Damaschke, Müller, and Kratsch [Inform. Process. Lett., 36 (1990), pp. 231--236] gave a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the minimum dominating set problem in convex bipartite graphs
, that is, where the nodes in Y can be ordered so that each node of X is adjacent to a contiguous sequence of nodes. Gamble et al. [Graphs Combin., 11 (1995), pp. 121--129] gave an extension of their algorithm to weighted dominating sets. We formulate the dominating set problem as that of finding a minimum weight subset of elements of a graphic matroid, which covers each fundamental circuit and fundamental cut with respect to some spanning tree T. When T is a directed path, this simultaneous covering problem coincides with the dominating set problem for the previously studied class of convex bipartite graphs. We describe a polynomial-time algorithm for the more general problem of simultaneous covering in the case when T is an arborescence. We also give NP-completeness results for fairly specialized classes of the simultaneous cover problem. These are based on connections between the domination and induced matching problems.