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Content uploaded by Nicola Döring
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The Internet’s impact on sexuality: A critical review of 15 years of research
Nicola M. Döring
Department of Media and Communication Research, Ilmenau University of Technology, EAZ, Am Ehrenberg 29, D-98693 Ilmenau, Germany
article info
Article history:
Available online 17 May 2009
Psychosexual behaviour
Sex education
Sex offences
The body of empirical research on Internet sexuality has grown steadily since 1993. The following paper
provides an overview of the current state of research in this field in its full thematic breadth, addressing
six areas of online sexuality: Pornography, sex shops, sex work, sex education, sex contacts, and sexual
subcultures. Key research results are presented concerning Internet sexuality’s forms of manifestation,
participant groups, opportunities, and risks. This paper shows that sexually related online activities have
become routine in recent years for large segments of the population in the Western world. Internet sex-
uality also takes somewhat different forms based on the age, gender, and sexual orientation of the indi-
vidual. Academic studies to date have focused overwhelmingly on the possible negative effects of
Internet sexuality. By contrast, little research has been conducted on potential benefits. Consequently,
a surprising number of gaps are evident in the scholarship on Internet sexuality.
Ó2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . ..................................................................................................... 1090
1.1. Definition of Internet sexuality . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................... .............................. 1090
1.2. State of research on Internet sexuality . . . . . .... .................................................................... 1090
1.3. Conceptual framework of the review. . . . . . . ................................... ..................................... 1090
2. Pornography on the Internet . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................. 1091
2.1. Production and content of online pornography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................... .. 1092
2.2. Usage and users of online pornography. . . . . ....... ................................................................. 1092
2.3. Effects of online pornography. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ........................................................... 1093
3. Sex shops on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................. 1094
4. Sex work on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................. 1094
4.1. Offline sex work . . . . . . . ............. ......................................................................... .. 1094
4.2. Online sex work . . . . . . . ................................... ..................................................... 1094
5. Sex education on the Internet . . . . . . . . .................................................................................. 1094
5.1. Access to online sex information . . . . . . . . . . ................................... ..................................... 1094
5.2. Quality of online sex information . . . . . . . . . .......................... .............................................. 1095
5.3. Types of online sex education . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................... ..................... 1095
6. Sex contacts on the Internet . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................. 1095
6.1. Online sex . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... ..................................................... 1095
6.2. Offline sex . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ......................................................................... ..... 1096
7. Sexual subcultures on the Internet . . . . .................................................................................. 1097
8. Discussion. . . . . ..................................................................................................... 1098
8.1. Summary and evaluation of research in the six fields of Internet sexuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. 1098
8.2. Limitations of the review ................................... ..................................................... 1098
8.3. Recommendations for future research and practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... .............................. 1098
References . . . . ..................................................................................................... 1099
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Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101
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1. Introduction
Online content and Internet activities with a sexual character are
widespread. Yet the quantitative prevalence of Internet sexuality is
not the only reason why it is an important subject of study. On a
qualitative level there is often a substantial divergence between
the forms of sexuality manifest on the Internet and in other con-
texts, both face-to-face and as depicted in various media. Clearly,
the Internet is not merely a new distribution channel for standard
forms of commercial and mainstream pornography. In the area of
amateur pornography, for example, the Internet has facilitated the
development of new collective forms of production, distribution,
and reception. Standard notions of the interpersonal sexual encoun-
ter have also been expanded by so-called online sex or cybersex, a
mediated form of sexual encounter often characterized by alternate
standards of partner selection and divergent sexual scripts. On a
general level, current research demonstrates that Internet sexuality
should not be described as a form of ‘‘virtual pseudo-sexuality” in
juxtaposition to ‘‘real sex.” Online and offline activities are often clo-
sely interlinked. Online dating services, for example, have proven to
be a popular and successful method for meeting real-world sexual
partners in both a fast and uncomplicated manner.
While individual actors and the larger social environment shape
Internet sexuality, they are also impacted by it. Positive or negative
consequences may result depending on how the Internet is used in
various social contexts for activities of a sexual nature. Internet
sexuality can have impacts on sexual attitudes and identities, the
sexual socialization of children and adolescents, gender relations,
the social position and political activism of sexual minorities, the
inclusion of people with disabilities, the spread of sexually trans-
mitted infections, sexual satisfaction in couple relationships, the
promotion of sexual health, the development of sexual disorders,
and the occurrence of sexual victimization.
Online sexuality was first seeded as a social force over two decad es
ago with the release of the first desktop computers and public com-
puter networks in the mid-1980s. The first empirical studies in the
field were published in the mid-1990s with the popularization of
the Internet (e.g., Correll, 1995; Durkin & Bryant, 1995; Finn & Lavitt,
1994; Rimm, 1995; Rosen & Petty, 1995; Rosenberg, 1993; Wiley,
1995; for a critique on Rimm’s study that generated a heated ‘‘cyberp-
orn debate” in both academia and the press see Hoffman & Novak,
1995, for its influence in U.S. legislative processes regarding the regu-
lation of online pornography see Blevins & Anton, 2008, p. 123). Since
then, the volume of academic publications on Internet sexuality has
increased significantly with each passing year. Yet, in a broader sense,
what do we currently know about Internet sexuality, about its various
forms of manifestation and effects? And what do we not know?
1.1. Definition of Internet sexuality
The term ‘‘Internet sexuality” (or OSA, online sexual activities)
refers to sexual-related content and activities observable on the
Internet (Adams, Oye, & Parker, 2003; Cooper, McLoughlin, &
Campbell, 2000; Leiblum & Döring, 2002). It designates a variety
of sexual phenomena (e.g., pornography, sex education, sexual
contacts) related to a wide spectrum of online services and appli-
cations (e.g., websites, online chat rooms, peer-to-peer networks).
If an even broader range of computer networks – such as the Use-
net or bulletin board systems – is included in this extensional def-
inition, one speaks of ‘‘online sexuality” or ‘‘cybersexuality.”
1.2. State of research on Internet sexuality
To date, no review articles have been published that provide a
systematic overview of the current body of scholarship in the field.
A bibliographic survey published by Eric Griffin-Shelley (2003)
claims in its title to evaluate 20 years of research on Internet sex-
uality, yet the earliest academic reference cited is from 1993. The
works are also grouped according to the type of publication and
not based on their contents. Other narrative reviews are solely con-
cerned with individual user groups, such as adolescents (Boies,
Knudson, & Young, 2004), or individual phenomena such as Inter-
net infidelity (Hertlein & Piercy, 2006), sexual harassment online
(Barak, 2005), HIV prevention on the Internet (Rietmeijer & Sha-
mos, 2007), or the influence of Internet pornography on marriage
and family (Manning, 2006). At present only one quantitative
meta-analysis has been published in the field, concerned with
the prevalence of sexual risk behavior among men who seek out
male sex partners on the Internet (Liau, Millett, & Marks, 2006).
Against this backdrop, the goal of the following review paper is
to present a structured overview of the current state of research on
Internet sexuality in its full thematic breadth. Two databases – Psyc-
Info (maintained by the American Psychological Association) and
Web of Science (maintained by Thomson Scientific) – provided
the source material for the research conducted for this paper. To
search the databases, sexually themed keywords (e.g., sex, porno-
graphy, queer, contraception, HIV) were used in combination with
Internet-related terms (e.g., Internet, online, cyberspace, web, vir-
tual reality). Over 450 relevant academic articles (primarily refer-
eed journal articles in English language) published between 1993
and 2007 were identified in this manner. More current references
were added during the revision of the paper.
1.3. Conceptual framework of the review
The classification and evaluation of the current state of research
presented here considers Internet sexuality from the perspective of
Internet users and their respective patterns of activity. The central
question concerns which individuals are pursuing what sexually
related activities on the Internet, and what are the consequences
of these activities, according to current empirical research.
In this regard, six central areas of online sexuality may be distin-
guished. These have already been established outside the Internet
and have been traditionally studied as separate areas of research.
The Internet offers new configurations and possibilities of engage-
ment for these different areas of behavior:
1. Pornography on the Internet: Internet users may access commer-
cial as well as non-commercial online-pornography, as well as
produce, distribute and discuss such material themselves. With
respect to online pornography, there is a reuse of convention-
ally distributed pornography, such as scanned pictures from
pornographic magazines, along with newly created material.
2. Sex shops on the Internet: Internet users may obtain information
regarding sexual aids and toys and discretely purchase such
items online. While commercial online pornography deals with
digital goods, online sex shops generally concentrate on the
marketing of non-digital products such as vibrators, condoms,
aphrodisiacs, sexy lingerie, and erotic magazines. Online sex
shops may exist as web presences of offline shops, but there
are also independent Internet sex shops.
3. Sex work on the Internet: The Internet serves, on the one hand,
for the marketing of conventional offline sex work (such as
advertising for brothels and escort services, organizing sex tour-
ism) and on the other hand enables new forms of online sex
work (e.g., the live broadcast of sex shows via webcam). Internet
users thereby have expanded opportunities to obtain sexual
services or to offer them. In contrast to pornography, which is
comprised of previously produced sexual texts, pictures or
films, sex work includes interpersonal contact in real time
1090 N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101
between client and sex worker (e.g., the visitors of online sex
shows can tell the performers via online chat what they should
do on the webcam).
4. Sexual education on the Internet: The Internet offers an abun-
dance of information and advice which may be discretely
obtained and that is directed at changing sexual awareness,
attitudes, and behaviors, as well as promoting sexual health.
According to their interests, Internet users may seek out and
access information they find useful and trustworthy from a
wide range of sources. In addition, they can become active par-
ticipants in disseminating information; they can, for example,
counsel other Internet users regarding their questions and diffi-
culties. Conventional materials for sexual education – such as
brochures – are widely available on the Internet, but there are
also new formats and content such as multi-media learning
modules, peer advice in online forums, and sexual field reports
in online diaries.
5. Sex contacts on the Internet: There are two forms of sexual con-
tact on the Internet: Contacts initiated exclusively for com-
puter-mediated sexual exchanges ( online sex, cybersex) and
contacts leading to real-world sexual encounters (offline sex).
In contrast to commercial sex work, these sexual encounters
occur without any financial exchange. Sexual contact on the
Internet may consist of fleeting engagements, but there are also
long-term personal relationships. By using specific online dat-
ing platforms, Internet users can initiate offline sexual contacts
far more easily and in a more targeted manner than outside the
net. In addition, online sex has developed as new form of sexual
6. Sexual subcultures on the Internet: Individuals with non-main-
stream sexual orientations or preferences who have difficulty
finding like-minded persons are able to easily and inexpen-
sively locate each other on the Internet. Sexual subcultures
use the Internet both for internal networking and for public
self-expression. This may involve the exchange of information,
social support, and political activism. Internet users can inform
themselves discretely about specific sexual subcultures in order
to attach themselves to a particular affinity group, or alterna-
tively engage in critical discussions and express their disaffec-
tion. Internet platforms for sexual minorities sometimes are
extensions of offline communities, such as Internet sites
belonging to community organizations, and sometimes they
have a strictly online existence. Online platforms for sexual sub-
cultures may include special supplies for all of the previously
listed types of activities (e.g., pornography, sex shops, sex work,
sexual education, and sex contacts tailored to the sexual prefer-
ences of the user).
The classification system described here, consisting of six dis-
crete areas of sexuality, places the Internet user at its center as
an individual actor. Societal factors (for example, at the technical,
ethical-normative, or legal level) can also influence Internet con-
tent and patterns of use, and will be considered within each indi-
vidual category. This proposed structure allows existing research
on Internet sexuality to be arranged according to content. In this
way, the most important findings can be summarized and the ex-
tent of research that has been undertaken regarding each type of
activity can be compared.
Aside from describing forms of sexual behavior on the Internet
(e.g., who uses what kind of online pornography in what way, and
how often), this review also considers the consequences of differ-
ent forms of behavior and organizes these in terms of opportunities
and risks, or with a view to positive and negative consequences. In
this article, Internet users are not understood as the victims of
deterministic media effects, but rather as active media users who
are able to consciously and selectively use, interpret, and co-create
online content according to their needs, and are also capable of
rejecting it (for a critique of media determinism see e.g., Gauntlett,
1998). Used competently, the Internet provides users with an
opportunity to satisfy their sexual needs in constructive ways – to
experience sexual satisfaction through masturbation; to improve
sexual communication in a relationship; to protect themselves
from sexually transmitted diseases through safe sex knowledge;
to anonymously discuss shameful sexual wishes with others; etc.
According to the Declaration on Sexual Rights (World Association
for Sexual Health, 1999), no specific sexual behavior should be
judged morally wrong, but rather, both the individual’s right of
choice and the multiplicity of human sexualities should be recog-
nized, as long as there is no coercion, exploitation or abuse (ethics
of consent).
By contrast, Internet activities that are harmful to oneself or
others are viewed as risks.Such risks can occur, for example, when
Internet users, confronted by the enormous quantity of online sex-
ual content, exhibit addictive or compulsive usage patterns that
have negative consequences for themselves or others. Additional
risks, such as sexual harassment, are posed by unwanted exposure
to sexual content or contacts. In this regard, our conception of the
active media user who confidently pursues the satisfaction of his/
her sexual needs must be qualified – a socially responsible engage-
ment with online sexual content that encourages personal growth
and that causes no harm to oneself or others is hardly something to
be taken for granted, but demands the acquisition of specific com-
petencies that not all Internet users possess equally (for an action
theory based model of media use see Westerik, Renckstorf,
Lammers, & Wester, 2006; on sexual and media literacy of porn
users, see Attwood, 2007b). In addition, even competent Internet
users can be affected by problematic Internet content or by behav-
ioral patterns on the part of other Internet users that they cannot
According to the communication science and media studies per-
spective outlined here, it is neither within the power of the media
to bring about inevitable effects upon all users (media determin-
ism), nor is it within the power of media users to derive universal
benefit (audience/user determinism). Rather, it comes down to a
complex contextualized interplay between – more or less beneficial
or problematic – media content and services on the one hand and –
more or less imprudent or competent – patterns of media use and
co-production on the other hand. It follows that the very same
media service (e.g., an online platform for the exchange of sexual
videos) may have entirely different consequences for different
users or for the same user in different situations and phases of life.
Against this backdrop, the present article will examine the state of
research regarding Internet sexuality to illuminate what opportu-
nities and risks have been shown to exist for which groups of indi-
viduals, and in which areas of research deficits are still evident.
2. Pornography on the Internet
Explicit, potentially stimulating portrayals of sexual activity ex-
ist on the Internet in the form of photos and photo series, video
clips and films, comics, and texts. Online pornography is provided
at websites both free of charge and for a fee. Websites with adult
content can be found with the help of pornography search engines
and directories. Pornographic material is also exchanged in peer-
to-peer networks, online forums, and online chat channels. Along-
side erotica/softcore (i.e., portrayals of naked individuals; simulated
sex) and hardcore pornography (portrayals of real sexual acts), ille-
gal pornography constitutes a third form of sexually explicit con-
tent available online (albeit to a lesser extent). Online child
pornography is extremely difficult to find for unsophisticated
users, as it is illegal in most developed countries (International
N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101 1091
Centre for Missing & Exploited Children, 2006; Schell, Martin,
Hung, & Rueda, 2007, p. 7). For this reason, child pornography is al-
most always sold or exchanged in closed circles (publicly accessi-
ble depictions of ‘‘teen sex” normally involve participants over
the age of 18, so called ‘‘barely legal” pornography, Lewandowski,
2003; Paul & Linz, 2008, p. 311). Violent pornography is primarily
offered on specialized websites for a fee. Animal pornography,on
the other hand, is relatively easy to find free of charge because it
is legal in several countries (Lewandowski, 2003, p. 311–313).
Unique to the Internet is the immense quantity and extremely
wide range of often free pornographic material accessible anony-
mously regardless of time or place. These three characteristics of on-
line pornography (anonymity, affordability, and accessibility) are
described as a Triple A-Engine that drives its use (Cooper, 1998).
The digital format of Internet pornography makes it easy for users
to search for specific images, archive them in great volume on their
home computers, and digitally modify them. The digital format of
online pornography also allows users to conveniently produce and
distribute their own sexually explicit content. The quantity of cyber
pornography in relation to all other content on the Internet is esti-
mated at about 1% (Zook, 2007, p. 106). Although small in relative
terms, this figure still represents many millions of files.
2.1. Production and content of online pornography
At present, very few studies have systematically investigated
the types and characteristics of online pornography. Lack of critical
attention has also been devoted to providing a differentiated ac-
count of the processes and parties involved in its production. The
majority of pornography available online was professionally pro-
duced (Cronin & Davenport, 2001). In this way, most commercial
Internet pornography is a stereotypic product (Heider & Harp,
2002; Lewandowski, 2003; Mehta, 2001) of the socio-economic
working conditions of the so-called ‘‘adult industry”.
Some professional porno actors maintain their own websites in
order to gain independent control over both their professional and
private self-presentations and the conditions of production (Miller-
Young, 2007; Podlas, 2000). Many amateurs also release their self-
produced pornography on the Internet (e.g., stories, photographs,
videos; McKee, Albury, & Lumby, 2008, p. 128). It is not uncommon
for amateur or DIY (do it yourself) pornography to contain authen-
tic sexual encounters (reality porn;Hardy, 2008). In many cases
amateur pornography is also marked by a deliberate effort to de-
velop thematic and aesthetic alternatives to mainstream pornogra-
phy’s stereotypes (alternative porn), for example, by presenting a
wide range of body shapes and sizes. Innovative pornographic
depictions (such as pornography made for and by heterosexual
and homosexual women) are thus increasingly common on the
Internet (Attwood, 2007a; Schauer, 2005). The emancipatory po-
tential of reality or alternative cyberporn is limited by its commer-
cialization (Magnet, 2007) and contrasted by the greater ease with
which illegal online pornography – such as depictions of suppos-
edly real sexual abuse and violence – can be distributed and
marketed (Gossett & Byrne, 2002).
2.2. Usage and users of online pornography
Today, the use of pornography in the Western world is com-
mon: A representative study in Norway revealed that the majority
of the male and female population between 18 and 49 years of age
has used pornographic magazines (men (m): 96%, women (w):
73%), video films (m: 96%, w: 76%), or Internet content (m: 63%,
w: 14%) at least once previously (Tr
en, Nilsen, & Stigum, 2006,
p. 248); around 50% of them had last used pornography within
the previous 12 months. Offline and online pornography was used
by younger individuals and homosexual/bisexual men and women
with considerably greater frequency: 40% of homosexual and
bisexual females indicated they used online pornography, as op-
posed to 12% of heterosexual females (Tr
en et al., 2006, p. 248).
In a convenience sample of students in Canada (average age: 20),
72% of male and 24% of female participants reported having used
online pornography within the last 12 months (Boies, 2002, p.
82). While traditional porn formats (magazines, videos etc.) are of-
ten difficult or downright impossible for many people with disabil-
ity to access independently, online pornography can be used by
formerly excluded groups of people with the help of computer
technology (e.g., blind people can use screen-readers to consume
pornographic online stories; Noonan, 2007). Adult users of Internet
pornography are more likely to be male, younger, homosexual or
bisexual, sexually active, non-religious, unmarried and have a
higher level of education (Stack, Wasserman, & Kern, 2004; Tr
et al., 2006). Adolescent users of Internet pornography in the Uni-
ted States are more likely to be African American, older, and come
from families with less education and lower socio-economic status
(Brown & L’Engle, 2009).
Although sexually explicit Internet content is viewed by a sig-
nificant group of users more or less regularly, ‘‘sex” and ‘‘pornogra-
phy” are in no way the most popular search terms entered by
Internet users, as often claimed by the mass media. While the
search term ‘‘sex” – which is valid in nearly every language – is of-
ten entered in search engines such as Google (see
com/trends), according to systematic analyses of search-engine
data, sex and pornography related searches comprise a comparably
small – and falling – percentage of all search-engine queries: In
1997, 17% of all search requests were related to sex and pornogra-
phy. In 2001 the figure was 9%, and fell to 4% in 2004 (Spink, Par-
tridge, & Jansen, 2006). Among the 500 most popular websites
worldwide according to the traffic ranking of, por-
nography platforms first show up at 49th (Youporn) and 50th place
There have been no empirical studies to date that describe the
specific criteria by which individual users select pornographic on-
line content to visit once, to come back to again or to avoid. Thus,
it is not known which Internet users prefer which kind of online
amateur pornography or deviant online pornography as compared
to commercial mainstream pornography. Not only the process of
selection but also the process of interpretation (e.g., perceived real-
ism) with respect to different cyberpornographic genres are missing
elements in current research. In addition, Internet users have been
considered until now as only passive consumers of pornography.
Research has widely neglected a number of media-specific aspects
of users’ relationships with Internet pornography. These include
the frequency with which they collect, exchange, modify or use
Web 2.0 technologies to publicly comment on, recommend or them-
selves produce and disseminate explicit texts, pictures or videos.
As is the case with offline pornography, online pornography is
primarily consumed by individuals in moments of solitude. How-
ever, both forms of pornography are also used to a certain extent
by couples and groups of friends. The main reasons provided for
the voluntary use of pornography are: Curiosity, sexual stimula-
tion, masturbation, and enhancement of sex life with partners
(Goodson, McCormick, & Evans, 2001, p. 109).
Wanted access to online pornography needs to be differentiated
from unwanted exposure: A representative sample of adolescent
Internet users between the ages of 10–17 in the United States re-
vealed that 25% had unintentionally come across online pornogra-
phy in the previous 12 months. One quarter of them (6%) were very
discomforted by the experience (Mitchell, Finkelhor, & Wolak,
2003, p. 9). Few studies have investigated how children and ado-
lescents handle both voluntary and involuntary exposure to porno-
graphic material on a cognitive and emotional level, however.
There are various legal provisions, technical solutions (such as
1092 N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101
blocking/filtering software; Mitchell, Finkelhor, & Wolak, 2005a),
and educational programs aimed at protecting children and adoles-
cents from online pornography (Dombrowski, Gischlar, & Durst,
2.3. Effects of online pornography
Cyberporn addiction, victimization through illegal online por-
nography and negative role models in mainstream Internet porn
are the most often addressed risks. However, benefits of online
porn consumption are increasingly acknowledged.
As online pornography is available anonymously at low cost and
in enormous quantities around the clock – a fact which, according
to the theory of the aforementioned Triple-A Engine, intensifies its
use – the problem of compulsive or addictive usage patterns (com-
pulsive Internet porn use;cyberporn addiction) has been widely dis-
cussed as a risk (Cordonnier, 2006; Meerkerk, van den Eijnden, &
Garretsen, 2006; Young, 2008). The problem is investigated in
different social groups such as Christian and non-Christian males
(Levert, 2007), pastors (Laaser & Gregoire, 2003), and men who
have sex with men (Chaney & Chang, 2005). Psychotherapeutic
treatment programs have been developed (e.g., Putnam & Maheu,
2000) and online self-help groups have formed (Cavaglion, 2008).
While public political debates have cast online pornography in
terms of hard drugs like crack cocaine (Singel, 2004), it is debatable
from a psychological and psychiatric perspective whether exces-
sive Internet (pornography) use constitutes a unique disorder (cf.
Morahan-Martin, 2005; Shaw & Black, 2008). On the one hand,
people with compulsive sexual behavior find an additional field
of action on the Internet (Daneback, Ross, & Månsson, 2006), and,
on the other hand, people who suffer from comorbid psychological
disorders (such as depression, attention deficit and hyperactivity
disorder, anxiety, and alcohol dependence) may seek temporary
relief and distraction by using pornography excessively (cf. Cooper,
Griffin-Shelley, Delmonico, & Mathy, 2001). In the United States, so
called Internet addiction afflicts approximately 8.5% of Internet
users who go online for sexual pursuits (Cooper, Scherer, Boies, &
Gordon, 1999), which is equivalent to approximately 2% of all
Internet users (Albright, 2008), or less than 1% of the general pop-
ulation (Shaw & Black, 2008). These individuals most often engage
in excessive use of online pornography, but also online chats, on-
line games, etc. An intensive preoccupation with online pornogra-
phy (usually by the male partner) can negatively impact the
quality of heterosexual relationships, both sexually and emotion-
ally (Manning, 2006). The use of online pornography in the work-
place can impair performance and potentially result in employee
dismissal (Cooper, Golden, & Kent-Ferraro, 2002). To the extent
that paid cyberpornography is consumed, excessive use may also
lead to financial problems.
Aside from the risk of Internet users becoming excessively in-
volved in online pornography and thereby neglecting other areas
of life, there is also the danger that they may consume illegal por-
nography and thereby harm others and themselves. It is indisput-
able that minors are seriously harmed when they are sexually
abused for the production of child pornography. In this connection,
the Internet may serve as a medium of distribution that leads to in-
creased demand and, as a consequence, to a larger number of vic-
tims. For this reason, child pornography is criminally prosecuted
nearly everywhere in the developed world. More controversial is
the dangerousness of child pornography when no children are in-
volved in its production (e.g., adolescent-appearing adult perform-
ers: ‘‘barely legal pornography,” and 100% digitally produced
imagery: ‘‘virtual child pornography,” Burke, 1997; Kleinhans,
2004; Paul & Linz, 2008; Wasserman, 1998). Apart form legal impli-
cations of new cybercrimes like possession or distribution of illegal
cyberporn (Moultrie, 2006; Newville, 2001)psychological treatment
is suggested for (more or less compulsive) users of illegal online
pornography (e.g., Burke, Sowerbutts, Blundell, & Sherry, 2002;
Quayle, Vaughan, & Taylor, 2006). It is argued that certain patho-
logical inclinations can be exacerbated by access to deviant porno-
graphic material: The availability of online child pornography is
seen as encouraging the biased perception that pedosexual behav-
ior is normal and might therefore foster the transformation of the
porn users’ pedophile fantasies into actual pedosexual abuse (Qua-
yle & Taylor, 2002, cf. Section 7). It seems unlikely, though, that
mere exposure to deviant pornography is able to create sexual dis-
orders or crimes, the influence of biopsychosocial background fac-
tors needs to be considered instead. Deviant fantasies are already a
natural part of human sexuality, and interest in deviant pornogra-
phy is often not connected to sexual offensive or criminal behavior
against people (e.g., Frei, Erenay, Dittmann, & Graf, 2005; Popovic,
2007). Determinants (e.g., sexual desires, curiosity, peer pressure)
and emotional, cognitive and behavioral consequences (e.g., sexual
arousal, but also shame, anger, disgust) of the wanted or unwanted
exposure to different types of legal or illegal deviant online pornog-
raphy (e.g., child, animal, violent, fetishist pornography) by clinical,
criminal, and normal populations are not well understood so far
(most studies address child porn use by sex offenders, e.g., Quayle
& Taylor, 2003). The consumption of pornography (especially vio-
lent pornography) may increase the probability of sexually aggres-
sive behavior in a small group of sexually aggressive men (cf. Hald
& Malamuth, 2008, p. 622). In general, however, no correlation has
been demonstrated between the prevalence of pornography and
acts of sexual violence in a society (Bauserman, 1996; Diamond
& Uchiyama, 1999).
Finally, there are also suspected negative consequences of on-
line pornography in situations that involve neither excessive over-
use nor illegal or deviant content. Traditional heterosexual
mainstream pornography, directed primarily at heterosexual male
audiences, in both its online and offline variants is often suspected,
(a) of communicating a sexist portrayal of women, thus furthering
sexist attitudes and abusive behavior against them (cf. Barak, Fish-
er, Belfry, & Lashambe, 1999), (b) of communicating unrealistic
body images and standards of sexual performance, thereby making
the viewers insecure and unhappy with their own or their partner’s
bodies and sex lives (cf. Albright, 2008), or (c) of undermining tra-
ditional values of marriage, family, and monogamy by showcasing
sexual freedom, thus setting the stage for sexual liberalism and
‘‘amoral” or ‘‘irresponsible” sexual behavior. In fact, empirical stud-
ies have shown that the consumption of online pornography by
Danish adolescents was accompanied by sexual insecurity (Peter
& Valkenburg, 2008b), and among adolescents in Taiwan and Hong
Kong it was associated with negative attitudes toward marriage,
family, and monogamy (Lam & Chan, 2007; Lo & Wei, 2005). Such
correlation studies, however, do not permit any determinations of
causality. For example, it may be the case that sexually insecure
adolescents turn more frequently to pornography rather than
becoming insecure because of it. Caution is advisable not merely
regarding the attribution of causality, but also in the assessment
of the presumed consequences. So, for example, the fact that
encounters with pornography may foster sexual liberalism or dis-
satisfaction with one’s own sex life may not be negative per se,
but might stimulate constructive personal development (Fisher &
Barak, 2001). Claims of negative effects are often based on simple
stimulus-response or imitation models. Whether or not and in
what manner online pornographic images (e.g., of anal intercourse)
are imitated by its users depends on numerous factors though, par-
ticularly on the recipient’s evaluation of such practices and inter-
personal communication and consent. An empirical study of such
processes – considering among other factors sexual desires, sexual
and gender identities, communication skills and power imbalances
in couple relationships – has yet to be undertaken.
N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101 1093
If one asks users of (online) pornography about the effects of por-
nography on themselves and on others, it turns out (as is observed
for other media content) that there is a ‘‘third-person effect”: As a
rule, people say that online pornography clearly has a more negative
effect on other people than on themselves (Lee & Tamborini, 2005;
Lo & Wei, 2002). Female and especially male pornography users in
Denmark and Australia reported little or no negative effects from
their pornography consumption in a questionnaire and predomi-
nantly cited diverse positive effects on their quality of life and their
sexual experience (e.g., frequency of sexual activity, sexual perfor-
mance, positive outlook on sex, improved sexual knowledge; Hald
& Malamuth, 2008; McKee et al., 2008, p. 85). Potential positive ef-
fects of self-selected (predominantly legal and non-violent) online
pornography – such as increased pleasure, self acceptance, inclusion
of handicapped people, improved communication between sexual
partners, in addition to the widening of traditional gender roles
and sexual scripts – have been the subject of only a few empirical
or theoretical studies so far (Boies, 2002, 85;Innala, 2007; Jacobs,
Janssen, & Pasquinelli, 2007). In marked contrast to earlier uniformly
negative evaluations – quite similar to those accorded to pornogra-
phy – the new field of academic (computer)game studies has recently
begun to take computer games more seriously as cultural creations,
to incorporate the perspectives of adolescent and adult users and
seek empirical validation regarding their positive effects (see peer-
reviewed journals like ‘‘Games and Culture” and ‘‘Game Studies”).
A similar tendency has begun to appear in the emerging field of aca-
demic porn studies: It recognizes pornography ‘‘as a genre for the
production of viewing pleasure” (Williams, 2004, p. 11), takes seri-
ously the (cyber)porn consumers’ viewpoints (Attwood, 2007b;
Lillie, 2002), and some philosophical discourses even validate the
ethical value of the ‘‘enjoyment of pornography” (Kershnar, 2007).
3. Sex shops on the Internet
There are numerous sex shops on the Internet. Sexual products
– including sex toys, sexual aids, lingerie, condoms, aphrodisiacs,
and erotica – are sold online by both mass-market retailers such
as Amazon and specialized sex shops. The visibility and easy acces-
sibility of sexual products on the Internet might contribute to the
increasing normalcy with which the use of such products is
viewed, as large segments of the population can now familiarize
themselves with and purchase such products discretely (e.g., older
adults, Adams et al., 2003). Online sex shops geared toward hetero-
, homo- and bisexual women present dildos and vibrators as fash-
ionable lifestyle products while communicating new and (at least
partially) empowering images of female sexuality (Attwood, 2005).
In accordance with the Sexual Behavior Sequence Model, online
sex shops can be classified as a sexual stimulus that triggers vari-
ous physiological, affective, and cognitive reactions in the user
depending on his or her predispositions. These reactions can prime
the user for sexual activity and also impact the nature of the activ-
ities engaged in (Fisher & Barak, 2000, p. 579). There are currently
no empirical studies available concerned with investigating the
contents and forms of online sex shops (e.g., in contrast to – often
not very female-, elderly- or handicapped-friendly – offline sex
shops; see Noonan, 2007), their clientele, the ways in which they
are used, and their effects. Not much is known about the preva-
lence and risks of online shopping for sexual drugs like Viagra
(e.g., unprescribed self-medication, low-quality drugs; Solomon,
Man, Gill, & Jackson, 2002).
4. Sex work on the Internet
While pornography on the Internet has been the subject of a
large number of studies, very little research has focused on sex
shops and on the politically and economically even more relevant
topic of sex work.
4.1. Offline sex work
The Internet now plays a central role in the marketing of sex
tourism, prostitution, and other forms of offline sex work (e.g., strip
clubs). Many feminists reject prostitution on the principle that it is
a form of sexual exploitation. It is argued that the Internet encour-
ages sex tourism and prostitution while lending it a patina of nor-
malcy (Hughes, 2000, 2003; Jones, 2001); that online forums
concerning prostitutes and the quality of their services impart a
cynical view of women (Holt & Blevins, 2007); and that online com-
munication with customers constitutes a new form of stress for
prostitutes (Davies & Evans, 2007). Furthermore it is posited that
the Internet is used in connection with forced prostitution and
the sexual trafficking of children and women (Surtees, 2008, p. 56f).
Other feminists who recognize prostitution as a legitimate occu-
pation – on the condition that equitable working conditions are
present – have to some extent evaluated the Internet in a positive
light. The Internet offers female and male prostitutes additional
opportunities to market their services, work independently, net-
work, participate in political activism, or verify the identity of po-
tential clients (Ray, 2007; Uy, Parsons, Bimbi, Koken, & Halkitis,
4.2. Online sex work
A new market for sex work has developed online with the ad-
vent of live sex shows broadcasted via webcam. A number of pro-
fessional female sex workers have reported that their activity in
online sex shows (which involves responding to customer wishes
in front of the camera) is much more comfortable and safe than
the prostitution they previously practiced on the street or in broth-
els (Bernstein, 2007; Podlas, 2000). On the other hand, females can
be lured or forced into online sex work. A potential risk is faced by
individuals who voluntarily chose to enter into the seemingly
unproblematic online sex business with excessive haste, overesti-
mating the financial rewards while underestimating the negative
psychological and social effects (Ray, 2007). The providers and con-
sumers of online sex services have not been systematically identi-
fied, nor have the individual consequences for participants in the
online sex business. The effects exercised by the easy accessibility
of online sex shows on the social perceptions of woman, men, and
sexuality also have yet to be explored.
5. Sex education on the Internet
Institutions, companies, groups, and individuals use the Inter-
net to obtain and provide information about sexuality, as well as
to promote changes in attitudes and behavior (e.g., to increase
awareness about safe-sex practices).
5.1. Access to online sex information
The majority of Internet users occasionally search for sex infor-
mation online (Gray & Klein, 2006) and disabled people are not ex-
cluded (Noonan, 2007). In a convenience sample of 760 Canadian
students, 45% of females and 68% of males indicated they had
searched for sex information on the Internet within the previous
12 months (Boies, 2002). In a survey of 500 Ugandans aged 12–
18, 45% indicated they used the Internet. Of this number, 77%
had previously searched for information online concerning HIV/
AIDS and other sex-related topics (Ybarra, Kiwanuka, Emenyonu,
& Bangsberg, 2006). The wide variety of content, as well as the
1094 N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101
confidentiality with which it can be obtained, are the main reasons
indicated for engaging in such online searches. When assigned the
task of finding online information about condom use and sexually
transmitted diseases, test participants between the age of 18 and
21 in the United States were able to locate an appropriate website
within four minutes – or five to six clicks – on average (Smith,
Gertz, Alvarez, & Lurie, 2000). If an Internet-capable computer
equipped with filtering software designed to block pornographic
content is used (cf. Section 2.2), the most restrictive settings block
out 91% of pornographic content, although 24% of sexual informa-
tion available online is also no longer accessible (Richardson, Re-
snick, Hansen, Derry, & Rideout, 2002).
5.2. Quality of online sex information
Which websites communicate scientific and well-founded med-
ical or psychosocial sex information? How many websites dissem-
inate questionable or even dangerous advice (e.g., sexual
abstinence is an effective method of contraception during adoles-
cence; homosexuality can and should be cured; sexual dissatisfac-
tion in women is mostly caused by female sexual dysfunction or
FSD and should be treated with pharmaceuticals, Hartley, 2006)?
Numerous questions such as these have still to be answered. A
few studies have dealt with the quality of selected information
being offered online for sex education (e.g., in terms of scope, com-
pleteness, topicality, factual correctness, web-design, etc.). In a
study of online information available in English pertaining to birth
control, for example, it was discovered that the intrauterine device
(IUD) was incorrectly portrayed at 10 of 28 (36%) general birth-
control sites and 84 of 155 (54%) IUD-specialized sites. Incorrect
information primarily pertained to the presentation of risks and
dangers unsubstantiated by scientific evidence (Weiss & Moore,
2003). Varying informational deficits were discovered in English
language websites that presented information on emergency con-
traception (Latthe, Latthe, & Charlot, 2000) and sexually transmit-
ted diseases (Keller, Labelle, Karimi, & Gupta, 2004), as well as on
Chinese websites presenting information on HIV (Li, Lu, Yong, &
Zhang, 2006). There have been no systematic comparisons to error
rates in other sources of information, though (e.g., print brochures,
oral communications of medical personnel). To date, it remains an
open question as to which measures best assure quality among
suppliers of online sex information (e.g., quality seals), or how
one might give online users greater competence as consumers of
information in order to help them to evaluate the quality of online
content more critically themselves. A collection of links with com-
mentary (‘‘webliography”) – selected by independent experts –
could help to orient individuals searching for online sex informa-
tion (e.g., Millner & Kiser, 2002).
5.3. Types of online sex education
In order to ensure sexual well being and to overcome sexual
problems, individuals need to be equipped with sex-related infor-
mation (I), motivation (M), and behavioral skills (B) (so called IMB
model of sex education: Barak & Fisher, 2001). For this reason, on-
line sex education covers a broad range of services, including, for
example, multimedia training modules for sexual-communication
skills, regular visits of social workers and sex experts in online
sex chats, e-card services designed to warn former sex partners
of a possible STD infection, or laboratory results viewable online
(for a review of online prevention programs see Rietmeijer & Sha-
mos, 2007). In scattered instances, the Internet is also being used to
support professional sex therapy via e-mail (e.g., Hall, 2004). Control
group studies confirm that online interventions lead to an increase
in knowledge and changed attitudes (e.g., Lou, Zhao, Gao, & Shah,
2006); to date, changes in behavior (e.g., use of condoms) have
been researched with comparatively less frequency (e.g., Roberto,
Zimmerman, Carlyle, & Abner, 2007).
In addition to educational interventions by experts, there is a
great deal of sexually enlightening content available on the Inter-
net and at Web 2.0 platforms that has been created by Internet
users themselves. By authentically portraying their personal sexual
desires, experiences and attitudes in personal narrative sex blogs,
women help to make the diversity of female sexualities visible,
while also helping themselves and others to overcome
prejudice and shame (Attwood, 2009; Wood, 2008). The authors
can preserve their identity by remaining anonymous or using a
pseudonym. New, individually helpful, but also politically relevant
sexual discourses arise from the public commenting and reciprocal
linking of weblog entries. Protected by the anonymity that an
online forum provides, it is possible to discuss sexual experiences
and to receive information and peer advice from a wide range of
different people (Suzuki & Calzo, 2004). This form of online support
also includes online self-help groups for sexual topics – with their
attendant opportunities (e.g., round-the-clock help, no matter
where one is located) and risks (e.g., excessive emotional demands;
social conflicts; cf. Waldron, Lavitt, & Kelley, 2000).
6. Sex contacts on the Internet
There are two forms of sexual contact on the Internet: Contacts
initiated exclusively for computer-mediated exchanges (online
sex), as well as contacts leading to real-world sexual encounters
(offline sex).
6.1. Online sex
When engaging in online sex, partners seek to stimulate one an-
other sexually by exchanging explicit digital texts, images, and/or
video – often while masturbating (Daneback, Cooper, & Månsson,
2005; Waskul, 2002). Cybersex partners can be found in various
online chat rooms, online communities, online games, or virtual
worlds (e.g., Second Life). Fleeting contacts between anonymous
strangers are possible, as are more enduring online relationships.
As with solo sex, a number of sexual risks are eliminated when
engaging in online sex, including physical violence, unplanned
pregnancy and the transmission of STDs. In contrast to solo sex,
however, cybersex offers many of the gratifications associated with
partner sex, including sexual and emotional intimacy (for a review
of the role of emotion in computer-mediated communication see
Derks, Fischer, & Bos, 2008). Due to its mediated nature and the
opportunities it offers for anonymity, cybersex helps to lower inhi-
bitions and also encourages particularly open communication. Sex-
ual inclinations and preferences otherwise concealed in the real
world due to the fear of rejection can be acted out on the Internet.
Participants experience this as liberating, and it often encourages
self-acceptance (McKenna, Green, & Smith, 2001).
Online sex provides participants with the opportunity to collect
new sexual experiences and engage in sexual activities with a di-
verse range of partners in a relatively safe and playful setting,
behaviors contributing to sexual empowerment (Whitty, 2008).
Cybersex is not ‘‘disembodied” per se. Sexual stimulation is
experienced on a bodily level, and physical attributes and carnal
reactions are also symbolically portrayed. Cybersex allows partici-
pants to present themselves in a much more favorable light than
otherwise possible in face-to-face encounters. By projecting a spe-
cific persona in an online setting, individuals who are otherwise
unexceptional in real-world settings can experience the lust and
desire of others: Any physical handicap can be made disappear; se-
nior citizens can become young lovers; adolescents can be taken
more seriously by portraying themselves as older. While age and
N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101 1095
skin color are frequently altered in online settings, virtual gender
swapping is much less common: Only 1% of people regularly
switch gender when going online for sexual purposes (Cooper
et al., 1999).
Cybersex should not be classified as a deficient substitute for
‘‘real sex,” but should instead be understood as a specific form of
sexual expression that can play a legitimate role in the sexual
and relational life of its participants (Carvalheira & Gomes, 2003;
Döring, 2000; Ross, Rosser, & Stanton, 2004). The degree to which
online sex is experienced as satisfying and meaningful depends on
the participants involved, as well as their behavior and relation-
ships with each other. Women seem to have a stronger preference
for cybersex than men (Cooper et al., 1999). In a sample of Swedish
Internet users who go online for sexual reasons, women in all age
groups – aside from those aged 18–24 – engaged in cybersex more
often than men (25–34 years: w: 35%, m: 30%; 35–49 years old: w:
37%, m: 25%; 50–65 years old: w: 22%, m: 13%; Daneback et al.,
2005). Cybersex is also particularly popular among gay and bisex-
ual men (Ross et al., 2004; Tr
en et al., 2006, p. 249). In a conve-
nience sample of Canadian students (aged 20 on average), 13% of
males and 7% of females responded that they had voluntarily vis-
ited an online sex chat room within the past 12 months (Boies,
2002, p. 82).
Aside from its advantages, cybersex is primarily associated with
three forms of risk:
1. Perpetual search for and addictive or compulsive preoccupation
with online sex can result among individuals who suffer from
acute psychological afflictions (so called ‘‘cybersex addiction”;
Schwartz & Southern, 2000). Not infrequently, these behaviors
are accompanied by the excessive consumption of other sex-
related Internet content (online pornography, online sex shops;
Daneback et al., 2006). While compulsive use of online porn is
more widespread among men, compulsive cybersex affects
women as well (Ferree, 2003).
2. If married persons or individuals with a steady partner secretly
engage in cybersex with a third party, this – not infrequently –
is registered by the partner as an act of betrayal (online
infidelity,cyberinfidelity), and may lead to a crisis or exacerbate
existing problems in the relationship (Hertlein & Piercy, 2006;
Mileham, 2007; Young, 2006). However, some couples allow
each other officially to have cyber affairs within agreed upon
limits (e.g., online contact only).
3. Cybersex is not always initiated based on mutual consent,
which can result in unwanted sexual advances (i.e., online sexual
harassment,online sexual solicitation) among adults and adoles-
cents (Barak, 2005), as well as the online sexual molestation of
children: Adults may, for example, pose as adolescents in chat
rooms intended for teenagers or on social networking websites
like MySpace or Facebook and initiate computer-mediated inti-
mate and sexual interactions with under-aged persons. In a US-
based random sample of 10–17 year olds, 18% of girls and 8% of
boys responded that they had experienced online sexual harass-
ment in 2005; 7% of girls and 2% of boys experienced these con-
tacts as very unpleasant (Mitchell, Wolak, & Finkelhor, 2007, p.
121). Five years before self-reported victimization rates were
even higher (girls: 27% and boys: 12%). Today, minors seem to
be less at risk because they communicate more often with
friends than with strangers and online child protection is more
common (e.g., moderated online chat rooms for teenagers;
Dombrowski et al., 2007). Knowledge about how sexual offend-
ers seek to contact children on the Internet can assist in their
criminal prosecution and educate children and adults about
suspicious behavior (Malesky, 2007; Marcum, 2007). It is often
easier to fend off and track undesired sexual overtures on the
Internet than it is in the real world, as Internet users can avoid
undesired contacts with the click of a button, use special online
services to identify bothersome individuals, or refer problems
to legal authorities, who in many cases can trace data (Mitchell,
Wolak, & Finkelhor, 2005c).
6.2. Offline sex
In two recent surveys conducted in British hospitals, 7% and 5%
of heterosexual women, 14% and 10% of heterosexual men, and 47%
and 44% of gay men had used the Internet to search for offline sex
partners within the past 12 months (Bolding, Davis, Hart, Sherr, &
Elford, 2006; Malu, Challenor, Theobald, & Barton, 2004). In a
Swedish sample of individuals who use the Internet for sexual pur-
poses, 35% of men and 40% of women responded that they had had
sex at least once with a person met online (Daneback, Månsson, &
Ross, 2007). Particularly active were singles, women between 34
and 65 years old, and homosexual/bisexual men. In a 1993 British
survey, 3% of young male homosexual Internet users reported
meeting their first sex partner online. In 2002, this figure was
61%; other locations for meeting partners have waned in signifi-
cance, such as schools (Bolding, Davis, Hart, Sherr, & Elford,
2007). According to a qualitative survey of seven senior citizens
in Australia (aged 71 on average), each of whom had begun a
romantic relationship online, the first real-world encounter with
their partner took place after 4.5 months on average, in all cases
leading to sexual intercourse (Malta, 2007, p. 95).
Online profiles, photos, and various dating, chat, and social net-
working sites are used to identify potential sex partners; commu-
nication is undertaken by e-mail, instant messenger, webcam and/
or telephone conversations. These means allow relevant criteria
such as physical attractiveness, mutual personal interest, matching
sexual preferences, and preferred safe-sex practices or HIV status
to be clarified in advance. Prior to meeting in the real world, poten-
tial partners sometimes engage in online sex (cf. Section 6.1) and/
or telephone sex in order to test their sexual compatibility. Among
a large number of potential partners a both hedonistic and safety-
conscious selection is finally made through this filtering process
(Couch & Liamputtong, 2007; Padgett, 2007). The Internet expands
opportunities for sexual contact among people who live in geo-
graphic isolation, as well as among people who seek partners for
specific sexual practices, who do not want to be visible in sexual
scenes, or who have little access to typical locations where sexual
partners can be met (e.g., people with physical impairments; eth-
nic minorities; Poon, Ho, Wong, Wong, & Lee, 2005).
The online search for offline sex potentially poses even more –
and more severe – risks than the online search for online sex:
1. The option of perpetual online search for more and more or bet-
ter and better offline sex partners can lead to patterns of addic-
tive or compulsive behavior.
2. The convenient and covert online search for offline sex can be
associated with increased unfaithfulness and relationship
3. Unwanted contact, non-consentual behavior and violence, like the
rape of women and the sexual abuse of minors by Internet dates
are further potential risks. Some child molesters attempt to
contact minors on the Internet in order to meet with them in
real-world settings (Malesky, 2007). Although some children
have been molested by pedosexuals who use the Internet to
identify and meet their victims, the number of children abused
in this manner is exceedingly small in relation to the high num-
ber of sexual attacks perpetrated in everyday social settings,
despite the intense media attention called to the Internet as
potential source of abuse (Gallagher, 2007; Döring, 2007). All
the same, the Internet plays a role in sexual crimes against
1096 N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101
minors by family members and acquaintances (Mitchell, Finkel-
hor, & Wolak, 2005b). The media coverage of rape cases involv-
ing Internet dates might contribute to creating a new rape myth
(rape happens to women who are careless enough to have
Internet sex dates) neglecting the fact that acquaintance or date
rape are widespread anyway. There is lack of empirical evi-
dence as to whether sexual attacks or violations of consent
occur with greater frequency when contact between adults is
initiated via the Internet as opposed to other means.
4. The online search for offline sex is also presumed to foster the
spread of sexually transmitted infections and diseases (particularly
HIV). This is because homosexual and heterosexual individuals
who seek out sexual partners on the Internet tend to be more
sexually active, more willing to take risks (i.e., more frequently
decline to practice safe-sex), and more often affected by STDs
(Liau et al., 2006; McFarlane, Bull, & Rietmeijer, 2000, 2002).
About one-fifth to one-third of women and men seeking offline
sex on the Internet report having unprotected vaginal or anal
intercourse with sex partners met online (Liau et al., 2006;
McFarlane, Kachur, Bull, & Rietmeijer, 2004); directly-compara-
ble data on unprotected intercourse with sex partners met off-
line are sparse, though. The association of Internet sex-seeking
and increased likelihood of unsafe sex could be explained by
mere self-selection: High-risk people may be more prone than
low-risk people to seek sex partners both online and offline.
Additionally, a dynamic process of risk accentuation could take
place as the Internet fosters more sexual encounters among
high-risk people. However, the few existing findings (focusing
mostly on sex between men) do not support the risk accentua-
tion hypothesis (Liau et al., 2006, p. 563). Internet-based STD/
HIV prevention interventions can specifically address people
who seek offline sex partners online (Bull, McFarlane, Lloyd, &
Rietmeijer, 2004; cf. Section 5.3).
5. The possibly increased risk of unplanned pregnancies due to
unprotected intercourse has not yet been investigated.
6. Last but not least, there is also a lack of data on the success or fail-
ure rates of online attempts to arrange for offline sex (e.g., prob-
lems with no-shows or misleading online self-descriptions).
On the whole, studies exploring the problems and risks associ-
ated with the online search for offline sex comprise the bulk of
scholarship in this area. Virtually no publications describe this type
of behavior as largely ordinary and harmless (Daneback et al.,
2007). Even rarer are studies which expressly examine the benefits
arising from this behavior as viewed by its participants – e.g., ex-
panded opportunities to overcome sexual isolation, to find new
sex partners, to experience sexual self-exploration and enjoyment.
7. Sexual subcultures on the Internet
When a sexual minority is accepted in a specific cultural circle
and viewed as unfairly discriminated against or marginalized
(e.g., lesbians and gay men in Western Europe), the emancipation
and empowerment brought by the Internet is typically welcomed.
By providing an easily accessible platform for the establishment of
contacts between individuals of similar creeds and sexual orienta-
tions, the Internet can ameliorate social isolation, facilitate social
networking, strengthen self-acceptance and self-identity, help to
communicate practical information, and encourage political activ-
ism, among other things (e.g., Hillier & Harrison, 2007; McKenna &
Bargh, 1998). To some extent, online sexual subcultures have also
been subject to processes of commercialization (as seen with the
outgrowth of online sex shops or commercial dating platform
addressing specific sexual minorities such as homosexuals;
Campbell, 2005). The Internet is an important place of refuge for
individuals who do not have access to urban subcultures by virtue
of social restrictions or their place of domicile (such as homosexual
youths in rural areas). The spectrum of sexual subcultures on the
Internet encompasses homosexuality and bisexuality (e.g., Heinz,
Gu, Inuzuka, & Zender, 2002; Lev et al., 2005; Nip, 2003), transsex-
ual/transgender/transidentical people (e.g., Gauthier & Chaudoir,
2004; Shapiro, 2004), cross-dressers (Hegland & Nelson, 2002), as
well as recreational sadomasochists (e.g., Palandri & Green 2000),
practitioners of different kinds of fetishism (e.g., Newman 1997)
and polyamory (e.g., Barker 2005) or asexuals (e.g., www.asexual- The opportunities for empowerment may come with the
risk of renewed discrimination, if participation in public Internet
forums does not remain anonymous.
By contrast, the Internet is viewed as a social danger when it is
used by sexual minorities who are rejected in specific cultural con-
texts (e.g., on religious grounds or due to potential harm to them-
selves or others), and are thus viewed as rightfully ostracized, such
as pedosexuals (Durkin, Forsyth, & Quinn, 2006). It is feared that
the online presence of these deviant minorities could help to jus-
tify socially unacceptable forms of sexual behavior, strengthen
the development of pathological disorders, or even encourage
criminal activities. For example, posts which seek to legitimize
the sexual abuse of children are circulated in online forums fre-
quented by pedophiles, as recent research has shown (Malesky &
Ennis, 2004). Online forums geared towards other varieties of sex-
ual deviation with the potential for grievous harm (including
amputation, cannibalism, and barebacking: Grov, 2004; Tewks-
bury, 2006) are also seen as a danger.
On the other hand, due to the visibility of such groups on the
Internet, it is easier to extend offers of psychological counseling.
The Internet also facilitates efforts to conduct research into such
groups. Alongside subcultures who contest the notion that their
behavior is destructive to themselves or others, there may also
be online subcultures that consciously strive to deal with contro-
versial sexual proclivities in a socially responsible manner while
seeking, for example, to establish norms of behavior. Where to
draw the line between pathological sexual dispositions and behav-
iors on the one hand, and harmless sexual variation on the other
hand is an issue of on-going debates (e.g., feederism and erotic
weight gain; online money masochism: Durkin, 2007).
There is a deficit in scholarship concerned with analyzing the
influence of online sexual subcultures on mainstream culture.
The self-promotional and political activities of a diverse range of
sexual subcultures could contribute to greater sexual liberation.
For example, previously marginalized minorities, such as polya-
morists, might be able to receive increased positive media cover-
age. On the other hand, the Internet activities of ostracized
minorities could incite fears or even moral panic, leading to popu-
lar calls for greater governmental control over the Internet and for
more severe criminal sentencing, all while fostering a generally
repressive sexual climate (Potter & Potter, 2001). In some cases,
the Internet is used to promote discrimination against sexual
minorities (e.g., hate speech on the Internet; anti-gay politics on-
line: Irvine, 2005). US sex offender registry web sites (such as are suspected by men-
tal health professionals to increase discrimination and vigilantism
against former sex offenders instead of preventing crimes (Malesky
& Keim, 2001).
Yet beyond public and media debates on issues of sexuality, a
number of questions pertaining to sexual minorities on the Inter-
net remain unanswered. How do individual Internet users react
to the online presence of sexual minorities? To what extent do
users actively engage with online content produced by sexual sub-
cultures? And, more specifically, under what conditions does this
engagement lead to positive or negative effects, e.g., reduced or
increased prejudices towards sexual minorities?
N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101 1097
8. Discussion
In closing, the most important findings are summarized.
Furthermore, the limitations of this review will be underscored
and recommendations will be made for future research in the field.
8.1. Summary and evaluation of research in the six fields of Internet
The most researched area to date has been the consumption of
Internet pornography, which also has the greatest intensity of use
compared to the other areas of Internet sexuality. Above all, these
studies emphasize risks: Harm to children and adolescents; addic-
tive patterns of use; the dissemination and consumption of illegal
or deviant pornography; and creation of negative role models
through mainstream porn. Existing studies seldom consider any
positive aspects of pornography use, although from the perspective
of users, benefits are predominant. With regard to the intensity of
research in the six areas, sex contacts initiated through the Internet
ranked in second place. Here, as well, previous research is focused
on risks: Sexual harassment and abuse, particularly of minors;
addictive or compulsive overuse; the facilitation of infidelity to-
ward current life partners; and, in the case of offline contacts,
the spread of sexually transmissible diseases such as AIDS. Along-
side these potential risks, however, existing studies also consider
opportunities for sexual empowerment, including expanded
opportunities for self-exploration.
In terms of the volume of published material, both sexual sub-
cultures and sexual education on the Internet were the third most
common subjects of research. Sexual subcultures are able to orga-
nize efficiently and present themselves publicly on the Internet.
In the literature this is considered an opportunity, as long as the is-
sue involves sexual minorities who are considered to be the object
of unjust discrimination. For minorities whose sexual preferences
and activities are considered of harm to themselves or others, their
Internet presence is categorized as a societal risk. Sexual education
on the Internet is primarily viewed in the literature as an opportu-
nity to expand upon traditional forms of sex education and to reach
certain target groups more directly.
To date, hardly any peer-reviewed English-language publications
exist regarding the characteristics, prevalence or effects of sex work
and sex shops on the Internet. Current studies regarding sex work
highlight certain opportunities (e.g., the ability of prostitutes to be-
come more independent through their own Internet advertisements
or services), but also identify risks (e.g., expanded or new forms of
forced prostitution through the Internet). With respect to sex shops
the literature also identifies opportunities, such as the removal of ta-
boos regarding sex toys like vibrators, but also risks, such as unreg-
ulated online sales of prescription medications like Viagra.
In terms of methodology, current studies span a broad spectrum
with respect to data collection: Interviews, questionnaires, obser-
vations, content analyses, and Internet log file recordings have all
been used. As is generally the case with social science research,
standardized written surveys are the most common method.
Alongside ad hoc questionnaires new psychometric survey instru-
ments have rarely been introduced (e.g., the Internet Sex Screening
Test ISST, Delmonico & Miller, 2003). One seldom encounters more
sophisticated research designs such as field (e.g., Roberto et al.,
2007) or laboratory experiments (e.g., Paul & Linz, 2008) or longi-
tudinal studies (e.g., Brown & L’Engle, 2009; Meerkerk et al., 2006;
Peter & Valkenburg, 2008a), that seek to determine cause and
effect relationships. One-shot studies are the rule. Similarly, there
are few population-representative studies (e.g., Tr
en et al.,
2006). Frequently, studies employ opportunity sampling (usually
among college students) or use clinical samples (e.g., of sexual
compulsives or sex offenders), which limits their generalizability.
Regarding the theoretical conceptualization of the effects of sex-
ually related Internet activity, many studies rely on models of med-
ia determinism: Internet users are predominantly understood as
passive victims of problematic online content instead of active
media users, who selectively access or avoid and interpret specific
Internet content. Such studies are also completely blind to positive
learning effects in the sense of gaining sexually related Internet com-
petency (e.g., improved self-regulation of consumption; critical
evaluation of online sources; open discourse regarding online sex-
ual activities with sexual partners and peers; etc.).
8.2. Limitations of the review
The aim of this review was to examine, for the first time, the
state of research regarding Internet sexuality by means of a struc-
ture that encompasses its full breadth of content. For this purpose,
the six central fields of Internet sexuality were considered. Due to
space limitations in this broad presentation it has been necessary
to leave out numerous deeper details. It would thus be useful to ex-
pand this cursory overview by means of further reviews (or meta-
analyses) that would deal in greater detail with selected phenom-
ena or particular user groups.
The review is based upon a compilation of peer-reviewed Eng-
lish-language literature. This literature largely comes from the Uni-
ted States and Europe, much less often from Asia or Africa, and
Arabian sources are completely absent. The studies referenced thus
approach the subject of investigation from a predominantly Wes-
tern perspective: The review provides little information on both,
the online sexual activities in non-Western populations and the
non-English academic discourses on these activities. In addition,
the underlying structural and evaluative perspectives of the re-
view, emphasizing individual behavior and sexual human rights
(cf. Section 1.3) is ingrained in a Western worldview cast in moder-
nity and secularism. From another perspective, such as a religious
worldview, different principles of evaluation would predominate.
In this review, the complex subject of Internet sexuality has
been structured around six central fields of activity. This action-ori-
ented or individually centered perspective seemed particularly
appropriate for the present review, as a majority of social scientific
studies regarding Internet sexuality concentrate on the micro-level
of individual experience and behavior. Meso-level implications of
Internet sexuality (e.g., how is the sex industry changed by the on-
line sex industry?) and macro-level implications (e.g., how does
Internet sexuality influence values and norms in different
societies?) lie beyond the focus of this review.
8.3. Recommendations for future research and practice
Although the number of studies on Internet sexuality increases
every year, there are still a number of research gaps:
a) English peer-reviewed publications concerning sexual Inter-
net use rarely address inter- and cross-cultural issues and do
not cover, for example, Islamic countries.
b) The implications of Web 2.0 on Internet sexuality, especially
in the fields of online pornography and sexual education are
c) Studies on the growing numbers of older Internet users and
their sexual interests and needs are exceedingly rare.
d) Conspicuous is that virtually no studies have investigated
how adolescents (and especially girls who are traditionally
limited in their sexual agency) in fact could benefit in their
sexual development from various forms of self-determined
Internet sexuality (e.g., sexual self-exploration in online sex-
ual encounters; sexual self-expression on personal home-
pages, weblogs or online profiles).
1098 N.M. Döring / Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2009) 1089–1101
e) Quantitative data representative of national populations at
large is lacking for numerous aspects of Internet sexuality.
f) There is also a marked deficit of qualitative studies con-
cerned with how specific online sexual activities or contents
are selected and processed cognitively and emotionally by
individuals, as well as with how such activities fit into an
individual’s sexual biography and impact relationships
between sexual partners and peers.
In order to promote the Internet’s positive effects on sexuality,
two strategies seem particularly advisable according to the model
of active media use on which this review is based (cf. Section 1.3):
1. Alongside the critique and restriction of problematic sexually
related Internet content, more attention should also be paid
to the public visibility, accessibility, and range and quality of
helpful, innovative, and emancipatory sexually related Internet
2. In addition to the critique, diagnosis and management of harm-
ful online sexually related activities on the part of particular
user groups, more attention should be paid to supporting the
broad population of Internet users in raising their sexual and
media literacy in relation to Internet sexuality.
Both strategies require a greater openness on the part of aca-
demic research and teaching to the potentials for constructive sex-
ual Internet activities.
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