
Stochastic Constraint Programming

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To model combinatorial decision problems involving uncertainty and proba- bility, we introduce stochastic constraint programming. S tochastic constraint pro- grams contain both decision variables (which we can set) and stochastic variables (which follow a probability distribution). They combine together the best fea- tures of traditional constraint satisfaction, stochastic integer programming, and stochastic satisfiability. We give a semantics for stochast ic constraint programs, and present a complete forward checking algorithm. Finally, we discuss a number of extensions of stochastic constraint programming to rela x various assumptions like the independence between stochastic variables, and compare stochastic con- straint programming with other approaches for decision making under uncertainty like Markov decision problems and influence diagrams.

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... Dans (Koriche et al., 2016), nous introduisons une nouvelle approche au General Game Playing, dénommée MAC-UCB, basée sur la programmation par contraintes stochastiques (SCSP) (Walsh, 2009). Expérimentalement, ce dernier s'est montré compétitif toutefois à ce jour aucun programme-joueur n'utilise actuellement cet algorithme en pratique. ...
... Ainsi, dans le but de modéliser des problèmes de décision combinatoire permettant la prise en compte d'incertitudes et de probabilités, nous nous intéressons au cadre SCSP (pour Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problem) (Walsh, 2009) inspiré du problème de satisfaction stochastique (Littman et al., 2001). ...
... , T }, MAC-UCB recherche l'ensemble des politiques solutions en décomposant le problème en deux parties: un CSP classique et un µSCSP (plus petit que l'original). La première partie est résolue à l'aide de l'algorithme MAC (Sabin, Freuder, 1994) et la seconde partie grâce à l'algorithme SFC dédié au cadre SCSP (Walsh, 2009). Par la suite, une série d'échantillonnages avec borne de confiance est réalisée pour simuler l'utilité attendue de chaque politique solution de chaque µSCSP t . ...
... Dans (Koriche et al., 2016), nous introduisons une nouvelle approche au General Game Playing, dénommée MAC-UCB, basée sur la programmation par contraintes stochastiques (SCSP) (Walsh, 2009). Expérimentalement, ce dernier s'est montré compétitif toutefois à ce jour aucun programme-joueur n'utilise actuellement cet algorithme en pratique. ...
... Ainsi, dans le but de modéliser des problèmes de décision combinatoire permettant la prise en compte d'incertitudes et de probabilités, nous nous intéressons au cadre SCSP (pour Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problem) (Walsh, 2009) inspiré du problème de satisfaction stochastique (Littman et al., 2001). ...
... , T }, MAC-UCB recherche l'ensemble des politiques solutions en décomposant le problème en deux parties: un CSP classique et un µSCSP (plus petit que l'original). La première partie est résolue à l'aide de l'algorithme MAC (Sabin, Freuder, 1994) et la seconde partie grâce à l'algorithme SFC dédié au cadre SCSP (Walsh, 2009). Par la suite, une série d'échantillonnages avec borne de confiance est réalisée pour simuler l'utilité attendue de chaque politique solution de chaque µSCSP t . ...
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This article describes WoodStock, the first general game player modeling each game from the General Game Playing (GGP) by a stochastic constraint network (SCSP). Each action played is decided by the resolution of this last one by the algorithm MAC-UCB. After the translation of an instance described in Game Description Language (GDL) in a network representative of the state of the game at any time, WoodStock solves each state by the maintening arc-consistency algorithm (MAC) iteratively guided by the bandit-based stochastic sampling (UCB) of the next states. Thanks to this algorithm, WoodStock is since march 2016, the leader of the GGP Tiltyard continuous tournament. Moreover, in its last version exploiting the game symmetries finding by the constraint symmetry detection, the search space associated with a game is significatively reduced. With that, WoodStock is now the GGP champion after its victory at the International General Game Playing Competition 2016 (IGGPC 2016) organized by the Stanford University.
... Yet, these approaches cannot address random players and, more generally, the connection with GDLII. The aim of this article is to handle GGP with an original viewpoint, based on Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SCSP) (Walsh 2002). This formalism is expressive enough to model and solve games with complete information, including those described in QCSP (Balafoutis and Stergiou 2006), but also to capture random players. ...
... The stochastic CSP model that we present in this study extends the original framework of Walsh (2002) to deal with soft constraints. ...
... In a SCSP, the scope of any hard constraint is restricted to decision variables. We extend the SCSP framework defined in Walsh (Walsh 2002) to deal with soft constraints. Specifically, for any soft constraint c, the range of its value function val c is R. ...
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Among the languages used for representing goals, actions and their consequences on the world for decision making and planning, GDL (Game Description Language) has the ability to represent complex actions in potentially uncertain and competitive environments. The aim of this paper is to exploit stochastic constraint networks in order to provide compact representations of strategic games, and to identify optimal policies in those games with generic forward checking method. From this perspective, we develop a compiler allowing to translate games, described in GDL, into instances of the Stochastic Constraint Optimization Problem (SCSP). Our compiler is proved correct for the class GDL of games with complete information and oblivious environment. The interest of our approach is illustrated by solving several GDL games with a SCSP solver.
... Most of these formalisms are, however, restricted to deterministic, perfect information games: during each round of the game, players have full access to the current state and their actions have deterministic effects. This paper focuses on stochastic games, with chance events, using the framework of stochastic constraint networks [12,26,30]. ...
... From this perspective, we study a fragment of the Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problem (SCSP), that captures GDL games with uncertain (but complete) information. Interestingly, the SCSP for this class of games can be decomposed into a sequence of µSCSPs (also known as one-stage stochastic constraint satisfaction problems [30]). Based on this decomposition, we propose a sequential decision-making algorithm, MAC-UCB, that combines the MAC (Maintaining Arc Consistency) technique for solving each µSCSP in the sequence, and the multi-armed bandits Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) method [1] for approximating the expected utility of strategies. ...
... From a game-theoretic viewpoint, the stochastic constraint networks investigated in [12,26,30] capture one-player stochastic games, in which the chance player (defined over stochastic variables) is "oblivious": at each round of the game, the probability distribution over the chance player's moves is independent from the description of the current state. In order to encode GDL programs into stochastic constraint programs, we shall examine in this section a slight generalization of the original SCSP model that captures multiplayer and non-oblivious stochastic games. ...
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The challenge of General Game Playing (GGP) is to devise game playing programs that take as input the rules of any strategic game, described in the Game Description Language (GDL), and that effectively play without human intervention. The aim of this paper is to address the GGP challenge by casting GDL games (potentially with chance events) into the Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problem (SCSP). The stochastic constraint network of a game is decomposed into a sequence of µ SCSPs (also know as one-stage SCSP), each associated with a game round. Winning strategies are searched by coupling the MAC (Maintaining Arc Consistency) algorithm, used to solve each µ SCSP in turn, together with the UCB (Upper Confidence Bound) policy for approximating the values of those strategies obtained by the last µ SCSP in the sequence. Extensive experiments conducted on various GDL games with different deliberation times per round, demonstrate that the MAC-UCB algorithm significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art UCT (Upper Confidence bounds for Trees) algorithm.
... It allows the user to augment deterministic models to stochastic models without the need to commit to a particular solving strategy. To solve these stochastic models, we present transformations from Stochastic MINIZINC to deterministic MINIZINC for three different stochastic solving approaches: scenario-based [19] and policy-based [24] deterministic equivalents, as well as progressive hedging [15]. These are the only known stochastic solving techniques that can deal with both integer decision variables and non-linear constraints. ...
... All stochastic parameters and each second (and higher-)stage variable is copied for each scenario, as well as all constraints involving higher stage parameters or variables. Policy-based Search [24] treats stochastic parameters as decision variables and uses and-or-search to explore all possible scenarios. Finally, Progressive Hedging [15] solves each scenario to optimality in isolation, and then iteratively adapts the objective function to minimise the gap between the first stage variables. ...
... Policy-based search for stochastic constraint programming [24] turns stochastic parameters into decision variables and then uses backtracking search to explore the different scenarios. Instead of copying the second stage model for each scenario as in Sect. ...
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Combinatorial optimisation problems often contain uncertainty that has to be taken into account to produce realistic solutions. However, existing modelling systems either do not support uncertainty, or do not support combinatorial features, such as integer variables and non-linear constraints. This paper presents an extension of the MiniZinc modelling language that supports uncertainty. Stochastic MiniZinc enables modellers to express combinatorial stochastic problems at a high level of abstraction, independent of the stochastic solving approach. These models are translated automatically into different solver-level representations. Stochastic MiniZinc provides the first solving technology agnostic approach to stochastic modelling we are aware of.
... Such variables are typically uncontrollable (i.e., not decision variables). This is for example the case with the Stochastic CSP (SCSP) framework introduced by T. Walsh [135] to capture combinatorial decision problems involving uncertainty. In XCSP3, the domain of an integer stochastic variable is defined as usual by a sequence of integers and integer intervals, but each element of the sequence is given a probability preceded by the symbol " : " . ...
... @BULLET handle stages with an element <stages>, which alternately contains elements <decision> and <stochastic>; in each of these elements, we find a sequence of variable ids. The syntax is: Here is an illustration taken from [135] about modeling a simple m quarter production planning problem. In each quarter, we will sell between 100 and 105 copies of a book. ...
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We propose a major revision of the format XCSP 2.1, called XCSP3, to build integrated representations of combinatorial constrained problems. This new format is able to deal with mono/multi optimization, many types of variables, cost functions, reification, views, annotations, variable quantification, distributed, probabilistic and qualitative reasoning. The new format is made compact, highly readable, and rather easy to parse. Interestingly, it captures the structure of the problem models, through the possibilities of declaring arrays of variables, and identifying syntactic and semantic groups of constraints. The number of constraints is kept under control by introducing a limited set of basic constraint forms, and producing almost automatically some of their variations through lifting, restriction, sliding, logical combination and relaxation mechanisms. As a result, XCSP3 encompasses practically all constraints that can be found in major constraint solvers developed by the CP community. A website, which is developed conjointly with the format, contains many models and series of instances. The user can make sophisticated queries for selecting instances from very precise criteria. The objective of XCSP3 is to ease the effort required to test and compare different algorithms by providing a common test-bed of combinatorial constrained instances.
... Mais aucun d'entre eux n'aborde les problèmes liésà l'aléatoire ni ne fait le lien avec GDL. L'objectif de cet article est d'aborder le problème GGP d'un point de vue original, fondé sur les réseaux de contraintes stochastiques (SCSP) [18]. En effet, les SCSP sont des outils puissants permettant non seulement de modéliser et de résoudre des jeuxà infor-mations complètes et certaines via QCSP [2], maiségalement de modéliser l'intervention du hasard. ...
... Le modèle des CSP stochastiques que nous présentons dans cetteétude,étend le cadre original de Walsh [18] aux contraintes valuées. De manière formelle, un Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problem (SCSP) est un 6-tuple X, Y, D, P, C, θ où X représente un ensemble de n variables, Y est un sous-ensemble de X représentant les variables stochastiques, D représente les domaines associés aux variables de X, P est l'ensemble des distributions de probabilités appliquées aux domaines des variables stochastiques, C est l'ensemble des contraintes et θ représente une valeur de seuil dans R. ...
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Cet article propose d’utiliser le paradigme de la programmation par contraintes stochastiques pour modéliser et identifier des politiques optimales dans les jeux à information incertaine. Nous présentons une traduction permettant de modéliser les jeux décrits dans le formalisme GDL (Game Description Language) en instances du problème d’optimisation de contraintes stochastiques (SCSP). Notre traduction est démontrée correcte pour la classe GDL des jeux à information complète et environnement « indifférent ». L’intérêt de notre approche est illustré par une première résolution d’un jeu GDL en utilisant un solveur SCSP générique.
... Cependant, la plupart de ces formalismes sont restreints aux jeuxà information complète et certaine :à chaque instant, les joueurs ont une information complète de l'état du jeu et leurs actions sont déterministes. Cetteétude se focalise sur le formalisme des réseaux de contraintes stochastiques (SCSP) [21], utilisés pour la prise de décision séquentielle, dont l'effet incertain des actions est modélisé par une distribution de probabilités. ...
... Il existe cependant une sous-classe intéressante de SCSP pour laquelle le problème de satisfaction est de complexité moindre (NP PP ). Il s'agit des one stage SCSP [21], ou micro-SCSP, que l'on note ici µSCSP. Formellement, un µSCSP est un SCSP (X, Y, D, P, C, θ), dans lequel la restriction suivante est imposée sur les politiques : un arbre d'instanciations complètes π est une politique de µSCSP si toutes les variables de décision X sont assignées avant les variables stochastiques Y . ...
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Cet article examine un fragment du problème de satisfaction de contraintes stochastiques, représentant les jeux à informations complètes et incertaines. Nous proposons un algorithme de résolution permettant de trouver des stratégies gagnantes pour cette classe de jeux. L’intérêt de ce travail est de permettre la résolution efficace d’un SCSP initial par la résolution successive d’une séquence de « micro-SCSP » à chaque étape du jeu. L’algorithme MAC, propose pour résoudre les premiers micro-SCSP de la séquence, est couplé à une heuristique de type UCB utilisée pour estimer les valeurs des stratégies sur toute la séquence. Notre approche, MAC-UCB, est validée par une série d’expérimentations sur un ensemble de jeux très divers, décrits en GDL (Game Description Language), et comparée à l’algorithme UCT, qui est la référence actuelle pour cette classe de jeux.
... CSP Stochastiques. Présentés par Tobi Walsh en 2002 dans [58], les CSP stochastiques (ou SCSP) étendent les problèmes de contraintes traditionnels en introduisant des variables stochastiques ainsi qu'une borne inférieure de probabilite θ. Les variables stochastiques disposent d'une distribution de probabilité sur l'ensemble des valeurs de leur domaine. ...
... Dans le cadre voisin des CSP stochastiques, [58] définit aussi deux versions d'optimisation du problème. La première consiste à rechercher la politique ayant la plus grande probabilité de satisfaire toutes les contraintes, et non pas simplement une politique dépassant un certain seuil de probabilité. ...
This thesis presents works in the research area of quantified constraint programming, which extends theconstraint programming framework by setting (existential and universal) quantifiers to the problem's variables.This framework is theoretically expressive enough to model problems where an opponent or uncertainparameters are involved, under the form of Quantified Constraint Safisfaction Problems (QCSP).QCSPs suffer from a modeling difficulty that we solve by presenting an extension to this framework, in whichpossible moves for the principal agent and its opponent may be explicitely declared. Then, we describe realproblems using this extention, and discuss of its pros and cons against neighbour framework thar were createdto solve the same difficulty. Finally, we focus on quantifies optimization problems, and present a quantifiedoptimization framework thet allows the modeling of nonlinear multi-level problems.
... Problems that involve these kinds of hard constraints on probabilities are the focus of the field of stochas- tic constraint programming (SCP) (Walsh 2002), which combines probabilistic inference and constraint program- ming to solve Stochastic Constraint Optimization Prob- lems (SCOPs). SCP is closely related to chance constraint programming (Charnes and Cooper 1959) and probabilistic constraint programming (Tarim et al. 2009). ...
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A number of problems in relational Artificial Intelligence can be viewed as Stochastic Constraint Optimization Problems (SCOPs). These are constraint optimization problems that involve objectives or constraints with a stochastic component. Building on the recently proposed language SC-ProbLog for modeling SCOPs, we propose a new method for solving these problems. Earlier methods used Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP) techniques to create Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs), which were decomposed into smaller constraints in order to exploit existing constraint programming (CP) solvers. We argue that this approach has as drawback that a decomposed representation of an OBDD does not guarantee domain consistency during search, and hence limits the efficiency of the solver. For the specific case of monotonic distributions, we suggest an alternative method for using CP in SCOP, based on the development of a new propagator; we show that this propagator is linear in the size of the OBDD, and has the potential to be more efficient than the decomposition method, as it maintains domain consistency.
... The techniques here presented generalise the discussion in [12], in which statistical inference is applied in the context of stochastic constraint satisfaction to identify approximate solutions featuring given statistical properties. However, stochastic constraint programming [17] works with decision and random variables over a set of decision stages; random variable distributions are assumed to be known. Statistical constraints instead operate under the assumption that distribution of random variables is only partially specified (parametric statistical constraints) or not specified at all (non-parametric statistical constraints); furthermore, statistical constraints do not model explicitly random variables, they model instead sets of random variates as decision variables. ...
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We introduce statistical constraints, a declarative modelling tool that links statistics and constraint programming. We discuss two novel statistical constraints and some associated filtering algorithms. Finally, we illustrate applications to standard problems encountered in statistics and to a novel inspection scheduling problem in which the aim is to find inspection plans featuring desirable statistical properties.
... However, the schedule table size grows exponentially with the number of conditions. Therefore, the problem of finding an optimal schedule table becomes P-Space complete [5]. ...
... Empruntant la terminologie de [23] ...
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Le game description language avec informations incomplètes (GDL-II) est assez expressif pour représenter les jeux stochastiques multi-agents avec observation partielle. Malheureusement, une telle expressivité n’est pas possible sans un prix : le problème consistant à trouver une stratégie gagnante est NExp^(NP)-hard, une classe de complexité qui est bien au-delà de la portée des solvers actuels. Dans ce papier, nous identifions un fragment Pspace-complete de GDL-II, où les agents partagent les mêmes observations (partielles). Nous montrons que ce fragment peut être encapsulé dans un problème de satisfaction de contraintes stochastiques décomposable (SCSP) qui, par tour, peut être résolu en utilisant des techniques de programmation par contraintes usuelles. Dès lors, nous avons développé un algorithme de décisions séquentielles fondé sur les contraintes pour les jeux GDL-II exploitant la propagation par contraintes, l’évaluation Monte-Carlo et la détection de symétries. Notre algorithme, vérifié sur une large variété de jeux, surpasse aisément l’état de l’art des algorithmes du general game playing (GGP).
... A prominent example is stochastic two-stage optimisation [18], where the objective is to find optimal first-stage variable assignments (master problem) such that all second-stage variable assignments (sub-problems) are optimal for each scenario. AND/OR search for stochastic optimisation is called policy based search [27]. AND/OR search is also applied in other applications, such as graphical models [11]. ...
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Much of the power of CP comes from the ability to create complex hybrid search algorithms specific to an application. Unfortunately there is no widely accepted standard for specifying search, and each solver typically requires detailed knowledge in order to build complex searches. This makes the barrier to entry for exploring different search methods quite high. Furthermore, search is a core part of the solver and usually highly optimised. Any imposition on the solver writer to change this part of their system is significant. In this paper we investigate how powerful we can make a uniform language for meta-search without placing any burden on the solver writer. The key to this is to only interact with the solver when a solution is found. We present MINISEARCH, a meta-search language that can directly use any FLATZINC solver. Optionally, it can interact with solvers through an efficient C++ API. We illustrate the expressiveness of the language and performance using different solvers on a number of examples.
... La classification intuitive des algorithmes de recherche semble grossièrement correspondre aux classes de complexité. Les algorithmes n'effectuant pas de recherche correspondentà la classe P. Les Le model-checking de formules CTL ou de sous-ensembles de cette logique temporelle [Clarke et al., 2000], le calcul de plans d'actions pour des problèmes exprimés en STRIPS propositionnel [Fikes et Nilsson, 1971], certains jeux et certains problèmes de décision en présence de données incertaines [Walsh, 2002] sont parmi les nombreux exemples de problèmes PSPACE-complets, et il est donc effectivement impossible de les exprimer comme des problèmes de satisfaisabilité propositionnelle 5 . Ceci ne signifie pas que les résolveurs de contraintes ne soient d'aucune utilité pour ces problèmes : l'une des approches les plus compétitives pour la résolution de ces problèmes consiste précisémentà exprimer des versions bornées des problèmes en question sous forme de problèmes SAT ou CSP (existence d'un plan d'une longueur donnée [Kautz et Selman, 1992], vérification de séquences d'exécution de longueur bornée [Clarke et al., 2001]). ...
Résumé La généralisation desprobì emes de satisfaction de contraintes (CSP a variables arbitrairement quantifiées représente unprobì eme difficile, d'intérê a la fois théo-rique et pratique.Probì eme emblématique de la classe PSPACE (et complet pour cette classe), sa résolution permet d'apporter de nouvelles solution a des probléma-tiques aussi diverses que le calcul de plans d'actions 1 , la vérification (notamment, mais pas exclusivement, le model-checking), les jeux, ou lesprobì emes de décision soumi a des données incertaines. De fait, la résolution de la version booléenne duprobì eme (appelée QBF — pour Quantified Boolean Formulae — ou QSAT selon le cas) a fait l'objet d'un grand nombre de contributions récentes. Pourtant, et de même que pour le cas des probì emes de contraintes classiques, il semble légitime de ne pas se restreindre au domaine booléen et de considérer leprobì eme des CSP quantifiés sur des domaines finis arbitraires. Le but est ainsi de tirer profit des outils disponibles dans ce cadre lé erement plus général, parmi lesquels une meilleure gestion de l'arithmétique, la possibilité de propager des intervalles, ou l'emploi de contraintes globales. La notion centrale des résolveurs complets de CSP est celle de propagation, qui permet de limiter l'explosion combinatoire d'une recherche exhaustive par un raisonnement local, et en particulier la notion de consistance d'arc. Nous proposons donc une généralisation de l'arc-consistance pour les contraintes quantifiées 2 .
... Here, the outcome sought is a single robust solution that covers as many realisations as possible. As such, there are links not only to anytime methods for robust solutions to CSPs [8], but also to solving mixed CSPs with probability distributions over the parameters [4], which are an instance of the stochastic CSP framework [18]. For instance, the scenario sampling methods for stochastic CSPs give the opportunity for an anytime algorithm [10]. ...
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An algorithm with the anytime property has an approximate solution always available; and the longer the algorithm runs, the better the solution be-comes. Anytime solving is important in domains such as aerospace, where time for reasoning is limited and a viable (if suboptimal) course of action must be al-ways available. In this paper we study the anytime behaviour of solving a mixed CSP, an extension of classical CSP that accounts for uncontrollable parameters, using a benchmark problem from aerospace sub-system control. We propose two enhancements to the existing decomposition algorithm: heuristics for selecting the next uncertain environment to decompose, and solving of incrementally larger subproblems. We evaluate these enhancements empirically, showing that a heuris-tic on uncertainty analogous to 'first fail' gives the best performance. We also show that incremental subproblem solving provides effective anytime behaviour, and can be combined with the decomposition heuristics.
... The Uncertain CSP model (UCSP) is an extension of MCSP whose main innovation is that it considers continuous domains (Yorke-Smith & Gervet, 2009). The Stochastic CSP model (SCSP) (Walsh, 2002) assumes a probability distribution associated with the uncertain domain of each uncontrollable variable. The Branching CSP model (BCSP) considers the possible addition of variables to the current problem (Fowler & Brown, 2000). ...
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Because of the dynamism and uncertainty associated with many real life problems, these problems and their associated Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) models may change over time; thus an earlier solution found for the latter may become invalid. Moreover, many approaches proposed in the literature cannot be applied when the required information about dynamism is unknown ([9], [4], [5], [11], [10], etc.). This fact has motivated us to consider dynamic situations where, in addition, only limited assumptions about changes can be made. Our analysis focuses on CSPs with ordered and discrete domains that model problems for which the order over the elements of the domain is significant. In these cases, a common type of change that problems may undergo is restrictive modifications over the bounds of the solution space. A discussion of these assumptions, their motivation and real life examples can be found in [3]. In this paper, we present an algorithm that meets the goal of combining solution stability (meaning that solutions can often be repaired using other similar values if they undergo a value loss) and robustness (meaning that solutions have a high likelihood of remaining solutions after changes). The desireability of this combination of features was noted in the survey [8]. Furthermore, in this work we have extended both concepts to apply to the type of CSP analyzed. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the new conceptions of robustness and stability. Section 3 describes our approach for finding solutions that simultaneously meet both these criteria. In Section 4 we present some experimental results. Section 5 gives conclusions.
... Brown et al. propose adversarial CSPs [6], which focuses on the case where two opponents take turns to assign variables, each trying to direct the solution towards their own objectives. Another related work is Stochastic CSPs [26], which can represent adversaries by known probability distributions. We seek actions to minimize/maximize the expected cost for all the possible scenarios. ...
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Minimax Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems (formerly called Quantified Weighted CSPs) are a framework for modeling soft constrained problems with adversarial conditions. In this paper, we describe novel definitions and implementations of node, arc and full directional arc consistency notions to help reduce search space on top of the basic tree search with alpha-beta pruning for solving ultra-weak solutions. In particular, these consistencies approximate the lower and upper bounds of the cost of a problem by exploiting the semantics of the quantifiers and reusing techniques from both Weighted and Quantified CSPs. Lower bound computation employs standard estimation of costs in the sub-problems used in alpha-beta search. In estimating upper bounds, we propose two approaches based on the Duality Principle: duality of quantifiers and duality of constraints. The first duality amounts to changing quantifiers from min to max , while the second duality re-uses the lower bound approximation functions on dual constraints to generate upper bounds. Experiments on three benchmarks comparing basic alpha-beta pruning and the six consistencies from the two dualities are performed to confirm the feasibility and efficiency of our proposal.
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Probabilistic Answer Set Programming under the credal semantics has emerged as one of the possible formalisms to encode uncertain domains described by an answer set program extended with probabilistic facts. Some problems require associating probability values to probabilistic facts such that the probability of a query is above a certain threshold. To solve this, we propose a new class of programs, called Probabilistic Optimizable Answer Set Programs, together with a practical algorithm based on constrained optimization to solve the task.
We present an extensive study of methods for exactly solving stochastic constraint (optimisation) problems (SCPs) in network analysis. These problems are prevalent in science, governance and industry. The first method we study is generic and decomposes stochastic constraints into a multitude of smaller local constraints that are solved using a constraint programming (CP) or mixed-integer programming (MIP) solver. However, many SCPs are formulated on probability distributions with a monotonic property, meaning that adding a positive decision to a partial solution to the problem cannot cause a decrease in solution quality. The second method is specifically designed for solving global stochastic constraints on monotonic probability distributions (SCMDs) in CP. Both methods use knowledge compilation to obtain a decision diagram encoding of the relevant probability distributions, where we focus on ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs). We discuss theoretical advantages and disadvantages of these methods and evaluate them experimentally. We observed that global approaches to solving SCMDs outperform decomposition approaches from CP, and perform complementarily to MIP-based decomposition approaches, while scaling much more favourably with instance size. Both methods have many alternative design choices, as both knowledge compilation and constraint solvers are used in a single pipeline. To identify which configurations work best, we apply programming by optimisation. Specifically, we show how an automated algorithm configurator can be used to find optimised configurations of our pipeline. After configuration, our global SCMD solving pipeline outperforms its closest competitor (a MIP-based decomposition pipeline) on all test sets we considered by up to two orders of magnitude in terms of PAR10 scores.
Probabilistic logic programming is an effective formalism for encoding problems characterized by uncertainty. Some of these problems may require the optimization of probability values subject to constraints among probability distributions of random variables. Here, we introduce a new class of probabilistic logic programs, namely probabilistic optimizable logic programs, and we provide an effective algorithm to find the best assignment to probabilities of random variables, such that a set of constraints is satisfied and an objective function is optimized.
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Privacy has traditionally been a major motivation of distributed problem solving. One popular approach to enable privacy in distributed environments is to implement complex cryptographic protocols. In this paper, we propose a different, orthogonal approach, which is to control the quality and the quantity of publicized data. We consider the Open Constraint Programming model and focus on algorithms that solve Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs) using a local search approach. Two such popular algorithms exist to find good solutions to DCOP: DSA and GDBA. In this paper, we propose DSAB, a new algorithm that merges ideas from both algorithms to allow extensive handling of constraint privacy. We also study how algorithms behave when solving Utilitarian DCOPs, where utilitarian agents want to reach an agreement while reducing the privacy loss. We experimentally study how the utilitarian approach impacts the quality of the solution and of publicized data.
In a previous paper citepkim2019revealing, an analytical framework based on the constraint satisfaction problems was proposed to reveal the characteristics of households using event logs from smart door lock systems. This work provides a more rigorous justification for the previous approach. This paper proposes a novel parameter estimation method called the maximum feasibility estimation (MFE). The MFE does not rely on any assumption about the parametric family of probability densities from which a random observation is drawn. Instead, we assume that constraints are imposed on observations and that some of the constraints are a function of a parameter of interest. The proposed estimator maximizes the feasible region, a set of all possible observations that satisfy those constraints. The method proposed is validated using synthetic data as well as real streaming event log data.
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We introduce the Confidence constraint, a chance constraint that ensures, with probability , that a set of variables are no smaller than random variables for which the probability distribution is given. This constraint is useful in stochastic optimization to ensure that a solution is robust to external random events. It allows to control the trade-off between optimizing the objective function and ensuring the satisfiability of the solution under random parameters. We present a filtering algorithm for this constraint with explanations. We apply the constraint to a case study, an industrial scheduling problem where tasks have random processing times due to possible breakdowns during their execution. We evaluate our solutions with simulations and show that this new constraint allows robust solutions in decent computation time.
In this chapter, I briefly present constraint reasoning. Constraint reasoning has been a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that is nowadays more well-known as constraint programming (CP). The change of name occurred more or less when CP has started to be widely used for solving combinatorial problems in industrial applications. This also corresponds to the moment where CP was enriched by the contributions from logic programming for the aspects related to languages and from operation research for the propagation of complex constraints. Considering the topic of this book, I will stay on a AI-oriented presentation of CP.
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In this paper, we present a summary of XCSP3, together with its ecosystem. XCSP3 is a format used to build integrated representations of combinatorial constrained problems. Interestingly, XCSP3 preserves the structure of models, by handling arrays of variables and groups/blocks of constraints, which makes it rather unique in the literature. Furthermore, the ecosystem of XCSP3 is well supplied: it includes companion tools (parsers and checkers), a website with a search engine for selecting and downloading instances, and competitions of solvers. The Java-based modeling API, called JvCSP3, is the last developed piece of this complete production chain.
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Chance constraints are a major modeling tool for problems under uncertainty. We summarize the basic modeling ingredients of uncertain combinatorial problems and show how the Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problems formalism is able to support high-level declarative constructs that allow for ease of modeling of such problems in general. Then, we outline the different propagation methods for chance constraints. Finally, we identify some modeling subtleties that might arise when modeling with chance constraints.
In this paper, we propose a novel notion of statistical consistency for single-stage Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SCSPs) in which some of the random variables’ support set is infinite. The essence of this novel notion of local consistency is to be able to make an inference in the presence of infinite scenarios in an uncertain environment. This inference would be based on a restricted finite subset of scenarios with a certain confidence level and a threshold tolerance error. The confidence level is the probability that characterizes the extend to which our inference — based on a subset of scenarios — is correct. The threshold tolerance error is the error range that we can tolerate while making such an inference. We propose a novel statistical consistency enforcing algorithm that is based on sound statistical inference; and experimentally show how to prune inconsistent values in the presence of an infinite set of scenarios.
Constraint programming is used for a variety of real-world optimization problems, such as planning, scheduling, and resource allocation problems, all while we continuously gather vast amounts of data about these problems. Current constraint programming software doesn’t exploit such data to update schedules, resources, and plans. The authors propose a new framework that they call the inductive constraint programming loop. In this approach, data is gathered and analyzed systematically to dynamically revise and adapt constraints and optimization criteria. Inductive constraint programming aims to bridge the gap between the areas of data mining and machine learning on one hand and constraint programming on the other.
Conference Paper
We show that a number of problems in Artificial Intelligence can be seen as Stochastic Constraint Optimization Problems (SCOPs): problems that have both a stochastic and a constraint optimization component. We argue that these problems can be modeled in a new language, SC-ProbLog, that combines a generic Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP) language, ProbLog, with stochastic constraint optimization. We propose a toolchain for effectively solving these SC-ProbLog programs, which consists of two stages. In the first stage, decision diagrams are compiled for the underlying distributions. These diagrams are converted into models that are solved using Mixed Integer Programming or Constraint Programming solvers in the second stage. We show that, to yield linear constraints, decision diagrams need to be compiled in a specific form. We introduce a new method for compiling small Sentential Decision Diagrams in this form. We evaluate the effectiveness of several variations of this toolchain on test cases in viral marketing and bioinformatics.
Constraint programming is used for a variety of real-world optimization problems, such as planning, scheduling and resource allocation problems. At the same time, one continuously gathers vast amounts of data about these problems. Current constraint programming software does not exploit such data to update schedules, resources and plans. We propose a new framework, that we call the Inductive Constraint Programming (ICON) loop. In this approach data is gathered and analyzed systematically in order to dynamically revise and adapt constraints and optimization criteria. Inductive Constraint Programming aims at bridging the gap between the areas of data mining and machine learning on the one hand, and constraint programming on the other hand.
Constraint satisfaction problems are ubiquitous. A simple example that we will use throughout the first half of this chapter is the following scheduling problem: Choose employees A or B for each of three tasks, X, Y, Z, subject to the work rules that the same employee cannot carry out both tasks X and Y, the same employee cannot carry out both tasks Y and Z, and only employee B is allowed to carry out task Z. (Many readers will recognize this as a simple coloring problem.).
Conference Paper
Many real world discrete optimization problems are expressible as nested problems where we solve one optimization or satisfaction problem as a subproblem of a larger meta problem. Nested problems include many important problem classes such as: stochastic constraint satisfaction/ optimization, quantified constraint satisfaction/optimization and minimax problems. In this paper we define a new class of problems called nested constraint programs (NCP) which include the previously mentioned problem classes as special cases, and describe a search-based CP solver for solving NCP’s.We briefly discuss how nogood learning can be used to significantly speedup such an NCP solver. We show that the new solver can be significantly faster than existing solvers for the special cases of stochastic/ quantified CSP/COP’s, and that it can solve new types of problems which cannot be solved with existing solvers.
Conference Paper
Several types of symmetry have been identified and exploited in Constraint Programming, leading to large reductions in search time. We present a novel application of one such form of symmetry: detecting dynamic value interchangeability in the random variables of a 2-stage stochastic problem. We use a real-world problem from the literature: finding an optimal investment plan to strengthen a transportation network, given that a future earthquake probabilistically destroys links in the network. Detecting interchangeabilities enables us to bundle together many equivalent scenarios, drastically reducing the size of the problem and allowing the exact solution of cases previously considered intractable and solved only approximately.
In this work we introduce a novel approach, based on sampling, for finding assignments that are likely to be solutions to stochastic constraint satisfaction problems and constraint optimisation problems. Our approach reduces the size of the original problem being analysed; by solving this reduced problem, with a given confidence probability, we obtain assignments that satisfy the chance constraints in the original model within prescribed error tolerance thresholds. To achieve this, we blend concepts from stochastic constraint programming and statistics. We discuss both exact and approximate variants of our method. The framework we introduce can be immediately employed in concert with existing approaches for solving stochastic constraint programs. A thorough computational study on a number of stochastic combinatorial optimisation problems demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach.
Although operations research (OR) and constraint programming (CP) have different roots, the links between the two communities have grown stronger in recent years. For solving combinatorial optimization problems, the techniques of CP and OR will become so interdependent that the two research communities could eventually merge. In this article, we first describe CP basic concepts, and then we show different ways of integrating CP and mathematical programming (MP). This article presents a CP perspective: MP is seen as a support to the CP decision process, even if existing approaches from the OR literatures consider a cooperation of CP and MP on an equal basis, but they are out of the scope of this article.Keywords:constraint programming;integer programming;global constraints;decomposition;modeling
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We propose a probabilistic extension of Allen’s Interval Algebra for managing uncertain temporal relations. Although previous work on various uncertain forms of quantitative and qualitative temporal networks have been proposed in the literature, little has been addressed to the most obvious type of uncertainty, namely the probabilistic one. More precisely, our model adapts the probabilistic Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) framework in order to handle uncertain symbolic and numeric temporal constraints. In a probabilistic CSP, each constraint C is given a probability of its existence in the real world. There is thus more than one CSP to solve as opposed to the traditional CSP where no such uncertainties exist. In a probabilistic temporal CSP, since we use the Interval Algebra where a constraint is a disjunction of Allen primitives, the probability is assigned to each of these Allen primitives rather than to the temporal constraint. This means that a probabilistic temporal CSP involves many possible temporal CSPs, each with a probability of its existence. Solving a probabilistic temporal CSP consists of finding a scenario that has the highest probability to be the solution for the real world. This is an optimization problem that we solve using a branch and bound algorithm we propose and involving constraint propagation. Experimental study conducted on randomly generated temporal problems demonstrates the efficiency in time of our solving method. In the case of uncertain numeric constraints, our TemPro framework for handling numeric and symbolic temporal constraints is extended to handle uncertain domains. An algorithm for dividing domains into non-overlapping areas is proposed. This algorithm guarantees that the generated possible worlds do not intersect. Probable worlds are then constructed by combining these areas. A new branch and bound algorithm, we propose, is finally applied to find the most robust solution.
Stochastic Constraint Programming (SCP) is an extension of Constraint Programming for modelling and solving combinatorial problems involving uncertainty. This paper proposes a metaheuristic approach to SCP that can scale up to large problems better than state-of-the-art complete methods, and exploits standard filtering algorithms to handle hard constraints more efficiently. For problems with many scenarios it can be combined with scenario reduction and sampling methods.
The task at hand is that of a soft constraint problem with adversarial conditions. By amalgamating the weighted and quantified constraint satisfaction frameworks, a Minimax Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (formerly Quantified Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem) consists of a set of finite domain variables, a set of soft constraints, and a min or max quantifier associated with each of these variables. We formally define the framework, suggest three solution concepts, and propose a complete solver based on alpha-beta pruning techniques. We discuss in depth our novel definitions and implementations of node, arc and full directional arc consistency notions to help reduce search space on top of the basic tree search with alpha-beta pruning for solving ultra-weak solutions. In particular, these consistencies approximate the lower and upper bounds of the cost of a problem by exploiting the semantics of the quantifiers and reusing techniques from both Weighted and Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Lower bound computation employs standard estimation of costs in the sub-problems used in alpha-beta search. In estimating upper bounds, we propose two approaches based on the Duality Principle: duality of quantifiers and duality of constraints. The first duality amounts to changing quantifiers from min to max, while the second duality re-uses the lower bound approximation functions on dual constraints to generate upper bounds. Experiments on three benchmarks comparing basic alpha-beta pruning and the six consistencies from the two dualities are performed to confirm the feasibility and efficiency of our proposal.
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Constraint programming is a paradigm wherein relations between variables are stated in the form of constraints. Many real life problems come from uncertain and dynamic environments, where the initial constraints and domains may change during its execution. Thus, the solution found for the problem may become invalid. The search for robust solutions for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) has become an important issue in the field of constraint programming. In some cases, there exists knowledge about the uncertain and dynamic environment. In other cases, this information is unknown or hard to obtain. In this paper, we consider CSPs with discrete and ordered domains where changes only involve restrictions or expansions of domains or constraints. To this end, we model CSPs as weighted CSPs (WCSPs) by assigning weights to each valid tuple of the problem constraints and domains. The weight of each valid tuple is based on its distance from the borders of the space of valid tuples in the corresponding constraint/domain. This distance is estimated by a new concept introduced in this paper: coverings. Thus, the best solution for the modeled WCSP can be considered as a most robust solution for the original CSP according to these assumptions.
Conference Paper
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Many real life problems come from uncertain and dynamic environments, where the initial constraints and/or domains may undergo changes. Thus, a solution found for the problem may become invalid later. Hence, searching for robust solutions for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) becomes an important goal. In some cases, no knowledge about the uncertain and dynamic environment exits or it is hard to obtain it. In this paper, we consider CSPs with discrete and ordered domains where only limited assumptions are made commensurate with the structure of these problems. In this context, we model a CSP as a weighted CSP (WCSP) by assigning weights to each valid constraint tuple based on its distance from the edge of the space of valid tuples. This distance is estimated by a new concept introduced in this paper: coverings. Thus, the best solution for the modeled WCSP can be considered as a robust solution for the original CSP according to our assumptions.
This paper introduces a new constraint domain for reasoning about data with uncertainty. It extends convex modeling with the notion of p-box to gain additional quantifiable information on the data whereabouts. Unlike existing approaches, the p-box envelops an unknown probability instead of approximating its representation. The p-box bounds are uniform cumulative distribution functions (cdf) in order to employ linear computations in the probabilistic domain. The reasoning by means of p-box cdf-intervals is an interval computation which is exerted on the real domain then it is projected onto the cdf domain. This operation conveys additional knowledge represented by the obtained probabilistic bounds. The empirical evaluation of our implementation shows that, with minimal overhead, the output solution set realizes a full enclosure of the data along with tighter bounds on its probabilistic distributions.
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We introduce a greedy local search procedure called GSAT for solving propositional satisfiability problems. Our experiments show that this procedure can be used to solve hard, randomly generated problems that are an order of magnitude larger than those that can be handled by more traditional approaches such as the Davis-Putnam procedure or resolution. We also show that GSAT can solve structured satisfiability problems quickly. In particular, we solve encodings of graph coloring problems, N-queens, and Boolean induction. General application strategies and limitations of the approach are also discussed. GSAT is best viewed as a model-finding procedure. Its good performance suggests that it may be advantageous to reformulate reasoning tasks that have traditionally been viewed as theorem-proving problems as model-finding tasks. Introduction The property of NP-hardness is traditionally taken to be the barrier separating tasks that can be solved computationally with realistic resources fr...
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We propose a framework for dealing with probabilistic uncertainty in constraint satisfaction problems, associating with each constraint the probability that it is a part of the real problem (the latter being only partially known). The probability degrees on the relevance of the constraints enable us to define, for each instanciation, the probability that it is a solution of the real problem. We briefly give a methodology for the search of the best solution (maximizing this probability).