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Abstract and Figures

Extreme losses of portfolios with heavy-tailed components are studied in the framework of multivariate regular variation. Asymptotic distributions of extreme portfolio losses are characterized by a functional γ ξ =γ ξ (α,Ψ) of the tail index α, the spectral measure Ψ, and the vector ξ of portfolio weights. Existence, uniqueness, and location of the optimal portfolio are analysed and applied to the minimization of risk measures. It is shown that diversification effects are positive for α>1 and negative for α<1. Strong consistency and asymptotic normality are established for a semiparametric estimator of the mapping ξ ↦ γ ξ . Strong consistency is also established for the estimated optimal portfolio.
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... Regarding the optimization problem (22) it is convenient to switch to the induced distributions of Y , see also Section 3.1. Thus we assume that Ω = [0, 1] and F is the respective Borel σ-algebra, and that Y (ω) = ω. ...
... In recent years diversification effects in heavy-tailed portfolios received considerable attention; see [21,22,34]. Suppose that Z is a d-dimensional vector of dependent risk factors, and consider the portfolio P = d i=1 w i Z i , where w 1 , . . . ...
Extreme value theory provides an asymptotically justified framework for estimation of exceedance probabilities in regions where few or no observations are available. For multivariate tail estimation, the strength of extremal dependence is crucial and it is typically modeled by a parametric family of spectral distributions. In this work we provide asymptotic bounds on exceedance probabilities that are robust against misspecification of the extremal dependence model. They arise from optimizing the statistic of interest over all dependence models within some neighborhood of the reference model. A certain relaxation of these bounds yields surprisingly simple and explicit expressions, which we propose to use in applications. We show the effectiveness of the robust approach compared to classical confidence bounds when the model is misspecified. The results are further applied to quantify the effect of model uncertainty on the Value-at-Risk of a financial portfolio.
... Elliptical distributions, which encompass multivariate normal and t-distributions as specific instances, serve as fundamental tools in quantitative risk management(McNeil et al. (2015)). Meanwhile, the MRV model plays a significant role in Extreme Value Theory, particularly for analyzing portfolio diversification, as illustrated in works such asMainik and Rüschendorf (2010),Embrechts (2013), andBignozzi et al. (2016). For DQ based on ES and VaR, these two classes of distributions are studied byHan et al. (2023). ...
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A diversification quotient (DQ) quantifies diversification in stochastic portfolio models based on a family of risk measures. We study DQ based on expectiles, offering a useful alternative to conventional risk measures such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES). The expectile-based DQ admits simple formulas and has a natural connection to the Omega ratio. Moreover, the expectile-based DQ is not affected by small-sample issues faced by VaR-based or ES-based DQ due to the scarcity of tail data. The expectile-based DQ exhibits pseudo-convexity in portfolio weights, allowing gradient descent algorithms for portfolio selection. We show that the corresponding optimization problem can be efficiently solved using linear programming techniques in real-data applications. Explicit formulas for DQ based on expectiles are also derived for elliptical and multivariate regularly varying distribution models. Our findings enhance the understanding of the DQ's role in financial risk management and highlight its potential to improve portfolio construction strategies.
... Elliptical distributions, which encompass multivariate normal and t-distributions as specific instances, serve as fundamental tools in quantitative risk management(McNeil et al. (2015)). Meanwhile, the MRV model plays a significant role in Extreme Value Theory, particularly for analyzing portfolio diversification, as illustrated in works such asMainik and Rüschendorf (2010),Mainik and Embrechts (2013),and Bignozzi et al. (2016). For DQ based on ES and VaR, these two classes of distributions are studied byHan et al. (2023). ...
This paper investigates the diversification quotient (DQ), a recently introduced index quantifying diversification in stochastic portfolio models. We specifically examine the DQ constructed using expectiles, offering an alternative to conventional risk measures such as Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall. The expectile-based DQ admits simple formulas and has strong connections to the Omega ratio. Moreover, the expectile-based DQ is not affected by small sample issues faced by VaR or ES-based DQs due to the scarcity of tail data. Also, DQ based on expectiles exhibits pseudo-convexity in portfolio weights, allowing gradient descent algorithms for portfolio selection. Furthermore, we show that the corresponding optimization problem can be efficiently solved using linear programming techniques in real-data applications. Explicit formulas for DQ based on expectiles are also derived for elliptical and multivariate regularly varying distribution models. Our findings enhance the understanding of the DQ's role in financial risk management and highlight its potential to improve portfolio construction strategies.
... The DR measure is a crucial metric that quantifies the effectiveness of diversification by measuring the ratio of the weighted average volatility of individual assets to the overall portfolio volatility. Studies by Mainik and Rüschendorf (2010), Degen et al. (2010), and Embrechts et al. (2009) have explored diversification metrics constructed using risk measures, including risk-based forms of DR. These studies particularly underscore the value of diversification in mitigating portfolio risk, even under extreme market conditions, where correlations tend to increase and diversification benefits can diminish. ...
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Portfolio diversification, traditionally measured through asset correlations and volatilitybased metrics, is fundamental to managing financial risk. However, existing diversification metrics often overlook non-numerical relationships between assets that can impact portfolio stability, particularly during market stresses. This paper introduces the lexical ratio (LR), a novel metric that leverages textual data to capture diversification dimensions absent in standard approaches. By treating each asset as a unique document composed of sectorspecific and financial keywords, the LR evaluates portfolio diversification by distributing these terms across assets, incorporating entropy-based insights from information theory. We thoroughly analyze LR's properties, including scale invariance, concavity, and maximality, demonstrating its theoretical robustness and ability to enhance risk-adjusted portfolio returns. Using empirical tests on S&P 500 portfolios, we compare LR's performance to established metrics such as Markowitz's volatility-based measures and diversification ratios. Our tests reveal LR's superiority in optimizing portfolio returns, especially under varied market conditions. Our findings show that LR aligns with conventional metrics and captures unique diversification aspects, suggesting it is a viable tool for portfolio managers.
We establish the first axiomatic theory for diversification indices using six intuitive axioms: nonnegativity, location invariance, scale invariance, rationality, normalization, and continuity. The unique class of indices satisfying these axioms, called the diversification quotients (DQs), are defined based on a parametric family of risk measures. A further axiom of portfolio convexity pins down DQs based on coherent risk measures. The DQ has many attractive properties, and it can address several theoretical and practical limitations of existing indices. In particular, for the popular risk measures value at risk and expected shortfall, the corresponding DQ admits simple formulas, and it is efficient to optimize in portfolio selection. Moreover, it can properly capture tail heaviness and common shocks, which are neglected by traditional diversification indices. When illustrated with financial data, the DQ is intuitive to interpret, and its performance is competitive against other diversification indices. This paper was accepted by Manel Baucells, behavioral economics and decision analysis. Funding: X. Han is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grants 12301604, 12371471, and 12471449). L. Lin is supported by the Hickman Scholarship from the Society of Actuaries. R. Wang is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada [Grants CRC-2022-00141 and RGPIN-2024-03728] and the Sun Life Research Fellowship. Supplemental Material: The online appendix and data files are available at .
We study the tail asymptotics of the sum of two heavy-tailed random variables. The dependence structure is modeled by copulas with the so-called tail order property. Examples are presented to illustrate the approach. Further for each example we apply the main results to obtain the asymptotic expansions for Value-at-Risk of aggregate risk.
Extremes Values, Regular Variation and Point Processes is a readable and efficient account of the fundamental mathematical and stochastic process techniques needed to study the behavior of extreme values of phenomena based on independent and identically distributed random variables and vectors. It presents a coherent treatment of the distributional and sample path fundamental properties of extremes and records. It emphasizes the core primacy of three topics necessary for understanding extremes: the analytical theory of regularly varying functions; the probabilistic theory of point processes and random measures; and the link to asymptotic distribution approximations provided by the theory of weak convergence of probability measures in metric spaces. The book is self-contained and requires an introductory measure-theoretic course in probability as a prerequisite. Almost all sections have an extensive list of exercises which extend developments in the text, offer alternate approaches, test mastery and provide for enjoyable muscle flexing by a reader. The material is aimed at students and researchers in probability, statistics, financial engineering, mathematics, operations research, civil engineering and economics who need to know about: * asymptotic methods for extremes; * models for records and record frequencies; * stochastic process and point process methods and their applications to obtaining distributional approximations; * pervasive applications of the theory of regular variation in probability theory, statistics and financial engineering. "This book is written in a very lucid way. The style is sober, the mathematics tone is pleasantly conversational, convincing and enthusiastic. A beautiful book!" ---Bulletin of the Dutch Mathematical Society "This monograph is written in a very attractive style. It contains a lot of complementary exercises and practically all important bibliographical reference." ---Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
We estimate Value-at-Risk for sums of dependent random variables. We model multivariate dependent random variables using archimedean copulas. This structure allows one to calculate the asymptotic behaviour of extremal events. An important application of such results are Value-at-Risk estimates for sums of dependent random variables.
We survey multivariate extreme value distributions. These are limiting distributions of maxima and/or minima, componentwise, after suitable normalization. A distribution is extreme value stable if and only if its margins are stable and its dependence function is stable. Thus it is possible, without loss of generality, to choose any stable marginal distribution deemed convenient. We use the negative exponential one. The class of multivariate stable negative exponential distributions is characterized by the fact that weighted minima of components have negative exponential distributions. We examine several representations and the relationships among them and we consider, in terms of them, joint densities and scalar measures of dependence. We also consider estimation.
We establish the equivalence between the multivariate regular variation of a random vector and the univariate regular variation of all linear combinations of the components of such a vector. According to a classical result of Kesten [Acta Math. 131 (1973) 207-248], this result implies that stationary solutions to multivariate linear stochastic recurrence equations are regularly varying. Since GARCH processes can be embedded in such recurrence equations their finite-dimensional distributions are regularly varying.
The asymptotic theory of sample extremes has been developed in parallel with the central limit theory, and in fact the two theories bear some resemblance.
Due to published statistical analyses of operational risk data, methodological approaches to the "advanced measurement approach" modeling of operational risk can be discussed in more detail. In this paper we raise some issues concerning correlation (or diversification) effects, the use of extreme value theory and the overall quantitative risk management consequences of extremely heavy-tailed data. We especially highlight issues around infinite-mean models. In addition to methodological examples and simulation studies, the paper contains indications for further research.
This book is a comprehensive account of the theory and applications of regular variation. It is concerned with the asymptotic behaviour of a real function of a real variable x which is 'close' to a power of x. Such functions are much more than a convenient extension of powers. In many limit theorems regular variation is intrinsic to the result, and exactly characterises the limit behaviour. The book emphasises such characterisations, and gives a comprehensive treatment of those applications where regular variation plays an essential (rather then merely convenient) role. The authors rigorously develop the basic ideas of Karamata theory and de Haan theory including many new results and 'second-order' theorems. They go on to discuss the role of regular variation in Abelian, Tauberian, and Mercerian theorems. These results are then applied in analytic number theory, complex analysis, and probability, with the aim above all of setting the theory in context. A widely scattered literature is thus brought together in a unified approach. With several appendices and a comprehensive list of references, analysts, number theorists, and probabilists will find this an invaluable and complete account of regular variation. It will provide a rigorous and authoritative introduction to the subject for research students in these fields.