effect on the general underutilised knowledge, which in effect, means that a deeper level of interactions is required than it is happening. Complex project implementation requires a broader level of support, collaboration, and stakeholder buy-in, and a sense of respect for different opinions and team members' specialisations or responsibilities remains. The study recommends institutional leaders and policymakers promote internal social enhancement programs for effective knowledge co-production, management, and fluid communication.
... The findings of this current study are highlighted that promotion has positive and significant impact on employee's performance by the key statement in Victor Vroom expectancy theory which affirms that motivation is a creation of the expected importance to an individual in an exploit. Here, the anticipated standards are the potential of promotion potential which the employee anticipates due to endurance of service (Bose, 2004;Tunio et al., 2021a). According to Cascio and Montealegre (2016), "expectancy theory recommends facilitating job motivation is reliant ahead the apparent connected between performance and result and persons adapt their behaviour based on estimation of predictable outcomes". ...
... For KM to be recognised within the organisation as valuable, it is necessary to measure how much KM aggregates for the organisation (Bose, 2004). Hence, organisations can identify the return obtained by their effort performed in KM processes. ...
Knowledge in organisations is seen as a source of competitive advantage. Organisations have used social media (SM) as a communication tool due to benefits of this use for knowledge management (KM). SM is expected to optimise KM processes, increasing organisational performance (OP). This study aims to analyse the impact of SM use on KM processes and OP. Through a survey, data were collected from 325 respondents. The results show that the use of SM impacts the OP and that the processes of acquisition, conversion, and application of knowledge support this relationship. However, the impact of knowledge protection on OP was not significant and did not mediate SM use. The research model contributes to KBV by understanding SM use’s impact on KM processes and these processes in OP. This study’s results indicate the need for future studies to understand why the relationship between knowledge protection and OP has not been confirmed.
... In general, there are three comprehensive purposes of knowledge management in organizations: expanding/polishing the organizations' available knowledge; generating new knowledge or evolving innovations; and enhancing collaboration. Bose [63] posited that KMPs enabled organizations to augment the skill standards of personnel (these objectives apply to academic institutions as well). Thus, an organizational initiative toward knowledge management may consolidate the intended developments in KMPs and the employees' subsequent performance and learning outcomes [38]. ...
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The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the effects of emotional intelligence (EI) on learning outcomes (e.g., social, cognitive, and self-growth outcomes) and satisfaction with the university experience of academics and administrative staff at Chinese and Pakistani research universities. This study also investigates the mediation of self-directed learning (personal autonomy, personal responsibility, and personal growth) and knowledge management processes (KMPs) concerning the relationship between EI and learning outcomes. Moreover, this study explores the relationship between learning outcomes and creative performance (creative self-efficacy and leadership/supervisor support). The survey method was considered appropriate for the data collection and was completed simultaneously through paper and electronic mediums. The partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method with a measurement assessment, structural assessment, mediation, and multi-group analysis was applied to a sample of 729 academics and administrative staff from Chinese and Pakistani research universities. A few dissimilarities surfaced with regard to EI and learning outcomes while evaluating the higher education institutions (HEIs) from both countries. Moreover, an indirect relation between EI and learning outcomes was established via self-directed learning and KMPs. Lastly, the intended direct statistical association between learning outcomes and creative performance was also documented. This study may serve as an initiative to equate and differentiate EI in relation to learning outcomes and creative performance among higher education professionals in China and Pakistan. The considered framework is novel and supports both EI and learning outcomes while adhering to the perceived value of the two adjacent regions.
... Some authors (Cheng et al. 2010;Phusavat et al., 2013) recognizes the importance of developing and management of IC in companies due to the need for a productive workforce and rapid innovation. These circumstances have induced many researchers to consider the potential contribution of IC to labor productivity (Bose, 2004;Cheng et al., 2010;Phusavat et al., 2013). However, the following research questions have been identified in the literature and need to be answered. ...
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Intellectual capital is the part of intangible assets that affects value creation. Intellectual capital includes human capital, structural capital, and customer capital. The paper aims to investigate the relationship between intellectual capital and the managers' productivity in hotel companies. The research included 80 hotels with 3-stars, 4-stars, and 5-stars. Testing of research hypotheses is performed by application of multiple regression analysis and ANOVA test. The obtained results support the positive contribution of the components of intellectual capital on the productivity of managers in hotel companies. Also, the results show that there is no significant difference in the level of achieved manager's productivity between hotels of 3-stars, 4-stars, and 5-stars.
... The findings of this current study are highlighted that promotion has positive and significant impact on employee's performance by the key statement in Victor Vroom expectancy theory which affirms that motivation is a creation of the expected importance to an individual in an exploit. Here, the anticipated standards are the potential of promotion potential which the employee anticipates due to endurance of service (Bose, 2004;Tunio et al., 2021a). According to Cascio and Montealegre (2016), "expectancy theory recommends facilitating job motivation is reliant ahead the apparent connected between performance and result and persons adapt their behaviour based on estimation of predictable outcomes". ...
... The reason for this is their easier application and data collecting, as well as simpler comprehensibility (Gosselin, 2005). Bose (2004) stated in his study that companies should use both financial and nonfinancial performance indicators. Knowledge management performance can also be measured by influence on business processes, influence on strategy, influence on organizational leadership, and influence on knowledge enablers (Jennex et al., 2009). ...
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The purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship of leadership styles with knowledge management and organizational performance, as well as to analyse the influence of moderating variables on the proposed research model. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the demographic structures of medium and large companies in Slovenia. The sample consists of data from 135 Slovenian companies that completed the online questionnaire. The findings revealed that leadership style is positively related with knowledge management. Knowledge infrastructure is found to be the key success factor of knowledge management concept as it is positively influencing knowledge management processes. While transformational leadership improves organizational performance, the study did not confirm the influence of transactional leadership on organizational performance. In addition, knowledge management was not confirmed to have a significant influence on organizational performance. However, successful leaders should adopt and combine both styles of leadership in managing knowledge and improving organizational performance. The moderating effects of capital origin and type of ownership showed that foreign capital and private capital have varying influences on leadership style, knowledge management , and organizational performance. The results should be helpful for scholars hoping to glean additional insights regarding research topics, as well as for practitioners who can adjust their leadership style and knowledge management practices to improve their performance.
... Cuarto; las tecnologías de la información (TI), reconocidas por Tambe y Hitt (2012) Quinto, considerado por Rivera, G. y Rivera I., (2016), la estructura organizativa, que permite crear grupos de trabajo colaborativo, eliminando las jerarquías laborales en las diferentes instalaciones en la empresa para facilitar la interacción de los docentes o colaboradores. Y sexto; la evaluación Article y control, que se presenta como un desafío porque no se puede medir con facilidad algo que no se puede ver, por ser intangible el conocimiento manifestado por Bose (2004). Por otro lado, las dimensiones consideradas en este estudio para la variable dependiente se refieren a los procesos de la GC, ii) brindar incentivos para motivar la participación y la contribución de los docentes, y iii) tener el personal adecuado para organizar, sintetizar y traducir la información en conocimiento efectivo. ...
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The objective of this research is to demonstrate the influence of organizational communication on knowledge management in postgraduate teachers in Northern Lima universities, in the context of COVID-19, for this purpose a quantitative approach was proposed; analyzing statistical data, explanatory level; arguing the impact of one variable on the other, non- experimental, transactional, and correlational. Two questionnaires were applied to a sample of 112 postgraduate teachers, which have reliability according to Cronbach's analysis more than 0.8, whose Cox and Snell results of .590 and Nagelkerke equal to .676, revealed that the organizational communication variable influences probabilistically between 59.0% and 67.6% in knowledge management. The most representative findings agree that communication has a humanistic approach due to the high interaction and trust that it generates among collaborators and that confinement has been a barrier to the transmission of knowledge, therefore, it is concluded that the creation, storage, transmission, and application of knowledge has been significantly affected by limited communication in this pandemic time.
... According to literature, knowledge creation embodies organizational learning, knowledge inception, creative process and knowledge transformation. Knowledge when created, that individual finds a new way of doing things or developed substantive knowledge (Bose, 2004). Knowledge creation is the result of social interactions and organizational collaborations (Alavi and Leidner, 2001). ...
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This work explores the effect of knowledge creation on service innovation and marketing performance among restaurants within the Kumasi Metropolis. A total of 200 restaurants were sampled for this work. The study adopted the use of questionnaire as the main data collection instrument to obtain the study responses. The information obtained from the structured questionnaire was analyzed using the multiple linear regression technique for analyzing mediation effects to arrive at the study results. The findings of the study indicate that there is a positive relationship between knowledge creation and service innovation. It was also found that service innovation has positive and significant effect on marketing performance. Furthermore, the study findings revealed that service innovation mediates the relationship between knowledge creation and marketing performance of restaurants. Based on the results, it was recommended that management invest in the creation of knowledge as this will drive innovativeness in the organization and subsequently lead to a higher marketing performance. The paper significantly discusses the body of knowledge concerning the effect of knowledge creation, service innovation and marketing performance in the restaurant context.
... This often involves collective action or knowledge acquisition through dialogue, which allows further deeper critical reflection (Asfeldt, Hvenegaard, and Purc-Stephenson 2018;Collins, Sibthorp, and Gookin 2016). Subsequently, knowledge is context-specific and relational (Bose 2004;Ipe 2003). Context-specific knowledge is location and time-bounded (Smith and Segbers 2018). ...
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Purpose: While new rich learning opportunities emerged through the introduction of Innovation Platforms (IPs) in agricultural value chains, the extent to which IPs enhance farmer experiential learning is still unclear. Design/methodology/approach: This paper brings clarity to the above question by interviewing 91 coffee IP farmers. Data were analyzed through content analysis to generate overarching themes for farmers’ experiences, learning activities, and outcomes. Findings: Results reveal that participation in IP learning activities generates farmers’ knowledge to cope with coffee value chain challenges. Specifically, farmers’ making-meaning of challenges and generating new solutions represents an iteration between individual critical reflection and experimentation of value chain activities. The IPs facilitated multi-directional knowledge flows among farmers by mobilizing necessary resources. Practical implications: As many Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) governments cannot provide sufficient extension support, farmers increasingly rely on IPs whose processes stimulate members’ learning commitment and endeavors. Nevertheless, Governments can use these findings to tailor the design and implementation of IPs to farmers’ experiential learning processes. Theoretical implications: The study contributes to experiential theory in the context of agriculture by advancing a model on how IPs can accelerate farmers’ experiential learning processes based on the challenges experienced. Originality/value: This article extends knowledge of experiential learning in IPs context.
... Turban et al. (2010) point out that KMS are intended to help an organisation to cope with rapid change, turnover, downsizing and leveraging knowledge use by making the expertise of the organisation's human capital widely accessible. Moreover, KMS can facilitate knowledge management by ensuring knowledge flows from the persons who know to the persons who need to know throughout the organisation (Bose, 2004). Moreover, Edwards (2009) explained that there is a need to coordinate people, processes, and technology successfully in KMS, since it is more than just technology, and represents a deliberate, conscious attempt to manage knowledge, usually in an organisation. ...
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This chapter examines the management of e-records at Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya and assessment of its impact on service delivery in the County. The specific objectives of the study which led to the chapter were to identify the services provided by Uasin-Gishu county headquarters using electronic records; investigate how e-records are managed at Uasin-Gishu County; find out the correlation between electronic records management and service delivery at the Uasin-Gishu County headquarters; and analyse the challenges faced by Uasin-Gishu county government in the management of e-records. The study was based on the Records Continuum Model developed by Frank Upward (1980) and the Service Canada Model developed by the Canadian government (2005). It utilised a qualitative research approach based on a case study design. The study population comprised of 112 respondents drawn purposively based on their work experience in records management services in various departments of Uasin-Gishu County headquarters. The findings of the study indicate that Uasin-Gishu County headquarters generates vast volumes of paper records. It also revealed that the County headquarters faces challenges in electronic records management. Some of the challenges include poor storage of electronic records, slow retrieval of records, among other shortcomings. This has consequently affected the overall service delivery at Uasin-Gishu County due to inefficiencies. The study recommends the adoption of a comprehensive e-records management and service delivery model which links records management and service delivery. Keywords: Electronic records, Records management, Service delivery
... Tamta and Rao [54] established that EI endorses collegial-helping behaviour and, subsequently, maintained that personnel EI significantly inspires KMP. Moreover, organizations initiate KMPs with three pivotal motives; organizational knowledge control, new knowledge creation and creativity, and cooperation expansion while polishing personnel's skill levels [55]. Furthermore, these motives are pertinent especially to academic institutions [2]. ...
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Grounded on the Knowledge Based View (KBV), this study examines the effects of a knowledge management enabler (Emotional Intelligence) on knowledge management processes (KMPs) in research universities. It investigates the direct effect of KMPs on creative performance. This study further examines the mediating role of Self-directed Learning in a relationship between KMPs and creative performance. This study used a sample frame of 248 academic and administrative personnel from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Pakistan. The relationships were tested through a partial least squares structural equation modelling method. The results reveal that Emotional Intelligence (EI) as an enabler has a positive and significant impact on KMPs. However, a direct relation between self-directed learning and creative performance is insignificant. Also, established associations were found to be positive and significant. This study's findings validate the academic experience of EI and suggest how academics and administrators of HEIs can value KMPs and the self-directed learning that strengthens creative performance. With the increased importance of EI and KMPs in HEIs, there is a lack of studies investigating the relationship between EI, KMPs and creative performance. This study empirically examines the interface of EI, KMPs and creative performance in HEI's and enriches the existing literature by exploring the mediating role of self-directed learning.
... Pengetahuan secara luas diakui sebagai elemen kunci memperkuat kemampuan individu dalam organisasi agar tercapai pertumbuhan dan keunggulan persaingan. Hal ini dipicu proses pengetahuan yang ditingkatkan, kemampuan penyelesaian masalah, integrasi fungsional, dan pengembangan sumber daya (Bose 2004;Alegre, Sengupta, dan Lapiedra 2013;Tassabehji, Rana., et. al., 2019). ...
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Konsep ketahanan dalam efikasi diri pelaku usahawan (resilience in entrepreneurial self efficacy) merupakan suatu konsep yang dibangun berdasarkan proses sintesis beberapa literatur sebagai pondasi dan pijakan untuk melahirkan sebuah konstruk baru. Proses sintesis ini diperoleh dari beberapa teori antara lain teori kognisi sosial (social cognitive theory), efikasi diri (self-efficacy), teori kewirausahaan (entrepreneursjip theory), psikologi positif (psychology positive), dan perilaku organisasi positif (positive organization behaviour), disamping itu juga diperkuat dari berbagai teori lain yang dianggap sebagai teori yang mendukung seperti modal psikologi (psychological capital).
... Knowledge in the organization is created in two distinct cycles: personal and group cycles. Personal Knowledge When used in the organizational context leads to new knowledge which is called organizational knowledge (Bose, 2004). ...
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Knowledge management is essential for activities such as problem-solving, dynamic learning and decision making, and can improve organizational performance and in particular the financial performance of the organizations by enabling the organization to perform smarter. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of knowledge management on the financial performance of the organizations considering the mediating role of innovation and organizational intelligence in the e-banking industry. The statistical population of the study consisted of senior executives of 31 public and private banks active in the e-banking industry of Iran (n=54). Library and field research (questionnaire) was used to collect research data. In this study, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Spearman-Bartlett tests were used to analyze the data to determine the normality of the research data and to determine the adequacy of the sample size (using SPSS software). Then, structural equation modeling was used to analyze the conceptual model and to test the hypotheses (using Smart PLS software). The hypotheses test results showed that knowledge management has a positive and significant impact on the financial performance of the organizations active in the e-banking industry and the innovation and organizational intelligence influence the relationship between knowledge management and the financial performance of the organizations. Thus, the mediating role of these two variables (innovation and intelligence) was confirmed.
A wealth of research emphasizes the importance of citizens’ trust in public institutions. Low social capital has been proven as a substantial factor in decreasing trust in government. As a means of increasing social capital, social media is used by governments to gain citizens’ trust. It is not sufficient though to create accounts on these platforms, and there should be a well-set communication strategy and a systematic mechanism to measure its success. Few studies were conducted to measure government trust in social media considering various trust dimensions. Therefore, an evaluation of the extent of trust in the government on Facebook accounts was undertaken in 2018. In that study, a framework was developed to measure trust comprising six main items: Responsiveness, Accessibility, Transparency, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Participation. The framework was tested on a sample of the Facebook accounts of three Egyptian ministries (chosen based on their direct relation to the country’s economy). After going through two major incidents, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian-Ukraine war, it became pivotal to reassess trust in the government using the same framework after applying a few adjustments and considering the aspect of government trustworthiness. A comparison between both studies is discussed drawing concluded insights.KeywordsE-governmentICTSocial capitalSocial mediaTrustTrustworthinessFacebook
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Knowledge Management plays an effective factor in organizations. This paper was conducted through implementing the five indicators (general management, leadership, strategy, process, and human resources) in a case study university in Iran. The main objectives of this study were to identify and measure the level of knowledge orientation in the university. In this study, the data were collected through a structured questionnaire. Questionnaire was sent to employees with significant responsibility for measuring the level of knowledge management. 120 lecturer and staff were selected through stratified random sampling and investigated through a standardized instrument for management of knowledge designed by the researchers. The finding showed that all indicators had an impact on knowledge management. However, level of "leadership style" and "strategic vision" was more than the other parameters. Furthermore, there was a significant difference between two groups (lecturer and staff) perception. Its implication can also be beneficial to other universities that plan to highlight knowledge-oriented management.
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==> == > This document only contains backup notes <== <== The dissertation, “Verifying the Unified Theory of Knowledge Management's Operationalized Functions Using Macro Verb and Attribute Concepts,” conducted tests to verify the sufficiency and necessity of the theory’s seven functions. The verification needed verbs to use as requirements for testing. This document provides additional detail on the sources used to extract those verbs.
The thesis of this paper is that, despite its substantial accomplishments over the past 40 years as a professional practice, knowledge management (KM) has yet to mature as an intellectual discipline. The goal of this conceptual paper is to accelerate this maturation by generalizing KM. The paper does so by identifying KM’s generic social phenomena and how these phenomena can be better understood through the development of theory oriented around knowledge that defines, predicts, and explains them. KM theory is examined through an extensive review of the existing literature. Four levels of organizational KM are offered, including two that examine an organization’s basis (resources) and essence (ideas and actions), while the second two build upon these to examine resource management in general, and the management of knowledge resources specifically. Treating KM as a theoretical object will lead to greater understanding of KM. This enriched understanding will lead to a more effective performance of KM. The achievement of this paper’s goal (i.e., generalizing KM) will facilitate the maturation of KM into a discipline and practice that consistently contributes to organizational effectiveness. Little KM literature exists on the conceptualization of knowledge as a theoretical object, which offers the opportunity not only to develop theory that defines, predicts, and explains KM within organizations more systematically but also ultimately to understand better the ways in which KM contributes to individual happiness, community cohesion, and social prosperity.
This research examines how nature-based tourism operators within coastal ecosystems employ Knowledge Management (KM) in the pursuit of nature-based solutions (NbS) to sustainability challenges. NbS are achieved at the intersection of the physical environment, climate, ecosystems, biodiversity, and socio-economic and socio-cultural systems. NbS integrate diverse types and systems of knowledge to be acceptable to a range of stakeholders. To explore these knowledge types and systems, a qualitative, multiple-case-study approach is used, with interview data collected across different organizational levels of nine discreet nature-based tourism operation cases from Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Our findings highlight how these tourism operators have developed practices to manage diverse knowledge systems in the pursuit of sustainability outcomes and provide critical insights into how more sophisticated approaches to such sustainability knowledge management (SKM) may lead to more optimal NbS and sustainable tourism outcomes for vulnerable marine ecosystems.
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This paper presents a framework for highlighting knowledge management importance in higher education. The framework has a descriptive nature and aims to be useful to characterize knowledge management implementations, facilitating the identification and selection of appropriate tools in higher education organizations according to their needs. Knowledge is recognized as one of the most important assets of higher education organizations. Managing knowledge has grown to be vital for an organization’s success.
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2002 .) ‫اقتصادی‬ ‫محیط‬ ‫یک‬ ‫در‬ ‫حفا‬ ‫و‬ ‫جدید‬ ‫های‬ ‫موقعیت‬ ‫ربودن‬ ‫در‬ ‫استراتژیک‬ ‫گرداننده‬ ‫یک‬ ‫نوآوری،‬ ‫آشفته،‬ ‫باشد‬ ‫می‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫دارایی‬ ‫از‬ ‫ظت‬ (‫موگویلنایا،‬ 2002 ‫و‬ ‫تسی،‬ 2000 .) ‫رد‬ ‫با‬ ‫و‬ ‫کند‬ ‫می‬ ‫بازی‬ ‫همتا‬ ‫بی‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫و‬ ‫نظیر‬ ‫بی‬ ‫محصوالت‬ ‫آوردن‬ ‫فراهم‬ ‫در‬ ‫کلیدی‬ ‫نقش‬ ‫نوآوری‬ ‫اینکه‬ ‫خصوصا‬ ‫شود‬ ‫می‬ ‫تثبیت‬ ‫جدید‬ ‫ارزشهای‬ ‫کشف‬ ‫و‬ ‫موانع‬ ‫از‬ ‫شدن‬. ‫توان‬ ‫می‬ ‫توسعه‬ ‫و‬ ‫تحقیق‬ ‫بخش‬ ‫در‬ ‫ها‬ ‫هزینه‬ ‫میزان‬ ‫افزایش‬ ‫با‬ ‫ارزش‬ ‫باشد‬ ‫می‬ ‫نوآوری‬ ‫حوزه‬ ‫در‬ ‫عالی‬ ‫نمونه‬ ‫گویای‬ ‫خود‬ ‫این‬ ‫که‬ ‫دریافت‬ ‫را‬ ‫نوآوری‬ (‫زاک،‬ 9111 .) ‫بشناسند‬ ‫را‬ ‫نوآوری‬ ‫متفاوت‬ ‫گرداننده‬ ‫نیروهای‬ ‫که‬ ‫داشت‬ ‫آن‬ ‫بر‬ ‫را‬ ‫محققان‬ ‫نوآوری‬ ‫اهمیت‬. ‫که‬ ‫کردند‬ ‫ادعا‬ ‫محققان‬ ‫برخی‬ ‫باشد‬ ‫نوآوری‬ ‫نیازهای‬ ‫پیش‬ ‫از‬ ‫یکی‬ ‫تواند‬ ‫می‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫مدیریت‬ (‫بولینگر،‬ 2002 .) ‫به‬ ‫مدیریت‬ ‫خطیر‬ ‫امر‬ ‫این‬ ‫که‬ ‫همانطوری‬ ‫حال‬ ‫هر‬ ‫شد‬ ‫می‬ ‫روشن‬ ‫نیزباید‬ ‫مدیریت‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫مهم‬ ‫فاکتورهای‬ ‫داد،‬ ‫قرار‬ ‫تاثیر‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫را‬ ‫سازمانها‬. ‫نیروهای‬ ‫سازها‬ ‫توانمند‬ ‫که‬ ‫آنجایی‬ ‫از‬ ‫کرد‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫ایجاد‬ ‫سازمان‬ ‫در‬ ‫توان‬ ‫نمی‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫ایجاد‬ ‫تحییج‬ ‫و‬ ‫تحریک‬ ‫با‬ ‫فقط‬ ‫هستند‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫مدیریت‬ ‫گرداننده‬. ‫شود‬ ‫می‬ ‫فقط‬ ‫و‬ ‫همزمان‬ ‫رشد‬ ‫برای‬ ‫سازمانی‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫پذیرفتن‬ ‫و‬ ‫دیگران‬ ‫با‬ ‫تجاربشان‬ ‫و‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫گذاشتن‬ ‫اشتراک‬ ‫به‬ ‫ای‬ ‫بر‬ ‫را‬ ‫افراد‬ ‫از‬ ‫گروهی‬ ‫برانگیخت‬ ‫سیستماتیک‬ (‫ایکهیوجو،‬ 9111 .) ‫کردند‬ ‫شناسایی‬ ‫را‬ ‫دانش‬ ‫مدیریت‬ ‫سازی‬ ‫توانمند‬ ‫کلید‬ ‫سه‬ ‫محققان‬ ‫رابطه‬ ‫همین‬ ‫در‬ ‫سا‬ ‫ساختار‬ ‫اطالعات،‬ ‫تکنولوژی‬ ‫از‬ ‫عبارتند‬ ‫که‬ ‫سازمانی‬ ‫فرهنگ‬ ‫و‬ ‫زمانی‬ (‫نبت،‬ 9111 ‫بوسی،‬ ، 2002 ‫سنتر‬ ، 9112 ، ‫داونپورت‬ 9111 ‫ایرال،‬ ، 9111 ‫النگ،‬ ، 9111 ‫زاک،‬ ، 9111 .)-‫اصفهان‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ ‫استادیار‬-‫ایران‬ ، ‫آباده‬ ‫مدیریت،‬ ‫گروه‬ ‫آباده،‬ ‫واحد‬ ‫اسالمی،‬ ‫آزاد‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ ‫علمی‬ ‫هیات‬ ‫عضو‬-‫ایران‬ ، ‫آباده‬ ‫مکانیک،‬ ‫گروه‬ ‫آباده،‬ ‫واحد‬ ‫اسالمی،‬ ‫آزاد‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ ‫علمی‬ ‫هیات‬ ‫عضو‬-‫ایران‬ ، ‫آباده‬ ‫ادبیات،‬ ‫گروه‬ ‫آباده،‬ ‫واحد‬ ‫اسالمی،‬ ‫آزاد‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ ‫علمی‬ ‫هیات‬ ‫عضو
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The effect of digitalization and its transformative power in all aspects of corporate strategies and organizations are visible everywhere. As leaders try to make sense of the “digital tornado” and prepare, try out, and set courses in new business directions, the authors propose to take a step back and focus on what is still at the core of corporate change – the people of your organization. In this chapter, the authors reflect on the forces and challenges that employees are facing in times of rapid and digitally driven change. They also mirror this, considering structural, sociological, and demographic change in the workforce, especially with regards to younger employees. They provide a set of fundamental metrics that can quantify the human resource strategy of an organization to derive measures which can be controlled via a DMAIC cycle. This contribution is an extended version of and includes an enhanced set of metrics to address challenges of digitalization and agile work environments. Further, approaches to possible solutions and first steps for an implementation in companies are presented.
The present article aims to investigate the cause-and-effect relationship between the employees’ psychological empowerment (PE) and dimensions of knowledge management (KM) in an oil company, using the fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method. The study population consists of oil company experts. The sample size is determined based on the theoretical saturation limit. The present findings show that PE is the strongest causative factor with significant effects on knowledge creation (KC) and knowledge dissemination (KD). Among the KM dimensions, the most influential factors are the dimensions of KC, knowledge application, and knowledge capture (KCA). Of all KM dimensions, knowledge refinement is the most influential. The KC, in addition to being the most important dimension of KM affected by PE, is also found to influence all other dimensions of KM; this indicates its key role as a starting point in the process of KM. Considering the reciprocal effects of PE and the two dimensions of KM (KC and KD), it is important to pay attention to KC when developing a KM system. Importantly, the present findings show that PE and KM have an interdependent interaction. In other words, not only by improving the employees’ PE, the organizations can accelerate the KM process, but also by improving the KM systems, they may increase their employees’ PE. Based on the sensitivity analyses, our proposed method is as efficient as the available methods, such as interpretive structural modeling and Bayesian best-worst method.
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Indian Market is growing globally but with this growth the risk to human life is also increasing as the environment is getting adulterated day by day, this adulteration is due to the pollution caused by automobiles, factories and other manufacturing units. For the risk to be lightened on human race there is a need to brighten the minds of manufactures and industrialists in order to shift their manufacturing techniques from conventional to Green manufacturing techniques. Recently, concern for the environment has led manufacturing industries to take a proactive role in the development of cleaner manufacturing processes and the design of recyclable products. As the most recent update many prominent agencies like UNFCCC (United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change) are imposing new laws for more greener environments in all over the world, so this paper focuses on the review on the research os various researchers which they have published world wide in prominent journals in adaptation of Green manufacturing techniques by Manufacturing Industries.
Purpose The current manuscript is focused on evaluating the capabilities of green practices that affect various business performance (BP) parameters of small and medium scale Indian manufacturing enterprises (SME’s). This study aims to obtain multiple significant factors that influence the implementation of green practices. Design/methodology/approach The manuscript focuses on statistical testing of responses obtained from 168 Indian SMEs to determine the relationship between input parameters and BP parameters. This paper starts with deploying tests such as Cronbach alpha and inter-item covariance test to obtain confidence in data collected, followed by various statistical tests such as Pearson correlation, multiple regression, canonical correlation to extract various significant factors the study. Further Games-Howell post hoc test is deployed to evaluate the significant improvements in BP gained over a reasonable duration of time. Finally, a discriminant validity test is used to find out the success or failure of the organizations that participated in the survey. Findings This research contributes to the holistic effect of green manufacturing (GM) toward gaining improvements in terms of different BP parameters taken for the study. It has been found that various input factors such as customer attributes, adoption of new technology, social pressure and government pressure are the main parameters for GM implementation. Further, it is observed that those at the maturity phase of GM implementation are reaping higher benefits than the organizations at the transition and stability phase. Originality/value The current study has been accomplished in Indian SME manufacturing organizations to investigate the effects of GM implementation in the organization. Although research findings imply the effective use of green practices within the organization to reap BP parameters and improve the market’s competitive image, the study cannot be generalized and can be used as an insight for both academicians and end-users in understanding the overall achievements of GM.
With the advent of the knowledge economy and the growing importance of knowledge societies, organizations are constantly seeking new ways of leveraging and sharing knowledge to support decision-making (DM) processes. This chapter presents an initial insight to the little-researched phenomenon of how knowledge management systems (KMSs) can facilitate knowledge sharing (KS) to support DM processes in organizations. In this chapter, authors aim to extend the existing literature of knowledge management, decision making, and knowledge sharing by proposing a new conceptual framework, namely “ECUA” (easiness, communication, unification, and analytics characteristics). In this study, 42 semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The proposed conceptual framework will benefit managers in both public and private sectors in finding new ways of leveraging and sharing knowledge to support DM processes via using KMSs. This framework can be used to explore KMSs characteristics that can support DM processes by facilitating knowledge sharing in organizations.
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In modern business conditions, a special place belongs to the services provided by ICT companies. The most valuable property of these companies is human capital, ie employees with their knowledge, abilities and possibilities. The subject of research is human capital as one of the most important components of intellectual capital. The aim of this paper is to analyze human capital and its basic components: learning and education, experience and expertise, and innovation and creativity. In the period June-August 2020, research was conducted in ICT companies of the Republic of Serbia. The findings of the research showed that the employees in these companies assessed learning and education as the most important factor of human capital. These results should serve as a guideline for managers to identify the components of human capital that need to be further acted upon in order to improve the overall performance of employees, which directly reflects on the growth and development of the company itself.
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Data is considered as the core of knowledge and is the first step towards the generation of information. Disparate pieces of data, when combined result in forming meaningful sets of information. There, has been a rapid increase in the amount of information being produced. A significant volume of information is spread across the web. There is a need for the management and organization of information for better search and retrieval. The information landscape has experienced a major shift and it's no longer linear or predictable. Today's global economy is in the transition towards the knowledge economy. Knowledge is also considered a basic form of capital.
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This article describes research work which was directed towards providing the automotive industry with a practical methodology that translates the conceptual ideas of knowledge management (KM) into a working programme with defined objectives, using industry terminology. The research also developed a supporting analysis methodology that enables an effective analysis of the influences on employee activities when creating and sharing valuable corporate knowledge, that spans technical and cultural boundaries. This happens through identifying the factors that impact on defined KM metrics. The analysis identifies the key influencing factors within a working environment. The research benefits are felt when the ground-level drivers of KM behaviour are improved through links to an appropriate KM strategy. KM strategy may emphasise organisational cultural changes or IT changes or both in an endeavour to improve innovation, reduce business costs and reduce time to market of new products. An industrial case study was undertaken to validate the research.
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People use weak ties—relationships with acquaintances or strangers—to seek help unavailable from friends or colleagues. Yet in the absence of personal relationships or the expectation of direct reciprocity, help from weak ties might not be forthcoming or could be of low quality. We examined the practice of distant employees (strangers) exchanging technical advice through a large organizational computer network. A survey of advice seekers and those who replied was conducted to test hypotheses about the viability and usefulness of such electronic weak tie exchanges. Theories of organizational motivation suggest that positive regard for the larger organization can substitute for direct incentives or personal relationships in motivating people to help others. Theories of weak ties suggest that the usefulness of this help may depend on the number of ties, the diversity of ties, or the resources of help providers. We hypothesized that, in an organizational context, the firm-specific resources and organizational motivation of people who provide advice will predict the usefulness of advice. We investigated these theories in a study of employees of a global computer manufacturer. We collected survey and observational data on the relationships between information seekers and information providers; the number, diversity, resources, and motivations of information providers, and subjective ratings of the usefulness of the advice (from both parties in the exchange) and whether or not the advice solved information seekers' problems. We found that information providers gave useful advice and solved the problems of information seekers, despite their lack of a personal connection with the seekers. The data support the main hypotheses and provide some support for resource and diversity explanations of weak tie influence. We discuss how this organization's culture sustained useful intormation exchange through weak ties.
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In the knowledge management domain, the conversion of tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge is critical because it is a prerequisite to the knowledge amplification process wherein knowledge becomes part of an organization’s knowledge network. In this article, knowledge exchange protocols are examined as a vehicle for improving the tacit to explicit knowledge conversion process. In an experiment testing the use of knowledge exchange protocols, it is learned that while structure may significantly improve the tacit to explicit knowledge conversion process, it also may matter how the structure is employed in this process.
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The mid-1990s saw the rise of an important movement: a recognition that organizational knowledge, in its various forms and attributes, could be an important source of competitive advantage in the marketplace. Knowledge management has become one of the core competencies in today's competitive environment, where so much value in companies resides in their people, systems, and processes. This book examines a variety of important knowledge-related topics, some of which has been previously published in such journals as the Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, and the Sloan Management Review, such as the use of informal networks, communities of practice, the impact of knowledge on successful alliances, social capital and trust, narrative and storytelling and the use of human intermediaries in the knowledge management process. The book includes contributions from such leading thinkers as Lawrence Prusak, Dorothy Leonard, Eric Lesser, Rob Cross, and David Snowden. This book synthesizes some of the best thinking by the IBM Institute for Knowledge-Based Organizations, a think tank whose research agenda focuses on the management methods for deriving tangible business value from knowledge management and their real-world application.
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This paper discusses a longitudinal study that explored the relationship between use of organizational memory and knowledge (OM/K) and knowledge worker productivity within the engineering group at a nuclear power plant. Three data points were taken over five years. An OM/K System (OM/KS) was identified that improved effectiveness/productivity of the organization. The basic components of the OM/KS remained the same over the study. A key and unexpected finding was that new members of the organization did not consider the OM/KS as effective as established members and tended not to use the system until they became established members themselves. To explain the success of the OM/KS, DeLone and McLean's IS Success Model was adapted to OM/KS.
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Knowledge management (KM) is a process that deals with the development, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information and expertise within an organization to support and improve its business performance. Organizations are realizing that knowledge is a crucial resource for organizations and it should be managed judiciously. Organizations need to harness knowledge not only to stay competitive, but also to become innovative. KM requires a major shift in organizational culture and a commitment at all levels of a firm to make it work. Through a supportive organizational climate, ideally, through effective KM, an organization can bring its entire organizational learning and knowledge to bear on any problem, anywhere in the world, at anytime
A framework for aligning organizational and technical resources and capabilities to leverage explicit knowledge and expertise.
Companies that use a balanced set of strategic measures, both financial and nonfinancial, outperform their less disciplined rivals in performance management. However, only a few executives pay attention to measuring the range of results that are vital to strategic success. Research shows that there are seven myths that impair management's effective use of measurement.
If practitioners and researchers are serious about developing a comprehensive theory and field of "knowledge management," then it is crucial to develop valid and reliable measures of "knowledge." This article makes the point that meaningful progress in this area begins with an appreciation of the ways in which the attributes of knowledge differ from those of traditional economic goods. It then argues that the key to solving the problem is introducing the subject or user of knowledge—the knower—into the measurement process. The article then presents some real-world examples where success in the area of measuring knowledge and knowers is being made.
To a growing number of companies, knowledge management is more than just a buzzword or a sales pitch, it is an approach to adding or creating value by more actively leveraging the know-how, experience, and judgement resident within and, in many cases, outside of an organization. Based primarily upon the results of a study of 431 U.S. and European organizations, this article describes what firms are actually doing to manage knowledge, what else they think they could be or should be doing, and what they feel are the greatest barriers they face in their efforts.
Knowledge management (KM) has become part of common vocabulary in academic circles as well as in the business world. Whilst an increasing number of companies have embarked upon knowledge management initiatives, a large proportion of these initiatives remain technically focussed. The problem with this type of focus is that it excludes and neglects the true potential benefits that can be derived from knowledge management. In this paper we present a holistic model of KM which dynamically incorporates both tactical as well as strategic elements. Secondly in this paper we address a very important gap in the field of KM, namely how to measure KM by developing a framework which systematically allows for screening and evaluation. The measurement framework proposed enables leveraging knowledge assets effectively and efficiently. Without a holistic perspective which captures all the key elements and dimensions, KM initiatives will create marginal gains at best and failure at worst.
Given the increased discussion on the development of metrics to manage intangible resources, there is a need for a review of the most important tools available to managers for this purpose. This article reviews four measurement systems currently popular among practitioners: (i) human resource accounting; (ii) economic value added; (iii) the balanced scorecard; and (iv) intellectual capital. The assumptions and details of each tool are discussed, as well as the operationalisation procedures to apply them correctly. Strengths and shortcomings of each system are also analysed in order to supply `knowledge managers' with the instruction sheet to the knowledge toolbox.
From the Publisher:Providing an organizational system that helps managers maximize the flow of intellectual capital in their companies, Intellectual Capital presents the insights gained by leading experts from the practice, research, and consulting side of business management. Starting with a definition of intellectual capital and its main components, the book offers a step-by-step "process model" to rooting out corporate inefficiency at all levels. Illustrated with vivid case studies, the book also covers the latest thinking and practices of the "second generation" of intellectual capital practices, from consolidating intellectual capital measures into a single "IC Index" to linking them with shareholder value creation systems.
Incluye índice Incluye bibliografía Partes del texto: La era de las organizaciones y la industria del conocimiento; Administración de bienes intangibles; Midiendo y valuando bienes intangibles.
Thomas A. Stewart is a member of the board of editors of FORTUNE magazine and has authored several articles on the subject of intellectual capital.
This paper reviews the literature pertaining to the assessment of knowledge assets. Since knowledge assets are at the crux of sustainable competitive advantage, the burgeoning field of intellectual capital is an exciting area for both researchers and practitioners. Unfortunately, the measurement of such intangible assets is difficult. A variety of models have surfaced in an attempt to measure IC and this paper aims to highlight their strengths, weaknesses and operationalizations.
Little is known about the processes that make TQM effective. Why are some quality improvement projects more effective than others? We argue that TQM processes affect the way people create new knowledge, which in turn determines organizational effectiveness. We explore this by studying 62 quality improvement projects undertaken in one factory over a decade. Using a factor analysis we identify three learning constructs that characterize the learning process: scope, conceptual learning, and operational learning. We use OLS regressions to study the impact of these learning constructs on project performance. Conceptual and operational learning are found to play a crucial role in achieving goals, creating new technological knowledge, and changing factory personnel's attention. Contrary to the common practice of relying on operational learning, we suggest the application of conceptual learning as well, particularly if the technology is poorly understood. It facilitates the codification of knowledge, which enhances its dissemination for both present and future use.
Selected technologies that contribute to knowledge management solutions are reviewed using Nonaka's model of organizational knowledge creation as a framework. The extent to which knowledge transformation within and between tacit and explicit forms can be supported by the technologies is discussed, and some likely future trends are identified. It is found that the strongest contribution to current solutions is made by technologies that deal largely with explicit knowledge, such as search and classification. Contributions to the formation and communication of tacit knowledge, and support for making it explicit, are currently weaker, although some encouraging developments are highlighted, such as the use of text-based chat, expertise location, and unrestricted bulletin boards. Through surveying some of the technologies used for knowledge management, this paper serves as an introduction to the subject for those papers in this issue that discuss technology.
A fundamental problem with knowledge management is the information technology (IT) employed to enable knowledge work appears to target data and information, as opposed to knowledge itself. In contrast, knowledge-based systems (KBS) maintain an explicit and direct focus on knowledge. The research described in this article is focused on innovating knowledge management through KBS technology. We refer to this KBS-enabled transformation of knowledge work as knowledge-based knowledge management. Drawing from the recent literature, we identify a number of key activities associated with knowledge management to establish a set of requirements for knowledge management support. We match these requirements with textbook capabilities of intelligent systems and use this analysis to evaluate KOPeR, a KBS employed to automate and support knowledge management in the reengineering domain. We find KOPeR possesses the capabilities required for knowledge management support. And its field application, as part of a major reengineering engagement, reveals four important knowledge effects enabled by this KBS. From this study, we also find KOPeR to be effective in its automation and support of key knowledge management activities. And through its successful use and knowledge effects in this study, we conclude that KBS can be developed and employed for effective knowledge management support.
Advances in information and communication technologies have fundamentally heightened organizational interest in knowledge as a critical strategic resource. However, organizations are finding that members are often reluctant to exchange knowledge with others in the organization. This paper examines why. We review current knowledge management practices and find that organizations are treating knowledge as a private good, owned either by the organization or by organization members. We propose that knowledge can also be considered a public good, owned and maintained by a community. When knowledge is considered a public good, knowledge exchange is motivated by moral obligation and community interest rather than by narrow self-interest. We provide support for the public good perspective by providing results from a survey examining why people participate and share knowledge in three electronic communities of practice. The results indicate that people participate primarily out of community interest, generalized reciprocity and pro-social behavior.
This article reports an exploratory investigation of individual perceptions of factors that underlie the use of collaborative electronic media (electronic mail, World Wide Web, list serves, and other collaborative systems) for sharing information in a large state university in Australia. The model builds on the Constant et al.'s theory of information sharing. We propose that perceptions of information culture, attitudes regarding information ownership and propensity to share, as well as task and personal factors influence people's use of collaborative media. We found that task characteristics (task interdependence), perceived information usefulness and the user's computer comfort were most strongly associated with the person's use of collaborative media. Consistent with Constant et al.'s earlier findings, views of information ownership and propensity to share were significantly related to use. Interestingly, use of electronic media for sharing information and contacting people was weakly associated with a more structured, closed information culture. This implies that heavy users and sharers want more structured information flow in place, possibly due to their need to have reliable access to other individual's knowledge and information. Contrary to suggestions in the literature, a fully open, organic information culture may not always be most desirable. Implications for knowledge managers, practitioners and researchers are suggested.
Given the increased discussion on the development of metrics to manage intangible resources, there is a need for a review of the most important tools available to managers for this purpose. This article reviews four measurement systems currently popular among practitioners: (i) human resource accounting; (ii) economic value added; (iii) the balanced scorecard; and (iv) intellectual capital. The assumptions and details of each tool are discussed, as well as the operationalisation procedures to apply them correctly. Strengths and shortcomings of each system are also analysed in order to supply `knowledge managers' with the instruction sheet to the knowledge toolbox.
Conference Paper
Nous investiguons comment les membres d'une communauté de pratiques (CP) de textes en ligne adopte des connaissances d'autres membres. Les études précédentes portant sur l'adoption des connaissances dans des environnements informatisés se sont appuyées surles théories du processus dual du traitement de l'information pour comprendre le rôle des indices heuristiques et des probabilités d'élaboration. Ici nous étendons ce courant de recherche en explorant deux nouveaux indices heuristiques : la conformité de genre et la cohérence de l'information. De plus, nous examinons le rôle de la recherche focalisée et de l'information disconfirmatoire pour comprendre comment elles pourraient induire des processus cognitif non heuristiques. Cette étude avance notre compréhension du partage de connaissance dans les CP en ligne. Les résultats suggèrent que le contexte d'une CP en ligne peut jouer un rôle dynamique sur la façon dont les membres traitent la composante contenu de cette CP. En se concentrant sur des technologies de type “ pull ”, elle offre un autre lien théorique entre les communications médiatisées par ordinateur et la gestion des connaissances. Pratiquement, elle apporte aussi des éclairages sur les CP en ligne comme moyen d'améliorer la gestion des connaissances dans les organisations.
Knowledge management has recently received considerable attention in the Web-based business community. This paper discusses the key concepts of human-computer interaction in knowledge development, and identifies new challenges of knowledge management for Web-based business. Based on theories of knowledge representations and semantic networks, this paper proposes a structure of knowledge maps for knowledge management in the Web-based business environment. An example of knowledge maps for online auctions is used to illustrate the application of the proposed structure of knowledge maps.
The borderless global economy has accentuated the importance of knowledge as the most critical source of competitive advantage. Thus, knowledge management (KM) has become a strategic mandate for most world-class organizations. A key enabler for implementing an effective KM system is advanced information technology (IT). Strategies for developing an enterprise-wide KM system infrastructure with embedded IT are discussed. In particular, this paper discusses the concept of a KM life cycle – knowledge capture, knowledge development, knowledge sharing, and knowledge utilization, and how applications of new IT support each step of the KM practices within and between organizations is suggested.