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Journal of Information Technology Education Volume 5, 2006
Editor: Paul Jerry
Best Practices in e-Assessment
Nicole A. Buzzetto-More and Ayodele Julius Alade
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, USA
Executive Summary
According to Martell and Calderon (2005), assessment is an ongoing process that involves plan-
ning, discussion, consensus building, reflection, measuring, analyzing, and improving based on
the data and artifacts gathered about a learning objective. Assessment encompasses a range of
activities including testing, performances, project ratings, and observations (Orlich, Harder, Cal-
lahan & Gibson, 2004).
Impacting education from early childhood through graduate studies, the assessment movement is
based on standards and outcomes, measuring results, and holding educational institutions ac-
countable for student learning. Oversight bodies and accrediting agencies are beginning to require
the establishment of learner-centered outcomes that reflect the well-rounded knowledge, compe-
tencies, and abilities preferred in today’s students; the alignment of curriculum to reflect the de-
sired progression and cognitive development of learners; the collection of data that demonstrates
the satisfaction of learning objectives; and the use of assessment information to inform decision
making (Buzzetto-More, 2006).
The use of information technologies and e-learning strategies can provide an efficient and effec-
tive means of assessing teaching and learning effectiveness by supporting traditional, authentic,
and alternative assessment protocols (Bennett, 2002). According to Vendlinski and Stevens
(2002) technology offers new measures for assessing learning that will yield rich sources of data
and expand the ways in which educators understand both learning mastery, and teaching effec-
tiveness. The use of information technologies and e-learning to augment the assessment process
may include: pre and post testing, diagnostic analysis, student tracking, rubric use, the support
and delivery of authentic assessment through project based learning, artifact collection, and data
aggregation and analysis.
The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the origins, evolution, and key concepts of
assessment as well as illustrate some of the ways in which technology and e-Learning serve as the
most promising mechanisms for satisfying assessment goals and objectives.
This work is based on an exhaustive review of literature, the analysis of a number of critically
acclaimed assessment programs, as well as the authors’ own work in the development and use of
e-Learning in the design, and implementation of an assessment program at a mid-sized institution
of higher education located in the ru-
ral Eastern Shore of Maryland in the
United States. The program being pro-
filed includes computerized longitudi-
nal testing, online diagnostic testing,
competitive networked simulations,
rubrics, student discussion transcripts,
taped presentations, and electronic
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Best Practices in e-Assessment
Keywords: e-assessment, assessment, e-learning, e-portfolios, assessment data management
History and Evolution of the Assessment Movement
Assessment is not new to academia, with the roots of the current movement dating back over two
decades (Martell & Calderon, 2005). But two decades hardly take us back to the origins of educa-
tional assessment in the United States. According to Pearson, Vyas, Sensale, and Kim (2001),
assessment of student learning has been gaining and losing popularity for well over 150 years.
In K-12 education, assessment first emerged in America in the 1840’s, when an early pioneer of
assessment, Horace Mann, used standardized written examinations to measure learning in Massa-
chusetts (Pearson et al., 2001). After losing momentum, the scientific movement of the 1920’s
propelled the use of large-scale testing as a means of assessing learning (Audette, 2005). The
1960’s saw further support of standardized testing when the National Assessment of Educational
Progress was formed, which produced the Nation’s Report Card (Linn, 2002). But perhaps no
initiative has had as broad and pervasive an impact as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
(NCLB), which formally ushered us into an age of accountability. The NCLB act is a sweeping
piece of legislation that requires regularly administered standardized testing to document student
performance. The NCLB act is based on standards and outcomes, measuring results, and holding
schools accountable for student learning (Audette, 2005). In 2006 Congress is required to reau-
thorize the Higher Education Act and it is predicted that NCLB will lead to changes in Higher
Education Assessment requirements (Ewell & Steen, 2006).
In higher education, the first attempts to measure educational outcomes emerged around 1900
with the movement to develop a mechanism for accrediting institutions of higher education
(Urciuoli, 2005). In 1910 Morris Cooke published a comparative analysis of seven higher educa-
tion institutions including Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Toronto, Haverford, and Wiscon-
sin. The result of the report was the establishment of the student credit hour as the unit by which
to calculate cost and efficiency (Urciuoli, 2005). By 1913 accreditation in higher education had
spread nation wide with the formation of a number of accrediting bodies (Urciuoli, 2005). The
United States is unusual in that it relies on private associations rather than government agencies
to provide accreditation of academic institutions and programs.
A number of reports released in the mid 1980’s charged higher education to focus on student
learning (Old Dominion University, 2006). During that time, the first formal assessment group
was established, the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) Assessment Forum,
formed in 1987. In 1992, accrediting agencies were required to consider learning outcomes as a
condition for accreditation following a 1992 Department of Education mandate (Ewell & Steen,
Assessment experts point to pioneers of the assessment movement, Alverno College and North-
east Missouri State University, which have both been committed for over three decades to out-
comes-based instruction. Kruger and Heisser (1987) who evaluated the Northeast Missouri State
University assessment program found that the variety of assessments and questionnaires em-
ployed as well as the use of a longitudinal database that provides multivariate analysis makes this
institution an exemplar in the effective us of quality assessment to support sound decision mak-
The oldest recognized undergraduate assessment program in the United States can be found at the
University of Wisconsin which has reported on some form of student outcomes assessment con-
tinuously since 1900 (Urciuoli, 2005).
The assessment movement is not limited to the United States. In the United Kingdom, the Higher
Education Funding Council was established following the Further and Higher Education Act of
Buzzetto-More & Alade
1992, requiring the assessment of quality of education in funded institutions. In 2004, the Higher
Education Act was passed with the goal of widening access to higher education as well as keep-
ing UK institutions competitive in the global economy (Higher Education Funding Council for
England, 2005). The formation of the Europe Union has created a need for the communication of
educational quality. According to Urciuolo (2005) educational discourse in Europe and the UK
are becoming dominated with the terms standards and accountability which were born and have
been growing within the United States for many years.
Understanding Assessment
Haken (2006) explained that assessment is an integral piece to assuring that an educational insti-
tution achieves its learning goals, as well as a crucial means of providing the essential evidence
necessary for seeking and maintaining accreditation. Hersh (2004) advocated the position that
assessment of student learning should be considered an integral part of the teaching and learning
processes as well as part of the feedback loop that serves to enhance institutional effectiveness.
Good assessment serves multiple objectives (Swearington, n.d.) and benefits a number of stake-
holders (Love & Cooper, 2004). According to Dietal, Herman, and Knuth (1991) assessment pro-
vides an accurate measure of student performance to enable teachers, administrators, and other
key decision makers to make effective decisions. As a result, Kellough and Kellough (1999) iden-
tified seven purposes of assessment:
1. Improve student learning;
2. Identify students’ strengths and weaknesses;
3. Review, assess, and improve the effectiveness of different teaching strategies;
4. Review, assess, and improve the effectiveness of curricular programs;
5. Improve teaching effectiveness;
6. Provide useful administrative data that will expedite decision making; and
7. To communicate with stakeholders.
Most individuals in the assessment community believe that the assessment process begins with
the identification of learning goals and measurable objectives (Martell & Calderon, 2005) as well
as the use of specific traits that help define the objectives being measured (Walvoord & Ander-
son, 1998). These traits are frequently correlated with the developmental concepts articulated in
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives which provides a recognized set of hierarchical
behaviors that can be measured as part of an assessment plan (Harich, Fraser, & Norby, 2005).
There are six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy that relate to cognitive growth: knowledge, compre-
hension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The three upper levels of Bloom’s Tax-
onomy -- analysis, synthesis, and evaluation -- are linked to critical thinking. Figure 1 illustrates
the taxonomy in its hierarchical structure.
Petkov and Petkova (2006) recommend course-embedded assessment as having the advantage of
ease of implementation, low cost, timeliness, and student acceptance and note that the type of
performance appraisal supported by rubrics is particularly effective when assessing problem solv-
ing, communication and team working skills. They explain that rubrics should not be considered
checklists but rather criteria and rating scales for evaluation of a product or performance. Accord-
ing to Aurbach (n.d.), rubrics articulate the standards by which a product, performance, or out-
come demonstration will be evaluated. They help to standardize assessment, provide useful data,
and articulate goals and objectives to learners. Rubrics are also particularly useful in assessing
complex and subjective skills (Dodge & Pickette, 2001).
Best Practices in e-Assessment
Petkov and Petkova (2006) who implemented rubrics in introductory IS courses found that the
use of rubrics helped to make assessment more uniform, better communicate expectations and
performance to students, measure student progress over time, and help to lay the foundation for a
long-terms assessment program that combines projects and portfolios.
Measuring students’ knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses prior to instruction is done through
diagnostic testing (Swearington, n.d.). Diagnostic assessment allows educators to remedy defi-
ciencies as well as make curricular adjustments.
Haken (2006) explained that it is important to measure knowledge; however, measuring knowl-
edge is not enough. Hence, the current charge in education is to transform learning and assess-
ment from the world of memorized facts to a broad, well-rounded model that reflects the learner-
centered outcomes of an academic program (Wright, 2004). As a result, an academic program
should work on building as well as assessing students’ critical-thinking skills (Haken, 2006). Ac-
cording to Walcott (2005), who examined business education, examples of critical thinking can
be found in the creation of marketing plans, the interpretation of financial statement ratios, the
recommending of organizational restructuring, identifying and analyzing ethical issues, case stud-
ies, evaluating a company’s strengths and weaknesses, and portfolio creation.
Portfolios can be used to assess learning-outcome achievement as well as to diagnose curriculum
deficiencies that require improvement (Popper, 2005). Popper explained that portfolios should
include a variety of samples of student work. According to the American Association of Higher
Education (2001), portfolios have a broad application in a variety of contexts for the collection of
meaningful evidence about learning outcomes. According to Chun (2002), a portfolio should re-
quire students to collect, assemble, and reflect on samples that represent the culmination of their
learning. Cooper (1999) identified six considerations of the portfolio building process: identifica-
To Build
EVALUATION: Make Judgment
Figure 1:
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Buzzetto-More & Alade
tion of skill areas, design of measurable outcomes, identification of learning strategies, identifica-
tion of performance indicators, collection of evidence, and assessment.
Wiggins (1990) suggests that work being assessed should be authentic or based on the real world.
Pellegrino, Chudonsky, and Glaser (2001) suggest that formative assessments focus less on
student responses and more on performance. As a result, many institutions are anchoring their
assessment activities into meaningful scenarios so that students are being assessed on their
abilities to apply learning into realistic situations.
An assessment center is not a physical place like the name implies, but rather is a suite of
exercises that are designed to replicate real life and require participants to engage in a simulation.
Participants are assessed based on their real time reactions and performance (Liam et. al, 2003).
Assessment Centers were first introduced in the United Kingdom in the early 1940’s. They were
soon adopted within the United State growing in popularity in the 1950’s in corporate American
where they were used by such companies as AT&T, Standard Oil, IBM, and General Electric
(Liam Healy & Associates, 2003). Assessment centers have been slowly growing in higher edu-
cation over the past two decades. Most commonly they are found within schools of business.
They are uncommon in K-12 education; however, High Tech High School in San Diego,
California has found great success with their assessment center which places learners in
environments that mimic the work place and are facilitated by parents, teachers, and workplace
mentors (Page, 2006).
Value-added assessment demonstrates the progress of student learning throughout a program
(Martell & Calderon, 2005). It requires academics to ask "What do our students know, and how
can we demonstrate that knowledge has been gained?" Value-added assessment commonly in-
volves pre- and post-testing as well as student tracking. According to Carol Geary Schneider
(2002), president of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, in order for value-
added assessment to be effective it must be longitudinal, embedded within credit-bearing courses,
and have weight in determining student grades.
Regardless of the assessment measures being implemented, the literature suggests that good as-
sessment programs have variety (Swearington, n.d.). Merrimack College, for example, uses diag-
nostic testing, student portfolios, alumni surveys, course evaluations, rubrics, and employer sur-
veys as part of their assessment model (Popper, 2005).
Curricular alignment occurs when a program organizes their teaching and learning activities to
reflect desired student outcomes (Martell & Calderon, 2005). According to Baratz-Snowden
(1993), curriculum alignment holds a school accountable for demonstrating when and where stu-
dents have the opportunity to learn information and acquire skills. Engaging in curriculum align-
ment encourages programs to link outcomes to instruction as well as reflect upon the sequence in
which competencies are built. Audette (2005) explained that curriculum alignment is particularly
important to K-12 schools faced with high-stakes standardized tests. His study, conducted in the
Massachusetts high school where he serves as principal, showed tangible improvement in stan-
dardized test scores as a result of curriculum alignment.
Successful assessment is an ongoing cycle that involves the identification of outcomes, the gath-
ering and analyzing of data, discussion, suggesting improvements, implementing changes, and
reflection that has been depicted in Figure 2.
The assessment process is represented as a continuous cyclical process or, rather, a loop. "Closing
the loop" is a popular term in the assessment movement that has been defined by Martell and
Calderon (2005) as ongoing process that uses assessment data to improve student outcomes.
Best Practices in e-Assessment
The assessment process is depend-
ent on the collection of high-quality
data that provides a basis to evaluate
all of a program’s learning objec-
tives. As a result, effective data
Not all data is useful data, and the
assessment process is dependent on
the collection of high-quality data
that provides a basis to evaluate all
of a program’s learning objectives
(Martell & Calderon, 2005). As a
result, effective data management is
crucial to the assessment loop (Dhir,
2005), where the data collected
needs to be made available to fac-
ulty and administrators in a timely
manner so that fact-based decisions
can be made. Dhir (2005) explains
that when data is readily accessible,
a dialogue can occur that focuses on
the critical issues at stake.
e-Learning and e-Assessment
Learning that is facilitated by electronic technologies; otherwise known as e-Learning, encom-
passes a number of activities that may or may not include the use of networked or web-based
digital technologies. E-Learning may be web-assisted, or classroom learning that is facilitated by
the use of a course website and the World Wide Web; or the mixture of classroom and online in-
struction known as the hybrid or adjunct model; or a fully online experience where all instruction
and assessment occurs electronically (Buzzetto-More & Guy, 2006).
According to Bennett (2002), technology is central to learning and, as a result, is going to prove
to be central to the assessment process. Bennett explains that technology will not only facilitate
testing but also support authentic assessment. He refers to e-learning as part of the equipment of
21st Century scholarship and cites the success of online universities and virtual high schools in the
United States.
According to the March 2006 issue of T.H.E. Journal of Technological Horizons in Education,
widening achievement gaps and government mandates have required schools to use data to in-
form decision making, an activity that has coincided with improved information technologies,
high-speed internet, and easy to use computer applications (Petrides, 2006).
Numerous studies have linked e-learning to critical thinking; for example, a study of 300 recent
MBA graduates conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater found that online learning
encourages high level reflective thinking (Drago, 2004).
Whereas e-learning has been part of our educational vernacular for some time, e-assessment is a
fairly new term. Ridgway, McCusker, and Pead (2004) define e-assessment as the use of elec-
tronic technologies to drive student learning assessment. They say that e-assessment should en-
courage the rethinking of curriculum, e-learning, and technology and explain that e-assessment is
flexible and supports the assessment of higher order thinking, social skills, and group work
through such means as digital portfolios
Iden tifica tion
of Learning
Goals and
Reflect and
Iden tify
Report and
The Gathering
of Evidence
Analysis of
Figure 2: The Assessment Process based on
Martell & Calderon, 2005
Iden tifica tion
of Learning
Goals and
Reflect and
Iden tify
Report and
The Gathering
of Evidence
Analysis of
Iden tifica tion
of Learning
Goals and
Reflect and
Iden tify
Report and
The Gathering
of Evidence
Analysis of
Figure 2: The Assessment Process based on
Martell & Calderon, 2005
Buzzetto-More & Alade
Vendlinski and Stevens (2002) illustrate that technology provides new means to assess learning
that will yield rich sources of data. E-assessment may include pre and post testing, diagnostic
analysis, student tracking, rubric use/analysis, the support and delivery of authentic assessment
through project based learning (e.g. WebQuests, simulations, eportfolios), artifact collection, and
data aggregation and analysis. (Buzzetto-More, 2006).
Computerized delivery and analysis of diagnostic or traditional testing is increasing in popularity.
According to Hamilton and Shoen (2005), web-based testing has significant advantages in the
areas of cost, ease of use, reliability, replicability, scoring, aggregating results, and data manage-
ment. They explain that digital assessment measures can score themselves with great reliability
and no subjectivity while making data available with immediacy. Texas Christian, for example,
requires students entering its business program to complete a computerized diagnostic test in or-
der to collect meaningful data about incoming students (Gay, 2005).
Rubrics can be translated to a digital format where they may be made available through an intra-
net or over the internet. Used for scoring, these scores provide meaningful assessment informa-
tion. When connected to a database, they provide educators with data that can be aggregated
(Buzzetto-More, 2006). There are a number of websites that assist teachers in the development of
rubrics. Two useful rubric builders can be found at and
As mentioned earlier, experts suggest that work being assessed should be authentic or based on
the real world (Wiggins, 1990). Frequently known as project based learning, it is a form of in-
struction where students are immersed in challenging learning situations that are anchored in real
world simulations (Page, 2006). According to Page, project based learning can support critical
thinking, multilayered decision making, goal setting, problem solving, and collaboration. As a
result, many institutions are anchoring their assessment activities into meaningful scenarios so
that students are being assessed on their abilities to apply learning into realistic situations.
The World Wide Web contains numerous project based learning activities as well as a variety of
mechanisms for their development, hosting, and or support (Page, 2006). GlobalSchool.Net is an
excellent resource for gaining information on project based learning. Another great resource is the
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented learning activity where the majority of information that learn-
ers interact with comes from web resources (Dodge, 1995). Bernard Dodge of San Diego State
University, the developer of the WebQuest, explained that WebQuests give students clarity and a
purpose to online queries by encouraging students to compare, classify, analyze, evaluate, and
synthesize. WebQuests have been developed for all levels of education from elementary through
adult education. There are variations among WebQuests; however, all should contain the follow-
ing elements:
• An introduction that provides a narrative and background information.
• A task that is meaningful, realistic, and interesting.
• A set of resources needed to complete the task.
• A clear description of the process or steps for accomplishing the task.
• Some guiding questions or directions on how to organize the information acquired.
Templates, timelines, concept maps, or cause-and-effect diagrams as described may also
be included.
• An evaluation section that explains how performance will be assessed.
• A conclusion that brings closure and reminds learners about what they have gained.
Best Practices in e-Assessment
Computer simulations are a form of project based learning that require learners to discover and
apply learned skills interactive changing environments that mimic real-world situations (Berge
2002). Vendlinski and Stevens (2002) recommend the IMMEX multi-media exercise software, a
web based simulation authoring, presentation, and assessment tool. Granland, Bergland, and Erik-
son (2000) reviewed three different web-based simulations at three different universities and
found that the simulations encouraged critical thinking and discovery learning; however, they
also noted the lack of quality assessment measures available to evaluate student simulations. As a
result, educators are increasingly finding the value of using rubrics to fully evaluate simulation
participation because the score or end result is not always indicative of the students thought proc-
essing and participation (Buzzetto-More, 2006).
Studies by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2004) found that online discourse fosters critical
thinking and reflection, and Wu and Hiltz (2004) explained that asynchronous communications
improved students’ perception of learning. A study conducted in the United Arab Emirates indi-
cated that students who are reluctant to participate in classroom discussions are more vocal in
electronic discussions and that discussions increase understanding of course content (Bhatti,
Tubaisahat, & El-Quawasmeh, 2005). Successful online discussions can allow students to demon-
strate not just content mastery but the ability to incorporate content into higher level thinking; as a
result, transcripts from electronic discussions have shown themselves to be valuable assessment
artifacts (Buzzetto-More, 2006).
According to the American Association of Higher Education (2001), portfolios have a broad ap-
plication in a variety of contexts for the collection of meaningful evidence about learning out-
comes. Portfolios are an effective form of alternative assessment that encourages students and
educators to examine skills that may not be otherwise accessed using traditional means such as
higher order thinking, communications, and collaborative abilities (Buzzetto-More, 2006; Wright,
2004). According to the ePortConsortium (2003) the benefits of electronic portfolios in education
are that they help students develop organizational skills; recognize skills, abilities, and shortcom-
ings; showcase talents; assess academic progress; demonstrate how skills have developed over
time; make career decisions; demonstrate that one has met program or certification requirements;
and promote themselves professionally.
A portfolio should require students to collect, assemble, and reflect on samples that represent the
culmination of their learning (Chun, 2002) providing students with a diversity of opportunities to
skills and abilities (Martell & Calderon, 2005). New High Tech High School in Napa, California
involves students in long-term technology dependent portfolio projects (Page, 2006) and the busi-
ness program at Merrimack College, has students engaged in an ongoing portfolio building proc-
ess throughout their time in the program where students revisiting their portfolio will be able to
observe their own growth (Popper, 2005).
Online portfolios have a number of advantages over those that are paper based as they support: a
greater variety of artifacts and allow for greater learner expression; are dynamic and multimedia
driven; accessible by a large audience; contain meta-documentation; easy to store; and may serve
to promote a student academically or professionally (Buzzetto-More, 2006).
The collection of artifacts contained within a student learning portfolio can include text based
items, graphic or multimedia driven elements, websites, and/or other items captured in an elec-
tronic format (Lorenzo & Ittelson, 2005a). According to Lorenzo and Ittelson (2005b) the skills
required in the creation of electronic portfolios helps students learn, understand, and implement
the information literacy process.
Information literacy is the ability to collect, evaluate, assemble, reflect upon, and use information
in order to learn and inform problem-solving and decision making (Bruce, 2003). It is a skill cru-
cial to lifelong learning that is dependent on the ability to engage in critical and reflective think-
Buzzetto-More & Alade
ing (Bruce, 2003). Electronic portfolios are quickly becoming the primary means in academia for
students to demonstrate and reflect on learning in a way that helps students build and apply in-
formation literacy skills (Lorenzo & Ittelson, 2005a).
Many teacher education programs have successfully incorporated e-portfolios into their curricula
as a means to satisfy current National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
standards. These systems frequently incorporate the use of scoring rubrics that collect statistical
data for later aggregation (Barett, 2004). Popular systems include: TaskStream, LiveTech, TK20,
Foliotek, FolioLive, ePortfolio, TrueOutcomes, and SpringBoard. The two biggest companies
offering course management systems WebCT and Blackboard have merged and have begun pilot-
ing their new electronic portfolio system which will be available as an add on product in the fu-
Other technologies that are gaining in popularity in e-assessment include pen top computing
(which allows teachers to review, comment, add to, and access handwritten student notes and
work), integrated student response keypads (which allow for real time whole class questioning
and data collection and analysis), pod casting (recording and distributing small audio and video
files to students via their handheld devices), and digital video/audio lecture capturing synched
with tablet pc presentations and activities (providing an archived record of teaching effectiveness
for assessment demonstration). All of the aforementioned technologies not only augment the
teaching and learning process but also provide data and/or artifacts that can help to satisfy as-
sessment objectives (Buzzetto-More, 2006).
In order to expedite the data collection and review process, many schools are choosing to auto-
mate their data collection, storage, and analysis, which has been identified as a best practice by
Hamilton and Shoen (2005). Assessment data management systems are frequently web-based and
made available by a university’s intranet, with a system of priority based accessibility in order to
ensure data security (Dhir, 2005). They may include data collected from rubrics, portfolios, stu-
dent placement tests, diagnostic tests, grades, advisement information and participation in univer-
sity activities, use of remediation services, technology use, attendance, and other useful informa-
tion (Dhir, 2005). According to Love and Cooper (2003), assessment systems must take into ac-
count issues of interface, accessibility, security, usability, the information to be collected, hard-
ware and software technology, and information storage and processing.
Berry College’s business department employs a detailed web-based assessment management sys-
tem that in addition to containing crucial assessment data also includes process maps of the vari-
ous procedures that occur throughout the institution and that occur in individual schools, depart-
ments, and or offices (Dhir, 2005). The business program at Merrimack College considers their
data management system crucial to their assessment process, allowing them to produce assess-
ment reports, school and department assessment portfolios, and make information available to a
variety of stakeholders with varying degrees of accessibility online (Popper, 2005).
Western Washington University is currently developing a school-wide assessment data system
that will allow administrators to access pertinent assessment data through their secure intranet d
and Wake Forest University which puts a laptop in the hands of all of their students also puts their
course evaluations online enabling immediate analysis of evaluations as well as the ability to ag-
gregate the data collected (National Center for Postsecondary Education [NCPE], 2001).
Assessment data management systems (often referred to as dashboard indicators) are available for
purchase and are frequently web-based and made available by a school or districts intranet, with a
system of priority based accessibility in order to ensure data security (Dhir, 2005). Northwest
Missouri University uses a system of dashboards to facilitate their assessment program. Their
assessment information is distributed through a networked system of linked and queriable spread-
sheets that are referred to as dashboards and profiles (NCPE, 2001).
Best Practices in e-Assessment
An e-Learning Facilitated Assessment Model in a
Mid-Sized Business Department
After conducting an extensive review of the prevailing literature, examining a variety of assess-
ment models, and investigating a number of projects; a business department at a four year institu-
tion of higher education in Maryland, driven by their application for accreditation by the Ameri-
can Association of Colleges and School of Business International (AACSB), has developed an
assessment plan that they consider to be both ambitious and practical. They believe that the plan
when fully implemented will result in a tangible improvement in the total teaching and learning
experience. The process, which has been long in its development, was initiated with the develop-
ment and articulation of a mission, goals, and measurable learner outcomes (Table 1)
Table 1: Department of Business Management & Accounting
Core Curriculum Mission, Goals, & Outcomes
Through a variety of experiences, graduates will
be able to:
• Describe major business theories and princi-
• Relate group dynamics and organizational
understanding to cooperative business prac-
• Explain the basic tenets of accounting, mar-
keting, and management.
• Apply the proper mechanics, organization,
format, style, and professional language to
communicate effectively in business writing.
• Employ the proper verbal, non-verbal, and
presentation skills in order to communicate
professionally and persuasively.
• Effectively utilize technology to augment
business practice: including the acquisition,
analysis, and communication of ideas; and the
management, organization, and examination
of information.
The mission of the Department of Business, Management and
Accounting at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore is to
deliver high quality undergraduate management education to
students majoring in business administration, accounting, and
business education, as well as to provide core management
courses to other majors throughout the University. This mis-
sion is supported by the intellectual contributions of faculty, in
that these scholarly activities contribute to instructional effec-
Goal I
To graduate students who can demonstrate a basic understand-
ing of managerial and accounting procedures, professional
practices, and issues and problems related to business and the
regional and global economy.
Goal II
To graduate students who have developed the oral, written,
interpersonal, technological, and presentational skills to suc-
ceed in today’s global business environment.
Goal III
To build upon the University’s solid liberal arts grounding to
foster the students’ ability to integrate critical, theoretical, ethi-
cal, and global perspectives into business practice.
• Identify and describe legal and ethical issues
impacting business practices.
• Discuss the global nature of business.
• Analyze information and synthesize concepts
in order to develop and communicate ideas.
The University of Maryland Eastern Shore is a public institution and the student body is ap-
proximately 3,700, with 10% of the enrollment representing graduate students. Located in a rural
region, it is the most affordable four-year institution of higher education in the state. The Depart-
ment of Business, Management, and Accounting is one of the largest departments on campus with
approximately 420 majors, offering programs that include Business Management, Marketing, Ac-
counting, and Business Education.
Buzzetto-More & Alade
Measuring the Knowledge and Comprehension of Students
Sometimes in the assessment game, educators are able to build on a program already in existence.
Such was the case with the measurement of student knowledge and comprehension. For a number
of years, all students enrolled in the Department of Business, Management and Accounting have
been required to take three professional development seminars at the freshman, sophomore, and
junior levels. Historically, a take-home multiple-choice test has been administered to measure
student knowledge and comprehension of key business concepts. The same test has always been
administered in each seminar in order to track the knowledge gained during the students’ progres-
sion through the program.
As part of the current assessment initiative, this test is being transferred to an online format to be
delivered and graded via the WebCt course management system. Rather than remaining open-
book, the exam will be delivered in a proctored computer lab, where the scores will be automati-
cally calculated and stored for comparative analysis. By tracking student knowledge and compre-
hension of core content as it is built during the students’ progression through the program, the
department is conducting value-added assessment. The online version of the test will be available
in the fall of 2006.
Student Communications Skills
The written and oral presentation abilities of business students are skill-based competencies that
are crucial to the future career successes of today’s business graduates. Professional presentations
are required of students across the programs curriculum, increasingly in complexity gradually.
Business writing is enhanced in a dedicated course, business communications, that is required of
all students enrolled within the department who have previously completed the written and oral
communications requirements of the university.
Business communications runs as a paperless hybrid learning experience using the WebCT course
management system. Hybrid courses blend face-to-face interaction with online learning and in-
volve the online delivery of lectures and other curricular materials (Buzzetto-More & Guy, 2006).
In order for a course to be considered hybrid, some seat time must be forfeited to accommodate
the additional weight put on the online work. Recently, the use of Tegrity has been added to the
course, enabling the instructor to capture key lectures with live audio synched with screen-
captured video from the instructor’s tablet computer. The technology used and the content of this
course have enabled it to become part of two separate assessment protocols examining written
and presentational communications, respectively.
Online diagnostic testing of student writing is administered at two junctures during business
communications. A diagnostic test focuses on: sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, pro-
nouns, adjectives and adverbs, verbs, as well as numerous aspects of grammar. The test is admin-
istered twice and the diagnostic results of the first test are evaluated and communicated to stu-
dents within the first two weeks of the semester. Students are provided with a number of web-
based resources to improve their deficiencies, and, if necessary, remediation is recommended.
The second diagnostic, which occurs later in the semester, is used to assess student progress to-
ward enhancing their strengths and rectifying their weaknesses. The test is made available
through the course website and the online diagnostic system being used makes a variety of reports
available for analysis.
A business-writing portfolio is also assigned and collected digitally. The written portfolio is ac-
cessed using a common rubric. Sample student portfolios and corresponding rubrics are archived
as assessment artifacts.
Best Practices in e-Assessment
A writing competency exam is administered following the completion of the course and passage
of the exam is a requisite to graduation. To assist in the assessment process, the department’s
writing rubric is being utilized. Samples of the exam is collected, without identifying information,
and annually reviewed using the standards set forth in the rubric (see Table 2) by an assurance of
learning committee. The committee is charged with identifying areas that require improvement
and determining a course of action. Additionally, although the exam is currently paper based, the
pass-fail rates of students are calculated and stored. Currently, a plan is in place to transfer the
exam to a digital format where it can be administered in a lab.
Table 2: Writing Assessment Rubric
Unacceptable or
Developing Satisfactory Exemplary
Proper form not ap-
Evidence at attempt at format-
ting provided.
Acceptable formatting. Perfect formatting. Proper
headings and footings. All
stylistic elements included.
No discernible intro-
duction or thesis.
Attempt demonstrated; how-
ever, it is incomplete (e.g. not
summative, does not prepare
readers, missing thesis).
Contains all the necessary
elements; however, improve-
ment is needed in order to
maximize its effectiveness.
Gains attention, is summa-
tive, contains all crucial
information, flows seam-
lessly, and is absent of
Organization Sequence of ideas is
not logical.
Somewhat unorganized. Adequate, some improvement
is needed.
Well organized and flowed
Focus Focus was unclear or
Somewhat unfocused at times. Adequate, some improvement
is needed.
The work was focused
Clarity of Purpose No clarity of purpose. Work was unclear at times. Adequate, some improvement
is needed.
Clear and concise through-
Knowledge of
The author appeared
largely uninformed
about the topic.
The author indicated some
attempt at understanding the
Adequate knowledge illus-
trated; however, improvement
is needed.
The author was clearly well
versed on the subject.
Mechanics Numerous errors were
evident in spelling,
grammar, and/or
Some spelling, grammar,
and/or usage errors were
The work had few errors. The work was error free
requiring no editing.
No supporting infor-
mation was offered.
Some supporting information
was offered but insufficient.
Adequate; however, some
improvement and/ or additions
Exemplary with the addi-
tion of evidence, facts, data,
and/or quotations.
Wording Language, tone, and/or
vocabulary used were
not appropriate.
Some problems with the
language, tone, or vocabulary.
Adequate language, tone, and
vocabulary. Improvement
The language, tone, and
vocabulary were profes-
sional and appropriate.
Follow Up
No conclusion, sum-
mary, and/or follow up
information provided.
There but weak Adequate, improvement is
Clear, summative, and
Oral Presentations
Student oral presentations are being assessed using a standard rubric (see Table 3) in three
courses that represent three stages of a student’s progression through the department. The courses
are introduction to marketing, offered at the sophomore level; business communications, offered
at the junior level; and the capstone course, offered to graduating seniors. For maximum effec-
tiveness, multiple assessors are involved.
Student presentations are being recorded on video at random. Additionally, in an attempt to fur-
ther communicate assessment and collect data, the Tegrity system is being used in random sec-
tions of business communications to record student presentations using a webcam synched with
instructor assessment conducted through a rubric on the instructor’s tablet computer. Students are
able to visit the course website and review the presentations and instructor evaluation in a split
Buzzetto-More & Alade
screen format. This also enables student presentations to be maintained as part of the depart-
ment’s data/artifact collection.
Table 3: Professional Presentation Assessment Rubric
CRITERIA Weak/ Unsatis-
Limited Under-
Satisfactory Good/Demonstrated
Understanding of
Error Free
Doesn’t prepare
Attempt to prepare
audience/ include
Prepares audience,
contains thesis, needs
Well worded, pre-
pares the audience,
and summarizes.
ORGANIZATION Lacked a logical
sequence or
Some attempt made
but at times unorgan-
ized & difficult to
Adequate organiza-
tion that requires
Focused, organized
clearly, contained
transitions, and mostly
flowed well.
Clearly ordered,
focused, flowed
smoothly, and utilized
(volume, tone, rate, vocal
variability, strategic
pauses, and pronuncia-
Poor verbal
Some areas of verbal
delivery require major
Satisfactory but
improvement is
Verbal delivery needs
only minor improve-
Exemplary verbal
delivery that is well
DELIVERY Nonverbal
(posture, stance, eye
contact, gestures, move-
ment, facial expression,
and professional attire)
delivery is
flawed and
Some attempt at
preparation is evident.
Significant improve-
ment is needed.
The presenter
shows evidence of
preparation. Im-
provement is
Presentation is well
delivered and only
minor improvements
are needed in order to
polish delivery.
The presentation is
professional and
polished in nature.
The delivery helps to
draw in the audience.
CONTENT (knowledge
of subject, supporting
material, grammar,
sentence structure, de-
velopment of ideas, and
Content is weak.
Ideas are poorly
developed. A
lack of prepar-
Some attempt at
content development
is evident but needs
major improvement.
The content is
adequate but more
preparation is
The presenter was
well prepared with
strong content and
only minor errors.
Exemplary content
that indicated an
outstanding effort on
the part of the pre-
Visual aides not
Visual aides used but
they were ill prepared.
Adequate; how-
ever, some prob-
lems evident.
Good usage with
minor improvements
Supportive, illustrated
main points, and
created interest.
CONCLUSION Either missing,
difficult to
discern, or
Attempt evident but
Adequate but needs
Good conclusion that
needs only minor
Outstanding- logical,
summative, clear, and
signals end.
Critical Thinking
Case Studies
The ability for students to analyze situations, evaluate and make judgments, and formulate solu-
tions are critical-thinking skills, all of which case analysis requires. As a result, the department
has begun testing the use of a common rubric (Table 4) to assess case studies completed by stu-
dents in two sections of business ethics. In one section of the course, students are submitting their
cases in a digital drop box in WebCT, where they are archived for future evaluation. Plans are in
place to adopt the rubric in other courses such as marketing where case analysis is also a com-
Best Practices in e-Assessment
Table 4: Case Analysis Rubric
Weak Limited/ Adequate Good Outstanding
Format Incorrect format
Attempt limited improve-
ment is needed.
Well formatted with minor
improvement needed.
Outstanding format.
Organization Illogical or dis-
jointed organization.
Attempt at organization
made but improvement is
Satisfactory with only
minor improvement
Outstanding- logical,
focused, and clear.
Content Content was weak
main issues not
Attempt to identify impor-
tant issues. Needs im-
Satisfactory with only
minor additions or im-
provement needed.
Excellent content that
presented all important
issues & supporting mate-
Mechanics Many errors in spell-
ing, grammar, struc-
ture, or syntax.
Some unnecessary errors
Good with minor errors. Virtually error free.
Analysis Weak analysis. Cursory analysis provided
that lacked depth.
Satisfactory analysis that
needed only a little more
Outstanding- all issues
identified, course concepts
applied, judgments made,
and ideas assembled.
Students enrolled in Business Communications are required to complete a business plan research
and development group WebQuest and students enrolled in the Business Education program are
required to create original WebQuests, as well as accompanying lesson plans. The teacher educa-
tion major created WebQuests are evaluated using rubrics. The WebQuests completed by students
in Business Communications as well as the WebQuests created by students majoring in Business
Education are reviewed and archived.
Simulations require critical thinking as well as the application of knowledge and skills in authen-
tic anchored scenarios. Students in the department consistently rank nationally in competitive
networked simulations, and the department considers these simulations to be an integral part of
the student learning process. Simulations are done in several courses and are scaffolded through
the curriculum where each simulation builds on knowledge and skills built in previous simula-
tions. Computerized simulations can currently be found in several mandatory courses including
marketing, entrepreneurship, and strategic management. The product Capstone©, available
through Management Simulations, Inc., is being utlilized. It involves students fulfill the roles of
the managers of competing companies, making decisions in Research and Development, Produc-
tion, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources and Total Quality Management (Mitchell, 2006).
Beginning in the spring of 2006, simulation scores and comparative data are being collected and
reviewed. Additionally, because simulation results do not necessarily indicate the thought proc-
essing, knowledge application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation being done by students, a ru-
bric is being developed to assess students’ engagement in simulations. This will help address a
need that has been identified by both Lunce (2004) and Granland, Bergland, and Erikson (2000)
as absent from the literature on the educational impact of online simulations. The rubric is cur-
rently under development and will be available for, and implemented in, the Fall 2006 semester.
Student Portfolios
Student portfolios are project-based learning activities that also serve as effective means of as-
sessing learning-outcome achievement, by providing students flexible opportunities to demon-
Buzzetto-More & Alade
strating the acquisition of skills and abilities. An electronic portfolio has been adopted within the
business education teacher education program using the TK20 portfolio assessment system. The
electronic portfolios created by students include: lesson plans, WebQuests, student teaching vid-
eos, images, reflective journal entries, papers, transcripts, evaluations completed by cooperating
teachers, observations made by their program advisor, student projects, rubrics, study aides,
PowerPoint Presentations, websites, curriculum maps, goals and objectives, seating charts, behav-
ior expectation sheets, assessment materials, progress reports, and a variety of other artifacts that
demonstrate a students mastery of the principles established by the Interstate New Teacher As-
sessment and Support Consortium which have been adopted by the University. Portfolios are pre-
sented by the students and assessed using a simple rubric by a team of assessors. The portfolio is
accessible to students for a period of seven years following their graduation from the program and
has shown itself to be a useful resource for students applying for employment as it allows them to
communicate a variety of skills and abilities in a dynamic format.
Impressed by the success of the capstone portfolio used in the business education teacher educa-
tion program, an e-portfolio model is being introduced by the larger Department of Business,
Management, and Accounting for use in all senior capstone courses. An agreement has been
reached with WebCT to pilot their new electronic portfolio product. The portfolio has been struc-
ture around the department’s student learning outcomes and it is the responsibility of the students
to select artifacts that demonstrate mastery of these outcomes as well as the author meaningful
explanatory reflections.
The student capstone portfolio will be assessed by multiple assessors applying standards commu-
nicated through a rubric. The e-portfolio model is preferred due to the accessibility, flexibility,
and professional usefulness.
Summary and Future Work
The assessment program of the Department of Business Management and Accounting is still in its
infancy and, like any infant, is bound to stumble while it makes its first steps. Noteworthy in this
program is the commitment by the faculty and leadership of the department, the multiple assess-
ment methods being employed, the use of educational technologies, and the genuine dedication to
improving educational effectiveness.
The department is currently exploring a variety of assessment systems in an attempt to choose
one for future adoption. The goal is to have a detailed data-management system in place that will
enable faculty across the department, university administrators, and accrediting agencies to re-
view data and artifacts on a continuous basis. The use of a multi-queriable assessment database
allows the department to run an extensive variety of correlations relevant to the overall quality of
teaching and learning, as well as to automate administrative functions. The data-management sys-
tem under consideration will include: placement-test results, grades, advisement information, par-
ticipation in university activities, diagnostic scores, rubric ratings, videos, attendance information,
use of remediation services, samples of student work, and other useful artifacts. For security rea-
sons, varying levels of accessibility will be determined based on the needs of the users, and in
many instances student identifiers will be removed.
To drive the assessment process, an assurance of learning committee has been established and
given the charge of insuring the success of the assessment plan and annually reviewing artifacts
and data in order to pinpoint areas that require action and or improvement. The committee is the
decision making source that will determine if a course of action is needed as well as responsible
for developing a corresponding plan. Documentation and justification for all decisions is recorded
in detail. Additionally, the changes made, the implementation of the changes, the results, impact
Best Practices in e-Assessment
on student learning/performance, and successes and failures are considered and used to determine
future courses of action.
Lessons Learned
Extensive investigation has illustrated not just the importance of student outcomes assessment but
also the critical role that technology and e-learning strategies can play in an overall assessment
program. With the increasingly dependent and vital role that technology plays in human produc-
tivity and knowledge acquisition it stands to reason that technology needs to play an important
role in our efforts to evaluate instruction and learning outcomes, as well as drive the decision
making that seeks to enhance educational effectiveness.
Although technology facilitates assessment and e-assessment has been identified as a best prac-
tice, the most important lesson learned is that assessment programs are time consuming efforts
that require planning and foresight. Effectiveness is dependent on institutional and administrative
support as well as a long range plan for sustainability that includes technological preparedness.
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Dr. Nicole A Buzzetto-More is an assistant professor and business
education program coordinator at the University of Maryland Eastern
Shore. Originally from New York, she has a doctorate in Communica-
tions and Instructional Technology from Columbia University, a mas-
ters in education in Communications and Instructional Technology
from Columbia University, a masters of science in Communications
from the College of New Rochelle, and a bachelor of arts degree from
Marist College. Her intellectual interests include the uses of digital
technologies to augment teaching, learning, and assessment. She holds
several grants that support her various instructional technology re-
search and development projects. She has published numerous papers in referred journals and is a
frequent presenter at conferences across the globe. In 2005 she was honored by the American
Distance Education Consortium. She is currently working on her first book to be published by
Informing Science Press in early 2007.
Dr. Ayodele Julius Alade is interim dean of the School of Business
and Technology at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Origi-
nally from Nigeria, he has degrees from Cuttington University in Libe-
ria and the University of Utah. His areas of specialization include: op-
erations management, quantitative methods, international and devel-
opmental economics, industrial economics, and corporate finance. His
publications, presentations, and grantsmanship are interdisciplinary
and international in scope.