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Pinpointing the sources and measuring the lengths of the principal rivers of the world

Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Digital Earth

Abstract and Figures

Cultures throughout the world are associating with the rivers. People depend upon the rivers and their tributaries for food, water, transport, and many other aspects of their daily lives. Unfortunately, human beings have not calculated the accurate lengths for the great rivers even today. The lengths of the rivers are very different in popular textbooks, magazines, atlases and encyclopedias, etc. To accurately determine the lengths of the principal rivers of the world, the combination of satellite image analysis and field investigations to the source regions is proposed in this paper. The lengths of the Nile, Amazon, Yangtze, Mississippi, Yellow, Ob, Yenisey, Amur, Congo and Mekong, with lengths over or close to 5000 km, were calculated using the proposed method. The results may represent the most reliable and accurate lengths of the principal rivers of the world that are currently achievable.
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Pinpointing the sources and measuring
the lengths of the principal rivers of
the world
S. Liu a , P. Lu b , D. Liu a , P. Jin c & W. Wang d
a Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
b China Association for Science and Technology, 86 Southern
Colleges Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100081, China
c China Aero-Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Centre for
Land and Resources, 31 Colleges Road, Haidian District, Beijing,
100083, China
d School of Environment and Nature Resources, Renmin University
of China, 59 Zhongguancun Street, Beijing, 100872, China
Version of record first published: 17 Mar 2009.
To cite this article: S. Liu , P. Lu , D. Liu , P. Jin & W. Wang (2009): Pinpointing the sources and
measuring the lengths of the principal rivers of the world, International Journal of Digital Earth,
2:1, 80-87
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Pinpointing the sources and measuring the lengths of the principal rivers
of the world
S. Liu
*, P. Lu
, D. Liu
, P. Jin
and W. Wang
Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Datun Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China;
China Association for Science and Technology, 86
Southern Colleges Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China;
China Aero-Geophysical
Survey & Remote Sensing Centre for Land and Resources, 31 Colleges Road, Haidian District,
Beijing 100083, China;
School of Environment and Nature Resources, Renmin University of
China, 59 Zhongguancun Street, Beijing 100872, China
(Received 10 November 2008; final version received 5 January 2009)
Cultures throughout the world are associating with the rivers. People depend
upon the rivers and their tributaries for food, water, transport, and many other
aspects of their daily lives. Unfortunately, human beings have not calculated the
accurate lengths for the great rivers even today. The lengths of the rivers are very
different in popular textbooks, magazines, atlases and encyclopedias, etc. To
accurately determine the lengths of the principal rivers of the world, the
combination of satellite image analysis and field investigations to the source
regions is proposed in this paper. The lengths of the Nile, Amazon, Yangtze,
Mississippi, Yellow, Ob, Yenisey, Amur, Congo and Mekong, with lengths over or
close to 5000 km, were calculated using the proposed method. The results may
represent the most reliable and accurate lengths of the principal rivers of the
world that are currently achievable.
Keywords: principal rivers of the world; sources pinpointing; lengths measuring;
satellite remote sensing; field explorations
In 1852, human beings made the first attempt to measure the height of the highest
summit of the world Qumolongma (also known as Everest). Thereafter, geodesists
carried out several geodetic campaigns to determine the Qumolongma’s accurate
height with cutting-edge instruments and announced their measured results on
several occasions. Chinese scientists have made six attempts to determine the
accurate height of the Qumolongma since the Chinese alpinists conquered it in 1965
(Chen et al. 2001, Chen et al. 2006). Human beings began to explore the source of
the Nile and measured the height of the Qumolongma almost at the same time. The
longest river in the world, the Nile or the Amazon, has remained a mystery although
Sir Richard F. Burton and John Hanning Speke began their exploration on the
source of the Nile in 1856 (Ondaatje 1998).
Since the last century, the lengths of the Nile and Amazon have been contesting
for the title of the world’s longest river. From the lengths recorded in encyclopedias,
*Corresponding author. Email:
ISSN 1753-8947 print/ISSN 1753-8955 online
#2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17538940902746082
International Journal of Digital Earth,
Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2009, 8087
Downloaded by [Institute of Remote Sensing Application] at 21:20 19 April 2013
textbooks, magazines and atlases with various languages, one could not recognise the
longest river in the world. The Nile in Africa is reported to be anywhere from
5499 km to 6695 km with a maximum difference of 1196 km. And the Amazon in
South America from 6275 km to 7025 km with a maximum difference of 750 km.
These significant inconsistencies could be found in other great rivers, e.g. the Yangtze
from 5550 km to 6397 km, the Mississippi from 5970 km to 6415 km, etc. (Hanks
et al. 1979, Arthur et al. 1980, Rand McNally Encyclopaedia of World Rivers 1980,
The Encyclopaedia of American (International Edition) 1980, McWillam 1995,
National Geographic Society 2000, National Geographic World Atlas for Young
Explorers 1998, O’Neill and Yamashita 1993, Osborne, Peissel 1997, Ondaatje 1998),
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th Edition) 1980, William and Levey (eds)
1975, Winchester 2000). It is impossible to distinguish which is correct (or more
accurate) in a series of controversial lengths for each river. Therefore, recalculation of
the lengths with high accuracy using modern technologies is highly desirable.
The calculated length of one river depends on the position of the geographical
source and the mouth, the data sources of the measuring based on and length
measuring techniques. Locating the mouth of a river is pretty straightforward. It is
normally defined as the intersection of the tangential line of two sides of the outlet
and the middle line of the river. Searching the sources in the most inaccessible region
on the Earth is an important event in the field of geography and has intrigued
explorers for centuries. At present, pinpointing the sources of the great rivers can still
arouse the interest of explorers around the world. As the Chinese saying goes, ‘‘When
one drinks water, one should think of the source’’. This Chinese proverb describes
the explorers’ motivations for discovering the source of the great rivers. Most of the
sources of the great rivers have been determined by different explorers according to
various criteria in the past. In our investigations, the source of the river is defined as
the spring corresponding to the longest branch in the drainage basin from which
water runs all year round. It is believed that this definition of the geographical source
is reasonable because the length of the river is more stable than the amount of water
flow, the latter with annual, seasonal and even daily change. Furthermore, the length
of one river defined as the length from the mouth at the sea to the spring farthest
from the sea tallies with the human beings’ convention.
The common data sources for measuring the lengths of the rivers are the
topographic maps with adequate scale. However, the large-scale topographic maps
are classified information to many countries and are not available for purchase from
market sources. In addition, for some regions of the rivers’ traversed, the large scale
topographic maps are not readily available although the small- or medium-scale
maps can be obtained from atlases in different languages. It is well-known that
the measured length of a river depends on the scale of the map on which the
measurement is based on; in general, due to the fractal quality of a river, the smaller
the scale, the shorter the resulting length measurement. This is because some details
of the river’s channels are generalised according to various mapping specifications.
This is the reason for large variation in the lengths of the principal rivers in various
In addition, the length measuring techniques also influence the accuracy of
measured length of the rivers. Many decades ago, geographers and cartographers
measured the lengths of the rivers on the topographic maps with special metric scales
that could determine the length of curves, or using digitising tablets after the
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appearance of computers. The geographers and cartographers obtained more precise
lengths with computer and digitising tablets than with the use of metric scales.
However, the accuracy of the length by both methods is inferior compared with the
geographical information system (GIS) and/or remote sensing software that have
been widely used by modern geoscientists. Nevertheless, most of the data of the
principal rivers still prevail in encyclopedias, textbooks, magazines and atlases
although computers have appeared.
Based on the maps with inadequate scale and/or incomplete data sources,
inaccurate length measuring techniques and controversial starting points, it is not
surprising that people could not get reliable and accurate lengths for the principal
rivers of the world.
Remote sensing imagery is capable of covering large areas with quantitative
observational parameters such as spectral radiance (Rencz 1998, Sabins 1996,
Schowengerdt 1997, Wang 1990). It is therefore a potentially rich data source for
locating the sources and calculating the length of the rivers. Governments and
commercial agencies of many countries support a series of satellites for long-term
global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid Earth, atmosphere and
oceans. Although there are many remote sensing satellite series in operations, such as
others, not all is suitable for measuring the length of rivers on the Earth. The images
are selected on the basis of converges, resolution, availability and cost. Among all the
remote sensing satellites, Landsat series satellite data are the only record of global
land-surface conditions at the scale of tenths of meters over the last 30 years. Data at
these spatial resolutions can provide acceptable accuracy in measuring the rivers and
are also available in the market. In this paper, the Landsat TM and ETMimage
are chosen as the data source for measuring the length of the principal rivers of the
Satellite image rectification was made for all images used in this study. For
measuring the exact lengths of the principal rivers of the world, it is necessary to
choose one coordinate and projection system that is suitable for high-accuracy
application. NASA has sponsored the creation of an orthorectified and geodetically
accurate global data set of Landsat MSS, TM and ETMto support a variety of
scientific studies and educational purpose (Tucker 2004). These images are precision
orthorectified Landsat scenes delivered in the standard Landsat individual scene
coverage (approximately 180 km 180 km) and are available for the whole globe in
either the two epochs of circa 2000 or earlier base-line coverage of circa 1990. In this
project, orthorectified Landsat ETMscenes of circa 2000 are selected as the main
data source for measuring the length of the rivers. Precision orthorectified Landsat
ETMscenes were acquired from 1999 to 2002 with a spatial pixel resolution of
14.25, 28.5, and 57.0 meters for the panchromatic, reflective and thermal bands
respectively. Nearest neighbour resampling method was used in the orthorectifica-
tion. These data sets are comprised of all nine Landsat ETMspectral bands and
are in a UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) map projection and WGS-84
coordinate system with a geodetic accuracy of better than 50 meters RMSE (Root
Means Square Error). For some regions that ETMimages are not available, the
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orthorectified Landsat TM images acquired in circa 1990 are used. Landsat ETM
and TM bands are generally made into colour images for the interpretation purpose.
In principle, any three of the visible and reflected IR bands may be combined in blue,
green and red channels to produce a colour image. Band assignments are often
expressed in R, G and B order. For example, the assignment 4, 2, 1 means that band
4 was assigned to red, band 2 to green and band one to blue. There are over one
hundred possible colour combinations, which is an excessive number for practical
use. Theory and experience show that a small number of colour combinations are
suitable for most applications. The optimum band combination is determined by
terrain, climate and nature of the interpretation projects. In this project, the water
has the spectral characteristics significantly different from the other objects of the
Earth surfaces and is very easily recognised by the interpreters. The band assignment
is 5 (R), 4 (G), 3 (B) for all the scenes of the Landsat scenes.
The length was measured along the central line of the river’s mainstream, from its
geographical source to the mouth. Prior to or during measurement, the channels can
be recognised from images by processing the satellite images, e.g. contrast
enhancement, intensity, hue and saturation transformation, filtering of random
noise, atmospheric correction and others. Based on the orthorectified satellite images
mentioned above, the measured length of river with accuracy between 3:1000 and
5:1000 of the length can be achieved.
To verify if the springs with water run year-around, late autumn is the ideal
season for field explorations to the source region especially for the rivers with sources
far away from the equator. In winter, the water is frozen or the channels are covered
with snow. In spring the snow and ice is melting. Summer is rainy and the channels in
river source region will be filled with water. In late autumn, the rainy season passed
and winter is not coming. If water is flowing in the creeks in late autumn, we are sure
the springs with water run year-around. We have investigated the source of Mekong
in 1999 and 2002, Yangtze in 2000, Ob-Irtysh in 2003, Yellow, Amur, Yenisey and
Mississippi-Missouri in 2004 and Amazon, Nile and Congo in 2005. The distribution
of the sources of the investigated rivers on the global has been shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Global distribution of the sources of the principal rivers.
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Table 1. The lengths, geographic sources and the outflow of the top 10 longest rivers of the
River Geographic position
of the source
Outflow Length (km)
Nile Long. 29821?30ƒE Mediterranean
Lat. 2819?35ƒS
Elev. 2539 m
Nyungwe National Park,
Amazon Long. 71841?36ƒW Atlantic Ocean 6575
Lat. 15830?13ƒ
Elev. 5189 m
Mt. Nevado Mismi,
Yangtze (Changjiang) Long. 94835?54ƒE Pacific Ocean 6236
Lat. 32843?54ƒN
Elev. 5042 m
Mt. Tangula, Qinghai, China
Mississippi-Missouri Long. 111832?54ƒW Gulf of Mexico 6084
Lat. 44832?18ƒN
Elev. 2692 m
Hell Roaring Creek, Idaho USA
Yenisy Long. 97858?25ƒE Arctic Ocean 5816
Lat. 47854?38ƒN
Elev. 2711 m
West of Mongolia
Yellow (Huanghe) Long. 96820?23ƒE Gulf of Bohai 5778
Lat. 34829?37ƒN
Elev. 4852 m
Lalangqing Qu, Qinghai, China
Ob-Irtysh Long. 89858?17ƒE Gulf of Ob 5525
Lat. 47852?32ƒN
Elev. 2916 m
Mt. Mangdaiqia,
Xinjiang, China
Amur (Heilongjiang) Long. 109810?30ƒE Tatar Strait 5498
Lat. 48847?07ƒN
Elev. 2016 m
East of Mongolia
Congo (Zaire) Long. 31807?58ƒE Atlantic Ocean 5118
Lat. 9822?04ƒS
Elev. 1580 m
East of Zambia
Long. 94840?52ƒE South China Sea 4909
Lat. 33845?48ƒN
Elev. 5200 m
Mt. Jifu, Qinghai, China
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By the interpretation of the satellite images with adequate resolutions, the longest
branch in drainage basin can be identified in sources regions. One river may have
several potential sources. The objective of field investigation is to visit all the
potential sources and find out the one fit all the criteria for the geographic source.
The precise positions of the geographical sources were checked with GPS (global
positioning system) in field explorations. Hand-held GPS provides the position of
the geographic source with an accuracy of 10 to 20 m. The geographic positions of
the sources of the principal rivers with their calculated lengths are listed in Table 1.
Results and conclusions
In 1999, we have the first attempt to measure the lengths of the principal rivers of the
world. Up to now, we have completed the length measuring and sources’ region
explorations for 10 rivers with lengths over or close to 5000 km. The calculated
lengths of the top 10 rivers are the Nile 7088 km (4405 miles), Amazon 6575 km
(4086 miles), Yangtze 6236 km (3876 miles), Mississippi 6084 km (3781 miles),
Yenisey 5816 km (3615 miles), Yellow 5778 km (3591 miles), Ob 5525 km
(3434 miles), Amur 5498 km (3417 miles), Congo 5118 km (3181 miles) and Mekong
4909 km (3051 miles). The lengths with the geographic positions of their sources are
listed in Table I. The distribution of the geographic sources of the great rivers on the
Earth can be found in Figure 1.
In the next stage, some rivers in the world which play an important economic,
social, natural and cultural roles in the lives of more people will also be considered.
We expect to report the new measuring results of those rivers in the near future.
The authors would like to thank the following people: Professor Guo Huadong, Professor
Chen Shupeng, Professor Huang Binwei, Professor Wang Zhizhuo, Professor Li Deren,
Professor Lin Zongjian, Professor Li Jiancheng, Dr. Wu Xiaoliang, Professor Qin Dahe,
Professor Liu Xiaohan, Professor Li Xiaowen, Professor Tong Qingxi, Professor Niu Zheng,
Mr Guo Shan, Professor Wu Yirong, Professor Xiang Maosheng, Professor Li Rongxing,
Professor Di Kaichang, Mr. Xiawu Duojie, Mr Zheng Ming, Mr Ye Yan and Mr Fang Zhimin
for their generosity assistances and encouragements. This work was jointly supported by China
High-Tech Research and Development Project (863 Project), the Innovation Project of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Special Funds of Director General of Institute of Remote
Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Funds of the State Key Laboratory of
Remote Sensing Sciences of China and the Funds of the State Key Laboratory of Information
Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing of China and Earth & Space Awards
of the Earth and Space Foundation.
Notes on contributors
Shaochuang Liu received a BS degree of Geodesy in 1985 and MS degree and PhD of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in 1991 and 1997 from Wuhan Technical University of
Surveying and Mapping, China. He is a professor of Institute of Remote Sensing Applications,
Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include airborne integrated mapping
system, lunar rover localisation, navigation and mapping technology and remote sensing of the
Earth’s polar region.
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Pingli Lu received her MS degree of Remote Sensing and GIS from China University of
Geosciences in 2006. She is an engineer of the China Association for Science and Technology.
Her research interests include image processing and spatial analysis.
Donghui Liu got a MS degree in Geography from Beijing University in 1997. He is an assistant
professor of Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His
research interests include images processing and GIS.
Peidong Jin is a principal research scientist of China Aero-Geophysical Survey & Remote
Sensing Centre for Land and Resources. He got his B.S degree from Changchun University of
Science and Technology in 1985. He is specialising in the image processing and GIS.
Wen Wang received his PhD in Cartography and Geographical Information System from
Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997. He is an
associate professor of the School of Environment and Nature Resources, Renmin University of
China. His research interests include geostatistics and remote sensing for agriculture.
Arthur, J. S., Green, R. J., Kinka, R. and Ferna´dez M. B. M., 1980. Webster’s New
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Hanks, P., Long, T. H., and Urdang, L., 1979. Collins Dictionary of the English Language.
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McWillam, F., 1995. Locating the Sources of the Mekong, The Geographical Magazine
National Geographic Society, 2000.
National Geographic World Atlas for Young Explorers, 1998. National Geographic Society,
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Ondaatje, C., 1998. Journey to the source of the Nile. Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers.
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... Originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, the Mekong River is an important transboundary river in Asia with an average annual flow of 14,500 m 3 /s [38], a length of 4909 km and an area of 795,000 km 2 [39]. The UMRB, extending north of Thailand's Chiang Sean station and located between 20 • N-34 • N and 93 • E-102 • E, is predominantly situated within China and comprises about 23% of the basin's total area (Figure 1). ...
... Originating from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, the Mekong River is an important transboundary river in Asia with an average annual flow of 14,500 m 3 /s [38], a length of 4909 km and an area of 795,000 km 2 [39]. The UMRB, extending north of Thailand's Chiang Sean station and located between 20° N-34° N and 93° E-102° E, is predominantly situated within China and comprises about 23% of the basin's total area ( Figure 1). ...
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Investigations into the impacts of climate change on water conservation capacity in the upper Mekong River Basin (UMRB) are important for the region’s sustainability. However, quantitative studies on isolating the individual contribution of climate change to water conservation capacity are lacking. In this study, various data-driven SWAT models were developed to quantitatively analyze the unique impact of climate change on water conservation capacity in the UMRB. The results reveal the following: (1) From 1981 to 2020, the annual water conservation capacity ranged from 191.6 to 392.9 mm, showing significant seasonal differences with the values in the rainy season (218.6–420.3 mm) significantly higher than that in the dry season (−57.0–53.2 mm). (2) The contribution of climate change to water conservation capacity is generally negative, with the highest contribution (−65.2%) in the dry season, followed by the annual (−8.7%) and the rainy season (−8.1%). (3) Precipitation, followed by evaporation and surface runoff, emerged as the critical factor affecting water conservation capacity changes in the UMRB. This study can provide insights for water resources management and climate change adaptations in the UMRB and other similar regions in the world.
... Sumatra is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the west, northw est, and southw est, while its nor ther n tip shares boundaries with the Nicobar Islands and the Andaman Islands and Sea. The Mekong watershed, the third longest river in Asia, is a transboundary river in East and Southeast Asia (Liu et al. 2009 ). Approximately threefourths of the Mekong drainage area lies within the four countries the riv er trav erses along its lower course, i.e. ...
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The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites have observed mass migrations caused by megathrust earthquakes. Extracting earthquake-related signals from GRACE data is still a challenge due to the interference from non-earthquake sources such as terrestrial hydrology. Instead of reducing hydrological signals by potentially biased hydrological models, in this study we apply a model-free technique of independent component analysis (ICA), to separate earthquake and non-earthquake signals from non-Gaussian GRACE data. We elucidate the principles and mechanisms of ICA for the separation of earthquake and hydrology signals, employing simulated data to demonstrate the process. Our findings demonstrate that both spatial ICA (sICA) and temporal ICA (tICA) are highly effective in discerning earthquake related to 2004 Mw 9.2 event and hydrological signals from GRACE data in the Sumatra region. This stands in stark contrast to principal component analysis (PCA), which often encounters challenges with signal intermingling. The utility of ICA is evident in its ability to distinctly delineate coseismic and postseismic behaviors associated with megathrust events, including the 2004 Sumatra, the 2010 Maule, and the 2011 Tohoku earthquakes. ICA effectively mitigates the potential for misestimation of earthquake signals, an issue that can carry substantial implications. Therefore, employing ICA facilitates the accurate extraction of earthquake-related data from satellite gravity observations—a critical process for refining earthquake source parameters and understanding Earth's rheological properties, especially when non-earthquake signals are significant and cannot be disregarded.
... The Mekong River is considered one of the 10th largest rivers in both length and basin area in the world (Botkosal, 2009;MRC, 2010;Liu et al., 2009). The river is not only important in terms of a large total annual flow, approximately 470e475 km 3 (Committee, 1988;MRC, 2020) or around 13,000e15,000 m 3 /s in average yearly discharge (FAO, 2011;Atkinson and Domske, 2015), but also very different and fluctuating in spatial territories and temporal discharge distribution. ...
The main work of the chapter is to review the national water exploitation projects, focusing on hydropower projects, irrigation schemes, and agreements on water governance in the Mekong River, as well as the water-related impacts and issues in the local and transboundary areas. The possibility of applying may be water diplomacy solutions for the problem of exploitation of the Mekong River in the relationship of water-food and energy nexus as well as in the context of climate change.
... The Nile is generally regarded as the world's longest river with a total length of about 6800 km and one of the most notable geomorphological characteristics in Africa. Its drainage basin is shared by eleven countries (Fig. 1): Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, the Republic of Sudan, and Egypt (Liu et al., 2009). By measure of the volume of water flowing annually, the Nile is one of the smallest of the main world rivers. ...
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The Nile River, which receives its water from the Ethiopian Highlands and the Central African lakes, is often considered as the world’s longest South-North river. The purpose of this chapter is to produce an updated overview of the stages of the formation of the Nile drainage system. It is based on bringing together all of the available data concerning the stratigraphy and paleoenvironments which prevailed during the evolution of the Nile River from the Ethiopian Highlands to the Mediterranean Sea. During the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) in the whole Mediterranean, river systems were deeply down-cut and extended throughout most of North Africa and South Europe. The Qena River, which had its catchment area in the Southern Galala Plateau and the surrounding desert before the Nile, was Egypt’s master stream before the Nile, a south-west ward drainage. It has been proposed that waters from the Qena River continue to flow to the Atlantic Ocean, which is known as the Trans African Drainage System (TADS). The earliest Nile sediment deposited by a river flowing into Egypt from Ethiopia on its way to the Mediterranean is considered to be the Dandara Formation. The presence of an Ethiopian heavy mineral suite within the Middle Pleistocene Dandara Formation, which has been extensively documented on both banks of the Nile River in Upper Egypt, distinguishes Nile sediments from those found in other riverine systems.KeywordsNile RiverWhite NileBlue NileNile evolutionAfricaEgypt
... The Mekong is a transboundary river in East Asia and Southeast Asia. It is the world's twelfth-longest river and the third-longest in Asia, and its estimated length is 4,909 kilometers (Liu et al., 2009;MRC, 2010). China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam share the Mekong River Basin and water flows (MRC, 2010). ...
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River cruise shipping is a tourism sectors which tends to have rapid growth. This study analyzes the structural properties and connectivity of the river cruise network and cruise ports by using complex network analysis. By analyzing 257 river cruise voyages operated by 5 cruise lines in Southeast Asia, this study shows that the network consists of 31 cruise ports, connected by 94 cruise routes. A small number of ports play a central role in connecting to other ports in the network. The network has a short average path length and a low clustering coefficient. Siem Reap, Koh Chen, Ho Chi Minh City, Halong Bay, and Thanh Pho Ninh Binh are hubs with high connectivity. Siem Reap also plays an intermediary role, and has high reachability with other ports in the network, with the highest betweenness and closeness centralities. The findings of this study are useful for cruise lines and cruise port authorities for improvement of their operations and service network. Highlights Empirical analysis has allowed understand the structural properties of the river cruise network and ports A complex network analysis approach is applied to analyse the river cruise network River cruise ports play different roles based on centrality measures
... The Nile River, Egypt's blessing and the world's longest river, is crucially facing such problems (Liu et al. 2009;Weintraub 2001). Egypt's land and water practices, such as line intensity calculation is suggested that is supposed to compensate for any encountered errors intrinsic to the applied technique, the experimental conditions, and/or the used instruments for the purpose of obtaining a theoretically adjusted spectral output representative of the actual content of elements. ...
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Nile River sediments were spectrochemically studied for the characterization of heavy elements. Ten sediment samples were milled and successfully pressed for obtaining homogeneously compact pellets. Their surface elemental analysis was obtained using ns-LIBS at two values of laser pulse energy: 25 mJ and 50 mJ. Despite the noticeable matrix effect, a snapshot visualizing the existing elements and their relative content detected in the investigated sediments is provided. The LIBS spectral data revealed the presence of some heavy elements such as Al, Ti, Fe, Mn, Ba, Co, Cr, Sr, and Cu in addition to other typical elements including Mg, Si, Ca, C, and Na. Their origin is easily linked to the illegal practices of the factories and companies discharging harmful wastes into the Nile, in addition to the probable agricultural sources. The LIBS results were supported and complemented by the XRD technique. Considering the inconsistent LIBS line intensity signal, a mathematical-based approach for spectral line intensity calculation is proposed. Assuring the existence of a local thermodynamic equilibrium condition (LTE), the plasma excitation temperature was determined for all samples using the Boltzmann plot (BP) applied to the spectral lines of MgI, FeI, CaI, and TiI, which cover different spectral regions. The BP linear fitting parameters and their averages are derived and exploited in calculating the spectral line intensity. The suggested method is claimed to theoretically adjust and balance any source of signal fluctuations arising from experimental conditions and/or instruments.
... Having a drainage area of approx. 3.3 million km 2 and a total length of roughly 7000 km, the Nile is the world's longest river (Fielding et al., 2017;Garzanti et al., 2015;Liu et al., 2009). Due to the large drainage area, stretching over more than 30°in latitude sourced by the White Nile from Uganda and the Blue Nile and Atbara River from Ethiopia, the Nile River is governed by precipitation regimes in several regions. ...
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Geomorphology generally aims to describe and investigate the processes that lead to the formation of landscapes, while geochronology is needed to detect their timing and duration. Due to restrictions on exporting geological samples from Egypt, modern geoscientific studies in the Nile Delta lack the possibility of dating the investigated sediments and geological features by standard techniques such as OSL or AMS 14 C; therefore, this study aims to validate a new approach using machine-learning algorithms on portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) data. Archaeologically dated sediments from the archaeological excavations of Buto (Tell el-Fara'in; on-site) that pXRF analyses have geochemically characterized serve as training data for running and comparing Neural Nets, Random Forests, and single-decision trees. The established pXRF fingerprints are transferred via machine-learning algorithms to set up a chronology for undated sediments from sediment cores (i.e., the test data) of the nearby surroundings (off-site). Neural Nets and Random Forests work fine in dating sediments and deliver the best classification results compared with single-decision trees, which struggle with outliers and tend to overfit the training data. Furthermore, Random Forests can be modeled faster and are easier to understand than the complex, less transparent Neural Nets. Therefore, Random Forests provide the best algorithm for studies like this. Furthermore, river features east of Kom el-Gir are dated to pre-Ptolemaic times (before 332 B.C.) when Kom el-Gir had possibly not yet been settled. The research in this paper shows the success of close interactions from various scientific disciplines (Geoinformatics, Physical Geography, Archaeology, Ancient History) to decipher landscape evolution in the long-term-settled Nile Delta's environs using machine learning. With the approach's design and the possibility of integrating many other geographical/sedimentological methods, this study demonstrates the potential of the methodological approach to be applied in other geoscientific fields.
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İslami Öğreti-Fiziki Coğrafya Bağlamında Bir Nehir Analizi: Nil
Channel sandbars are extremely sensitive to basin‐wide natural processes and human activities, and their modifications considerably affect channel stability and river ecosystem health. However, quantitatively detecting the three‐dimensional dynamics of channel sandbars at a high spatial resolution over a large area remains challenging. In this study, we propose a semi‐automated process to address this challenge by extracting sandbar contours from Sentinel‐2 images in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. We then generate contour datasets for each sandbar based on the spatial relationship between contours and water levels at nearby hydrological stations. Subsequently, digital elevation models (DEMs) are created for each sandbar using the contour dataset, and non‐linear relations between sandbar areas and water levels are fitted through polynomial curves of degrees 3–6 to calculate changes in sandbar volumes. Finally, we comprehensively analysed the driving mechanisms of sandbar changes in different sub‐reaches. Our findings reveal the area and volume of sandbars in three of the four sub‐reaches increased significantly between 2018 and 2019; however, these values decreased significantly and continuously between 2019 and 2022. Sandbars located downstream near the dam experienced more severe erosion compared to those farther downstream. Although the morphodynamic processes of each sub‐reach were different, extremely low rainfall in 2019–2020 and the operation of the Xayaburi Dam are significant global factors leading to the shrinkage of the sandbars. Furthermore, abnormal erosion with a change rate of −9.62% in area and −8.95% in volume was observed in the sub‐reach between Vientiane and Khong Chiam hydrological stations between 2018 and 2019, with the susceptibility of the channel to flow scour and anthropogenic sand mining being significant factors. Although the sediment replenishment from tributaries diminishes the impact of upstream dams and droughts on the reach farther downstream, the threat to channel stability due to excessive sand mining should be given high priority. Our study highlights how satellite remote sensing, specifically utilizing time series images with fine spatio‐temporal resolutions, effectively detects three‐dimensional variations in sandbars and river geomorphic changes. Additionally, it demonstrates the significant post‐dam alteration of erosion patterns and deposition dynamics within the sandbar region of the lower Mekong River.
In 2005 China carried out a new geodetic campaign for the height determination of Qomolangma Feng(QF in short). As comparison with the 1975 campaign, the technical progress in geodesy for the height determination campaign of QF in 2005 campaign is as follows. GPS technique is widely used for the ground coordinate control and the height determination of the QF summit. The thickness of the snow-ice cover on the QF summit is measured by ground penetrating radar integrated with GPS. The local gravity field and geoid in QF area is improved on the based of global gravity field model integrated with new ground gravity data, DTM data and GPS levelling data in the QF area. The normal height and orthometric height (height above sea) of the snow surface of the QF summit are 8 846.67 m and 8 847.93 m respectively. The orthometric height of rock surface of the QF summit is 8 844.43 m, and the thickness of the snow-ice layer on the summit of the QF is 3.50 m.
NASA has sponsored the creation of an orthorectified and geodetically accurate global land data set of Landsat Multispectral Scanner, Thematic Mapper, and Enhanced Thematic Mapper data, from the 1970s, circa 1990, and circa 2000, respectively, to support a variety of scientific studies and educational purposes. This is the first time a geodetically accurate global compendium of orthorectified multi-epoch digital satellite data at the 30- to 80-m spatial scale spanning 30 years has been produced for use by the international scientific and educational communities. We describe data selection, orthorectification, accuracy, access, and other aspects of these data.
This book is a completely updated, greatly expanded version of the previously successful volume by the author. The Second Edition includes new results and data, and discusses a unified framework and rationale for designing and evaluating image processing algorithms. Written from the viewpoint that image processing supports remote sensing science, this book describes physical models for remote sensing phenomenology and sensors and how they contribute to models for remote-sensing data. The text then presents image processing techniques and interprets them in terms of these models. Spectral, spatial, and geometric models are used to introduce advanced image processing techniques such as hyperspectral image analysis, fusion of multisensor images, and digital elevationmodel extraction from stereo imagery. The material is suited for graduate level engineering, physical and natural science courses, or practicing remote sensing scientists. Each chapter is enhanced by student exercises designed to stimulate an understanding of the material. Over 300 figuresare produced specifically for this book, and numerous tables provide a rich bibliography of the research literature.
In 2005 China carried out a new geodetic campaign for the height determination of Qomolangma Feng—Mt. Everest (QF in short). The technical progresses in geodesy for the 2005 campaign are presented in the paper. GPS positioning was the key technique in the campaign. After summarizing the experiences and lessons of the GPS positioning on the QF summit in the previous QF height determination campaigns, some measures were taken to raise the accuracy and reliability of the height determination with GPS techniques. In order to raise the accuracy of the height determination of the QF summit with classical geodetic techniques, laser ranging was used together with the trigonometric levelling in the 2005 campaign. It is the first time in China the thickness of the ice-snow layer on the QF summit was measured by ground penetrating radar integrated with GPS. The local gravity field and geoid in the QF area was improved on the basis of earth gravity field model integrated with new ground gravity data, DTM data and GPS leveling data in the QF area. In the 2005 campaign the normal height and orthometric height (height above sea level) of the snow surface of the QF summit were obtained as 8846.67 m and 8847.93 m respectively. The orthometric height of the rock surface of the QF summit is 8844.43 m, and the thickness of the ice-snow layer on the QF summit is 3.50 m.
Webster's New Geographical Dictionary
  • J S Arthur
  • R J Green
  • R Kinka
  • M B M Fernádez
Arthur, J. S., Green, R. J., Kinka, R. and Fernádez M. B. M., 1980. Webster's New Geographical Dictionary. Springfield, Massachusetts: G. & C. Merriam.
The height determination of Qomolangma Peak in China: Review and analysis. Acta Geodatetica et Cartographica Sinica
  • J Chen
  • S Pang
  • J Zhang
  • Q Zhang
Chen, J., Pang, S., Zhang, J., and Zhang, Q., 2001. The height determination of Qomolangma Peak in China: Review and analysis. Acta Geodatetica et Cartographica Sinica, 30, 1Á5.
The Mekong: A haunted river's season of peace
  • T O'neill
  • M S Yamashita
O'Neill, T. and Yamashita, M. S., 1993. The Mekong: A haunted river's season of peace. National Geographic, 183 (2), 1Á35.